Newspaper Page Text
I JUNE 7, 1918 H pAr,E ekjht THE SUN, PRICE. UTAH-EVERV FRIDAY I More People Are Visiting I This Store H j Tho tontluncy Is for people to j?ct fixed lmbitH. It takes H a iwwcrful reason Bomotimer, to Ret them to do things in any B' . different way than the one to which they have been accus- H lomcd. Wo arc constantly seeing new fnce3 in the store, H nnd this influx of new trade has been going on for a good H . ninny months. There must be Borne powerful 'compelling m motive, and we think wc know what it is. Hj Our values and our ccrvico arc beginning to tell. Value B and cervlcc are hard to describe. They're intangible. Hut B ' they're mighty real just the same, nnd the news of them has H n wny of getting around. If you haven't been in the store fl . recently, it mightn't be a bad idea to give us an early call. B , If it's anything electrical you arc- after wo hnvo it. In M case wo shouldn't, which is mighty seldom, wo will get it for m you. Our line of electrical goods for the home is complete. fl We specialize in washers, sewing machines, fans nnd cook- B . Ing utcnnlls. Automobile accessories the most complete fl -'-stock in Price. Wiring nnd repairing by competent and fl " 'conscientious workmen. I W. C. BROEKER Bfl? ' flfll ' Corner Main and Deiot Streets, Price, Utah Bfls " I HUNDRED AND FIVE REGISTER LOCALLY flflV ' Onn huiiiltiil mill five ouiir ini'h Bfl vhft hnvo become of iirc dining thi' Bflt Paul )ior rcRUteted 'xv It ti tho Carbon Bfll i cp'unlytlrnfl tMinnl at Price lnt Wed- BBf'" ndaF nnd with l It. Iturmlt. ikihI- BBt mimtrr nt Heofloht, who wni ilexlgim- BBf tot t' look it'ti r rculMmllott from Bflli Winter Quarter. Clear Creek. I'tnti Bflji Mlno mid Hcoflelil. Tlirro were ninety Bfll V "' '"''i" enrolled nt l'rlni nnd lint Bflf rlne front tlic upper ciitnpk In rhIiir Ml over the 111 Hhcrlff ClcnrRe Colling- Bflw I ! ttntti ) tin round iilniut So per ienl Bfll j of the rt-KlMrntloii foreigner. Hunny Bflf '1 tdc Ju'rnUlicd by Jur tlm InrKcut BVS l ' 'iuoUi..yf . nny town or community In B r tho county. Then wit n ruli nt ! timed during tlm tint with ihn local i hoard, compotcd of Count) Clerk , Homtcy, HlicrlfJ Cnlllnghnm nnd Dr. Itj KJjHuvvi of Kcutlwortlu but with y the ntelltnitco of J. N KllcrUoii. who k 5 ,' acted im u deputy clerk, tho mi'ii were Bfls 4 f i taken enrn of without nny ecrlnu de- BnB V '' v,'r' r'Kt'trnnt expreltiR mi BBl fl opinion Im nnxloUMltu go "over lliere" Bflm r nnd Kfi ,nt0 " llla"th getting U Bflm Rood." Thoo rcgl-tcrlitR nt Price nrr flflV -.iunnylde Tnklekliht KniuU. Km BVB n'1 Koboynuhl, l.'Jwartl It. Wood BSB wnrit, Jonntili N. Nkl-nn, Tony Tritlio, BVB I Jo',n H,l''ro Ton Kmollch, l'rank BSB i i HpiJnmorn, Oulwppo Trdriuo, Aur- BVB i t '"" Xrtlorl n.. Anrtro HaliRolakU. Tony BVB 1 llohnnrrl, Tony Kitmuipakln, Mlkn An- BVB ' K'lmo, 1'ftfi Jooro, Jon Mllllink, l)u-un BsB' ' I htAVlkvnlrti, UiMir I'lrrcr. Wnltrr IX t i Millr, IKirwIn II McMunrr. JnmrM It. H 4 riraoo. Mike Mnrlnoio. ltollrn l'lirl- j 