OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, June 14, 1918, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1918-06-14/ed-1/seq-3/

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I .. ..... tH
Serve Your Country
By Saving Money!
You've akriva been toH you ought to save money j every day
tone vln t bank advertisement tells you 10. The chief reason
given for wring money hu been that you'd have the money
with interett kter on, m i Ktp to financial independence and
That it an excellent reason, but thtre't a better reason than
that. Stye becauae we have pledged the honor of our country
R and our people to tight this war to our last dollar and to our last
man if nccesaary, America does not break her word.
Money aavrd makea of you a better man or woman, bey or gitl
make you dependable, responsible t increases tretpect,
whlchincreaici your value. Save money to help your country
by buying War Savings Sumps and U. S. Thrift Sumps.
I War Savings Stamps arm m promise topwyou the
amount you Invest, at the end of 5 years, xvkh 4 per
cent mttrest compounded every three months.
2You can turn them into cash any time wUhout
looting for a buyer Just go Into any postogice and
gel them cashed.
J 'You can Invest In U.S. Thrift Stamps as Utile as 25
cents at m time, and as much more as you please.
f Jwvi f ! Put your quarters, and halves and
i 11 W V dollars into these safest and sim-
fe) J P'ett ' a" BOTcmment securities.
Ull. C A. uiii:uh j
I'll) nit Ian and burgeon j
Office 0r Commercial Iisnk f
ltesldenco North Uighlh Blrest.
. .4
UK. c. r. itosi: j
, l'li)nlcUti niul Surgvuu j
I Office Mites Uulldlng j
4-: 4
nit. r. s. iiiomi: j
I Pcntnl hurcruu j
Offlie Vlglla-llonomu Uulldlng I
4 4
lilt. II. II. (iOKTCMANN I
I Dentin j
Permanently located 0tr Prlca 1
Commercial Hank I
PltlCi:, UTAH I
- - z-4
i D. A. MctlP.K I
H Attorncy.t-L
H Koom S and f, Blliagnl llldg 1
- 4
I Attonu-j.at'lJiM' I
I 717 Judge liulldlne i
I . :: r?:. :"
1 Attoraeyat-tAMr I
Itooma II and It, Bllvagnl Illock. I
Uj PItlCK. UTAH. 1
I 4 .
H Attorney-At-Lan j
""" .4
1 1IIM2J 1C MIMiKIt, Sf.U.A.A. I
Licensed Architect j
Vermont liulldlne
K 4 Z-Z
I S A Ulna M. P. IJraffst
It Q. Bchulder
H Attorot)At-Lat
M Judas llulldlni
M Tavern Hotel Uulldlng
H I3am"sMPir?
uV x 9 sk aVHs saaWfla al
M I ull) liulppnl niul kii to All
M I'mttlcliis Pli)alcliu
JIKriniiitf Hoom Alvsaje Prepared
BH r I.mvrKeno) Casta. Not Control
P H Any Ope Phyalclaii MfalU Q.r
j 'htrwUc Mra. Kate McCarth, Itee
K '.irrd Nursv, and Mm I.uc) Mllano
late Owner
I.mw iii: miiiii: stnit
Kilt I'W.MM! Plltl'OsCS
I Arrorillni; In n rrgtllnllnii nf thft
jlnod nilniltiUirullon, rffrttlu ll
Moniln). Juno 10th, t'lnh lioimptrlxM
nut) liii) an muth an u liuudml
lou nd of KiiRiir til a limp It hIkiiImk
11 mrd prlllnK forlll Unit the imnr In
In It iicd rr lanninic mid prison -ln
purpoiiid onl anil IndlriithiK how
nniili the) will iiictl for mirli purpoi-fn
thU eur. Thr mntlir of liaMne llu
uirdM ii(riipd iind rralntenil anil tlu
quinllonlni; nf llir lu)er l fi rrnpoii
Kllillliy Hint linn leu placid upon Dm
JEroicr. w mutt ln nurr tlml the
IViiKnr iMiiiRht In thin nn l not apt to
! uid fur mi) purpoco In xlolatlon
of th fiMd admlnlntnitlon'ii r kuIii
It l pri f rnlilr Hint kukmt Ixi Im.iirIU
'from tlir kwmco where llu lni)er
timiull) triid unci mignr nn twi
l.oimlit In IhN wit) mil) of the uroiir
who Iiiin tin nrlKlntil mrd Tho taril
will l M'nt siMkl) to Hit food ml
mlnlxtratlou off Ire, nfur the rrtalltr
rim inndi n n Klutrntion of the nHmc.
