OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, June 07, 1918, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1918-06-07/ed-1/seq-7/

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From the
I Ground
! Up
ll.xlll tlRnr mut be from
the ground up The mofl buo)
I iint health and Itntlty tiro ut n
grcnt ilNiitllllt If thr frrt nre
Impaired I'trfrtt titling hoc
nr nn uboliitp neec!!) If nu
tin- In hate fmdom of nctlnn
Thi )oii will flno' In our tnr
Ion brand Hlitn for mm mid
women. The) Rite the maximum
of uimfort untl pert he-with-oul
whli h )niir itnll) tak nre
ii burden You won't know
what roIIiI foot mrnfort memi
t l I.
till ou wenr n pnlr of our hoc.
I Wasatch Stores Co.
hninni nttlf, Catl Gate, Winter
Clu irura and Clear Crk Utah.
Miners nnd Shipper of
Lump, Nut, Slack
and Aborted Sizes of
Of tho Very Ilwt Grades.
Best for Furnaces,
Stoves, Household
and Other Ifocs.
i .
Carbon .County, Utah
General Offices,
Newhousc Building,
Salt Lake City, Utah
I President and General
I Manager.
Hoy nrout organisation are artlte
n locfctlnc black walnu'. trrei. Wack
walnut lumber Is wed.! by the war
'Apartment (or uifr In making air
llkb prorxlleri ana gunetorka.
nw.n nn: rop i.sv ftm pi:o
I'M tii Tin: somi.
Mnhilnnd Hint Woodsldf Cltlcn Do
More Tlinu Altrl I'or In the law
lied Cnw Drive Youth Itched tu
1topltn1 After railing From Tree
nml SiiMuliilnR Sertoli Injuries.
CAKTI.K DAI.K. June 1. "OolnR
etrr thn top" with color ffolnc In ev
ery demnnd made. In the pant, Kmery
count) I about .to out another record
nnil bring td a nuecruful end thr big
gtt drlte, yet In tho way or dollara
and onto tho buying of twenty dot
lar worth of war navlngn Mamp fori
f.cry man. woman and child In the
count) MCS.SCO worth In all. And1
the trlrk la to bo turned In n bare
three, week or -o, that la, the pledg
ing of thin amount. The Actual bu)
Ing nf Mnmp mi) be continued
throughout thn. rct of the ear. A
amall proportion of the total ha nl
ready I pen purch.iid and uch pur
iltac will uppl) on thn apportion
ment of the rcpcctlte town.
Kdward Jorgrnen returned to
X'litwaon Tuonday troni Htintijidilc,
whin- he haa bun rmplo)id Tor ome
time Hi i now tnke up farm
Notwithstanding the fml thai thn
Kmery eouuty Inwnn were not In n
pltlnn In Ret nn even break with
otlur m-itlnu of the Mnli. due to the
non-arrival of ill finite luformutlon np
In tin county apportionment and
iilii the uhuee of upple for con
ductlnit the Mr Ited Croia feeond wnr
fund drive, moil of tnrm urn report
Init the niMirlni: of thrlr full iillot
nienti) In phort nrdir. while Mnhrland
nnd (Ireeli Itlvvr Imxe ierdoimled
their inniliin irwrnl time. Mnhrland, i
wllli a two hundred and Inn dollar
npiMirtlnmmiit. rcixirii the tiiUliiK of
ilittit hundriil and twiut)-fle dollars,
whitr tin i ii HUirund WnoiMde. with
two hundred unci forty-nine ilnllarx
ipportlomd, npiirt 4:(K iiilml
While lr. nnd Mr. Ainmoti Knoii.
nf P.niiT) wire ndendlnR It'd Urol
D.iy til t'linllo Ial on May IMh. Ilirlr
little ll-)rnr-nd ("ill l.irn II Ml
from a lre and wnn wty M-tlnunl)
Injured III lilt leic wa hroki n Im-tui-eil
the knei nnd thlitll " bnill)
that the iMine plen-eil throilRh hlnj
nvernll 111 left min wn alo hrnkrn
nnd III rl-t wti dloniiHl Dr '
lili- n.i mimmiiin'il, ilri'id the
WOlllllU Ii JlUlrkl) 11 pnlle lllld
riuhid the Injured lad In .fall like
fit), where lie mlisht re.i-le propi-r
trintlllent nt the hoKPIUhvAt pre
nit Uin tad I KcllliiK ivongjAW) ll.
