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-"""" " Steonl-CI' . June 4. IMS at the rcofflca .1 I'rlce. ft.h. Cnder the Act of M.rch 3. 1S7 VOLUME 4; NUMBER 8 EVERY PuIdAY " fUTURE OF IRRIGATION! SYSTEM UP TO THE I PELE I'llOI'OSAI. TO KOUM r.XTIHIXY m:w coiu'ouatiov. MwtliiR f Htockliotiiera of Canal Over South I Called rVir llio Twenty I'mirth to Wee Wliat Slay Ho Done sinlo I .n ml IWmnl IclrrM ttw rami ,t HfTP In Take It I'mlcr Control. j t' Jeniwn. fnrinrr nnd Ike ltck- nan went In In Salt Uiku City yetr- ,. nnd I toila conferring with member Of Ihn ntutn land hoard nnd her tate offlclnl nloul the farmer tklnK over Ihn nffnln of ttio I'rlco I tver Irrlgrtllnn convjinny Thi tate i going t" fnrwtliwn II mortgage of l. out eight) thotiiMinil dMIar nnd ac- rued lntreit on the property aliout the first of October, next Thin ale In Ih n ilvcr tUrd within lhn next w ln. Ilrlrt tli debt of the Male I'tah H.vlng nnd Trust rompnlty h ml mortgage on tlin proper!) for 'milt thlrt) lltotiNiml dollar. It tig n to lld i notiKli t the coming ale i protect ItM Interest In Midi event tie proper!) would go lo olhir than ill IntrrcKtM nnd Ret Into the hand f promoter no doubt It In lo head ff thin continue!!?) Hint Jenm n ha illed n meeting of Uhhmi lnl rented fit) Hull lit 1'rlee the evening of r TwinD-I'mirth. i Jinien hits lieen In tnuih with le ti liuid iNiitril mid Oo Hlmon Hum mer nnd declare It lo he the de re of thee gentlemen thnl the poo le hire own the )Mcm If they rin n compnh) lo Inko the property Mr the tHto v III limn tho new cun rn MifrHliiil fund to inert the ob gullon of the I'luli Having nnd Trut nnd iiIhk the inoiie)' to put '(trough to eomph tlon Ihe proponed i.'imcl uot of I'rlce thut would do inn)' wllh cunldc ruble f turning, now ti Imd ihnpe Attorney Ahhy Hnow. representing t )e Hull Ijike City bunking hntue. line mid the HUlcmenlf or threat that bit U prepared to form u cimiiiiy nnd i kn nvir lhn )tctn Thin people t- re would not tnko kindly to They lime hud quite enough of ftlnn and Ihrr promoter. Joueii, Mho own mi) leti thoilMtid in rex of lull J and much water xtock of thn )tem, ha .ild thut U Hnow gut loo KA) In the mutter ho (Jnnen) Mill pu) off i'iiuw'h crowd hlmiojlf mid hike hi mini with the lot nl people ROAD WOffl COIHC NK)ELY Miile 1'igutcer 1'IcommI Willi hvvrrnl l'roJiHlM Vlcvird. Oenrgn I. MrOonnglo, lute engln- er, uicompunled (tov. Simon Hum- 'tritiir nnd the Inttur'a wlfi- nnd tuKhtrr. Ml KIkii limnherRer. on ihelr trip throuRh tho tllnlnh Uanln untry mid uUo to Carbon nnd Km- i) lounty, Thn Hun had u nioul up- minted nnd ery ptrnnnnt rull of n I'ltlf hour or mom from tint ntnte en neer Unt Wednesday ncnlnR pre- )U to tho court houie meetlnR McdnnuKlo referred lo the road I'rkti lo Hmrry and nald uiiiuiir liter IhlnRH thut tho project liaa liean iJiull) iiiipruMil nt WimhlnRton, I). hut he In douhlflll If actual work ill Im kIii on It until aprliiR.. Coinlnu l from Mjlou ho found Out road from I re out In Rood hIiumi exiupt thl - U i'f Kiildler, where hoiiio rrpnlr ill Muni hao to I m made. ThU hlRhway, he wild, l In rompe- ' lit hund und will he looked ufler m I oliiiuld l.f by i:. C. Iee, ntnte road tinnilwilnnar The Willow Creek roud t m Cnntlu date li H'lnv pushed nnd dl wion beoomo one of the very bent ii) h hern In the latn. Thu work I ini), luit.U progreiuilnff moat atla- f' torlly, Thi Rournor nnd pari) wcru uc mpiinled from Prku to Kmery Jill) by MUJontiKle mid Ira It. I riiunhiK, utiitu rond ouRlnmr Vi- 1 rda mid toduy they Ued up ion itltiiu mid thu rcHoinmundntlon will for ImprovumentH o!rttlnro that le blR iropH of "the KiliKdotn of Knv ' inn) li moved. More than nliuudrcd thotmand dol- ) will be npent on the I'rlco lo IJnf !"- ttimd wht n work doen bruin. 