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- - -------- - - 1 r- r-TTTir:sTnTrTnTri--iV-riir fi r i:i"" '" JafliMM ' HbBM ; Service and Quality " " " " War conditions may bring dif. IA I v-rflSlHSfe Weather ; ijfffl flUlltics, but nothilljf Will Ccr mv I I 4S 1llirfcSfBHVfi!'K5' V. .bK A A - The Hun Special Scrx Ice m .bV Le allowed to diminish the quaii- .X v I fl IprIMaCErVk rsM III III ill lH , -vnminhi and AtV,u rtr ami ISiBV tv nor impair the service that 35 !5!?iy lUIL JJI IL """ '" """ """'"" """K"t vcal.ays been characteristic f " " .J'T-.r'" ! f c Su" VOIUMB 4- NUMBEiTT "' ' " " r""' "'"" "" ,h Art ' """'"' ' -- Witt 1 " ft ;,nrnTAn ,.,. " ''I EVERY FRIDAY IcSmS 6, 78 WTu. ' ' "" U DIRECTOR JAMES 8. NEALE TALKS OF COAL SITUATION Makes Strong Appeal to Miners of the Country to Do Their Best In Present Crisis. . rrtejiondcnce The Run WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 2.-"I am very anxious to lay be fore ou certain imporUint facts about the coal situation as It exists today, and I know that you will respond to the very best or jour ability," sayB James B. Ncale, director of national fuel production, in an address just sent out to miners nnd producers of coal the country over. "There is at the present time a ,.&. coal wh,ch tlnnKcrU8ly threatens the success of the Lnited States kov crnrncnt in carrying on the war. The enemy has been checked but is not yet beaten, nnd to smash him and bring peace nearer, we must send more men, more ships, more shells, moic food. This means victory. Uut unless more coal is mined we cannot Increaso the American nrmtes in France nor can we ilrhe our blows home. In fact, without more coal we cannot prop erh supply tho splendid forces already in the field. Besides this, there will be suffering at home next winter, great hardships for lack of fuel, which you will surely try to prevent. The power to remedy thnsc conditions, to help the countiy through this Ire nicmlous crisis of war, is in tho hands of the great army of tftinc workers, and I have every tcason to be glad that it Is there. The American miner has nlwns been the leader in coal production per man and he will set new records during this war. Germany ex-1-ccled to win when sho captured the coal mines of Prance. Tho con! mines of America will beat her to her kncon if every worker ti allien that his task Is as itnl as the fighting job of his torn nuks in the trenches and Bhtllholes of Trance. ".Most thorough investigation has proved that there are enough workers left at tho mines to win the war, in spite of tho draft, tho voluntary enlistmonnt in the mmy and navy, nnd the demands of the munitions plnnts. Increased coal production means as much to the country na machine guns, baoncts or brave lads behind tnem, nnd tho man who gets this coal out by working full time is j-crving mu nnuon as capably as ir ho wore khaki. To work the Jull prescribed hours. Mix days a week, unless prevented by cause teond his control this is how the miner can overcome the coal hortnge and Join the ranks of the patriots who are toiling, hands hnd laarts together, to bring n splendid success to the causo of thtir countiy nnd its allies. Because jou have done so much, I confidently ask you to do more. No sacrifice which jou