Newspaper Page Text
' I ' PAGE EIGHT THE SUN. I-MCE, OTA1I-EVERY FRIPAY AUC"ST " 1918 ' SECOND COKING PLANT COMING SOON TO GAM B (Cnnllnucil from page six ) fl I'oilirnl I not dmlnlstrntor Garfield H nnil llio National Assnelnllnli of Hip B Moving I'lrture lndutr The lllm B vflll show llio labor required lo mine H ml l(llr mm ton of (on I mill lllus B Irnle menus for Molding wnsle B Mine lt iMirtrtl Sold. B Mi inrl lmi been currtnt nl l'rlie HHK lor Hit Inst wiok Hint Hc-orge M Can- MB i cm hn sold the Mlllliurn prnpcrt) U HHMJE )iullilc of Kustoru men who nn SK In drvilnp this nnd other holdings r i om b) on a Inrgp scale Thr mnsld MB rntlon M mid In lie flft thousand MB dollnrn. Jiif L double What wn Kilil for BMBm II less tlinn n )Mr ngo However, no BBBT deed liur gum fin record Caution BBBr In sold to have ilenred ulxmt fifttrn BMMMe IhotiMiiid dollar for Hip short lime BBBF ho held II Up linn pnt nbout trn MB thousand In development, H Crooked OmI lcnls. H WAHIUNOTON I C, Auk. ST MB KxnmllMtloii of thn business records BMB iif ntiout two hundred nnd slxt)-flie MB pool producing lompanlcs h expert MB of thp Intiriinl revenue bureau hn MB disclosed unreported profit killing MB more than 16,000,000 additional rev- MB enue to Hip government Morn Hinu BMM I went) -five hundred companies re- MB miln In lip examined nnd officials ex- MB lint In gather n lolnl of 160,000,000 MB luxes from these soiinc. MBM Hlmllar Mudlcs now nrp being inadp MMMB . of tin- oil mrlnl mining mid woolen BMB businesses, mid n corps of examiner MB will Iip sent Into thn field noon In sur- BMB vej those liicliiftrlm Almtil lfi.000.. MBB 000 nddlllnnnl revenue linn I cell nls- BHBY Inlncd for the governmnt through Hip MMBp pxnmlnntlon of Hip treasury's cxicss MMBr rofltM rovlowcm of return of sixteen MBV lumdrrd rnrponillons Hj MIOI'MI Till: COM. I Ml'M H i'i:iimo i, am) otim'.iiu im: B Officials of III United Hulls Mil MBT iidmlnlstrulloii iini urging owners of MBB country hoim It ilose tlicm thl MBT winter nnd thcrrbr innsirie mnny BB mim of furl, thai '" I" Mr tnliilrr BB HdaiilflKP i:Ur ntntr l iWrd I'tjilo BB ll nrt III oHiik Hint nx miidi fuel MJBBJ a h pohnllda l ciUtd h ilNoiiirnxlim MBl thn iiinliilvnanrn of a ilt Iioiiip nnd MBT: luuulr) Iiiiuko tut uell V Moroni Itclnrr, full ml fuel ndinln- BM l-tmtor for t'lnh nnd HoiMliirn Vn- MBf tnlnif. nt n rpcent iiiniIIiir of fuel BHj iliMilrrn at Halt !.nkp Cll ntnlid thut MBf I'tnli will prudiirp n million Inn mori- MBT iont thin )mr Hinn In 1017 TIip In MBf ' irrnK u fUp hunflred thouiand BB Ioim nurliiR tho flnt hlx month of MBf tho mr, Helnvr cxplnlnrd, nnd he MBf full eirtnlti that Hip rnlp of prodtir- ! I Ion would Ik mnlntnlnrd Coal prodtirid In Utuh dining Iho v,tiik ended Aimiut lllh iiRgrexnlnd IIS.HIU ton nn Inrroimo orr thp wifk prexlouii or 3(111 lon. In Bou , Ihcm Wjonilnu Hip product durlnK MBf ' Hip Mine week ISI.333 toim, fMMMB ilecreafp or 3(91 toim from Hu k fMMMB . prpcrdliiR TIipm flffurpK nrr the MBf ii.iupllntlon or the United Htnte. fuM MBf nilmliiUtrntlon of whlih Moioul llel- MMBTj tier l the dlntrlel hend fVaBB I t!w luildlrr trlppleM In preference MBf I In mi) one rlne hereor imimIIiIp