rthur C Hansen nndsHoplilit Jen- ......
Mr loth of Clear Creek were lUetined . entered ai Second-Clase Matter. June 4, 11S, at the Postofflce at Price. Utah, t'nder the Act of March 3, l7f
1 ' ' ' "' z"'"""tT"f"lfl VOLUME I; NUMUBR 20 EVERY FRIDAY "OCTOBER 11, 1918
Language, Intent and Effect of Proposed
Amendment Is to' Cripple the
Mining Industry.
Pome of those occupant nf positions
' on 'he state' payroll who nre more or
it Athcmently urging the adoption of
the mine tax nmemtinent, nays Hun
do Halt lsk Trlliline, are seeking to
tonve) the Impression that the men
lure" J""" "ft Increase the power of
tbf appointive stnto hoard of equalisa
tion and that the power of tho tatard
la -hi rmpect will he ruKiilnted hy leg
islative ennrtinetit.
I t tin sec Tho present constitution
pr lili-" that mine Improvement and
irni.i proceeds shall Ik taxed hy the
b. ird hut It also provides, for mine
snJ nil other property, definite limit.
Tn proponed ntnendent absolutely re.
m ws all llinrf by providing that mlno
! d Khali he assessed "nt n value
Htf I on wiiih multiple or siibmulllldei
i f the net nnnuiil proceeds." ijnd doe
r specif) what multiple or sublimit)
f - shall !) lined. It mny he a llttlo
er a much a the hoard nee fit.
If ii x It I iirKUed. the legislature I
to have a olrc In the matter, why
d. not the proponed amendment nay
It would hne been easy to miiku
I- i Hid "at iniiiii multiple or sublimit!
V of the net annual proeeed to he
determined hy law" Hut It doe not
. read On the contrary, It make a
rl-rfr distinction hy provldhiK that the
. proceed of mclnl mine and the value
t,t other mineral deponlt hnll he "u
VmkI and taxed" hy the lato hoard
of iqualludlou. lmt that the surfneo
iruund of clulm nhall bo taxed "a
rutldrd by lav.- The legislature fin
voice only In the usnensment of tho
mrfnie ground or mine and no more.
The hinguuK, Intent and effect of
the proponed nniindment nre unnils
UKeuble Hy It clear term, the men
turn give un appointive board the
power of life nnd death oer the min
ing Industry. Attempt to draw any
finer conclunlon, If not due to Ignor
tfim or willful misrepresentation, are
lh (.rudest aort of camouflage.
Nuria Survey Commlltts Muit Oit
Duty Weak Of October 20
Hove you a nurao In. your fumllyT
Tne government wnnta to know. All
lUd Croa chapter In till territory
nnd other part of tho state have bten
Instructed to conduct a aurvey or cen
sus of nurses, through a houno to
house ennvns Till survey, which
will occupy tho week of October 20,
will bo undertaken at the Instance of
toe accrtitury of war nnd the surgeou
moral of tho United Htutea army.
The ijuoitlounalro system will be em
pl)td to Rather the necaaury data.
Tim nurao aurvey lia a double pur
p e Whllo primarily Intended aa a
means of directing n proper withdraw,
a of tiurne for army and navy, needs,
tue government also lu In mind tho
l.eallh anil general welfare of tho
c vlllan population Tho govtrnmeut
ni tt have twenty five tliouaund
n rses by January I, 19FJ In order
HA to utterly deprive tho civilian
Simulation of the natlou of the profes
!jnal aervlccs of these women. It be
tomea necessary tovtnke htock of all
avsllable nurse timber at thU time,
o that nn equable dlatrlbutlon of
turm may bo made.