may bo tailed upon to make can compate with the supreme sacrifice which our millions of soldiers arc so leady and eager to offer. A man tan do no more than lay down his life for a righteous cause. You nro asked to do far less than this. It is jour chance to help win the war for freedom, jour chance to speed the great fleets of ships huen with supplies that are sorely needed in Trance, jour chanco to keep tho plants nnd factories operating night and day, and to warm the homes of millions. MEN WITH IIACKHONC AND RED 1ILOOI). "Every mnn with a backbone and red blood in him will want to feel that he did his shnro in this conflict. You may not win tho joldier'a glorj', but you are the man who makes it possible for him to do and dare and die for tho cause of liberty. You mlnevvorkers ere like a great reserve army which must shoulder the burden of "long campaign in which tlure can be no let up ot the whole ufensive plans will crumble nnd collapse. Not a man of ou would flinch or hang back if he were in Tiance today and tho truer came to advance in the face of the enemj 's mnchlne guns. In the same wny, I am sure jou will not falter .when you realize I O'a great tho need is for your bent efforts at home. You cannot uo It all. The operators must join jou in a patriotic partnership of effort. Thoy must work elbow to elbow with you and keep jou everlastingly at it, nnd I am sending to every operator a lettci tmplmslzing his own duty and obligation. "Patriots all together. This is the motto to live by, day in and 'ay out. The soldier cannot fight to best advantage unless his of leers supply him with everj thing he requires, and so jou cannot tt out tho coal, full time, six dava a week, unless given pltcars, Props, fair working conditions. It works both vvajc, as jou know. ine oj mtor Is unnblo to break iccords for pioduction unless you Me him your level best in honest work for joursclf and your ; fountrj In tho wholo histoty of American industry there was , Jiever euch an onnortunitv to earn the nation's gratitude nnd the ""Mings of the millions who will live and piosper in freedom n'ter jou nnd I nro dead. A ,c ''' k sothncks now and then and things may go wiong miP i of UH n" but suc things will not discourage jou. You jwu sot jour teeth and fight hardei to win, just as the American tL,Wi' wncn driven buck three miles at the Marne, counter at wcked and whipped the Germans to a standstill. The American ncuil wild that his mon did not know how to stay whipped, nnd 'ne could ,,ot undcrsUuul an older to retreat. Thore is only one t wIn' Don,t otpect the other fellow to do it for jou. All u have to think nbout Is your own dnj's woik. This call for "ore coal means you. Put In your best and jour duty Is done, iii J? ' ,,er to "upply lenders In the campaign for incrad pro Zl 'I' l nm nppointing In each of the producing districts li I ir ?ut t,l country a mnn to servo as production manager for " "strict, and I desire to have formed at each mine a committee mm ,.be know a tho production committee of the United i '.'