nf- fMBBf trr Hip war will he the text of n plan fMMMB 1 In Ih dlNUiMtad lit the Hr work meet- fMMMB H Ior of tho American limlllute of Mln- fMMMB I I Iiir Knglneem. whlih open In l)en fMBMM xtrTiColo on Heptomlier lit nnd con fMBMM i lluueatfor olx daya. The contention MMBf will be 'ntUluled hy aavtrnt liundred fMBMfl 4 prominent mlnltiR emdncer from e- MBfJ, irj etiilo nnd from pratllonll) Ml of MMMBn o the prominent rnmpnnleii of the roun- ffaffB. ". ffAfMB IMl'ltlSO.SMfAT TOO OOOII H rou him it in: ih ni'imv ffffffB' i mmmbI i MBMMk T'i flHne of i tompliilui lt fMBMB UVdnemln) nl Hnll ltke I'll) HMMBfj 4 with United HtntrH Uommlloiar MBf v Vnu IVIt lij the I'nllid Hlulen fMBMB I 1 4 ill-trlil nttorui) nxiilnut CleoiRi fMMMB IX tlrant. n miner, until rnenll 4 MBfj I 4 In Hie iimplo) of Hip American fMMMB fuel rompnill nt Hprh INenlell) MBfj Iiiin devclopi d Iho flr.t ihurco of 4 fMMMB 4 hlleged Molntlon of the HuholnRM MMBfj t Mt III Ulnh, and what l lit lleved fMMMB lit W one or tht mod flagrant fMMMB 4 olntlium of the ait In thn en- fMftMMfJ tiro Went Mnc the entrance of MMMBf 4 the United Htnte Into Hie wur fMMMB nrnut l Mid tn hate driven n fMjfMM 4 qoantlt) of nail Into thn nrmix- fMjMBT tore or a motor whirl) rurnUhed fMMMBf 4 power for tho operation of nt fMlMMf 4 loam ono-thlrd or tho iont mine fMjfMM or the American Tuel company fMjfMM nt Hego It la nlleged that he fMjMBf gave alx da.' notice of hli In- fMjMBf; tentlon to null hit Job ni having fMMMB eharge or the motor, and nt the MMB aspiration of that time drew hla MMBBJ pn and mterloul dlaappear fMlfMM il fn m the lump fMMMMl' tlrnnl I now In Jal1 nt I'uehlo MjMBMj I'olo. nnd will he brought hack 4 MjMjfB I 1,11 t'tuh at once for pt addition 4 MjMMMJ 4 It l nlUgM Hint after gHIng up 4 fMjMBfj J , 4 hla alliialUm at Ihe Hgn mine. 4 MM, 4 iimtpnd of pun linnlng iv tlrkel 4 fMjMBf 4 taking him out of tin oiintr) nt 4 MMMj' 4 Hrgo, he uviil Thoiniiwmn MMBM ( 4 vh.r he luiiight n tliket for fMjfMB, , i 4 Uonvir fMffMB, ! 4 InMcml "f goliiK t Dvnver 1 fMjfMM i , 4 lioevi . he went to h iliit fur- H fMBMB 19 4 thivr it vvlu re h hovight u H MfMaMM1 ( ) ' 4 Urkvt for Hull iJike fit) and or- j fMftMfif I 4 cred Hint hi nvenxut and i fMftfMB 1 4 trpuk b. hIiIiiixm) lu,1e I'0"11 j fMBMB. i 4 In Muxlio It U ollegwl tluit he H fMftMBK I faiie.i to take the trnln for 7.1 in . fMffMBY ( 4 but wml on lii Pueblo when he - fMffMB 4 won pluKxl under nrrimt u hi i BBBR' p 4 MUpped off tlm train fffMflB , t, I t444-44444444444' ffffffV MiMagmi fiom WiiihliiKtcii. I C fMBMB ' ,n W ihtilut Hie UnWcmlO of Utah lat fMMMMf - ' ' . , Tuwmliij atalo thut fonnor regulallon fMBMB iiiiiueiulng cnginoer uro oaneVlil. MMflB r A nnd thut nit MUdenU wlio.enler'toU fMBMB i logo will be permTtfed. to flnlih tlinlr ffffVil'' earc.en If tlietr-drofrnumbcra are mmmK l Y'lW. Mff!iVWvlMMMBl aMhmhm4 I ihmI MM& 1 HWHmhhIIJ iMMmiIhI 7nrf food fkrnUurt Cat Brooks Furniture Co. Two Steps Up on Mayne PRICE PURELY PEBSOHAL Mm. C .V Iltiwell of Itnlm turn In the cliy during the week v lulling with friend hern. M I'. Ilraffet wan here thin wet k on matter Ixfore dlalrkt court nnd prlvnto liUKlneMi na well Mm. Muriel