Newspaper Page Text
AHUL19, 1918 TIIE gUN pRiCE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY PAGE SEVEN I I aaHs" I1 Kill your coal bin now for next winter. Tnkc warning from conditions In the East this last winter. The same thing may happen In Utah next winter. Auk Your Dealer. Castle Gate and Clcnr Creek Coals arc mined only by Utah Fuel Co. i -.' ; l I IN THK HKVKNTH -JUDICIAL- DIM. Hct Court In oniJ Par thn County of Carbon, Htate or Ctah. Continental Life Insurance Ompany. n Corpora tion, rutnilff, v. Ada I. Williams. Mary U MaxIMd, K l. Maxtictd and RQrace, Btrutton Alrey, DeTendatot. No , lice of Sheriff Sale. To be fold at fxhrrWa sale on the Tth Uay of May, "A. IX, Itll, t tli hour of IS o'clock, tti, at tho front tloor of the rounty fourt houie In I'rlce, Carbon county. Utah, thn following described rent estate and water stock altuatp In Car bon rounty. Utah, towlti Commenc I nit sixty rod rait of tho southwest corner of The northrast quarter of the eouthwrit quarter of Section Klv (), Township Fifteen (IS) Koulh, Ilang Kleven (11) Knit of Halt Lake merl illin: thence rout flxty rodi; thence north fifty-one, rod five and one-half feet: thence writ sixty rod; thence outh fifty-one rod five and one-half feet to the place of beginning, con. talnlng nlnotren and one-fourth arm or land, morn or IrM, toncthrr with one hundred and sixty-seven shares of recondary capital itock of tho Wrl. . tlngton Cannl company, together with ull and singular tho tenement, hrrl dltamenta and appurtenances thrreun- , to belonging nr In any wlin appertain In. OKOItnK COI.UNUIIAM, Bhcr Iff of Carbon, County, Utah. ! Xlrsl pub.. Apr. 12; last Apr. 3. 191 1. The poultry building should not be eo wide thnt the ra of the aun ran not reach the bark of tho Interior of : the houie. Othrrwlio It will be damp. Fourteen fret I a convenient width t I Calendar, Thn Bun. AiKiirr timi: to m: do inc. WOHK OS MIDLAND THAIli - Kxcunlon agents report that many prospective. touHit rr planning to motor to all parti of the scenic re gion of thli country the coming c nn, Hoad iikroctation which Tom pile data relative lb travel linen, slate that the drmand for Information re gardlng roada and district off the main llnra of travel It to extended on to occasion special remark. With thin has rome demand for ramp equipment to be carlred either on thn ar or camping trailer, a many tourist prefer to put up with their own camp outfitting:, rather than paironlie good hotel In the eli te or poor one In the country, They will travel and Mop a they plraie. With ample water, gasoline, oil and plenty of food, there la no occasion for worry, and enjoyment may only lm looked for. x.vrriu: cuiius, Tin-: ixxrrou TAKlSt niK 11:1:. There I un old aluic thut "na lure rurri, tho doctor tukr thn fee," but a everyone know you ran help nature very much and thereby enable It to effect a cure in much lexa time than I uxuully required, Thl I par ticularly true of cold. Chamberlain' Couch llemcdy relieve thn lungs, li quifies tho touch mucous and aid In expectoration, allay tho couch and aid nature In restoring the ytem to SUBSTITUTE FOODS WWWWWWrVrWW i I Don't let the whcatlcns, meatless or awcctlcss days worry 1 you In the least. We have prepared a line of substitutes j that will make you wlah every day In the week waa a "less" 1 day. It will benefit you to get away from ' i old staples occasionally and ro on n diet of fruits, vegetables and so- forth- For the benefit of our customers on these days, wc have arranged to carry a very large assortment of all kinds of fresh and canned vegetables, fresh, canned and dried fruits. You will find at these stores almost any fruit or vegetable you may call for, and all of the highest quality. Come and let us help you to conserve wheat and meat, and while do ing so, really benefit your health. Everything to use, eat and wear. WWArVWrWrVWWVrW Wasatch Stores Company Store at SunnyaWe, Winter Quarter, Claar Cmk and .' ' .CMtk'Gate. UUh. 