mlilrtHK, nniount of miRiir IxniRht niul
the amount required for cnnnlnc und
pMnrrvliiK iiurpoeea till eoii
Ihi)pr lire liiMnuteil to limit their
rniuiKlM to nituiil niidn for mh h pur
pone. 11 HURtir Ih mnric, and HiIh ill
ernlon from tin ruli of ten pound to
town rwldenU nnd lwint)flve poundii
to rountr) people In mnde on ni count
'of the netlt of ronnnliiR the Hup
pl of pirlolmlile fruit for next win
ter' uw Hpetlil prrmlln for the
purchafe of mon than n hundred
pound nl u lime muht le w cured
from tho food ndmmUtrallon
(iioi.Pitv Mounts.
Thin I n er) pilnful nnd daiiaur
iu tlloeane In iilimxt every nilah
Nirhood xomione ha died from It he
for medicine could le olitnlned or n
pli)lilan nummoiied The right way
II to have a bottle of Chamberlain
Colic nnd Diarrhoea Itemed) In the
Iioum no n to I e prepureil for It Mr
Clmrlc l!n)eurt. HuiillliRlon. lud ,
Iwrlli Durlna; the aummer of lll
two of m) children were taken lck
with ihohrn murliua. I ued Cham
berlnln Polli nnd Iilarrhnea Hem
ed and It gave them Immediate re
lief Advt
A u mow of patriotic erUe, tho
Utah Agricultural collego hn dtfirriHl
Ita opening date for tho lomlng achool
)enr two uciki It nppearn from the
tollege onlondur Jut buued I.) the In
titltu'lon Bchool will le opcniil 8ep.
lumber 10th and liMtruitlnu will be
Kin Ottoter lit The culnndar em-pliR-l-e
the four quurtir plan on
whloh the ihoo )ear U lned Tho
opuilng date for the four quarter
nic Heptemlnr JOlh for Hie full quur
ter. Dwemlor 30th for tho winter
iuirtor Manh Sills for tho uprliig
quarter and June fllh for the aummer
I ciivt u )our hHtillng of freight and
Ilk work and It will reeelw prompt
Utc-iiUon N Jh too large or too
m II fr un to handlu Pralkht la
i,lwn our upetla attention Walter
riirl lenen Phont 6w!, Price Utah
ii i in t argue frighten or nag n
'man lit- loving )ou Just becaima ho
ought to - hocaue dearie, love I
nn ixiutl) man a feollni: for n
.tliotihlit iimi creditor pr a trltlr.
. n-tlie luarth
An) Klrl who fdlla to give an offl
ir In a brand now unifoim rt least
one glunci) of tho urdont admlrallon
'which he expect a he pue li guilt)
of criminal negle't of h.r patriotic
WII.I, HK.ttATi: IMtlCI-
The I tah food administration has
lesiicd a wnmtnjc that should retailers
of Ice attempt to Incrcaso their profits
the mntter will be handled li) local
Ihenre restriction. Where Incrcnsea
nre contemplated b mnnutacturera
the administration will take no action
It tho consumer or municipal au
thorities do not object to tho retailer'
profit. The administration point
cut that Ice Is used to preserve perish
able goods
Ann t'ltaiat to uitm:.
The war department ha made pub
lic a general order Issued by Qen
John J Pershing encouraging mem
ber of the American expeditionary
force to keep up correspondence with
their relative and Minds at home
One of the greatest argument for a
constant (low of letter between
Prance and America, General Persh
ing M). 1 that It relieve much dis
tress and anxiety on the part of rela
tive and friend at home.