.d ndmlnlatintion, three mon to reprosint the mine work ;""'"' inree men to represent the company. You will, thorefore, m i p!l, clect yur three members and send their namos to me, m-nVi? . If thoy ure approved they may be appointed nnd an ap propriate certificate and badgo given. In making jour choice you win Plenso bear in mind that membership on the production com SI Q?Vka wlt, t honor nnd icsponslbllity, and ou will bo fn;!!n"! hy tno following outlines of tho characteristics needed J0; emberahlp and the duties involved. JWAMncATIONS TOR MEMnCRSHH ON COMMITTEE. S8t TJIcn known to bo patriotic. , , , . , th Dcon(1 Men who on account of relativevs or close friends in cell T nro C8PecIally deeply Interested in having our soldiers re- , KPoibldBupportfiom those nt homo. hlrdMen known to be falrmlnded and thus able to pass un- , (ContlnueJ on par elfht) I CARWN TEACHERS ASStCHEO Out- ncnmy MB , Vthv ,, am . nr l Hnnnr AU,ut c.r t.hrr In fnrbon louniy nm n.tnr who nro not wnn In nttemlnncc K)n InMltUlc nt ITIco J .'... Th' Pr,,r' n prcou. J... i'.hw! b n, Hl,n n" cnrrl' o'w'i"?nl,rUl Vn" Monlnh IIMI of Salt Lnico City un. hero iulnu Kut of I'rof nnd Mm. Orm.n llynn urlnit hl tny Itrflutilnjc Imlnj ntu Ueiiu ate rcgUtrrlnn for the hlRh HchfK. and efrihlnt point to n J-cry Hrito tirnllinne K.lionl nt Car VJ" 'll not Iwicln until nftrr October 8th, theru IwltiR no bulldlm; uall mile until then llarixr In jet with, out n tc-ichcr f.r tho kcIkhiI there. hllo the hlnh iwhool nt Price In nhort n tracher of nclence. The nmilenment of tencher I hern rICii The firm name Klrn ot encli plnt-e U the prln. clpal of that action) eUtlmn lllxh Kchool 1 , Fowler. Arnold IlurRnner, mulc. Jean Mao Mlllan. Junior high unil; inea Kcott. oral expreMlmi nuit ph)Ual rl ticnllnn. Klna St John, ilomeotle ml elKtt mid nrt. Itachel llee.1), I.itln, trinci and HimiiUIi, Matlldi llrric. ' ronimrrce. 1 In r Intra l'nre, ttiRnh. ' I lo Ann Turner, mntnin ' t amermi rdim Ifc IVmield nnd (IrnMtii Uuiey Cnntle (late I. j,,r An.rd HlelU Thorn. Allcne Whlttaker, Ida An lerwin nnd Hjhll Ktaldlnir Carlxiiitllli M.nrlcllH iliitnlnif Clear Crrek lu A. funk l.llllmi HamniiMen, Mill rl I' lied Inn nnd Vitlllcrn Hall lleliur I) t W.mmIhhnI flam AdaiiiK, I'alrj Adanw. Muv Niuill I I irenee ltlolinr.l. Jpi,. HoliettKon, Mre. Iotinrd Hnglsiid nn I (Icnevii Shaffr MlHMathu VKiim Ktaik M)rlle 'lark Akihh MnrUati, Allo Uiiuph Mil" MhUIi Miirrny, Jomi hlne Ui ll mid Orrfit A Mner K'uillttortli lr Knt r' Hnll.ii. Ilrnc Thomiu. fill) II i Mnffltl nnd Klla VV'nkefleld I'rlir t' II, MnM lloff. inaiiu (Had) NVImii. Thetmu I' Ar III IMrthtulu Itondey, Curtlelln Htn tiiMin, I'lnreiiie Walker Miirjorle Mliffelt. IMireo IMII.y mid Therei M.ud Itnlim Mnr Dunnlnjr Hmflvlil llolln V JoIiiiniii Mnr I lliilliiea mid Clam Holme MprltiK (lien I'dtn r linntinii mid liuth ll lirenttVu Hlaliilnril villi Jutilen I'reelwlali IV rn o Onluriii, Ilium h Uiihiii mid Dunlin Uirium Hiiirr -e'U in ChrMenu u (lnrRlii t'relRhtuii (lent tlee OrRlll mid Mnr MathU HiiiiidkIiI. II I' Vim man. IhirharM Tnudlle, Dorothy lluniirtt. Clalu II TeniMlllt Mary Tuddli, Uia T.olor. I.) din Morale) nnd Mm t I) Mddell littrr HuniD.lile Muntiiret M Whltlim Catherine Ulillln mid Mn I'lojil I'endericrufl VVvlllURtnn I. Ionard ViiiIk Montiromer). I tit ) V VV'nde nild llelle I luxirnld VVInltr Qunrtirn (Mleh It, I'm, Mnldii Ktovart. Hi leu Mur Mllhr mid (hirlotte IiikIxmi Watllrt l.llllun Nelmtii I tnh Mine ella l'lcil I Inli'ldulio Motor totiipiiii) In of. ferliiR txiine luinraliiH In neu motor Inn kn. The firm U ntrtoikd i mu i htti iH to imu-r i i. Tin: couvntvx nun kk 4- 4 " VVABIIINOTOV, D C. Viir 31 A treat) proldlnir fur the ilrufilnit fur nilllinrj mrlu of 4 (Inek illlxeiiH In Atnerlut mid 4 American illUeiu In (I men, lm 4 4 lliir In Konerul term to iniiwn. 