Newspaper Page Text
ltisiMss aiaam noon --j. eople. nil nt work nuking go" (il I I SlHSifcStTOiHRNiBSKc 4fc fc 4H yBk one) nml contented n people mil if II I "TH H :BBjiGjBPR- 5U3ilCV 11 Mil tBkW Hi wartime, nrc Mill bu)lng from 1 l I b-Lrifr-SBftBfmVW'r rHb II II IT M rm that nre not ashamed to huxc vljVx V 1 WtJltt79Sri4ii JOl?yMll III III If He public net their price In print ScS3 y l 'Hk ' J?fcriTVT'Ti n-V t vTJrrrr l?3fcfc . .(jLyllv il! IL Xllof whlth tanbesiitmned up In Hit Sa-s'' vv 'u Jlr "L LBfcfeJ V y9' SUV V!5 ii Klmplo statement Hint the ftllon -fxV'tn K'Tomiomn1' to'? mIX? than - tMttti " 8ccon,, Cla" "' . 1'o.toHlce M Price. Ptah J 1,, Uie Act of Mmh ,, ,, VOLUMES NUMBER! EVERY FRIDAY Tum: 2U lili DECIDE TO DISPOSE OF CITY LICIT PUNT ction iiv corom w minks. 1Y KVKMNO. I qultable Contract Kolcrctl Into With Utah loMrr ami Light Comt-aiiy, Which Will Ilaxp I in LlntM Into Hit City llr Hmt or August Mpcctal llectlon Called For Joly 20tli. Prl c city council on lust Wcdnes y cxenlng entered Into n contract Ith Utah Power mid Light compan) 1ireb) the city U hereafter to buy :t juice from the Salt Inke City com itn). Negotiation haxe been going i n to thin end not only for neck, but for exernl months exer since. In i icU Ma) or )Vootton nod the present irember of the council nssumed of use The deal might i.ixc been ne Lillntril sooner but fur the fart Ihat uhlle It xxo prnrllcull) agreed to mi. rnl da) ago. It required ratification tin iompiii' board of dlrtctor In w York Clt) I nnd these ruuld not gotten together until Tuenda ol he present xxeek lleprisentlng the mrian) hero Wcdncsdn) In ncgotla inn was A P Merrill, the itUtrlit rinngrr for thin ttrrltor), wlih head inrtrm nt Prnxn I'or n considerable me the clt) plant ha been run at n of nlHtut sex.m hundred mid fift) llirn n month nxtr thn ininrait ol t hundrid Anil flfl) dollnrN n month A interid Into C'onl alone In nl res. nt mid It km Im u for n long time ting the t It, nl tcosl nil luiiilrid d Mlv dollars nionthl) i:xtrn.lou or I Inc. I lull Power mid Light tompmi) In .tut It g to It gin At nine Hit xtinloii It line from u point u fiw humlrid rd iiIhivp IJtlpcr lo Print. This will nl in tin neighborhood r.f twent) 3t id dollar iin the iui triu l ever) thing tlrsl lass Mil rial" nre uoxx higher limn nt mi) me In hUlnr) ThU line xhould be ittii t'n e mid ri nil) for usi bx the rn tt Atigunt. when the ttnitnut st entered Into Income effevtlxe i tit niemitlliie the i It)' will eonlliilii ' op rale the iniiiililpiil plant ('"li ma wllh I'luli Power anil Unlit mpiitix l liimd on time hiiIh pir i luHNlt hour The dlffi tttlie be win the lline untH mill the prlit to e I'liiixiinu r will be tin i lt m profit r ImudlliiK the hindne mid foi In- rliiient In 1mii wiring, upkiep, annulment nml the llk Kxir)inie whom The Hun him broached the iljjut Hi'etiiM to think the ilty fatherK ixi iluui tin right thing. There U t the liimtMiuiNllon but xhat they axe nileil (onv.MitlAuily nml In i iwillki innnui r In tin primlxn. Plant In I toil MniK rur mniitha the plant lure Imn Im Knout n xx reek, lentil) the rompaii) rrilng the Inxurmue on the threi ilhrii canceled IU polio Uinune pf in uintufe inndlllon of thlng4 gi ner H, and II U Mid If the bollira are lien through without neddent until Ilri of Aiigunt whni the new iir irgiiuent gniH Into effect It will he girded ntmont na u mlraclo. Again, ie publli ulllltli inmtnlMloii him 'in rlcht on thu hrolu of the major nj eounrll, threatening n tomplete luidown If matter wore not rem lied to the twit lfm Hon of the com ilwlnn Irh or life and the ilenlruc n of propirt) linn ul -t for montlm rfrrntid the ilt nuthurltle- The) ix e, In thi xc macular of the !, n 'right up ugnlnnt It." If the 1 1 rut bolhra will do their work mi 1 tin huldown come exirjone In ie bant concerned