Newspaper Page Text
mm Hf PAGE FOUR THE SUN, I'WCC, UTAHEVERY FRIDAY JULY 26, jgjg H fctued Kver) H dny lly Pun Publlth- j Intr Co ilni ) 11 W Crockett, Mgr. Hj Bubicrlptlon, 12 00 the Year Office K Telephnm No 0, llcsldcncc. Nod M 133.M2 ami 1JSM1 B AIVi:itTISI.NfJ UATI.S. L Dlnplay Matter I'er Inch per Month, HI tl.00, Hlngle) luc, 40c Hpoclal I'onltlon 25 I'cr Cent Additional. Hl Headers nnd Legal Notlcci. 10c per H ' Line Klrst Inmrtlon, 6c per Lino H Kach HubKUent Injur Count lx Kj words to the line Hli Obituaries, Cards of Thanks, llcsolu 1 tlons, Kir, nt Mnlf Iocal Heading V Notice Itntes. Count six word to j the .Inc. Hl Adtets, r"or Rale, For Ilcnt, Found, a Ixst, Ktc , One Cent per Word Kach H iMur. No Charge. Account , Address All Communications to H BUN I'UllUSHINO CO. 1'rlce, Utah. H I went mourning wltliont The Knn K f atoot op and rrlcrl In tho congrrgn- HV Hon Job, .10. 3. bbbbW H! Any newspnrnr that l too dead to K bei cUsstd by somrbod) ought to be Hj taken nut nnd hurled. H T B flometlmcs we think h lad) look H better when she I knitting hosiery B for tho soldiers than when exhibiting B tier own. IKrr now und then run aero l'rke woman who doesn't ilhjrct to B i nfman smoking unless the man l hrr misband. j Judging tr im the coloring of local j lj manufactured Ice the stream aup. H P-yl!15 '---2 iant now rum through n E -mftnuro bile, a-K i mi-lT tn T HL .lltory will alo record, If It I cor- Hr rectly written, that throughout the H entire length of tho war the ltohen- Bi Mllern lo) enJoed the very beat of ' health. H! Wri know Utile of the real of the BAV world, but It haa been our observation BflU thnt here In I'rlcr It I possible for a Hflj man to ln nut nf the dangerous PH alien clam nnd still be pretty much of PH a nillwinrrv PPJf One thing that makea us aore la to Ppt ace the ile beefsteak we gel for nine PB ty cent nnd then hnvo to listen to u Ppf returned Canndlnn soldier tell ua that PPj we don't reallin we are In the war PP With the death nnd burial of the Ppt progressiva party at Zlon u few days PH ' mro, ti. II Htevcnson, local iminly PPJt chulrmnn, mint feel ubout mji lone PPJ . some na tho fellow who Noted aunlnt m 4. the nolo of the power nnd llxhtlna- PH ayntrm tit I'rlco lmt Hatunlny PPJ If our antdlnr iMiya dtllberated ni B ' , lone; over doing their duty na nomu of Vc v i our people nt home hraliate nrr do PB 1 Ing their, the victory would lo doubt j fuL It la a tort of financial toward Pj 1 Ico to he.ltti) to put jour money In H: r ( m IJnltnl Htntra orrnment iccurltle. PPJ" -j ' ., and to deliberate. oer tho wlndom und patrlotlim of the Invratmnnt la to hea ) i Itnte In auppurtlng our aoldlira PB j I'emona Identified with the atjto ! U road mmmlaelnn atate the offlclala of PH., j Carbon touiity might keep betlrr poet B , , rd on aallabla fund nnd what It do ' ' j Ing gunerally If the clerk In the board tawaaav j of oiunty comniliuloneia np nrd hi mall with morn frequenr) letter , from thn roud i-uimiiUaluii r ruld to E -- accumulato hImuiI the lourt huue for V X Nvoka without uttrntlon or u mm era. B J, ) Theiw United 8tutr4 hmn iiou loan M ed to our nlllra Jl,0l,&0,000 Tile ! j advancea nverago ubout 1409,000,000 HBBf I a inunth Tin e lonna to our alllea HBK ; ar analogoua to lending wiupona to SHU I frlenda who lire Hiding ou In the de Vl ' J feiiM of i)ur own homo. The mime) HHHt J I" t I n it iimiI to defuiit our uneni), o (J malntiilu nrmlc