Women between the ages of St and
36 year who have had a high school
education or It equivalent will he
eligible for ndmliulon to the army
school of nursing, arrangement for
which were recentl) made, by the war
department It Is Intended to start
reveral schools In selected mllltar)
hospital, t'nlesa otherwise specified,
applications should bo sent dlrectl) to
the Army Bchool of Nursing, offlco of
the Burgeon Oeneral of the Arm),
Washington, I). C.
rAM.rn Tin: ami kkumcIm
Instruction have been received nt
all arm) recruiting station to resumo
accepting qunllfled applicant for the
United Btnte guards, nu organisation
cf the national army charged with the
protection of public utilities ThU
organisation tins been closed since the
first of April A new ruling was re
centl) pnMed h) the war department
Oeslgnatlnir what vvn former!) known
n the "aviation section of the signal
corps, regular nrtn)," to In tho ' air
srrvlie or the national nrm) '
It) proi tarnation iMiied l) Ouv
fllmon Unmix rgir t'rliln), June Stth
I .et ns War Saving l)n) In Utnli On
that da) nil pcron am Invlteil to glvo
lh"lr pledgi for war saving stamp
at Mich place a shall 1 e Indicated
by Oeorge T Odell. dlnctor for t'lnli
In the vur wiving stamp camiialgn
The priwlnmatlon rinds ' I call upon
nil 10)1 clllien to nssUl list- local
tnmmltteeti nnd other engngnl In the
work of follcltlng pledge throughout
the state to the end that l) June SMh
siiffhleiil ptedgm will have leeli s
iired to guarantee Hint Utah will In
ml the ntnnuiit allotltd In II
HKPoitr is WMPMrnt.
Itiielpt lust Httitrdn) nfli rinxin
rrom Kane count) of the total ngU
trnllon In that count) of men who hid
nttnlmil the nge of 31 )eara In the
priHidlng twelve month completed
the stall V Hot nnd showul lh total
In he SIKH registrant neionllni to n
lomplliiHon In the off ho of tho nil
Juiniit general of Utah Of theeo
Itti lire wIiIIk, sen n are ncgroi and
three hundred nnd slxteiu iilhns.
Knne tounl) added twilw while iltl
sin to llio list of registrant. Pig
uriHi given nut nt tho adjutant ginir
nlV of flit iredll Carlwin ounl with
hut flfD-onc, win no u hundred and
lite regUtirul
Tlllll.i: t P.NT l'.lll .NW.
New pawenger rate of Ihrno iintx
ii mllo went Into tffert last Bundo)
midnight, despltn plea to suspend or
tnodlf) them II offh lall) Mated
fiom Washington, n C. Haturda) last
lhal naMengini en roulo to distilla
tion at Ihnl lime will he carried nc
cording to term of thilr tlckit a
orlglnnll) purchnsed. t xcept that stop
tvir will not lx pirmlttcd nt the old
tnte llrlurn sluliK of rouudtrlp
purchaseM before then also will he
honored Mllenge books will not he
recognised, but unused portion will
le redeemed nt the rale of the orig
inal charge A confen nee of regional
passenger traffic committer has been
cnlled tu meet In Chit-ago June 17th
to UlncuiHi modification of the rate
for tourist nnd ixeurshm trip
Homeinadt straw lurry Jam I going
to le a short pack till )enrjqiord
lux In Utah nnd Wnshlngy'iK t rop
Indication It I not txpeiitedUhnt
Ither stntt will hi able til fujiiWh
berrlis enough at n prho wilrrnitlnit
piiruhnsiM of quantities sufflilviit to
siippl) the presirvlng trade Ptom
tho growing district of Utah nnd
from Hood Itlver, Wh , come re
ports of ilovnstutid strnwherr) areas
through the noUurunl machinations
cf the much abusetl tutworm Utah
grower rtlnte Hint one-hulf of their
planta havt hi en tliHro)ed by the
rlaudistlnti pest while Hood Itlver
people muke n similar romplalnt
With Mlwourl und California straw
bcrrle entire!) off ho looal market
home pooplii are forced to depend up
on the Utah nnd Washington product
