Newspaper Page Text
AUGUST 30, 1918 THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY rill DAY AGE P1VE fl8B Have You Bought That Tent? Belter Hurry If You Need Canvas Goods ! They arc going fiiHi, mid ih next n1iiii"?ii vi3I lie imicfli higher. CanvaH IluckciN, Sleeping HntfH, CoIh, Chairs, Tentn, Wagon Cover., Slack Covcph. Don lei your HAY HOT when a Slack Cover will Have more than tin value for several yearw, and keep all of your Nack Iirighl. MTE IIOL.L.KK SOME ON SALT. Compare our price on Stock Sail with thai Hold by oilier. Wc handle Table Sail, all nucn, right priccH. I Stock and Hay Sail, ClIHAPHIt THAN ANY HOI) Y. Good bright ALFALFA Hay and I NUMltElt ONE OATS. 1 Out of town ordern solicited. Paynon and Ml. 1'leuHaeit Flour, and Uncle Sam huvn HtiliHtiliitcH will be cut September Int. Canlle (itate Coal delivered right mom' by the Hlue Drayn. I'lione HH McKUNi: FOUM'AKDING CO. Clothes oft Proclaim the Man. oil run uIwm)h trll l lli (il and the cut of hln clothe If tin rotes tor hi penwnal appear ance Tho only way to guar antee Ihcso requirement Is In near lallormade clothe. Men who tvrar our ilolhen have satisfaction, because wo miko thn satl.faitor) kind 11 ux measure ou for that ull now I Our XI r U A. Hills visits lb- surrounding town and cumpn fn-qurntl). let him slum oi hi Una of sample. Clcunlng and pressing Ladle vv.irk Hits blocked F. L. BUCKIO, Tailor IVorlh Sliith 81, Jmt OH Main Trie, Utth 9 I H O T E L HELPER lIF.J.PlCIt, UTAH III imo of tho Uintah Matin Htw Lines nnd people, going i" mining to and from that tlnii Hucheann Htagu nnd Trnns iHirtntluii Co. automobile leavo dally m s n't lock of tho morn Ink- llcturnlng roach Helper t I IS o'clock of tho afternoon Hirnes" Vernal stage leave T r-lnK. Thuradu) and Batur-d-i at 7 o'clock of tho morn- M drn In All Hcspect Head- Mmrtera For Commercial Mm and Transient W. S. Avery, Propr. Collet's CAFE t!M"L1' thing that' good to "J Hirvtd b vvhlto peoplo and at v'Kt n keeping with tho time We lJm "l,N 'ally to tho ladles nnd the nil. ,ratlc 'nU refurnlihed, naw. nNt and clean ;J E,A.Collettt Propr. J , M ln Wrt, Tivtf I)oora East Eko Thiaier, Price, UUh. H SHORT STORIES OF THE PAST WEEK suilschiitions iti: lanc.i:. C It Marcuscn, acting secretary, told Thi Hun jestcrday that sutmerlp llotin nn coming In fnt for ntock In the Curium l.nnd, Water nnd Power compan) l'l to last nlnht more thnii tin thousand shares of tho tvicnt) thoimnnd hid been subscribed for J C Jensen linn taken thn p thousand shares, n gentleman at Care-), Ida, clone to Ight hundred nnd nn mint lei of others n hundred share cnih Among tho larger nuhnirlhrrn nro Iho Austins, Aiicrbnchn, Culltri, I-nu-drethn, McCornlrk Co nnd John Y Hmlth Yisterdn) Frank Mtllhane) via nt out among loiul peoplo and la ' gathering them In" In largo num ln. Thn company' organisation now la nn tnwured fart, t UIMi IS C M.I.I I) llCK. t'nlted Hiatea Kenator UlllUin II. King, who hia apent thn tirt three or four week In I'lah, r turned to the national capita lnt Raturdn) Hn wax railed hark li Important matter coming up In innnedloii with the new draft mwmuro U had len the M-nator) Intention hrforo returning to rnm to I 'rice for one ila nnd from hern Mt tho proponed riencunt Vil le) niieriolr up near Hofliht and ! jwi lew the ltndu udjnrint In