Newspaper Page Text
1 i m JUNE 7, 1918 THE SUN, P1HCE. UTAH EVERY FRIDAY PAGE THREE " The Plain Duty of , 1 Every American I Yo"r. tluty ,as an American citizen, is plain, 0 definite, and imperative. Your sons and your 0 neiphlors, sons arc going abroad to fight for 1 their country, their flag, their h6mcs and I for YOU. I They cannot fight without food, shoes, clothes, 1 bread and bullets. The Government looks to you for the money to buy these things. Your Duty is to lend not give this money. It is more than Duty more than patriotism it is a privilege to buy War Savings Stamps : The money you pay for them will help win i the warhelp keep our soldiers fed, clothed, j armed, and protected help keep your country safe for Democrat:'. ' The United States Government guarantees K ! pay your money back. It pays you intcrc.t on your, money, 4 per cent, compounded quarterly. You can buy War Savings Sumps at post offices, banks, and other I censed, selling j agencies. 1 BUY ALL YOU CAN V. WIMIEtMin i I VMIIW STATM I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfA O Lsass -THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY - -"1 i.VTi:n.hT.Ti: tkaiuno co whoi.usai.i: ntoni'rn piticr., PROFESSIONAL1 4 - lilt, t . A. WIIKUUY I i PliyMrlnu onil Kurccuu j ! I'ltlCi;. UTAH I , Jffne Oicr Cummcnlil lUnk ' Itt-Mdrntc North rjlgtuti Street. I I 4 4 4 41 nit. c t. itosr. , Pli)lrinn nnil Surgeon I i 1'itICi:. UTAH I ! i Uiflco Mllen llulldliiK t 4 4 4 4 ' int. i s. tiuimi: I 1 lionlul Sturgeon j PHICH. UTAH I . JffPr Vlgll.i-Ilononio ISmldlnx i 4 ' 4 i mi. it. ii. ;oi:rM.N.s I 1 i HciilWl I Permanently Located luer Price ' Conwnrrt'lul Hank I'ICICK, UTAH I ' 4 4 ' , : 4 1 i l. a. Mcc.i:r. i Alloriii'y-al-l.utt j ! Hlllllllk i ii nil ii, HIIvuriiI 1 11 ilc. , I'HIUH. UTAH. I I " ' ' ' ! i tl.UIM.N'ANIi TIltlCKMtN i i Attunicr-at-lAw j 717 Judge llulldtnc BA1.T LAKK ClTYi UTAH. j ; . i'iti:i)i:uicK i:. woods i Alliiruej-ui-I.w j Ilooms 14 and 16, Hllvugnl lllock. .'KICK. UTAH. i 4 . oijvint h, :iav I Attorncr-AM-ait j IIKI.l'KH, UTAH ( 4 rzzz: z - : . MILKS 1 Mll.I.IUt. SI, U. A. A. I Clceuxtl Ari'lillm j Vermont Ilulldlng I 8A1.T LAKli CITY. UTAH. -f S, A. Klpg M I Hraffet I II (I Schulder I kimj, im.rrirr hciiu.iiint I Altiriic)At-l.ait I Judge Ilulldlng I BAlfT I.AKR CITY. UTAH I Tavern Hotel Ihilldltig I , PIUCH. UTAH j CAONlSPiTAL rum:, itah I v liMtdBlfit&ktkJHBt&ftili t ully JUjulpixil mid Ojrit In All Procuring: PhyMclann, : i TT '- 'pirating Itoom Alwaya Prepated r i:mqrgncjj:Cae. Wrii Control. "i Hy AnKOnFPYalctahHcall Or theruiik! Mrs. Koto McCarthy, neu tered Nurae, and Mrs. I.ucy M llano, wxlatu Owner OVER AROUNIlSUKNVSIDE Knit line Club linirrtaliw Setontl of I IN tYh-ruR HI'NNYHtlii:. June I - Tin- mem bom or thv lied roiw Knltllnit t'luti I'liti rtnlnrd nt u fitrfwi II mk'IuI Krldny Bftirnniin nt the home of Mrm Andrew chrlxti'iirx-u fur Mm, Wlllliint llurim, prior to htr duparturr for Otritun to nmkt her homr. Hhi vtnn iirrwntwl with it t'ut kU tix M-t ly tln t'luli. Lunvhcoii 'vnx wrvrd in Mm. 1(. I. Jiiiitii, Mr. John 1'urry, Mrn. J. TlinmpMiu, Mra Nlcholim Knoul, Mrn. hiiimud I'ri-Hlnn. Mrn. Mtrplin John. Min. Mr. J. II. I.ynn. Mix P.uv I'rnw Mm. Wllllntn (Tulliim. Mm. Wll. lluin llurim mid Mm. Andrrw