snd dealt rn give no assuranee that
future prke will wurrunt speculation
(or preserving purpose
NICW ItlSl i, c.uioi: OUT
Tho llwt United Htutea UffloUl
Postal (lillde has Just been publlKhed
The guide rontalns nlphahetleal lists
Of the name of nil the postofflcos In
the United Htutea a list h) stall and
eounties a list of iiostoffkta of the
first. Htxo ml mid third t lasses with
salaries of ostmaters a list nf post
allWm ill. continued during the pre
vious three )ears. and general postal
Ipformutlon covering u wide range of
Ipplis of Interest to tht public Intlud
liig ratos and other tlula with regard
to the pa red post Heglnnlug this
)ear, the list of poxtofflcwt h stntos
will be arranged for use as a panel
post guide The unit number of tach
cffice will bo glvon and space provid
ed for the Insertion of the xone num
Iter. A xone key for use In connec
tion with the portal guide will bo fur
nished taih subscriber The galde la
Issued by the poMofflte department In
a limited number and It sold nt sixty
five rents. Monthl) supplements of
eleven Imum will be supplied for
thirl) -fne lent. Application fer the
book m be obtained at an) post
Baturdn), June lth, I the dale set
for Ihe opening of Ihe trout anil has
fishing season In Utah and ever) thing
point to ihe usual exodus from the
cities and villages to the mountain
streams nnd lake The high water
season I no doubt over for the Irout
streams of the state nnd the fishing
should be exceptional!) good
Bevcrnl of the state's largest cor
porations entered their protest, more
or les formal In nature, before the
state boird ot equalisation last week.
Among them were the Utah Copper,
the Knight Investment properties, the
Union Pacific railroad, the Utah Puel
and Pleasant Valley Coal. Ihe Ameri
can Pork Uxploratlon and the Inde
pendent Coal and Coke companies
The matter pressed before the board
were for the most part of minor Im
portance and largely one of account
ing CUTTINO POU.N THK .Ml.Nl'ri.
The day ot wide variety and range
of choke In food served In hotel I
pasting. If recommendations now be
ing made by the United Btnte food
administration are put Into effect
The food administration Is asking all
hotel to reduce their menus, nnd,
far as possible, to eliminate all foods
needed for oversea shipment When
the new plan of operation Is working
It la expicted that most of the hotels
will Ih serving "regular luncheons,"
tho choice of food narrowed to n few
commodities, on the order of tabic
d'hote mini,
Iteport blank for physicians' Infor
mation concerning rases of social dis
ease, which must hn reported to the
government under recent regulation,
nre Ik log mailed to ph)slilan of
Ulali h) Ihe health department. The
blank tarry spare for complete Infor
mation whlrh the government desires
In pre wilting the spread of loathsome
illsensn In the military forcos It Is
Imperative under Ihe t'lnh statutes
for all ph)slrlan to make reports to
the lot il and stain hoard. Carbon
touut) ph) sit Inns nrn nil making re
I oris and sending tin m In
Hl'NTI.IIs VKi: III (Olttl.
Man Hum half n million prtdntor)
iiiilmnl ban been killed b) hunter
ami l:,:iR5 In hnuntiiN have been
paid (ul to them b) the stale In the
)-nr Hiding March SOth Animal
kllhd nnd tin ii mount of Ixmnt) paid
fur ci h specie urn I -ear 70, $17(0:
mountain linns IX, I1SO0, wildcat nnd
l)lix Sift I&9I1, t-t)otes 13,7(0. 33.
131, grti) wnlie tS, 13716, Jack rabbit-,
ii ud gnphir 17MC, im: 10.
prairie dog and ground squirrel
3lii,0. IDICHU. total C0S.SS5, 3,
Six J( Carbon louuiy paid les limn
two thousand dollar In bounth- for
the lime mintloned
iii i.i oroiiH iNsritt cri:i.