Trlii that it Ik plmintd to water li the k)h tem "Inn llnall) hulll At Ion the other da the nntnr told n repriwif latlve r Tin Hun that In will makn the trip nt ennr dulx nut fin dMuiit. M(1IN hi IT IS IIM l. 8 Martlm of lllaek Ijiki N M limt lrldu Imiught kiiII ut Hilt Uikn I'll) nRtilnot Hprlnir Cuii)on CiniI torn. pan In edlect Koni'thlug n.i' tight hundrid tlollam nK damiigta for the death of hia hoi, Chrlaloliel MnrllneK, who wna killed In the mint h of d. fondant oinpan nt Htorrn uhout the 10th of thin monlh und tin lod liur In! at 1'rln thn ISth Tho futlnr nnd an umdn of the itond man wtm nt . I'rlie nut da lint week nnd mull ui rniigvminta for taking the lod hark to New Mi xlwi fr relntormt ut Prom hern th.) went In Halt Uikn Cll) to tr nml iffiit a nettkmeiii with the inmpati). tho wild, wl" ImIui. hiiyr niiioif.ii ii uk. John IMiMiKli. nhi i phi nli r fur I'rttl Aul'irl. wan int Idenloll) nln I In camp out on Coal Ci.ek Ihln wetk Id nml I'rttl raniuiifcllr, uiiotlir liirder. had len nhootlng at m.iiii. thlpmuiik with a tW" milonmt . Tho lattir w. pawing thi gun u the former In i-ni manner nilMijiiin; ,d for tin gun wint off mid " IN nuiUi in tl' ".'' tomliig mil uimIm nr nr u nl nu l.r l.ladn Tin Injuretl man wan .rough t Carbon llaaplwl iwt Tu-lai and od In rnntlng ' '''' iliniiirht not t' " ,",", fi,'r"r S Colling""" and ..lhf IroiiBlit Iroughl thn man In from romp ... mMini.T Tiii:niiMir- U,uU lilMlltr. nl of J ,nl,d. wnn h.biror lhn Mlo f t- Momra;:forng"p;e,.m.nar, h,' ring 'f'r l""1 M? C"m', .VnnliHur Van 1111. " the tl.arge o . ,iil.iii of thi nnplonago t "' , rwanfUlatutljo"- I olUrn which wan furnUhctl ,,luu'er' hargrJ llh hM"B PVn ? 'lt' ,a?iKmg manner .nnr.rn Imc '' H tqd Htaten nol-llern and their miwi"" In Kraiue in:i.ri:u i1 siuv tho national army men who cleitcd to take n oiatlonal courno At the Unl emlty of Colorado at Douldcr Trom Colorado he wan aenl to Fort ltlley, Kan , and thence abroad He wan a machinist nnd wui n member of the Thlrtj-Hrnt cnglneerr. He went to work In tho Denxer nnd ltlo Grande shop at Helper when ho wan IS jenm of age and was a fullfledged machinist at the ngc nf 19 )enra. Ho leave flo alntern, Mr Paul Canpcr of Ornnil Junction, Colo Mr John tluchanan of Helper, Mm Jamen ltnmond of Goutdberg Ida, Mr Charlen I)oughert nnd Mm Fdwaril Hown of Helper . tu i:vn.Timi i; moiu: liiwix Twcnt) thrcc nglntranta departed from I'rlcc thin (Frlda)) morning for Camp IihIk Wah Three of thenc am from the 1118 reglntrntlon ther namen being tho lant one given In the lint following The nro IaiiiU Zoltl, John Olullann, Mike tloetto, Vlgnetto llonnfln'o, Jamcn l'rlano, Io I rand nen. Ton Ixircttn Hnrard Marchcllo, Hllf lliirfo, Farl J Hobertnon, Fetro tla, Jno Kcalto Angiia I- Johnnon, Ham Viltrl, l.lojd H Woodn, Kliolet nmlllann, Mnno Fendo, Orndy 1 1 Iter. Agulntlno Hen, (lenrgc 1' Young, An gclo Mntzonl, Heber Orocnwood and Fori U Itabcock About ever pre cinct In the county- la reprcneuted Numerous frlendn mid nlntlven nf tho departing oncn were nt the Denxer and ltlo Urnndn depot to nc them oft nuliAMH) lllUltl) I ROM. Jnmcs ltolnnd'.', who l a number Of the TwcnU'fllxth cngluerr. cn lhllng from Helper, whera he was Iwrn, and In now on hln wnj to France, hiMng Killed from nn Atlanth ort Augunt Atlt, lifin written hln nUtcr, Mm