Newspaper Page Text
HHHH AUGUST 30. 1918 TnE gUN pmcE UTAI,EVERY FR1DAY PA0E THREE H PROFESSIONAL im. c. a. witEimv j , PhrsJclan and Burgeon 1 ; rUICE. UTAH ! Office Oxer Commercial Dank. I Iiesldenre North Eighth Street. I I Dlt. C T. HOSE I Physician awl Surgeon PIUCE. UTAU I Office Miles Building j-r EZZZZ 7 Ml. IL n. GOETZMANN I ! Dentist permanent!)' located Over Price ! J Commercial Hank. j PMCE, UTAH I 3: " ' - j - I a A. McflKE j Attenyal-Law J Rooms 6 and 6, Bltvagnl ldg. I PnXCB. UTAH. j . ;; FERDINAND WUCK&KX i AttorBsj.aIw I 717 Judri'nutldtn- i SALT LAK C1TT. UTAU. f rnEOKRic&je. woods i Rooms 14 and 111 Sflrsgnl Block. 1 f PIUCR. UTAH. I ;.. -i I ouvr.ii k. ciiav i I j HELPER. UTAH I - I Ml 1,1 3 I- MILLKK, WL C. A. A. I I Licensed Architect j Vermont Building I HALT LAXB 2TT. UTAH. i r nf . d I. A. King M. P. Brtffet It. 0. Bchulder I KIN(.'. ItltAFFKT SCHULUKH I Attorneys-At-Law I Judge llulldlng SALT LAKE CITT. UTAH I Tavern Hotel nutldlog . PRICE, UTAH i I The Plumber IS A ROBBER Only when the man Inside the plumber U crooked. Our aim la to glvo honest service, and In Kail honest good always. If you want such goods and such service In your summer repairs or In new work. It's easy to get It. Just call up. C. R. LIEjWIS Plumbing. Turner nidg., Price CARBON I FUEL COMPANY Miners nml Shippers of Lump, Nut, Slack nml Assorted Sizes of COAL Of the Very Beat Grades. Heat for Furnaces, Ptovcs, Household and Other Uses. i i MINES AT RAINS, Carbon County, Utah General Offices, Newhousc Building, Salt Lake City, Utah L F. RAINS President and General Manager. "" a, mimmiiim mm mmmamm Tt" un for uood Job printing. REPORT ON ELECTRICAL POWER AND LIGHT PLANT m:uYKi FixniNos of c. v OOOIiV NOW ON Ml,li Dilapidated llulldlng ami Womout .Machinery About the Only Asm of the City In March LastMora Than Tucnly-l'lve Thousand Dollars Tln ICcqulrcl For ncpalr, and the Like. ik .1,1 ' pn"'neer nnd Pt. to Price and for two months, was In ?;'."" .f lhVmynclPlly owned elec Iflo light and power plant. He was from the Heaver Light nnd Power company, nndlwhlla ho drew a salary from this cltyfor his work while cm Ployed, his rrport.wcnt to that con cern ns well us this municipality. Shortly nfler leaving Price Ooody came down 111 nnd alter partially re. coerlng went to California fur his health, hence the delay In III report to Mayor Ocorgn A. Woollen and the city council. While the report I of no special benefit now. It confirm conditions as they existed when It was made and shown that the mayor nnd aldermen of Price nited none too soon In (tiling the people a dinner by special election to rid lliemselvi of a. pile of Junk. Oood)' report I dated March 31st, Inst, and shout. Dint nt that time there were four hundred nml nine customers In tills rlty two hundred nml seventy residence, one hundred nnd twenty-two business places, offices nnd the like anil seven teen eonrerns lining electric power. In nddltloti to this, tli.- report cites, the city lined current for pumping water nnd for lis own lighting. The Income for Mnrch wns f 1309.13 with expenses of $136A.CS, not Including rolli-ctlng from customers mid numerous tncl dentals, repairs, construction nnd the like. The fixed charges at that time against the plnnt were nix hundred dollar monthly for help alone Dilapidated Condition. "The Mutton building Is lu it dilap idated condition," say the report ninde up on Man-It 31, 111 "The walls nre-lmdly cracked and the root and floors In bad shape The holler suitings are fair, but the lnleni them selves are lit fierce condition.. I C. Norrls, Hartford tnnurnnrc comixiny boiler Innpeclor, has condemned No. 3 nnd demands thnt fourteen new, tubes Ik replaced ut once. The bal-' ance III lant only a few month nt best. Hollers No. I nnd 3 have had some of their plates overheated nnd cannot be considered nny better thnlt No. 3. The normal pressure for the boilers and for what the turbine Is designed for Is it hundred nml twenty-five pounds. For oxer a car the pressure hns been held to a hundred nnd ten pounds, which decreases the efficiency of the turbine. It Is more thnn probable the state Inspector will order a further decrease In pressure." Afterwards the slate utilities rominls- sloti declared the plant unsafe for op- i eratlon nt all. The stnik on No. I lioller Is only half