Newspaper Page Text
' I PAGE TWO THP SUN, PRICE, UTAH-EVERV FRIDAY . AUGUST 30, m I - CHOICE YEARLINGS OF I BREEDING AGE AT I si&oo H LVMHS CO I1ITV (i:TH LOW Kit H, tiin ini:ioitH wi:i:k. M Jlccf Htci m Steady to Ionrr Willi IU- H llirr Stow Movement of Lntc At K tho Mlwotiri Hirer Market Plain B 'Stock rattle Selling Slowly UIr B I'dw At 7lon Itnm Kale. V Tlio Hun Bpcclnt Hen Ice H; KANHXH CITY, Mo. Auk 2 Cat I K tin receipt twont) -eight thousand B headend mnrket steady to (en cents' H lower. Top steer $1 00 The hog H supply wns nine thousand head Mar H ket KtrotiR to flvo rent higher Top K $19 Si Bhecp and latnln sold strong B to twent)-flve rent IiIkIkt Top H weMern Inmh 1 1 7 7ft nml western H rwM ft 2 GO lleef steer wcro stead) H id lower with n rather plow move,-! B ment, all salesmen holding out for BS stead) price whit It some of them e BB eured llest red steer brought BM 111.00, Knnsfl grns steer selling BB nlMiut llkn thn finish Innt week which BS miui flft) rent tilftlirr Own Hip end BM of thn tre Inim week Hnle mostly nt BX til SO to $100 nklahomn steers BB sold up to til 31 In thn imtlvo tllvl BM slon, nml n flvn-enr drove brought BB in the tiitnrnntlno i1l Inlon nv BB rraglng seven hundred nml tight)- B rlKtlt pound, fawn dosed Inst week BB flft) to nnv tut) -five rent higher, and Bfl nrp steady toilnr flood gran cow BB f 11.00 to $13 3ft. .medium, $ SO to BV (10 00. courier $ 60 to 17 SS anil BB vpnl III 00 to f IX 7S Thn suppl) to BH ilny mnlnliiril comparatively rnw B shlptm nt from distant points, nine- BB trcn iiirn from linker, Ore onn or By two train fiom Tnxa nml some nnmll BB shipment from Colormlo, Knnsns fur BH nMiltirf n grrnt bulk of the run 1'Uln BHr stock entile Milit lower at Hip cml nf BB Unt week, hut touiitr) demand nan BH mihxI nnd thn ard were well rlenrcd BH Heavy rulim Inst wrtk which Acre BB fnlrl Rinrrnl lirlppil ttir outlet toilny HB it nil Irmln vrn nilltp nt Ntctib prlceit. HV Kfcitrrn MO SO to 111 SO, tock lrem HA 11,00 to IS SO nml Murk rnttn nml HI hrlfprn 7 SO to $10 60 HB Therr linn Itrrll left oppiltlill to Ha tho nilvnnrp In the hoc mnrket durlnR HB the liift trn tin), nml n Knln of flft) Ha rrntn In prleen Innt week im milled to HI n lltllp totln OuImIiIp order buern Ha look 33 pir itnt of nil tho ho Hint HBS nrtlxrd Innt week, practically one-lmlf HB . u mnn n nil the local packer com HB hlneil, which me the market n Inrno BB y part uf Iti mretiKtli Order buyer BB ' paid the top todny f It IS for lct BH medlumwrlKht linrcn ami pnckern pnld BH tlt.SO for 1m t henwelnhlii. Top on H licht hnK lit 10 nml hulk of ixilen HH tlt.fO to lit SO Htock Ikh sot keen H, , competition today Paten fifty to v H j enty-flvo cent hlsher up to lit 78 B ' Ohio, Imllnmi, llllnnli and town men H i hnve placid many ordnr for clock B , ' pp with tninmllon firm here re H " eenll). BHv Three cnrit of Kood Wrelern Colo HH radon arrived, two enr of In mix at HH II7.TS uiul onn cur of fat ewe IIS SO HH Native were only fulr to Rood lit iual HH Ity. Top 117 00 Itmh urn flft) Hjj ciiit lower than n week nito nnd Mieep HB' .:i lower, but there wn xlroiiR HBV rompetltloii fur everlhlnic today BHI AVeiitern feedliiR lamb eold lure latt HH week nt $17 00 to $17 JS. brcedlnit HH owe $U 00 to III 80 nnd choice senr- HH f tlnir bremlerit 111 00 B T1IIH hTATi: CAITimiW AM. H k IIONOHH AT Till: HM NM.K B . I Utah captured ull honor ut the HH. U third annual mm Mlo nt Halt lnke Hft 1 Clt Innt TucMla) with the aaln or u HHf ' llamboullltt from the floeka or J II HH) I ' Heel) of Ml. IMennatit