Hlinn linn rflturnrd from her vncttllon apent nt Hin Krnn iliii, Cain with relative Mm It M (Inlbrnlth of Hunn Hide In making nil extended Unit Willi relative nt Oregon fit), Ore Ir llruie linle) of IVrroii vva In I'rlro IhU week profomlnnnll), be ing ii Riient nt Hip Titvtru while here - Mm. Trpeton Nutli r rrglnlered nt Ihe Tavern during Hie week en roiito fiom Hull tjike fll) In Hip rniuli In Mue Mile -Mre. T N VUI and ihlldrpii are v lulling nl Hie old home In Ohio and will be iilHwlit rPV i ml wiekx t from Hiinn)eblp H A King piihmmI through t'rlie Wedneiidn) evmlng en rouli in l)u inngo, t'olo where hi rim i ir n big murder cne W I), llller. Kail Uike I'll) ill torni). vvna here Ihl vviek on mat tern Ixforp ilUtrkt oiirl lie reRln teliMl lit the Tnvirn Judgt nnd Mm (liorgi UhrUten mii mill Mr and Mm. I' M Aldir of Miiutl lire ull gueU of Hip Hnvo) diir Ing Hil' totirt tirm - Mr nnd Mm. I A llobertwui of Motih vvcre gneMa of the Bavo) thla wek. Hie former lielng hire on legal milium before dUlrlvt 'Jn Mr. nnd Mra. John Ouiiderwni of Ml riettennl have Im.u Hip gupl of Mr nnil Mm, Cnrloa ilundemoii m'l olhir itlntlve at l'rlie thl week 1' A IbibtiKk of Ihe I'nlled Mali geolngleol wirvo I n Riiet of the Havoy till week Ho I here on work Miliiiecled Willi Ihe department - J V UoMelle nnd A C lab), Halt I-vke I'll) nttnrne. were here thl. weik on matter Iwfore the trl.t vourl Tlier were regllrred nt Iho Havo) -Mr nnd Mm. W l Hlokrr have nrrlviil from I'rovo mid have moved Into Hip dwelling reientl) purchn-ed from II II Waller. They lontein plate wimp Improvenienl In Ihelr liome Mall Irfiulier l borne on n fur lough of lxt da from Hon DUro. Cnla lie Itlng wllh Ihe Tvvenl-1 Imt Infauir) lie I looking fine and ciy he like Hie llfi lh U I ' pne roim (I O Horner nnd U J Mu)d or Uluh-ldaho Motor lompaii) were In 7lon thl week and Minn through homi with two now tor for whlih bu)ir were walling whin ihe nr rlvid Tuodu) evening J I HodiMiu or I'rovo gave Iv II nervlie examliintlon at Trice lal Hut urda) to five pinion who would ne npt lh ponlmaiitemlilp nt Cleveland The office pay around four liundred nnd flfl) dollar unuuall) Mr nnd Mm. 11 l tlregor) of Halt l.iko Clt) wr Tnvrrn guit thl wrk The former 1 uudltor for (iinolldaled Wagon and Maclilno company nnd hla wife U making a trip over the terrltnr) wllh him Mm. Vlda Fnuivlt Itohliuou Ictl l'rlro tail Wednemtny to Join her liu band, V W llolilnaon, nt tho uhlp )iird nl llrvmerlon, Wah , where he weni reiently n n meohanle Ho like Hie work nnd I making a fine Mtlnr) Mr nnd Mm. M K Mulve) pur- rnl of Mr, tl V Chamberlain of l'rlie hava returned to Halt Uika City after n llt In l'rlee. They were nc i coinpnulrd Imck to V.lon li Mm M i i: Mulvi) Jr. umt the lalter eon i Martin Mr nnd Mm. I U OImui of Hall ' 1-ake Oil) hnve hem the cuevla "' Mr nnd Mm Orwn T llrook of thl ill) ' for tin day The former hu Ulled ' Ihe Ulntuh llatlu In the meantime on ' bunliiPM Mr- OImiii mid Mr llrook ' are ltt m p P Huinuer, pa)mniiter for I'tnli Y I'ihI compuii), wa at tho Tavern p Saturda) nnd Hiiuda) luat going lo l and iMnnlng from Bunn)ildi The p aub ilUtrlbullou nt the big coking y plant I laiver at Ihl tlmo