A J licrnardl In Halt like Clt that he Tn having thn limn or hln life, that he In welt, contented and happy and nnxlnun to gel to the front Hln nglment, he nan. In In nplendld con dition nnd nil were nf one mind nml Hint wan to cronn the ncan and get Into nctlou nn fulekl nn pnnnlhlc TI1S IHIF.H HIM.F.MHIIM. Two entertalnmenta given b) Iho Wnttln nuxlllnn of thn ItcO Cronn have given nlurnn f five hundred nnd eight ilollarn Willi an ixpendl turn of thirteen dollar and nlxt cent ' for refreohmenta mid thn like leaving iv baliineo of four huiidnil nnd nlnet) four iliillar mill fori) cent, together I with into hundred mid fort) -three dollar nnd flft) lentn nurplun In Imnk, making n grand total or nix and thirl) rvn ilollnr and ulncl) renin whjih ban been turned nvtr t tin CiuIh n i omit) rhaptir nl l'rl.i . . IMtnVUNTIMi TWO I'ltK IX. Tim t'nltvit Htatea govirnmilil will bii) ever) pound of nugnr held b) re flnorn, betl nr ortim nugnr iirmlmew, either In ntoik or In trnnnll, on u ccr tnln ilntn to bn nnnounrcd Inter, nnd nell It baik to II original holder nt tin price of tie now crop, whltli will le higher, an u to niuallto tho nugar markit mid privcnt two prken, nuih a tixlKted lnl )er Till, however, will not provclil n nllght Incrrnna to thn consumer, who will hac to pa) an iiddltlonnl cent n pound, perhaps n llttl more The profit of Ihln Iran, uttiini InnUail nf going to tho refiner, will l absorbed h) the government through the Unlltd Hlalen sugar etii(l Itatlon board if the food administra tion. Tin nttlon han been decided on lac a chum uuenco nr high price for the domentk mid onne nugara that ,'noou will In mining Into iho market. ,'Thc mntili will bo to mlnlmlxn the In- i etiiiillllen or having tho now domestic crop nt the now prim nnd thn old for- , elgu rop nl tin old and lowtr prhe In the marktl at the nama linn ! miiui: i'ii us i iiom iioMii ! ' Morn liismi in wnpapera' In the i p I ml which In being cnutliiuall) marie 1 1. 1 tin llbrar) cnminltteii r tho Amer- leun ited Cronn b American soldier I hi liivnpltalN III Orcat llrltaln. The II- i Irar) ionimllle In at rinnt fur- , 'nlKhliig reading matUr for more than IwtnD'flvn thoun.iud men a month, l.nlli In Inwpllitln mid In enmpn. The Lihikn nln tlllmr glfl ol nro purihnsed In lmdoii Thn migaxliiM and new. 'ipmipirn muni i.r neclt) enmn from ', Apierlui Thin line nf literature ; given gusitir witl'TarHi'ii lo tin mm ''tl nn bnnkn I I ;.cowi i'iu: iowi.iii i. !j Minniiiirtmint ha Imiii inmlt b) I Dm fnlenil rullrnnd iidmlnlttiutloii of i u roiindlrlp tmulnt fare in Ciillforulu , mid Florid i point of to per mil lens tlmn twlei tli miewii) fare Under l.thln tinlir Urn riHindtrlp tmirlnt rare ,froni Halt Uikn Cll) In Callfnrnlll will ,ln iibnul IJt :w. InntMd of thirl)- 'elkht dnllim The reduillon I uhout in a Mr with u ilollai nrlhlo mniked ill. nil in lillliD-llllli it Ills, nn nun roll- load mail nxprinniNi It Thn tllilllgo ' will make niti from the Mlnnoiirl 1 ilvr in tin I'mirit Connl IS 40 higher than iHfoii tin pinneiiktr rule In- tuiiM wont Intieffeit, frnm Chleoi.0 ' 19 81 lilghei mul from Niw York $17 65 IiIkIici Tlikel to thn mast ' will bnor iilm month' limit, n lure. ' mfon mul those to Florldu will bo ' Mdd from Ouloler lth to April SJth 1 with ii linn limit Juno lt I U'IMi:OF HHtHWA. 