Newspaper Page Text
It H ' PAGE EIGHT THE SUN, PRICE, UTAII-BVERY FRIDAY . AUGUST 23, 1918 I . . Dodge Brothers .... t Motor Car H y"i sR . x will be sold 'in H this city by LH ,. J Fraridsen Garage H , 7' G. G. Franclscn, Prop'r. . ' H 14 ' H " ' W -." North Eighth St., Former Location of J. H. Redd.. " 9- . Phone 185. Price, Utah. s xt B PURELY PERSOWftL B Mm. II B. llolfncttllt(.l wltll B friend nl l'ro IhlVjveek V k ( Count) Agent l'rli- Him In Ureen K I ' IllVer )ctvrda) nil business. H Mr. I come M. It) land recently' H Visited with relative nl Mt l'lenannt ' H Mm. I It. Fullmer la entertain- Ht liiK her sister. Mm. I.mvr, of Turk B ' JikIkv rtrdlnntid Krlokaru U here HH J Unlay mi several riiMW In district K ' H -H Mm. J, I'. Johnson la visiting Willi ' ' relatives unil rrlcnd nl Halt 7-uke M City Ihla week. H Mm. Murlo llnbortson nf Hunny- H side visited Willi relatives nl Mt. l'lcu- H Knnt Inn! week. H, i A. O, Uuthcll went III In 'Ion H, Tuesday utter n consignment of rum H f for I'rlco Oarage company. H 1. Mm. Alice Hugo of the Tavern U . back home utter nil nulomoblln trip , j , tit Hull take City thU week. H I Henry I'nrmlcy of Mi.ujnnd unil H I A. II. Ilrynor of llluwuUw were guests H ' of Ilia Tuern Haturdny lust' H Mlss lues Hiolt (tot bark to I'rlrn H "". lut wiok utter liar nummrr vacation B V tit take U Iter work lit the Carbon BBBM. j hluli school. H' i J. O. Twaddle In Link ut Hunny- K , 4 sldo after a visit with hln daughter, , Mm, W. II. Medio, niul fninlly nt ! 4 llrevn lllirr H ' W. K. Htoker. niunuKtr of Ki-ou. B, I trnfU, went In to 1'rnvo Writnemluy to HK; ; hrhiK III family lu-te. The) wlll wr. HB ilvn Ininorrow. 'v.'i V J M. K. Muhe) of Hrtlt tjko City HH. lum heen MnltlUK with hln iluilKhter. H f Mm. U I". Clininlierlalii, ut I'rli-v thin H ) wuck mi'l n porllou of IuhI H ' MInm Kninm II. Jnhiuotii linn m- B ( turnuil In Hull Uike Clt ufler it visit ' f Merul wc'kH -with her hrotlivr. J I I". Johtuoii, niul lfc lit I'rhe. H. -tMIb DiMemt Hartley hut riturnril H,. ! Iiit liniiit) nl Mt. riiHixant wflrr it H k vlult of tu'rriil nevka with relnllvra ' ' unit frlenilN nt Htuniliirihllle nml t'un- PVS tie (liitn. B. 1 . .Mm. K A. UiulMir nml vhllilren V i Kilt 1'iiok Vilneiilii) eM.nliik from1 V t Mmitl. Mm, IjiiiMt helnif wtllyl tliiro ' , netvrul WvekK UK" mi iii'toiiiit of tlie H ileuih of her fullier H M Mr. mill Mm. It. M. Mimniu nml H Mr. unil Mm. C. N. Urr ut llluuittlm Mre lii rrlrt' lnt I'rhluy koIiik to nml R "iimliiK from rnnther Th lille illil BBJ Mm hhnpplnu here ttii route. H; .Mtiw llewle KelMlilfNjmi re- '' , mrueil frttm h two wpukNniiiiiien H- I pnruliiixliiK trip Ihtnt. tiler atutsk linn I lienn iirrUlmc for ("everuJ.-tiHit Hinl M t inijolt of It now on illvpUy. H. ' ' Mr. uml Mm t'lmrhw It I.ei H li ft KiiiiiIh) moriiliiK for hii xtmliMl H( Hutuimilillu trip throuKli MmIio uml U'yOmlliK Mini the NurtliHwl Tln Hh f t will Ihi nlwielit itlMiul Kin uiekM. H I ' I'r.rf. Ilrwni Ityun IIIih1 Khc H i I t flelil. Winter (Juarrrm nml Ulmir i '(,j f.'reeik Ut. l'rliU nml Htilunlny In thn H J '" IlltvrwtM if the pilhlk wliAtiU. lie H ( ' " ufivimiwnlml l Mm llyttn. H" j j . -11 Im iliimlK lliirke Ik liak In Hh j I Prlve from her MiimmertvoHitton xpoiit, V ,-,,.,' t