1 SOCIETY BBvX f Thurwlnj iiftimoon, Mr. J V M'- BVBT 1 (tann rntortnlnvd Informnlly nt din- BVBf ni?r, tit honor of hrr mnthrr, Mr. A. BBf 1. pnmn'ii iwnrnty. ninth hirthdn nn g i nUerar. Mr. Ontin. who Im Ihtii BVB1 I nn lnnlld for kcktiiI cnm pant, wit HSBb j pleiwtntly urprld l a luimlxr of BVl hr. frlrndH nho hrouKht with thrm BVlT ' tilrihda)' rpnivmtiranccN und eood HSBY ' I wluhr for thr airod kuo1 of honor t MU'l'li-awtut 1'yrnmld. SUt H Mr. Mury Wood Pilllln or HprliiK BVBk ' t)l n happily toirprUi'd on Drc BSBf oration Day h) thn homncomlui; of nil BVB ! her' children, thn, flnt tlinn thry lmn BVlK I roon Knthorcil loRrthrr In flttocn BVBl icnrn. Tlmy Included Mrr J. W BVBa John. on of Mllford. Mr. nnd Mr. J. , W. Taylor ot HprliiRvlllc, Mr. and Mr. BVflY ' WtMid or I'rovo, Mr. nnd Mm, H, Hm A. Wood of lllnKhnin. Mr. nnd Mr. I. ft. AVooft ot Mnnn, Mr, a W. ThompEon of lllawnttm nnd Dcnn Dal BSbB' Hit t Hprlnir Ilk. Dworrt Now. lt. BVB.! Mr. I'rcotnnn Hnntiuhl lluntctt BVBM rntertalnoil tho Mondn) aftrrnoon BVBm inic oluh jt-ntrrduy ut hrr homi, BVBB thvitlmo belnr pvnt Mllh ncodlnwork BSBb, h,u1 n Uhx follow Iiik Tho litl'lo ma I1 4orated In prlnir flower. Thr club BVBm iimmlicnC oxrlUHho of thn hontn, tn BbBS' rludd Mr. I'rnncU V. Kits ncrnld, BVBVr ilt- I'rnnK AmliTHon, Mr J II Am- BVBflr hlar. M5,Vllllnn Hiul, Mr, anorxc BVflBx') Vor-. ,Mr. V. 0. I'orkln. Mr. llrc BaBBi '' '"Old Cnmplxll. Mm. It J I'rolnvth. BbBmJI ' :v"" Doiolhy Krolsrth nnd Ml Kthcl r cinpiKii.--noirpt Noi, 4th. BVB'l ! Tlii' UVutmorvlund nutoulathm ur- BB t' ' prlocd Dr. I'riintU rioclt nnd Mr. BBBft (ini-ltx tiy h fnrrll iwity Monday BBBK Hltht ut tlt home of Or. Uolt. lie BBBl ' kcaYtw Juiii' lOtli for Kao. w litre BBBl k will tnUn up hi ilutli urKMn. BBBmI v' h4nit I icon rtM'untly mad lieutenant BBBl ' r ' tl,c l'"lwl Htiitoa army The itvn BBBm' ) lE una wnt nt card und dnnrliiR, BBBb ' id lumihooii wn Rcrxed," nny Wml-, VBH iMWday HftU lake Trllmne. "TIiom BBBb . oruivut were Mr nnd Mr W- V- Ut- BBBV '' " oron, Mr, 'nnd Mr, c o. numliM-. BBBli lr- "'", Mr" TlKima C Horcimon. Mr BBBl "' Mr,t u H- ''''IredRf. Mr und Mr ( BBBM ; ' lin Iluofort. Mr and Mr. Jopli BBBB! trlow. Mr. and Mr. Charle l'arc. I BBBB . Mr nnd Mr. William '.(. Mr. nnd BBBB' tr. 1. J. Ilnrrl, Mr. nnd Mr. J. UrlmnUn. Mr. nnd Mr. II. I). I.yoir, BBBB i Mr. J. It. 1iIkIh1II. Mr. and Mr. II. BBIBB 9, J "k(K Mr, li. W. Uljre. Jny 9. bSBBI'T' iiliinn. Trunk Henderson nnd Mliw BflVB' Zf,lla tt"'" " '"" Ooeltt una ph- lr midii, Mike llomilakl mid John O. MtirR I'rln-W W llorxlry. fl Wlllitir llarkcr, Hlirrldnn I'nrrcll, John T.UIe Audi mon, i:nrl lirenm Mnhiock. I!r ui'M f'nrtinnU Thomn Andcmou, Itph rnlm Wwtwoiid. llert Tn. Allicrt Jen en, Ktephen llrjuti Olwn, Union It Johimom Muh Ill- litvr. Cyril Pitt. llnlNT Clrrcuwood, Ijxvar lllreh unit Vephl Kn) lllawntlm I'eiitim Doyle Atlred, Jim A. I', Peter Hurlknkl. mui Uhctnkl. Andruw Kurotluh, I'lo Iir ntuone. Plilllp Want, Jlurtln I'nnlnu, l.lo)d K. I'cttny. ItporRii ( (laiel, I'runk Ollvito and Dan Hear lleluur riUnd Viire Htoim, Pctn IilxirU lratik W. McDoltl. Itllfe K. ItuK Ctiarlc 1ipc. Cnrto K.iccmano, llriimt Cllanottl nnd llnlph llomnno. Onmle llnt.i Jaik DiiRnu, It. J. Wll ItuAil. CliiriiiiiTi K. l.k nnd llnrl (1. (llRenatl.' ' ' ' "' . tltorr Ohnrle J. Hlininon. Wll jlnm U Htewnrt, Virn Nelou, Alrx tndrr llarrtiton nnd (InorRo tavlRne. Knln nnd Ktandnrdvlllp ()cnr V. Johnnon, John Knntoura and Doinlu 4o MlRllnccto, WattU niiinl. Ilklr Itjp ind jllocu Unmet. ! WVIIIiiKtiin Htanley II. Coll.y Thn local loard In not u yet In re telpt of the unniM of rcRUIraut nt tin upper ramp of tho county. 4 i-. r-.- -n -ncLKta ah Ian and mrK'on for I'tnh ('oimtruc tlon company nt I'rlcu ul thn Unto of the hulldlitR of I'tnh railway. CATHOLICS AIHJ .MIOVT ltl.IIY TO IHXil.V CIIUIIUII ,- piuci: Price Ctthotlc hufeln eimh und promUrd by nuhnctlptlon nnorr Utnn four thounnd Oollitm u thn Murtrr of n tulldhiR funl, ncx6rdliiR to Itov. Alhcrt P niovuufioul, p.ylor The lot on which they nfu to yrcct u ihurih ha font tt Ihouyinditollar und I p.ild for Pledge are IM-Rlnnlue to iimie In from hcepineu nnd from othim liui the xhrorhiK eaou I or, ho that within n wry ahort time work will Im htnrtliiR mr the thurch pi ojk r und on thn renldcncc for the local prlet. Plan call for u ten thoiiMnd dollar church edifice, hut likely will run Into much morn inone) Oround I to lie broken oon for the fiitindntlon, lte. Joxeph K. (llaa. I'Uliop of thl dlocene, t expected here from Halt Lnkn City any day ndur to to over the plan for the work nt Prlie. It mum hate lit approval lie fore u Ktnrl U made. iii:mi:nti:i man takiivto 1IIIOVO 1IOSPITXL Hidnuy Moon, emploid at Hmud. ul dt Die for u few week, wa ipmmltted to tho I'rovo mental ho Pltal lax! Tuewln) after IhIhr exam lltrd nt Prlio 16 liU aanlty. The man rccoiitly had a brother killed with thn allied force In Trance. When taken by tho officer the fir! or the week he vim In the hill adjacent to HtandnnHlllc lookliitr for Oermnn tMildier. He l nbout js year of nKe nnd from paper found mi III pemon wa recent 1) nt Camp Lewi. Wniih. Hherlff ColllnRhnm be lieve him to have been rejected for service In the urmy He Kve hi home b Tvn I'nllK Ida., whon he apt piled for work nt the itml unnip. Pop uty Sheriff MaMullln delUeriil Moon to the I'rovo iiuitltutlon outer day It I U'lleved liTvvitl mmui reeiWf HS OOOU OPINION OT CHAM. JlP.lttaiN'.s TAIILI7I. Chamberlain' Tablet are u won der. I never ild uuthliiK that boat tliMtn." wrlti V. It. Treeney, Itkh tiiiind, Ky. When troubled with In .dluellnn or conllptlon Rive them a . trial Advt Irfitml blank of every diMwrlptlen .arranuvd frimi the Unt UiruI form and liriWirhtdftWtPdBrefuTr I'atendim The Sun PURELY PERSONAL Mff Ornce Dleklnnon l 1nitinR 1 1 Halt Lake C'ltr. O. It. Curry of lllavrathn wn - a Tavern RUet )'Wcilncda'1 ' It. K; Slo Md Dr. ,C. T It . were Klon lrtor thl wuk. Mm. II. W. Mlllburti I hem from n vlult In Halt Lake City Denton Itnndolpli I In Denver, Colo., thl week on prlvato blmluc.