than It y hu tver been Mr and Mm I-uwreni l!rkken of Wattl have been III Mt IMeoiant thu iam two week Uniting relative and friend. Krkkeu I utt recov- orlng from a fraitured leg whloh ho received bv coming In contact wllh a tout ear while working In the mine. Ml I'IwimiiI I'yrumld, SJd iKeudrkk 1-evl, who I connoilod with hi fulher, Mat Ievl, In oil op eration In ih) county, wa In Moah Monday luat, aciompanled by Harry Wood Tho Levis are making "prep aration to commence drilling for oil In Moali Vallc), and It I tated that their pinna arc nboul .completed. It I tindcmtood that they will flrit alnk n trial well In the lower part of Moali Valley Moali Time. S3d. Col John C llrook of Kansai Clt), Mo, it brother or ex. Governor llrook of Wjoinlng. etopped off In t'rlco thl week to upend a day with hi old friend, Kd Conner)', mnnnger of Dip Havo) Ho I Intereatrd In cat tle nnd Hilda throughout the Went nnd nto In Old Mexico. Clnrencp Johnnon of Itooicvclt Im been In I'rko for n nhort time nn hualiiCH. Johnon, one of tho lead ing demoiritlH of Duchcnit count) en) Hip two main qualification Hied rd b) inindlitutrH for offlra till rail will he erflrlenc) and palrlotUm Noiip other need nppl) M)lon Pre l'ri'M, 33d DUpnlilirr 1 II lllodgvit him linn npiKilnted night chkf dlninlclier nt tin Dinver nnd Itbt (Inindo office hire HI place will be rrlkved by Dlnpnti hi r llrowu, whu tin been do ing teller dut) nt Hvlpir for the pant wxk Ihl give Chief Dlpatcher llopkln murh needed bili during tho full null (truiiit Junction (Colo ) New. 27th -II C Mi nil mid wife nro wllh ii for n loiiple of ilny They report mm Ii iidlvlt) ut Kutdter Hummlt Menu I pi inning lo ell hi IntereuM In Hip t'ltilnli llulldim' Hupply com inn) He will return to M)ton in rrg Inter iindir tint new drjifl law. Itigl trillion da) will be ome lime Imlwriii Replembor tth. ami IClli Mytnn lrp I'rer. 33d Mr. Oeorgo ChrlnleiiHen utnl Mm. I' M Alder of Mnutl iiicompanled Ihelr hubnnd lo I'rko thl week nnd nip remaining until nfler tourl Tin lailli nrp In love with l'rlie, nnd The Hun wouldn't be Mirprlnod If Hie) lu ll in p tlulr bctterlinlve to Inter make thl tit) their home Hutu Judge ChrUtPiiKrii nnd Court Iteporlcr Alder uliiti II I up In Hip women folk tn M) Mm OcorgP or Mt. Ppn4lit wife of Judge ClirUteuteii, urcompnnleil the Judge to Moali taut Thumdii), and ha penl the week vl.ltlng Mm. Mil Htdwart Mr. Chrlo teioiin nnd Mr. Htewart vrrre ila mute nnd oh(Hi ilium nt Nephl, nnd hud not ouu entli other elneo the) were )oung girl. The vlalt wo lialurall) n mint enjoyable one Monb Time. 33d itMKimtii waii imitxi) now I'IiNMl 1V Al)MIMSTIlTOIl 4 Cnlrerml war bread for nil 4 4 nations arraid ngalnt tho ien 4 4 trnl power I provided for In 4 new regulation announced b) 4 Food AdmlnlJtralor Hoover un- 4, 4 der which whent flour rMtrk- 4. 