rhrN- UllTll. Mm. Ni'In Ni'Ihdi wuk hoti'Mi lit . MiUhIhj nuiipiT on 'iHlniwdn vim Ink' nt her liumr. the ihs'iihIoii UIiik lnr himUtnd'H furli -fifth lilrthdu) mi 'nlvirwir. Tin- kuiiUh wrro Mr. ttnd I Mm. Hdimiil liuitnioro. Mr. mid Mm. H.iinuil Nnlor, Mr and Mm. A. I!. .Ilopklintoii. Mr. mid Mm. TiiIIimkii Kv him. Kiln NfliHin uiifl (Ih'ii Ni'Nini MIm Arililhi IIIhkIiwhi Iihk ntiini ld irttrr kpcqilliiR tin wliiti-r'nllrnd-Iiir thr HpunUh I'ork IiIkIi pcIiihiI, I'rldny miiIiir ii fiirmvill imrt mum KlU'ii In thf l.ulttrdi) HuIiiIk ihuruh for Itoniilil HlKKlmmn, prior to hU Itsitluir lo I'litiT tho errvlnn uf hU loiiiitr). Hi' dun pnM'iitpd nlth n roinfort Ikir Mr mid Mm. It ' K OmvIiUoii iind fmnlly lm Konv to Hull likw City fur lhi HUinnn-r. William lUmaKf of Kuimynldr mill Adiilla OlKiT of ClnVclHlid uuru rw untly miirrlid nt I'rlu Thi will iimki thulr homu Ihth. Mri. MU'hnel Hmltll hn kiix to Hluhflild lo inaku lnr liomi- Mr. mid Mm. William tturin. Imv iiift to miiko tht'lr honif In fimKoii. He will work In tho Mhl)-urdH Thc primary offlvem. louilnm und ehlldrcn omJoiuI ii plrnlo mrt) up In tin- mountain Friday aftirnoon. Mr unit Mrn. KdK.r Aluer und Mm. II. J. Jimiii moiornl tt' C'U'twIaml mid upriit tin' vti'iik Mlth ri'l.itlvtsi, Mori- than fifty peoplo motoriHl to I'rlw Huiid to Mlti'iul tho parndit mid fnrrtti'11 iM'-pllon Klwn In honor of thi' I'arlHiii enunt lo who left with tho lat drwft, MIm Porothy Knouf and Ml"-, Mat tie lilehuril mid lwwrcn mid liwln llitHiniMM'ii upcitt tho taut k ond with relalUtm nt Clovolund. Mm. l.lod I'wawM'K of .Muuntttln Homo in IMlliiB relathi hero Tln Hod lirM workiim Imld tlmlr ttcfkl) moollliK In tho ludlutT root room tt Urn new Hmiiwintiit )ll W,n. iiiMla) ulKht 'toi'NTV iioAitn or Kgi'.i.r.- I THI.N MKiniMiS. I Tin U.ird of inuiiU iominliiiir inr iiirl'ii i-ounty wll nit M ' Irt1 r .'iualuatl"li on JUlio 4, 7, t and 1". lU nt 10 neoc) of the fort-noon f I. i h di Wien cvimplululB w to ismmnriitH or property wll I rd ! ruMasTh. houHmcy J HJurk of jjiliixird Dated I'rl... Utah.,,Mliy tt 19U MTOMoiiu.i: TiiAhri:n ami iiiiw mm:. Olvc u your haullnn of fright and like work and It will reoiVH prompt uttontlou. No Job ton large: 'or too uniiill for u to hanlllr, hrelnht m given our ppefM attention. Wa) ChrUtenrfii. I'hon' 06 wr. VrlW Ua1 I'liderg-arment and Vport-. blouwn uio maJu of artificial llk IS READY FOR THE REGISTRATION WORK' W. I. OI.SO.V, l'OSTLSTi:it, ufri i-.ivix i.Tiit'rno.H. IVinalo Cltlrenn Or Nutijorti of tlm (ennaii Kjuplrr Mint Nrtt Week do Urforo the lYoprr IVmon In TJirlr 8erml DUirloH him! llr Ac, ruiint of ThrmhrM lo I'nclo Sum. Instruction for tho rrRlnlmtlon of Oerman alien femalon, provided for by congrenn, have been received and ore now In the, hand of W. P. OIon, portmantrr nt lrlrr, who h uper llou of tho work In Carbon rounty. Tho period from Juno 17th, nett Monday, to Juno ltd. Inclusive, tuia been t. Allen mut nppoar before their Kntmittrr In all ruc tor rerl tratlou. The liw require alt remain native, dtlien or ubject of the Herman empire, of tho uge of 14 or moro )eam, resldlnif In the I'nlted Htati-x und who have not been naltir allied a American cltlrenr, to regU ter. In addition to all other penaltlc prretlbed by law, Ullurn