Lvery nurne la comprehended
tr duto, undergraduate, registered
unregistered, pui-ll , tmmo, nurse
KJci and tho very targe number of
toollcd temltralned. nutae. which
Include practical niirnoB, mtdwlves
ma trained ntteiulunta. A completu
1 A slflrntlon o( these woipen will be
Male Kvury family flmat co-operate
with the lied Croaa nurao aurvuy re-1
n Mitatlvea In order to make thin
aii rat a aucceaa
The requeat of the aecretary of war
anl the Nurgeon general uinomiU t6
a order, no that the lied Crona, aa
!l aa those embraced by the aur
X inuil do sverythluK pohhIIiIo to
(Provide the required data nnd Inform
ation ''very lied Crosa tlmpter hoa been
in truck d to npolnt n nurse aurvey
ommltieo to carry out tills Important
ork j a Arnohl. of Denver. Color
d' Is the mountain division director
While In Halt Uike Cltj ut week J.
1 Jensen tonrerred with the state
'Sid board on matter In connection
t h the I'rlre ltlver Irrlgutlon torn-
'"My system He brlnifs back the In
''rmatlon that foreclonure proceeding
i ' to b had at the coming term of
i ' istrirt court nt Price.
. 'r iMid lira U It Wnttl of 8.lt
'jK flty were reglitertxl af the 8a
thU weak, going and coming from
Uoiuthl On lU-trnt ,limki't of llrjocr
unit llaiulltoii IIiihii Kt.
I Iff. .lain of the ntutiliiKhva) bourd
are preparing for K large Volume of
npltllenllon from different 4itlon of
I'lah for upproyrtt of varlouft roml and
li(ldge work project, whlcli muni hn
the official muictlon of bytli the state
nnd federal reprenfcntnilvOiof thehlKh
wa i-otinell, ApproVni ha nlreody
Wen Kruutedli) llicimtlonal hlgliwn)
lolinrll to a dcJimrriHid iroJei-l hthe
Marnalc dtstrTct..
This wwrk I now Hearing comple
tion. Apiillcntlon for approval of
two bridge project In the t'nrlion nee-
lion are now Indus; prepared for uli
inlnnlon to the highway council by
November 1 before nil material ship
inenl will he curtailed.
The bridge mentioned nre two of
three nupponed to lme been lought by
CninmlMloiier llrner and Hamilton
on their reenl junketing lrt. to lu
ll la im as the guest of n Jewish firm nt
Terra Haute, tnd . and on whlcli thuy
took one )llley n Ion If with thelil
i:vi:.v Tiioi'HiWii iirriirrra
Tho American lied Cms aorlcty
want n thotiMiid men for the trans
portation service In France. This
number must be recruited Immedi
ately. Of the total number wanted
forty per cent are needed In tho ac
tual driving service, tho remainder
for loading and unloading work.
lloaJdc being expert handler of
'gas motor cars, the appllcauta must
lie exempt from urniy service and
must be or rugged and robust phy
sique, willing to work at ajl hours of
tho day and flight, sleep wherever
they can find a place and put up with
all the hardships of a trench soldier.
Applications may bo II led with Bcc
retary Mr W. (). Cleland ut Halt
Uke City
llespouse to the call for gauio
room workera ha not met tho requirements
I'tah eoul mLae are running their
full alx day a week right along now.
according to John Crawford, state In
spector ot con I mines, who has jutt
completed nn Inspection df all proper
tie lu Carbon County. Crawford an) a
that the production this year tuny ex
ceed that of former years by aa much
ns two million ton, from the I'tith
fields Them Is, however, some
illght scarcity of labor as yet, and
this In spite of the fact thnt Instance
were reported to him of wogoa run
ning na high as .'33.u0 In a mouth
While these were exceptional cases,
where men were working with mach
ines under most favorable conditions,
Crawford any that tho average min
er In tho Utah fields la drawing from
ten to fifteen dollar each of the lt
day of the woek he is working, or
from two hundred and fl(t) dollar
a month up
Mr Crawford assert llmt-tlie mine
foreman, usually a skilled nnd experi
enced' miner, fetla rather aggrieved
In the majority of Instances that ho
Is making loss money In hi more
responsible position than are the men
under him OWlug to the scarcity of
labor the skilled miner are rrhen the
opportunity of working under the
most productive conditions possible,
nnd therefore la able to roll up a
good tonnage, while the numerous
successive Increases lu the mine
fields lime added greatly Jo the In
come of llio plecv work men
"If a man Is tuaklng only two hun
dred dollar or so month," saya Mr.