HOIlhllT. t'olo Hhe will t Wlih lit H j' Hie hlich wImmiI thU iiu ll!r nUter. K (' )I,M ""l'1- HI liitrh nt MorKHK HT j Mr. unit Mm. U A. MlCIuo uml H . ImmliliT. Mltw Jane, are lujni from V J I . i VullowNloue I'nrk Tluiy1 wuro niie a B I, eoiiple (if week or loiifrer nml hail n Hi f numt ilcllKtitful oiihiK. B,h 1 Mlwi Maud Uruffet, lum rjijumtd V ' f, ' f, to Hull Intake Clt otter n nhort Ult R -iit i L In J'rlcty with )mr mint, MfmAllr illBKlV ''F Hmic nnd hrothcr, Jam ox II, Prnffei. Kf' ' i, tK,1 Hhe will return to- Herkeley- fortho HB ii" f4. 1 winter. -Mrx. It. r. Melntlre letm thin ueek on n to her homo In tho Dixie country. Her hunlmnil will fol low In llntv In iitleml thn fnlr nml honievomlnK t'elehrnllon there In it few Mill) m. , Mr nml Mm. It ItW'nllem nrn leutlnir thin Meek for Hn ImUo City, Ihe former to filter triilnltiK caiiip nt t'nhemlty or t'tuh VMm'Wnlterii will reniiiln with her hnhnnil until tin Kiii'h eluewliert (leorxu ('. Htnnrr of Halt l.ukc City l hern on 11 nhort llt to hl nephew, It. J.' Htu)iier, mntmurr of I'rlce TrHilliiK i-ompiiiiy, the two ilrlv ,Iiik ilottu from 'Ann yrMrriluy with Q II. Crawford of Mnull. W. I. Norton, ex-ehlef of poller ut Otfilen, wnit it Tavern ituent IiinI Haturitit). Ho wint lure lookltiK after hla Intorefttii In Curhon rouiity, , which a r Ids'. He u lame utock holder In IVerlew Vnl eompniiy up HprlnK Citti) on. I l. I'. Curry, ililuf elevtrltliin nt Hiawatha for United Hlnlea Fuel torn, pnii), wan In Trice Tuutnluy n-OirnliiK from it trip to I'mither. "We ure workliiB. t daya n week nnd koiiib lime heVen," Mill he. "The output nt nil four enmpa U the Rrrnteiit In their liUtorlfH," -M. II. Ijeiite of Helper Mil III I'rlie luat Huttirihiy nnd paid hla re HpiH'ta In The Hun. He find morn money qnd ipille a iiiiieh entlnfartlmi workliiK nt hla trnde palnthiR nnd toiilrili'llllR iim III heliiK It deputy aher Iff. He reporta huxlnit nhout nil the .work he I'mi titke euro of I'reatnu Nutter wiih Jit I'rlee over Mondn luat. koIiik to Nine Mile ntter n tdinrt Mx with hit family nt thn Male t'lipltul. Ilu ivipeela to ahlp, hn vi), Ihno trnlnlonda of eattlo nut of I'urlion mid Uutheaue itiuutlea thla full, hut la not ft det'liled on the dale The) Mill llkel) he louded nt Woodahle. ) Judife (leorife ChtMvtiaen I'lallk M. Alder mid Attorney Leula Uiraen juim-eil IhroiiKh town Monday on their ua to uttend rotirt nt Montleello. JiuIkc ChrlateiiMin wiin necniniiaiiled h Ida fitmlly who ore UIIIiik Mm. Knmc I'ntlemnu while eourt la In aea. Inn In Mnnllrello mid Mouh MiniIi flldepemleilt, Kill i Mut flllmour icl home Uit eeu Iiik from Ida tun wteka trip tlirouich Yelliltt atone Park. reltiriiliiK h train. , Hi had iKinoat phviaunilde oillhiK mid "Imika he Hirt ' lln liroiiRhl home a lllimher of flue troill apmlnielw luiikiMl in ii mid will, hut whether In IhiiikIiI or ruiiKhl them thla Rriml family new iuper hita not na el had the lime to Imiulre Into. I Hophua OImoii. major of Wood, aide, rnmn up to l'rli'e Irtut Wednoadny with I'eter IkirlHiKllo hy nutomohlle j uml after tuindliiK n portion of the dii In the metropolla of ifatatern I'tnh returned homo hy train "Wn 'luivo the hlKKovt alfalfa erop down our wuy In mnuy Msirn uml It la hrlimhiK the lient price Mir," he told The Hun. 