for 14:00, Tho HH! , niilnml went to C M. Htlllmnn of HH ' itlclifh Id, Tho ItamtHiulllit wn thni HBT, i v cniallau of tho mIo. and brought HH--ji I forth exprewilimn of mlmlrntlun from HJl every one of the tluepmru prewint HHfi v Them wn miicli compeilllnii for It HHpjh i poMMlon, the nnlmnl fluall) rulllni ! HHj, I tv Htlllmnn' bid. Tho nalu wa opm- HHi f ed at noon l tho nuctlonccr. Uwlshtj HH . Lincoln lli hn been cullnl for all, HH' f rale of tho National Wooli;riieiV j HH aaaoclatloii Tho f lrt nnlmnl to ,ome i HH under tho uuclloneer hammer wn 1. 1 HH t llamboulllrt from A A. Wood A. Hon, ; BH Detroit. MUli It wn bid In l the HH Adam Hhcep iimipaii) ot Cnrlibnd t e . N M. for t:sooo I HH , ' Nlnel) prUo wlnnliiR rcRlntnn d I HB I mm ihniiKid hand. The) Ineluded BHji prnctlially ever) ntnndnrd rniiRd nheep HH known Thn blddliiK wa llvel) in H I nd lea ltd b) thu of Individual i HH J Mile mado on the flrnt da) The nv-1 BH ,' erase prlie wa ISIC, raiiRliiR from, HH the l:00 mile or Keuly to mile of , BH 1100. Tho majority of the nelllnR wn B around the $300 mark Koulhern Utah I HH iihnwel the nul activity In Tue HH do)- blddiiiR, and tho ratiRca of the H Hevler Vnlle) und the Bnnpote alley H country will profit by the ncquliltlon m of n, wore of reicUterod ram. i HH HHt ! I Ham Hole At Zlon. i K ( More than two Ihoupnnd head the HHf nl f larReat number of brerdlnK ram ever HHt i fathered nt the Halt Inkn Union H tockynriln. wcro offered at private 7 iule thl week Tho sheep are the HHj. i overflow animal taken to 7lon for; HHjf the third nnnual cam alo at the fulr, HHt I ground oommenclnR last Tuesday ' BH7 Animal are sold under tho auspice BHJt '. of ihe National Wool Kroner' nsso- HHJi ' elation Actlvit) ha already been HHJ. I noted and several largo bunches hae V I changed hands at tho ard at ex Bl ceptlonally Rod price. Tho sheep M ' are all fullblood and registered, H It J II Mandtrfleld, manaRer of the iKl )ard at North Halt lJke, as there f I j is still n shortage of rat hog At B thoJgh the market conditions nro Hfl'j good, nnd the price continue to J 1 climb, the supply Is far short of the H I j demand Up to Tuesday last $11 60 H I was paid, live weight. Present Indl HHL. i h v point to a lontlnued dearth Bjki I 0 In hog up to the middle of October, BbK'I m, 8 i Farmer and feeders are belna' ad HaWiS-i DttlHHHHHHHBi xi$rBlHlMBBaBWJr1 i HUGE TASK IS ASS1CNED Wnr SnvlnR Committee to Driin I'or Sit Million,, Utah must raise six million dollar In cash rale of war saving stamps In the next three months in order to fill It quota. A tho result, plans for an ngRresslve campaign on this lino are being worked out by Ocorge T Odell, ritatt cl airman According to tho daily bulletin received Monday last from tho national wnr saving stamp commltleo, tho United States has nt ready fnr outstripped England In this campaign, though the Ilrltlsher took tho mutter up long beforo It was thought of hero. In eight months n. total of till, 000,000 hn been reallxed In tho Uni ted Rtnte In cosh sate. The Kngllsh total In twentytwo month wa ISO!, 000,000 In the same periods there hitvo beon 118,411 war savings socle ,11a formed In thl country, a against 137.840 In Hngland Chairman Odell lin Issued n special plen that Ulih citizens who have made war saving stamp pledge hnsten to make these .good n soon n possible, no that they I will be nlilo to took trie soldier who I return straight In tho eye nnd know thnl the) hnvo done their part of tho work to win the wnr i vlvtl to crowd their hog to market within the next sixty