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HHBiHDHfl-inRHEIBR9i BPBBBBBBBBWBIIWBBsBBIHBIWbWBB1jIi , iB; 1 ...,,,.. v OCTOnER 11, lgig B'i I PAGE POUR THE SUN, PRICE, UTAHEVER! I R1DAY . H' 1 Issued Ever) 1-rlday II) Sun Publish M' In Co cine ) 1( V Crockett, Mgr H I Subscription 12 00 the Trnr Office B Telephone No 9lleMdenccs, Nor H ( 13Mt anil nnn M ADriiTiHiNn itTi,s. H Dlapla) Mutter Per Inch per Month K II 00, Single Issue, 40c Special V JTosltlon 25 Per Cent Additional H I Header nnd l-eicnl Notices, 10c per B Line First Insertion. 5c per Line K Each Hubseuuent Issue Count ilx Bafc- words to the line H Obituaries Cnrda of Thank, Itesolu V lions. Ktr, nt Half Ixirnl Itcadlnf S. Notice Hates 'Count six wordf to H. the B Adltt For flale, lor Itent, l'ound, B Lost, llti , One Cent per Word Each Bf Issue Nu Charge Accounts H Address All Communication! to B t HUN PUIIUHHINO CO 1'rlce, Utah. H I f went inuumlm. without The Sunt H I stood up ntnl cried In Hits nniKrcgn- B lion Job, no.3. B I'MI.MiH Ol' Till. Mil M M All. WIHII HIM WI.I.U B I -Hc.retnr) of the Int. rlnr Ijaik kik B that we should nil le mmirned In K placing n miin of tli rituriHit sol H dlern n possible on the land, from B which mines nil life Thnt depend B We are friends of the soldier nnd wish B him well. r In fact, we wish him the H best there Is In the eiiuntr) Hi fore B we plate him on the Innd, vie should B I like to he rinsonnbl) sure Hint nut of B his twilve tn sixteen hours of hnnl B ' work eer day hi will)'! nsjituch B return In the wn of mnnetiir) rtWnrd B and inmfnrl ua the lt wurktr gets B ' out of his eight hours! pi r iln H The flnverniiunl 1ms he n exlruue B ly nctl In the lust few months B J shortening the d,i) nnd riilslng the B (1 compensiitlnn fur mi ll In i Itlea the B factor) workirs, the nillrond em H j ployce,' the gnwrnmcul iiiiplovm nnd B the shipbuilders' The Kuurnmetit B has pruleiUil the compensation of nil B I the worker rxiept the ngrloiiltunil B worker, nml hue Inokeit lifts r the In' B Uresis of none of them exrt pt the ot Br towtrnwers Prealdi nt Wilson 1ms B wired the Outrgln loltonnrnwira that H I thiy need have mi inniirn nlioul the B' I price of inlton Aside from tlml. nml B a ery limited plan to limn money to B i ' farmer who nre un Ihe verge nf bank V ! ruptcy lis n n stilt of th'lr work this B I year, the gnrrnmi nt liaa done mUhlng B ' for the ngrli ultunil pnidiirer V Wriat reason hn we to hcllne, B therefore, that we would Vi doing the H returned soldier n fiixor by placing BH Mm on the InmlT The limn who Ima B bared his breast tn the bullets ot the B ' Hun la entitled tn aomethlng 1m iter B than n chiime to labor twel tn six, B i ' teen houm u day with n good ihttnro B i , of having tn go lugging for it govern- H l mtnt loan In tnrry him through the BBtA "4 winter. I IV I j, , , H l wwi.Hiiir swim. ri:moi nto. H i iucii: or .ooi , B ThU(ountr'a daylight a.lng pi.rlml HH! i for tho )ear la now ni r And w fully PH btllevn that If the question of turning B the clock nheml for "ije hour eVry B spring we'n put In a nle throughout B Kaitern Utah It would he tinunlmoualy H favored ,1'or we hnvn weiompllshrd B ! v much with thai extra hour of dn light B I We've .furthi red our war work nnd BBBf V we've prtMluied mure mid anted inure, j BN n fly tottlnif our iloiku uhead tin hour' B J j we arose mi Imur Vstttler, luit we havu I Bl I Hi not been nulltlng mi hour eonm r We j !" j have used thut iixtrn Imur ul the ili W of