will feci great ri t In the adjoining column Ik tho l)i Ion punned b the count II nu ' rung tin. purchiiM! of ilmtrltlt), !'', the offlilnl notice required be i the nlunt mil) be iold. Tito for r iilmi prnxldea for money to be Huiuid ii) tin tit) III innntctlon Uh the contract nnd xxhhh nre In naed to be a part pajmitnt tovnril tiinnlruitlnn of the line from llel r hire It will be noiul lit I'arii fh t that (reditu an glxm on ui 'im i f nirrent Tt nns of Plant Kali , t the adjourned muetlng of the Ji II Wednmday ixtnlng all the , mltra of tho council, Clt) Attornw) u U and Mil) or Wootton xxcrw pre l Tin uetloii of the ndxlnublllt) f Mug to the hlglunt bidder the en elutrli generating and dlntrlbut- ' lein, logither with all the prop t used, or jii hand for ue, In ton ti ,i with wild plant nnd n)tt,m, i ill i muted at l nglh, whertupon t iinmu J. A MntliU Introdmud 'i trued tho adoption of the lol g riwiliiilon f'u. In the judgment of the 1 t mil of Prlie. I'lnh. It I deem i'UKili( o n II tho tnllra plant ' "-tim uwntd t) Prlie, Utah, nnd 1 ir tho purpoiio of genctallng, ': -Milling and dUtrlbutlng .In trie 1 (' for llfcht, heat, power and other 'V , liu hiding nil equlpmmt up "li-iixn t., appllanceii and nupplha r mi imnd for ue. In lonnei ! Hh Kiiid )Ht(in, now thtrefore, ' K ui dr und In imordiineu with ir l-ioim of Chupttr , Helon w ( I lull, 1913. be It rtfolxtd 'r I That U II Valtern.A J and Uobtrt MoICune, thrte reiil n tnxpU)er or Prlit. I'tnh, be, I l"i are. herhy uppolnted appraU rpprul tho unlil ilectrk plant J " tern Including all polei, wlren, iriiu, meters, fixture i, equipment uiipiiimceH tonntltutliiK u part of lluit and )tem, and all ma '! und auppllea owned b) the city r ue In Lonnectlon with wild plant II lfctim. Bald appraiser ihall ' return of their nppraUement with ' flty recorder of J'rloe, Utah i ' ni That the quemlon of the of ald plant nnd n)tm be uh l to the qualified tkcto'l of (Continued on page four.) NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION. cM,,,'onhr,alaVe,0c1,,Vedl b", Th. i"l;,,". lo determlno the qftestlpn wlvther or not Price Utah, atifiil Veil ul5"i& TnMval p,,,nl ""AS uned for the purpoee of generating .n'e'J.v'VJ11" n.nd, 'klf'''tln el"trk rh? ifii ln.."nd .n,,oul ,,flr. l'ah. In rnetera. flxturen. tuipmeiit nnd np S Lni" fon"1 ,u"'1r Prt of aald J" l ""?",,,m' l- "'I material nnd nunpllea owned b) Price, Utah. ..u,,".'n lnncctlon with wld plant nnd )(teni v .t7itSTt",.!'hXl.Hi ,n,, Piling lilacen liiii1 Jf t'h, one thrreof nt City Hall In North Price Election DbitrlM, known a Klectlon Dl.trlct No 1C. one thereof at the Count) Court lloune In Fnat Price Klectlon I)ltrlit Known an Klectlon DUtrlct No 17, and one thenar nt the Houthcrn I'tah Ip Pot In Houth Price Klectlon DUlrlet. known na Klectlon IMntrlct No m. ,..J',N;..t:,,cr,,on' T- I'rooka and l( J:. Mllmir". n "I" whom renldi In Prlie, Utah, nnd In North Prlie Kle. . tlon DUtrlct No t, nhall be the Judge or aald election district there In il ' T Harmon. 1lenr Wade nnd II. J.-World, nil of whom renlde in Prlre. t tali, nml in !:, rri0 Kitetlun DU trlit No, 17. ahall lie the judged of ealil election dUtrlit therein A W. Hhlner. Abe Powell and Thomna Duma) no. all .of whom nnlde In Price. I'tnh, and 'In South Prk I. In tlon DUtrlct .So u. m Uf tin Judged of mild cleitlon ilUirlit there in Ml qiinllflrd b lorn of I'll.,, t'tnh, i. miinlclpul torpumtlon, who haxe paid n propirt) tix In the )enr pr tedlng auih i lei tlon, an tntltled to Xoli The poll-, will rtiiiiilii opiii during the Utile from 7 nVlmk In tin morn lug until 7 o.lo. k In tin ixtnlng 1'ITV fill Nt'll. tip Pltll'K I'TAH (liHirge A Wootton Mn)or t'oiinli riilgm d nnd ntlmleil MAT OII.MOt'lt, IU". I ) t'll) Kerord.r nusoi.inioN MTiioitiiM. tTu: Pi'itt nfi; dp i'oi:it. ( oiiiiellitiuii V i; Anderaon pri xentiil th tollowlng resolution und mux id Itn mloptioii lit mixed That the mn)iir ( tin clt) or Prln t'tnh. In Ih n l author Ixil lit exit lite on iH'Imlf or Mild ill) nml the nil) retordir U nuthorliid to altiM mid touiiliiplgii mid nffU the tnriHirale lo a iimtriiit with I'tnh Powir and Light ituiipmi), running ror the term or ten )eam, from Aiiuu-i I. 191. rmlHid)lng MibMlnullnll) tilt followlitg l.riiiN nml lomllllouM I lift-The tin will piiriuuiie from miI toinpaii) all i In trie rmrio nee ewnr) for tin iim of the illy in opir ntlng It 1. 