dn) In order to reap thn tAp price of the yenr The iletnmid for grnssfed cattle, especlntly steers, continues strong nnd stem!) (Tlin market Is still short olurnilo hherp Show Pultir, Colo, I to bnve n blR f no heep show nnd rnm sale during th eek of Keptembcr Jd Thl wile nnd nnd show I being conducted by tho Wesliini Htock Hhow nssoclntlon for the benefit of Western sheep Inter ests, nnd between fifteen hundred nnd two thousand purebred sheep, repre senting all of the principal breeds In the United Htates. hnvo been entered The effict or the wnr on the sheep Industry hn been to send the value or nheep higher than ever berttre tlr entil ed or A n result, many Weslirn lockmrn nre commencing to put In small riock mi tlnir farms nml rnnchis, nnd thn shtep population Is growing In section where heretofore only entile wro permitted to go It I the p'nn or tho Western Htmk Hhow association to make this snln mi nnnunl event A simitar snip wn held In rUlt IJike I'll) this week Mnn breeder hne request! d thnt Urn snln be held In Denver n n more ionven lent pinen to ImiOi tin biiii r and the wller Hull o4 latlon Orow. 1'iirnier nrn tnklnR ndvBntiiKi f tlir opportunll) to use purebred bull ufforded them b) tmmbcrshlp III n co-operative bull association Hlghl I the net Intreosn or co-operntlve bull nssoclntlon for the enr ended Juno 10, 1911, nnd eight other nre now In proiTK. of organisation, according to thp dairy dlvlnton of the United Htate department or nRrlrulture On Jul) Ut this yenr fort) three association were In operntlnu, a lompared to thirl) -six ou Jul) I 117. one nsso elation In operation Inst )cnr ImIiir illsorRnnlxed Kleldmen and lount) ngent nnd others working In t ".op eration with the department huve had n part In cstabllshlnR Ihp nswula tloiis. There U nn nveruRe of rive jiurnlired bull In ench orRnnliiil'on nnd ,tn nveiaRp or two hundred nml IwenD-flvn tlnlr) cows, j twiner lUtc (.ratilptl. I WAHIIINOTON. D. C AUR 21 A new 1aIs of live stock rate Hi the iHuulhwest. with esjeelall) low ihnrge 'on stock iiiovIiir out of Ihe drought stricken nrens to thn Kouthrust. was 'ordered established todn) b) the Mil-i-ond ndmlnlstrntlon Tim order c tiibllshed n stumlnrd and uniform likliei'ulp fur Texas, loulslaiu Arkan Oklnhnmii nnd Knstern New Mixlm to reidacn tlm present Mini, pllcnted s)tem of local rate. . To fnellltate thp emergenc) move ninnt of cuttle from the drnughl nreu I Hn inllrond ndmlnltrntlon provided that shlpim nt of stocker and fender jto terrltnr) south nf the Ohio and To jtnninc rivers anil east nf thn Missis Jslppl might be made at 76 pel tint nf tho usual rate No SliortaRt' I'tnrctl I Tin re will be no wool sbortngt III IthP Vnllid Htatp nt cording to C II McClure, secretar) of the National WoolRtower' association a 1.188 .nooooo pound of wool nre iiviillihlo for use In 11! Thn Unlttd HtntM grow half of tin wool of Ihe world and greot quantities have bicn pur ilinsttl from Ornat Hrltitlii The nn uual ponsumpllon of wortl In the Hnl Ited Htalra I 800,000,000 pounds Ap 'proximate!) n hundrcil pounds n enr A renilrid to clothe tnth soldier I raiktiw InircoM faidtal. ! TIIKNTON. N J Aug 13 Ar liimir ft Co of ChltaRo tnda) filed In I the offltti of the smritar) of stale a lertlfleiilo Intrenslng It onpltnl from $100 000,000 to $310,000,000 U Is Mated that (00 000 shiirrs, vnltied nt ' 0, 000,000. will be 7 per ctnt iiiniu .latlvp preferred stock mtitleil to 7 r tint out of tlio surplus mid net I profit of the business with nn: mm: ktoikmhn op thik si rriov op urn John II Bee!) of Mt