'mi uMi:.vr is w.vicimti (iiocimih who "i-iioriTixir ' ttl'Mud food ndmlnbitriilloii warn- K' rtli)d by tho Vtuh offlie nrv Hit ffet Hint tho Rtivcrnmeut I nic ilohe wnteli on retail Rroter) '3 wht re rtienl rained In lrle le nine effeillve. It In pointed I 'h t u teudent) to Intro-me price 1 I tin Hhown In illxtrlilM where lr liureu.eH hnvo bn Rranted 1ilfiH. . The warnliiKK nay tho "vt nmcnt 'U It dlitliutl) underatood that ! h ralca havn been iteeurcd h)" tl8 men tti compeiiHuto fur prcnent hlRh ''". and not to meet price wlilcll 1 ''o retalUrn may levy beeauno the H'ntn have additional money, i It Is H inieij out tllnt proflletrliitr"' I a H -noun otfpnv. ,.' " Horalry, itako clerk, rajs MJre are u hundred and ten hoy In 7 draft from Carbon ntuke, forty of M"e number from Trice. 0. .. !! Doormat at Potsdam UTAH FIELD ARTILLERY BAND DOMING MONDAY i Ciirbon tuuiily will uixt Monday re ulve n vlult from Hie Hundred mid r'iirll'irth (I'tith) I'leld nrtlller) Iminl mid llilpir mid I'rlie will Hint afternoon mid eveiilim euteiluln Ihetn CnMle (lute wu,tn Ihllpllind n poitlou of the lime, .rtil aTTSr the proKmm had been Tir ran Red word inme from William l.llilejohii, nuptrlnteudetit of the milieu there, that the nrrmiKemcnl IneludliiR thnl town rould not bo car ried out beoiiiiKe of the milieu huvlmt to work The men do nol Ret out of Ihe mint until 4 10 ii'ilnek or the nf. lirnooil nnd Rovernment KKUlatlnn" will nut nllow of Ihelr tiiklim mi) limn from Ihelr vvurk Calht Oale turn then dropped h) the council of de frnoe, wlili h him Ou tomlnR of the hund mid It- vnterlnlnmvnl while here In chnrRe There nre thlrt)-nlne member of the orir.iiiUallnn mid It ! iiciompmiUd on It- tour of Piith Cllleo mid tow ii b) HrlKham II. Iloberu, ihaplaln of Ihe llundreduiid Ktirt) Klflh. w- OrlMluull) the bond km booked for CirlKin counl) for July SJd, but thin? ha nlnce leu nnrrrtiiRnmenl of ilulM throuRhout ihe nlate. throw Iiir Ihrm here u da) earlier. The band l to iMivn H.ilt Uke (.'ID Mouda) morn IliK tin I'amtenRer Train No. ( nnd ur iIvIiir ut lleltier wilt have tumli nnd laltr I lo Rive a toncort In the open ur ut wiino hall, n urraiiRetl b the tommltlee there. The toiiiert will be (rum t 30 lo 7 o'tlork of ihe evenliiR. The Ited I'm l.idlt lire expetled to fee to the luiuh an lin been Ihe cu luiu tUewlure on the lour. Promptly at 7 ii'tlmk member of the band will Ik- mil nt Helper nnd brought to I'rlco b) iiutoiiioblle A ommltti ioiriKml ut llobtrl McKune. C. It. Murcuwii mid A. I. Hutton of Hie mum II of de feline will look after till. At I'rlco there will be a mmert nt the court houne lawn from S -.Mock tu U HO o'tloik of Ihe evenliiR. follow ed b) u ilauif ul Ihe IllRli m liool mull lortiim DurliiR Ihe hour of tho too. tcrt Main trett from KlRlith lo HUth Mr.ct mid Seti mil Ktnet from tho J 11. I'me rildenio on Ihe onll lo the HeorRe l I'rnndnen home on Ihe iiurlli will be ropetl tiff und iln-n-d lo iniffb Thl will l lookid ufur b Mumhitl Uiririi at the illreilluii or Mn)or WiMtttoii AulouiobllM who have tltkel will If admitted to the toped urrn, bill lh-) will not be ill low ul to move ulxiut durltiR thu ttui rirl Hent will lie provldetl on the liivvn nnd the ldewitlk The etuuvrl cunt luded the ImiiuI play for the dune- ijt the hlRh ih IioiiI bulldliiK Now tome the flniimlal feuture of Ihe hund' vUlt. Carbon ounl) I ex iHt'led lo ritl-e eu hundred nnd flfl) dollar for the Imi). To do thl then l to lx- n charge of fitly renU for Uie conn rt mid tweuty-Hve rent for ihlldrim undir 16 )car of age. I'tir the dunce thtre will If a charge or n dollar At i meeting of the cuun ill of defiupe yeterday afternoon Mr. If. W Mlllburn named lo lake In ImiKl the ticket nale nnd he I lo tliooMt her own mwUtnuti for the vrork. Hhe or inw of her aid will llt nil tho town und rump of the county If polble between nowr nnd next MondN) nftirnoon. Tlckit