ind we "HI do It prompt!) nnd well '"
'XlrttA ne'edl-Ukc It ,'. tBi"ed " M . J . -I office .. Price, t'tnh. I ndcr ,h. Ac, of March I. Ill,
Political wnrhorcft of both pnrtlci
n Carbon county arc comparing note
thete Jny In order to dcMo plinn for
the prcervntlon of their respective
Htirganltntlona from threatened usurp
ixtlon by one Cooper. Cooper I the
goat of the Ncw-Advocnte coniplr
itcy which comprise n, dmen or no of
tho biingrlet offlcracekcr thnt ever
worked tho taxpa)er of nny com
munlt). According to well authontl
jiled report tho reasoning of the
goal" recognize thnt one Wiodrow
Wilton lit president of Uicic United
Stile nnd the rccoitnltcd leader of
n organization known n the demo
eratle p.rty President WlUcn In nlo
ommnnder In chief of the turn) of
tho republic nnd In ionetuence of
hi high position the democratic par
ty U ure going to bo cxcccdlnRl) hnrd
to unhorc In the vnrlou precinct
where nte nre cnut In the next dec
tlon. So ' bill" I warning the bunch thnt
In Carbon count) thing khould bo
fixed up on n iinii-partlnn p&n
ohrreb) the old gang m not suffer
om of their Job, which would be
the certain retult If the tlmrhonored
utom of pnrtlnn contention hoti1d
he followed 111 tho coming cnmpnlcn
Cooper linn In ell epcclall) favored
y certain public official l the ex
,iene of the tnxpa)cr-i nd thnie
ime tnxpnjcr In both panic nre
union onotiRh to retire the unfMtli
ul icrvnnt who reward ruth ktrvlllt)
ith lllcRat graft upon the publu
i tnd
It 1 wife l my that the lender of
ith pnrtlc will decline the bne milt
ucMlnii put forth b) thin Rentli man
hoe Rail khould be bound In brn.
he cxompllfle n nerve without
Arallrl In numlng to dictate n mon
grel inn of Incompetency upon the
I ibllc without nrtordlng the tnxpn)
. r nu opportunlt) to iit n voto of
1 rotet There ihntild be kevrrnl
hangm In the offlilal rnntir of Car
on count), mid If the m ntlmrnt ex-
vrnurri b miernl of tho part) lend
r I n nfe gnugr, the effort of the
N'ewi-Advntule crowd will not ihnuge
the ordir of event In the
run mn mi
yty SalMaitnr) rrgrr-i In Bur
Saving Htnnip CniiiHilRii.
Iteiort up to lnt nlRht to Mrs.
Mat Ollmour critnry of I Im war
tvlnR itnmp cnminlttee, nre thnt
'irlton lountv hn o far phdRed
bout 75 per tint of the quoin of two
undrid lwont)flve Hiouiwiud dollar
it I expicteil thnt the nil .tint nt will
e gone ner n wn the iihi In tin
hree llbert) lonn nnimlKii mid tin
two ttrd CroH drive ,
Huuii)lde tin exit did In r flft)
houinnd nllotmcnt, wlilln lllnunthn
more b) tnukldrnihlc lliiiu the lev
utet ii thnuknnd nuked I'rlre In iibout
I ftlf Hiibcirlbed mi fort) -f Ho thou
nil llelpir ditto I'lnh Mine, HprliiK
linn nnd Cnrbon hae Rime our
randnomtt) with Nome more lontrl
iUIoiih to come In Other dltrb t
i port mitlnfiutor) progre
l'roin Hmflvld the lonimlltei hn
nt down word Hint they will not
top under ten thminnd dotlnn Hlx
tliounnd i Iglit liundri d dollir I it I -
i nd) riilmd from thno hundrul
rt)-one tmldent llioie In tlmrRo