Crawford, "he thlnka there I aome
thing tit matter and he feels like
quilting. Some of the men quit miy
way, I bollete, just to get their mon
ey without waiting until tho end of
tho month Then when they hue dis
posed of It, thoy go on to the next
camp and get employment there ''
1 Amanuel Andralakls, a Dreok
'baker of I'rlie and uged ubout, 38
Ijears, died at Carbon Hospital lust
Huuda from pueumoui following an
Ipttnik of fnlulenui. This is the
j second death In the past ten dny from
this tnulady which Is now sweeping
the country Defeased wits nlugle and
formerly resided at Kcoflcld and
Kenllworth He had been In business
at I'rjce five or six months, purchasing
with his partner thn A. raternoster
asset on Bast Main street ntter the
deuth of the lutter. Kuneral service
were held Monday with burial at
Trice. Itev Mark M. I'etrakls of the
local Greek chu.ch conducted the
Mncal, .yhli'h was largely attended
by his numerous friends from all over
the county
I'nll ( mini) Ticket I'lunil In tin
I'lelil Yrtrntit)
(nrbou County rejuinllcan met at
1'rlce yesterday an(fplnccl their tick
et In the flohy Offers had previously
been made to, lenders In thJ third pat
ty movemenyto give thnt action rep
resentation An the tleki but the
latter refused all proffer in that di
rection ThV cntivcntUih convened nt
2 a clock nnd(aaapj(cd to order by
Chairman II It Klrkpatrlck
Then J S Thompson, of Castle
(late wni by acclamation made per
manent chairman, nnd A II. Draper
of Kenllworth. secretary. It did not
lake long for nominations whlcli were
preceded by the usual but brlet pre
liminaries The uomliintloiis ure.
Itcpresentatlxe-Wallace A. t.ory
of 1'rlce
Four-Year fo'iimlssloncr A. K
(llbson of Htorrs.
Two-Year Comnilsnloncr W 5.
Drajier of Wellington.
County Clerk H. H. Ilorsley of
Recorder llnrbnrn Ku rrNter l.eger
or t'rice.
Treasurer A, llalllngcr of Price.
Attorney P. U. Woods of Price
Amemxir U J. Morton or Hlnlidard
vllle Hureor V. . Hoggs of Kenll
worth. There were sixty-seven detente to
the convention, but. three pnclncti
liad no representation Numerous ones
were represent d hy proxy
Tlut convention wn In session less
than three hour
Independents To Name Candidates Of
The Liberty Movement
l.nt Saturday evenlnglhere was a
well attended meetlng'of those he
hind the third parlj movement In
Carbon County at'lly Hall In. Price
It wa at that tlifln dellnltely decided
tn place a fulli-ounty tleki t , In the
field. A merit for mniilii)?' iiomlun
lion Is to be leld loinocrnw' evening
ot tlio sanio hlaccant Tuesday
hnndbllls wre -Irtulntcd for the
mcctlur; or convention . and have
reached by this tlmo every precinct
In tho county. They read
"Notice to Taxpayer of Carbon
County -On fntimlny, October 12,
1918, there will be a feeling nt S
o'clock of tho evening at City Hall.