will be placed on ul with pereoim In all the plnce vlnllid. Thee llckut will be good for the concert nt both Helper mid I'rlce Ither place or both. I'rlte people will lie expocted lo en tertain the member of lhn bund upon their arrival hero dlniur that even ing, lodglnR mid broukfat Turday morning prevlnu to the relurn trip to Ball Iike I'll) Ml MurRamt Hnrley I In iharge of Ihl. nnd he nk that thon famllle that wlh to earn for one or more of the bund bo) cull her up by phone nt tho court hout'. Mcutl-er of the baud will Imi ilgned b) nuine lo the varlou home. MIkh Hornley I to name her own nwl'tnnt mid may call on people, lit pemon. At the couut.ll of defeliwi 'inciting )etcrdii) ufterniHiii member of Hint twidy provided nt their own borne for nlMiut Imir of H'e orgunlsa tlon There will lie no trouble on thl wore Mole Hum likely Ihere'll be more home thrown owu than there urn pernon to occupy them J S KllirtHuii wu choMii to take ihnrge of tho dame, while n reception dealIats still '.mm to high heaven If they havo "the homo that 6otI gave gceao" and nt the 8amo time any de"iro to save themselves trouble nnd humllla on, County Commfsa loners 'Bill" Hamilton and Albert Bryncr will cancel the coSrTt they recently entered Into on behalf of the county for aSiTBevcn thouennd dollars worth of bridRca and road materials S a Terre I aute, Intl.. concern on a recent excursion across the' ii T nrrnrnnnnled by F. S. Dun evy, nsslsUint county sur-, continent, .TK treawry drainer of this part of Utah. For kMATmd of the law the Tern IliSe stunt has probably never before been equaled by any bunch f TtSk to The Sun that a Salt Lake City Tn makes a spSty of bridBes and like supplies for concern Xre hJ 8Mn fit to Uiko the matter of this shame counties fn'l.StJrney eeneral, Dan B. Shields, nnd that It Is lew ideal before .the at ;tothffnc?farip of the commissioners. iheoffvffl cm lVUCh PUri SSS! ItaAt and stinks to high heaven. , had tho fttCl8 0f the Indiana ex- Gov. bimon uuiiiu nformwl tt was his excel- curslon laid before lim. ije o d evening's court house IeSnJnatepW time Bryncr and meet ng at l nee, out themselves open to the suspicion Hamilton have cer a w , f them than fre0 mc&hf COHIfiG THE TWEWTY-FOUftTH Htil IrlaiiRlr Irmk Willi HlRli-t hi I'm' Hnlennlnniciil. I'mlK tin- uuvplff of Hie Htith Hliite Count II of HcfeiiMi it Ited Trl migle inn k I now making a tour of the. xliile mid will If In I'rlte jhn eviiiilng of Ihe TwenD-rourth next Wednedn) It l nccoiiipmiled b) two aetretorlex of the Young Men' Chris tian iiiumm lallon, who have for Mime lime Imvii etiillouid ul "the hut" nt lor! HoukIum. The) will give mi II hmirulid let lure on Ihe ttiurt huue lawn next Wedntaday evening, telling uliout wulfnro work for our bo) In Ihe urni) .both ul home und abroad Htlpcr will be vlnltid nnx Tueda nnd nftir ihe entertainment ut I'rlco ll I pUiiuiil to go to HuniDidde. Ilia w a Ilia mid Ciutle Hate. Afli rwnrd Hit re t n tour of Kmery count) mid later n vUll to (Irani! nnd Xuu Juun. At euuh place vMletl I RlVu uu even lug eiitirtiilntminl with moving pic ture und Mcrciipllcun ih-iiiii of Young Men' ChrUtlnn imoclatliin and all kind or welfare work In urni) und imv) In Unlletl Klule und nvereu. Kvery rutin r. mother, brothir, lter, wife, aweelheart und friend of a o. dlir Invllul to utlrnd, Thl iiiilertnlmnent lm tho miirIIoii nnd tti-operutlou of tho national war work mum.ll of the Young Men's Chrlntluu nwoiUitlon und tho Htnh Hlale Council of )eftne. Tree. Nu lolltctloii. No money to lm mined. committee tompovd of Mr. (I A. Woolinn, Mr. A l Sutton, Ma) or (leorgn A. Wootlon, A. W Ilorley and Curio (luudrrnn w. named. Willie the council of tlcfenttf l In charge nf thn reception and entertalnmunt. It mrmbir are being nbl) OMlited In every way by Major Wontton mid till feu gem rail) ll