length. No. 3 nnd 3 show signs of buckling near the lower end." con tluuts Ooody In his report. "The poles hnve Im'CH set from five to sen ynars. Koma nre tiegliinlng to show signs of giving way, and from now on stub blng will ltae to he done frequently nnd the entire system stubbed within three years. At Hi present time there Is ample transformer and line capac ity for the present load, nnd nt least 35 per cenl Increase on the tcsblence section and about the same In light ing the business illstrlil. ' Immediate HtnenrtlliiM. "In order to have an efficient plant It would lint be advisable to spend the i.ecessary money to repair the present boilers and slacks. The present gen erating equipment Is adequule for present needs nnd a SO per cent crowth If proper steam pressure Is maintained. With this In mind n complete Uillcr and stack should Im installed, being one two-hundred horsepower water tube boiler, auto malic stoker, condenser and cconoin Ixer and steamplpes covered. This 'can be contracted for approximately seventeen thousand huit.Uj-d dol lars. iJiter another similar uhlt must be provided, . "The coal Iraik Should be elevated and the proper bins provided. The cost of coal and the ..xpense of han dling from th ground to M considerable. This ou!d cost about xZ Ihmuand dollars. If ol r d. Viloped near Price It won d be belter to Junk the present equipment and n.t In .t Del-el unit. This probably ould be done lor the same co.t as new holler equipment by arranging wIM. some s,H-ondhand dealer to take Hie old planl at wrap prices. T lie municipality hns been la n moneyr nbout breaking even. t'P to t he ires eitt.MH. this Plant has operated a Ions and cannot I made to ii with out liistnllliig new Idlers. IIU llnal roiulu-loiiH. -An energetic selllnic rumiialgii of fixiur -s small mot"" ' "" "': Pettier w I I IhnroUKh clunking up of BBSaBBft " it the load Is bchir metered or If " miters are" all right or properly con- neetrd. to cut down waste or do any thing other than, to keep the wheels going. Ooody found n total of fifty five customers that were not on tho i ustomers' I. dgcr One man was billed for seventeen months back ser vlie Alw meters running backward, some Improperly connected, others not lonnetted to the load Intended to be measured nnd no attempt to en fore service charge on motor plants. Fifteen per cent of tho February, 11 S, customels went net entered. It cost the city for street lights during the year 1)17 per month M3.1S nnd for water pumping about double this sum. On tho fourth page of this Issue of Tho Hun appears the valuation placed on the plant of the municipally own ed lighting nnd power system, which lr placed nt f 25,3.S0. HnOTOrfOflJrCf Iter. II. T. Zcldcrs Prrachra Ills Last Kcnnon Isixt Sunday. Ilev. II. T Zeldcrn. pastor of the Methodist church at Price, preached hU last sermon here tail Sunday foti noon. He Is this week attending con ference at 7.lon nnd will not know un til after next Monday where he Is to go from here. Nor until that time wilt It be announced who Is coming to Price In Ills place. The thirty-ninth annual meeting of the Utah mission of the Methodlnts opened yesterday morning at Bait take Clt ullh Illshop Thomas Nicholson In charge. Among those who will speak am I lev. Joseph II. Hlngeley, I). !., of tho board of conference claimants, Mrs. I. It. Ktreet of Washington, I). C, of the Women's Home Missionary socie ty; llev. Itobert llrumlay. l. U.f Chancellor Henry A. Iluchtell, LI-!)., of Denver, Colo., former governor of Colorado; Ilev. K. It. Fulkerson. 1. I)., of the board of foreign missions Ilev. James A. Itecbe, 1). II., preldent lllff school of theology, Denver! Ilev. Mnrk Freeman, II. II.. of Tacomo, Wiihh.. and Ilev. Clarence True Wil son. I). II., Washington, I). C. The scMlnn will le continued over next Hunilnv, closing with ir IniKlness meeting Monday morning. A series of special wrvlr.