flxhtlug aide by aldw B with mil aoldUra und flout pntrolliu BS ? v lhu atitpe ih.hiiu with our aullura. BBB Till wiir la to he, won imt b one BBV f man or one thnuMiid men or 'one mil BBB' , Hon mm or one million people It I BBB i to be won by the united rlforta or the BBV I indMduitU of man) nation. Kvvry BBB i AmrrUau iltlirn ha un Individual ( duty to perform, un Individual hnre of the reuiuidhlllt) The more pow r erful nnd effecfUe th American BBV I font are the .tmrtir will In th war, BBB ' and tho vhortir the wur the fewer !------ live lout, the stealer tho niiinlHir of American roldlera who will return homa lctorlau. Kvery mrrlcnn who ecbnoinUe In conihiplloii of matt rial, who Inrreaat production, J who Maea und lenda aaving to the BBV government, dora aomethlng to help BBB' win the war BBB To uicerully flnnnce the wur It BBB I ni retmar) that owner of llborl) BBB bond hold their bond If poarlble. BBBl, Whero for any good reaion It I necea BBB j ear for I hum to turn their bond Into BBBE , eaah they should seek lhu udxke nf BBT their tinnker Liberty loan bond uru BBJ ver dealrabln Inientmcnt, nnd crafty BBH i Individual are imlng urlous mean BBJv I to iciir them from owners not fa BBBW ' miliar with t.toi,k ulum and lll.e mat BBj i , ter. One method I to of fir to ex BBt' ; change (took or bond of doubtful BBBJ ' orgnnltstlona represented an return BB-1 ' Ing u iiaich hlghtr Intomo than tho BBH.,. ' ' '' bond. There are arloj other meth BBtl s . ods umhI und likely to be used, some BBB ' or the gold brlik variety and others BV I leas crude and probably within tho BBB limit or the law AH offer of liberty I. bond exiept for mone) nnd at mar- j t ket value ahould be ncrutlnlted care I t ( fully. Thn bond are tho safcot ot In ppp 'h j vestments and have non-taxable and BBBr i i , V other valuable feature. To hold your BBaaot'kr lVi liberty losn bonds. If possible, Is pa BKji j trlotlc. To consult your bankers be BvBi'm I ' 5 iaT MlUn- them Is wise. BbBbT ' r f V IbV '' 1 BBB j$BBJkv BBBBJm BBBBtBBBBBBK3lBsnaaJapBBBCBj tiiwt.i iim sii: it ius in nir t'oi'ii-vnos Why 4iiubl I dvertlee'' I vn In in here fur eara and everjrlmdv knows me The trouble with the men hnnt who Klve thbJ H Hll exeuje for nut foiirllng publliltjr of themelvea nud tin Ir wiiriii In ther'rr not up with tho tlmci" The) do not renllxe ndvi Min ing li u drvelopmrht of modirii bul nex eompetltlun In nlt.e vnxe out of ten If one will walk nlong the mime Rtrnt on which the 'old nnd efllnhllMii d ' firm arc located It will bu found that In tho lart few year other firm hnvn sprung up and have ctnbllhed a trade eUal, If not su pirlor, to that nf the old and rstab llnhed firm. la there a hidden dual rn-M secret thut has enabled these new firm to build up In a couple of enra a trade equal and superior to tho 'old and eatabllshtd" firm of ten and twenty yratn' standing! There h no seiret. The reanon for their rrowth N shown In the two word Newipaper Advertlilng" , The government census expert en tlmatn that In a Urge clt) the Incom ing and outgoing population amount to n complete change In every seven )car. That I, each )ear one-seventh of thn population changes. Any mer chants If he will but stop to consider, will realize thst there are compara tively few of tho families still living In the) community who remember when he started In business. Ak any non-advertlilng merchant to (lop the first ten stranger he meets and ak