OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, July 26, 1918, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1918-07-26/ed-1/seq-6/

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H f --T .
I The Great
B ' Unrest
B ' It In aggravated and Increased
H, when you feel that your life and
Hj jour property ore at tho mercy
' of circumstance. Tim surest
H mean of settling It ( b) rtirry-
Bi Ing plenty oC
m Insurance
K When your property Ik well
H protected nud )olir Ufa I cover-
H ed by n tllrrnt policy, you feel
W n secure n n man can feet In
B till' world of chance.
Hj Don't put It off a day longer
B Cortijjnnd let u ihow you aome
Hj moil attractive pollclea In the
K best companies.
I ' HllT(0., to.
H Sllvgnl IlldK., rrlce, UUh
' Under New Mantgtmtnt of
B ! Kr, Automobile 8-rvlc to and !
L From Hotel Tor Oueati
50 and
B I Automobile. Service For the !
H 5j Public Day and Night Feed ',
K !j Tarda and Stabling In Connec '
B !j fhone 22U2 PRICK, UTAH ','
K Five Yeai Old and Weighing Two
-"i Thousand round
.: - its
l "' Vercheron
B i At the farm or J, W. Gentry, One
B ) . Ultn Mouth or lTlce.
H i
B v Service. 18.00! Beaton. 312.00.
I I (nktai(. I
B r ' Wholesale and Retail
B ' ' Hof t Drink Goods, Tobacco.
K ' Cigar, and Similar Merchan
B disc. HpecUlUlng In
B Warehouse and Cold
Storage Plant At Trice.
K Itollvrrle) Anywhere,
Mile. Hide, Price. UUh.
IB '
. Main Office, Mulu and
H , , Ninth Streets, Pricf, Utalj
H,'; J. Rex Miller
' K," v
,' ! il Mimnuef,
mi:nts F.vi:nvvitKitr
YrccsMiry, Hovtripr, to Have Ten
Wrth iloro of t.lkn ;ol Work lo
ljunl Wrrk of Juno ISth, Iji(
ticKxl HhmOnic 3fale lly the CokliiK
I'lnnlo t)rr tlm Ijillrc CoCuntry.
The 8un Hix-clnl Hcrvlrc
WAMIIINaTON', U. C. July 22.
A record lirrnklnir productlonQf bltu
mhioux ronl marked tho werfTof July
13th. Tho output. Including llrfhlte
mtd'roiil tnudo Into coke, I estimated
dt 1.1,313,000 ton, an lnrrcno nur
the week of Jul) th (fle working
l(i)) of 2,187,000 net ton or 2 per
cent nnd over the. rurrent week of tut
year of l,47,O0O net tonn or 12.( per
cent. The nrritge production per
working da) I rntlmatcd nt 2,307,000
net ton nil ngnlnnt 3,0(1.000 net ton
during tha week of July Cth or nn In
crcao of 7.8 per cent nnd n com
pared with the average production per
working day of 1,01,000 net ton
during the week or July 13, 1917. The
output during Urn current week or 13,
243,000 net ton I approximately !,
031,000 net ton or 8 per eent nbove
the acrngn rckl requirement or
12,311,600 net ton. rtahtlhed by tho
United Hlatra fuel ndmlnUtrallon
Only Tnlre Attained.
lloftewr, the nxrrngr nenkly pro
ductlon tor the roal )eitr to data I
cMlmutid nt 11.561,000 net tons or
(.3 per fnt behind tho weukly ro
qulrement. In order to make up tho
I'cdrll for the conl )rur from April
lt to dato of 413,000 nit Inn per
work or 0,EI,000 net lou. It will be
necPMary to hno approxlmiitely ten
more neck of production equivalent
to that of Inn week, or n production
of 12,473,000 net ton during enih or
thlrtern remaining week In tha
con I year ended March 30, 119, a fig
urn onl) twice nttnlnrd the week
ended June 16th nnd the current
lteporl from the carrier ahow In
crcned hlpment from all dlatrlcta
during tho week of July 13th. The
lncrrae In ehlpmrnU front Central
Pennsylvania nmountnd to 34 per
rent, In "i'tern rennylaula 30 per
rent, In Ohio 3T per cent. In the dh
trlrt Including Northrnxtern Ken
tuckr, high votntllo nnd Kouthweet
Virginia nnd emnkelcM field of Went
Virginia 3 per cent, Tenneatee nnd
Krntilcky 2( per cent, the dlitrlct In
eluding llllnol. Indiana nnd Wrilern
Kenturky 30 per rent, the rilntrlrt In
oludlUR town, Tex and Kouthwrt
Htntea 2C per cent nnd the dtrtrlct In
eluding the rtocky Mountain und I'n
clflc Coul Bute 30 per cent.