4 4 II'MH heturen the Unlliil Hlnlic 4 4 nnd othrl co-Ik llUrn nt. Hud 4 4 xlgnid ul the male depnrtmeiil 4 4 I mlu I ) Hern I no Uumlnir mid 4 4 MlnlMer IIimiumih, 44444444444444-144 UTAH DEMOCRATS ARE TO NAME TICKETS SOON KTATK M (H)N(.ltlSIONA!, COMIATIONH CVIII l. heiHrniUr SOtli Hie Date and Sl IjiUp CU Uk. Mimv IHlenlctl Ity Ctialnnen f ll OrciiuluillimHr Tlmc I lOil So Aa lo l.rl dtaiitaire or hlnlr l'lr lUllroml lUlox. t'tuli dintiMrnta will hold iholr atttlc rinxenllon nt Hull Ijike OltJ, rkptemtxr 30th At the wine time and plnie the coiurewtlonnl romni. tliuia or the find nnd ktoihI dlntrlrta mux i in The demneratlc Mate eoni. mlttcc in to nici t the Mime date The itiliXi lillmi w ronnlKt of nix liiimtretl nnd fixe deletrateic. rurtlona of the tall for the lonxentlim follon The itunotralM of Utah xxlll tnke tiotlie that n Mate, eonxentloli. roil. htlltiK of nix hundred mid flxi dule Kalvn, xx III 1 1 In Id nt the Orphetini thtnter Hull Ijike Cll), rommurliiic ut II ( Heilemler 30th. for tlm mrpon. of iiumluntlnir three JuMlrea of the Mipreme iiuirt one to rrxe fur ten unhs one for ila-ht )eura nnd one for Mx )eara mid of elei Una; n Mute c mniltle. "liich loiiuty I intltlid In one dtleimli to the Mate for ixrry liiiudied nfld thllt) xnten or nmjor fin. tlon tin reof itiM fot Hlmou linmlierKi r, iiimllduti for Koxirnnr In Noxemlftr IHI1 The iiuml er if itet. Katm to willed uili i-oiint) U en tltl.d r hiiiIi iippurtlouuiint nre "Ihnxtr 10 llox Cider JO, Curhe, 37 CatlNin 11 DiiKKitt C Dux In 15. Duehceiie, 10 Knier) 10 niirtleld, t (lriiiul :, Iron 7, Jiuih l, Knne 3. MllUrd. IS Morioin 4 I'lut. 3 lilt li. 3 Hull Iwikt 32G Han Junn 3 Halip.t. 31 Hexltr II Hnmmlt II Ttxiete II rintnh U I'liili t VVn Mitrh VV'nKhliiRtoii 9 VV'iDtie 3, mid U'. Ur, fil "On I lie Mime tlntr mid nl the mine plait, xheu the luiMneea of tin Mute iiinxi ntl.ili xlinll liuxe liet ll tllnMiMil of. III. ililruatiMt ttiuMltlitliiK the wild Mute eonxt ntlotittlnill rewiixe Ilium eilxea Into Ixxn rouuroNnlonnl ilMrliln t f thin Mali The delfKiitea eln led to tin Mato r nxeiilliiii front lht toiin tit a toiiMltutliiK the flmt loiiKriMlon. nl illMrlit of (Mull Mnill innMltiiln the lonxentloii if Hie flrM loiiKreMlonnl tllMrlit tind Mnill nominate ii lepre Mlitnllxe to the Hint) Hexenlh toil urea. Tin dilcKiitiH elrtled lo the Mule ftiiixentlou from tin imiutliM nniMI tutliiK the neiond coiiKrr.l.iinil tllx. ttltt of Utah ahull lonMltule the ae nnd (oucreNMonjil dlMrltl mid ahull nominate u repreM ntallxe lo the fllx D'HiXelith toilKriM ll U n itimnii ndetl h) tin Mute li miuriitli ixecullxe itiminlltee that prttlml irlmiirliM le held for the eln ti ii of delegate lo the elate ton xeiitluii mid that ul euxh prlumrleii tin aextrul preiltuta orsiuUe with it full complement of nffltira for the i naiilnc two riH, e'hulrmen of life aixrrnl toiiul) it mmltlKii nre ruiiieeted to make nr rmitromenta for Mich oriciinluillou mid