'I.le atock on the raimea are dolm; well uml mnn) cattle will lie ready for alilpmeot out within u almrt lime" H. (Inner l'r)e. the Tom Thumb of thla aeitlon of Ihe couutr). una In the uity Kterdu from Helper, lie hi the copperimlth for thn Pemur uml Itln (Iruiidu ut thai ixilnt mid he tella ua that luat month he pulled down tun hundred ami alxl-clKhl tlullura In aalan "I'rett fair for a mnn ln alie. Willi he And lu'a not lilKKiT thmi u minute, for he hua to atnml on hljj tiptoe to look (iter tho ordiuitr) allow iHiho Hlltlne on n counter. Ilul lie (toedlt't ulua count for u'l of It. What tin tiuka In alulure he mukea up In lirulps nnd ability to dp IIiIukk. He told thn Newa thut out In Utah they uru worl.lng womrn on lha jtectlon. Thla U qIho common In California. Women am wn irnlnr into tho ma chine aliopa a unaNtnnts to bolter. ' mukem. (lniuil Jillietlftn (Colo New. Slat HIS BEST EMS SHOWN II. W. Krlfrilli'a "Henna of the World" CoiiiIiijc lo Ihi- i:ko. "Heart of the World." thn nuprcme triumph of II. W Griffith, lo ho pre sented ut Ihe I'.ko thenter for two daya, AukuhI 3(li .nml STtli, tw'lrn dully ul 3 o'llnik of thn ufternooii mid nt X oYlock of tho etentiiK. InauKur nlcN n new era In thn reulm of thn Fcrrnii ilnimu. I fere, with thn ureal wur ua u liackarouml, Mr. Orlfflth hua filmed 11 almpln little Into atory, old na thu uifea. )ut nter new. "Ileurta of the World" hua proteii the latent aen aatliiu In the acreen world. Mr Clrlf. fllh reullird that lha puldli'. which became rntlftmlnktlc titer 'The lllrlli of a Nation' nnd "lutolrruuro," would expevt aomelhliiK hlR from him In thla luteal picture, mid therefore Initrad of tryln lo outdo lllmaolf In atanlnz RlUiillth iNtttle aent, hn lined III great war nnl na a, lutckitrouiiil for the fllmliiK of 11 almiile nnd attractive atnry of trrmendoua human Intereat. "Ileurla of the World" abowa thn happy, peaceful life of tho people of it aimtil vIIIiiko before the icrlm horror war r en red Ha iikI) hifiul over lha llorliou. The cauaea Hint led up to thn war urr ahowu, tho mrotliiK of the HiiRllah parllument on the otcnt fill nlKhl when tho oln wna cant for wur. thn aeulou of tho rrmuh aen nlo Millnif iipnn the declitrutiou of war, Ibe wiwlnu of Ihe iiiblnct await Inn the fatal hour when tb ulllma. tuni to tlermnuy would expire. Theae Meiiea (Hiinn ua u pteluile, then thn Kront drama In-Klua when the Herman horde enter Prunce. Ill lukhiK thn hntlle pltturea for "Ileurta of Ibe World." Mr. (Irlfflth hud Ihe iiaaUlunco uml co. operation or thn lliltlah war office. It la tho pinion of nil who hnto aeen "llisirti of the World" Unit Mr. (Irlfflth hn outdone hla own bent in hlevnmrnli mid hua oatnhlUhed u new nrllatlc rev onl which It will take jrani uml yenra for aomeone ola to rual, If Indeed audi a II1I11K la piwalble. Hen I a urn now 011 ante nt Hutlou'a DrtiK Htoro. Adit. ,ll aehoolu In Carbon county will open for luntriirtlnu Manila), Hcptcm br Dili It a Impeintltn thut nil ellKlble pupil Im In ntlendauro the flrat tla Adtl NATIVE LAMBS SELLING ABOVE EIGHTEEN DOLLARS (Continued from page ilx.) Immlry dltlalon Is now on nn Inopec tlon trip In the northern part of thu ntnte filnco thla work was atnrtcd last aprlns