re PoktmnMer Ilnrn'tt, It W ('rune
I i: Whnleu O. M Willi, W I Jt n
II mid W, it Midi le)
lli mil Wife IkviTler In Jiill In Do
(null of IloniU,
Hlu riff liort,e CoIIIiirIiiiiii hot biiii
I'rli- tho flmt of the wnk from
I cntellii, Ida. with K It. (Itnl)
Ward, wanttd hero for wfe denertlon,
' u compliiliit ukuIiixI tho )nunR limn
Im; itwoni to by Urn lattir, who wu
rmtrl) Ml Van (I a MeNilll of Hco-
' Id, but now n ldi ut of I'rlu Wird
m hi en workliiK for the On Run
flioit I.Iiip In tho Iduhu ill) klnio hU
'Pirturo from here
Wdntiiiliiy Im nA mrnlKiiid befon
J Irti, clt) JiiHtlre, nnd liter bound
tr In bond of fhe hundrid dollar
miiwtr to dlatrht court I'nnble
mi lire bondHmsn Ward wu ntlll
) Jill till (I'rlrtiO) momliiR Klniu
mi" plnrud under urrmt ,ho I Mid
han exprewdd n delre to con-
Ubiite to hlx wife Kiippoit
Mm Word, tho herlff ktutm. I
it tit heiomo ii mother, which
iki tliu ncttim of U'urd tho more
lllil UUAIIOV r l'ltl(!l
Ml ( urln ii iiiiiiii) U Inxlliil to icic
le tin nation n blrthdu) Tin iIh)
will hold cuhruu mid attruition fur
I mid jouiiK Automobile iiarwdo
I u nlr priiRrmn eonnhitltii; of oiii,.
.UIoiih Imiid Hfloetloim nnd leitd
H 'Ujiihvon on tho lawn ut Pit) Park
' ring )niir luiulieoii mid mliikle with
ur frleiid nnd tulle of I loon r and
Hoo(iirUed bill of fiiro
H Afternoon Spurti M ir)-iu. round
r tho children. Tub of w ir, foot
' r hnriio racoN und duublu heador
1,l Kami
I'lnali Orund ball In the ewnliiff
t the hlRli school frrinnnftnm flood I
B ' ui anil refreshments Untch for
H t HU Inter
Very SolLfjctory lYoRrcv, In ihc War
cent Itcxl Crow Ilrlic,
Carbon count)-' contribution to the
Hed Crow drlo remnln nt IIS Oil I:
until aucti time a Ctlc (late I heard
from In full Additional fund nro
comlnj from there, ii) Mr Mat
Ollmour. tccTctary of the committee
In rharRC. Deduction nre being mide
from the pa) roll and when thee nre
throURh with the cxncl um will bo
announced A Ilcd Cro bulletin re
ceUcd locall) how thnt nlthoiiRh the
war council niked but 1100,000.000 In
the rcicnt Ilcd Cro drive, tho Amer
ican peoplo made their own budurt
and went oer the top nt (1C6.I39.S91
Not one IhrIc dl,llon failed In far
exceeding It' quota, the report state,
the mountain dlvlilon raltlne I3.01S,
06! in plicc of It rdiuetcd 11,3(0,
000 I'tah, In the report, N clvcn full
credit for her K13.700 nnd Delaware
I nnnieil n the Imnner ulate In the
union o far n n ptr capita inrrnRi
I loncurned, nvtrnRliiR nine dollom
a cltlteii
The Inrxeft lncle contribution wn
that of the llovkefiller Kouuditlnii
whlih khm three million dollir
Hmoot-Nlxou I.umler tompati), IM
Hheyii. ilRnr mid tobauo. nnd Hum
ucYm furniture torc nil ham nn
nounieiiH nt In tho adcrtllnit col
limn of thl week' Hun on the war
fwnltiK eiimpnlRii, which cloe for
Cirbun i mint) with June SMh Thee
anuouuicmenl nre not onl) to the
point, lut bubble oer with patriotic
iittrrnme that nre cnlculntid to help
ucll the fund tiw lt nttnlnid locnll).