Price, Utah, for tho purpose of nomi
nating en Indcpuiocut ticket known
na the liberty ticket. Voter nnd tax
pncrs who may be Interested lu such
a movement are most cordially Invit
ed to bo present nnd help nominate
a full county ticket In Curbon Coun
ty -
The handbill arc signed by lJirs
(lunderson, temiornrv chnlrniNU, mil
Ollvor T. Harmon, accretary. A, ,'.,
Marahall ot Wellington la being miui
tlonist for tho legislature, and Peter
Anderson. John Prlii'e nnd Matt
Warner for sheriff. Chairman (iun
dcrson saya the other nominations re
more than likely tu go to the mining
camps of tho county
There &rojnoro than n hundred and
twenty-five signer on the petition
for placing tho ticket lu the field
Herewith Is a report of reielpt.
disbursements and cash on humi of
the Curbon County Chapter of the
American tied Crow furtho mouths or
August nod Heptember, 1018, furn
ished The Hun by Mrs. Caroline (111
niour, Its secretary:
Clear Cieek 60S. 00
Hiawatha 192.S0
Helper (30.00
tscofleld .... 110.00
Price 1 39i.5S
Keullwortli . .-. . . tT&.OU
Hunusie 9I2.6S
Wattls 637.90
litlidn 93,00
Carbon 1 1,00
Hprlng Oleii ZOO
Castle (lute, 3SS.S0
Winter Quarters 37.70
Ktorrs 75.00
Total 14. 4tl.CS
Note Paid tl.Ci.fU
Current expense ZS0.37
i .
1 lain nee 2,689. St
Total :.. ..ft, 441.63
llalame due Denver, polo., chapter
Is (4,185.66. War fund retention not
leielyed, 13,183.03. War materials
shipped In August and September, lust,
Ninety pair of pajumus.
fifteen sweater and forety-elght
grey sweaters.
Hix hundred gauie, n hundred and
twenty-aeven absorbanta and three
thousand two by two.
Three hundred and eighty-three
nbsorhant pads.
Klght) abdominal pads, three
hundred and thlrty-four-talletl band-
Local Committee Chosen To Pas
Upon And Recommend To Higher
Authority Any Proposed Construc
tion In Carbon County Dealers
.Notified And Mutt De Governed
A U Ilorsley. chairman, nnd It W
Crockett, secretary, nf the . Carbon
Count) Council of IMPiTnc. Ojls week
received from tbeatntn couneH the
commuiiMthmoclow in regnrl to
new tiulldlng ipcrntlnu It exytnlu
Itnelf Chnlrmaii Ilorsley ha bnrn nb
sent from the city scvernl iry. hut
It la presumed Hiy thlnwtetnlwr of
tho committee wlirTRHTamed nhortlyv
Dealer In building materials will ut
onco tx' nollflrd by the state council
or the order o( tho wnr Industrie
"No doubt )ou have heard of n re
cent ruling of the wur linluttrl board
which require the state council of
defetisn to pan nn every promised
cnustrjctlon within tho fitate of Utah
For this purpose n sNclal oomtulltee
has bten created hy the slate council
known in the proposed construction
committee It Is now necessary to ex
tend the orgnnhuitlon of this commit
lcelnto tho counties We ate. there
fore, writing the chairman anil score
tnry of each count) council If nssuine
responsibility for till committee It
l( believed h) the Mtata council of
d of en no that the chalrmnn and score
tnry of tho count) council, togetner
with one other person chosen by them
should constitute the 'ounty commit
tee on promised construction
"The.dutle of this cour.ty commit
tee will po to n'colve applications for
any proposed building in your county
These nupllcntlon must Include a
full statement of fncts under oath A
blank for this puroo I enclosed
Upon receiving tlin application, the
committee will make n thorouxh In
vrstlgntlon and report nt once to the
secretary nf thn atnto council It de
cision n to whether tho proiiosed
construction should be allowed or
not. This opinion will be presented
In the Npeclnl committee which will
review thu decision of the? county
council of defense that the building
bo approved or disapproved. The ap
proval of the state council Is neces
sary before tho building may be erect
ed Tho local commlttco will, there
fore, not notify the applicant that hi
'building I approved or disapproved,
that will be done from this office
I "You will also notify the dealer In
building, material In your county not
to deliver any material without a per
j mil from the state council of defense
The government Is depending upon
you to enforce these regulations In
your county In order to conserve ma
terial, man Miwcr, fuel and transport
ation." Hlnce the nbovr went Into type C
It. Man usen hit been selected a tho
third member of the committee
Mr. and Mr J ( Mitten of
Wattls were county went lsltur the
first of the week, and while here were
gut of the Huvoy
Ulled bandages, forty-five T-hundagev,
I four hundred nnd nevent) triangular
bandages, twenty-five gnure rolls,
I fifteen spline strap, forty sponges,
,twent wiuares, twenty strips, seventy
two shotting and (went) splint straps
i Thlrt)-flve sweaters, one hundred
iiipd sixty-four socks, one helmet and
Itrto pair wristlet.