to rrglMd within tho ret period eatrlr with It u liability of Internment for tho dura Hon of the nr. For the purpoee or drtlnlne who miut reclnter. the net eti forth that a female. Iiirpertlve of her parent' cltltonnhlp, hotn In the United Klatc. I an A'merlenn cltl trn and not required to reglnter, un trim: Klmt Hlio line) liocomo natiirallied In or taken mi oath of allegiance to Oermmiy. Hecond Who ha married u oltlien or MUbJotl of (lermany, who linn lint required iiaturalliatlon In tho t'nlled Klato. ami tho marital lelallon hn not leen terminated tiy dealli or nh wilule divorce: or. If o termlnateil. ho ha nut trimmed her Amerkan cltUeimhlii. Tho net hold that any Amerhiin woman who tnnrrloN a forelgniT hi" eumi her liuolwind' nationality. At tho terinlnnllon of tlio marital tola Hon eho may roxume hr Ainrrlinn cltlti'iiiihlp If Mm eontlnui to nwldo In tho t'ultrd Klato, or, If IIMnR nbroad, ho reglnter with an Ameri can coiip.uI wllhln one ear of tho tor. initiation. I.lkeulno, it fninalo origin, nil) n imtlio or kiibjoct ( (lermany. who ha Ix'cnmo natumllnod In tho I'liltod Ktato. I not roiilred to rogl tor, unloe' I'lmt Hulno.uont lo Iter iiniunill. xallun In tho Utiltnil Htalo, ho hat Ihtouio iiatunillieil In or taken nit oalh of ulloKlanoo to (lermany or r tumid her (Icrniun ualloimllt),. ,. Hocnntl Htilwoqiieiit to 'tier naiiir. nidation In the t'nlted Hliiton, ho ha mirrliil it flirmmi mibjoct nhn H.w i.nt iicqulrrd American uuttirnlluitloii mid whero Ainerlcuii cltltonhlp ha not Inch loniinii'il following h loriiiln hIIoii of tho marital rotation. Third HubM-qtietit In hor naliimt-! illation In tli" fnltnl Htuto. ho h' boconio imturnlliiMl In or wrn ul liKlauco to mi) otlnr tountiy. Tho nalurulltntlon of ti milo alien a ii i'IIIkcii of tho t'nltul Htati ualur . allto hU wlfo mid all foreign iHirn children who botomo periniinoiit rol tint of tho I'liltcd Hlato ln.for lonchlng nmjorlty MiirrlaKu prior to I April i. I VI 7, of u (lertnaii ullou fe main to a cltlicn or tho fulled HIhIom, tmiiirullxM hi r u nn Amcrlciin iltl-1 ion. Sin. Ii. n pcmuii t prnNiinit'd to. ictaiii hor American UUoimhlp after tho tormliialloii of the moiltnl nJu. lion, iinio hIim maktKi formal riniin-' ciulloii or clllIouKhlp. A rcmnlo KUh. Jott of (lormuuy who ha not l'mtimo rutunitio'd through mnrrlago. ro mnln n Oerman nllen, nnd U required to rcglxtor, oven thoiiKh ho hn do. i land hor Intention of taking out flmt pupem or hn been niitniulUiil lu ino other country. . IVmaloM born In or rcNldlnc n (Icrmmi mibjoti lu Ali mo.lrnilno utqucnt to May 1, ' Ik7l, arc claiMod u florinaii iilliU", mid. iiiiliM they have beoonio nuliir lallted, nro required to rcglli r i MK IfJUE WUIEt : ImIiIo Al Iho Kbit Thl WivU Tell or I iho Murlno NitK I A. I. Kutton, tho druggUt. hu a pireoiiul Interest lu b Mcrtsiptlmn hlldo being ell wn al the Kltn Ihl wick. Tho Hlldo road "Mun th hlp. Tho Amorlcan inert haul mar ine niiilx nun frtmi SI to 30 yonrn n HRllor, flremiii and ittok. flood 'Jqlm at goml ay. Mllitar) oxtinpllon. Ap ply to official enrolling Matlou of lnlleil Htati hipping liourd." A) J). Kiillou I a npiflal onrolllng agent hero of I he l.'nllill Htalo ehlpplng IkMh), and In signing "P young men to miiir the irtiliilng irl- if the mcriaiit mHrln,!' a wllorm firemen. icwIp.W ens rook and mommi n Tho )utfg Iiikii ro Kl ( l"ll tourw flfylu Piruetloii oil twining Vhlp maintain ed by lilt rilllinl Mate uhlpplMg iMMtrt. boforf lelng placed lu 1ih crow of the big now merchant ee how being ioiniiilloiui b) tho hi Idiig Imard to uko wiPldlo lo I5urwe. They rocoHe good iwy and an- Klvn exemption from military wnlw y Kpoelul regulation UHhll)l'..Vr Ol STOHILS lllltN ' rlll.VDAV lAST OP 'AI.