Newspaper Page Text
IE?D HOME TMI MKI ?m Bgg ri i mall your cop) of tills new. ... , p" oft r )oii rone flnlidied rend- M.ereti a. Sccond-Claw Matter, Juno 4. 1916, at tho I'o.totflce Ht ITIcc. Utnh. Under the Act of March 3. 187V 1 . V0I,UMB ' ; WUMUCK t EVERY FRIDAY mTv7i7.1 OODBYES 51 TO MORE SOLDIER BOYS Titnnit at nun: Sl'MlW liKT n ( Illin. naDirr At 'ourl lloiioc jimm nnil lLlrn to ltrlcf Tnlkn nun Mlnrncjr Mt-div, tkrk Horn ,), sheriff Colllngliatu anil ' It. InrniMil In tho Detaining Olid c; in i ir liiinilriil piopla Kit tlii ion tli urt hou.o ground. In Price K l uftcruooit to nay their i 1 1 tho .oldkr lio) from Ik i) iitnt) ami thn.e who vum r in llnicrj, Ulntnh nnil Du- M irevlou. to their tltpnrtuio l o 1-cwln, Wnal. . tho following i i i tic Hn mo ulili druM bund I i thlrt)-flvo member wu. till t nig mi tho wny homo from i I kc Clt), whurii It hnil taken i i tin Italian Da) celohrutloli I I'M Tli pro Mould havo been 'i litRir irnml hnil there hem I kct word out to the lump. i In rr . ' I I. Oulnrn, In charge of the It i g off fro lit Prlic, took Hk . II. Jgh n mllltiir drill Talk n !i ly l A McOeo, Count) t II n-lcN, V It. mid r lltrui Colllughnm, thi prill. it i i'ii vi l thn latter Prlcnd. I 'i tiff did nut know he n U ill .piukor until the) lioiird li I (.lit Hnndii llv totalled I t at tury plan Tho tnlkM ' ' the mou who ore ly thl. i part of 1'iulit Katn'H Kreut nurthrd from thu court huti.e i I ) thn weit end of Mnlu alrcul, I ht re out Clalneit nntl the In ml r I Mil b) miiny cltlicn. lit nu- i ' i am) on foot, Ic CirlMin Iiom with thnne fruiii ilirtt ollur rountlea wim to have, In le 1 train Monday inornliiK ut l k, hut owing to n wreck In t.. 1 they did not ri t away until ti I o'clock of llm nflcriiuon 4Kc i from I'ii nip 1-owln .luce .ttvtu tin j arrived theru without ml.- f niiy kind leaving lure tho.o i C.irlx n iiiunty were In charge ri t Cobb of Hcofhld ua t.iplalii prr innnl of Ilia thrco tnuntle. ; siliiK hire la Rlvin btovi, I rum t nrhoii Counly, I i - (Irnrgo I'nlleoulhikln John id Jihn Phillip.. Marin. llnvr, U'.m Itl.puud, lltahuru lleppep, 1 1. 1 i Alemun, Ollbtrt OUen, Jtan in tche, June. V. KJelntrom, Inlck Alice, Italph II. Powler, , Mnnnett, Prank Nlgro, I'eter i, Dmnlnec Itugg, Oulnepi"' Hoc i d John Phillip, i nujuldt Quit tiataiiakL, Don Inwin, l.avirn Jcn.on. Alex Cur ' lin Putnlkl., Ton) Co.erlo, Ip tl Kumlplnl, Pmnuuel VaUukln. iiln CiinruHcIo, J oo AiikoIiiio nnil Uiu Miirtlnn. Ipcr Joe Qullke, It. I'. Arnold, k Itvdn, Domlnlu Itemoudo, John I'M it, Jumca 1'. Itolando, Vln- Allil and Italph Pollpulll Ilia, Htnrr. mid Htiindnrdvlllo Y Murliinl. Martin C. Olon, Htlf Wlllium K Tinkler nnil An IMuKurlo, ir Cnek, Wlntur QuiirlirH and M -lledilhiKtoii I I.owlw, Jiiiiich ii OUen, auUuppI Ilcrnartlo, An iakl, Arthur t' Thomun nml M I'olih, imntho Anmitiiio I'ltruiu, I-ouIh IUI mill tltorKo HtokbM "tit (Intr OcorKO Mint, Auttlllo rt III, Anton Kdnard Teherk ink IVtrnua and l.on Hpcroul illworth Toiij