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The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, August 23, 1918, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1918-08-23/ed-1/seq-2/

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1" ' -I
Eko Theater Allf? Ofx 97
-Two Days.... AUg. ZD"Z
' Twice Daily, 2 nntl 8 O'clock, p. m., D. W Griffith's
m Supreme Triumph,
I "Hearts of the World"
H A Love Story of the Great War Rattle Scenes On the
H Battlefields of France.
H Scats Now Selling at Sutton Drug Co.
H PrlPBC MATINEES 25, 60,76, S1.00 Uar To Clin
M rlHBb-NGHTS 26, 60, 76, $1.00, S1.BQ m '" C"d
' Charlca W. Penrose, Second Counselor: "Hearts of the
m World" mado mo feel as though I was there in France my-
V self. A tremendously inspiring picture."
H ' ' CapU M. S. Game, Commanding Officer, Fort Douglas:
m "Hearts of the World" is a Btirring and realistic picture.
m It's the greatest inspircr of patriotism I can imagine. The
H realism and photography arc wonderful."
I 1
H , Ttiot itrlct legislation may be nee
B 1 crsary 10 adopt 11 standard slie of
V package Imported Into Utah ns a
1 means of preventing serious shortage
H I ' In tin' weight uf ctTtnln packngu gro-
B eerie now being sold In Oil state,
K 1 "I la the opinion or Walter M. Hoyden,
H state food unit ilit try coimnlHsloner,
B CommlM'nner Walker recently til.
B ' i covered, he wi), thai considerable
K '! package goods, principally cereals,
HE , were short of tho regulation weight
1 stamped on llu package. At present
these goods come In various slic.
J . . .
J rtl'flAlt IN SMALL LOTH.
B ( Scarcity of sugur should not tur-
B ' lull thi canning of fruit mnl vrget-
HMBV. l able, the federal food board says, In
HMvM '( u statement nddreiwcd to housewives
HSvS '( J who now ore totil plnty of Miicur U
HSSW' I 1 uvallahle fur "nil legitimate require-
HSvM . ment for cunning unit preserving."
( i. The statement fii m houiew en yui
K 1 i J net sugar In twcnt).flvo pound fids
B i' upon signing 11 certificate Matluir It Ik
HHC to tie UHed tuili'ly for cunnlnK ptir i
BE' poiex. "It would lio unfortunate If,
B2- ony (rtillN uml vcKetnldeM were per-
BHH mltted to ko to hi. (ivciiuce of the'
BmVB lank of niiKiir."
B J ...
m ' ' HNOW t'llNCIN tM.MlNO.
B ' I J. II. Tuttle Is tho uuw dlalrlct lowil
B eiiKluvfr with hi'iidiiuarterH t l'rlee,
wM ! Kay MIou'h l'rro rn of the 16th.
(I Hit turn eliiirKn of all work In )u
oil rune. Uintah, CarlHiu, (Ininil, Hin-I
! fry and Hun Juan. Ho lately innde it
BBS tour of InHpeutlon IhrouKli I'liUuh i
BBBs Ilunln and found imiili ncrlml wurKI
BBBa' whli'h will Ih done uk ropldl hk pun. i
BBBff ilble. Work In now In pniKruoN wrt !
BBBft of 5ltmi. It Ik Tuttlt liiteiitlon tui
BBVB ' eroMii mid vurfuce with nlmln nil nlali'
BBBfl roailn lendlnK Into the In)kIii Tho,
BBBB width of the rood will lie about lv-
BBBs'-' i teen feet. Improvement on the l)u-1
BBBB j , ahcano In Helper road will he one and I
BBBB; . ii half mllmi if niiow feneen on f'olton
B ( Ihsided liy Mutt Wnrner. Hherlff
BBBBy i i Oeorgn t'olllnKhnui liim luteely had i
BBBB ' I ' I three deputleN In thu hlU between
BBBB' Cnrbon mid Hnuietn rountlen round-1
BBBB,- (I . Inc up live Ktorkmen rnnlns their i
BBBB , l herdH In thut kei;t(i)H and vhu hnve
BBBB" j o fur failed to report thuwi to thn
BBBw1 I f county anxeiwor fur taxutlon; thin yenr.