1 irk ilUtrlbuilon n)ntim, I ror the ptiriHii... or furiiUhlng IdHilfi end ll Intiahltniitit Willi rlntrklt) for1 light, hi ut, powir and other purpoMV.I Kitotid The mien to be paid for, null ncrxht hull be In niinrdaiue with wild compan)'-) K.hrdiil. No. t.l til file with tin publk utilities torn I iiiUkIoii of I'tah I Third The tit) nhall obllgnln lleeir. lo pu) moiilhl) fur tho Mrxko rn-l i. Hnl, at the nitia proRirlbid In Mild mlHilule, mid to iny n inlulmiim i'ii)- mint of nix humlrid mid fifty ffiiSOOU) inch month, for thu flrt eitr of the rontrmt, a minimum povmiiit of etxrn hmidred 11700 00) ilollnrn emh mouth for tin inotul )tar of tin contniit, und n minimum it)uuit of Kexen hundred and lift) 11730 00) dollar eath month during the remiilndir of the llfu or Kild ion trait, regurdk-M or the amount of lotxir iictunll) conaumed. I'ourlh The lit) nhull ndxauee the mm of thne thouwind (13000 00) ilollarn on or before Jul) IS, If 18, und n further kuni of two thoun.ind (12000 0) dollarn on or Iwfora Janu ar 1, 1919, to uppl) on the tout to be Incurred b nald compan) In txtind Ing the line for the purponen of ren ill ring the wrxlce proxldid for In the i outran The amount mo adxanced without Ink rent ahall be npald to thu tit) b) u iredlt of onr.tlilril of Ita monthl) bllU iin tin) uitrui undtr the t outran Ihe mollon to adopt the resolution wiih xeiouded b) Counillman II. II. noitimnnn. and a ")ta" und 'na)" xote taken with the following remillr. Voting ')tn" t'nunillmen Thumai. I'ltigeruld, (lomer Peacoik, V IS. Andemou, II II. floetxmann and J A. Muthlii. Vollng "na)(" noni More thun a majorlt) of th mm I era i let led to the clt) count II having xoted ")ea," the ma)or declared the motion tarried and the rettolullon adopted . Male of flab, Count) of Carbon b8 I. the undemlgned tit) rtcordir of the tit) or Prlie, I'lali, do lunu) (rtlf rirnt The for. going U n full. tru. and torrett cop) of a resolution adop ted on roll call h) xote or more than a majority of the ebcted members of the tit) t num. II of Prlie, I'tah. at an ndjourmd ngulur me. ting of wi Id mum II. In Id nt the clt) h ill of wld clt). on the Ith da) of Junt, 1918 . Met mid -Prlie. t'tnh. I, a""1"1 "" Unit e menllonid In thin lertlflcate wan. ii ill) or Iho third-claim, dill) irniteil ami ixUtlng undir the law 0 Third n the 19th du) of June 1918. (leorgi A Wootton wan maor of mild lit), mid Jlomtr P Pewuk. Jol n A MnthU. H Audi rwm. II II tlottimann and Thoma HUgcra lil were the of the clt) loiinoll Kouith In pursuance of the nboxe mentioned resolution, the mu)or of ihl ilty i.Ikiic-1 nd the iitv reorder atlmted mid lountcrylgnid and nrflx ed the corporate neal to dupllcoUa of the iittachcd lontruct. xxlilch l he cimtrurt nulhorUed to be executed undi r and b tht term of wld relu- """i wltneM whereof. I haxe hereunto net m hand nnd affixed the corpor ,e seal of aaWcll. muuQVltt (Htul) Clt fturuer Quarterly conference of Carbon ,take will bo held ut Price Haturdajr and Sundi). June S2d and !3d. That the People May Know Count) rnmnilMloiitr V T Hamilton It ft iet rtlH ror Terre Hiiute, Ind and Chnlrmnn Alln-rt llr) tier nnd V. H. Duntev) will lenxe tomorrow The) go n the the A I. Oreenhiiri; Ifon iomiin to limpta the works of tint firm nnd figure