fatanilemla mid D.uln ittired I'rnnklln Clydo Pullmar I-ake city, Angeloa Antouoplu oodnldu, lta U Uohon, Coral- lout , ninjrn Atomu, Uadoru Or- B Hiutu I'o. N M , John Uipimnl M- Knrt Hmlth, Ark , Antonio B i. Bantu IV, N M , UiuU I.ero i l.h, Nuv, Mark Itodkli, 011- j Colo , John M Curia, Hull Luki m Kamucl Clifford, I.oa, Muurlre i Mt I'lefunti Kusene Trout, Billa, William hero) Tlihvoll mid Hrr rranklln Allen. Wellington iM" Alma Hteuart, Tulnlou., Pnur), Duthemit', lllutuli. Btah John Barautlnoit, Ilamoud B'ldii, Ocorffu O Knudiitin, Htiinley iBr Jorum, Patrick John MeKuo, Mh ThoinuH Urooku, Thoniaa t'eter Brd Wunhlntston Halclvh Kobe Ouillcmo Medina, llohtrt John ii, Rdwurd ThomiiH, Keith War invidiam Tiljlllo, ClinrleH A lion i Uiorso llalpli NoIhoii, Clyde B Jchn Sharp Mijlbuui, I.ynn IV- William Hwliiford Powell. Bl k (1 cor bo HodBklnsoii Vlrcll MPltMkkell, nmmanurl Itossalre, B IM nurd Still, (leoriro Illunaklii, iBd I rnuklln Abplanulp, John BntthLik, Edwin Iro Itutelhf ihert Murks Jenl Ini rHlieint David Dulea, TulmuKo. iH Ilenjamln Bromley, Antelope, j A riubcock, Myton, Andrew' J ili.iiHon, Uointii Stanley utd TolmnKi ltu Timothy, h John Allium Ilalnoik, Mt iHoin John ThomiiH I Kan, Du i Puul Mnlon NlthoUon, Itoone- WEATHER I Tho Sun Hpeclal Kerv lets H DUNVrit, Colo Mn II I 19 n m I H Tnulnht mid Hiilurlii Krncrnlly H fnlr t'roi-t in hlitli ilUtrletii tonight H About elKht) noi-ond-fitt of water iH In itolnit throiiKh the rniint of the Prlcn M Itltrr IrrlKillon eomimnj nt thlit time. H ann Hiiperlriteudeiil Millhnne Tliere iH will lie pteut) or wnltr up to Junf H ZOtli he thlnkM nud pprhnpx loiiKor. kH mm kk RBm&&&&&!9mmmNEM&atKS1nfSMinyE JuJnHaiaaaaaH aBaH FaV BBaaJaMBraam .- T!?Namaaawl JKf!KfSBr J'FatC liJi 1 -.JtBtir a.s mZ- WWHrl IDaaaw A TaBfc f ft'l il jMiyl JM.fc.y'LZ3L.faaawaaBaMaMagaBRAaaaaMtal avanBM JajaLJaBti 3w aaw -'aiMjHflaflaaaaaaV aaaaaaVflaaV LLal VaiBBBBiBWI!l7i!!lBf LVwiaa'' i aBBarMPCaP ' jivSaaBaaHaaaaaakaaiaaaVaaaflaaalaaaaaaaa LaH 1 v-- . j ; fr- J ; I (.not p piiorooiiM'ii op rui: t nno kumv iionh sn somi; or mi in ritiKMis at iiii: tontr iioisi: usr hisnw aihminoon. i mnkn, PhomKniphtr ' M vtlt. Aithlo Ptittr lliimou, loku, lieu ben II llineoek ItoimtMlt.'Ilfrtk U Durt, M) ton. CVill Vlvlnu Cnipo, ltooHelt, mid l'lod V lnlc, ltooo- It Knur) KiIkri Jtnuen, Iasi Johmu, Krnent DmU mid IMicnr Hlltirud, Or miKtllle, David M DennUon mid Uift ClirUti iuh.ii, Ctlu Dale, NIcU A. Oliu, Afton OImiii, John A Alger non, Conrud Toreenton, Hmnuel l Torirtriion ttnd Mihln IVaiotk, Kin. One of HfRl Aiotthert. HunuynKUt'H hand i oiine In ormn Ixntlnii but ut the name time li one of the lel numkiil URKriKutloint In the rtatn At Bull l-nko Clt) lint Prldii) It wuk npplaiiilrd vverywluro It rami Into notka. mid many are the lompll mentH of the ntwupiipiro thero and of miifUliuiM nil (lit exiellemo The Imnd (aim to Pi leu Hunday ufltrnooii.hy train After the court hnum extnlnen ltd membcrN wire met here b unto mobllu mid ionu)tul homo Tint tir Riinlxiiilou U Ini b) I'ruf aioMinnl I). ColUtro, dlrtttor. The ohera are A. OiiailuKiioto. flute. Amantea, pic colo, l Htlluro, I lllanco. A. auur ukcIo, H Bi llnro, A Olnllottl. 