BBBBjjt HeriU have beeij leed laeveral In-
BBBBj ! ' itancen uml owperM mado to come
BBBB', 1 " through with thOvninjjuy duo Carbon
BBBB, i county. The action '1 by order of the
BBBKf ' i Dtate hoard of uqualliatlon. tuiyi Coun
BBBB.;, i i, ty AweaAor Itnndolph. Many thoui-
BBBfl t ' i nndo of dollam will later come Into
BIS-, j U tho county treasury because of the
BflCS v t' T ulortnetts of tho nheriff and tho as.
BBflj ('iff' t nMKor. Herds where found are being
IBVS ' rri fL hel'1 unt" " co"t" "rs ''i)' pal11,
BVHVl 1 fw "There Is no foolhnera f.bout what
wn Intend," nuyii Axwiuor Itandolph.
"Ownrm of theiie herd had .irnple
(imi iiAium i:ii'i)vi:ii.
About twenty KlrU who huve re
ccntly buun employed on the Denver
and lllo Oriinda right of way on the
litter brunch, and some on the main
line, have been laid off on order of
tho superintendent. The girls were
employd In cutting weeds and other
wise cleaning up along the right of
way. litre at Price lately and also
at Wellington it number of young
women huve lately been destroying
weeds for the Denver and Mo (Iranda
and their work I wild to be must sat
isfactory. They are paid three dol
lars u tiny, Hi" same wage as wit Ion -men.
The action of the uur lndulrlti
board In halting the production of
nrn for knitting In order to couer
wool for unity uniforms "may result
In the Ited Cross getting less wool
than It needs, but docs not mean u
complete stoppage or knitting In Am
erican Ited Cross workrooms," ac
cording to uu iiuuouiii'cmeul by offl
t litis of the Allnntlc division. They
Interpreted the bnnrd'H order to imsui
Unit lifter uu Inventory of the coun
try's wool supply hud been niude, pro
duitloii would be rctmtlled uml th
I Ited CrosM would riH'eht Its ullotmelit
lifter the needs of the iirmy iind-nuy
hud leu Ntipplled
Ot'll VOt'Mi:i AND SICK,
UxHct Information loncernlug the
wounded mid sick American soldlerti
.tvemotis will bo mado Immediate!)
uvullable to relatives or friends of the
men under u plan being worked out
b Hie win- duimrtmuut. Hecretary
IIuKit sys he has lulled Hurgeon
jtlenernl llorgus to look Into tho dally
: reports fiom the hospitals with n
Ihw to having them oardtd. eittu
logued and tabulated ho that the miwt
IliiMnnt Information enn be given to
till lniUlrers, Tho lloiilul words,
tkei won, will bo ti'legrHphid here
wi-ekl) fruiu Trance, uml ll will be
j imiwlblii to give the exact nature of
the wound or the dlseiise from which
tho men me suffering The Informa
tion will In i vullnble through the ad
jutant K"in rsl
do not iioAHD, nirr l,UVII,
Sharing sugar with uur nulKlU'ors
Is appealed for us u patriotic duly by
W W. Armstrong, I'lah food iidmln
blrutiir, Ii) u personul letter sent nut
lust Friday, He especially calls mi
tha houHowlvci of the community to
read the casualty lists coming from
Krunce nnd from this to underktand
that the), too, must do their part to
help. He shows them where this can
be done with Hugur Armstrong sug
givts that wl.ern a housewife has
vanning to do and has not enough
sugar that she appeal to her neigh
bors and that they, It they havo any
mom than they need, loan enough for
home canning. 'The food administra
tor Matea that he hope, that this ap
peal will prevent the nccemlty of
nandlng government officers to this
state to look up hoarders of augur, I
lie discovery of which would mean
fines or other severed punishment, be-
Ides the disgrace of publicity.