Klghty-onn sweaters, one hundred
(anil sixty-four honks, nveu. murfler
fund fifty-net en while socks.
Two hundred and teg ii-llu cotton
I puds.
. One hundred and nlnet) cellu cotton
' pads.
i Two thousand sponge, one thousand
wipe and four hundred compreiuos.
I Two hundred uud flflesii bo) a
suits. '
I Heventy-flve bo) suits.
! Klght)-nne huil wlilrtM uud foil)-
'seven pujumns.
1 lllghty-three tmjumus.
j Two hundred and ten tllu cotton
I pad.
I Three hundred and twenty-four
I cotton puds, forty-four cellu cotton
pad and one thousand gauie tout
presses. i Mrs, Ollmour )eturday received u
cheek fur f 3018. 61, this being o no
fourth of the fund raised lu thu drive
locally last May. This puts the chap
ter out ot debt und about twelve hun
dred dollar to tho good.
llecuuse of the lack of n quorum
theru was no special meeting of the
city council last Monday evening to
I consider the sale of the light and
power plant under the recent bids of
i I'tah Puwer and l.lgbt company and
JC. K. Olson, Councllmen OoeUmunii,
Anderson and Fitsgerald were absent.
Another meeting is booked for next
Tuesday evening
The Sun's Circulation In
t September.
Htnle of I'lHti. Count) of Carbon nn
It W, Crockett, mannger ot Hun Pub
lishing company, first being dill) sworn
on his oath, ki) tho Die circulation
of The Hun for the month of Hepteni
tier, 101 It. wn six thousand (00"i)
copies, lis sixty-seven (671 enjile
spoiled Hi printing nnd retained as
files and for otfUe use
Hubncrllied uti-J sworn to before me
this 30th iht) of September Ills. Mk
commission expire .March is. 1933.
(Heal ) C It MAltCl'HItN.
Notar) Public In and I'or Curbon
Count) Htate of I'tah
.'Msitlclrl ('mil (iiiimii) to Have More
Al l'iier Camp.
Ueorgr t: I'estou Nlld J It '.lrttllll
of l?VHtttnn Wyt , pnMilent mid gnn
eitil mutiHger. nvprs-tlvel), of the
Hcofleld Coal silmn), will take over
the stock of the MmUen Men-Hiitile
eoniHill) Ml Hioflctd next ' Turwla).
(lilober Uth With iilhet Idenllfleit
wllh the coal rnrporHtloii the) will
organise a new rHurcm, whlrli will be
e fsimiMtiy store Tho detil Involve
hImivc twenty-five thoiimnd itollar
for mereliHiidlne alone, and It may be
thnt the law isnieeril will take over
also the reul entitle Where the presrHt
buslncM U i-ondui lul If not the
proper!) will go in under a ten year'
Ic.im- The MadseiM lelulli all llilerent
III the iHMtueiM, however, and' likely
will bo repieseuled on the board of
dlrediir U It Itaruell. prmeiit inaii-nltt-r
will leinaln wllh the new people.