-s nrinnged for Hun day will open with a sunrise prayer meeting by the Epworth league. Dur ing the Humlay school hour an address will be made by ltev Freeman. The morning sermon will be delivered by Illshop Nicholson. Ordination ser vlees with ninecenitlon of deacon ees will bo held In the nflcrnoon nt 1 o'clock nml ut 5 o'clock the Ep wi.ith leagui will hM devotional ser vice livening sermon will be bv Ihe Ilev Wilson WHEAT TOLLS ARE CASH llcgulnlloiio of the (train Ciiromll re Aiiiiouncil. Ilegulatlons were received b M. II. Orcene, t'tah representative of the United ritatcM Ornlu corporation Bat unlay, staling thnt loll charged by the miller on wheal received from farm ers' wngoiw Is collectable on a money basis only. It Is not pcrmlwlhle for mills to accept wheal In lint of ranh. Millers are allowed to receive n charge not to exce d thirty-five cvnta n bimhel for each idxty pounds of clean ud wheat received from tho farmers. It was alto stated In the bulletin that millers desiring to make farina should apply for permission to tho United Hlates food administration, cereal di vision, flour milling section. Washing fin. D, C. Oraln dealers nnd shippers of grain will reiclve the two dollar rate for HE FELT LIKE MUSCLES WERE TIED IN A KNOT n:onni; tindali, of Ki'.vrn.E, WASH., ItKNnnTEII. For .Several Years Washington Man rintfcml Terribly From Muscular Itheunwtlsm and Kidney Trouble. Hut Later Got Great Itcllcf After Taking Thrc Ilottlen of Tatilac. "I had never takon a doio of Tan I no In my life till some alt weeks ago, but t have received mora benefit from the three bottles 1 have just finished than from all other medicines I have taken put together," aald George It. Tlndall of COO! Eighteenth avenue, flouth Seattle, tho other day. Mr. Tlndall I emptoyed nt the ftklnner Eddy shlpynrds. "For several year," ho continued, "I suffered terribly from muscular rheumatism and kid ney trouble. The muscles of my right arm would draw up at the olbow, and feci like they were tied In a knot. 1 had no appetite and tho little I forced down didn't do mo much, if nny, good. My kidneys worried me night nnd day, I lind an awful misery up nnd down my spine, and my back right over my kidneys would hurt so bad that If I stooped over It would nlmost kill mc to straighten up again. I louhln't rest well at night, and many n lime I would wnkc up nt midnight nnd never sleep another wink the balance of tho night Then my lm k would stnrt hurting so bad that I could linrdly got up out of bed. "I guess I have taken most oery kind of medicine sold without getting a bll of relief, nnd I was In mighty bad shape when I decided to see If Tanlae would help me. Well, I can Imnestlv say that I haven't hnil an nche or i pain since shortly alter I Mnrled on Tanlae. I sleep like a log at night and my wife tells mo that I'm liable to eat us both out of hnusn and home If I keep on with the appe tite Tntilac hns given me I feel so well nml hently In every way that I have told the Niys down nt the ship yard how much good Tiiulnc hns done for me. for I hope thnt my experience will he the means of helping others who may have troubles like I hud." Tanlae Is sold In Prlco by A. D, Hut ton, In Helper by I .on Is Kltertson, In Hiawatha by the Carbon-Emery Mores rojitpan). In Kenllvvorlli by tho Kenlt worth Mercantile company, In Hprlng Can) on by Hqiinre Denl Htore, In Cas tle Hale by Wasiilrh Hlores company, III Clour Creek by Wasalrh Hlores compan, In Hunnyslde by WnsMch Htore company, In Winter Quarters by Wasatch Htores company and In Hiofleld by W. N. Moseley. Advt their wheal In Ihe Interinouutnlu fer ritin ' only on shipments direct from the point of origin, according to Infor matlon recilved nt 'the food adminis tration unite This price will pot up pl nu shlpihotits handled in transit where such wheat slopped for bulk ing or chuinlng. This regulation, of course, only ap plies to wheat shipped through the rrraln corporation. It will stop a con siderable practice mnoiig local farm ers or reloading wheat nt various rolnts after sorting has orrurred, POISONED" PLANE I IS NEW BOCAE KULTUR Injured Mechanic Gives Experi ences In Recent Hun Air Ilald. Itobert I. Ilraffrt, sou of Mr. uud Mrs. Mark P. Ilraffet. has just been released from a French hospital, where he was confined six weeks with blood poisoning, believed to have been ted while repairing u captured Hun aeroplane, and n head wound received In an air raid In lh wur sone, AIout two week's art flraffet's parents received a postcard staling hn had received an Injury to the Index finger of his left hand and four days ago this Information was followed by a Utter explaining the nature of the wound, lie was lu the war xone re pairing a Hun motor and soon no ticed svmplnmsof