on mine iteel brldgie, WJinther one or two will be purchased tr whether an) will be boughl from that firm depends on quallt) ui d price The commissioners Imxe eexcrnlnuofillon on bridges nnd will In vestigate thoroughly before deriding ThKflrceiibiirg tompan) Is pi) Ing the railroad fare and llx Ing expenses of the three making tho trip. (The Hun please copy.) The nboxe Is taken from the NewsAdxoiute official sponsor for the Him lllonltr)ner comt Inatlnn which makes contracts for the expenditure of the funds of Carbon count)'. We accept the Impudent request to copy this ex loso of offlcl-il Incompetence and In doing eo challenge Hamilton nnd llr)ner to defend their nctlon In junketing across tho continent nt the expense of a runcern which Is sure to charge the "hospltallt)" with plenty ndd-d to Carbon count). The (Ireonburg Iron lompsit) cxldmtl) comprise some btgarlou Hebrew who haxe dUiorcrcd In Carbon count) two public officials dub enough to accept sexernl hundred dollar worth of free transportation, cal. sleeps, drink mid siiih other costly patronage for tlulr xlrtur and xke n may be to conxlnce them that out of gratitude the) should necept such bids u the (Ireenburg ma) make for the bridge material if Carbon count) Of course Hie law proxlde Hint silt h purchases shall be made from thn lowet resionslble bidder Now Is there un)one foolish enough to belli xe that n tsxmern which transports, feetls, sleep nrd swills Hill, Albert and part) from Mormondnm to Hooppolc tount). Ind. inn Kssllil) Im a legiti mate low bidder? An) person oulsldo ix mental hospital can see that Curium county get the worst of suth deals and It must be equal!) clear to the mhi Unit Hamni) and Albirt will be -iheud n nice long ride mid plenl) of good fills of In Iter liquid nml solids than the) nre ntcustomid to assimilate, while the tlrettiburg Iron company xvoll, mi)one bearing the name of (ireenbtitg I not glxen to phllnnthrop) txitpt upon occnslon or JeixUh r.stlxnts or the ttle brntlon or rlt.s whem Jewish surger) Is n iiecullar nnd Important Imldent Prom Price to Ttrrn Haute, Ind . the railroad fire Is 32 t,Z with at out tin dollar uitdltlonnl for Pullman l rlh, milking 81X7 98 for Hamni), llr)mr nnd Diinkx) tnih wa. Double this nml wt haxt morr than three hiiittlril mid stxent)rixe tlollnr ror rillriKiil (ans nlone going mid mining Add to this meals and lodgings ror the three en route and other nli rtnlntnent b) tlulr Id brew friends und stum Itod) has blown In lx or sexm hundred dot lars. wltli h CurlHiii it.unt) laxm)ir will huxt iharged up ngulust Hum on bridge or mi) thing else tit.' Hebiews uiiloud on thn two lommisslont r and DiinhX) It will lie noted Hint Commissioner limit CMIitml has stood nloof from this Junketing tour mid otlii t miiiilk repreh. nslbl. a ts This the people will runemhtr " , Ul us hop. that our tntlr. irrasiir) Is not t mum Hiatal us tin result ol th. iilmost iinthlnkiible and m illi liitompanibh sluplilli) or our gnat hour' or loinmlsslom rs xxho w in to think suth tomtit. t prop.r LAME 01 JSHINKE PiomiiiIIoii Hail Nolhliig On XXhlili lo Couxlit rlgo Itarl) I'rldny iitliruooii all the lee tlmoii) whs lefoit the court In the A D Van Wuggomr mid fli-orgn ii. IWhltmore IMIgallon which hud oeeu ; letl u ureal i r ixirllnti of the limn last wnk Ihe still luxolxi title to close to slxt) aire of land along (Iruss) (Trail Crttk down below KiiiiidsIiIii. I Tin plaintiff also iisks ilamiiKi ror iMsHisesloii, xxhlle the ik'fi ntlall nut) be nxxurd.d a sum ror linprnvn Intents If U Is riuull) tltildtd to Xtst i lite Kiln In plaintiff. Any wn) It goes, owtxir, It Is reasonnbl) tertuln mi rppiHil will lt taktu to the supreme lourt. Judg. Chrlsteiiseu hns mi pounced to thu nltorne) In the vase, l N. Ktrniip and A. It. llarne fur Whitmore, and Perdlnand Krlrksi u end