I Is undeinlood Nell M mil Anthmi
Madseii have been the t introllllig
Htm kholdern for venr -if MkI-cii
Memilillle loiupaii)
Master List Of Order Number Malted
To Tht Utah Doards
More than slxt) thousnud I'tulms
whoere culled In the big l In 45
years registration of September 12,
will possibly know the order of liabil
ity In whlrli they will be called to tho
color within a lew da), according
to dispatches received from the pro
vost marshal rtencrr.l nt atnto draft
headquarter. Thesn order numbers
are contnlntd In mauler list malted
to national draft boards last Satur
day The first one hundred order
numbers hnvo already been nunuuic
ed, but these affect only a compara
tively small number of Utah men who
are In Class 1, and In fit physical con
dltlon for military service
There were seventeen thousand
number drawn lu the big draft lot
tery held In Washington, 1) (' , on
Mnndnv of Inst week, and when these
are received In Utah the order num
ber of every registrant will be de
termined After ordir number are
fixed, then contingent for army ran
tonmenta can bo aelected quickly
With thl master list of order num
ber mailed to forty-five hundred Am
erlcau boardHatuiday there I ac
companying Instructions a to the
method to be used in classifying reg
istrant ho that no dlflfculty nmy be
found In fixing tho order of men In
tho 19 to .17 ear old class, who will
furnish the first men for the trulnlug
Many men already have been clas
sified by Utah boards and phtslc.il x
amlnntlon of men who have waived
exemption or hve otherwise been
found fit for Class 1 are also being
bold. r
OX WOM-' G'ltl.l-.K WATF.lt
The Ureal Ilusln Power company
with onicea nt Halt ltko City, haa
flledtappllcutlon with the stute engi
neer for thirty second-feer of water
front Wolf Creek In Wasatch and Du
chesne counties, which It propose to
uso in supplementing It project to de
velop ubout four thousand horsepow
er of electric energy for the market
In Halt take City and vicinity Tho
application Ik signed by II. A 8truuss
a vice present and I) U, Wer
thclmer, tecrotury und treasurer of
the ccmimiiv
Tho application calls for a four
mile pipe line, on a grade of eight
feet per mile, after which tho wuter
will be turned over two' thlrty-eJuht
Inch turbine wheels, under u four
hundred foot head Tho former np
pllcalon calls also for taking water
from West Fork Creek for similar
purpose. The pipes carrying tho
waters of tho fvo creeka are to bo
Joined near the present confluonoe of
their channels and then conducted in
a largor pipe to the plant After use
In the pluut, the .jvaters will bo re
turned to the Duchesne rlvor.
Mr. und Mrs. David 8, Williams of
Castle Dale were Price visitor over
Wednesday night, being Savoy guest.
I ' liLiiifl
i m
KHHP TIIHM.Ctilt.Mt. kaalH
i M
They are needed for shipping war ! H
supplies. Ami for transporting sol lH
dlors. Ami for moving arnln. Thay flH
are wit iicdil Just now for Mrrylng uH
hnusehnld i-tunmodltles. Tlie. havt ll
been rnrrled alrend) . To get thsm M
from mull order houses adds to niil-
ro.td congestion
Al.li lOW.NS AND Ol'TI.VINd HKC- , A
TIONS t.ki:n IN. ' ZM
(icnctiil Aim, I lu .Simplify unil K flil
tend Artlvlllcs In CoiiiHvtlonWItb l
l.llM-rt) Utnn Drives, Itetl Cro.s
KfTorts nnd Wur Havings' Htnmp 91
(Viiipnlgus lu Hie llrmotrnt Hcttle- 11
tneiilN, P.S11H
Plan for the co-ordination of all ?J H
wnr acllvltle under (tie state council w H
of dcfejiM) have been formulated at H
n meeting of the statu council with H
member of the county councils at ' H
Hull yUi Clt). The co-ordination , JM
plan will emhmce the work of tor H
nunnrlng the Mar by Hie selling ot . H
llhert) bond uud wnr saving stomps 'rS
lied Crnn. nclvltles upd work JJH
of the Mtate food and , fuel ad H