Vleosnnt ha I reported to Dr It W lloggnn, state I lite stock Inspector, that In tho vat nt Mountain Dell fort) -six thousand sheep have been dipped so far this ear without n mishap This activity against tlt-ka Is proceeding satlafac torll). riccretary Thomas Hedmond of the live stock board sajs, and the work I being pushed because the dipping season closes Bcptembcr 30th PlfU-twa hunter In Utah, oper ating under the Joint direction or the state live stock board and the United fitatt biological survey, killed a to tul or rive hundred and thlrt)-one prudatnry animal during Jul), no oordlng to n report received by Dr. H W. Hoggan, otate live stock Inspector, from Oeorge K Hoiman, predatory (Continued on page four.) SHEEP LOSSES ARE CUT FULLY SIXTY PER CENT I'UHK OP WILD ANIMATE AHU BOLD FOH 1 1 1,000. Government Hunter Wilding Utah of Predatory Petit: ami Making This Section of tho Bcrvloo foro Than Pay It Way -Polaon tlio Mont I r fcctlvti Weapon of Men Working. Twelve thousand dollars will be re allxed from tho sale of fur or prcdi tory animal killed In Utah last year, according to tho annual report or I Ocorge Hoiman, predator) nnlmnl In spector of the United Htate depart ment or nRTlcullure Or this aum 110,188 hn nlready been collected Plvo hundred thousand dollar worth or lltei stock hnvo been saved this enr through thn nctlvlty of this de partment, which work In loijunc lion with the stnte live stot.k board One hundred thousand slieib were killed nnhunliy In Utah b) prcdjtno nnlmnl. but nccordlng to the report received b) t" II Htownrl of the Utah Wootgrowrrs' nssoclntlon, only 10 per enl or tho usunl number hnvn fallen prey to the wild nnlmnls flood work li thp hunter emplnjcd ti) the tie pnrtmenl ot ngrlculture' hiirenu 1 1 biological survr), under llolmnn, M held to lie the cnusn or this decrensi WoIvch) Almo-t KxtliKfl One rcnturn of thn report I the statement that thn wolves of tho stale are being swiftly dllmlnntctl. Aicord lug to thn expressed belief or llolmnn there are not more than flft) wolves In thn state today, nml there) ma) not lip half that number ' During the )enr we had several rnllur serious outbreak or rabies nnd considerable live stock was lost," sn) Hoiman 'During tho Inst month of the )enr no new oiltbrrnk were reported nml condition were very much Improved Thn dlstnsp hns not spread over much terrltnr durlnR thn enr. nnd I am In hopp Hint It will not spread fiirllar There I n pomlblllt) or the discos brrnkhiR nut nun In nt an) lime, nml we shnll lr to clean up the predator) nnlmnl In every bcnllt where It doe appear' Polxiu livst okii. Pulsoii, iiiiIsIIiir miilnl) of vnrloiH forms ot slrjilinlne. was onn or the ehlrf mi mis uped lo kill the nnlmnl. nml experts estlmnln Hint lwent llinuMiid wire kllltd In thl mnnmr during the enr Tin number or pled ntory nnlmnl plnied on record a tie Mroyed Is thlrt) -eight hundred nnd twenty-four This I the number of wlilt li initial evldimes were saved In the form or trophic. Othir nnlmnls il est ruled numb-red tin hundred and flft) Tho polMitud nnlmnls irnwl nwa to tile In hole nnd rnve. nml im i ffurl I miidn to keep count of III) III dm or Km most extllliiR expert nue of tin pndntnry nnlmat hunter l iiirnerlng Hon In thn Kalhah for est with docs nnd maneuvering for Kontl shots nt the snvnRe l-eosts. Trap plug Is hlghl) Important In the work, nml it tlosn study Is mndp or luring set uls bait nnd the tamuiitlngr or tlm trttp location WANTS TO SffFOR HIH80F t'tiiiKrcMiiiHii Welling tlt'Hlng I lip Ibtttlt front Over There. I'oiigrewniiiu Milton