Newspaper Page Text
I AUGUST 23, 1918 THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH-EVERY FRIDVY PAGE FIVE sflHs It Will Pay Stockmen and Farmers t To Get Our Cut Prices On Salt PHONE 88 AND THE IUAJK DRAYS WILL "DO IT NOW." t MoKTM: lORUAHUING c.o. Storage Warehouses jZZ Clothes and ! the Man. I Hood thnriicter In lothlng In nn ImiKirtitnt u In a man' pcriumnllty -It In thai which rrprrnentH M)mi tlllllK KOinl. ill" printable mill worthy. There l ihamctrr mid Individuality In every atilt of clnthea we make. We tin not appeal tri Iho man whn think n milt I ft unit unit ono will nnawcr hi well n an other, lint onr tnlloiltig doe nppenl In him who know what he want it ml I particular uUiut what li vv-i'itra, WV mint our oilnlon of our wiilo rmigii of Mylo nnd fnbili for the fnll uml winter. Never have we hIiowii n wider rung" of color, weuvo nnil ,te.xturc Hood clothe nro higher priced, bui limy nro oheupot In tin' long run. It coat n muili to Iwii h iiMir plcco of good made iik ii good one. Wo make guaranteed wool nutty from KtOO up. I F. L BUCKIO, Tailor rlli Ninth HI., Jual Off Main Price, Utah IHOTEL HEL P E R I III8I.1MCH, UTAH I 1 1 Mill Of till tlllllllll ItAhlll I Hi . l.lue anil peoplo going n i i oinliiK to nml from that iim. I I mi. heno Htngu nml Trn- Pii.tlnn Co. uiitomolillMi leave H iii iitt nVlouk of tho morn- ing lu turning roach Helper n ( 15 o'ulouk of tho afternoon I iinwt' Vernal tugp leave Tin ,iuj, Tniimila) ami fcatur- rt nt 7 tVelnck of tho morn- i'1 '" I M.i rn In All llimpctl. Head- I '.iritrn Kor Commercial I Mm uml Trmuiletit. s. I ' s Avery, Propr. ft I TO IMI'itovi: YOUIl DICIlisTlON. '!!'. I . yT "",r 'y dlgcutlon w , 1 ""l u,lt ' co"''l on' t tho lightest M I '. ' l ver thing that I he.rd !i 1 C ' SH rcllf but n' "n"'1 n,,out nt I rV, R,t" whn w Chamberlain' -i . I .V '"" "''UTtUed mid got a bottlo of vii I m. ' m ' "n " r'Bht treatment. l E ?i ' UKInf ''" W dlgeitlon I , ,"Mr' Wnnohe l1ower. nd. "n I'-Adt , "ii 1 ..I1 ,'lriH of every description riTu I VS"?' from hir beit legal forms i I IUB.,,'ro!"tl, d0n " "' A tM I diSp ,','1,, la"' Fifty cnU a I 0,tn Tho Sun. SHORT STORIES OF THE , PAST WEEK it'iintlnurd fr mi puin two ) li mini tin- ilnnii' mid tmnptlon to tii J bo) of th lliimfriil uml l-'nily-lldli , Flrlil Artllliry Imml nt thr IiIkIi i-iIhmiI KUnminlum, i m- of the wry luritmt ' iinmilx oit toKMhir In I'rln t n.wi: vtif utiT Mints? Mom iiriiiul niom- wh, rr nml iiMr fitrri'ni')-In In i IiiiiI.iiIkii nl pr,vinl tlimi nt iiii tltnii in thi' im' tliiiiV lilrlory nml linn In h IiIkkit Khnrp for I'Vrry mini, moiiihii nml child. A trcfnmry report luct H.itnr. ilny rhoupil S.S5?.ii0n,O0ft In tlmilu Hon llOO.oDO.uon more tlimi n )r Hgo, mnklnc nn hmtiiki- of liS.II fur eai'li iinmnn. MIMlIt llllltllill AT PltOVO. Tlif iMiily of Jimi pli i'fioH)r, who uiin kllletl l fnllliiK iIiumi n ilmft In mi omkiTlti mini' nt HohlliT Kiiinmlt In Juno, nun Imrli d I'rlilH) IhI In lh I'rovo ii'ini-iiry. i'imipit whn nhout