a tiumher of farmer havo embarked In tho ahcep hualncmi and find cutotcr land nluabto for R-raxInR idiccp. Keverrl (ompanlen In this dis trict hne liecn lnlcreted In financing farmers In bulni? ahcep. llrcedont Make Apml, WABHINOTON, 1). C, Au 17 An appeal for Kovcrnment nld to lite atockrnlnera In Iho Woit nnd iouth. west reached Heuatnr Illtihrock of Nebraska today In n letter from II. H. Tomkln, Jr, of the food administra tion at Denver, Colo,, who paid thn hreedlnic ludualry Is threatened with n 40 to SO per cent liquidation this fall. It la practically Imposilble to Itorrow money on breeding cattlr. wmi tiii: i.ivr. ktockmkn OV T11IH HKITION OP tTAII One of lha moat successful, ram sales In Its Malory Is expected to re suit btKl.inlnit on Auituat S7th. when I the National Woolurowera' naaocln lion holds It third nnnual aaln In. Salt I Itko City Increased Intereat Irf tlio moctlnir U lielmt etldcnced ly I'tnh stockmen. Htock from nil parts of the I'nltcd Htate nml -Australia wfll I ! brought here for tho mite. With the orit-mUntlon of co.oper. , alive live atock association, the old I mtthod of shecpownrm In dip their slock Indltldunlly hn been replaced I by co-operative vats In Duchesne nnd I'lntnh counties, encli at nccoinmo. (datlnR na many ns sixteen tbousnml sheep, nrrordlnR to iinnoiincement ,mnd, hy Dr It. W IIorriiii nnd Hrc retir) Thomas llrdmond of thn atnto .live stock hoard I Clnlah Indiana ut tho While Itoika .nReno are RulnR to wild romprlliiR 'nulmuta to thn next fnt atoik ihow to bo held In Malt Uiko'CIt) The) havo now tinder cultivation nt tho reserva tion seventy Ihousnnd ncren of land nml iimunK their nclUltlea, the) have Kolie rnlher exlrnslvely Into live stotk A ' n consequence, Iho nborlnlin a have some of the boat cutlln In lm iicen In that rcKlnn, some of Iho nulmnla re (eltitiR special nllentloti for tho pur pose nf ontrrliiR them In romtietltlon nt Iho llnxl fnt stork show MurkotN At '.Ion. HALT lKr: CIT.', AUR 3!. Cholio heavy steer, til 00 to it: 00; ; Rood strem, 19.60 to II0.S0. fair strem, tX.OO to 1 8. SO; iholce rows nnd , heavy heifers. I6.7K In 17. SO. fnlr In .Rood cows nnd heifers. 15.76 lo M.S0; ! cutters. It. IS In IS.7S; calm era. tl.SO "to IB. 25: fut bulls. II.S0 to 17.00: ilHilnRiin hulls, 15,50 to ft.SS; veal ! callus, 19.00 to 1 1 1. Of). I IIors Itecelpts, 217 head Choice .to fut tl.3S. Hheep Clmlce aprlliR lambs. II 1.0" ii 115.00; wethem, IJ.00 to 110.00; fill ewra, ,00 to .00. KnnMiH fit) .Market. KANHAK CITY. Aur. ::. HoRa Itecelpts, S000 head nnd steady, Ilulk, ifll.SS lo 1.30; heavy, 1I8.7S to l.35. hutihrm, 11S.3S to ll.IO; Until. 111.10 to 111.35; plus, tIC.OO to 1117.75. Callb Itecelpts, 1000 head, Ktcira. ,117.00 lo 111.35; westerns. 117.00 lo 1 1 11.35, cows. 10,60 to 113.60: hrlfem, 19.00 lo III.S0; feeders. 