(!UJjU I'ltOVO. June 3. It ! llDmuof jrliorr dlwl hero 'today from pneu monia, fallowing n operation for Ml iiulu He wo AVura ," ago ujid oAmi from Nort'ijiiurolmv to uta'h about ix year oka Ho- U Murmd qj- jmo win, KergtjlJill. "min. whiylH atailoimd III Normy'iirolltiit wUhHh,o federal army hltvt f Milif)au, wHji la', ha advj7JD.' her))jibanu49C hi father'i death', Funeral arrange menta ore held In abeyance till Ser geant Hryan I hejrd from SUMMER RATES 4f)E OFF Si-tonil Dollar .Morp Tlmn INhiihtI) I'xatittl lo the ftMsl. Hiimno r extumieu trail irnm t'tah to thn I'lictfh (iiit and return thl )onr will be conldenibl) more e ponMir than It oer ha leen before Tho tlo of forty dollar r..iind-lru ticket hat pfuwed. it h oxpktinott. and now iho trao)ir who want to run down tn Ut Augelo or other California point for n mimmer trip will have to pal about SO per ont moro than ho ha paid ror tho privil ege lieforo. Thn new order of thing under goiernment control of the rail road, which ha brought nlout u IS per cent Ineroano In freight rale and thn unUerwil cMabllnhmcnl of pa, xenger rate on a minimum bal of three enit a mile, ha eliminated nit oxcumlon rate UaM, but xt 111 leave the privilege of perUI oxcumlon rate on a higher baut to the coant It I Muted that a mimmrr cxcumlon rate to t Angele nnd return nf forty-eight dollar will bo announced, effective June 16th, but tbl rate njll mre))' eoier tho utralghl railroad ticket. Thl I a SO per rent Increase over the atralght rail faro which ha been made In pant nummcr. And If tho traveler wnt tu take ndvunUge of h rullmtti elei'per or chair ear. ho will havn to pay an nddltlontl faro of five dollar eirh wuy, bcldi tho reg ulation Pullman or chair car fare. Hence, If u traveler want to take a Pullman from t'tah to Ism Angele and return nn and after June 16th. next, ho will have to pay forty-right Hollar for hi railroad ticket, ten dol lar moro rill rare ror wr nf u Pull, man. ten dollar moro ror Pullman ac commodation and the war lax on the Pullman tkket. In nil. It win coit him klxt)-nlnc dollar for tho trip, under excumlnn late. Tho utralght roundtlip faro, oxeluxlvc of Pullman or chair car ac oommodlllonn, between Juno 10th, tho date of cffoctlVcne of tho Hew rato ordir, nnd the tlmo that Miinmtr ex cumlnll rule go Into effect, will bo tllly-flvo dollar, or mi Inrtoueo of five dollar Olec the old rntoe. With Pullman uit-ommodAtlona thl cot will bo further lticroned to ubout eoienD-nlX dollar. posTMAKicitH aiii: it.pi:ni:i to i:.ti:.ii thi: aiii soi'miit Thl littir liom I'ortmtihti r Noble Warrum nt Halt l.nke t'lly to Pot tniiKtir iiImui ut Price I oxplaiuitory In ltelf "Piider liiNlruitlon from tin, poMofflic itoiHtrlinent all hik mauler of the Mate will bo required lo iiukIhI Iho iteparimnnt ol Juntlco tigillll