1 Having InnpMlril thn hlkhwii) J rnuti linked for b) u delegation from lIuntliiKloii, Hirtiil-y of Hlate Har- ' den Hennloii and Htato Auditor Jo- 1 wiph lllrle will rocommeud to the mid commlMdoii that the proposed work In done Thcno statu offlilaln leturued In Zlon Inst Frlda) from ' their trip through Huntington Con. ' )oii whin Iho new road Is to he In oated IHII OllNtlI. Hetirtiar) Anh M Thurmaii of the stale muni II or dermise this week hn Kan a tour or nil the count) councils I In Utah to aid In tholr more perfect organisation 'r efflclenc) Thiirman 'will cnloavor in ntlmulale Interest In Lrout r production along all lines, and especial!) will xe hln attention in the fuhor troblim, which In gain Ing In ncrlousiKen . Might) few nun inn loso an argu ment without losing their temper, too . oung men should rfiniimUr that h who In onm h oheat I la sua-jeettd price m mm Bun renders will rinir an Interesting nnnoumement thin week from llrookn Furniture compan) Prl e Trading companyTn thin week dlspla)lng n line or new Vofldn In the woman section or the store I'llte Jewclr) company In stocking up for the fall nnd holiday trade If has nn announcement In thi Impren nlon of The 8un llucy A Hell have disposed of their stngi line equipment nnd bunlnenn from Price to Hlawnthn to the Arrow Auto l.lnn with which It hn been con solidated Marshal Ijimcn I enforcing the weed cutting nnd cleanup ordinance with tin renull that Price thin week In due for honora In tho spotless town class Marriage license Insiiid during the week to John Peter Ivtlurner and Mr l-oulse Adams both nf Hitnn) side. Ha) Nn)lor nnd Vivian Alkn nraiis also both or Hutili)ldc, nnd to Hour) Hnpson mid Fannie Hn)en, both or llolpir ; Thi old elaterlte mine In Indian Cnti) on eighteen mile nhova Dil chenne In going to produce ngnlit af ter ft long Idleness, flcorge Htewat ban tin nontrnct with the tlnVcn Min ing compan). It In btllnvnl Ihcri In )t two thnlinniid lonn In nlghp'Thln initio han pruduicd ten thott-nfnd tons, 1m real a of Id per rent In wage, relrnaitlvo lo Jul) I, 191ft, has been grunted thn cmplo)c of the American Itnltna) Kxprcs enmpany In the Halt Tkn Clt) Jurisdiction Thn Incrrann Is In tine with Ihnt granted railroad! cmplo)n b) Dlnctnr Ueneral Mc Alloo Kmplo)en at Price nnd cine wlmrn In ttastern Fifth benefit b) the order Frmnlsen Oarage compan) has Just mild a scvciupasscngcr Hrmic to Pam kiiMvno Thn car Is a btnuty mid mm nf the largest In use herenlioiit Thn wimn firm In receiving from tho factor) thi week n carload nr Dodge, sevirnl ir which nro already sold, IlitKlnien I good with thin concirn in fait sale am nhenil or deliveries generally l)r T II llealt), state health com nilsnloui r nnnoiuif en that the ' Fit to Fight film In to bo exhibited In over) town of fifteen hilinlreil Inlinhltantn or mum hi Ulnh, so many have been Hie riiilest for dlnpla) or the health plittirt and lUsscmlnntlon or thn vnlu nble Kwin whli h It tnnchen. The plo turn In txpocted to bn sliown nt Price In tho nrnr ruturn Them will bn n mnetlng ir lo tnr iner of Prkc ltlvur Vnltuy nl the public llbrnr) room mxt Tuemlny evening In tnkn up the matter of fix ing prki nn ha) and grain mul other pmdutt of the farm Win at, how over, will not ln considered since the government regulate thn price or thin. All person