No construction of pleasure or weii
li highways will bcLstiirlcd or Im
proved until th-itfar waiver Is the im
nountcment of the Mate highway
commission. Wfiero a road Is eewn
Hal to marketing, or' to tho produc
tion and transportation of war neces
sities. Improvements will be mnde or
now work started, but only In suih
lascs. The decision, Is In lino with the
wnr conservation program of the fed
eral government.
t'tnh'u Compiled Irfiws, ordered by
tho Inst slalo legislature, will be com
pleted nnd Issued within the next two
or three1 weeks, The revised edition
will contain nil changes In session
laws slni'o 1907, and accordingly the
!,c.w LOples will bo brought Up to date.
Although the pages v$ tho books Will
be tho sumo alto ns formerly, they
contain five more lines. The entire
Issue, with the new changes uml ad
ditions, will perhaps contain nenrly
five hundred more page than tho
former coded.
V K, Ktokcr, the new inannger of
Hcowcroft ft Hons wholesale house at
Price, arrived from l'rovo this week
and took thargo of thu business hen.
Ho succeeds N. M. Nasjts, who rwilgtu
to gu on tho road. The gentleman
was formerly with tho Bcowcrofls at
l'rovo In tho sntno capacity, and his
transfer to this city comes In tho lino
or promotion. Hn has bought the It.
II, Walters homo hero nnd will oc
cupy II with his family during the
next few days. Mr, and Mrs. Nnslts
nrn to contlnuo making l'rlco their
I . ., .
Teachcm' Institute work In outlying
districts Is to bo aided by tho state
board of education, mid an encourag
ing circular Is being ucnl out by Dr.
K, (I, Oowans, statu superintendent of
public Instruction, to district superin
tendent. Out of state funds will be
paid traveling expenses of two speak
ers nt each of two Institutes In any
one school district In tho stale. Dr.
(lownns states, nnd he tails for dates
of proposed meetings In order that
tho state committee, consisting of the
dean of the normal school and tha
high school superintendent, mny as
sist In obtaining these speakers.
(iovi:unmi:nt hah hayko.
Under n ruling by tha federal rail
road administration any road or other
Improvements contemplated by the
stnto, county or city, a portion "of tho
cost of which Is to be taxed ugalunl a
railroad under federal control, must
be passed upon by the fidcral admin
titration before any lux can bo levied
ugulnst the road. It Is provided that
thn mailer rhall lie taken up with tho
federal manager of thu road Interest
ed and Hint ho shall huve the au
thority to para upon the necessity for
. the Improvement, and may decblu
whether or not the railroad should
enutrlbuti tow aid the cost.
Utah-Idaho Motor company stock
holders held their annual election for
officers lit l'rlco last Monday evening!
J. H. Thompson of Castle Oatn was
chosen president; (V It Marciuen of
Price, vice prrsldent, A. W, Horslcy
of Price, secretary, and H. (.'. Mile
of Prlie, treasurer These with Wll
llan Mltlejohn of Castle flatc. It. M.
Mngrnvv of Hiawatha, Henry Thomp
son of IVrron, Martin Mlllarlch of
Hlavvnlha and A. K. tllbson of Htorrs
make up the board of directors of
nine. The company has had mi ex
cellent buslnes.1 during thn past twelve
months mid a bright outlook for life
About Him cars of honey from
Kmery count) has urrlved nt Price
this week nnd Is being shipped out
by buyers hero In every direction.