All nro welt worth rendliiR
The man who dldn t ritl.e a li to
be u holdler munt ftil rnther out of It
thi ho da)
iiwi: ciiossnt Tin: watkiis
f 10 --Mon than eeu hundrul
f thouand i-nldler hne mIIuI to
Kriinie, Hi-iretnry of Wnr linker
iiiiniitniKxl thl etenlmi In mi ml
I dn In the detainment of
I'n in h "blue devil' who ha.e
briii tourliiR the enuutry In hi
luilf of tin third llbirt) lonn mid
the Kid from fund Keen tar)
Itukir wild
When )nu lift I'ninu th
.Aim limn forte wn thore In
mnll n prirtitnllon, but now
more limit win hundred thou
nnd Amcrlenn hn nailed from
tin Vinirliiiu khore to turn
baik to )our people tin imiiur-
HK(iuinl whlih Uifii)rtti mid
lloiliiimbiuti broiiRht to Anurl
in in tin turl) mid MruhRlIn
dn of Ainerlean freedom'
Mr' Mai .Nimlt, formrrl) one of tho
inoit Hipiilir und ifflduit liihtiinton
III tin publlo ohoo nf thl (It), but
fi r the pint )ir imxlctont principal
of h hool). at Hiiiiii)-Hlde ha madi nn
rulitbl iiHiird In Hid Crow woik
durliiK tin, Mhool (moii Jiint iloNid,
In lidilltloii to lnt diitli n tiuclur,
wi)n hut Hiiiulu)' Tribune Mrs
Nonll who wu In tin ill) )ttvrd
on hir u to Ihrkelv), Cola , whvri
nli i' will ulli ml mmiiur xliuol, talkid
lnlutliiul) f her work Tin hi In" I
of whlih Mr N'imiII hn hud direct
ihurKi U iomopotuu to it marked
i'cKre In her ilne mi Itallun,
Oreik utrlunn, I'rcnih, HiinMi.
Mexlcuu and neRroi Many of thoiit
illlldreii wire unable to pouk til
Kimllnh InnRiiRKc nt the opmliiK or
tin laul Mhool )iar, but the) not mil)
Iiiim madi rapid udimntmiiit In
liiiBlUh, but aho have oldcucid tho
(.rmttxt iiilhUHluvm In Hed Croie.
nork and otlmr kliullm induaor In
nlil of the Mililltr
'It I iKtoiilnhlliR, Mild Mr Nimll
how thfM ihlldrill IlliNe tiikeli to
thl work I'or exmnib. thi) hn
leuriied to mulo wirloti kliidn of war
biKibi. mli a rx oat rl n, potuto
l.tinmili I run torn kraham und
milk lhe u l.o huu met Willi ureal
Miiietnui In the making of wur cake.
m Wi hail no ilnitu.tli wnee room
at the Iiimi In whlih iiH-kliiK m.uI.I
Ir iloun, 1 took th ihll'juii In )
htmiii nnd kiiwi thim Invlrueibm
then I lie) entend Into tin work
with tin iitniiNt i MthunlMMiu and hae
iiiniIi ixiellent reiiird. rkunplM of
tin Inud win on 11hI. in a booth
u tin nehoiil and were leiled'anl
hlchl) pralil b) Ihe people or Hun
li)lile "
The uitlUtlex of the hlldreii did
not h with tin muktiiR of wur
I lemlK. howir The) nlno entered
Into the uplrlt of Itod Crow work with
ii im and lme made lirt,e o.ullut,
pillow , towel, lonifortlmifx, Itebae.
IffchltiK und olher Uiplle whlih will
le needid by the flKhtlni? men They
nre all mumber of tin Junlm lliU
I'm bramh nt buini)lde nnd in ml
ditii ii ti tln-l" Hd CroHH w irk luc
iv I Jen cd thur pntrlotlmn l pur
I The Liberty Limited 1
Dlxtrlct court, which bigan nt I'rlco
lal Monda), will run well Into July.