Inti rested are In vllcil in be prcsmt Hln In Hank Commissioner Kvmm ha mailed circular to state bank urging them to exptdltn their entr) Into the feilernl reserve organluvllnn. HanWn nnd trust oompsnln are also raxiuenlid to maku preparatloiu Imme diate!) to take up United fltatea tern pornr) certificate, of Indebtednrsa In purmianco of tho pollc) adopted re crntl) In Han Francisco at n meeting i r n servo nnd ntnta banking official. Arthur J Mtilhelrn wan taken In iiistnd) thin week h) Bherlff (leorge Colllngham nnd held for the shsrtff or Duchesne county Hn I wanted out tlurn for thn theft or five or six sultinsra mid their content. He won Unvoting In it Ford car with a Colo rado (Hudson) llicnne, which since In prnvin to have bieu stolen City Mar shal Allison und ex-Hherllf Pope took Iho man hark to ltuonovoll from Price Hpulat liistruitloii have been ta nned lo nit United Htnti marshals In regard to Herman alien women who move from mm registration district to another In every cum registered nllen women must notify the marshal of thn t hango and renew their regis tration In thn district to whli h the) limuvn Failure in mmpl) with thin ruin render such nllen subject In nr rmt mid ill trillion fur thn period nr thn war. An Immune nr I(k,S0,93 III the total MIX valuation or property In I tali r taxation purpose ovir that or 117 I reporli il h) the ntalo hoard or equalisation since receipt or re vised rignna from i utility assessor. Thn 1917 total wa 1137.110,315 mid thn 1911 total I H5,llT,:7ft Carbon count) han adilul considerable to thn fund b) additional assessment min ing from transient herds since the as sessor's hooknxwirn first closed for tho jear Armrdliig to a telegram received Tuesday nt Halt Uike City headn,uar Itrs nr tho United fltatra emplojmtnt nrvlro from Wushlngtnn, D C, the entire rnuntr) I suffering from a shortage uf skilled and unskilled la iMir Director I' J Morun han been nskid to state specif lead) how man) men inn be furnished Immediately by Ftuh for thcno bronchi Tho tele gram slated that a thousand mechan ic urn needed for government work nt Astoria, Ore alone New rrelght traffln order affecting thi ! nver nnd Illo Grande are to go Into effect at onco Thn now order (I I reel Hint all fruit shipments from Hoiithern Utah and from point eait or Salt i-ake City shall he routed east ward uver the Denver and Rio Qrande Thin will mean that the rout! will handle practical!) all or the Southern and KiiMtrrii Utah fruit shipment thin season Tho now ruling I In Una with the uollcy or thn federal railroad com mission to divide up and apportion freight shipment to prevent conges tion Mis (lleniiu lluinlersoii gave a cfilckm dinner at the homo of her pan nln, Mr nnd Mr. Carlo Guilder son, last Baturda In honor or Doug hs aundcrsop before hln leaving Price to tukn the prlnclpalshlp or a school In I16x Rider county The guesU wen Misses. Itulh MlUburn, Hi He Fitzgerald, Kvil)n Olson, Kath on Mailean, Martha llradl -v, Irene Moss, lliuel Cleveland, Agn Mao. Uan and (Henna Ounderson, and (lien Woodward, Jack Clifford, Doug. Ian (lunderson Krnest Olanottl. Do! Urt Key. Dellell Ounderson, Udgar Miliar and Karl Frandsen. Advisory Service, jflB Our customers find it much to their interest to confer j fH freely with our officers, who keep in cloac touch