M. P. Ilraff. t, ri pren tiling Van Witggnntr, that he will hiar their nr guinints nl Hall 1-akn Clt) on or about Jut) Itth It Is expelled u toupln of daj xx III be . onsumi-d In these Thn rreatir portion of the day Haturda) was taken up xxlth hearing, nrgumints and demurrrr In other i.m. The water suit against the Denxtr und lllo Grande railroad and stxtn ronl toinpanli were ul thn reiiurstor the I lalntlff continued for the tirm. Momla) morning the empaneling of p Jur) was Ugun In the Frank Arlgo murdir iase from Castle Onte. This took two ila with thu ex Idem e all In and th" arguments hi nrd b) 3 30 o'clock eterday afternoon About 7 o'clock of the mining n xerdlct of not guilt) xx us returntd. The charge was murdir In the first degree. The Jur) was made yv of W. 15 Cowley, J. I- Parr), J. C. Woodward, Hlexo Daxls, Wl'llam Oogurl), Daxld Peter sen. J A Croikctt. Albert arames. Nell D llrotherson, I'red Paternoster, William Oreen and James Ocntry. Tin defendant shot mid killed an Hall in In a drunkon brawl nt Cattle (late about eight months ugo. An olhtr who xmih Impfteated In the mur der of the man and thn wounding of n woman also liu uextr been npprt I en Jul IJH'k of txldtnre, whkh U supposed to bo furnished by the loitn ty ultornu), handkajiped DUtrlct At- loriie) l'MUersm In th. ens. Irlli lltl Jur) was out nnotJtir wn im ! tn I.h hiiiI hmr.l the Imtler) t-use ngulust John A Powell Jr the eom pbilnlng wAnes I ring h wontuii of Powtll wus fr.t'il of the t barge. ThU (l'rl.lii)l morning Hit iit ng ulust IIhI' Ward, tharge.1 with ill sertlon nml uoii-supprl, oms on be fore it Jur) It Is the last mil or Hit trlnilnal mlender afli r txhlili tix II mntltrs will Ih ink. n up SOME BIGJOAD WORK Pol lllgliwn) 1'roin Ormigcxllh lo rplirnliii ulliorUttl, Aflir four )tsir or dela) frmn one tails, or another, the fort)flxe mile 'in tilt of post roud between Orange xllle In llmer) toiiuty nnd Kplir.tlm In Hinp te lount) Is to be constructed, mid Ihe work Is lo be lompleted till ).Mtr Knell was tin ditUlon run lud ut ii milling of Hie stale roud com mission Iryt Momla) ut which were rlsn pn nt Commissioner O 11 fill tlsple nt Kmir count), Hlate Itntd Agent Carl Will erg of that county, Chris Wlllurdson, mi) or nf Kphrnlm; Pelt r Mortenson, former commission tr of Hanpete lount)! K. I Kidder, n nlor hlghwn) engineer, mid J P. Murlln, loth rrprruentlng the fori sir) nerxlie; Hnron Andirson, I. P. llrad) nml C J Chrlstlnnsen, rommlsslontrii of Hanptte inunt). The original isllmutu or the cost of the Oranguxllln lo Kphralm roml was iboitt 8118,000, but udvmice In cast of material and lulr bring the prea ent tstimnti) up to approximate!) tlCO.OOO ThU I I'ortst I tend Proj ect No, I, and the determination to complet. It this ar will optn up ex tensile axallable r. sourer which lacked transportation facllltlea here tofuri It I said h) the forrst ser xke men that about seven million ft el nf stulidlup timber I wllhln reach of the road and Ihe tool fields v III be made aecesslble to the farmer nf Hanpete lount) The new highway xx III iitnnect the Hanpete und Castle Vnlk) across the Wnsatih range. Hid will be called for lit ome b) the forestry srrxlce REPORTING FOUL CONDITIONS LOCALLY Kb ctrl. light mattirs til Prlte l. iK out of the wui. nrfix in I o the sat isfiiillou titiiliaitUiill) or tv I uloiltv or the resldnit nnd tapu)tr of Price, the clt) 'i mini II br turning II titttntlon lo th.t watrnxfluatloii In tb hope of bettering" rrtidltlon gtnernll trsterdu) nftiriiooii Major (ltorge A Wootton nnd Dr II II (IncUmann. lounvllmuu, went In to Halt I.nke City at the dliectlnii of the ilty rounclt Tuda) the) art calling on Oox, HI mou Ilnmbcrger Attorne) Oenernl Dan II. Shield und Dr T II Ilentty nf the utate board or health. They are lu)lng before these people sanl tar) conditions us