'J ' ' ' SOLDIER TERMINAL WORK BEGINS SOON MILLION DOLLAHH TO IIK M'KXT Titrnu: mrnrr away. Due) I In nml Hotel I'or Some Tiio Hunilrol litiiptojr, lloiimlliou-c. Water Tank. Ynnl Convenience nml Twnit)-riv Mile of Side track Among Oilier Improvement. Authority to proceed at otire with the construction of n complete ter minal tatlon nt Soldier Summit nt .1 col of about f 1.000,000 linn been re ceived from tho Denver. .Colo., henil office of the Denver nml Itlu tlranile by P B. Clarity, nltnt central manaccr of tho road with headquar ter at Bait Lake City, brief mention of which un made In Tho Sun Inst week Thl I an Improvement which ha been under contemplation ever since tho detour line of the Denver and Illo Grande waa constructed ome rnr aco and tin been looked forward In In Utah a ono of the mot effective mean possible of relieving the coal hauling ltuatlon from Carbon roun ty According to railroad official, the construction of till terminal will create n new distributing point for car for the roil mine, and will fa cilitate the handling; or the product of the mine In a manner that Rhould be a permanent guarantee against roul shortage In the future, urli n might be due to lack of proper trans portation farllltle. Clarity ha inre announceil that Rrrtdlnc work for the new terminal I" expected to Ih undtr way within tho next two week and that the terminal I to bo constructed to a point where It will be In uee thl fnll, Ihoimh thn work will, of courie, not be completed until onie time next year. Conntrue llon carrlr with It the bulldluc or ter minal hop, ynrd, a depot, hotel, coal chute, engine home, yard and clalflratlnn track, and other acre eorlc of i terminal ntutlon that will clve permanent ctnplomenl to about u hundred and fifty to two hundred men at the new Mallnn. It I expect ed that the hnp will Rive cmpln ment to nbout a hundred more men. Ilefore thn actual contraction work I commenced It will bo necejry to do a larce nmnunt of excavatlnc. It I pointed out, und about ecntyflve thouand cubic yard of earth will ' have to be moved to furnluli the level npaie for the terminal yard. Thl work I to be Rolliti under w) at once. It will then be uecemwry to run etruct about fifteen to twenty tulle ot Irackaft. There rc to b about fifteen yard trackn for the i lalfica tlon f train and about ten cimeral yard and repair track. The Rlatlon will rover an urea of about a hundred acre of Und. The hop will he fit ted to take rare of repair work on motle power and rar. und the en Cine houxe will have u rapacity of about twenty-live engine. The com pany will have u. hotel to accommo date It employe und later expert to comtrurt cotlaco for their ue. Thl I one of the moat Important Improvement that have been under taken by the Denver and Illo Orande In many jenrx. und It I one thnt ha lone been looked forward to by of ficial of the road In Utah. Thn plan ha been approved by the federM di rector general of railroad, nml the work I now to be done with the leat poullile delay. tjiik f iimmm Affair of lb Drmer nml Illo (iraiitle Very Much Tangled. Application ha been made to the railroad administration at Washing ton, D. C by Interest representing the Denver and Illo drandn for nn ndvancn of 13,600,000 with which to pay Interest an bond und make lm porvemrnt und betterment. While the whole amount asked for may not bo forthcoming In tho Immediate fu ture. It I believed that sufficient money will b advanced to clear up arrear In bond Interest. Thl In clude semi-annual coupon on Isauei of Denver and Illo arande bond and the aeml-annual coupon on the fit, 100, 000 first consolidated four of the Illo f)rande Western, due April I, IMS. It I stated that the Uiue on these varlou Issues ha been earned, but In view of the Impounding of fund se cured In the Interest of the Western Pacific and the fact that during the laat three month thn company ha not received anything on account of rentuti from the government, It find Itself without uctual money with which to meet theao fixed obligation. It la expected that In duo time the matter of reorganltlng the Denver anil rtlo flrando will be taken up. The Kqultable Trust company, In behalf of the Western Pacific, has mado several suggestion to tho railroad adminis tration with respect to reorcanltlng the D ,ver and Illo arande, but none of them waa accepted. itni:i7MATii pains