with H trade nnd finnncini conditions. These conferences often 1 lH biinp; out the ndvnntngcs which unxicty nnd busincts I '91 cares hide from the avcrao indhidunl. H WA This is n service wc keep ourselves prepared to give . K gladly in addition to our regular banking facilities nnd H without regard to the size of your nccount. Wc pay 4 hIH per cent on savings deposits, compounded Hcmi-nnnunlly. r One dollar sUirta nn nccount nt this bank. I !'BH H Price Commercial & Savings Bank H Price, UUh f BH Used Car Bargains One Four-Cylinder Buick, $725.00 j rH One Chevrolet . ...... 400.00 . M One Overland . 1.8ft J 600100U :H One Ford Truck . . . 700.00 1 jH Several Ford Touring Cars I ! 'jH hB Order your Oldsmobile now. 'lH Expect a carload soon. i H Utah-Idaho Motor Co. , H G. 0. HORNER, Sales Manager. Vl . . t - L. J. LLOYD, Office Manager. ' H !H North Ninth Street, Price, UUh PHONE 171 h "H Have You Ever Thought I 'H How strong n connection there is between eycache nnd headache? Eminent authorities agree that eyestrain is m yM the root of many ncrvoun troubles. 3 iH Remove the cause by wearing proper glasses nnd the IL -M result will be better eyesight nnd less headache. The i seriousness of troubles nriHing from oy entrain requires y expert service to combat it. Thnt service our optometrist L liH offers you todny. R. E. MOSS, I 111 Optometrist ll Ground Floor Eko Theater Ruilding HtJH I TRADE FROM THE MINING CAMPS SOLICITED, JJ H 1 WILSON'S fl Only a short time remains to finish your canning. l!lH Remember wo have plenty of Mnson Jars in all size laH nnd extra heavy rubbers nt three dozen for twenty ltH five cents. Can nil the fruits nnd vegcUtblcK possi- V H blc, ns next year canned goods will be much higher I lH g than the present season. If you nrc short on sugar g iIH N remember thnt n good grade of syrup will nnswer "'lB u the purpose. Some of our customers me having O '1 3 excellent results In canning with syrup. w ?H We hnve n limited supply of syrup which coats but 2 kif'H w n little more thnn sugnr. Don't dcin" hut get somo o Sf fl i, nt once. No restrictions, bul our suHWiy is fast be- K BiH X ing exhausted. nnHiH 3 Canned milk has advanced ngain to where it will ffi BiSH ba straight fifteen cents per can. Wo will give you w HlIM g one week, starting August 31st, to buy nt the old &J f iffH 5; price. Borden's or Sego tnll enns per ense of forty- 5 I H g eight cans, ?0.00. Or, nny nmount you wish, nt a V S 12c per can. This positively will be your Inst S Iff 1 u chnnce nt this price. Wll g Large shipment just received of those largo oval S ill cans of Sardines, both in mustard or spiced, nt tho S tI 35 old pi ice per enn of 28c. Sixteen bars of laundry S RKB o ponp (all kinds) for $1.00. BJ.JJ fa Remember we now handlo Galvanlzedwnre. Grun- o i ill M Itcwnre, Alumlnumwnre, Brooms, Brushes nnd Mops. C IHH p Bread nnd Cookies. Jams nnd Jellies made from mm pure frut nnd sugnr. Buy your next year's supply 3 )! g now nt old prices. W Uf Also, remember our fountain, where you get n Mill the good cats and drinks. White Ribbon Ice cold. tf i!S Fruits nnd Melono aro delicious when served with It llfl our Ice Cream. Two flavors nt all times. . 1 SI O.H.Wilson Selling Co. 'I 111 Member or United flutes Food Commission. S TRADE FROM THE MINING CAMPS SOLICITED Hil