for thu eli t Hon of (mini) ininmlllieM to nrrxc for the i iimiIiii: two ere" OariilMiet Iiik of tin wiiKia of rnl. road emplo)t t fori Iddi u I.) Dim. ti r (IrlHtnt MiAdoo Tho wiiRea urn In Id In the ordir lo It prior to their ni un nt to Die null, Koxtrnmeiit run. In mniluM whhli letcul iictlou mu) not le taken McAil.ui ut Hit Name linn made It plnhi that tmplo)ea who do not pu Hit Ir Mil- nil) le ill. Ill luxe. I Kerlemt h the heM It ut her If )imi inn ufforil the prld PR0D0CTI0N MANAGERS REPORT FINE-RESULTS llu Hun Hitilii rirxiu VVVHIIINOTON, I) C S -I ett nt rt imiiIm from t Mhriam.iointc.1 lo th. Inltld Nii , S I 2,? " ! ! 'T11, Plan- hmuifurat.d l them ,,r nn.hU iuJmtul U m , hJ I V'r ',""' , d r. inlemilii taU.r In ilw ml,,, flolda xxiu. ,J "im, t" ' of li?.';";' Tht He rfl, Id liiiunji,,,,,.. CoUl wirHiru , , ,l,o , ' 7em . , ? !n Hal P. tint) It aula Charlea (l Nill prodiiiilou munumr hui kVni r-..., i e rMull. ...niplUhetl la,,., tlmtmh i.uiou onmluee. a .,' Mm" of thU r In Mil) tin. p, nentuKe f aiwcute, from work i the ini.viLu SO in June It wii. 13 s und I,, Jul, s , er , T,.e tonnu" ' pr d imI Ir d. , per man under the Mlmul.ia or th, pro.luitlo,, ...n.i.iltt wH M' ' T Jitnt I iiiul Jul) S t ton- "" 1 " VV II WHlluto, piodiiillni nullum r fir MRIiIkiiii reiiorm .. , tho xxeok .llnK AuiruM lOtl, ,IH 30.343 toi,. the Uirlrt or ...Vu. iV. . f"r Vprll Ut of ihU W I1....I Alal-mnn. iWuitlon ManuBJr "ft," i Zcr T port- irodiutlon for Hit wek tndlmr AuKu-t 10th na IJT7U it ,J il' .rea-o t I5C ton- oxw the wH.k endlnk Jul) dth wl,ui, xxui n, J"C pie.tdl.iir the liiuuhurutloi. of tl,e, pnent a)Mm of work to Iwrl! . dutllon TIiIn Inereaae In Vial aum wn iimtlt, th. hue f tho Si. t n".ln" mine. I.t elhl hundrcl nnd i, ,,ertlni h..un To , ?', ' L'e nliortuRi " '" " Iru Cluneiw. produillon maiiiiRer ut I'ltt-hurK. Kan U trxlmr .oi .. .i . or Imxliiic xxniron mint pool their tounuKe o (hut two or thrte max iL.i .,11 ,m. r thu. reduulntf the nmount of equipment tueded mid "pouX le loadln of tura more prompll) A .uiuteMlnii j.j w , ! era iirol .f, , i.t mauaKer of tho ConnelUxllle lUtrkt, hua been aiil.mltted throuKl tho , l?. duetlon bureau lo the railroad admlrlMrallon that n camS 1 , "urt?.I Iraffk" BrW,,,,r " lh" ,mft "' ra"raa ml'0w M"ln 2S! K F VMte, production manaKcr of the New ither dUlrlct hn h.,i meellnw of uperlntendentu, boe and fire boa-ea In hi- district urUinS IMxdlpir up In production He rrporta that farmer In hla dl.trlct whoie ion? ; ro In the army ixent Into the mine, and loaded from ton to fifteen man, limply a an oxpreaalon of their pntrlolumi Tln churehea In ihl ,it. trlct are holding pclal mretlntra at which the Importance of Increaaod coal ' production li ured t-ju com , THE CIRCUATION OF THE SUN FOR THE MONTH Of AHCIISr. Htnto of I tuli, Coitnl) of Carbon It VV Crockett, inmiaKcr of The Hun I'ubll-hiiiK lompotiv flrM bclim -ixi rn on 1,1 onth ram that tlm clrcir litlon of The Hun for the month of MiRuat. Ilia, wna fixe thou-and elsht hundred nnd nrt) (tltO) coplea, lean lxt) Ihreti (3) coplea -polled In printliiR- nud retnlned for office file. , , It W CIIOCKICTT HulwtrllHtl mid anorn to I efore mo lllla 3d da) of Hopt. mber 19U M CommlMion expirea Mnrch IH, 13J (Henl ) CMII. It MMtCUHKN ...' N",,,r I" "! l-r Carbon Count) lTlah TWBHTf-fOm HOW CAJtlON Ijim of tin Htktllir Drnfl Off lor Cnlironiln Cnnip. Twtnt, r.,ur Carlton (omit) ..'in J men dapnrted hut txenlim on the Dtnxer nnd lllo (Inutile trnlu due here ut 4 !S o'clock, I ut eexcrnl mill, lite- Into, for Camp ICenrti), Cala , Hie) beliiK the Mm of the aclectlxe drnft ror till- itiuni) The) help to fill the ttiotn ir twelxt, litindred mid r.rt).flxt min i, ill, d from Utah for , Heptuuhnr Rtli Txxo other- tlml did not re-pond to the coll. .o)d KIhk of Hiinn)-lde nnd rphrulin VV'iMwootl of I'rlie nre to rotioxx in xt Mumlu) Hinie two hundrid re-ldentii of I'rlee mid other (ommuulllta of tho toiiul), rilntlxe- nud frltu.l- xxer. nt th. tie.. lot to hid Koodh),-. The twillt) .four an i:rm-t Itrnncli mid Jo-tih lliir in it. VVMIIURtou llarxt) llr)mi und lle,irKi Uiilne m.irrw ivxur I'Urce Hiin)i,U Alfred Vula-iiii a. .Sew Mtxho Itxru II lluktr. H. xler itniu I) Domini. k MIkIIiciIo nnd Airrnl Jtn-eii I'rl.t Alex Joiiea, I'ruuk oil. x i tin I'hiiui. vVe-t mill I'.itr Hmiku kl-, lllnwulhii Hiuto- lliottll Hluti It) C Cull.) mid I', (ir l.tilorl, Del ptr CI in nit r t'U CiiMI, (Int. IhiwiII Hurt, Nephl Vlrall M Audri- Mm K'eulluortli Thonuia Auder-oii, llllnol- lit ml Tex ll)rum Dal. Ioiuir.l KiikIuu.I mid Jnnitii Dirt I, VVInltr Quiirt, r- nnd William U Htexxurl. Cum, rou J S l',, rt-tm -irilur) for the druft t The Hun till- exhmi-t- nil tin mii ol Cl.i-a 1 v GOOD OIL COUNTRY HERE ol John t. ItrtMiUn Hi i.miI Willi Cm fiil)nii Kcrtlon. On hi- tilp to I'rlie laM wtek Col John C llrook- or Kiiiinim Clt) Mo int. of tho IiIr tilltuin of tlm touiitr) nnd InltreMid In wxirul lotmilou oxer In C,il 11111)1111 mat .,f tliU rlt), xl-lltd that -tdloii In inmpiiii) with Arthur J le Id, went oxet the ground btloiiRhiK b) locution to Utah Hhale und Oil lompuii) In wlilth he la un ofriter iiIi.iir with c v Hinrr mid ll -en, la tea. Itx.ntl) he mid hi- purlin r- hml n riport on lllla mi lion from llulr Keo. IokH who tamo mil durlnir tlm num. mr from New Vork Colonel llrook-I- idtn-ed with whul Im haw Ituutly mid I- miiM (iiuri.leul the Kroutid la xnluitble for oil una hi opinion on leuxliiK hen Hint iuourIi work nii)wn. will Im doui there thl- full to hold the around until Krrut.r develop, ment romoa. lit it nil) the kos rrmmiit Im- with. draw ii ii- o land- nbout tlilrt).t Ijclit llioii-und litre- lielwern HuniDM.In nnd I'rlti ThU itciloii tend- to -trrnHih, ii opinion of nxp.rt- thut w haxt oil rlRht lnr nt horn.. Colonel llrook- I- ii brother of ex-noxernor llrook- of VV)omliiR nnd Im- I.Ik oil h.ildlni,- in HiHt -lute und In Texua mid Okluhomu C VV Hpurr Rem ml inumiRt r of Hi.. Uirlmer Hparr luteri-l-, I- expett. e.l In lrlit. mi) da) now from the l.uM He ma) linxn aomethliiR to -a) of lotiil pluu- mi loiuliiK here iiovns down nun or (jiii.i.n in vi in iid Hiivi'i: Tourl-t- nrrlxliiir from the weM re I" rl the ronU- betxxtou (lrn lllxer und the Col. rmlo line In a dl-Rrnctful tondltluii, -ii) a Tuemla) a Orund Juno. Ili'll iColo ) New- I'nrllea here Mop. day auld the I Ir wnli I elw Mmk xxii- will illicit Impii ablt. it idiiR neieeeur) to mnkt u bK dilour oxer rotka und HirouRh auRebruiili to rind ii tro-liiR Hint could le negotiated nl ml by mi milomoblli Thore nrn