- Chnrle Averlll I nltendinR tin biR Klka dolnRi nt I'rovo thl Week Mr. Oomcr pf eaioek lttid with Halt likn CltTrlfnd thl wek Wlllard Scowcrofr of ORden a down yiMerdny lookliiR over hi firm branch wholtxnle houiio here. Mr. No pill (fuiufrmon of I'rbe Mulled with her mlthej. Mr. K. Haw nen, nt Mt. Pleannnt4aM week. U A. Mcfleoraitd T. K. Wood nt' toruey. had IiiJtIikV before dlntrlct iiitirt nt Cimtlo Dalit' thl week, Ml Jane McOeo I home from Halt Lnko City for thn nummrr. She hneeti nttcndltiR Itowland Hall Ml Nellie VandllnR of Orren tllver vUlted thl week with her ! ti r, Mr, n. W. Mlddleton, of Price MIp KcIIa Votiiiett, a Price joiiiir lndy, ha Junt trlhluated from Unlver nit) of t't.ih, vvlttythn bachelor of art deRree. w Kil II. Johimtotie of flunnyildn wa In Price Tuendny on bin nny to I AnRcle, Cain., where he roo for hi health. Mr. nnd Mr. Q. II. Wlliwm Rot homo )eterdny from n trip of neve ml duyn In Hntl Ijiko City They went up by ntitotnoblle Mr. It. It. Iteneou of Hiawatha wa hern n few da) nito with her lit lie ilntiKhter to commit n local ocullut o boo I thn child' c)c. .Mr. nnd Mm. J. H. Thompnon of Cnidlo (Into nre enJo)lne themnetve on n tour of California. They left the coal en mp lat Friday. Kritent OI7ti)tU ha returned from medical mhoallit HI. louU. Mo He v lulled ilurUiR trfo week with hi Inter nt Price; iliVlt. II. Waller. J. Milton yttaiA wa In Price Tueday on hi vtay limie to thn town or lliner). HoJm len on n mlmlon to New .co lit no WJ (oupln or year or mori'. Mr. and Mr. Jame Jennen und Mm. Hophroiia Hell of Hlorr motori ti to Knlrvlew mid bark lant week, epeiidlnR Decoration Day with rela tive them. Mr, W. C. Urlmn h returned fiom the hoNpltiil nt ItocheMcr, Minn., where ho vv.v uccefutly opernted on for the removal of n Roller. Hel per Time. 3 Int. Mm. Tom Tnlor nnd daughter, Mr. llaRley of Nephl, v lulled nt the home of Mr. nnd Mr. A. J. thl week. They were im ihelr way to llnndlitt, the home of Mm. Taylor. Mr. nnd Mm. (I. W. Mlddleton motored down from I'rlco lat week lit a new DodRn acdnn and are vlllnit vlth Mr. Mlddleton' father, T. J. Vniidllnic. (lrecn Itlver Dlapntrh, 3lt. 1'Wl Kvnn. who hx npiut (he runt link vUltlin; here, returned to til home ut I'rlco Hunday. Mr. Kvnn nnd her two children will re main for a while lonRer. Pa)Min Paynlan, 3 Int. Judge (lenrse Chrlnteniten II lid V. M. Alder, court reporter, atopped over Hunday nlRht nt the Savoy on their wny In llmrr) niiinl), where court I behiR held thl week. The calendar In not it heavy one. Mr. nnd Mr. Ham ImiwI ure nt home from Cullfurnl.1, where the) wire called rotclitty by the lllne of the foriui r' father w ho later died. Mr. nnd Mr. ImiuI are likely In make their home near fo AiiRnle t lilt full or winter . Dr. J. H, Thome I link In'l'rku Offer a mi nM.f ul trip to llm upper tnlnlliR (amp, where he waa profe rloually bu durliiR hi tn). Mr. Thome nnd thn children urn kiiiiIiir tomorrow from Halt like Cltj to re tniilu for the