Uurrtld il. Jciin-n ufferrB Ihe in
nf ihe thumb off hi lift hand tnt
Wedneday nil tho llioillital , Win re
he nun nlllmi hi brother Jn.KettlnK
mnie hmea ner the mountain. Ill
mount Ix-vmiilnK, frlKhtrjiediand holt
InK when n lend iritll held bafk enued
Die aifldi ill, ihn .Injured nirmhtr be
lint eauKht In " fj'rf (if half hitch No
lime wa loci III TGjehlni;JlAine mid
iiiaklnK tlu trip t flunf liiRtQii. where
o phrilan dneeed the Injun To
lldd lo tin Imnmenleliee. 7Ji.ell I
niund the Omul).
i A iwr, tin rirnui mllUu hIui
i iinn tn H rate tho I'U-ul mill im
Jul) Int. I bull rumpled In lilpplnK
flmir rtiiinint of the ku eminent Kriiln
Miipurittli.il. II) toduy Im will hae
shipped wi.)-rie llli.tl-illlil iHilind.
II) KrllldlllK the Ineul wluut Ulld tlnui
alilidiiK thn flnur, lnil people are
kImii an uliundaliee nf tied widen
would be it tn the iiilllll) If the
wheat were uhlpp'd
Ml Allee ial ha nluriitHl !
iliunellle from Hunn)lHe l ii
(unwell In In r bmllier. lirnerl. who
will Kn m thi trnlulni; rump for I'll
ele Ham. There wn Krand lawn
part) Klen In lumnr nf all the ho)
thn ten mueihir at the Diil home
All eiljn)ed It. All the )HIK p.ople
wire ilnre iiiid mn' frmn the in-lrli-IxirliiK
Mr and Mr K II 'x "f onuusi
llle are euJn)liiK Ihe arrival nf n
bab) Kill who mine lat Mmida) tn
Kladdeii their hmne. Until Imln and
miillier are itnlmfJne
The lot ill Imi) whn wele liuine flnlll
l!amp l-wl. Wrn.li.. nn farm fiirlmiKli
were inlleil In ten day earl) fcnd It I
taken thai the mtlnn pn !! an
erl) iimve nerei. roer fhrln
Iiiimii and l.man K Ijirwn were
nmonir llioi enlled In. They Ii ft here
Tuida). a the) wpre lo repml ut
ramp ynlrrday.
...... ii i ..ii.ir.inu nf (Ini ii ltler.
whn went nut Willi Kmir) i-nunl)
final contribution to the fliM draft
mill wn trttiifferred In 'ni Kearny, i
ha Kraduuled from the third officer i
iralnliiK camp and U ollislble to up-1
pnliitment a e,ond lieutenant.
Mr. IIiimIIii I'eaeouk and Mr.
Nellie JnrKeiiHun of Hmery -an at
ITIee rH'elliiC medical treatment
from Dr. t' T. ltoe.
Feicral Kuury pvople were inllcd
In Ma)fid lact cek t atlind Ihe
fumral nf Arthur riirltlanen on
Mr MrtBfle fubarno nf HprlnR
nt) ha been llllnif with her bro
ihVr. Homour Olw-n. und family nt
Mr. M.ir Manflcld returned to
Kmer) Wednesday from a IU to
,,UMr and Mr. Wllford llroderlik,
who mnMl to Delia hint prlnir have
rclurnid to Kmery
llal bo) were born lat Thurday
tn Mr and Mr. Uroy Ilunderwni
und t" Mr. and Mr. Arthur W An
ilrraon of Kiniry. ....,
Mr. Wll Held entertained the la
die aid lam Monday at OraneeWlle,
There wan a nlco prorram, but the
treat thought waa to make aa man)
flower aa powlble. the aim btlng lo
place a beautiful flower on each ne-
Kl led rn. ..n Memorial lt The
I- . n.i.l the dainty luni It l
Mr IMd ri-d In mull a ! ilnt
The rilebnttlon In honor nf our
r tiller tn.M hold nt Mm4ry la! I rlday
vim Ii mnt tueVrwiirul affair. A plii)
prnurntn wn Rlen, after which Ml
rvllnd In thn town hall, where n ban
iilet wun mned b) the Mutiul oriran-
illation. '
MleHrel and Alta -$nrdnre lit
home, lh former from to. -vonwin'
leachlna: In Halt Ijike count), mid the
lattrr from nttendani-e nt the Unlwr-
tID of I'tuh mimmrr achoot.