Producers nre getting twenty cents n
pound nt this time, but an advuncn Is
looked for soon, Tho Uintah county
crop is a little later, but will begin
mining in dining the next ten days
dealer til Prlc slate. That from the
Uintah llaslti Hitlnn brings n slightly
higher figure mid some has been enn
traded hete at twenty-one cents. Tho
(Ireeu Itlver section product haa been
going out for two weeks at around
twenty tents the pound, County lira
Inspector Herman llnre of I'rlci
.r'illit Unit thohc who hold for n
lime will receive twenty-five cents.
At u meeting of tho democratic
state tommllteo held lit Halt 1-ako City
lust rrldity It was decided thut the
state touveutloii for the nomlliatloi.
of tin ii' candidate for tho supremo
bench should bo held In Kail l-uko
Cllv, September SOth. Tho selecting
of Siptembii' 30th us the date for tho
convention means that the Halt l.-ikn
county committee will have to select
another dutn for thu county conven
tion, which, it vviiM iiiimnim.cd, would
be held Keptembur 30th, It Is ex
pected that tho county convention will
be held the first week In October. Tho
county convention fur Carbon will
most likely be held ubout tho 1Mb
of September, says Chairman Nell M.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Homer Pcarock are
still under quarantine for smallpox at
their homo In Price. First ono of the
children had It, then Mrs. Peacock
and now that tho two are conval
escing, tho GcnndchTnkli down with
It, All aro mildcases, however, Aa
yet father and husband Haa been Im
mune, but ho js expected to come
down any day. Theaocases aro all
traeeablB to OrMTv-JUvfr. from which
place a brother of Mrs. Peacock visit
ed the family on the 53d of July,
Others, however, who were exposed
about the anmo time have so far
escaped, While hero Iho visitor at-
(Continued on page five.)
For Young v-r
Education is worth more today than it has ever been worth.
It will be worth more nnd more ns the great war goes pn and
when pence comes those who nre educated will be called" upon,tp ,
m H I ' IPr-- t wPH'IRSI'IbIh'iIbb!! lBIK
Livihzation ,
Young America Your opportunity nnd your service to your
country can best be found in the High School.
The CARBON HIGH IS YOUItS. Registration September 6th
nnd 7th. Instruction begins, September 9th.
When you have a bilious attack
our liver falls to perform its func
tions. You become constipated, The
food you tut ferment In your stomach
Instead of digesting, This Inflames the
stomach and causes nausea, vomiting
and u terrible headache, ' Take three
of Chamberlain's Tablets. They will
tone up your liver, clean out your
stomach and you will soon be as well
rut ever They only cot a quarter.
Nona: i watkii vhkhh.
State Huglncer's Office. Halt lvko
City, Utah, Aug, I, 11. Notlco is
hereby given that Waller M, ltutt,
whose postofflco address Is Woodslde,
Utah, has made application In ac
cordant a with the requirements of
tho Compiled 1-uws of Utah, 1(07, as
amended by the Session l.awn of Utah,
I no j, 1911 and 1016, to npprnprlato
three-hiindredllis (.03) of a setond
foot of water from a spring In Carbon
county. Said spring Is situated on
unsurve)ed land two hundred fret
north of it point 10,K6D feet east of
the northeast corner of Hn. 1!, Twp,
U. South, Itange It Kast, Halt take
base nnd meridian. Thu wuter will
le diverted nt the spring and convey
td In a dltih for a distance of one
hundrid and twenty. five feet nnd
there used from Jnnunry 1st to Do
t'emlxr 31st, Inclusive, of each year,
for stock watering purposes. This ap
plication M designated In tho state
iiik'Infir'H office ns No. 774V. All
protists nguinsl the granting of said
npplh utlou, stating the reasons there
for, must bo made by nfflduvlt In
iluplb ate. utvnmpanlod by a fro of
IS.SO, uml filed In this office within
Ihlrt) 130) ilav after the completion
of tho publication of this notice, 0.
I. MiOONAOI.i:, Htato Hnglnrer.
Date of first pib Aug. , 191S.
Date of completion of publication
Hopt 9. 1918.