I n county affair nnd thn onl) regret I that tho limn of the band doe not permit It v Idling Rcvernt of lhn camps of Ihe county lluwever, It I anticipated that tran porlutlon fucllltli will be taxed to ca pacity In bringing In thorni Monda) evening who will want to honor thin Lund by thi Ir pre ence. Many also will want to kta) for Ihe dance. Hud tho council of defenMi nt I'rlio had more notlin of thn coming of the bund renldrnU of other town nf thn count) would Imvo been Invited to a M In preparation, but the time be tween )ctrrdu) afternoon and next Mondu) I o Mhort It I u matter of mpolblllt) to make orrmigement ixiept ii hu bet I) done ( r.i,i:iiu.vnov op twi:.ty. ropifrii ux'Ai.i.v in uouur Hp to the hour of KlnR to preHi thl (Krlday) morning thp matter of having a rnlebrutlon hero on thu TwenD-l'ourth wu undetldid Th commlltte I thn wimo u for the Fourth, coinponed of llev II T bol der, ll J, Btaynvr and H W. Holding. Uit night u meeting of tho com mittee wu tailed, a) It J Htaner, but tho only ono prevent way himself. It mu) bo that a program will bo ur runged thl evening or tomorrow for om observance or tho da), In which fane exerclHa will be at City l'uik Confusion In arrangement haa teen rnunod by a auggeallon to con nolldate, the Twent) -Fourth with the program of the Hundred and Forty Fifth Pleld artillery band Tho mat tir I tlll under dUcusslon thl morning BI Saturday Eve., July 20, 1918 I PEOPLE VOTE TO SELL CITY'S I POWER AND LIGHTING PLANT I WM ggj Vote Is Seventy-Two For and But One H Against the Proposition Not Much Interest Shown. H Price Utxpnyers today voted U sell the city's municipal power H and lighting plant, the vote bclrg a light one, but almost unanl- M mous seventy-two to one a total of soventy-thrco votes being H cast. Price Election District No. 10 had forty-six votes, forty- M five for und ono against. District No. 17 polled eighteen votes, all M for the snls, while thero were nine votes cast Ui the district south H of the Denver and Rio Grnndo tracks, District No. 18, nnd nil for . M the snle. r H The council was to havn mut this evening to canvass tho vote of H today's special election, but the meeting was this afternoon ad- H journcd to next Monday afternoon, when the vote will be officially I H gone over. At the same mectilng the matter of giving Utah Power H nnd Light company a fifty-year franchise will be also considered. l H It may bo that the franchise will run for but ten years. j H This afternoon a message came from a representative at Salt ' H Lake City of Utah Power and Light company otntlrig thnt it would M 1)3 impossible for r.nyono from that company to be hero this oven- H lug, hence the adjournment of the proposed cCuncll meeting. The i H next movo of the council H to xcelve tho appmlAcmcnt of tho ; H plant and in duo course offer it for sale. This may bo as n whole M o" it may lc ssirrcgatcd. f H Mayor Woolton says there may bo n H'cgrcgatlon as there are f H some bidders in eight Cor certain portions of ihe property, and it H might be that more could be reallza'l In this way. This will be t H determined by thn council, however. If Utah Power and Light i H -ompany takes over tho property, as now acorns most likely, that H company will establish rut offico nt Price and later put in a stock H ' electrical goods, similar to branch houne nt Provo nnd c'sc- 1 H where. I 'H Utah power and Light's coming means it reduction in house- H hold, business and ower rfjtKll round. Tlicso are regulated by H the state utilities cominiailon. "K, ! H A. H. COWIE TAKES KINDLY TO WATER MEETING I At this time (Saturday evening) it looks m if every interest, H coal mining and otherwise, up nnd down the Price river nnd Its M tributaries will be represented nt the mooting at City Hall In Price . M next Monday to discuss totter water