Nilinmer. It N. Mend, Kovernmrnt live .lock lunpcctor, wn hire n few day iirii to loik Into pinkeye condition with home motk beloiiRliiR to M. Mll larlch of lllatk Hank. He rcRUlered nt the Tavern koIiir nnd eomlnc from the herd. Condition are not con Nldered m rlou. J. David Uilcm, hccintary of Hall Uike Clmmerclal club, riRlntercd nt the Tavern over Hunday on hi way to HuntlliRtoii. where he wa tho principal poakcr at the IiIr d.iliiR Monday In lelebmllou of tho liberty loan drive b Hie people of tho "KIiir dom of mer." 1. iv. (.lay, liie iieiier niiiiruey, ,, had profiwxlonal IiuIiiim nt Prlio Ut Monda) The rnllroiid town I ruIuk ' ilRht iiIoiir nnd the folk there are ' optlmlnlle reRardlao of the movliiR of the lumliinl, he vtate. to Holdler Hummlt. He find hi bunlue In cieO'luK rlRht nloiiR. Mr nnd Mr. Prank Kurelbh of Pueblo. Co arrived lu Prh-c Mon da) but on their wuy back to lllack Hawk, where the) formerly redded, Mr Kuretleh wa tnken ill on the wu nnd when the) nrrlvtsl nt Price hud to be taken to Carbon lloepllnl lor ret nnd treatment. U It. Harnett, potmntr. and Anthi'ii MudtH'U. merchant and etock. man, of Keufleld, were diilliK buklniM ut Price Haturda) nnd Hunda) 8co field Coal comiHiny will noon have llj new tipple and cule In at the ob Pnliin I'aelde mlue, when Milpntont nrmind u IhounMiid ton dally will be iwoiiflied from there Mr. and Mm, J. K. Pettlt of Pun. ther were In Price ll Tuwklay, thUi belli tlm flrt vUit of thn latter to thl city, ulthniiKh br htubaud ha been cuinlne to I'rliw foi many )warw, Mr and Mr. Pettlt unuiHiuce tha WixldluK of their ibuizhtcr. Malml Jane, to Klmtr McNeil, the ceremuny beliiK In Hie Hall Itke temple on vlnda), June Ulli, of ivuxt week. After Auk'ut Ul the uewl)weda or to be ul homi at llluewuter, N. M. The tirldo' hume.luu ulway Ik en at Coal.' vllle until the removal of her parent t Panther but a few da axo, where YOU WILL BE PLEASED foM I WlERViGE MMl I ((rSRrT vviJBBBsBT A mJuaKm i '"' bbVE ih nre n jBlBuB 1 F --BBBBI VB made today tt before thn IJSEm ' Jr BBBxB I 11 The trouble mol people have yfc" tSSwW1 S 'jBB0!Bh'M Bl M I In finding them, nnd 'u like MS&JSp MBfijf? ff. "BBflrBVIflH I I09v7 mESSi ' ',; '-MiiBBT&Bt !BBiBb Vj the v5 BByjggjBBBBB'"w''BB Bj have both VBBBBBBBBm H problem In n BBBBBBBBBr H .BBBBBBBBBr H There nre fiBBHBBPlB Bfl toda) InklnR .BBBBSLriBBr Bh condition to BBBBVXjBIB IB Inferior do .BBBWjaflJBl rpi CQlr B bellevo In thl policy That I J jBr B believe In nclllus HrBBP 4- 4- ft, affani' H nil leather Khoe, chnrRlnR you BflBBfl tU'tOIlc GIIcCL BB a little n we munt for BBBBBB t onofll JBI hoe;ann:rheP?nC,?"n,nb'et,'enr ' aDDeal tO Hldl WllO like on for It loday Ihnn ever In Bfl J" i.1. ,,, Bfl fore o far n Ih.Hi you and BB tO QQl aWSV lTOm tlie C0I1- oumelvi arc concerned Hel fcv cvw . khoe are all leather and there Bfl iranf Jrvnal nlUPIT QnflP BB I nulhltiR made today lo equal Bfl VcIlllUllCU UJ.dwlV. OllVJC leather hIioc. Bfl Bfl Thn uiu.tratin lure Rive n PJ It is made of soft gun metal, Bfl Kllmpue of one of Ihn new B . ;,i .