Mi. John llott, Mr. Tarl llotl and
Mr. Aha Wnll lift Tue-day for Htan
dard1lie, where thn latur two ladle
will vl-lt, while Mr John llott will
make her home there
l'rronnl nnil Otlnrwlo.
Word I rrcehed of the mfe nrrl-al
In Krnnce of Wlltnrd I'ctcriien, one of
Cattle Dale's fine!, who enllnled In
the medical corpa lnt ummi r.
I Mlv idn lAkn I xlltlnc In Hunt
Innton ut the homo or her ltcr, Mr.
John flnle, a fine little on havlnx
been born to Mr. nnd Mr, flalo Hun
da) nlsht.
i Haturda) nleht a farewell poldlrri
.part) waa Riven In the town hall In
I honor of Dild Denlwn nnd I-afe
ChrlMcniicn, who left the next da) for
Camp I.ewl, Wah.
I Kimball Wllllim. whn ha been
jjway from home for ome time, hna
n turned to Kmery. i
, Mr. K.irnh Wlckmar of Kmrry,
i who ha txrn lrk for aome time, M
ImpruMnR. '
Mini Ovnrlce Htaker, who ltn
jnadi her home In Itmcry for nir A
jr, ha returmd to Annabclle !
Mh Itnth Tolhoe I IxltiriK with
hrr lter, Mr. Carl K WllbrrR, n
Ml llelle Hcott n'f HI llimrae I I
Riient nt the A. A. Day home
llarr) Kmn I lltlitR with hi
binlher, Hector T, at tlrnce, Ida. i
Mr Or mi n Iturne) of t'hiwon lift
Ktinda) tot t'uatln (late, where he will
lit with her daiiRhtir.
Mr William Hitchcock I baik at
Claon Irom a llt at lllack Hawk.
rt i.ii'm: ir nn: sr.v is
ix in: vimiii.i: at niit'i:
Uin I the chief data In a tiuthell
on the total eellpiH of the Mill Which
en ut it Utile nfier t o'clock tumor
low iHnturday) nltrrnonn, June Xth.
mid which will N llble at Prle. and
urroundtnK country.
I'irmn IMni? In t.ite llted b)
tin ecllpe will not lime niiothi r
ehiiliie tn luw II fr three hundred
nnd ut) uir. In t'lali It will be
almnt inmplctfl) dark for n little
M,-r a minute.
The belt nf tmalll) will n dlleil
I) nur tin- lilnlt) or llncli HprliiK.
'flreui lllver nnd i:vnntii, W)6., and
n few niirtlwiinti rn pulnt nf I'l.ili
The lolalll) belt will axeniRe lxl
inlli wide nnd will extend from
WnxhlnKtoii In I'lorlda
Thi ellpe Will be Mble hen
lilxilll Mbniit 1.16 nVlmk nn the wf-
tern i Pirenn will iiipenr like
ii.rp-iH In an lutvne tlitlt tiraiu re
f hi Ii d b) tin eclipse.
HirilllRe WHM of IlKht Will Kn
, lliithlir by nil the Rrnuild a thnllKll
the iiuih wen- iimvlnR wirily from
nndi r )nu
Km- a brief tirlnd ihe ln will turn
, tn nltlhl a Ihe blaik llw of the inonn
whnll) invir the un' Mirfuce.
Atrnnnnii r have nnly aliut nlnel)
minute III u eeiituiy tn lnellKate
thi InteriMllIK bill lierplexlim mitel
rplMndaue of the miii.