In onhr to savt tin cnormuui
amount of iinnetessnr) work In the
tollertlon of reunite during Ihe next
ftw dn)s. Commissioner of Internal
It. v. nue llnprr ha nollflnl rollictor
that aecriiut Interest In Juno 1st will
Ih- allowed on nil treasur) rnrtlflcnte
or ludthtcdneM maturing Juno SSlh
lectlird In amint of Income nnd
i-xtiw prof II tuxes. Certlflcali pre
s nti-d after June 16th will be nc
i(ited with accrued Interest In the
date prtsented, not extending be) nnd
Juni 35th The laxii)era nre expect
id t take their bill with them to Ihe
t iiilis tor's of fire
( N UV PINO A hUCKi:it?
Official lists of persons who regis
tered June (th are to bo publlshtd nl
the offices of Ihn various local stter
live board The public Is offlilvll)
Invllrd In liKik ovtr these list for the
name of an) person who attained tho
ngi- nf 31 )ears during the past year,
and to report nl once nn person who
thould have rtgUtirril nnd who fnlled
to do so. It I polntt d out that this
U n dut) owing In (ho men In tho
trenches espiclnll) ns welt a to Ihe
nntlon nt large Mcmbtrs ft Ihe local
draft hoard would also nppretlnte
mi) Information n to wrong tlnsslfl
inliou whlrh may hnve come to the
not lit of nn) eltlstu
I iriTHItS 1 lt(M THK IIOr.
The Hun will be more than pleased
to receive from Its render copies of
an litters the) ma) rctctw from
thilr abstnt unhid r bo) Trained
lorrespnndtnl nf tourso tover the
general Items of new from du) to
da hut the details of what our own
ho) nre doing nre ntwn) cagerl)
rimd b) the home public and will he
welcomed b) tills puper Whether
published or not, the litter will be
prompll) rt turned to tho owntr
Unl) matters or public Intiiest will
I I printed In n recent dlspatih from
Washington Beeretar) Ilakt r sold
'Tho best new from soldier will
t nine In tenure In thilr frlunds, nnd
arrangements are being mitdu to faill
llnlo Ihe Iruiismlselon of all such hit
lers. t
The food ndmlntstratlnn I eudiav
nrlng In every H-lble wn tu assist
tho patriotic iHiusewlvtHt who have
cgreed to ulmtuln from ull wheat and
wtieat iroduct until the nert harvest
t.nd to this end publishes Hies,, prac
tical suggHstluns for wheatletMi meals
I s well rooked ultratllvol) ssrvtxl
substitute teroals for breakfast ITse
as man) 100 per cent substitute hot
bread reclpos ns jvosslble Use otn
toes In a man) forms and a fre
qiienll) ns iicisslblit, I so cornmeal in
pbire of erumjis for lutlet croquet
und soforth ' Use rice nnd other cer
eals In puddings whkh will cut down
the desire for bread calios or wheat
pastries. Use half ns much cornstarch
for thlikenliuf gravies, sauce cream
fillings and the like ns tho recipe rnlU
fur whin flour 1 used One sixth Us
bark) flour than what makes a good
McchnnicA in nil lines carpenters, mnwna, painters, gin- H
ziers nre nlwnya in need of Riipplict for their tnulen. To ! H
euro' these supplits in stock is impossible, ns it would cnll ' f
for n henvy investment. Tliis hardware house saves you J H
that outlay. Our store is filled from cellar to roof with Riip- H
plies for nil mechanics nnd builders. Whatever your line,
if you nre cncnKod in mechnnical work, we nre bidding to H
furnish your supplies. jH
Now in the time to build that new hanhcd or granary.
Or If jou already have thcBe cfujentlaLs sec that they nre in LI
good condition to conserve the coming crops.