7,7S to ifll.SOi calves, 11.00 lo 111.00, Hluep Itecelpts, 3000 head. Limbs, t.00 In 111.00; )enrllliRs, $11.50 to 10.00: welhim, 110.00 lo II (.SO; ewe. ID.00 to 111.50. Nino Hir cent fewir okrm were In hand on July I, toil, ua compared lo July I, 1917, In thn four hundred uml slxt).Ho cold storaxe plant which recently made reports to thn bureau of market, Tho movement of crr from storss.ii for consumption pur pose be Ran niorly a month Wirller thla )eur ifiau usuul. Thla londttloii, nccordliiR to poultry specialists of tho United Hlatea department of imrlcul turn, should ho n spoclal Incentive to every poultry prodmer to work faith fully for Rood produitbiu In tho earl) tv Inter. The man thut mnrrloa the, times In order to convince himself that mar.'e la it failure oiiRht to b locked up for aafekoepliiR. When ii stlnR)' man audduul) Rota chnrlttitili ll'a n alRn of elthir it wed. dliiR or it fiirmrul. That iroi nl I'llnlliiK The Bun ! Have You Ever Thought How strunK a connection there is between cy cache nml hendnche? ' Eminent mtthorities ngreo thnt eyestrain is i tho root of ninny nervous troubles, Removo the cnuse by wearing proper glnsaea and the result will bo better eyesight and less headache. The j seriousness of troubles arising from eyestrain requires expert ei vice to combat it. That service our optometrist I offers you today. R. E. MOSS, Optometrist Ground Floor Eko Theater Building What's the Matter ' Buy goods from merchants you know, not from traders you have never seen. After the Pilgrim Fathers landed they didn't send to Jnmcs I for dry goods. When the Israel ites reached Canaan they didn't write to Pharoah for ennned pork nnd beans. c i This in not time to clutter up Uncle SamVrailroads with mall orders. Give him a free hand to fcedlthe boys in France. l'W' New showing this week of Ladies' Cdats. Ojullng Flan nels, Piece Goods, Selz Shoes for Misses, Ladies, Boys and Girls and the Men ns well. Our notion stock Is most com plete. For the next few weeks ncwipoods-ln 'every depart ment. PRICE TRADING CO. MasHMa)MMMHaaaaaaaiMSMaaBMaaBaaaMMaBBHMMMSMaMHMna - - - - - .. n Baby GraidT" 1 . l Price, Utah, ( jH Iii il k ut I'riti idi.isura t demonstrate cither Ut us sin, i tin m t ) hi Delivirrd uiDwIien in Carbon nnd Kuicr) coun ins wcti.uh tiii -to intni; ni caiii: roit.CAit. (5EOKGE A. NIXON. Dciiler. Price, Utah W.F. OLSON AND JESSE KNIGHT ARE GIVEN DECISION (Continued from Poro three,) droaahiR iho director of the human of mine, WuahliiRton, I, C, ua Ioiir na the priisenl edition ri mains, Hhlpmrnta of anthraclle for July reached n new hUh level of 7,0 I.77S Rrosa tons, us compared with f,M7, Cl inns In June mid 0,731,3(3 tons In July of lat enr. There was it sub. stuutlnl Increase In' Iho output of do inestlc alieii, whhh In thn earlier month of the )ear had shown u rrla. tlvp decline. The shipments of do mestic sixes. Including pen coal. In July were 4,034,St Ions, an Increase of 135,475 ton over June. 'Thousands of tons of coal are be hn; sand monthly hy the rallrouds In their Krnut fuel conservation cam. palRii," la the word of II, V. 1'lall, vice prealdint of the OrrRoii Hhort Line, who la Just buck ut .Ion from a tonferenco of nporatliiR heads nt I'o cutcllo, Idu. "The campulRii, UiourIi litrel) uudei way," any I'latt, "Is produclnR wiuilrrful reaults. Tho men urn tukliiK to ihe finl aavlne plan with it will, mid Ihe household, tfa uml manufacturer nf the country will profll hy htiRn quantities or fuel mleuscd for Ihelr uo hy the roads." ARltatlou hua Ihcii Marled In KnR. bind to prevent (lermaii)'s warlord uml sttil iiiiiRu,ite from kcIIIiir eon trol or HpltxberRen, thn il dm ado or the An tie Oimiii Should (Jermany b forced to Rite up Alsaco-Ixirralnr, with Ua hmI nnd Iron deposlis, u far richer prle, thmiRh more distant, would ho won should her plundcrhuml Ret piMacaalnu or HpltxberRen. a Rrolip or Uluuda )Iur iiIhiiii a ihouaand mile north of Norway unil u thou, and mlloa mist i,r (iruenlmid, Thn terrllor) or twenty.rour ihoiisund Miuuro mlloa haa two thousand wpiam mll r known coal ami iron do-poults ITAH'h ri.OI'ltl.Mi MII.I.S All!'