-.. ,A rr n B HprlitR und Hummer model. W. BB COlf VQllip With a gTey K1Q tOp, a Bfl have man) other we would ul H , . ., . ' j.. .1 IH ., nke to how you Bfl combination that produces a pleas Bfl mra'a'fovv'r.C ing effect- You wiU like ifc- I jsL's.'isisrr'Krjisi. price trading company atllutc. Hell men' and wo. . , -..s.,.,, .,. lir.i, vmii. mi I'ric. t'tsh Bfl men' price rntiRe from 16 00 Bfl U J TAM.It. -MKr .North Mnlli Ht I the I tail lo i:.00 ihlldren' IS.CO up. BH . ,-l Bfl Bfl SpeclallilnB In Stlt ShocJ M You will be plennril with Hie Hfl Bl fitting we render A HWMMHMMMHaaHBHMUHWMMH Alt- BBflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflfl NOW IS THE TIME TO HUY COAL. MILI.UUKN MINE LUMP, $1.75 DELIVERED IN YOUR IHN. her father I kupcrintendint of mine for United State Puel compnn) Dr. K. M Neher of Cantle Oate wa here during the wick with Dr K Ing from the adjutant general' of. flee nt Zlon, the latter checking up matter In hl line with thn county draft lionrd. J. W. UKitbourow Rot homo Hat urd.iy evcnlni; frum 7.lou, where he bnd been in Mralghtcn out the title, to hi water nnd Und up flordon Creek before the government land of. flee and the ktate engineer. He I cultivating nnd Improving forty or flft) acre thl enoii nnd ha fine proupcit up to date. , Andrew Hood, who I an official of one of the Hupirlor, Wyo coal coniMiili. wn In I'ureka during the latter part of last week Writing with hi brother, P C. Hood. Them ! n ahortaRo of labor In the Wyoming coo,! mine and Hood camn In Utah fur the purpose of looking up coal min er, who nre offered very attractive wuro. Kureka lie porter, 311. Nat l.ov I, who U Inlcrcnted In targe oil holding In tho vlclnty ot Val le) Clt), wa lu town Haturday. Hu Mate that the oil rig and all nrce. Mry iulpiuent hnvo been uhlpped unit n noon u It nrrlve opeintlnn on Hie proper!) will be begun. Levi I cnthunl.utli aver the oil Indication or Hall Valley und think that n pro duclnu well can be brought In within p. IhuiiMinrt reil Monti Indt pendent, 5IJ. - Hal den Hcnnloo, Mcrttary or lute, in couipaii) with C II. Hleihen made n trip or lnapcctlou over thn Helper to Duchenno road taut Mon da). Ilcnnlon wry Rrnatl) pleaied with the wa) work I progriiwliiR on the road. He Mated thnt thl road would be put In nrkl-cln condition URardlcM of cot Attorney flcneral Hhield left here Wedneiulnv lo make an limpectlou of bridge on the road. --Helper Time. Slut. blank of ever) dcMTiptlou virrupKud from Ibe lot furm and bruuRht doun to dale. A full Mippl) nlwny on hand Tlfty tent u dot, n. The Hun ffiarmg All exilunlv, and uneipiullbd rlehl) hop favored, nlieolulely iion-lnloxiiatinR beverage made frum IiIrIi grade eretil and fle from nil Impurltii. A iwl liable, heulthful and ulwi thiol qunmhliig drink lixeellent for table u Wholenale und He lull JaiMUvoe MerchandUe and Ufft Drink ami Clear S. KUSANO )yH$h,tJn.tH fitxev't, Vtnv, Uth S---' I it"J7TTTrr. V-,m rit2EjiZjSj5ii5SflBH You'll