the itay Jn gimd effctt In uur bust. ,1 ntea-nd bumpr war mirdeii irupa 5 attest, too. Mm vulue 10 ua. (,! Hut If It haa be. n valuable to in. B fj think of whut that extra hour moh day B . ft ha done for the United Hlillea ns n B i( C whole. There lire a hundred million P 3 people In this count r. Kuppoaa flfl) f ' j million of them nmn, women and B, i i ' children nro worker And supposu B j hoavemge worth of un hour'a work la K- j fifty tenia n moderntu ratlmate con B 1 1 altering thn presmt warn male Then B . we gained In work donound wugrapald BB j twentflve million dnllara eaeh work B I ' Ini day or one hundred and flfl) mil b"-1- j JlonlolUrvr ucok t hat t. chad the B i clock turned forward an hour B tj Jn the mattir ot coal It la billeved BBjS i that adding one hour ot sunshine ta H J j the working day ha rraulted In a re- B ' ductton of more than a. million tone B y In twentyalx week Honmduy com B A pltte flgurea will be given out to ahuw B f how Amrrtio haa benefited as n re Hl i' suit ot d light envlngund then we'll H J wonder why we haven't been eutving It HK i1 along H ( ' AMnilUXNri UIKT Kl'.I I' irVtS HC (JS OI'I'A TO ritOl'AOWIIA. BftE J Warning haa been wnt nut from B I 'J Washington, D C, that a nuw form of H i iij Oerman propaganda la aoon to be B i'Wl sprung In thla country, unit we wish H ' It that ewry man, woman nnd ohlld B J 1J throughout Curbon county would keep B j f a their eyes open nnd their ears trulued H J for the flmt algn of It. Wuahlngton BBK , officials do not state In what form HHj, ' they expeut the neweet Hun Ilea tu be t i couched. IH' j Hut they ' declare that the) have B, ', 3 enough 'evidence at hand to warrant BBfMr ' y the belief that an attempt to get B i H N American people Intereated In a peace Bsl '8 movement la shortly to be made. K WV That Germany, beaten a she haa been B j or many week put along her entire B Yanks Over Here J , lonmivi 1 1 I line In Krnnie rcallna nlred) tho friiltlersniMi of her fight there Is, no jiiistlon A luird wlndr the hanlist Ihroiigh whlrh she (till pa- Man In r In the fair "Anything smniklng of piaie now would bo nelinmed In II. riiimi) Hut I'lido Hum want nit of ua to ruiiuln hh silent ua the sphinx when pmie la mentioned In our present e We nre nut reudy for pmiei wn don t wmit It now I'em'i we will have ivinttiall), hut not until we have ground nut.M niey and militarism Into the rlh in sta) burl. d forevir. We (iiiveii'l dune that (iimpletil) )it Hut we lire going tn And tin n we will be rend) In talk peaie At thla lime, however, we tun do no wlsir thing than In refuse tu talk peace, mid In report tu the proper uutliorlll.ft the first man or woman we hear doing so I lata off U 'these Timothy J Murphy a freight handler, la the father of twent) one children, V Ighteen of Whom nm living. And the eighteen nre engaged In war work Klghl none, nil of tin m six fei or mure tall, are In military aervlve nml the len daiighti ra nn engiigrd In Ited l4ua and nthi r klnila of war work Fir this the Catholle AdviHwvte vuuihea, Hut the Crisis la authority for a 'still more vvnndtrful statement 'John Wnrd, n nigtu ut (loldsboru, H. C, haa thlrtien nf his eighteen anna In the Ninth nnd Tint.i I'ntled Htalea envnlry, nml iHiviiiteen daughtera doing wur work" Amuilng pniuilbllltUa of national profit from economies nre revetilid In stuilstlia furnished b) tho fuel ndmln Istitor. It la shown that ,mimr) IhiVii) li Atmrlrnn piuple whn linked up their iiulomnblli a for n