II Welling I visiting nt this time thn huttlcfrunt In I'rnnre nnd Hnl) and thn training equips or Hngbind during the recess or congress. In it letter to n friend just before hn left. Congressman Wei ling made this statement nf his rea sons for going nt this time "I (iinnot iwsiipe Ihe thought that I own It us u duty to m)seir nnd our bo) who are ovt r there to make this trip. Wc have voted I llllons of dollars for the prose tiiilnn of thu war This nionej I lit lug spent Inrgel) In Kruiue for docks, wharves railroads, aviation fields, Imiqiltiils nml n thousand other Item, wlilili go to suppl) our rapldl) ex landing expedition I until to see this work I want to ki.niv the tnmllllons under which our ho)s live nnd fight 1 would like to mevt tin lo) themselves In the Hem Ins. und b) personal inntait with the hardships the) endure, bring back tt lit) work n firsthand know ledge of tho hen h service the) aro giving to mankind Tin Imperishable fame of Amerl i ii li arm Is juit now being demon strated a never before to the whole world 1 should like to lenrn how thost m home tnn best help out In thu fight nnd entourage thnsti nbrnvd who ure doing thin wonderful work f r the fivfdnm or mankind Congressman w' lllng; expects lo re turn to Amctlea nbout tho 10th of Fepti mber to imphom: ovn digestion. For tears m) digestion was so poor that I could only ewvt the lightest foods I tried ever) thing that I heard ot to set reller, but not untnll about a )er ago when I saw Chamberlain' Tablet adverthsd and got a bottle of them did I find the right treatment Blneo taking thrm my digestion ta fine" Mr, lllanche Ilower. Indl ana I'a Advt Those who Intend to place exhibit In the forthcoming Utah state fair nre being urged by Becretary Karl J Olada to make early application for rparc To theso It la pointed out that t suppl) sufficient apace for all Is nlready becoming almost a problem, and that those who desire room slould make application at once Legal hlank of every description arranged from tho best legal form and broucht down to date. A full supply always on hand. Fifty cents a doeen, Tho San. For Young Americans Education Is worth more today than it has cer been worth. It will be worth more and more at the great war goes on, nnd when peace comes tho3C who nre educated will be called upon to 5nifca4r3s f c" . i s r IHHh uMBaR- tjtff . a . -. HHI laHaKBMi-HBHBHHBBHBaBaal. tHyjlli iiw , r , w-sHhI HHSSP''HHHBaHHBBBHBBBUBHgSBM'HHHBBl HHjjl ! hhhhhhhhhhhhhbhhb1bhhhhEi hbhbhI iBatiJ -B iHHWHaaBHHHHHHM IBHHHHHaaBaBt jfljPf'fj AHHaHBHHHHHHHH'lBHBHHHHHHaaWaBHH "Rebuild Civilization" Young America Your opportunity nnd your service to your country can best bo found in the High School. The CARIJON HIGH IS YOURS. Registration September 6trr nnd 7th. Instruction begins. September 0th. NOTIti: TO WATKH LKKHK. Htnte KiiKlncer' Office, flail I-ake I'll). I inli. Aug 1. Ill Nollco is liereb) given that Walttr M. Hull, vvhnsi postufflco address Is Woodildr, I'mh, has made application In ac lorilnim with the requirement or the Compiled I-aws or Utah, 1907, n amended b) the Kesslon 1-aw ot Utah, I90, Ivll and l18, to appropriate thrie-hundrcdth (01) or a second root of wiitrr from a spring In Carbon count) Haiti spring Is situated on unMirvtvml laud two hundred feet north of h point 10,810 feet east of Ihe northeast corner nf Hcc. 13, Twp l& Holith, Jinnee 1ft Past, Halt Lake Into nml meridian. The water will bo diverted nt tlio spring and convej id In ii for n distance of one hundred nml twenD-rivo feet nnd there used from January 1st to De ernilitr 31st, Inclusive, ot each ear, for stotk watering purpose. Thl ap plication Is designated In thn state engineer's office as No, 774$. All protests against the granting of said npplltatlon, stating tho reason there for. must be made by affidavit In duplUate, accompanied by a fee of 13 80, and filed In thl office within thlrt) (JO) da) after tho completion of the publication ot thl notice. Q, P. McOONAOU:, Htate Knglnccr, Date nt first pub, Aur '. 