0. 8pa- dnroru, K. otntrio auu t. i-ern, . Inet. P Albl, kopruno Mxaphone, It. Mollmro, O Aimtlmo V Adamo and O Conio, loinotH, I PuoltthiMi, fllcor uo, II Allenlonnd V Martini, Premh horn M Aimulmo, H Purlalno, P. Pun ruiil, P Viae In mid O Uulllauo. tiomboiiiit, A. Moruni, Iromba. H Vol trl (Hid O Hnito, ultiw, tl. Mifro, T, llouuiuil and P. Arnold, baritone. N. filcolo, P AinhriMl", It Mnlllo mid O JiuonK barn. horn: V Itodlo, lav drum C Ptrrl. nnurt ilium, mid It Jiuiiuluto, tjmbJlK COMAICNDS llli: PATIIIOTISM op (.itvsn coi'.N-n' piopm: l hue In en In man) iiinunuiiltlvN thiouKhout thU mid mlghborjng itUitiii lni UIhb In tho rrcrultliiK nenlu. but I m Mi emphutkall) that Moub in tho moot patriotic and cuurttoun lonn I mr Mulled,' de clared HerRt K I tlnlnci.. retrult iik officer, to Ilk Moub Tlnus man be fou lliiK Uiere u few da) a ugi iwllh four new roerulU for Untlo BmH nrni) M) work In mndo win) In Moth, for I find tho people henrtll) In aiiord with tho war imne. und wIllliiR mid Blad to wurlf c iAr). IhliiK even th m-of their w.if.o win the w a. Thl. In the .econd trip I Iuim made to Moah and I ha boen tnpeclull) atruek b) tho plrlt of I atrlotlim In evl'lonco. faergeant Oalnea declared that very few towmt of llko Uc can oquul the reconl Monl. ha made In furnl.hlnB young men for the urm) and na) Mn communltlea of double the .lie. he mild. hae o fur failed to wild out many a- flfl-tw. men to tlaMtor their countr The recruiting offltor wh nul. with the pa Ir o Ic work bolng eurrlt-d on tnere, chief I in tho liberty bond, and war campaign, and In ned Crow WHe ePclll commended the plan adolltd in ti.r Ited Crow ilrhc nnd at land h. 'M-i " ' ' M. ." HMtew. of IottlnK W '.;' n deflilte Mil" cohUlbule ,d pud throughout the u.untr) GARBDH PLACED IN THE RIGHT LIGHT; Carlton fount) HuiiiU firt of tint twtnt) nine inuntlnt of I'lah In ptr rapltit iiiilworlptloi. to the third llbert) louu In other wordK, ivtry two and , Hi-eii-U nlliH perwoii. In tho louut)' hiiImhtIIkiI to n bond, when a total of taSS.lOO wuit titktn h) the thlrt)-oue hundred nnd acent)-ouv rmldi nt. hire uh Rltn b) tho leiiNU. of 1910 Tin count) lmvln placid In a fulw , light by flRiirmt In ri toforu Hint out, C It Muriunfii, ihulriiian of thn flnnnre i tommlttee of the lotal couutll of iltfcue, tutiiud prottut with tho ntuto com- , tnlttin with the re.ult that tho inrrrcllni. aktd for ha. hern made. Under , dbte of May 25th, J, David Iuioii, ruiretnr) of thn utate rentrul commlllon c of the third llbert) loan, Iwtutd thin rlreular letttr, Tliirt'lmn hem Home lomplalnt on the privlou teport font out on tho , third llbtrly loan. Btuttmenl wen mndo that tho ttmiua report, which wan . oliliilned h) the goMrnor'. oflku in WnnhlnRtou, I) C In Jul), 1917, wan In- , limit In conCiountka It wuh tlurefore .iirri ttd that the 1910 bo , ued In calculating the lount) nvrrageii lleluw ou will find the aviruKC of , Mill count) In the .tate of Utah, biimd on the 1VI0 cunmia." Tho statement follow h ti w it J 3! E counts f' 1 fa aa : f.g S" I n r- . t'AltllOS . I 31711 2.7 JJ1.100 OU Ik-aver . j S0 i.t 81,700 00 I'avl. I 1803 S3 SIS 300 00 limiry I VI3 73 i 63,(00 00 Onrfklil . 