Itjproduct Cokp x-lgurcn.
Ilyproituct eokr plant during tlyi
week ended July 13th were operated
nt I H per cent of their preent n
paclty,, llghtly lower than tho ratio
of 00 3 per cent reported for tho week
ended July fth. Improved Inbor con1
dltlon during tho week wero nffaet
by time lout In plant repair nnd the
en line of tho illtht decline for the
week wo not reported.
llcpaln) to plant cnued (tightly In
created loea In time In llllnol, Ma
rachUM-r, nnd Ohio, while the oper
atom In Mlnnetola and l'ennyhanla
failed to report the cauto of the
allghtly lncrrAed Iom, although In
the latter Mate better labor condl
tlon uxliled. Imprcxemont In oper
atlng condition In New York wero
due to repaired plant and In the dli
trlct Including Michigan. MliMtirl and
WUconiln to better aupply or by
ivroduct coal nnd repaired plant.
Inrrraied capacity In l'enn)lvnnla
during the week of July 15th I nt
trlbuted to planing new oven In op
eration by the Ilcthlehem Kletl com
pany at Hleelton nnd by the Carnegie
Ptecl company nt CUIrtou.
IteotiUc Coke I'lgurtM.
Ilfclilve cokr. production In tho
United Ktatra during the week ended
July 13th U etlmated nt 71,000 net
ton, an Increase, ove (he wook pre
ceding of 13,000 net ton or It per
cent and nn nveragn production, per
working day of 113,000 net ton a
ngalnil 17,400 net ton during the
woek of July Ith.
Tha principal operator In the Con
iiolUvllle, Orceniburg and Latrobe
dtntrlct or Ienn)lanla report pro
dmtlon during the wvtk of July 13th
nt 314,000 net Ion and operation of
their plant at 77.3 pr CMit or their
prencnt capacity.
Out or the total lor or time or
32 t per cent, 0.5 per rent wa at
trlbuted to car ihortage. It. I per cent
to )ard labor nhortage, 0.S per cent to
plant dUablllty and 3 1 per cent to all
other cauirt.
The Cimiury th-r,
Opirutor reporting from llfty-four
hundred nud nine mine the country
uer produced 80 per rent of total
production or OS per cent nt total rail
ehlpment Thee mine were oper
ated nt fl.7 pit vtnt of their prenent
capailt) a ukMhmt 80 per tent dur
ing the week preceding. Improve
ment In operating condition I re
ported b nil dlntrlct with racrptlon
or New lllver nnd Winding Oulf nnd
the high volatile dltlrlet or WtvH Vlr
Ulnla and lawu Tho operator in
these field attribute the increased
Iojmi to khortage of labor.
Now Nmnv Arw Souulit.
I'lltl.ADKU'llIA, July SO. A ml
expert predict that unthructtn fconl
I going to bo tcarce thl w Inter, it II of
tho Inventive genlu In the unthrnclte
lndutry hu been huntltij.jifor nwv
Kiurce of uppl, OpuruUm aru
working abandoned mine. Installing
new device and putting In electrlit
The barrier pillar between the- New
Itoaton nnd Mill Creek rolllerlc. eon.
talnlng flvo 'hundred lliounand ton of
unthrate, U to be mined. Uancroft
Mountain, aouth of Aahland, U to be
trlfipfd of II eurplii eonl veins foi
e treti h of two mile Fifty yenn
egn thl mine wna euppimedly vrorke!
tut. nlmndoned nnd then flooded wltli
With a dwindling force or a hun
dred nnd fort) -four thoimand men
In the Jinthrnrlle mine, nnd the prom
pt rt if thl number being tlll fur
liter depleted b) the July drnft, thf
IndUBtr) I fighting harder thnn eVet
before. If poiulbte, to maintain n, max
imum output rtoxo to two hundred
nnd event)flvr tliotimind ton of an
thracite a tiny
in:t,tvt:itv ctiAuons on toArt
ami: iii:ckxti,y inciiiisi:h
With tho npprovnl of the federal
fuel ndmlnl'trntor, thr Hall likc City
tommlttee of the tate fuel ndmln'l
trntlon hn nnnounred that n carry
ing or wheelbarrow charge not to ex
teed Kcventy-flvc cent n ton In ad
dition to Ktnndard delivery charge
now npply lo delivery of conl In bag),
banket, wheelbarrow nnd all other
unuKunl or extra cxpcnMvn method.