Heveral rncH nre et bi)ond the pre'
nil month y Nxl Mondn) Trnnk An
Ko, who I harRcd with the klllliiR of
r man lat )enr nt Catlo Oatc nnd
woundlnc other during a Hundny nf
lermmn brawl, will have hi hearing
on the rhnrge of murder In the flrt
Uiifno. Tuenday John A. 1'owrll. Jr.,
of Wllliiglon win nnawer to n hittery
clmrgt Wrilnetdn) John Trnlto will
be arrnlgiied, charged with tlelln
iiiiiic) n to u minor ihlld 1 1 ap
peal the nine from the Juvenile court
Moiul-i) lut ono Thotna Wolfe,
imiKht retintl) down near WooiNlile
with another mun' hore In hi po
elon, wn enl to tho mental ho
pllnl ut I'rovo
Judge Clirlatenru devoted moat of
the flret two da) of the wtclj to pro
I nh and naluralliatlon matter Con
firiitlon of tha mtlo of pemonal prop
trt) In tho mlnto of U O Hoffmann
wni ordered I'lunl i tllenient nt m
(mint wn ntiprovid In the mtutc of
A W llinh and dlnirlbmlon ordend
(ltiurdlaiihlrwu ordind In the un
of llo'v mid David Itnnvlcln nnd
loud fixed nt ISton letter of ad
mlnUlrntinu wire ordired bImi In the
iHtatiH of I'nink Comn nnd John Ha
moRcorgl. The bond were fixed ut
mi-taiil piliulpal of kIiiniU ut Sun
ii)liu. who Iiiim tail,lil lur pupil,
mull) or llu in ililldnii or foil Inn born
luinulh how to make viiHoiih kind
of wur burnt, mill iiImi Iium illnttiil
tin in In Hill (loss work
having thrift Mump to tin amount
or a thoiiKand dollar or nn averuge
r more than thlrt) -light dollum per
In uitilltloii to tin pilde whlih nhe
prriMiiMliv f.ol In tho work oueom
Ill.liwl b) henwir ii nil pupil Mih
Nonll Im been warm!) congriituluted
and hnartll) (ommiidd by tho board
i tdiiuitloit.of v'rbon lounti for her
InehlevementH ilurlng tho unit chool
)ear Mr No ill will itturn to Hun
I ld und ltuuie her ilutkH with the
pilling i r the ensuing hool )mr
two hundrid und right) und five thou
and dolhr. rr-pi ctlvil) l'llltlon
for etlhmiut and dlatrlbiitlon In H
J llnrknr mtate grauud Mr. Cu
thrrlne lcc Mnden wa named guar
dlnn of Hub) Ilarkue. her lter
Ilond 1 1000. I'ctltlon for ndmlnl.tra
lion of the iKtAle or Homo i:tnl al
lowed llond 1 1 ton.
Tun were ndmllttd to i lllimnlilli.
thee 1 1 lug Himuil U Igh l'reton ol
Humi)ldu nod William Knhon Mid
dlelon of the umu plate. Mini other
wire continued for ono rcsmou or mi
i tin r WVilnmiluy foreniMin the cne
"f A D Van Waggomr ugulnut the
ttuto nf (Uorgc ( Whltmnro came
in Thl wn (ontluurd from the hut
tirm nnd Involve title to tome flft)
elx acre of land at Hunii)lde blow
the ton unite thtr on (lrn) Trnll
AugUktii l.ngliiml wa grantid u til .
vone from Himuil Hngland. Hir
maiden nnmi of llarkueM U retord
wnimiiiijsjENi eur
lnvetor-i Should (nrerull) luiiilre In
to rmmotlono.