blood pclsonlng hlnte theie was not even the slight est scratch on his hand that could havii become Infected, the conclusion s Unit the nil used on the Oerman machine was poisoned with the In tention of killing nny enemy that might tnpltire II. For four weeki nil hope of saving Ihe arm wai practlcul ly abandoned, but young Ilraffet prt vulled upon Ihe French doctors to wait until nu American physhlau could be had Willi the reaiilt (hat not mil) the aim tvcd, but all tliut re initios of tho Injury Is u very stiff In dex finger that will not be In use for tome time. Ilraffet hais that hit Is not making nny fuss over that, as he I lucky to hnve nny hnnd at all AImiiiI the same thpe that he wms poisoned, Ilraffet was wounded In the head from an air rnld nnd recovered from both Injuries ,vi the same time Air raids, he says, are nn every daj occurrehco. Ho gave prnctlcully no Idea of the manner In which h was hurt, except to say thnt he had a goodslied hole In the top or his head, which became Infected nnd oaused consldcrahlo suffering Upon being discharged from slok leave, Ilraffet was sent to Itomorantln as nn In structor and Is now training men In the repair of aeroplane motors. He suys ihe'oamp Is Ideal with fine bar rnenks among the plno trees and n river to tnko a plungs In every day. American rlang and profanity have evidently found ft great place In the English and French vocabularies, for he ss that v-ncm a propeller knocks a Frenchamn over ho no longer finds a shrug of the shoulders adequate. BWeTR,,.Ti ir'; v'IeBi(r's,"',,ial7 mKf?mWmmmiirf&W mmmT,m,tmWt'WmmmWf' lionr.ii'r i. niiAi'i'i.T, Ml Indications point I an early peace, he sas, and when that does coino he predicts tliut planes will bo the "only" method of travel. Ilraffet sailed from Ihe I'nlted Htntes us sergeant with the second regiment of aeroplanu muvhun I's. Ho s that ho has met no Utah men since going to tho front, but Is struck with Ihe many nations and uni forms he encounturs In his work, "lloJi" Ilraffet spent most of u year previous, lu his going over at Price, Prior U that tip was employed' by Utah FUel company for a considerable time, at Clear Creek. He gTew almost to young ma"nhodd In Carbon comity nnd Is claimed as one of our boys, sev eral of whom are distinguishing them selves In Europe at this time. I Just Can't Decide H How many times have you gone to your milliner nnd amid j the confusion of patterns found yourself voicing thin do- j spairinR cry? Wc help you to decide. Wc suit the hat to ! I'H tho customer. AVo don't wear you out trying to fit you to I ". Wc give you the bcncfitof our expert experienco in select 4ggH ing becoming styles, nnd our assistance nnd advice is nl- gel ways at your service. Wc have nil the latest products of 'lggfl the milliner's nrt. Let us help you to decide now. Fall nr- ' tigefl rivals nro here. L tH i-M Bessie Kennedy, Millinery. LiH Main St., Price, UUh. ; 'H ! :H notici: if ham: van kpixial Taxes. Notice Is hereby given that special taxes for sldowalk nro due nnd unpaid In amounts and Uion lands set forth nnd described In tho delinquent list hereto attached. nd unless said taxes, togather with tho cost or publi cation, nro paid on nr before the 3d day of Hcptember, A. I)., 111, the real property upon which such taxes nr,. u lien will on said day lie sold for taxes, costs of advertising nnd ex pense or sole at the south front door or City Hall In Price, Utah, beginning at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., of said day, and continuing until all of said parrels shall have Iwen sold. i:, K. Olson, part niock I, local sur vey, Hee. 10, Twp. H Houth, Itange 10 East, 07W feet. Ileglnnlng 36U feet north of the southeast corner of tllork , thence west 313 feet, thence north C7U feel, thence east 313 foet, thence south 67 U feet to beginning. Amount. SCE.I. IhvI II. Pace, part or Iltock (, local survey, Hoe, l, Twp. II Houtli, Itanrn 10 V.ast, 314 H Toet. Ileglnnlng 377 feet south or the northeast corner of lllnrk . theiico west 313 feet, thence south 314 H feet, thence east 313 feet, thence north IMH foet lo beginning. Amount,, 'lck Tangaro, Hunnyslde, part of lllork , local survey, Hee, It, Twp, 11 Houtli, Itange 10 East, 60 feet. He ginning 103 reel east or the south west corner or lllock I, thence north 114 feet, thencn east (0 feet, thence iiouth 114 feel, thence west (0 feet to t ginning. Amount, $11. 