The announcement wa made In nc
rordnnco with the provision or the
order or July 11, lat, nnd upon the
petition of the retail dealer.
The fuel admlriUtratlon ha nlno In
nurd nn order prohibiting carload coal
rhlpmcnt for domretlc ue to other
thnn recognized retail dealer, lfvdo
tnll the order elate that mine oper
ator, wholesale dealer In coal nnd
cllter engaged In the lelllng of coal
nre prohibited from making ihlpmrnt
or conl In carload lot to any Indivi
dual, group or Individual, firm or
corporation, other than regularly rec
ognized retail dealer, provided that
thl ruling hall In no jcnae apply to
coal for InduitrUI uie or for ue In
publlo utllltle, public plant, factor
le. achooK city, county, Mate or mu
nicipal Inatltutlon.
Amendment to the order of July
lt rtabllh!ng grot margin and
other regulation nre nlo announced.
On nil grade of conl, delivered In let
than ton lot, a delivery charge or
twentyrive cent for each delivery,
InMrnd or for each ton, may bo made.
In addition to tho proportionate
rhargo for ton lot. Tho regulation
prohibiting forking nnd creenlng of
i onl by retail denier I made effec
tive Augut Cth Instead of July 1L
The fuel ndmlnltrntor nlo nn
nnunre Hint, subject to the nbove
modification. lh order of July 1st
continue In full force nnd effect nud
nil dealer xhould govern Ihrmselvc
w.um:i ah tutoaii Htipi'i.v
The coal crlsl tins once more be
come ucute. There I every evidence
that there will be n coal shortage In
Halt t-nke City ntnl throughout Utah
next winter, an) Hunday Tribune
For n time it teemed n If the winter
ihortage would h nvolded. House
holder wero advised to put In coal
during the summer nnd thl advice
wa followed by nboul 30 to 33 per
cent. Thl might have brn n luffl
dent pern ntngo to form n margin nt
safety had It not Veen for some un
fortunate developments.
Usually Utah grain I used largely
at home. Thl er wo have n big
crop nnd-thrre I an exreaslva demand
from tha outside. Thl ha resulted
In an unprecedented demand for the
shipment of Utah grain. The conse
quence I a shortage of car which
wilt become morn nnd more acute.
Already the coalmen nro having some
difficulty In getting their order
In these clrcumstnmc It will be
tha part of wisdom for all household
er to lay In their store of coal a
quickly a possible. They can be sure
that ir they wait until winter they
stand n chance or not being able to
obtain furl ut any price,
Ciwl CaM At Ogdrn.
OClDKN. July 23. To counteract
the action taken by tho recently de
posed officer of the I.lucoln-Kem
merer Coal company, a new action
ha been brought by thn company and
Margaret Kay, C. F. ttoberson, Joseph
Ktory, Joseph IlallnnOne nud Victor
Hmlth agnlnst William I). Dranay, K.
A. Kdlan, Charle Ootlfne. T. I). Hyan,
Thomas Onsllng, K. II. Ilolapp, John
Mouay and John Koplak,
The complaint allege that on and
since July . lilt, "I. H Itolapp,
with the knowledge and consent of
the defenduut. ha trrspassed In and
upon thn real estate of the plaintiff
nud removed conl from the said prop
city and mine nnd refuses to de
liver possession or the said property
to the plaintiff."
Anot'NIl Till! COAI. CAMPS
llulletln from the national fuel ad
ministration hindquarters at Wash
ington. I. C, Indicate that thn Fourth
of July celebration because the holl
day wa. observed by the greater part
of the mine In the country, caused a
decrease of 2,011,000 tons of bitumin
ous ponl, or 17 per cent of the normal
week' output
Production or coal for the month of
June Just passed, n shown by tho fed
rrai rauroaa administration report
that ha been received here, recorded
an Increase of 31,133 car over the
production ror June u )ear ago. The
number of cat handled In June, 1017,
wa 100,246 and tho number handled
lust month wa 990.379. It Is un
nounied that the railroad propoiut to
use tvery effort to offset the usual
slump In production of io.il which
mark the month or August and keep
it up to n point thut will b or ma
terlol advantage to the coal suppl) for
tha coming winter
Kail Jke Clt) dealers arc waiting
to hear from the furl udnilnUlration
ct Washington, I) (', In the matter of
the expected uddlllonul ralto In the
prlie of ioal going Into effect, now
that the stocks received from tho
mint' before the la.t ndvauce havn
been praelUall) exhausted. When
thn operator were allowed an ad
vnuru in freight, tho retailer were
not allow ed to advance price to cor
respond until the coal reeelved under
the former lower frelrht rate was
itsid up When the next raise corned,
lump and nut will be straight eight
dollar u ton, and unscreened at tj-.ai.