'It hn mnin to the not lie of thin
department." i u kliitiminl krnt
The Hun till vvtck b) v. p J( ni n,
rrmmlloner or (ommnnhl nononi)
'that iltlitni In noiue witlon or the
Unti are being kollolteil to purchuie
itoik In vnrlou rwl promotnt n
tirprln While It I not the Inlen
turn or within Hit province of thl
boird to dlktourngu mi) Itgltlinntn
cuttrprl.c. mvirthelt illlnn hnuld
benr In mind that the nation l ut war
and that the tnuntry luilf I In urgent
nred of cvin dollar which pimple uui
pare und that the kieurll) pnentii
the grenlit Inviktmuit In the world
Clllieii who lonlumplutn uu ltlvet
ment In ktock of ni v interpret nre
urged to tnko two Hep I eforn mnk
lug Much Inveklment l'lrt Hid
houtd nierlnlu the flnimilal merit
of the rntirprUe Hetoml, the pro
piweil corporation khould be nnal)zeil
a to whither or not It conn within
the kiopo of being enuntlal to the
winning of the wnr
'In thl luttir (oiiiiiutloii ultltuu
khould nmembirii rnunt reolutiou
ol the wnr IndimtrloH board or Wnh
ington, D C Thl resolution de
i hired 'that In the public lntret all
iliw iindirtuklug not eiweullal to and
lot rontl Uniting either dlnitl) or lll
olrntl) towiinl w Inning the wnr,
whlih Involve Hit iitllluitlou of labor,
muterlal uml inpltal riiulrul In the
produitlon, imppl) nnd dllrlbutlon of
illrul or linllrcit war need will b
1 llw ourugi il, uoivvllhklniiillng that
tin) ma) be or loml Imjiortuiue and
of a charwiter whleh nhoiild In nor
mat time mm with evtrt enimir
i genu ut
'I III off Uu would lhII to the Mllui
I Hon of Utlitui thut iKiriairutloii loin
lug within tho m.oki of winning the
war I unhide oil production and iiimii
uCaitiire. inluerul priHluttloii mid
niauufiutuie ilolhlng lioe uml
MankotN for Hie army, production und
maniifuituri of war matt rial, naullar)
Improvumoiit or itliuruilon tonduc
Iv ii to publli huulth und uu ihi
quartern or preparatory bulldlm, for
mllltar) ur Imln. trial trnlnlug Im
provmnuut of nud foi mllltar) pur
potoii or tn tiunportatloti or fnn ,
riuy u(u.liltt,r ij fin Hn kuth
elor who reu!cl hi dlgwitloii but 1
Invited out fivt ilghU a week 1)
frugal lions wlvt to help nit up Hi
lutov r
t inninl.-loiu r Mext In lUgular Sim
Ion Tocxln) jtt.
nut hilling Hn Ir ki kklou a u board
of uiuallJutlon. tho louut) ,comml
oliM nut lat Tiltkdn) lilrcRUlnr
ilon Kherirf Colllngham recom
meniled the rr)iHilutmciit of W. IJ
Clirltlnnteii (Matt Wurmr) to nerve
a lit put) kherlff In the lount) lit
largu without pa) The appointment
wu made
The claim of tho Inilnpi mlunt Coal
mid Coke lompiti) for 1533 70 nnd
IM fur oxccm laxe pnld to the
tount) In the )eor I9IA and 191? wa
8 J lloblliig, louut) trio luapeitor,
n ported verlHill) on hi woik during
the put iiuntlir lie wa iiuthorlied
to old ml the lonviutlon colli d by the
goviruor to le In Id at tlm tnte cup
lint, whhh ha for It objeit tin irnil
tintloii of the u I fit I fa weevil
Hi port of tin treanuifr, kherlff,
4 Ink nnd nsordir wire npprnvid nnd
tin bouil of H J Holding, tount)
roi pet Invpiitor, wax npproved
Iho board udJoiiriUd kiilijeit to the
end of the ihiilrmau.
l.lElil (oiuo III to DMrht (hrk llor
Ii) Hie l'iit Willi.
Jin Martin vh. I'lnh I'm I lompaii)
ptrkiinal Injur) ene a
Ivinllworth mid llnlper llallrond v
John Arronio mid wife and Thenu
ItiKime, at Hon for i omlemnatlon for
right of wn)
I'nd lurihir v (liorge Ktumudu
kl. Mike Htmundakl mid Mike Htrn
to in Hon for trikpHk
Ullllam M Morton and Hi leu U
Morton m. John Arrouoo nulloii for
i oudi mnatloii
llilpir Hlate Hunk vk Kmlllo i'ul
vo uml Murla Pulvo iiitlon for n
i over) on note
l.dwurd Prauklln llolmont v John
Dlumi nil nud Jnmo A Knildl. at Hon
for tronimxn
AnhllKild Audrrkon vh John Klone,
I'tah Purl inmpiiu) und IMinant Vul
le) Coal i omp in), dnmugoH
Plah AmmoiIuHoii of C'rudlt Mill V
flu! Oalaltjakl inlletlloii on m
ll IU)H Mail ri.TNMhlltl.