they at this time exist up und down tho Price rlxer, the source nf suppl) of the water used hire Home things. It Is said, that will open the ees nf ttie stats authorities nre to bo dlsclosod. Another report also will go In from H. I. Bwarlx, state sanltury Inspector. If nothing U done b) lho state health board or nothing will be done It U Intimated action looking to ward the empaneling of a grand Jury will be taken I-ate rains uboxe Price huxt sxrxed to the strtam fur u wink nr ten du) past xxlth Hit result that tin xxulcr now coming through the mains I unfit for any use whut txer bathlug nr txen In nutomoblleH The clt) reserxolr shows the filth that hits bttii brought down munurn and man) oilier inntamlnntlng things Iliallzlng the Merlons situation ul nnd) (onf routing the people of Prke, the clt) touiull has the tnulln of drinking water lure for the Inhabi tant under consideration Tin Den xtr und Itlo flrnndo will bit approach ed to bring water down In tralntoad at stated period from It springs and rrstrxolr at Cotton Itepresenlatlon of Ma) or Wootton and Dr (loetzmann xx III bo rrlnfnrtvd b) report from In epoctor Hwartz. Mrs. J O Pauwlt, I to haxe charge or the knitting work or (he lied Cross clnco Mrs, J. It, Sharp tiai moved to Dig Hprlnga ranch. Helper Is to haxe a Chautauqua from June 27th to 29th, Incluslxe. Thero will be eight performance un der a large tent. PRICE RlVERJKiHBALlS I'wisllt Ohialmil II) Milling Itv Man ufsi lurvil UH-nlly. ' 1 , tt bile the people of Halt Iake Clt) an xlgorausl) protesting against thi rapacll) of their Ice tompanlt In raising Ice price lo lxtytlxe cent n. hundred weight, tlellxered, the people of Price contentedl) pa) "Tube" Whliniore local manufacturing coneirn n dollar per hundred pound of mushy sherbet nrtltl cl illy t ongealed from the germy soup of tht Prlte rlxer. Polk with rebellious pnlalea 4 for sherbet can get tho original soup Irom tho Helper round- house or more lonvenlentl) nl the outlet of Ihe Denxtr nnd lllo 4- (Irande Ft pile tank. Installed under the direction of the state board or health neur thn Young Men CltrUthn Association building nt Helper. No guide xxould be neiessary to enable n blind man to locate the plate The stenih nsctml to high heaxen Price Ire made from Price rlxer should be ihenper than the Halt like City product beiiiusi It itmtnln much nm lunula In It natural slate Thn nlcnholle ronlent of our rlxer if water lints mnlrrlall) lewHjtied siiitt. thn upper towns xxinl dry, although there Is still enough 4 bootleg tllspos. d of to maintain 4 4 ii ncognliuhle rial or during low 4 4 water season 4 4 Highballs npprotuhliig the 4 4 prohibitionist toiiceptloii or nl 4 4 toholii ibiug. r ma) hi made b) 4 4 uniting Prlte rlxtr In 4 4 4 44444444444444444 EVERYBODY ROASTS ROADS Mini) oinplnlii! Prom IraxtltrM lit t hum ul tr Hail lllgliixn)s. T lit. t tourl-l milking lb. dip fimti Colorado lo t lah me finding th riHids in llHflirii t lah In n xtrx di -jiloniblt tondlllon mi) the llruml Jinn tlon (Colo I Dull) New of last Tuivda) The wuslie me di.p mid Iroiilili'i-oini' lo git Ihiough ami the gt in ml road lomlllloii show that Utile hits been pratitlcull) no work done on tin in this tar The roads In (. ntriil t'tuh lire will keyl mid splen dldl) graded, but those rfi the raslrn portion or lite slate seem lo be utmost wholl) iitgletlt.l Al Ihl lime, whin Hie goxernniinl is t moiiraglng Hit people lo riliexe lite nil In hiiIs of its mm It passnigt r tniXtl it Hit) tun, Il Im hooves eath and txtr) stale In lake as good itiro of In r roads us posullde nnd put those boiling to ImiHirtiinl Cities In sitilt shape Hint the) will be Usui b) Ihe people who nre making trips oxirliiml this summer The tourUl trnxel thiuugh lira ml Jumtloii with Utah point us their oh Je. Ilxe hesllati before undertaking the