48j 7 3 I 48.3S0 00 Uraud . 1731 3,3 I 73,600 00 Iron 931) 4 3 I I03.COOOO Juab . I ISOII 7.1 i :71:60 00 Ktine -13t3 3 I J3.G50 00 Millard 1336J 4 V 91,800 00 Plutn 13K1S C 40,0(0 00 Bun Juan ,.3C07 3 6 I 7,3hl,50U uO Hull lkl . I 111 IRS I 30,7(0 00 Uaiipetu I SlSCi 7.8 I 330,900 00 Helcr I I776 ( I I79,(0 00 B.immlt 13811 C I 1C3 900 00 Tooele 13(7 3 I 314,(00 00 Uintah 7(0 9.4 I l,(00 00 Utah 33l (09 (((,0(0 00 Waiutch 498 17 V ((,(50 00 Wa)ne . 374 6.3 13.000 00 llox lilder . I 2(10 S( 1 218,7(0 00 Cache . I 4110 (2 476,2(0 00 Morgun 319 7.7 30.850 00 lllch 402 4 6 39,800 00 Wibi r 7330 4 79 1.410,100 00 ,itin:iv hfoois.ii:i ion ! KlM.INtJ OP1' CtTWOltMS , lollouliiK varlou. tentn. toverlug a I porlod of more than u week, M It l Porter find J It Chamberlain, city 'war fcarden experta at Zlon, have re ported to the clt) eommlttve on agri culture and food production that car I co, a preparation vol db) aeed stnria, In ntire death to cutworm, which poat .the majority of (he gardenum of that I clt) have been battling with for nearly Jn mouth Porter and Chamberlain report that the) have made iiumoroun tiMa on arlouH klnda of vegetable., and that while the preparation did not neem to Injure the plant, in any wit), It haa proved nurt diotli to tho cutworm. CutnorniM have invaded a number of garden, ut Price nnd In Mviral In .tancea have completely annihilated tlirni Woodnld hi. ruientl) nupplkil Pike und dm n Klur dinkrn with a it nnldirutli UJnritlt) if hay hlltlCT UUMNO AlPl'tTTINd i:itiN(j op tiii: umioiim Not lit of u ruling b) thu wur de partment at Wa.hlngtqn, I). C , that raileln of high Nihoobt or other tin uuthorlied mllltur) .ihool., ho) mout. und mllltur)' .oilutlca will not he per mltttd to wear mi) dlnllncllvo part of the uniform of the arm), uav) or ma rlne torpn, undir pinulty of inre punlnhment, loot been rcielved at the local rot nil I i k offko Thu ruling I. deflglnd to nettlo dlniunnloun that have nriiMin relatlo to tho wearing b) cudeln of high .ehooln nnd other In alltutlonit or off lit r." unlforinn and lunignli. Ill luimo caaea the ludol. woar uniform, of tho arm) und In olhir i-akut the) wear uniform, .o llko the regulation army uniform that ll I. Impo.atblo for .oldler. to din tlngulnh tlum from regular urm) of fkiM Tho new ruling forbid, the wpurlug of u uniform that U .Imllar to the regulation officer.1 uniform of the arm) nnv) or murine iorp. Oeorgu W MiCull mid fumll), for mer re.ldoht. of Price nnd plonter. of thin vullo), havo moved from Oreeu llkir to Hull liko City, lie ha. been In thu employ of the Ucnvor and Itin Omndu for n