them to nams n mer chant In his 1ne, Jill feelings will DroVwuly be hurt with their nnwr. tot they will name tho one who adver tlses. The best way to keep out com petition In any line Is to advertise. The best way to become a leader Is to advertise. KNKMV OK llrXMIION WOU THV OK T1IK NAM!., In conversation with one of The Hun's farmer reader the other day ho asked our opinion or farm work on Hunday, wanting to know If we be lleved It right and proper to do form work on the Habbath Wo expreed tho belief Hint It I right nnd It Is proper so long a that work Is nece snr to produce food crops to help whip Oermany There I no o,urtlon but (lermnny In tho worst enemy or rlvllltntlnn the world ha ever known And din I the enemy or church rlvlll lutlnti n well, ni all religion that I worthy the name or religion The litur of tho barbarou borne would be literally a victory for the devil nnd thn ttlumph or (hut pagan monitroalty crratrd by thn kulner, "thn good old Herman gott," would be a triumph over every thurrh In the clvlllied world thnt trachea the doc trlnn of the lord Jem Clirlit. Jut ii every component or rlvlll istlou I lighting for Its exlttrnco thn church mint work to overthrow that which menace It. And slncn mildlera are In tho field and must ln fad, Hunda) work Is not ungodly If It serves to provide them with the rood they are bound to have If we win. H tin re was ever n time when thn old lllbllral Injumtlnn to "get the ox out of the ditch" was appropriate, It strike u na being right now now whlln we urn raving that whlih would detro thn ox nnd It owner u well Mother und futhera or Curbun count) boa now In tin Mir vim or their miintr) ahould be pleused In know thnt Ihl government ha fixed It mi they are not to be pre)d upon b) the unscrupulou lawyer I'or the luwira llieinwlvr are going to sen to that b depriving the lis honor able metnlxTH of their profusion of nil iipportunlt) nnd temptation I'ol lowing the atigKiMInn of Htretur MiAdoo iilturne)H In viirlou torn niiinltlea urn forming wur service lourd for the purpoMi of giving free legal udvlie to the nation' fighting mm and their dipruduit Themi bourd work undir thn iiuaplir of the lot ill bur UMoclutlon, und In o-iiprr-ntlou with the draft iHiurd and the Hid lro. An) nmn In thn inllltiir) svrvlie, or ubout to tie draftrd, or thn family of uxi such man, inn uk for legal advkc and uld In thn iiMniraute that It will be chcerfull) furnlitieO Will i'it iot and without unj Impu tation or charll), The law) era will be doing that work a a war contribu tion. They will ulo see to It that the "h)tur" doe not prey upon those who ure giving their all to the nation In thn form of their own flesh and tlood Activities of the bureau of ento molug) or the department or ugrlcul ture might well be rxercUrd In an at tempt to prevrnt the depredation or the Insect known u clinvx leutularlus. Hucti I the opinion or tkiiator l.uw rem-o Y, Hhermn or Illinois. In reading thn agricultural appropriation bill ttenatcn' Sherman ha noted the filet that an Item or f?,X30 tins been set aside for the "stud) of Inn els nf fee ting the health of man and so forth" Krom hla obsurvutloiik thu uenatnr ha come to tho conclusion thnt clmrx Ice tularin probabl) hwid the list or Insects Injurlou to th health and tomfort or limn. )et ho haa nut been utile to dlscovir that tho department hua paid much ultentlon to thut particular peat, "It ha done morn in sap tho vita, : u