It iwirti of hui'. u imllxc of AiKlrki, mid wmn imtiirullniHl In Hiilll, Wnli.. In 1113. Hi Imil two llimiMiml ilollnrn In lllxrt) ImiiiiIn In tin- Nntloiml l'll bank of HiU 1-nKf. whlih Hill K to th cliito If no InliMHiri' foiiml. Hlmr Iff Ilfiir Ibut of I'liih t-ounl) Iinn lu'i'ii uppolnlMil MilmlnlntrHlor of tin lll'llll lllHh'N Klllll' WAII.It Is II M Mnki-rw. KHmml Hpirlnli'ii dint of I'lllliil HlHliw Kliol tonimn n( IIIiiuhIIih. tin- Urn I of HiIn wk limlniLli'd A. I). tr!.iid)) MmiUiin. In olwrm of th. bin- nt-rlrN of Unit ooniHin up Kmiiii I'rrt'k, to turn th wntir fiom iIiimu' down Into lb" iw hIn of thlN mHii whruovir Ihf fnrin. itn lirl Him lh- iimsI th" hhIit fr t. tr mil or for hoiiMibolil iims It lr nn-illiafrtinMN,iii lAfcl" Uml nil I'onriTiiiil nro fully iiinwl.itho of tin. Iibirllu f I'nliid Hmiw I'mM lomiKiii) mid Hn wm-nil wip.iliilfU-dinl. m:w hkjiiw.w w.wiitu. lo Hlinnii UmnlwrutH- mjd Hi" mail1 riwd iommlilou urv hkUmI by Jmxph ToUiT. I'i'li'i .Vii'lwiM and Frmik Hlu 'limn l onlrwt u IiIkIi y tliroii.h llmiiliiKlon CMni In Htmr r..iinl l ri m pnlmlho Mini growing r.Hrl-Hliurl dWrWI llic proiHiNiil In to run ! rHil rrim lime tlimtou in m iMirtliHfutfrU illrwtlim Into lliuitliigtoii Cmikoii .i h point .mlliil Juniwu C'riMwIng. Ihwnv "P tho, irnixm lo imi'ti-Hl lb" Hl hlKhwio Hi or nom t'oimlllll" . wn.i. rsi:'iioMix. l'oibmliig tho pUu wmtidiNhrjl Nonii' "nr i.o on im- lnrm- trunk llui'M of tin- iounti ami m In vogui' on tm pnl"in illlln of lb" wkIhii. lb.. Di'imr mid lib. ilruml" ! d .'HnlliiK IhH tolKimiph IIih-n for tho m..l..n m.ihml f l"l"Pl Iiw wl . ml ' -'Hllw" '"''" I'.ir tho lniiu.nilib.ii of mot rmir.d nirawiKwi tho telephone hae pro en ,",Tdv.,ntaHe over the leb-gniph I'Nirnmenl. M.U..K b-t II and obviating Mriu ermrN In or- dlTN ... ON HIHilTlt.riON. ThlN offblal annoumemeiit. Pi' lulled at tb" requeM of l'rov-t Mar ihal CMwd-r. I ra ll t the atten Hon uM.ll who hae or l U oWome of K.; ";w",..Jvn,S "?' hould regliler." nvV 3l!Mit3B IMM)K OCT. ;) . u! Itrt a new form of wrlp w TSw?i railroad fare went on wle SrftlS maCrallway admlnLlra- tlan ticket offlrse throughout the enuntry. Tho now crlp Iwok tke tho pkico of old time mileage Intake, and Hi good for rail fare tmggagc and olMer trnvrlliiR erpenet The nee. Imok carrlee rnupoiHi up to fifteen nnd thirty dollar, rwpeethely, epllt Into threo.conl mid one-cent denom luallone The will be awcpteil for HckrtN, rullmmi berth and baggnge, but not for dining ar mrvlce The war triJt on the thirty dollar look li 1 10 nnd on the fifteen dollar book Im tt 20 Another ndvmttagn of tho rrrlp iNioka la that Hip) nro good tin any railroad under fcdxral nitminl trntlon mnnhere In the I'nlted fllnlen. miooiim; r im'ckk. An a war meflioire In food cnneervn Hon the government him taken from the elate the power to .grant permit for migrator) bird Nhootlng, neooid Ing to It. It. Klddowny, elate flub uml game commllnnrr The I'nlted State department of ngrhulturp take over the exi'limlxe