11$. Date of completion or publication Hept , lll. noth'i: .to vti:u imi:itK. . Htate Knglnrrr's Office, Halt take Cll), Utah, Aug 31, !! Notke I herrb) given thnl tho Denver und Hlo Orundu Hallroad compaii), with It principal office at Ball Jjikn City, Utah, ha made npplkntlun In ac cordanrn with the requirement of Bcp. I3$$x3l, Chap. 3. Hessian Lows of Utnh, 1909. in t,hange the, point or diversion und place or use one (1) seiond.foot or water heretofore di verted rrom tho Price river. In Carbon count) at n point north ! degrte 38 minute eust DOS fetl rrom thn south east cormr uf He 13, Twp 13 Houth, ItunKn 9 Hast, Halt I-nko base and mtrldlnn, nnd used during tho tntlre )uar for motive power and for general mil rood purpose at the town of Hel per Tht compan) new desires to divert thn water rrom White river, a trlbutar) to 1'rlie river, at n point north 75 degrtes 49 minute thirty three second east 14 101 f feet from th northwest corner or Hie 30, Twp 10 Houth, Hnnge H Hast, and convey It b) mean or a pipeline for a dis tance' nf 11,000 reet and there use during the period nnd for tho pur poses ns heretofore In the town of Hnldler Hummlt, Utah uiunty, Utah Thl application Is designated In the state engineer' office ns No, a41$ All protests itRalnst the granting of aald application, stating thn reason there for, must be mode b) affidavit In duplicate, accompanied with a fee of $3 SO, nnd filed In this office within thlrt) (30) do) nfter the completion or the publliatlon or this notice ! P McOONAni.V:, Btnte Unglnier Date of first pub Aug 30. 11 Dale ot completion nf publication Hept 30, 1911 NOTICH TO WATKH UKKIIK. Htate Hnglneet's Office. Bait Lako1 City, Utah, Aug 31, 19l Notice Is hereby given that the Denver nml I Hlo Ornndo Hallroad compan), with It principal office ut Salt take Clt), Utah, has made application In ac cordance with the requirements of Bet 128Sx$4. Chap 13, Bmwlon I-aws ot Utah, 1$0, to change the point of dlvertlon and place ot use or live tenths (8) of a second. foot of water heretofore diverted from tho Price river, In Carbon county, at a point 878 feet south and 1480 feet west of the northeast corner of Sec 1, Twp 14 South, Kongo 9 Bast, Bait Lake base and meridian, and used during the entire year for general railroad purpose at the town ot Price. The company now desires to divert the water trom White river, a trlbutar) ot Price river, at a point north 76 de gree 49 minutes 33 seconds east 14, 108 9 feet from the northwest corner of Sec 30, Twp. 10 South, Ilange g Kast. and convey It by means of a pipeline tor a. distance ot 11,000 feet and there use during the period and for the purpose aa heretofore In the town of Koldltr Hummlt, Utah county, Utah Thl application la designated In thu state engineer's nfflte na No. MM. All protests against the grant Ing of snld application, stntlng the reasons therefor, must be mado by affidavit In duplicate, accompanied With n fee ot $3 SO, nnd filed 111 till office wlihlii thirty (30) days offer thn completion of the publication of this notice. O. P McUONACJMX Htatn Engineer. Date uf first pub. Aug, 30, 1911. Dato of completion or publication Hept. 30. 