. IIOI.IIIM) VIUiV UMUII! hlU'l'I.V I'tnh flour mills nro liMided with flour III excea of the demanda of thn Wot whli b cannot be moiwl to tho Kuroiwun market bncniian ot thu ro cent Rovernmont order prohlbllliiR Ihw shipment or wheut to foreign porta In riour rorm. Thla la the mi. notimvmvnt made by M II Ureene branih nuuuRer or the tellers I Rraln eoriMtmlioH, rnllowinic Iho xonu meet Inir or roiHl administrator jn 0a, Ida., lliU week (Ireene pi edicts it rudlenl ehutiRo In the rirt).nrty Hour KUlwtltutn ru'e or the fiNid nilmllllstra. i lion m nriior that Iho surplua stock cull lie m.ive.1. The rulhiR will prob. ubl) bo uiimiunced at the rliwo or tho ' wmrrimee or rood orrit iu in wuh. I liiKlon nxt week ApKnl to tho Miner. LONDON. Aur 31 -Mnrslml rc,. lim '" M "ntl Admlra Ilnll. eommumler In chler or Iho1 Rraild rieet, sent metwuiRe to th I meetlnR or ihe coal miner.- rederat on ut Kouthampton ).terduy urjInB u crouter output or coal. "Coal "the' ky to uctory The miner of Qreit Ilrllaln must help me," was the mm sae sent rrom Mamhal Koch i ' New Tires, and Old Tires, Too Wo will sell i,u u new 4lte for your mituuioldle or ii second-hand one If ou wish We carry n lurRo line ot lutomnhlh m ces.orle. mr vuluinliliiR work ure Urn most ujinpble of mi) In Knslern Uluh, We wollolt our business. KutUfactlon In our work or money refunded. Just off Main street on North Ninth, We outer lo iho trade of roaldints of the surrounding (own and camps. Wo don't wunl all your money for a Job. Price Rubber Works H. W. OoldlnR J W Wltthausv Collet's CAFE Host of ever) thine that's Rood to i at. Berved y white, peoplo nnJ at price In kceplnR with tho limes. Wt latir especially to the ludlea nnd the bcitir trnde. Iuy refurnbihed. n nisit uml rlean. E.A.Coliett,Propr. Main Htreet. Two Doom Knit Kko Theater, I'rlce, I'tuh Adlet-5 One Cent I'er Won! Icli luserllos Nn Charge Acc-ounts. KOIt IIRNT TWO ItOOMB VI I. nlstieil for light housekrcplliR '" 'lulro of K. K Olson. I.OHT SMAM. PINK CAMKO I'lN I'lnder return to Mis Allc Mns I'rlci, riuh. Ilewiird WANTI5U WOMAN rOlt IIOUSK work one or two duj euih wcih Inquire nf Conaollduled WuR' n anu Machine compun). I'rluo. I'tah VOIt HAI.K DUIIOC JKUHI'.V Ui latere.! hoRa, llosl stock Ii 1P West Call uml make your pick f.iro North Ninth street, Trie- enrcme Nixon I'Olt I.KA8K mil TKHM OK M'VH" , On shares or for cash rent un Improveil hind within ten mimi slk of i'rlce. Owner will "". U nml other necessaries nnd Rive b'ns I'iise Address IIox 488. r"' Ulnli I.o7conh"MI.KABK CONaiDKItl'l' Ninety f,et front hy two Iin"dr? and fourteen feet In depth. Soiin KlRhth street, I'rlce. Also fort) ff.J front by average of eighty feet dep nt corner of Main nnd Tenth street II W Crockett. Iok within for hupplnr as trfU ''cs will come without belnR o"-nt