The lant total eellpi- llble III tin
Unllid Hlali necurred nn Ma) J,
The next partial iille will lake
ptmi In lll
IHAl!lt AMI IIIO ilt.li:
MioN 'io Mi:i?r i tr IHM.H
Wlllllll tin III XI few da Ihe fund
fur tin Ihmer and Itln tlrnnde ure
XImmIihI III be II Ml liable fur ilepiHili
with the trutii In nppl) In uirlmi
bfiie ft bnnd Intuited, Holder of
maiund iiiupnn will then In abb In
:t Ihell mime). Vniichel eil bill will
iiImi be paid The total iimoiint behiK
prntldid for b) Ihe i urrelit nhllim
lintl of Ihe I tenter lllld III" tllKllde,
I Willi the exieptliill nr the iUllabll
Trii'l iniiipmiy" JudKmelit for iibnul
l,(0.0n0. Will hat been ilcaled
Thn iilnii wa win kid mil b) A. .
'Kliib. iinwldiut nf the Kuullahle
!Trnl iiiniiaiy. and hi nupnclaleit In
llie WeMeril Pin Ifle. fnl whiwe Hi -
iimiiiI the iiillube Trut iiimpaii).
Im Uiixlcc, oblalnid the Jtlilniinuit
nKHll-l Ihe Denter and Itln lliandi
ami whlih wu ulalneil b lh I'nl-
tell HlHln miprune eniirl
I Thi amniinl nllnwed b) Ihe mll-
r.wil Hdiiiltiltrutlnn for lallwrnieiil,
Imiimttminlk nnd iMiulpnient mi the
llbntir and llbi Urunde wn immld-
ernl. Ii than the hiidKft enleld for,
lilt It I learned Hint It repreut
tT) lnel) Ihe Immeilllti lir-d nf
the lOmiHIII) The bllilKel Idi d
fur Mime mailer not abnluli ly win-
Hal at tin moment
;oi:itsoii til" ITAH tavi
It the uiplt.ilUt or Imhiy
would look baek und renie'mlter
that hi iiicetor wen eml-
Rrunlit and working tcnpli, lie
would bo ublo ,tn Kut down mid
meet Ultoi half way, nnd Ihl
would oJvthe eocallid labor
problem." So declared Clot 81-
mon HumbirRer of t'lnh. apeak.
Ins the othir day nt Oakland.
Cain., ut a "trench luncheon" nf
bunlm men uiiRasid In war
4 xtiKii work, iln urucl l.il'or 4
in be loyal nnd urged capital tn l
met with labor and adjut ilir.
fticnrea amicably 4
"The forclRiiir who come lure 4
to partake of tho bincflti nf Am- 4
4 erican freedom idiould be more 4
4 lo)at rten than the natlteborn 4
4 American," ald hu. "I bate 4
found tho Wirt more lo)n than 4
the Karl principally bccaue 4
4 the Went la a country of pioneer 4
6 who are always more loyal to 4
4 their homea." 4
Alio IMOMl 1IDN fOI.
Noleit lleutlh ullioiily ttrlbule
.Muih of ihe PrtX'tit Da) TniubJeH
til Self-PitlonliiR of Vital OrjtaleV
Tanlae INpivlall) Adapted to titer
rome Ther Sorlou Trontile.
Advii nml medlial nuthoiitle n
rti. that auto Inlntlcntlim I the
foundation of mont or the III and ill
thrtr to which the human fleh I
heir. "ThU condition." u) 1- T.