conditions. Tho meeting l H called for .1 o'clock of tho afternoon. So far eight or ten replies to 1 the invitation sent out by Mayor Wootton and the city council of M Price have been received. Hero is thnt of A. II. Cowic. vico presl- H dent and general manager of Utah Fuel company, which shows h (j H most friendly feeling and Is in the samo good spirit as most of ft H them. He says: h H "Many thanks for your letter of recent date, enclosing excerpt I IB of minutes of proceedings of city council of Price on July 2, 1018. I HJ The cordial invitation requesting representation of the various in- y M torcsted parties evidences a v6ry commcndnblo spirit on the part HJ of thu good K'oplo of Price, and cither myself or a representative 1 H will gladly be present nt the meeting next Monday. Yours very 1 H truly, A. II. Cowic." I M At Helper last Thursday evening there was a meeting of the I , mayor and city council, together with citizens, when tho water ' H H . situation as applying to residents there and all users up and down H , the river was discussed at length nnd from various angles. Helper WM l will be represented nt tho meeting Monday next, intent on a purer fl , water supply. Mayor Wootton nnd othcrH from Price were at tho H Helper meeting. H LOOKING GOOD FOR Ttf SCOFIELD RESERVOIR I " - H Word reached Price yesterday from Washington, D. C, that Senator William II. King has again taken up with tho nntionnl H reclnmntion "service the mntter of the Pleasant Valley reservoir H up north of Scoficld and also the Castle Peak project over south of H Myton. The Carbon county proposition would reclaim in the H neighborhood of a hundred thousnnd acres of land in Price River ! Valley. ! enator King hns been Informed that dntn on both proposed . H piujccts Is about complete and that a special report on them will H bo sent to congress soon after it resumes its sessions. IH Senator King announces that he is hopeful of getting an an- H Kropriation ut the coming session for the construction of one or H uth of these projects. M PfltS(HOS iWC0MING BACK (Jiiv. Simon llunthrrger Wnnl in St I'rlco to M)lou llonil lu-llftxttl. While In thl illy lal Wedueadu) and nguln on I'rlda) on hi way luik tu Hull lMk Cil), Ouv Hlmon Hum berger told Mil) or (Iwirgo A Wootlon und iillura here thut ll I hi Intention tu Iminvdliitel) retail u number of prlkonor from othi r work In tho Htu(e and put Ilium to bettering the I'rlce lo l)ou hlghwuy through Oulo 'aii)oii In lluiheni toiint) und on thl ld of Holdler Htullon In Carbon itiunt) When the prlaoneni wiro vvurklng thrre, nnd prevlou lo being taken to Grand tounly K vvu the governor' plan In muko tho Oule Cunvou Nertlun of Hut roud u good it labor nnd motrty (uuld, but nbuut Hib tlin thing weii well under way lertnln mombor or the mate road vonunl i.l(iu vtuppad Itoad Agent Taylor of Huihene iounty In hi plan The leaull wa Hint dale Ciinyoii Hecllon H h the mil) reull) bud pluee on thn 19 hlgliwa) H Jiut how oou Ihe prhuiuei-H will be M returned U not known, but that they HJ uiu tu Im eeul In nun I tho Impre JB ou left h) tho pivrunr He U mora IH than itiulou thut thl I'rliv to Myton U ( lilghvva) lo plan (I In the bet ahupo aKfl tor tho movement or irop thl full, H unit iibui tho Mint toiiungit of glUonlte iHH from Ihe (ulln I'euk ertlon. t9H Btnte Huglneer MiOoiuigle, who uu- IH eomputiled the governor on hi trip, ll toneur In the plan. fflH Judgo (U:orge C'hrltteneu heard tt.v 'H iirgttmunt of vountel In tho Vnn Wag- JHPJ gouor ngaliut Whltmore litigation at I HI Bolt IjiIio City lut Tuesday and ha 1 HH taken the um iindor udvlsemont. An llH uarly devlluu from hi honor In tho IH mutter I uxpeitodi I'H A u general thing, uftor u girl hu IIH apont Ion or twelve )ear In learning ItHal how to play a piano the marrle a lll man who can't ufforil to buy one. Hl