tho humun race," drolare Henator bherman, "and Intirfero with the ability suo cersfull) to make war on the kalaer than an) thing I know or." Kor the benefit or thoio not verted ln-blulogl cal nomenclalilru Bherman explain that elm leotulariua I what tha proletariat call the bedbug. CARBON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF UTAH Statement of Receipts and Disbursements For the School Ycat 1917-1918. ItHKIITH DISIIt'lrSRMKNTB ltMlnin. on hand June to, 1817 ' rnlmol Operating i:enc- (Imeral run I I 7'J 70 x,nl'' ''neners rnlnrles 33,4tB.47 Hlnklng run.l .' '. '.I3$ i S 16.864 18 Female teachers' salaried '25a"-f 5 Janitors' salaries . ... ,81.47 ( Count) school tax . x 1I02.3S010 cno" "uppllea '2 Hlato school tax . ...C, 37.20.I0 Jan tors' supplies 00.2a Ktate high school tax I.HM0 Textbooks . "6.J1 Interest earned . ! !. Itepilrs ami maintenance '"f Kent or school property 17B.B0 l-uel. light and power 3,0S t. Kale or supplies . . S. KcJ"" " " .r Uamagen to school property IS School census i 2". Halo or rurnlture nnd equipment J6.00 Insurance. . . . . . ijj Ji Carlmnvlllo Inrurame settlement !. Tranj-portalon at pupils 2.S7J 82 I.oans rrom bank llt.OOO 00 Agricultural club work S0M8 Kundr revenue .S0 1S,7.66 Sundry school operating expenses 7-" 1-01.11 ( r.n t I76,I01.I4 AdmlnUtratlto and fJcneral Kxrns- nmuiAiiv in- .VAintiii? r-AHii Hulnrli nnd expenses of board members . 1.7IMI Kl!MMAIt Or AVAII-MJI.B CA8II. Hnlnry of clerk 1,100 00 Oinirul fund In Helper Htatc bonk I M.7 Salir) ot sundry office omplo)ei ,!"'?' Ocnernl fund In First National bank J,141.l Sola"' ot superintendent nnd his expenses 3'!"'i General fund In Prlie Commercial nnd Having. Pnlary of truint officer (A?'5? ' bank . 2.941.34 Hond Interest . 10.28 00 . Interest otlnr'than on bond ... ... .... , 341. 1 Totul .... J10.7B2J8 Office potagr, sUtlonery and printing .....'. . !7.l Um outsundlng warrants .'.'.' 2.00109 Ralar of treasurer and his expenv T44.46 Available cash general rund 1 .74 l Katar or .omce Janitor ......,., 101.26 Hlnklng fund In Helper Btato bank ,. 6.71I.S4 Balarj' of caretaker of bulldlnga ond his ex- Hlnklng fund In First Natlonnrbank &.C41.00 pen-cs .. .. , Mtavi :! Hlnklng rund In I'rlce Commercial and rtavlngs Sundry odmlnlMratlve expenses 1S9.S2 1.210 4 bank ..,.,4 5.717.17 17,097.41 T . MhccltancoUT t 21 147.30 ' ' n" 1 ll, Itepild loans to Hanks 1M0000 Account pnyoble from previous Tir .. 422.44 H.tll'u l4ind, nulldlng and Kqnlpmrnl , . it A New school buildings f '. .... 7.411.40 Hltes f....- INOO.OO ,' Plans for Hlawatlm nnd Custle flnte bulldlngn (00.00 School furniture and uppnralu. ..... ,w 1,771.47 Urneral offlco furniture .'.... ... 10 00 tl.1411: Available Calr Oantrat fund v . 7ll Kinking fund . 17 097.41 Total disbursement und uvnllabln ensh .. 1171,10111 STATE OF UTAH, CARBON COUNTY SS. Ida R. Tanner, tho duly appointed, qualified nnd nctlng clerk of the board of education of Carbon County School district of the State of Utnh, being first duly sworn on oath, depones and says that tho above and foreKoinjr. report fa true nnd correct. IDA R. TANNER. Subscribed and sworn to before mu this 2Gth day of July, 1918. (Seal.) ARTHUR J. LEE, Notnry Public. My commission expires October 13, 1919. CARBON COUNTY FOURTH IN SAVINGS STAMPS lit low b) counties are thv cash snlr or vtar mivlngs thrift stamps as com piled up to July IS, 1919, by counties In Utah Itnsls twenty dollars (maturity value) per cuplla on population as estimated by the bureau of census for July I, 1917 It will Imi noted that Carbon county stands fourth In the twenty eight rountli of Utah with n per lapltit of I4.7H on a population of 11,246. i-A-awHaMaK-aM-aaHaHaMB-MrusR -. -w------w---2 Sf E"? &"? I l ' S- : COUNTY. " 1 r If 'IS . , eS-3 5. : T "'. i " " " '-Q L ., ,-. i ' . ' i :JL I Flute 1,73411 34,sOi 29,40011 I&,II19 16 3 tt'u.ateh , 8.406 101.120 90,900 11,5241 7,41 3 Tooele i,33E 164,700 110,200 87,952 6 94 I Carbon 11,340 225,320 190,000 76,370 tt.714 J drum! 1,920 31,400 32,300 I2,425661 I Juab II, 1( 221,100 17,900 71,296 6 39 7 I Kane . . . ..'. 1,452 33,040 37,100 10,155 6 It I I Halt liki 170,436 3,412,520 2,947,000 1,049.79916 16 9 I Itlah 1,193 37,560 32,000 ll,33SQ: 16 Hnnpete .. .. 116.111 319,760) 216,000 9,4lliM7 11 I Iron V 4,316 I4,300 70,9001 23,16415 43 13 I llox Kldir I 16,729 33I.5K0I 211,100 11,131 5 07 12 I Washington ...... 6,496 109,900 93,400 37,122 506, II I Millard . . 6.43H 1JI.7C-0 IA9,200 12,l4 5 00 IS I Weber I 42,434 Hll, 41.0 713,0001 171,1141 4 02 l i Hummlt I X,200 161,000 137,1001 32,3391 3 V4 17 I DttVU 11,792 235.M0I I91,300 46,099l 3 Si IK I Hevlrr ........ I 10,74 if 314.1120 t0,700 31,6211 341 III I lleavir . 5,6261 110,440 93,000) 19.640) 3 69 20! Morgan I 3,776 55,500, 5,700 9,I4035&I St H:i II J II ii II ,. . . I 3,346, 67,3101 56,700! 11,14713 63 32 I Cm he 36,465 533,IO0 119.0001 90,26S 3 39 23 Utah 141,946 X3S.920 '01,4001 141,121 334 24 I Uurfleld I 3,941 7ti.940 i, 1,700' I20I3J31I 35 I Kmen I ,271 lit l0 119,300, 25,3111 3 06 34 I Uintah ... I 7,403 149,440 131.100! 3l,0u) 21 37 I Duchesne . I S.644I I3I,2H0 II0,300 IK 340) 3 79 SX I Wuvim 1,7491 31.910 29.H00I I.714J 102 "Total " . , )46.l94)l9ll.92ril7,4i2,l002.3t9.'ll19H6O5 Sales of vvar saving and thrift stumps have ImrtuMMl rnpldl) during tin mouth of Jul), with thn remit that tin tntul value of tliene- siiurltlej plated to date has reached 1117,620 970, the Usiur di partmrnt nt Washington, I), (' iinnuumid last Tuesda) ' Detailed figures shovvlug tho miles b) statis on June 29th give total sale ol I3HJ.IDI, 175 for tin entire country. Inrludlng Hawaii Nebraska, iircordlng to lln deluded rigure is leading In pi I mpltil salek, with an iiMrnge or Tiie Dl.tilit of Coliimblu on that date via second, with per inpltn salos or It 62 luwu, Kansus, Missouri und Indiana rnukid intt In the order named PACKERS SIM W IAH6S FROM THE WEST (Continued from page ttvo ) sloik tMi.ird un oulbrnak of anthrax umong cattle there Immediate step vviro taken for Isolating thn affeiled cs.i'H. Following u slinllur outbrrak at liountlful recentl) u grnirul vac Dilution took pluie, so thut tin sltua tiuii there Is now well In hind It I leportnd b) Or It W llnggHii, Mtiitii live Nlock iuspiitor Much nlhutaiui umong sheep inoii I In log shown throughout I)u i hum i mint) In connection with tha count) vviMilgrowera' okxoi latlon with lieadiiimrtir lit Allouah A meeting I to ! hild August 1st in tho Hluv bell sthoolhoUKo to organlie breeding clubs and to i1Imium dipping and the best method to obtain permit on the foroet rirvi There are now sixteen memburs. sheep to I to Auctioned, S W MeCluro or the National Woolgrowirs' awoelatlon says that the flft)-two hundred registered sheep to be auctioned at tho coming Salt I-ake City salu at thu state fair grounds are valued at 1500,000. and are coming rrom N'elr