Coopi r, who ha made an exhauntlte
ittid) of the mihjcct, "I nothliiR more
nor ler than tho luw eir-pnlonlnR
of the tllal nrRtn, produced iiy the
exieMive mental nnd ph)ltnl rlralu
we nre forced tit endure, which rcu
drra the orRnn lame and luirllte
and permit tuxln actual polwtn
to he Rcnctntcd within one' own
body In thn prore or dlRetlon n
number or poIihiiiou Hiilmtanei are
pinduccd. wlih h, iilthouRh nbntbed
In the allmentar) enual are prevented
by the liter from entrrltiR the clrcu
Intlon A a reult or otcrwork, r
tlftue tmiduct. atrcolanllc acid and
prolonged pnm may lead In niilu
Intuxlentloii. llxeeiw of uric nt It In
the blood I ntwoclnted with IiIrIi ar
terial piiiwure, headache nnd ner
toua Inltabillt). and I nn Indication
of Imperfect inetabnllm (mnlnKlm
lltlnti) und nutn Intoxication I the
icmuII a hIiowii b) the fact that mark
ed fmpinvement occur b) Miiltnhte
dirt nnd trentmeiit
"H)mploma of uutn Intoxication
may be aot'ialcd with various nur
vnu iihinmnena. Hlle In the blond
lilt) be nttendiil b) tupnr nnd men
tal di preioilon and Hie term mrlan
chotla, lenlf)lliR black bile. Indicate
the Impnrtiuee which hn lotiR leen
attacheit to the liter n nn urRnii, Hu
deraiiKimnit or which inue nrrtniu
ileprfMlon H'imi lime the truubb
ttarl In the liter mid klduei, nml
Nomrllmi II lnrt In the lnmnih nr
elewhere, bill In UI1V iiie the blame
lie with Hu fault) nut hod of IIvIiir.
whbh ha beiMime o tuntaleiil of re
cent )iiir. and II I Ihe nmn Impor
luni organ that uffer the final
illumine A when they fuller or rail
In lh Ir ilutli the lil) rill up with
IioImiii mid the tlitllll reildll) )lild
In their bnncrul Influent e llrlghfa
illie, liiinm h nnd lnlelliial trou
ble, iiitarrhnl ulfiHlloii or the inn
mil membmne, In fact, ma) be culled
nutn Intoxlenllnn or elf-Hilonlng A
tired drilRRlllR feellllR or I lie boil),"
inutlnmd Mr. Coopir, "or hhiRKloh
mind mid dull memoty, lntene ner
vniiui, headache, Mnmach and
iMiwel troiibh. pnor Irvulallon, Im
perfeet illKeftlon, eonntlpnllnu mid
iIcnioiiiIi no) , nre common )inptom
of auto Intoxlintlnii. and nine nut of
Clery ten people III the ateliiKe ill)
nre likely ttt he n affeilid,"
Tallinn, the nvcrful reemiitriii lite
Ionic, wa delgned itelall) In nv r
mine thee triiulilen, nnd II I Mr
Cooper theory Hint ihe Tanlac treat
ment I the dlrint remedy then for
There I nut a elugle portion or the
bod) that I not benefited b) Ihe
healthful work nf Ihl leluhraled
ptcpiirtitliiii. whbh IikkIii It itclliiu
b) mlmilliltlMR Hie illgeMlte and a
Hlllllliitlve organ. Ihireb) elirb lllllR
Ihe lilooil mid intlKuriiiinK me inure
r)tim. Next, It enable the Mum
Hill to HlornllKhl) dlKent Ihe food,
tin nli permitting the iilmllable
pHidtlil til be cnnterlld llltn blood,
laiiie mid milMle It nteniimi thai
great exclllllg euue or dlnue tveak
ie II render Hie body tlgontll
nnd el.mlle and kiep the mind clear
mid energetic und thmw off the
jtnptom or iifrvniiMii mid Indl
mwtlon. It build up the ionlltulhm
weakened lo dtne und mental nnd
ph)lciil uterwnrk, iiiliken cnntul
imiiick nml I mi unfailing Miurce of
inillfnrt In thne Hilfferllilt from
llhiVe Iniuhli
Taiibiw, the wiuidi iful medlilni Hint
.Hi nmplUhed iuh nmarkablc nmilt
In Mi. O'Connor' can. I wild in
Prlie 1 1) A. D Hutmn, In Helper h
lilli Kllertroil, III llluwutha b) Cm
boil-Kmer) Htoie ennipany. In Kut'l
worth b Kenllworth Mercanllle inm
iain. In Hprlng CaiDon b) Hquun
l.l Hlnre, In Calle (JatK l Waimleli
Htore iiimimii), In Cletir Creek b
Wamitih Store lomimii), In Kiinii)
kbit by WuMitih Hlnre comp.iii). In
Winter tjuarter b Wanulih Htnrett
complin) mid In Hcnfleld by W N
Mimele) .-Advt
Work aicnmpllkhiHl Id the Junior
Ited Cro of Caibnn oounl) I fur
nUhcd Tin Hun b Mla Ida It. Tan
' nur, the date or ailltll) lelng from
' March 11 to May It, 11IR Tho nr
' tide aru enumeratid and the nuaii
' III) glten. Afghan, , lnb) btankit.