Ttvo Hkick, however, can be burneu byl
(Continued on paga four.) I
' Bti-tatJt-st--"-1-l,,i,il,-,l,"i"i1,t il
Vcjai-tvij gtn-t y?-r-jt. .1WiTjtl4, ,m"
If you want to enjoy the pleasure of a new automobile, buy a
Model Ninety the Overland Thrift Car. We' have a few' left.
Do you know what this means? There is to be a 75 per cent
reduction in the output of automobiles.
Crct in while the getting is good.
Willys-Knights and Overlands. International Trucks.
Tavern Uldg., Price
ami: i.NMSTKn 1'iunt txit
I'tnh contribution In man
power lo Hie United Htate army
und navy for the f local )ear end-
lug June SOIh ha been 13,170,
according to the report of Capt.
F V Fltx Gerald, draft pxecu-f
live officer of tho date. Of these
men eight thousand one hundred
and seventy were drafted nnd
five thousand volunteered their
The total drufl registration or
Utah, Including three thousand
oung men or tho 1911 class, I
rorty-seven thousand, according
to Captain Fits Gerald' report.
and nut Including alien nnd
other who may not bo properly
listed a effectives. It I seen that
one-thrd of the men In the drnft
nr now In the service.
Captain Fltx GcrnlA'a report
point out thai the cost of drnft
Ing one man In thl atate aver-
ngtd Sl.Ct, whlln the nitlnnnt
nveragn In thn first draft for
each man amounted to S7.S,
and Utah' average In the name
waw IQ.U.
The state haa still further re
duced the cost, reporting u do-
crease of :,23 per man. Draft
4- dhbursvmenl approximated the
sum of thirty-eight thousand dol-
4 lar.
flow Utile thl comfort cost I the
most romfortlog thought to all. The
llupmobtte owner dor travel In ease
and with efficiency he doe reduce
even the ordinary effort or driving.
Mileage coil per gallon of ga and
oil. tire maintenance, repair and
tuning up processes In the Comfort
Car nre ut a minimum, which satis
tie the scruples or even the most
conservative wartime suver. Price or
the Hup Comfort Car In Htrle N und
It, respectively, I1I7G and 1UIS. Call
or write for demonstration, Harry
Turner, flunnlde.
Utah housewives unable to pur
chase, sufficient sugar for tha annual
fall canning of fruits are requested
In npply for surplus sugsr card to
the atnto food administrator at Bait
I-ake City. W. W. Armstrong, state
food administrator, last Baturday un
nounced that while close observation
I kept over all sugar orders, the re
qulrement of housewives In canning
fruit will bo respected. Inasmuch a
a hunuirr food crop I now assured,
every ounce or available rrult should
be conserved und canned ror winter
use, nnd sugar for thl conservation
wilt l provided, If necessary, a
Administrator Armstrong,
Five first-class cars between these
point dally Careful driver. One
way. 13 00; round trip, 33 00, Children
4 to 13 jours, half rates. Ticket good
for thirty day, Huey tc Hell, pro
prletor Union Stage Depot, Tavern
Hotel building. Price. Utah Tele
phone 89
ludlgcMtlon Is the foundation of n
great deal or unhnpplne. Good rood,
well cooked, will prevent Indigestion
In man) vases.
automoihm: tiianm-i:u and
aive u )our hauling or freight and
llko work and It will receive prompt
attention. No job too large or too
small ror u to handle. Freight Is.
given our pecia" attention. Walter1
Chrlslcnr.cn. Phon-i 06w3, Price, Utah,
To heat the sugar ror Jam and Jel
1 1 (mi put it In u granltware dish and
stir occasionally Of lourse, the sugar
must not brown.
It I a severe test of chivalry ror a
nin to make a fool nr himself Just
tc .please some woman.
Buy For Cash
Madscn Mercantile Co.
Kock Halt mid All Other Supplies
Required by the Sheepman,
Cattleman, Rancher and Miner.
CoiigrnMnian Ma) To Ing lo Get
Through u Rrnenclal .Measure.