coniiderable time KinMYTK IH M)UMli:i l Itl PIIIII,ICNS OP IM)lN' 1NUIANAPOMB, lud , Mu) 39 'Win tho wur b) victor) and not by compromlne bargain- lug, waa thu keynote of the con- vcntlon or the Indluna republl- inua which nominated a .tati tlckit nnd itduptid n platform for thu November election here 4 toda) The delegate, und apti- tatorn, at time., wildly applaud- 1 d thu patriotic aeutlmeiitH ox- ' pruned by tho .peakur. nnd In the platform, which wa. .uhmit- ted to the convention by Will 11 Kayn, cha.rmnn of tho republl- can national committee, u fact wlilih gave to the platform un added algnlflcamo ua an Indlca- lion of the nutlonal pollc) of tho repul II on part) & ' MMEOTW REQUEST I'liolocruplis Maw, llntwliigt mul llo' Like I'rgintl) Itniutxlfil, "Tin war depurtmiut dealre. f photORruph., drawing, and de- .irlpllon. or bridge., liulldlngN, town, mid localities now oocu- f plul b) the nirmuu force. In Pram i, llelglum nnd l.imem- liourg, nud llkowlne In Hi it part of Otrinmi) Ijlng we.t of the 4 4 line running north nnd .outh 4 through llumburg." write. Ar- 4- Ihur II Pluming, ihluf or .ottlou 4 Couuill or National Dofenw. un- tier dale of Muy 24th from Wa.h- Ingtoii, I. C, to The Hun "At thu n quint or thu wur du- 4- pirtment, tho Couuill or Nation- 4 nl Dtfun.n a.k. )ou to .ccure ull poulliU inuterlul or thin ilmrnc- ttr A largo quantlt) or muter- 4 4 lul in dt.lriil and muy be .tnt 4 without .ortlng or without uny to avoid duplkntlou. II 4 will not bo praitliablo to return tin mutcrlul to tho unitrlliiilorn, "All .uuh muterlal .l.ould be 4" mnt li) pant I pint or vxpre.n to 4- Col II Coxe, 11(6 riftiintl. .triet, Wiinhlngton, l C ' 4- 4- 4-4- 4 4-4- 4 4- UElPEKWIiHD Iniubhi. ttiuic About liar lloou At Salt IjiUo Clt). Iiloiillfkd li) Mtntlon emplo)ei nt the Denver and Itlo nriindu depot ut Halt laku Clt) a. tho pintou who iheckid it trunk, nlkgod lo tontulii liquor, to Helper, Uoorge Zti.e, u (lack. Si oar. of ugo, wu. arrvnted by Of flier. 1 tile und Cla)tou of the polko unll-vlie ilupurlmunt ut tho Denvir und Itlo Oruudu laat Tueda) ZetHo I. ulltged to have brought tin trunk from nvunnton, W)o, u few dn). iiko with tho Intention of taking I' on to lltlper, wlui o he I. wild to conduit u Mift drink pallor Offkur unxorl thut he probubl) nent the iheik for tho trunk h) mull to cuuredomU-u nt llelpir Ulieii Ire wa. Hourilud ut heudiUur ter. tho polko found u revolver ikjii coulud in hi. tlothlug und he wu. booked for unrulug u lonieulnd wea pon lu uddltlon to the ilmrgo of vio lating the liquor law., Pollue offi cer, dvi lore that If tho char go that he brought tho trunk voutulnlug liquor ft urn KvaiiMtou I. aub.tanl luted ho will in all probability bo turned over to the federal authorltlo. for tuu undir the Intemtate liquor law. Helper und Kenilworth l.aa filed londumnatlon piocicdlngH rig lain.! John Arronco nnd Ter.u llazono nl Kenilworth to obtain curtain right of wu) rrtd Unri lur U aulng George iBtotirdakl., Mlko Btrato. and