Ihl time III Iho trcglrtrntloll or fi'inulo cnemlo. PIiimo nutlf) nil M,tiniitei In your count) that thl reglninttloii will begin wlih June 17. I ii. and will continue until Jinn J1. I'liti, nt s o'clock or the cloning. In. triu tlini mid blank will bo hiipplioil in nil potmaitcnt dlrrct Irom Un- olflco nf the Fnltid t-tlato mamli.ll of I'lnh. PltstKo iiitii' n un lit f In till effect, Kltlllg date II lid other Information, to If publl-4ted lu Iho iioWMpaper of )oiir county with out tiXH-iiM- lo Iho goieruiileiit it u matter or pilbllo Inlercet mid pa ItlolUm." All MM.tiim(i'ix urc oxpocii'il to re port to piHtmiiKier Warrum whether thou 'ire rigbtrmit or not Miiturr. I'laii itn.i AIIH IIIE(iAIIUi:i IIA7.V Tin re ii lo no offltlal nilit mid reg iilnlloHi' Kotornlug tin1 lino of tho ecr tlio flag, itttHirdlllK In Woelcril tit -iHtrlmeiit linn) official. Hi-ore of I'lMh ptoplo halo wondered whethor or not they hiif tho right tu fl it Hervlio ling, mid. If eo. how many lam limy are tiilllleit lit, Tho wrvleo Hag, army official explained, I u pitloutoil itlfulr ttintrollod by private lull reel. It lo-o, however. U encour aged a mi Hirin i-t or palrlollmu. Arm) ofllclnl wiy that the) feol ii put-on I oiilltled to one tar lu the horilio flag for i-hiIi inemlxT of tho liiimttllato rmull) (brothir, ltor, ra ther mother, liiielHind, ite.l In the erilic nnd to one Mar each ror more ilUtHllt relatlt'o fisumlli, Illiclo. etc.) when encli relallit' are tiling In the wtmo hnuetdiold iM'fore going to war. Mrilct- Mar ror a NWi-uthctirt. In titc when Iho engagi'nieiit h.i Imoii Hlllioiiliood. ItlMt I held periulMllilc (11(11, i:it. AlOltlll'K Thl I it eD pHlnrul mid daitgor ou dlM'itw. In uluinei uvcry iwlgh iHirhixHl Komeoiio ha died from It bo. foi u niodlciiio toiilil be obtained or n ptDMi tin Himmoneil The right wuy I in li.ivo ii IhiKIo of ChamberlHln' Colli nnd IMarrio! I.iIiuhI) lu Iho I lutiiM mi tt lu bo pi opart d for it. Mm. Churl." KnHnrt. Huiitlnglnn, lnd Iwrlti "During lhi miinnmi of 1811 tun of my children worn taken Mik with holerit tunrhii. I UmiI Clutn bollNlll' Colin mid DUtrrhotMt Hom ed) and It gave them linniedlnlc re lnr "- Ailvi VVoiiien b.twooli the tigett or SI mid nj )our who linvo had u high wliool i ilu.Htloi) or It cqulvnlent will lw eligible ror adinUMon lo the arm) erhiMil or iiumlnu, itri'Hiigmeul rot wlili Ii hai. lot n inaila by Die war d part nn nl. II I Intended to Marl hoi oral mIiooU lu telet.tiwl mlllbtr) hmi pllaU Unlowi otherwbie Mpnclfletl, applli ullou nhuilld bti Milt dlivi'tl) to tho Ant)- Kt liool of NuriflHg. office of Iho tiirgooii geiikrul o-f Iho at nil. Wunhliigtoii. C Pl.t MiiiNt; woitit op line ii: pi:m.mii,i: iu.nh. I It' right und lu all right when wi rix It. our oNilmatob when you In etall now work will get u tho con trail After thut nu will have or) little ii e for it plumber" mtiIio. be i hiii our work kta right. We nr ulo i Xpert lu lorrectlng mUtake of the oilier follow. Heo u whan )ou want ilnpunduble pluniblng, elthur the now or repair. ('. It I.owl, the Turin r building, Price. I'tah llranch houiM at Helper, Urjr norninl bo)1! U bqhy a "vpiit aclentlouil objector", (lrt to medicine, then to illuclpllni', then to education, tmi) to work, and lawt to matrimony