Hardly Recognize Your old vull after vvn have 4jgA rjttaC1 dr' l',e,,n,',, " You'll find W'rJ''' jFT'k it hard to believe that thoe IxV. t n,,w '00''nf clothe arc thn B ifxif-A ' ""n"' "o,,' earment you j BflJBj fAtr ou MDt u ni nn xperimenl. BBjST3 Yet wn do jut that Wonder- WW B rjO ful work every day nnd In MM. BV' J 1 evirycanc. Hunt up another fll -jW I ' u,t nnt' na "" ninko It Hal dinned und blocked, ACME GLEANERS AND TAILORS, W. F. MYERS, Prop'r. PIHCi:. UTAH. wooled ma me (Continued from page idx.) the llnntern national foret u will n on tlicife In the Wet. Itichard June of lleber City und a well known ktorkmau a) flock ma tern ure feeling the scarcity of expert emed help u o man) men needed to look lifter Ihn liirg herd of heep In Hint region have heeti drafted. If men who know the hulncx are not employed the hep auffer from Im. Iirupir uttentlon nnd from wild mil. mnl. A man lu her I ahocp propcrl) munt be u high grade man nnd nb Hdutel) truitworlh), Jone 4)k. Kifl) hood of hoR nt the Mate pri on were reuntly Riven double treat ment b) vaccination agnlum hog clinl. rn t Inmire the valuable animal ag nlnl contraclluK that malady The ktate liiHpia'tor requimt that fanner nnd HtoikrnlMr Im more prompt lu notifying hltr lu case of anthli,g wroiiR In their animal appearing He wi that irly nttentlon to cane which puule owner a to their in tore will Homeiiine avert grwit lo to thum und conequenlly to the lnte I'Liuirally IJiiht itiiMldir the clolhe that little (,'upld iluen't wear nnd )ou will no lunger wonder why love Rrow old Adlets One Cent Per Word Each IuktHob No Charge Account. iL'WT -HPHCTACLh CASK WITH tvo pair of ni., between Price and Klmo on lower nad. Liberal re wniu for their return to Sun office HTOLK.N PlvlTYKATtTohul?IU?AM (olurul home, with teft eye out. Urunded U iiuder cn.nt on tho left I toward Wlliam M Cue. Prlie. lth. IH)HT-ONi: IH.TI.I.. WIUTRI'ACB. iTRiidMl AO under bar on right khoulder. four ranch cow of bay color .branded An under bur on right niiouliler. nnd fnur anrlln brnmUd .AH under bar on right .houlder lu 'ward of five dollar per head An tonloh flerakr 8LnnMdc Ttah Whltewali can lie readily removed from rug and noforth with ammonia and water one icanpoonlul ammonia to two quart of warm water, Merely dampen the pot with thl and wipe dry. Home ot thea fearful und wonder ful cuiih n catch can ock tho girl aru knitting ought to keep the men' fighting blood rouked to the hlghe.t pitch. You Have the Problem. We Have the So lution.... Th Problem To make a llmltid income meet household expcnuo under tho prenent high cot of llvlnt. The Holuilon Come to ti for II of your groceries and pro VUlon. Come to u beraute wo nte j 1 alwa) Imtterlng thu price down , lo the low eat notch, ) i Como to ii Iuhhiuio regard- i lia of the low cot of pur Kro ) cerloji thvro l not, nn Inferior , , artlihj iimonKithom. j (Mmito'ul uiuf t bettor , Rroeerleti ump more' of 'theni. '! I Stockgrowers' and Farmers' Store T EUanNE P. CIIATL1N Phone 190. Price, Utah,