4 Hon In the United State ore re- 4 4 laxed nnd tho ullles given bread 4 4 containing more whent than 4 4 they havo had alnee the early 4 dam of the war The regula- 4 4 Hon nre effective Hcplember 4' 4 11. next Bundn) 1 4 Whenllewi days nnd whentlea 4 4 rnonl will be dhconllnued then 41 4 Under nn International bread 4 4 policy formulated b) tho Inter- 4, 4 nllled food council In London, nil 4 brend made nfter Beptcmber 11 4 4 for Iho Mile will bo mnde of 4 4 mixed flour containing 80 per 4 4 cent whent nnd 30 per cent ub- 4 4 ntltuto ecrcnl. HKHWAYHTOSOECIfl) Hubert McKnno of l'rlee Namcil Tor TliU DlMrict. The Ulnh hlghwn)l trnnport com mlllep orgnnltallon wa completed la.t Biturday b) J H. Monderfleld, general chairman, nnd Hecreiary Arch M Thurmnn of the tnto council of defenw. Tho orgnnltallon effected Ii ieprerntatlvc of nil of Utah, which I divided Into five dktrlct under tho dlnct eupcrvWon of district chair men, I'lvn ihalrmrii. with (leneral Chair m in Manderflcld nnd Hecrelnr) Thur-m-in, constlluto the executive com mlltce Appointment throughout tho Into follow District No. I It M. Howe, chair man. Ogilen. II. A. t'elemon. Logan: Hyriim Nebcker, taketownS David O Hlnhl. Ilrlghnm Cll). Wlllnrd Toone. Morgan, nnd Itnyul Kccle. Ogdcn. District No 3 H It Inch, chair man. Halt l-nke Cll). I J Mulr. Untinllful, T Hints. Murra). J U lllikmati. Btockton. Melvln Wilson, Pajimn. John M Itltchle, Charleston. Hhermnn Tnrgo I'nrk Cll) nnd T H Winn, Nephl District No. 3 (liorgp Jefrerson ihnlrmmi. Mllford M M Hteele, IM in. Jmno C llobliisou. JrM rnrownli, mid Joseph T Alkln, Bt. tleorge Dlslrlrt No I It I). Young, ohnlr man, lllihfleld, T W llee. Wnle. William Johnson lllrhfleld, (Hrfleld Janus, lnrjvl. Muiirlco II Cope, Tropic, C John Hinlth, Olcndale, nnd I' K. Hrown, ln DUIrlrt No 8 Hubert McKune, iliiilrnmn, Price J T Nichols, Tort Duihrsne. J M Culvert, M)ton, No phi U Wllllnm. Cist In Dalo, II H Itullrdge, Monb, and Thomas M Car roll, lllnlidlng EASTOtH COAL MWERS HOST LOYAL TO COUNTRY'S NEEDS (Continued from paga one.) and the divelopmenl a well as the present output In this district Lim ited time kepi them from visiting the properties of United Hiaten Fuel tout pan) unit other In Carliou count), Hlnce leaving here a fan )car ago, "Dan" Harrington ha been emplo)cd In ntmrnt ever) stato In tho union In engineering work, hi present poslllou taking him about ever)whtre. Ill Job Is a big one mid his friend lo call) nre pleased lo know he I ad vancing inphllr OUT OF FAMILY'S LARDER If they tiro uilliiiK to flht over there we should bo willing to pny over here, Bays Salt Lako City's Telegram. This la the thought that Hhould be held by ecry man not In the fighting branch of the American Kcrvlce. The new revenue bill Ih going to hit tho American pcoplo hard and we must bo prepared to dig deeper than wo ever have before. It Ih ca.ler to pay out dollars than It Is to stand before tho German guns. And the price of victory will bo cheap in comparison to the cost of defeat. Thankfully, the days of uncertainty havo passed and wo can look forward to certain triumph nnd tho dawning hours of peace. Wo aro Informed by the highest authorities that four million Yankees can crush the Hun hordes. The same authorities assure its that this great American nrmy will bo ready for service before another year passes. Then will como tho elimination of the Hun and nfter that will como peace for all tho world. In the meantime wo must pay tho bill. Thcte will be ninety-six million of us left behind to pay the cont of