but when K I'time to a yood' fight, thank, ho gladly put III' t aort of "conHtiunce" behind him and gvU 'u new one n OUR MESSAfiEl I v.vJ'AvwAvvurtArVvvrVV.vurVWAVwv.vvA I You nrc nhvny.t looklnjr fcr an opportunity to Improve j 'fl your financial condition to reduce your expensea to up- H ply the best possible Roods at the minimum of cost. This Ih , the place for you. You nrc not fond of paying full prices m for just ordinary grades no one is, nlthoURh mnny do it. You want the quality as well as quality, and you don't want I to surrender your bank roll to get it. You Ret quality and ' quantity nnd keep your roll when you buy here. You will i j find from pleased experience that this store is the logical and economical place to buy nil of your Hardware, Lumber, Paints and Builders' Supplies. THIS WEEK I We are mnkinR some attractive prices on Electric Wash- ; H ers, Gas and Oil Stoves, Refrigcratora nnd like household H necessities for hot weather. We hnvc n washer wc can not only recommend, but wc Runrnntco it. Cooking utensils and ; cutlcrj' in large assortment. Sporting Roods, baseball and j the like, for the grownup plnycrs nnd for the boya na well. Wc have a large line of tnesc Roods that wc want to. get out of the way and nrc making attractive prices. Seen ourjian- itorj' garbage cans? If not come in nnd we'll show th'cnfto you? 1.85 nnd up. Endorsed by the health authorities city and tate. No flics or obnoxious -odors'. H VWVVVrVrVWWWVVWrVWVr ! J. C. Weeter Lumber Co. I Wet Main Street, Price, t'tah 'I ' DIPPING ORDER IS TD CONSERVE MJT llIII.V MIlVSCItKS T) PHKVHNT l.t)SSP.S 11V TICKK. PniiMoii .Made tti fjltr Aid Wlirn NccntMir lu 1'lockinaMcm U Cmrry Out PclnlU or tint ItogtiUtlorw Cllttl lly llio Stale I.I to Kt'iM'k lloonl IJiatcrn Vlnli Mut-ji Art llcnltliy, Coiulderable loaa hating reulted thl "prlng from prcviiletico or lli'k oil Iho bodlen of. Utah nheup, Ci, II. Htonurt, proldent of thn ntnte live Mm k lioard, hu liurrurted Hecretary Tliomii llodmond of Hint Innly tn take early action In enforcing n (lip ping order which wn made and In mod by the executive committee of Iho comniliMloii In March. According In thut order all Mircp within Iho Male mi or lifter Jul) I tlh, except aulmnl that mo lu irtiiiMl through I'tnli In rnllrtiad cm, ehall bo dipped between Jill) Itlll lllld Keptelllber I3lll. txitll linliiMto, fur tho i railliiitluii of tick. PlntkmiiMer ileMrlng to dip before Jul) Uth ma) do n b) flmt obtain ing n penult from tho Main live Monk hmpi'ctnr. Thl U to prevent relnf out ing of dipped Rhcep b) mingling With olhcm on tin. range. ITovUlon U made lo give aid when ueceiouir) lo flockinuitem to curry out tho drlall of Iho ordir. Tho Mute Ixyild denlln to fiicllltiiti- Out dipping It. order to moot the national economy program by loiiKiTiIng the country inont hup pl Ho that owner or Micep may bo HiltlM'd a to rotiulreiuout mid the ineiiii or meeting them, Prokldcitt Hlowiirt cull attention lo thine por tliiii of tho order: "II I iileo ordered thut public buck herd rIiiiII not bo dlMiunilcd until Mich rum hae been limpocted mid dlppid. CllMi,4liill of ptlblle buck herd, or the owner or agent lu charge of rum, nro hereby ordered not lo allow Hiich rum tu bo hepar- n tod before they nro