ni:i,ii:vKi. "I have uacd Chamberlain's Lini ment for pains In the chest and lame ness of tho shoulders due to rheuma tism, and am pleased to say that It has never failed to give me prompt relief," writes lira. 8. N. Pinch, Ha tavla, N. Y, Advt. i One creamery during six month last year returned over a thousand dollars worth ot sour milk and cream to dairymen. The use of twenty. five dollars worth nt Ice would have pre vented this great food loss, according to dairy specialists of tho United fttaten department of agriculture. The rVencIt are combining velvet and plush with satin on parasol. TRUCK Ll SUCCESS Doing nnlnon Alone Houte of Two Hundred Twcntj-Plto Mile. Sunday Salt Lake Telegram pub lishes a thc-column picture of one of the big trucks In use between Price and the Uintah Basin country and comments on their u thus: "The great strides taken by the motor truck In the Kast, where good rond are the ruin Instead of the exception, have become o noticeable that pre dictions are already being msde by government official and automotive engineer of national reputation of n network of permanent freight carry ing paicd highway to take the place of the railway system. Thl predic tion ha nlready become almost n fact a far a the country east of the Mis sissippi rher I concerned, but In tho West, where the long distance pre ftll between titles and town of wldp area and the neareet railway distri bution poltn. and where the nrt of roadmaking I still In It nwariilllng clothe, the truck a a mean of the transportation ot freight lm not yet reachtd mi) thing tike It Hwllllltle warrant. "Pertinp the longest ft eight route traversed by motor truiks in the en tire West, ir not In the United State, over unimproved roads I that of the Hunter Past Prrlght companj Thl traverses the mountain region be tween Halt Lake City und Port Du chesne n distance of about two hun dred and twenty-five mile the way the company route It truck. 'The truck of thl rompan) ply bark and forth from Halt lake City lo Port Du chesne by way of Price, The com pany haul all kind of merchandise and farm produce with It string of trurks and utility trailer. To take care of It greatly Increased business another wn added In the lln last week TWO TIIOl'MAXII AT PUXP.ItAli OP roitMKIt PItlfi: YOUTH PltOVO, April U Impressive fit mriil serxlce were held yesterday In the lahcrnailo for John D. llod, Jr. There were itlxiut two thousand per son In attendance, many from out of town, among thnm Acting Governor Harden llrnnlon. The llrlgham Young University studont and the pupil of thn central school attended as organl satloti. A detachment of soldier from the Twentieth Infnntry, In charge of Corp. In In llnbbltt and Knslgn H. A. William and two marine, repre sented the army and the navy. A large funeral procession accompanied Din body from the residence to the tabernacle. The cortege wa made up of Mate, county and city officers, the Utah county draft board, the llrlgham Young University student In n body, the soldier and sailor and the uni versity baud. The tabrrnnile wits draped In the national color and a wealth ot beauti ful flower covered the raskiL Illshop A. U llooth presided. Tho speaker were Mayor 1-e Hoy Dixon, President (leurgc II. llrlmhall or the llrlgham Young University, Harden llonnlon, Illshop T. -V. Taylor nhd Illshop A. I llooth. An automobile cortege or-iiomp-mled the body to Kantaqutn, where the Interment took place. A the cortege psased through Pay sou and Spanish Pork all business wa suspended and school children und eltlien In general lined thn street us a tribute to the memory of deceased. The pallbearer were all Santaquln young men, boyhood com panion or lloyd. All Provo bulne house closed during the services. KOMK aOOD ADVICIC "Don't think too much or our own method. Watch other peoplo's wuys and learn from them." This I good ad vice, especially when bilious or ronitl pnted. You will find msny people who use Chamberlain' Tablets for thee ailments with the lt result, and will do well to follow their example. Advt, The housewife must not practice economy ut the expense of the health of her family, Orowing children must have good milk to drink n