control of killing and 'marketing I'dlldo migrator) Mriln, In. eluding (liukr M RiTfe. The etntn gnmo departmi'iit onn dielale open eaeon for wnter fowl onl) within tho tint" limit allowed by the govern ment, nirordlng to rommlo'louer Klddowny. r INQUiniMl INTO I)P.T1I. K. Martinet of lllnik ljikr, N. M.. and I:. Martluex of Wagon Mound. N. M., were In I'rkc thlx week Ituiulrlng Inio Hie il"fltli of a ten of Hie former which, occurred n xlinrt tlmo ago nt the m'lnea at Htorra. The )oung man wan 28 )enrn of age mid mont highly pnken of by hlx friend nml employ era nt that .nmi. The remain were Interred nl I'rbe b) ii local under trjkir on the 12lli of thU month. If the condition of the bod) will permit It wilt bf taken to New MpxIco for tclnlermeiit. The gentlemen United Htorra the flrM of the week to lentil what iletulla the) could of the necl- dent. ... ri:i.i:iit.M or iti:ci:ivi:i. IVter Jemirelme and daiighdr, MIn Itebceen, lire nt home from Halt Uiko, City, huvliig gone In on the earnc train that iiirrlcd (leu. I'aul (tenild Pail mid III" 1'rctnh iiiininlwlim going to Australia, which went through Price ,TiuiIh morning of limt week All 'linked JemiNelme, when he got home, to expr.iw their great disappointment at not being able to mei t the Trench illlieiiN nnd oiliern who were nl the depot that mornllig lo we them The teh gram citt b Mr. II Hlevenwui of the Ited frow ws nut ilcllvi red. ThlN, im doubt, due lo Indifferent c or the tnilu eonduclor Ah The Hun btM week Flntetl HiIn In Hie retiKou for lui'ivbera or the purl) not being op oil wrrlvnl lure Mr. Jennc-lini' and MIm. Ilrbceen bad H lllot pIcni-Hlit trip Willi tin- dlMlnguhdicd nrt HIT TOIt AN" I.NHl'HtTIOV. Htalo mid f.ilcriil ofllelnlN lodii) will JiiupmI lle.i i.r ii number or proponed Mate nnd govirumeiit riHid proJedN In different hccIIoiin of the etate, wiyn Tiiiioluy- Halt Uike Herald. TIiIn In rpM'tion proUibl) Indicate that ac tive coiinlroctloii work on new load iiiiIIn U now uiiibr couildeniHoii by Hi Mate IiIkIiwid bonrd. II. J. Pinch. iiUKliicor In ihiirge of Wcutcru gucrn tnriit riiHilx. with licudiiuartcra In Han I'nim liit. will llt projMla from tViclle Hill" to Ihii'heNlie uml from tlrccli Itlwr to Molillcello HiH-lrlnry of Hlale Harden lleunlou, Hlate Audi tor JiMeph lllrle, Unglnecr J. II. Till-th-mul ItliKlneer W. A. Itlrlimoud wilt Inipecl III" piopoeed loadwil) III the llunllngtou ('mi)on illtrlit. ii well , hi t '(telle Hale l nphralm lretch and oilier projwla M.NMN lh IkNI.IKIIMI. J. II. Malleoli, foimvrly In control or the lighting and power plant at I'rltc. won lure IIiIn week from Hiiro kw, while be mid IiIn brolhir arc hi Hn. Koucrnl mercnnllle IhuIiiixm. The) ooiiiluit two HtoroH In Unit camp uml have ii fill' hindncMi- II" I" "l" ! tcreeled III mining, but mi far IiIn dM xfeudN ore of the IIiIn mini kind. Ill nil Ion here whn in look niter uml pIoho up ii number of matter of h Inwlnii . haniclK before eiilUUng for kcrtlcc wllh IiIn t'llclc Hum. He U mixloii In go "over Ihire" or huim where cUe that IllN knowledge of cle trlill) mill III erroll will be UNcfill lo hi counir) Mr. Munwin mid the fHiull) will lemiilii at Pro.o after lit delHirliirt HI ir) man) frleniU at I 'i lee were glad to aec htm and to know that he l prospering. Il()li:i. Vlllli.NS OPItXH. Hotel Alllin U the inline of a m w i.Ihc ..pelllHl in the traveling public I Mid lu other till wick III the build ing Jul wmlli or the Penmr and HIn1 Hrande ileiHii, formerl) known a Hie! uiMiHiiiiil fador) It ha iwenll) I Imck icmoilelliHl Uiloiighoul and the exterior ( banged a lo make n more , luvlllng appimrmiee Hotel Allien ban IweiiD-thriH- room and l one uniting ivveral of Hie larger hue of IIn kind Ml l'rb. Time" who llUVC hi ell Hiroiigh It mi) the furniture nnd fut iiInIiIiik are among the bent nil) where Mike KlttpaklM I the proprietor mid ho tell The Hmii that be U going in CHler to Hie bwt trade onl) lie III vlteM all who are looking for good lodging and comfortalile mirrouud lug lo tr) the Athena imct. Pi Ice within rMon. Hulwerlbe Kor the DESERET NEWS Daily Only 51c a Month B;ml-Wkly or.l-.urday Newa , Only $2.00 per Year, price m mm Pn IttiMx r Wrk in now earr) llig n line o' nuloiiiobllv a i eenorle. W Hot (tie) l Uen aplMilnted fuel o'lmlnlNlrator nY Carlion tounty. McKiiih Porwanllng coiuiwny thbi )oar b.Nt l.j MKr imeklng about a cur load f Cotton Ice nhlpped In here lart winter. Thn Oiiilntid ntnelle mmo lu till week from Hull tjako City for Prlpe Oarage coinpniK'all being eold heroic their arrlvnl I'red Ijinhrl took pomeMlon or Hip linger market Innt Monda), although the (IohI ror the mmo wan conMim malel n couple or week ngo. Mr and Mr. J. N. litlertNon have n W(ct girl bah) Hint arrived at their home lit,t TiiPNilay Hip flrrtborn Mother nml little one doing nicely. KnlMinont for irnlnltiic mimea I ntlll open to thoNe w ho'vvii.ri to ervo their Miuntrv lu thla v"l!it'lty, en) a Mli Mnrgard Honile). Ill rhnrgc of the work loratt). Thoro will Im ii HeiTV'roe dance at thu high attliool gnfnnlum next Wed nemla) evening, AlfgiiMJ !Sth. Ticket arc a dollar. A gndrfilme I prom Iketl all whn attend. Trcd I! Wood. Jr write hi par rnlN, Judge and Mr..r l. Wood of Hit do, that he ha arrived wifely In Frame nnd I reeling fine. Ha hn reienll) bten made errgcanl bugler of hi (ompmi) I.Ikiinp IwiiciI during Hie week to John (tnrdner nml Kvnlln Wlemmi, both of Hoof (eld; Tom Tagl or I'rlrn mid Murlin ltoe iff' TliompNon: John O flood of Hcofleld nnd Oullda (I. Hntllh of Hprlng CM) Mlllbiiru mine coal, brought to Price b vvagouhmil, hn been ad vanced Intel) Lump I now It RO tho ton delivered In the bin nml run or i mine 1 1 21 II. M. (lonld I the agent ' Incnl I) ftl the product t'nrboii .Merrmitllo compmi) in In quit IiiinIiic lit Prlie ubout Hip flrnt of Heptembir. Thele In nothing lu the oft drink game, an) Mannger John Hkerl, who I going Into the ' cuttle hiiNlhc with Martin Mlllarlih If (old Ntonigp egg lire placed on. the markit wllhout being