automobile road from Ihl clt) to Halt Uike fit) on account ol the poor itindltloii or Hie hlghwn) In Eastern I'tah Cur are making Hie trip ex ir) dn) nml get through nil right, but nn stute thai ha a pride In attract ing p. ople to her hading title should lake pleasure In placing her hlghwn) In the best possible shape for tourists. Mesa count) Iin done In r part und plated Ihe roud to Ihe Utah borilrr In good shape mid It I' hope I'tuh will put some xxork on her eastern roads that innnict with our t nil of the roule ClllMillrt Alll. axnou.sci:d IN NKU CI.OHIM! HUM I'or tho Iwller conxt nlenee of the teusumlng public sen rnl nllerullons In the i losing regulation which he i nine ef fertile on June lfJIt haxe bien nnnnmirid. A n whiilo the regula tion are declared fly W. V Jensen, (ommlsklnnrr, to haxe the widespread support of the tnerchun and people i f thn slate llowexer, Jensen Imludid In Ih list of articles and product wbbh may be sold after the regular txenl ig i losing hour and on Hunda) and holl da) nil ptrlshnble foods Thu orig inal rtgiilution proxldrd thai only freeh fruits, soft drinks, mini), to buicos, tlgars, newspiptr and ptr lodlcaU might have such kuIo. The t ntlro matter nf regulation, c) Jenstn, "I one of patriotic mo th e. The hope Is that It will haxa n limit ni) toward the loii.cnatlon of time ind lo provide a uniform mean for the pioplo to get tho needed rust to du urgent!) needul war gurdin work and to bu better prepared for the more slrenuoiiH which war time Ik bringing i loser and i loner to txer) homo In the land 'It I itntklputid that thu closing riguliitlon will be ut onte full) 75 pi r nut iffnllve In Ihe statu and that within n short 'iin will bo universal" Vlri.ll Kllhlll, n dtsertir rrom Pot Douglas, wn taken In at Kenllwortll Junction it few da) ago h) Marshal Piery of Helptr Huspklou was at Iructed to the man whin hi traded a pair of soldier' shoe nt Iho railroad town for u pair or civilian kicks The marshal gets tw ent) -five dollar re-ward Hugh It. Mil-eod ha had hi state I sentenco terminated and he bten ut liberty slnca last Monday He worked for the Western Union at Price recently under the name of Hill Also xxlth the Denxer and Itlo drandc, Iho latter corporation having prose cuted him for embezzlement. WEATHER The Hun Hpeclnl Hcrxtee I Dlt.W Kit Col.... June 21 8 07 a. nl. H Hi in mill fair tonight unit Hnttir I H da) .xx it rolnxl Ix shovxtnt north 1 bH IHirllon Not mm It ihmige In torn j H perailin g H Colton . r.M In a good material for BH tblldnti iinderweir btrntist It doe LH tint requ Hi i urefttl liiunderlng STOLEN m LANDS ZION BAD ONES I INJL (i.oki: ci.i nm i.tvt'H ov Ttin M IIOHSi: llll'l K DUIWAY. H I'lfleeii Automobile Thcfti ami Ser eral llurglarioi Clinrgr.1 Against H OiM! of ' Tin m Officers 1'rom Hh. iLH Hlate Capllnl CVnio After and He- j Bl turn Stli Vnunglrr) Monday Ijist. 1 H IU ey ICitehum, about 19 )car of H age, mid ISmmelt Foote, n )ear )oung ' er. were nrrested nt the Knvo) Hotel i H lust Hunda) lifter rtglsterlug from j H Halt iwikii Clt) The) were landed be H hind the bars nt thn count) Jail by H Hhrrlff (leorgi. Cnlllnghnm on gen- H eral suspicion Tliat Ihe offjter was H right In siting the youths up n want H id sotiti when soon wn demonstrated H Their tonilng to the I mill hostelr) and ' H siibe(tii nt arrest has nn automobile ' H llieft slor) bthlud II Alter talking to M the Imi)m und lUleiilng lo n more or H less rish) slor) Hltirlft Colllngham H got In loiith with .Ion's thief of pn H II. t the luller etiit two of hi men H litre Momla), J K Kgln rt mid J. A H Wood ward The) teturmd to the JH stale . upltitl Moml i) with the two M oiilh In t harge On nrrlxal nl the ' Hnxt.) Hit) n gUI. r. tl us II N Klleli- .'H t II nml I rank Johnson instead of H llurxi) Ktlthiim mid Kmmett Poole, : H tlulr right