well a other nourishing food, ' AN OLD ENGINEER! GAINS TWENTY ! POUNDS chahlim J. wt:i:us OP TIIK sha- llOAItl) AHt LINK TALKS. I haj He Wouldn't Tnk All the Mime) I In the Unleio l'or the (looil Hint j Tiinbic Dili Hint Ik-ttcr Mini At the Time of Inter lew Than lie Hail llccn Por Some Plftccu Vonr. I Kvci)boily In Jacksonville. Il ' either know or lm henrd or Rnglneer I Chard' J. Weeks, who run the Ken , board Air Linn rast train "Pox" be. tween Jacksonville und Tampa. Mr ' Week bear the distinction or being the second oldest engineer In point of i servlie with his road, he having been, with the company thlrty-flvo year. He I n man ot very temperate habit, few word and strong conviction. Ac (ordlng to hi own statement he lm never taken n drink or used tobacco In any form. He not only ha a splendid record fur efficiency an a railroad man. but I held In the very highest esteem by hi fellow i Ulceus In Jacksonville. "I've gained twenty pound on sev en bottle of Tanlac and feel n well nnd happy a 1 did when n boy," said Mr, Week to the Tanlac representa tive who had called by special Invita tion nt hi attractive residence, 211 Lydln street, tor hi statement a few- day ago. "Por twenty er I suf fered with nt r on Indigestion of the) worst sort," he continued, "nnd at lime during the past firtrvn eur I didn't think I would lust much longer To tell you the truth, I finally reached the point where I didn't much care whether I lived nr died. ' After rating I would have so ninth gnn on my stomach and would get sol puffed up I couldn't hardly fasten no clothe on. My food would sour nnd j curdle, and I would have heartburn j o bad I would feel like n pi ecu of hot Iron wa laving on my stomach, and the pain were nwful. To tell you the truth, I Just don't know how I lived. I could rat no meat nr vveel of any kind, nnd for day 1 would have lo live almost entirely on brind und water God only know how I suffered. I Just can't describe It. The pains around my heart and the palpi tation were so Intense I thought at time I must have heart trouble. I couldn't rind unv thing to relieve m trouble, although 1 tried hard. Tanlac wa so highly recommend ed to me thut I bought n buttle and cannot exprrs III word how grate rill I reel ror the good it ha done me. Just think or It it few bottle of thl medicine bus made me feel better than I have In tltteen year' It neem al most unbelievable, but lt' the plain, simple truth. I turn Daw eat anything placed before me, and everything agree with me perfectly, nnd I enjoy my sleep a much a a child, and I'm feeling Just fine In every way. I feel so nimble I think I could hold a good runner u light footrace. 'Tanlac has entirely relieved mn of the things that troubled mn no long, nnd I Just don't know how to express my gratitude, 1 wouldn't bs In the same shape I was In before ror all the money In the universe. Ir anybody doubt my statement you can Just tall them to write me n personal letter and I'll umwer It. I'll be only too glad to have the opportunity or telling them what thl great medicine ha done ror me." Tanlac I sold In Price by A. I). Hutton, In Helper by IajuIs Kllertson, In lllawatlui by Carboti-Kmrry Store company, In Kcnllwurth by Kenll worth Mrrcantllu company, In Spring Cuuyon by Squara Deal Store, und In Castle Uate by Wasatch Store com pany Advt. SUMMER WDRK 0?lrtUTUftLS OUTLINED Plans for summer work or the Latter-day Saints Mutual Improvement nMOclatlon have been outlined by the departments and formally approved bv the executive or the organisation. Due to exigencies Introduced through the war consideration ha been given proposal to discontinue summer meeting or the Mutual Improvement associations, but after due considera tion by the general board, discontinu ation was deemed Inudvlnable. Thern arn several good reasons advanced for thla concluilon, the main ones be ing to keep alive In the breasts of the young people of the Mormon church the present national crisis, und to provide activity ror their moral wcl rare, Interest nnd Instruction during thn vacation period. The summer program provide both joint und separate gatherings or the men's and women' nrganlxatlun. The weMlou