equipping and keeping tho four million overseas and wo must all share in the expense. Tho nverago is tho cost of ono-qlmrtcr of n fighting man for every ctnyathomo, so just figuru that you havo had an addition to your family and prepare to pay tho cost, Including tho doctor bill and all. CARBON HOSPITAL" iMtirr, it mi I'ully HjiiIpimM niul 0K'n lo All I'rmlliUis l'li)sklan.H. Operutlng room always In rtadl mm for emergency case, Not con oiled by any no ph)slclai, Mr, lithcl 6. blicplicnl, Manager MM Ititnyllurkc, 11. N Nil mo In Charge. Kduoallon U the only basis upon which can b viaruted u successful democracy Serve your country by enrolling In the public school of America Your country ask you, to prepiYe for larger service by attend ing high school. Will )ou not heid I the call? lUgUtratlon Heptemler 6th and 7th, Carbon High Bchool Advt, The large hat now worn have wide brim and big low crowns. New Arrivals And All Priced Right Dress Ginghams, 30c and up. Apron Ginghams, 20c and up. Silks, Georgette Crepe, Laces and Insertions. Large variety Canton Flannel. Wool and Cotton Bats. New Lingerie, Neck Ties, Shirts and Collars. New line Waists and Ladies Winter Coats. PRICE TRADING CO. Your $ Has More Cents When Invested with ur. Wc hnvc special facilities for In creasing the buying power of your monoy. A number of lucky strikes in buying enables us to put into our store n line of goods that for quality nnd price can't bo duplicated any where at this time. You don't have to quit buying buy right now. EMBLEMS Mntous, Odd IVIIows, Knight of 1'jllila. Mooec, KlkM ami ever) ollur mcntlonablo. .New Jewelry, Clocks, bIiIich, Chain, KlUbpln-s llrncrlct. Also n complcln lino of fancy Culler) for ImhIi men and women. lilnawatv nnil Cut (Jin In single pUir-i ami ncl. THAT OLD WATCH If you have such nn Instrument (or a chxk) bring It to u Wo liavo workmen who niv rsn rt In litis lino, nnd If Hiiro Is nny morn life In )nur vraUli wo will put It In condition lo gh gml H-rtlis lU-onoinle on lime, MUSICAL GOODS v lull ly bale added n Hue of lumbal gootln that aro sold nt right lrlit In Uivrring wild the tlmcn. If wu liaven'i Juat what yuu viaul let u semi for It, wivlug )nu iiioiipy nnd trouble on any dent. We cnltr lo Ihe trade of the oninjw niul snrixMimllng iowmm. ELITE JEWELRY COMPANY EKO THEATER BUILDING PRICE, UTUH I Only (iinttlnp I'niinr) Mali tlaU InciI In Our lUrtalr l)risrtineiit. lii n Grand J Price, Utah. Cars In tt nk nl I'll e plrisure to demonstrato ollher. Let ui show Hum lo jou Dellund miwhem In Carlon nnd Kmery coun lies. UliTllUII 'llli: IIIM.II lO DIUVi: AM) CAIIK I'OU OMU GEOKGC A. NIXON, Dealer, Price, Utah The dlffireiire lieluceu dlgnlt) mid loluelt Is that true olgnil) uevir Is com riled Tin reuMiu Umt Hit) mi) a fool for link Is beoause If u fiml ititom pllslu uiDtlilng he hu to hnve luck Mot thing Improve with use, but u bud temper Improve the less )u use It Agi bring discretion The luiigrr ou ki up ii secret the less Important It seems to tell It PRICE, FRIDAY, SEPT. 6 ;Z, I J- M- BUSBY'S I M9H' THAN ever WORLD'S GREATEST COLORED 0F mtmt-. SOLID FUN "r MINSTRELS r UICC it In Their Waterproof Tent prize b t'"" m . I .....-sssW