Mined and Delivered II) Can
non Coal Co,
llest Lump, M.SO; llun of Mine,
H.3S. Delivered to the Illn,
I.eavo Order With
At itesldence. North Ninth Bt.,
Trice,' Utah
Ho It Ordained lly Iho City Council of
Price, Utah
Sec. 1 That there Is hereby grant
ed to Utah Power and Light com
pany. It successors and assigns (here
in called the "grunUe") tho right,
nrlvllrgo or franchise, until August
I, I9l, lo construct,- maintain und
operate In the -present and future
rtreets, alloys nnd public places. In the
city of Price, Utah, mid Its successors,
electric light nnd power line, together
with all tho necesMiry or desirable ap
purtenances (Including underground
(ondults, pole, towers, wires, trans
mission lines, und telegraph and tele
phono lines for Its own u), for tha
purposo of supplying electricity at
vholcsnk Iq said city, but the "gran
lt" shall not acquire any rights here
under in furnish electric service to
wild ell) in Its Inhabitant, except at
wholcsAli id (.aid city.
See, i Pole and toers shall bo
ro eretled it to Interfere as little ns
losslblo Willi traffic over said sireet
nnd nlluy. Thn location of all poles,
towers and conduits shall be rixed un
der the supervision of the t lly touncll
of Iho city, but not so as to unreason
ably interfere with the proper opera
lion of Mid line.
Sec, 3 All lines constructed under
this grunt shall bo ronstructrd In ac
cordance with tstabllshed practice
with respect lo eltclrlitil cuimtriutlou.
tho locution of sold lino, us now un
der construction, is lurch) approved"
nnd confirmed
See (The illy shall in no wa) be
liable or responsible for any act blent
or damage that mu) occur In tho con
slructlon, operation or inulntenuucu
by tho "gruntio" of It Hues and up
purtenancr hereunder, und the ac
ceptance of thl franchise shnll bo
deemed mi agreement on thn part of
uld "grantee." IU suet essor und as
sign, to indemnify wild elty und hold
L harmless against any and nil liabil
ity, lo, cost, datniigo or exponso
which may accrue to sal. I city by rea
son of the neglect, default or miscon
duct of ihe "grantee' In the eon
struttlon, operation or maintenance of
It line and nppurtennni.s hereun-
?fi ih.? vy T,'orlor wllhln sixty
!(0) days after it passage.
, Hw;. This ordinance shall ingo
, effect a soon as it shall be published
as required li law. deposit and re
corded In tho office of the ei"y TT.
Jtorder and accepts as rwiulroil hero-
fi i!ini.".h'i,yr. ,.,,e'' afl'un coun
t), Utah, thl !Jd day of July, ljit
Attest MAT QILMOUm "'
l?l) , . C1,y "rUw
State of Utah. County of Carbon s.
I, tha undersigned, the duly qualN
i rih'nid 1"n.K c,,y "nlr of ?'r?ce
Utah, do hereby certify that tho fore,
going Is a full, truo and correct cow
of an ordinance adoptml by the cllv
is J ,h,iroln- un XU" 2:'1 "y "f July.
1918. In wltnent whereof. I bJ
hereunto m my hand und affiled ho
corporate seal of said city on thl. !22
JOth day of July. li "y 0n ,hU the
tsai i MAT aori:,
"Anything But
Broken Hearts"
Wo repair about any old thing that
needs It. Our shop equipped with
modern machinery. Lawn mowsrs
ground, saws sharpened, lockimltb
Ing. In fact wn do In a workmanlike
manner every and all kinds of good
repair work. Hlrycles.
Vlglla-llonomo Illdg., Price, UUb
Spring Can
yon Coal
Miners and Shippers of thu
Mines At
General Offices,
817 Newhouso Bldg.,
Salt Lalce City,
l-'ruli and vegutables. Immediate
after blanching, should Uo dipped W
n mlnuto Into very cold water.

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