denlgnnted (in audi tlilcr Will be proNeillted to the foil enteul of the law. nccordlngl In wurnlng uel by the Mute dairy I mid f'l HdntlnlNtrutloii laat Wciim-J 'lay- . ! II. W Dnllon. Mtlnflto) or fncllo Dale, wa lu Prhje ngnln lat Hatur dny beiklng for nil uttWtf room nml n duelling, bill wllliritit.wleco. Hn I coming hero to make III home, how ever, mid will winner or laiir get rixed out. '. r McWhliiiie), fiirimr Prion at torui) mid Inter n reeldent or long lleiieh, nlii., retiiitl) volunteered for nerviio ovemen nml la now In the l. nn) Mr. McWIiliuiey will go Hi her parent., al livelmul, I'oln, dur ing the period of Hi" war. J II. Iloolhe ha quit the Denver and Hlo (Irniule eectloli foromaindilp belwien Mound mid Hililll)ldo nnd la bndk nl Prlie working for Carbon Menuutltv company. Heciloii labor er urn now living paid three dollar n day loi'ull). but nro hard to obtain. Mr, Henry Wade gol Ixiek to Prlro liint H.iturduy from Camp Porter. N ; Y Hho foiiml her hoii, Hubert Lelnnd I Wnile, doing well In the government hoxpllnl there after being returned In 'thl country from the wretern front suffering from Hie . ffcita or ulirll lhock. The utleiidmita gave her ev (ry hope or hi oou ladng dlrehnrged mid again nt home nt Price on fur lough. ' Mr. uml Mr. J. A. Croiketl hiivo leaped their heme nt Price ror n your I to Mr. mid Mr. Oeorgiv AvNIxuii mid jure going lo ipeml tho limn In Call rornla, leiivlng here about the flrt or Sepivmbcr. Mr. mid Mr. I". W, (lrciiM-r have moved lo Hie apartment .above the Denver mid Hlo Ornnde paeiigcr depot. Mr. mid Mr. Oeorgn I A. Woottou are lo in cupy the OrrnHor home. I Thirl). bIx cor or coal hooked up uin one trnl n got it way nt Ktamlardvlllo on the Hprlng Caii)ou brmich of thu i Denver nntl Hlo (Irmidu In it Weduea 1 day. They got na far a Htnrr. whero i they left thu track at the tipple, Tho entire, train I almokt n (oniplole .wreck. The euglno.r uml flrrmnn Jumped for their live. oUiervvliw their iteuth would hiivo been certain Oili er or Hi" crew were uninjured. Tun liiilulrnl anil flftv wnlehinell I me wanted for government wrvico nt, Milurlea ranging from Miventy to ev-eiiD-flvo ilollm u mouth, according to Information recvcl rrom Wiili IllKtoll, 1). C. b) Hie imtul uuthnrl-1 jtle. Only while men, ploalcully hi -1 live mid Intelllgeut mid xempf from, the ilroft. am ellglhh. .Men but W ecu tile age of 32 mid Oi )eur will be i MKeptiHl. Appllcatloii ehould bo made to the UlllUd Htnle employment er vice. It 10 PeniiN)lvaulu avenue, I Washington. IT C Home (uiKlltin ha' lately nrUeii be 'tween Intel cut In the two coiintlcN on to whether Ihn new townnllo of Hoi dier Hunimlt, being promoted by II. C. Menu uml other. I In Wiinutuh or t'tiih loiiiitlc. To determine tho matter, which Involve romdderuhte taxe rrom railroad and other proper He, the commliMlonoiN or Utah conn-, ty and of Waiwtch nlo arn to vlult the Hunimlt next Monday. Hurveyor from each county, rond HiipervUnM nnd other offlcluU nro lo nocompuny