mimes H Uist wtek I Ann ltnxlll of K.nll H wntlh ilroxt lulu Hull l-tike I'll) with H his wife nml fmnll) Hiilunht) ex en- H Ing Hit) nit. mini it pt rfnl muitce ut Hi. Piittlnke- iHHXlug tlulr inr In H front of Ho Ihfiittr In the mean-, H lluiiulveti lilipt nml I'.hiIo took Ihe iXAr H mill TicTVde.J Hits wit) for llriiuilkJune- H llmi Colo All w.iit .ll xxlth them H until Hunda) morning win n they H renihttl III. sleep dugvxu) nt Ihe head H or Horst Cmk In Price lllx'r C.ttf' 1 )oli Tin lllllik her. lift the road M Hid rolled down Ihe iiiidoii stile about H stxelil)-rixe f. el. tomplelel) wreek H lug the tur nml bruising up I'oole H who rnualiinl with II until It totild go H no fartliir Kelrhiim Jumpetl In thy H lilnitilluie und bill for u good slinking H up ni nt. mil of the xxreik minimi H oitsl) The tiir Is said to be almost H rompleltl) ruin. d Him. some of the H lire have In nt s'loleii It wus still nl H Ihe Jumping off plan" )cetcrday H AImiiiI half an hour after the necl- H .lent C II Murrust n mid olhi r who H had been fishing oxrr night ui nn I H While 1 tix i r en me along Ktlihutn 1 xxiin still dasid mid Pooti waiting for B lomi'oni' The) were brought to Price H b) Mart us. ii. Dr C T Hose hail nl- H It nihil llitlr Injurle hi fore they were H nrrestid, 1'nltowlug the Mareusen H part) tttiiiii Hherlff Colllngham nnd W. H V. Welxel nf Hiltin)slde, who also had H In t it fishing The sheriff suspicion H were aroused b) the wrecked tar and H he made utinu run Inqulrli along the H xru) home u well a keeping hi e. H open Ilah) t lollies nml other thing B In Ihe car at the wrick led the officer to rear somtone with ihlldnti going HBfl through the toiintr) nr out ror pleas HBa lire had met with nrrldinl The tar I one that formerly wn traded In for HBl n ntw one by Dr II II. (loetimnnn. HBl Uihr II wn bought b) leixltt from HJ a total gtrugi SBl ICtlchtim, nnordlng to the of fliers who tume ror him, ha thrice been HHl Jailed ror miiomnblle tbrfis nml bur- HBl glarlis, but ha esinped severe pen- BHl ultlrs b) pleading that ho was but 17 HBl )tar old, thu touting within the jur- HBl Udlilloii of the Jin mill, court. How. HHJ exer, n lelltr from hi mother was found on his ierson when arrested nt HHJ Prlte Hunda) In w lib It shn refer tn HJ the fail that his nlnrlienth birthday bu B BBi The polkti so) that In uddltlnn to FIBBJ fifteen iiutomoblli. thefts, Kelehum bIBBJ iidmlt Ihe reitnt Conoio Htrxlce sta H BBBJ Hon burglaries nl Ninth Houth nnd BBBJ Htute strut, and Ninth Kast und IH Twelfth Houlh str.cts nt Halt Iake IH Clt), iim will us the Warm Hprlng 8bVJ grot i r) stori und the Ntw Temple 9BH Hotel biiiglurlis. nnd the theft of a 9H kodak from u mat blue belonging to VBH II W Mudsen VBVJ Kiti hum will answer In the district BH tourt. xxhlle I'ootn will be bandit d by flH the Juxenllt tourt ut V.lon IVbI (l)Ii CAMP IH .NOW UIM.Ii 0HH TOP IN M.MP4 WINTIHt QCAUTHIIH June 17. HbVJ Todii) marked the bloxinlanx of Win mBH ter Quarti rs "oxir the top 100 per VBH i cut per frit xxlth txtry man n sub- ilH scrlber to the xvar sax lugs tamp BH drlxe The total subscribed b) the BHH Hloxelilau nutlouullt) I 83976 00, BH making an iixernhtt of a hundred and SflH twent) -eight dollar per Individual flBH Carbon count) netd have no fear of VBH making her quota If the other nn BBH tlonnlltle haxo the same pep and thn VBJ tamo prtdu In their udoptid land, and BBH the same earnest hope that the con- BBH dllloni the) left their native land to BBH better tan be betturod by Htnvenlan HvAl dollar und ull Slovenians standing BBH squureb buck of the government they BBH havt adopted a their own HHB Frank Clochtto of Haiti ha np- Wl plied to tho itate engineer for an BBH eighth of a second-foot of water from flHB IVirnt Tree Can) on above that camp HHB for stock watering purpose HHU