' 40; bab) cap nnu hood, 114. ban
' duged footwick, pair, Si hodiutik,
' pmr, IS:, baby quilt, St. children'
' tlnaforcH, SI; uhlldrun' ulghtgnwii,
' t; children' underkirt, 31, chll
' dren'a underhlrl. , inmforllmR
' It; gunwlpo. In vtrlug nf twenty
' eaih. ISO; handkeruhli r. SS, helmet
' (knitted), 1; hntwater bottle enter,
' 163; honplUI roll, S; tcebag cotir.
' 46; muffler (knitted), 7; napkin or
' halfworn material, 21, napkin of
' new material, IS, nHratlng hgglng,
' pair, 8; pillow, Ut, pllloweoae,
' large. :t; plllowcaM, nmull, 43;
" pillowcase, oil Oath, IS; properl)
' bag, 60; quilt, large, I; iiilltcae,
oilcloth, 1; Ited Crowi ahlpplng boxe.
' Id; mrcpbook, 133; ta of baby
' hod and tcicqae. 4; lock, knitted.
pair, lf; nwenter. knitted, U; tow
' tJr, 467; wnMicloth. 310, und wrUt
' let, knitted, pair, 1.
ranuol are a very lmpo;tuht part
cf Hummer coMume.
tllucr nhd MlliM'r of nrtin tiiunly (iwl, H
im. w ki I L CM iH
Ii)h (ibB fpiH BIh
wmmrSilmWf mW
VLiSiliLlif mm
i Cnrlatii County Coal n the lloi. IH
In the) MnfVct for llorr, Mule for Mine, Ha nml Rrnlii, -t H
4 Mine I'ropa, Tlcn, Hiimg. nnd nrlou Other Local Prnduct. H
v v Home Indn-lric Pntrnnlml. kH
lmzmmmmrW H
iVj5 -vVLy ty wf 4 m
vwL5a25!B t iwH
SmmwKEEr i
V l.cnrrnl 0,fflii Heteiith llnor Judge Hulldlug, Hall like City, T
Mlnea nt Clear Creek, Winter tjuarlci, l lle Oate, Clali Mine ! H
nnil Ktinitynlilc, CnrlNin Cniintr. H
All Work Guaranteed and Prices Reasonable.
Up Stnlrs Over Commercial Hank. Phone 17. Price, Utah.
j Cottage Hotel
jg t'nder New Management of S
l Tree Automobile, turtle Id and 5
" Prom Hotel For Oueiti JS
I 50 and 75c I
Auliimubll Herthr Tor lb
I'u lilli Da) nnd Night I'erd
" Viiriln and Hlabllng In Culture- ?
? Hun 5
! Phune SSMS l'HICi;, UTAH
I'lvi miih Old and Weighing Two
TIiiiiniiiiI Pniind l
At thi I'lirin nf J W Oentr) One
Mile Houtll of Prlie
H.I V In, (8 00, Kriuoli, IIS.OO
Suslaitiing Slroiijilli
Vn muni hate It If )nu keep
up with thr prevent big drlti
Vim get th.'i ir )nu bu) and eat
our meat. Kter) thing hero I
bought with nn o)u t aecurlng
Hie utiuokt value (hat monu)
tan git. At the preient prloiti
or ruent, )ou can't ufford to uc
icpt mi Inferior article. Our
Npleudid, curcfull) electtd tock
Invure )ou ngatmit thli,
Utah's Best I
Coal I
t4it4 m
Hiawatha, H
Black Hawk, I
Panther. H
Salt Lake City, Utah !
From Old GrundviK Mine !
HEST LUMP, $4.75 ' 1H
I Delivered In Your Hiu. liH
Order While the
I Roads Aro Good HiH
Telephone Orders to 72 IH
Pi1v, Utah liH
The two picric uold pjalita lo l IVI
built ut l.lttle Hock, Ark., and J I run. 3jB
wUk, Oa contracta for which have , VH
been completed by the war depurt- kH
mint, will coat approximately $7,009,- ' 1

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