other bail road- In I'luh. li in clulnnd. but Ihe iMi-ttru part of the atute take- tho Perlmmo,i ,iH IikxIiir ii monopol) on Iho xjorat road- In Hit. VVe-t llelweui Hun Ki-Hiitl-io und tlruhd J unci Ion it I eald. tin ri.n.l- urn kopt In roo.I condition until Utuh i rem tied Then II l-'RHtfiiud h in n.tntloii -uld one of the truvtlera uonvi i-nit m otiii its IN L'NUK KAMH HI ItV ICK Thmhwidn of mm of middle uKe niuii) of them well nblo to perform mnny vurletlca of military work, nro exacted to flotk to the color- n- the reult of mi order pcrmlttliiR men be. tween Hit nuea of 44 und (6 tarti to volunteer for acrxlco In the ,,unrUr. -"nd uJhtt."ia nrd",tt,u' llartmenta nnd, with Hie consent of the atirtcon Roneral In the medical dopurtmeut Men of nil occupatloiu nre wn,BU for tliciio cla-aoa of , rvl.a nnd they xxlll b, i u..d both , ll,"3 fltatca 2J..tln..Iranc Nt"'0 1'" come within th otre limit of tho amended wlrctlxo aerxlco act can bo adopted fjika B. YounR ha l,nn nnnolnled oo-rTT at Helper ror .UhSi'nS FAILING TO REGISTER IS M IMPRISONMENT FOR ! ONEYEAR I (tOVIUNOIt HI(H ll) or utTI. li KNK WD Oil 1(1 UK K H I'tiillnl Hint the lrple of I tali k H la nil Kxrry I ffnrt In Drnft llonnU H nml l'fntrt Offl.Tn. Jxexi Tliumlay, H N it nilier I Jll Kirrjlhlnc la In TaH llrudlueM lliroiiRliont tlm Cotinlr. lal --J (lox Hlmi ti lltimlireer luM Turn- j H da) prut lalmi d reRl-triillon day, I a Thur-du). Heplember I3lh, na n Matt ' ' aH Wide leRiil holldn) It U officially ! ' M rcciucMed thai patrlotlt alRiilfUanca ' bbI In u,cor.lo.l to th, itny nud nil cltlieu- L bH are a-ked lo na-IM In the Mr rrKl-tra- K 'H lion whith will turoll men of from lir '- IK lo tn iuir for Hie national nrtn). Vt'sH To thl- end I nl-o mil upon atnti, I VbbI cll) nnd toiinl) orflclala, leachera In B : H pill. II. echoot-, member- of tint atatn V H und count) count - or ,l.f, n,e, nnd K M all oilier Rood .Ilium-, to tender their M -trxlte- to t'tah ilnift l.onr.l-, nn t , H iioiiuiid the Rox.rnnr Under au- J IH Ihorll) M-tttl In the ire-ldeiit. It ha f M hcr-it nnlernl tlml -tale hradiiuarlera. 3 H lotnl board- mid other- nffltliU of p : 1 tin -int. hold Ihtm-elxtN In rtuillneaa i ' H l protced iiromptl) with th. Ir work J J H on the rr Kl I ml Ion dule S HH All I. nl I mini-. It wiin miiioiitued, iL'f 1 will linxo -up. rxMon wlthhi Hi, Ir re. m M -pettlxi Jiirl-.ll. iIoiih. The nitiinl rrif- w!XH l.lrntloii will be hi Iho i u-tom. E jliaH ur) xoHiir pirxlmla within Ihn Jurl i j dlrtluu or enth lMiiir.1 or In Mich other i ZH pin..- ii- -hull hi dt-lRnalett I.) pub. M Ma II. hoti.e It.KlMriuit- nud nil pi r- ' FikM -on- . Iuiri .1 with n kuotxledRo or tlm I . riRlntmlloii nr. uuriiul Hint lnor- K min will not txtiiM them fiom proMi. 1 KH .nil. hi , i iM Nmiv I't unity I'nul.lttt. i. V.H VIoluHoii or thi -eletllxe herxlre S'VaH iruxl-n I- itiu-iihred n ml-.teineun. M XbH nPiiml ll punl-hiible b) Imprlmmment (C'tIbI for one )ear nud ioulble lo of elll WbH . nhlp ilRht- lletntlxe to proxl-loua (TiIbH of polite ttcopcrall the irilumn rViKBH Hon wi)- on Hit tluy hct for real- IHbH Iriitloii nil federal mnr-hul- .1. iiit VIdbH m ir-hul-mid luxi-tlKatliiR iiRenta nnd AiVbH nil pul lie of fher- or whatexcr Rrade S'VbH or tin -hall hold Ihem-elvea In R Ii'bH