0. Halt l-nke Kecurlty and Trust com pany, part of Illook 41, Price tnwnslte survey, 314 reel Conimencinir nt the nnrthoitst corner of lllock 41, thence south I till reel, thence west 110 feet, thence south 31 reel, thence west Cll feet, thence north 117 H feet, thence east 314 V feet to beginning. Amount, tlS.43, ! N. Harmon, Aberdeen. Ida,, part of lllock 41. Price townsltn survey, 80 feet. Commencing 141 H feet south of the northeast corner of lllork 41, thence west ICO feet, thence south 31 fed, thence west IVi feet. thence south 37 feet thence east 31 4 H feet, thence north 04 feet to bo ginning. Amount 141.34. Karen Fran Use n, part ut lllock 40, Price townslle survey, 43 feet. Com mencing at the southeast corner or lllock 40, thonce north 31 4 H reel, Ihenco west 314 H feet, thence south 21 Mi reel, thence east 314 H feel to beginning. Amount, tS3l.ll. Karen Frandsen, Dart or lllock 40, Prlco townsltn survey, Ml, 6 feet. Commencing at a point 314 H feet west or the southeast corner of lllock 40, thencn north 314 U reel, thence west 364 reel, thence south 61 M feet, ihenco east 160 feut. thence south 1(0 feet, thence east 104 fcot to begin ning. Amount, 133.. 1. V, A. Antonio and Charles llonomo, part or lllock 40, Prlca townslte sur vey. UO feet. Commencing at the southwest corner or lllock 40, thense north IIS feet, ihenco east 40 feet, southwest corner of lllock 40, Ihenco feet to beginning. Amount. 1177.16. Price Auto and Htago company, part of lock 40, Price tovvnslto survey, 60 feel Commemlng 1U4U feet south of the northwest corner of niock 40. thenco east 300 feet, thouce south 60 feet, thence west 300 feet, thence north 60 reet to beginning. Amount, 133 10 (Jeorgo A. Fnusett, part or lllock S. local survey, Heo. 16, Twp, It Houtli, Iliiiigo 10 East, 433.30 feet. Com mencing at the southwest corner or lllock 6. thence north 313,30 reel, thence east 310 reel, thencn south 313 30 reel, thence west 110 reet to beginning. Amount, 1360.6. A L, McMullln. part or lllock 36, Price townslte survoy, 317 feet. Com mencing at tho northwest corner of lllock 31, thonce south 111, fuel, thence east 133V4 feet, thence north 14 U feet, thence west 132V4 feet lo beginning. Amount, till. 14. Dated at Price, Utah, this the Utti day or August, 1(16, O. E. NELMS. . . . c,,' Treasurer. Date of first publication Aug. 1C, llg. President Wilson, In a letter to Sec retary of the Interlur I.ano July 31, 11S, suysi "That thoro should be no falling off In attendance In elemen tary schools, high schools or1 college Is a mailer of the. very greatest Im. portance, affecting both our strength In war nnd our national welfare and efficiency when the war Is over," Advt. We believe that opportunity laps more than once, but wo don't believe that It camps on a man's doorstep, ' Best Proof ;H We Have I1H I That we get pretty dote to -' lagafl what's right In tho grocery line L -iH Is that so many of tho expert- V JH enced housekeepers remain our f J 'kH constant customers. Jr kH That couldn't hnpiju If we ' 1 'jgjH didn't havn things alvout as , k 'gH they ought to be, Nu store m. iH could havn a better recommend ,.. H ,iH than a steadily growing list of -" V IgH customers. il W'n don't suppose that tho people of your home are a bit . LB harder to please than Ihe olh- 1 ilH cm that we serve with perfect iB satisfaction. j JH Then why not let us please M -H you, tooT A good place to get R IH good things to rat. f sH Sfoqkerowsrs9 and l Firnirs1 Ston 111 EUQENE F. CHATLIN IllgH Phone 110. Price, Utah. K'gH Especially fl In Meats .9 km You cannot be too particular It'lligi when It cornea to buying Meats EIV4I and Packera' Products. If you ftlr R will pay a visit to our store you Irllif H will find that we cannot only HIm gfl satisfy ou os to quality, but H'Migel the prices nre always the very Kfltl R 1 f B Our service h the bct uud S'lfgl we guarantee every artlule that I i H leuves this store to be absolute. i ft B H ly as represented. U ')ou nre 6 n not buying ror cash, we nro .!" Itl losing money. Phone or H l semi ymir next order to W 1 CARBON COUNTY II COMMISSION CO, l A. V. SUlNtJII, Manager, HP'gi Keep a pumlcestono near tho klU'hV ' I en sink. It Is excellent for cleaning H scorched spots off rooking utensils.