will begin Sunday, April 7th, and conclude with a patriotic gather ing Tuesday evening, September 21th. Patriotism I the dominating note of all the meeting on the summer schedule. The subjects for discussion Include "lleliglous Torres That Have Influenced Nations," "Our Allies," "National Kfriclency," "War or Beir Derense," 'The War Mrssage and Pact llehlnd It," "Loyalty or the Church to the Nation," 'The Nation In Arms," "Hxcmplars or IllRhteous ne." Under the general subject, "Our Allies," condition In France, Ilelglum. Oreut Ilrltaln, Japan, Ilus sta and Italy will be considered. Members or the Young Men' Mu tual Improvement associations pro pose to engqge In Intensive rood pro duction this summer, and already have laid plans for the cultivation of much waste ground. All this work will be done In co-operation with the food administration. Por the purpose of pushing this work to success, such stake la made an independent unit and will select one or nioro crops corn, beets, beans, peas or potatoes ror cul tivation. To help this work the agri cultural college faculty has offered tho services of Its boy and girl club leader and county agents ror pur poses ot supervision. Tho college will also provide printed Instructions per taining to preperatlon of land, plant ing of crops and their cultivation, as well aa harvesting. Young Ladle Mutual Imporvemcnt asMciatlon member will devotu at tention principally to lied Cross work mid rood conservation ntudy through out thn summer. The summer pro gram puy conaldrrablu attention to Hoy Scout and the good thl depart ment Is capable of accomplishing along warhelp line. Under the sub ject, 'Thrift," mean and way are suggested whereby Hoy Scouts can be or material benefit to the government and the country. Various light em ployment are recommended as a means of earning money to be Invest ed In thrift stamp and even liberty loan bond. s SIXTH DWELLING OV'KIl AT IICNTINUTON IS DKSTnOYHD HUNT1NOTON, April 16. A nine room brick house erected In 18S7 by R. ! Oeory at a coat of thlrty-flve hundrod dollar burned to the ground Friday night. The origin of the fire I unknown. On account of Inade quate hoe and water supply It was Imposslblo to save anything except parts of the wall. It la reported that the Insurance on the building had elapsed. This makes a total of six dwelling houses burned during the last eight mopths In Huntington nnd vicinity, Dairy calves should be fed sweet milk of a uniform temperature. This la essential to their health, which I particularly Important In winter. SsV .1 ' JSSBBBBBBBTy f-1fl,M-J M BBbTsV 'BBW'aBBBBBBBu 1T - BaH BBBY' Vit.jWaBBBBBBBnI CMSOTI 01 H 'BBBWdBV'SBBBBBK7 MDmmM H ;BB7;,TBBBBBBBSsf IxU-ll-l ).r. H wsbW''bbbbbbbbV 110" " bbbbI mjmf stt-rJV&C sbH When you wnnt the one H best drink for good taste M and good health. H "Bear" In Mind H CERVA I Enjoy tho good taita of hops, the H foam and the sparkle. H Drink ail you want It's non-ln- H toxlcatlsg. H At grocers,' at uVuarJiU In Net at H all places where good drinks areeoU. H LEMP H MsnulaUureja H ST, LOUIS r, Helper Mercantile) Co. H Helper, Well M AS GOOD AS THE I I BEST ' I KNIGHT COAL H From Old Grundvig Mine H UEST LUMP, $1.75 H Delivered In Your Din. M Order While the Rondo Are Good. H LARS FRANDSEN Telephone Orders to 72 M Trice, Utah M I REAL SERVICE I Thera are many little tricks H employed by good meat buyer H In judging quality. And w are H perfectly willing to shore our M secrets with you, H We buy only the best, but we H want you to know right ot the H lime of your purchase that you 1 are getting what you want. M And our prices art Tight, too, H I'hone H R. L. ROGERS H IS. KUSANO I JArANUAK MRIIC1IAND1BB H OP RVKIIY DU8C1U1TION H Catering to the Trade or Heil. H dents ot the Coal Camp M and surrounding M Territory, HH OKT OUIl QUOTATIONS H Concrete Building South Ninth H Street, Price, Utah, H "Give me the man who sings at hi M work," even ir It la only In order to H cover up his crlea or agony when he Is P working the cold shower In the morn- bbbbB ing. M i Unless the love you test has some- M thing In It that stems to touch dlvln. H Ity, it Is not live, but Imagination, H ''ssH