reudln.M to rt uder whntetr iilM. , n mite mu) be iiitcM-ur) In pre-ervlnR j 'faH order nl pln.o- of riRl-trutloit nnd In . lM a l-lliiR In IrlitRlflK nbout tompletn 4 bH reRi-tnitlon ISbI All innr-luil-, iltput) mar-hnl-. lit- ttaH xt-tlRutliiR iiRetit- nud polite offlrrnt I Biif mH -hall txninlne Ihe reRlMmtlon ll-ta 91 HbH mid report without tit In) to the local K tiM the imnir- or mi) ptr-on- HISbB ktioivn b) them to huxe fnlled to tK' m 11 Inter Hiem-elxia when liable to reul SHiSIbB IMitlon und It -hull In Ihn dut) of lo- fr'afH ml li.Mir.l- o nport to the proper X IH Dnlled Htalea illMrlit attorney nil .! t n he- tnmlntr lo their attention of SrlSlH per-ou- who liuxit failed lo pre-enl fflltlBl llitm-tlxea for rrRnitriiHon ua re avijUHl quired b) luw Toll e officer- may Rlfl Br retiuire mi) pron -object to reitl-. XmWBj irntloii to exhibit hi- rrRl-trutlon cer- KhXaBjl tlrlriitc Kf JM OrrltirM Mum Aid. m III txer) cu .i In which u dtil) dec jfi mM lRnute.1 of or ncent rcfuo or ?L H rull- lo nil, Hit. hoxernor, adjutant Wi Rriirul or member of n lotnl board A HB xxlll priHtt.l nt once to immn unother J j tBH offlu r or uReiit for am h dut) nnd will kH IrliiR the fail of auth rrfu-ul or full. if flB ure mid the t Iriuin-tancea connected M iflHl Ihernxxlth to the nltenllon of the proper Unlit d Htntea dl-trlcl nltomey, Hi fljSJ with ii xlew lo the liiMllullou of pro-. jG flH eutloii of -mil officer or neent. iu IB HHI proxlded In Htt 0 of the nil uppruxed SSHbI Mn) IX 1917 H H "It I- eentlul that tho ptoplo of M. Ihla Mate -hull uicoril the fulle-t f X jiua-uref to.op.rutliin, in Ihe turry- B Inif out of thl- ordir iRiinrmico of Ifil Iho luw und Iho refutation- l-uid b) If! K proper uuiliorltlvi under the law ex. Iff cu-ea no one All per-on- on thrf B fl border Un.. of tho nRt. of reRl-lrutlon B will I.,. required to rIx iidcmmte M V proof thut the) nro otit-lde or tho aK S W limit -p(lfied Iho penult) for rail. B Hi uro lo reRl-ttr I- )ear,a Impria. IR W oiimeiit nnd no man tun exonerate W XA hlinef b) the pujment of u fine" A W t lull- imotu of llmllc.l a, rxlto men Iff W fur tltrknl und MonoRruphlc work In M HI drafi board offtlH ' foil) me jR8 r UKe men. w he i, , nllcd. xx 111 b taken W IB I ort Ikhii Colo mm n,ero out. B Si Intel for tho work In Utah draft 1 ffl paid l7 BO a month, with the rank M ( prlxnle The llmlin.i ...,!. " B W culled for thl- xvork will be command. iff ill id by Captain ntiRcruld """"". f" ThouRh -Into drnft headauarter, ill haxe rocelxed man) requoata b men B fl belHean IS und 46 )oara uMug thai M 1 fl the) Immedlnlel) be Inducted Into Ihe ilf fl fl aerxlce, It la offltially nnnouueed that (BSI no Immediate Induction- into the tR HI fl urm) will b oliwed until after Ihn ff 11 reRUtrntlon on H. ptember 11th jft l Hill L.VUI IllINt TAKIJ4 Kl. lP'1'l hiioou it itovri: vt coirov ,tt PltOVO, Hept 1 Ham KIiir. a,., rafifSiffl ohoepherder working for William 1r IB 10BI Tare nsar Coltep, wau found deud lfi SBI ye-lerduy with a bullet xvoiind In 10- s iff BBI head und a revolver b) hi- ide Ha (B m Bl wai about 46 year- of are and un. " 'B llBl married. Ilia homrt wa In SpojiUh SF5 , .ll0r,H,. . Th lKi",'. " brP"ht here M WJafl tonlffht Death believed tb have XI Bl been due to (ultlde. i W M M