1318 AN OHD1NANCB ailANTlNO TO UTAH POWKn AND I.IOIIT COM PANV. 1TH hucci:hhohh AND AHSIONH. AN I.M.CTHIU I.IQIIT, IIKAT AND PHANCIIIBC Hn It Ordained Uy the Clt Council of Price, Utah' Jtec. 1 -That there I hereby grant ed to Utah Power and Light com pan), Ita successor and assigns (here In called the 'grantee") the right, rrlvllrge or franchise, until August 1. 1981, to construct, maintain and operate In thn present and future rtreets, all) and public places, In th clt) of Price. Utah, and It successors, electric light and power lint, together with alt the necnasary or desirable np purtenancsa (Including underground conduit, poles, towers, wires, trans m.llg,lon lnr, and telegraph and tele phone line lor It own use), for the purpose of suppl) Ing electricity nt wholesale to said city, but thn 'gran tea' shall not utqulrv nn) rights here under to furnish electric sen he to aald clt) or It Inhabitants, except nt wholesale to said city. Bcc 3 -Poles and tower shall be so ere ted us to Interfere aa llttlo a roudhh with traffic over snld street und allr) Th location of all pole, toner nnd conduit shall be fixed un der the supervision of the city council or the lt). but not so as to unreason ably Interfere with the proper optra Hon of said line Hec 3 All line coiutrut led under thl grunt shall be constructed In ac cordant e with established practice with resptel to electrical construction) thn location of said line, as now un der construction. Is hereby approved and conflrmod Hec. 4 The tliy shall In no way bo liable or responsible for nny accident or damage that ma) occur In the con structlou. opecutlon or maintenance by the 'grantee" ot It Hue and ap purtenance hereunder, nnd the ac ceptance or thl franchise shall bo doemed an agreement on the part of mild "grnntee," Its successor nnd as signs, to Indemnify said city and hold I harmless agalrst an) and all liabll Ity. loss, cost, damago or expense which may accrue to said city bi rea son of thn neglect, default or mlscon iVi,.l.i0f ,ho '""" In the con structlon, oporaUon or malntenunco of Its lines and appurtenance hereun ...u.c' s"T"e "Rrnrtce" shall file its written acceptance or this franchise (0) ilni arter It passage. Bee. Thl ordlnanco shall tako i rrect aa soon u It shall be publtihed ;Vi"V".ra. J ,aw dpo.iteil and re corded In tho ortlce of the city ret corder and accepted a required here- Passed by the mayor and city coun. t ' UtnVnM '".rbony coS: t, Utah, this 33d day of July, 191$. UEOKtlK A. WOOTTdN. Attest MAT OH.MOUH, Mayr' "" ) City Hecorder Btnte or Utah. County or Carbon as. I. the undersigned, the duly quail ! TV'J,'1 a.c,,n5 tHy recorder or Price y ? h,y cer,lfy -''at tho fore ?'?? U 5,,u"' ,ru6 " correct copi of an ordinance adopte-4 by the city council or said city at a meeting d.y itli ,m,.rln' "J" '" day "o : July JU. In wltnrsa whereor. 1 have hereunto set my hand and aHlxed I thS corporate seal of aald city on this the 30th day of July. lsii. lnB ,8m,. MAT UII.MOI'H. KgtjAUR 3, Usg'U'fflfS,,. hecDbU BnrP!; v.,t'ne"''' da. Spring Can yon Coal Co. Miners and Shippers of the Celebrated SPRING CANYON COAL I Mines At STORRS, UTAH o General Offices, 817 Newhouse Bldg., Salt Lake City. UUh MILLBURN MINE COAL Mined and Delivered II) ean non Coal Co Hest Lump, $4 $0; Hun of Mine II 38. Delivered to the Illn Leave Orders With B. M.' GOOLD Manager. U Id ideijxp, North Ni li' Price, Utuli Kubber ttampe, atenclls. dater. sheep tag, and nil braai and alutrn num cood. The fJvin.