limpocted mid dipped. All Hhocpmeu Hint lmo not pkito for dipping convenient to their iiuinuici range hliall mako pruvinlou ror the Mime and ir, b rontxin r ror iM logulatloiiM. they find It ImpoMllite In dlxcttier unliable locution for dip ping al. they hIuuiIiI Immetllutol) mi iidUt. ihl iHHird that It may eti-nper-mIo In nt tiring ntirh locotlnn. "It I aliH ordered that nil Mieep, rum hit ludcd, that arc herded, trail ed or Milpcpd Into Iho Mate after July ISIh. Miull remain n iiuaranllnod within the iiiiuruntliied dUtrb't. which Mm 1 1 comprlw u Mrlp or country flvo inlli lu width and hindering through out on nil httunilar) Hum of t'tah mid adjoining Mali, or within two mile or point where unloaded ir heop itrt lilppeil In on cum, until urh Mioep hate been illppiHl, under the aupor vlnion of it Mate or federal hwpmtor. ror the ontdlciitloii or tick mid In accordance with the rule and regula llotut or thl IHHird and it permit I Itwucd by uiich npertnr for the Map ping or trailing or Mich Mieep Into nthtir wrt ut the Main "Any owner or agent In charge or Mieep that may tntr within the iiuar antlimd' dUtrlut from another Mute, baling a ttirtlflcate iKMied hy it Mate or federal liupttur Miowlng that Mich Mleep haio been dipped on or after July It. 1I8. anil in u imiumir a re. ipilred under thw rultv and regubi tlou of till lioard for Iho erudluutiiiii or tick, and a topy of ui h certifi cate filed With tilt Mate lve Mock board. Mith owner or agunt in cltargo will not be required tn dip hui.1i Mieep und may trull through thn quarantluad Ulutrlct to other part of tho Mate." I I It I further required by Hi order, thut formula and iumplca of nlluro-l Mil, coqI lnr oreoHOto nnd mjplon dtp Ukcd In Coinpl)1riif with the regu-l litlon ahull be fllod with the board. Tuck are the flrnt cholco In trim ming for thn light summer frock. ' "Vive La 1 Paris!" I Huro, but )uu don't have to depend any more on PurU for 4 H )our fahloii. You don't even H hai to go lo New York or Chi- H cago to buy )our up lo the mln- H tile milliner)". Our nlouk for H Hprlng nnd hummer wear I ror- rott In riTYI.K, unit, 11 luunl at H Ihl More, tleprndablo In ipuill- H ty. lo ) our. buying now, while H the choice I wlio und varied, H BESSIE KENNEDY I Main Street, Price, Utah. I 1 j I PEACOCK BROS. I I & GAILLARD I New Iocntlnn H KaM of tho Old In tho Pltigerald llldg. Wcit Main Hlreet. Coor's Near Beer I Mint Popular llevrrage H Hundlrd In Price. H Twelve Carload Bold H Hlnco AtiguM, 117. Four New Tables I I'or Pool Player, and H the licit In the City. i'lnu lilcotrlral Piano I H Heverul Curd Tablet. I Our Soft Drinks I Are tho HeM Kcrved j H Cigar, Tolmcco, j H cigurettoa. nnd H Himllar MerthaudUe. H JOE GAILLARD, M'gr. I Price. Utah H The board itppoiuttHl b thn Kftire- H tuiy of the mtvy to uxumlne the 1 M turn of biinyuncy Im.xc IiiMiiIM 011 If V the l.uelu hit reHirtvd tho InMulla- ' , H Hon not .ulvlwiblc for gencrul iidop- I Hon becauMi of lu tiueetlunablti cffl- H j ouey Mr a preventive ujalnM Hlnklng, ithu reduction In curgo tarrying1 Wi- f ' p.lclty and the length ol time required for liutallatlon. H I' When n man Uoctm't know jut how 9 BH lo tako a woman'a mood and whitnn 1 H ho I wry to agretf tu take f H them for life V H . - " M " .B