ministrations These bodies will work lul
In conjunction with the stale council IH
tif defeivso and uso tho muchlnory ot lH
the stnle council In exlendlngthelr lH
The Ural work will bo the organl- Jkl
xutlun throughout the state of com- idisiH
muiilly councils, non-partisan and lH
uon-seclurlnn. composed of rcpresen- t, RH
tntlve men lu Hie community, who i kil
will curr) nut the work of the alaU 9H
and county councils of defense and 'Maiifl
enforce the oriTcrs'of the nliito coun- 'aHI
ell it communlcuted to them through KlKal
the count) routiclts, In their terrl- ail
lory. In ever) rase effort will bo ' BH
in a do to secure for the community Jtaiifl
councils the services ;if the mayors v IJjH
pf the vnrloun town and the county &Kissssl
commtsslonent of the count) Such Nssssssl
plan will connect thn county councils irlH
wllh the stute council' machinery . j7H
and the coinmunllle with thu county ilH
and municipal machinery. This plan K H
wit give the state council great pow- h H
cr In securing enforcement of Its or-, $ H
dera , - H
Community councils of defenju t H
will be extended to all towns aud jH
outlying settlements, lu this way tha ;f jH
people of rnclt community will be tvH
apprised of tho plans ahd orders ot 'Hssai
the statu council of defense Tfie 'iJjB
Ural step In the work of co-ordlna- v I'dlsH
tlon will be the orgunliallon ot the iail
community councils of defense by a, ' IIMH
Held secretary soon to be appointed lRH
liv iIim ilnln enunell it ilnfense. Plan tTBUTsaTsI
for the compilation of the war so- jHB
tlvltle of every family In the Hits Vsl
to be made a part of the permanent (BJH
county records, to bo kept tn the ot- ilH
lice of the county clerk In each m
county are well under way. The Bal
record will contain the subscriptions 9P
or the fumlly to liberty loans, war nH
saving stumps, lied Cross and clh- , IjjjH
cr war activities. Also It will (ell ot I KH
tho number ot men In the service of fll
the I'tilted Htute from each fnmlly, 911
Glen Miller Finally Has Been Jarred ; IWH
From the Job . SfcH
W. D Candlaud'of Mount Pleusant. ' fitssH
was chosen Hepubllcan state chair- ), BH
man by the new stutn committee nt a. ' BH
mtH-tlng at Hull 'Ke City hut Sat- EIH
urday. Cnndland bucceds (lieu iMIIIer L snRjsa!
as state chairman of the llepubllcan ssWB
party lu Utah, rU-lcttlnn or ("midland ffiTHJ
for the Important )oltlon given hint I BaVJ
wus made uiou recommendation ot a p HHH
apeelal executive ommttteu nppulnted
by tho alute committee nt u meeting
held after the state convention (VI- aVI
day. This committee met with the r HfiS
vnrloua caudldale and consulted , SiflpB
their wishes tu tho matter The rnndl- ' jflJH
dates and the special committee ' MSB
agreed that Cnndland wus tho man for MH
tho place i 9flHJ
As soon as thu it.ite coinmltleo was j &
called together thu recoiumendatlon flafl
of the executive committee wn tnodo F KIM
nnd the state committee took nitlon ' jKlI'M
accordingly. To Caudlaud wus left I flHfl
the matter of selecting u secretary, BUfl
and of naming committee The com-. t IBlufl
mltlee deitetl thnt thu campaign y, HOlfl
shall bo conducted upon a high plane f JBfJHj
and that no personalities shall be In t UJisfl
dulged lu. I Bjfia
The now republican clialrmau I iflRlfl
one of the veterans of the party In BsVJjl
the state i Hnl'fl
y. Kuretluh, blucksmlth for Unit feKffl
ed Htato Fuel compan) at Hiawatha, jraHH
was a visitor in Price Wednesday. II Cffl
says all three camps over south art brbbbIbbbb
working tight up to the h.sndle, as ,t BBHJ
were, and everyone has all lis can do JcHHh
Mr Neul M Madsen got horn faaatJSallOsVl
Tuesda) evening after attending tha BBBBBpIbbbbI
state fair and conference at Klun. BBjsbbxIHLsbI