At cording to advices from Wash
Ington, I, C, Congressman Jamrti If.
Ma) recently Introduced House Re,
olutlon No. 211, tho purpose or which
I to parallel the one recently Intro,
duced by Congressman Henderson or
Nevada relative lo suspension or as
sessment work on nil metal mining
claim. The Henderson resolution
cover mining claim, while the Mays
resolution proposes to extend suspen
sion or 1917 nnd Ills work on oil
hale placer location. Commenting
on thl Mining nnd ficlentlflo Pre
ea that "the wording Is not specific
a to how the exemption shall apply
for the past ear, but an amendment
will probably euro thl dereet before
the measure become law,1'
Ten of thousand of oil shule and
oil sand land have been located In
the past ear or two In the Uintah
Rasln, Carbon county and Green
River nectlonx. nnd thn suspension of
work during ihe wnr period would no
doubt prove n grrnt rellr to many,
A ft rule the hurried and necessarily
llpshod way or doing tho work In
most cast I of little value In devel
oping the properties. When thn com
Puny ha lufflclent time to mature a
financial base and do ihe work me
thodlcaiiy nn( ihoroughly really ben
eflilal result accrue.
'",f';l , Icpartmnt or the in-
!i,i. rf un" KlM" O'flco At
Nollce Is hereby given that ffims V
rTou "L,',rlr7 "' who. onr"jnu.8y
I. 1318, made homestead entry. Her
?0 Ku'si km?5,' TWp' l5 8ou,h' ""
.,.; ' ,Ka.u ,,i,kn nr dlan. ha filed
notke of Intention to make three.
)ar proof, t wtahllah claim to the
f".1". ''""'"'a. bafoil'Thn clirk
of the district couru at Price tliih
mi the 7th da) of Hepiomber. Vms'
First pul. Jul) 2S, last Aug 30. 1918.
uTil,7C !ab,ut1 aro ''"ended especial
ly for stomaeh troubles, blllousne.s!
and constipation if ou i '"" """"
troubles f , ,.,, rtVh.m J tria
and realise for )ours"lf wha M .
das. medicine JmW 07 ,a0l(1n "
only cost a quarter. Advt y
When fruit juiee. oi,err or .,..,.
btirry or an) other, Is left over it m
bo utilised , , 0 K.r-
', All Kind of ;!
:j S ft Driiks, Fliywiig?
:j Syrps, Cniy aid :
i DriM its.
jjj GtU Rcllierctl At Your Hunics ?
Js lYorajHIy. i,
Ij Out of Town Order Solicited j!
s' nnd Glvra rrotapt !
Js AttcnUoB. ;,
I Itvono si jrtoe, Cuh '
(Consult county clerk or the rupee
tlve signer ror further Information.)
of Angelo Demltrlou, nltas AngtU
Housaa. DeceajMd. Creditor will pre
ent claim with voucher to the un
"ened nt Room ( and I, Hllvsm!
building Price. Utah, on or before
ttSJf.,.,l.u" of September. A. D.. till
Administrator of Estate of Ang-!o
Demltrlou. alio Angelo Housai, !
W."1'. . u A MeQof, Attorney fer
K'.Jf. ",'' Jul' B- " JuTy"st. 1IU,
?ineu.n " ryn. DeceaeJ Cred
itor wilt present claim with vouch
era to the undersigned at 8torr.
Utah, on or before tlm Cth day of SP
tcmber. A D.. Ills RURV C nitT
AN, Administratrix or the Kstate of
I tcu ben H. Hryan. Deceaed U A.
McOee, Attorney for Administrate;
First pub.. July 6. last July 28, ll
in Tin: niSTiuor x)urtof cn-
m" bounty. State of Utah In tnj
mailer of the application of WHIM
v .f nrl'tn" to change hi nm
...Vce.T,,e "nJeMlgned hereby gl
notice that nn Monday, the Sth dy of
Augujt, A 1, 1918. nt the hour of 1
iclopk in the forenoon, or a "
tlureaftei as the name can be heard.
I'?,,"! ,mk: application to the Pv
enih Judicial Di.trlct court of tb
Mate of Utah, in and for Carbon coun
. ut the court house, In Price 'B
ld county and state, for an inlr
S,''a";'"T III name tif Wlllrd K
. i i''n to that of Matt Worn-f
f.Jt fur,,,u other urder In Ihe prem
'""' l1." m.ny ba entitled to Wr
Dated June 35. 1111.
Hrat pub, June 38, last Aug 2, l

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