Zealand, Canada. Callfor nil. Washington, Montumi, Kentuok), Utah und other points. They have bun pltked und rcarrvrd for the sale for mv era I months, und ri present thn i ream of the flock fiom which tin) are drawn. A reaturn ir the sale will be the donation or one ihiep rrom eaih eonlgnor to the lied t'rosa, whlih ought to bring a noat sum )urdu)' live stock market quo tiitlnn on age eight ol K Abne), p tnfrii Inspector, Trunk I Welliiiaii, poitmuster at Ileum tt In t'lntuh county, vvn arrest ril Thursduy or last week on the charge vf embcnliminl. lie Is al liged to have appropriated 11217 66 ol govirnment rund to his own use Upon being arraigned 1m fore Juttka of (lie 1'iuce Katon at IHichesnn he pluudfd not guilty and wui admitted to bull In the sum of u thousand dol lura to uwalt the action or the federal brand Jur), This ailment 1 usually caused b) rheumatism or the muscle. All that I needed I absolute rest and a few application nt Chamberlain's Lini ment, Try It AdvU In thn iieVroom a Jolly often does tho work tnut tho doctor aenda a bill In for, That good printing. The Sun. pfiEVHHJS mmm or coal RECORDS ARE BROKEN (Continued from pnge six ) matting It with wutrr Into n thick pate, nnd then shoveling It Into the furnace along thu sides. Hennlor William II King has taken up further with thn wur Industrie hoard thn matter of government es tablishment of coke oven In Utah, rot only for the manufacture of coke, but the li)produit used In the mak ing of exploslvi. Upon miuest or thn Industries board, the uiitor h is been asked for full particular rein live to the coal und Iron resources or Utah and the pos-lhllltlc or divelop ment In these fields. ' Ktnp hoarding flour und sugar und put )our efforts on ioj." Is thoudvlcrt or the United Htntis fin I udmlnMra lion In u bulletin just out. Thut the imp this eur will be hinvy and will make It Impossible fir the guvtrnment to allow tin railroads to haul tout during harvist lime has ulready been pointed out. On the othi r huml thr ptospftlvo crop or sugnr lit el anil wheat Indlirtte tho shallow wbulmn f hoarding these i oliiinoilltli s IJ I Muiihy bus bocomr mieria teiuli nt or the properties ill Wsttk Tho outiuit I being Imriurid tight nlnng nnd now Is ubout three liumlrrd Ions dull) New mm bluer) I i-nmlnr In right along A K (llbson statin that Hlorr l now working seven d)s n wek tk Ing ndvnntnge or the rnllroud lar situ utlon, whlih l now good for the minim. John I Williamson whs down thu wnk rrom ICIon looking after hl il pro riles up (lordon Creek J H. Thompson, geniral superinlen dint or Utah l'uel nitnpany. Is still is California with his wire, the Intler t r her health. II. (1. Williams or Utuh Fuel cum pan) n (urns to California ulmul tht Hist of August after going over and through tho properties or thn iom puny In Carbon count) laid) The Run Mr good Job printing KA The Following Are Recent Purchasers of BUICK Cars Carbon County, Price. AuitiMt Winkehcitl, Storm. A. D. Crr jrd, Sunnyside. United SUttes Fuel compiiny, Hiuwuthn. We nrc just in receipt of another hipment of five crs and they nre to be sold at the old price, plu a flmnll Increase In frclsht clmrKes. Make your selection vhilo they last. An increase in factory prices is suro to come ubout the flrot of August. Haie a few second hand Ford touring can, for sale. Utah-Idaho Motor Co. North Ninth?; a "gNBR. Manager. North Ninth Street, Price, Utah PH0NE 171 "p--""---"a---i-"-