I'our or flvt Hunnjllo bo in
kwimmliig above that inmyTi few
hundreil yunl lat Wiilnwulioy killed
e large leavir with rock urWiitoniN
The) had nevir i en ono In fore und
aftir tho Nlaiighlrr wa made n ported
tin killing of a bear to llyrum Wlliox
The latter kklnned the anlmitl mid will
Ii port liowiewilou of tin hide to rllutti
llami Wurdeu Klddown) DlKtrlct
Hame Wurden Nell M Madktu waa
NUinnuiueil to the mviio of liughter
illir the animal waa int out of the
wa It Ii hi opinion that the httaver
wa ixirrlwl down the Prlio river from
the Kioftehl ktxtlou at the time of the
Mammoth rrrvolr flooil It mut
l.avi inudo It wa) up Craw.) Trail
Critk after bulug thu brought down
llu bmver wa a male mid u ei)
large inn Tho hide U not worth
minh Hit time of xiir it u xnld
Htulu vymmlMMloiuir Klddowu) )e
li rda) .luleplTbuod Nell M Madeu
lltrl t game vVurden that u largo
upily or trout v III noon Im along to
Pluiir-irr th jrfmrmv" or Carlton und
Kim r) VuumfiK. tntlken wfya fUhlng
oiifcht to In good ,nter tomorrow
i long tho White rlvir above Colton or
In 1 Uli Crick unjwheru lut ween Col
t n unit 8 oruld, ckpulall) ut Ilaloi
The Run Special Hen Ire xV J H
DILVVieil. Colo, June II. ! II a m H
Woetlirr iinettl(d tonight nud Hat- H
Itllla) with loenl thunder kliower H
thl ufternoon or tonlglit wt por- H
tlon Cooler wet portion H
(Miyttrl) i on Terence of Cnrbon H
ktnke will It held nt 1'rke Hxturdny i H
and Hundn), June 32d nnd 33d H
i H
MllthT UltllK lti:VI.H A.VD M
tint .it vmii: i. i:it ii mi. il
l'niiiRt r Tiiiln doing Tlirougli lrlce H
UcdncMla) Morning I'llen In Ditch H
Nuir Salt Ijike City In tlks After
iiimiii Mr. nml .Mr. It, J, Tomlta- H
on of lit ln-r Mlfthlly Injurrxl. H
Di nver nnd Itlo (Irnnde l'aenger H
Train No I, from the mil nnd going H
through I'rlu nt n fow minute after H
T n'cloik lnt Wcdncdny morning. H
wn wricked at 1:31 o'clock of the H
nfternoon nt n point Jiut north nnd H
wikl of Eleventh Houth ktrrel nt Matt t H
Ijtxkr Clt) Andrew Colling, a twit- H
ugi r from Halldnj Colo , nged 47 H
Vuir. wn killed outright and flft)- l H
three peron In all Injured However H
railroad give the numlier of iH
h rloul) nnd kllghtl) Injureil n ten ijH
le--fortv-thrri It J Tomllnon of . IH
llilper wn bruled b) wrickase. Mr. H
lomllukiin I nlMi hrulred nnd haa LiH
evintl nit on the head nnd fare 'H
Tin) win taken to n hotel und not to H
n lionpltal ihe train vrm running nt H
n high rale or in d win n the wreck H
itciirred irobnld) flft) mile nn H
hour The train of nine cut left the H
trm k mid went over a tep embank- M
men! Into n dlteh H
Hiveral hour nfiir the wreck ue M
nirred off Ii era arretid Y Ynkrbe, H
JapaniM Hi'itlon foreman of tho track H
worker, who had bei u idailug new H
tli nt Hn point wlnn the train left H
the trm k akibe I I ring held nt H
the inunt) Jail iendlng Iho rnult of H
mi offlilal Invoktlgiitlou llhrrlff Cor jH
lia later Muted that he wilt wenr to H
n lomplalnt ihnrglng him with Invol- H
unlnry mantlauRhter Ynkibe I de- H
i land to havn cauid the pulling of H
tho kplki of the tie and then to liava It
failed to i ml bin k it tluRinnn to pro- Ll
tin t tho oncoming train, which rimhed H
Into the loneuett eettlon of the main H
Hue without nn) warning H