We nre making some extraordinary prices on rcfrigcrn
tors, ice cream freezers, oil, gas nnd electric stoves hot J
weather necessities for the household ns well ns electric J
washers. No stock anywhere in Eastern Utah to compare
with the ono here. The prices? They nre right. Snorting j H
goods, fishing tackle nnd the like. And, don't forget tho j
sanitary' garbage enns. A good ono nt 3)1.85 nnd larger ones j
nt varying prices. j
J. C. Weeter Lumber Co. I
West Main Street. Price, Utah
s B I
Your Dollars in
Your Country's H
U. S. Bonds, Weir Savings M
Stamps, and U. S. Thrift Stamps iH
must be purchased by the M
poplf from money saved from I H
their tncomes-every dollar spent I M
for tu unnaaatsaary thtnaj ' av fore for H
vll. When thnt dollar buya labor sxnd H
natartala for aqulpplnsi our army and H
navy It h&a a doubla forca flrat It caaaaa H
to avid thta enemy and aacond It la fight M '
lnf for us In lha bahalf of manhtnd. Da M
aura that your pannlas, nlcHals, dlmaa. H i
quartara and dollara axa anlialad In tha m !
causa of your country. An left dollar I
U a SLACKER dollar, but a dollar waatad 1 M
tn war tlma la a TRAITOR dollar. 1 M
All Banks and the Post I H
Office Sell the Stamps J H
issue snr Tva H
sxraxMuurr H
Pnrker-Wectcr Illdg.. Price. Utah ai
tlilikenlnK mi ilium Do not uiw (lour
(or laundry march ami pustes Don t
waste nil) food
CMtl'I'l'I, I1UMNO ASKi:i,
Tn emoiiroKe thrift niul ecoiinuo
ami to plato it little burden a o
slhli iijxm liilmr, transportation anil
utlitr resources of the countr) In ar
lime, the council of national (Mouse
tirttc tho pulillc to plan Christmas
prison! 1iii)Iiik on a inliilmum liasl.
(.oisti sMi; l'l'iinnm.
Aicptlnir the plan of W P Jensiii,
statu (.iiminlsslonir of commtrclall
ectiiiom), f uniform earlier closing
hour for imruhant of tho state, a,
txitltlon slKned l iiKimlxra of the 1 1 1 -1
lull Merihants' Assoolatlon of Halt
like City isrolnp tho mutter one
step further 1 eleitlnk to close on
Huiurilu nit, lit ut H ouluik Insteuil of
9 in lor Ii has heen presented nt the
ifflre of the tomtulsslonsr 111 an if
fnrt to I ml uce shopper to do their
Saturda nlRht huyluir eurli ami fu
illllute this plan the mutter ha uoen
plait il liefore the urlous chuithes of I
Zlon, ns well ns oritanltiil rluli ami
soeletles It I saltl then units hme
promlsetl their Mipport nnd the mat
ter, after KettlllB Commissioner Jen
sens aptiruxil will he isken up from
Ilia pulpit ;ind at, clpb msetliiK Am
iloslnir 'rKUlotl(yi Adoited tij the
state Biithprllli,nrfur1ij Tio BUnTs
able tiU?ortnln,'v1ir meet villi favor
at I'rk'ti und clsoHhore throuRlioul i
tContinuoil on iabu fhq.)
Make a Vwn case Tot flno. Iienvj ,
hlankets If ou want them to stai
dian n lone time Hut the) should
l" well aired
The lllfhest Efficiency laaaaal
Ooicrnment Kqulxalent, SlOt , H
pounds Unequalled Pur Htor- H
ace Will Not Black H
Pest of 6teamlnir and Heating 1 H
Qualities K
Independent Goal S Cote Co, I
Mine At KenlUorth Plan M
Oenerat Office Walker Dank H
Illdg-. Salt Lake Clt) H
Us right and sta)s ull right when k
wu fix It Our estimates when uu In t M
stall new vurk will et us the; con ', Km
trutt Aftei that you will ha je) very BaH
little iisil for n plumtitrs serrleeslKM fLj
cause our work stnya right - WitSrs B
iiUo expert In corroiting mistakes of 1 BH
the othpr fellow Hce us whan )ou j H
want ilependahle olumblng elthor tho I jH
new or repairs. C. It I.tmls. tha. jfH
lurner Imllilliig, Price I tali Ilranch jH
house at Helper sSsfl
ii. iBBaBj
Ihe Sun for good Job printing Slifl

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