other. for tre.pak. W. M Morton und hi. .wire are asking for vondemnatlon or several piece, of real e.tate niur I Itnlr.a that the) may open up their i.l proprrtle. In W.t Spring Can i All I'M u. art In timiht nurt COUNCIL OFEFEft'SE MEETS H Will DlMiin With Prof. Oixih It) mi j fl Wnr Htmui CnmiNili.ii, I Prof. Urwm lt)uu, ihnlrman or the H toiiin.lttie having lu thnrge tl.o war Hiving. Mump drive, ha. udiliinnd u H letter lo nit thu lommlttreiniii or the devtrnt dl.lrlet. or Cnrlion iminty, H whh li I. .i ir-wxplituittor) mid I. hero H 'Huritnr) MtAdoo hun mul out ' word thut ull ntutt. nro to report their I H quota (twit.t) tlollurN per taplln) of H wnr Mivlng. htamp. a. .old not later than Jiiiiu SKth On Muy l.t Carbon H county .tood third among Ihu countle. M or Utah Our nub-, to that date, h"U- H tver, umoiiutid to hut thrco dollar. i M pur tupllii 1 H 'Ju.t how wu are to rulm thu re , malnlng neventttn dollar, per tupltu M luforo Junu 38th will be full) ex- H plained to )ou mid ) u.nlntunt. H (.oleil nt lin.t two und bring tin in - with imi) on Hunday afternoon, Juno B 2, 1918, ut 3 o cluck H "lhv met ting will be held III in) off In nt tho touty touit houne. No H thing .l.ould plovetit )ou und )otir H uwlntautM fiom being print nt. Voal B iciuutr) uilli Thut )ou will renporid HBVJ tin ro I. no quontlou VVJ At the miiiu hour mid plate Hunda) BH nfturnoou the Curbon. County Couuill ; HBVJ or Dtfonnu uiHinber. are to mitt nnd '" HBVJ ilkci.K. thi. unci other matter. fBa ORDERS COME TO UTAN Drnrt Itounln lit Iiik liiitruttiil lu tho HBVJ Matter or lUgUtrntlou. BAVJ Official topic, of the prtvnldcnt'. BVJ I roilamiitloii. .tttlng Junu Cth u. ' BVB tcglntrntlou da) for all )oung men i H v he have uttalned tho ngo of 31 )enr. ' HBVJ .Into June B, 1917, having betn re- ' H reived ut the udj Hunt general, offhc ' fBVJ liiNt W'vdne.da), notlco wu. Inime- HBVJ dlately aenl out to nil locul bonrda, or HBVJ lerlng that tho public bo Informed Bl and thut thu draft official punh pro- jiVAU llmluiir) work to .tcure u comphtu J J P V l'ltx Oerald direct, thut H local board, nud ill), town and coun- BHHJ 1 1) derk. ihotiid huvo alwa. on hand Hat. of plate de.lgnatod for rtglttra- BHHJ lion and the) .hnuld nrrnngo to huvv aomiono ulwii). on dut) at their or- BHI flic to Inform pinroua making In- qulr) He ail), n apeelal effort .haiild J be inado to have the HBBJ .pouklng population understand tho 1 1 regulation., that tho.o of their num. H her .ubject to rcgUlrntlon ahotild H Know tho time, placo and munner of H regl.tratlon Ho direct, that n vigor- MH hum campaign be Immediately loan- oIbbH Sheriff Ueorgo Colllnghnm tella The laLLl Bun that all men In Carbon county Sll are to rtgLter at Price, except 8u- aaal field. Winter Quarter., Clear Cretk HHi and I tali Mine, who nro to uppcur nt H 8cofuld before Po.tma.tcr Ilurnctt HH James I. Draffet end Iwl Uuthtll H of Ball Lake City are coming to Pried IH In a few days to join tho Price Ouruge H company forces