the two ot of cvinmUuiloni'rK. Card of Thanks. W wUh to thank all our many Irlcn.lH for their klntlnce mid ym pathy to ii. for tho b of our dear con and brother. Mil. AND MIIH. I". J THOMAH AND FAMILY. J, W. HAMMOND, l.lor.NSKD All KTUACTKH Of TlTLtai. Abitract or title furnlnhed tb any piece or trutt In Kaitcrn Utah. ?re Inkuranca written In iho beat com pnnle doing builnex In tho atate. Haal estate, bond, otc around floor, Ooldcn Itule building. That good printing. The Sun, There's Value In Canceled IIBh Checks lH i . llijjjjH Pny a bill by check, and there is no argtimunt aKainnt IHH Uio evidence that check holds when it in returned to you '1 canceled at the end of the month. flH Your checking account nt this bank Ih nn insurance ntVH iiKainst the double payment of bills, furnishing n clear ' ilH and convenient record of your transactions. i tH Furthermore, it prevents the squandering of change, ; ; H and adds nn appreciable degree of character to your deal- ' j H Wc arc here to serve the pcoplu of this vicinity nnd LhI welcome the individual, instead of the size of the account.' 'll : i IH Price Commercial & Savings Bank ImM Price, Utah ' llCii SOME OF THESE GOOD WASHERS LEFT I PRICED $82.50 AND $87.50 Terms to Responsible Buyers. . K J M Visible Gasoline Tank. You sec nnd get what you buy. K! M Everything in electrical appliances and uutorrtobile aeces- n fil sories. Electrical nnd auto supply service station. Yours K MM for service. - ifot ' I EH ,v"l3? mm W. C BROE'KER"' : jfl Paternoster Illdg., Main and Dciwt Sts. Ifll Price, Utah EcH I IN ORDER TO INTRODUCE H After repeated requests from our customers for suitable, PJI cooking utensils, we jiuvo secured the agency for a cclebrnt- MSifl cd line of lifetime aluminumwarc. To Introtluco this we will Kll sell for a time an entire eight-piece set for $8.95. Every Rll CIcce seamless and guaranteed for twenty years. Remem- HH er there are only a very few sets to go nt this price. Come Sll in nnd look them over. HH Aro you looking out for the coming- winter? Canned fflfll vegetables and fruit will be high. Now is the timo to supply Mill yourself. You will never get in a pinch if you rely on this IfSftl establishment for your wants. No hunting from plnceto LifEl place. Join today our big family of customers and receive fl what is (lu cyou. We have it always, at a price it little aHI cheaper. mmkm f4- dfe, .iSj I - Wm lite "' JlrH J Aim .V. RUB. Mason Jars, quarts, 85c a dozen; two quarts, $1.20 a doz- OkI en. Red Daisy extra henvy fruit jar rings, the best money KW can buy, four dozen for 25c for ono week only. Don't bo de- II K eelved into buying cheap rings nnd thus lose your fruit. II Groceries? No advnnco price. While shopping you will find flV it a plensuro to visit our fountain. A little rest nnd refresh- K W ment. We serve tho famous Longshores Ico Crenm, Straw- D W berry nnd Vanilla with fresh sliced fruita. White Ribbon. M B 0. H. WILSON SEALING CO. Member of United Bute Food CommUalon. j Bl