Pour runt hea were thrown down H
tlm imbnnkment, two of them on H
their klile nnd one nlinokt on end H
Two oilier lur of the train were bad- H
I) wniked Coiiduilor Jake Mo H
mid that the train wn mnklng more H
than thlrt) mile un hour when tha H
wretk oivurred nnd thnt It wn nn H
hour lute Other di eland the train B H
wn making Imtwcen fort) -five and H H
flft) mill mi hour Kuglnrer Irrd ; iH
King wild after the niildrut Hint there H
wa no warning glviu and thnt Ihe H
rirkt Intimation he had of trouble wn H
when ho nothed the walng ear Al- H
ino-t nt the name moment isime the M
rriikli or the wrick Offlilal of the H
rallroutt a) their record how that H
fnrt)-thrre iioopli had bten Injured M
In tho wruk Man), hnwevir, of H
whom no Information wn kroured, M
left the i cue uftir iidmlnlMerlng first H
nlil HieniH he H
Axorillug to Conduttor Mo, traf H
He on Ihe train wa extrtmel) heavy, H
ko hwiv) In rhit that women were M
rotnpilbd to nk icntlng ,aiKinimo- H
datlon In Hie moker or flrel lomli In M
the train Till enr unit the next ml- M
lowing lift the trark (oinpletel), nnd H
both win turned ow r on their lde H
al Hie extreme outnlile of the com M
lain)'' right of wa) The flrt coach, H
however, wo dragged a couple of ear M
hnglh further than the ceoiid be- H
fore the oiiglui wn brought to n itop H
It wu In Ihe ecoud loach, or nhalr H
nr. Hint Andrew Colling wa riding H
Thin wu n total of Hint hundred ijH
puki ngt r on the train H
The train wa made up of allntrrl M
innihwi und ear A combination mall ll
and baggage iouiIi wa linmrdlatrty liH
hoik of the engine, two oxpro enr IiiH
enme lit xt the imnkii, two thi) ll
i inn hiii, n tourlut ihepir, dim r und IH
thru klaudard Pullman mat In In ll
Hie ordir linmid Not one wn badly IH
kiniiNhed, the gieatitit d image bt lilg ll
done to viktlhulcN, window mid un HiH
dtrrlkgliig Tin re wn only one up KH
peurmue or Ii leeroplng, thnt btlllg BiH
letwieu the flmt Pullman and the lH
illntr The front end of the klaudard liH
coaoh cruihed through the rear etl- IH
I ule of Hie diner nnd nbout a root In- BiH
to tho i inn h flil
Imnudlatil) uftir the depuriuro of RH
the ipiHlul train which curled tho In- CH
Jured and other pujweiiKer to Halt IiH
Uike CU) from the wrrnk, n r tleu, I H
nnd other propirly hi longing to a 1 H
woman win found within tlm third I il
In) i oath Pupim Idimtlfleil the own- I H
ei u Vtrnn llohlnkon of lflpur Ihe C H
front mil of tin, nr In whUli the 1 H
propertv w.i foil nil wan huilad de-p flH
In the mud of tin wale Into wjileh It IH
drove, nnd all but burld alive the KH
ievvbo) Tho rinding of the property BH
klarted n report that Ihe owimr wn Hll
burled In tho mud, mid n digging par- BlH
I) wn orgnnlzed The part) found n lB
woman' hat mid toal but nothing Hl
moro Tin hat win blaik Ktraw, iflH
trimmed with n pink bow mid pliik HH
flower The coat wu nmilp uf blue fliH
ergi wtih brown facing. lionrW&re, t HH
buried In tho mud J?T HiH
(Vriou who were eurl) 6nltiV 9H
Hcene told or n wquiuu im! buly H1H
thrown through u wlinlow of, tlm (hlfd HjH
dny coach (ho woman falling in "the HKH
dltih at the klde of the right of wa) HB
while her ihlld dropped In Ihe soft 1
mud n khort dUlnnce nwu) Kilthcr Hlfl
Buffered any nrlouH Injury iiH