gaali aa Hun Ida) nn Htptrmber 1st nmiiunlliig tu II StO 000 Thl la enough to feed the I whole Amerleun arm) In frame fur I two d), tu Ini) five Jjioinund iiuiihliie (tuns (listing two hundred flft) dnllurs euih or tu provide msirly thlrt) six lomplitely eiulppid rlfl.s fur the American Infnntr). C.irlHin inunt) vulei will oini.'tli. Iiiip4el mine tax amendment in tin ninstltiilliin l the ulla lu Nnveitihrr nlhlng that liijriilhe mining Inter. I! nf this stilt1 I InJurluUM tn mid illlien luinll) Take uw-ny the tnln.M mid there U ll.tle left hreibviuta Mining rundltlniiN are now better In Carbon inunt) Ihnit th.V huve eei In fore been Anv tinkering with the luntstltutiitn at thla time la unwise Koon the puddid cell will be awrpt out for (he oeeupanc) of the. fellow who I tr)lng to aolvn the many In UleorleM of the new revenue bill I Htlll anoint r problem the fanner la trjlng to aolvn la how the wheat belt harvested 7S 000,000 bushel or grain thla )rr without calling on any other luirt of the rountr) for help I Another good way for the bride lo loll when tho homymoon I over la1 by seeing how much Interest he lukea In the winter eon I supply And posalhly, the time will urrHo whin the Price man now exempt from military service wll alo be exempj from political service ' i i ToHties I never entirely adjourned! In Curbon miinty Hvery now and then a temporary adjournment Is had I Curbon dumocrute promise us a uhange In faces about the courthouse ufter the first of the year 'British troops on entering Lena last week found that tho coal mine In the city had been enUrelr destroyed. 1 TWENTY YEARS AGO THIS WEEK Mr mid Mr J V (lintryri.tin.eil fnnn llxlr wtddlng trip to Zlon I'liasant Valley Coal Coinpaii) wu working both nlgtita nnd iU at Cnstle (Lite Tin re wn a gnat iir ill) of iiilmr all uvir tin' illstrkl (liorge M Mllhr had rmlgniil a n publican count) chairman In limcr) i W Nixon, wliu had Just return id from lilr California n Issluii wn to teach for the wlnlir at Willing tun J W' lMfbiir(iwwtut lu (onfir lire and 'vlsllul Mr UMilhntiruw and llm babli ' nt Ion lr J () Kausilt hm amonc Hie ronfi rente visitor ftom Price at Halt IJike fit) High prlra liiul run itlicep bu)er out of Kantcni I'lah Tho nri ro,r was aniuiid six to ri n dollar h head llolllilay Cnnl Company wn suing H A Klrki r In district court for po it rlon of Ibiid win re Suunysldc now Ntnnd Mfnil (Iranu , suing Sarah Ann Oramr for dlrnrie, waa tn have u hearing nf til ran- October H Wi lllngtiin yiituig ladlra gave a grand ball on I In- upp-r floor of the Hun new school house "Kasteni 1'tah will do Hie right thing by Hie man or company that will irect a flouring mill at Price ' Party llm In the countr election wiru not being viry ilonly drawn IlUliop llrlnki rhoff decllmd lu run on the n publican tlckit In Kniiry Count) for reprei ntatlre nnd J V tiiily wn Humid In III stead Litigation bitwcui K Hcntl Kl lloti and (liorgn C Whltmnre over water right and rouge lu Curt on County wa Just gelling good In the dNtrlct court C llmtker and sevrrul others from llilr, cinie down lo Price to ntti ml tin- wedding iluucu of Mr mid Mr J W (lentry t now rr m .i,rni' is COMIOIIT. If trmiblid wild lndlgiitiin or oleep 1imii4 tin should lead whut MIm Amies Turner Chluiko, III , has to y "Overwork, Irregular meal and tare lisue regarding Die ordlnar) rules nf health, grudiiall) undermined ll tin III lut full I In i ante a wreck of m) ormer self I suffered from inntlnu i headache, wa unable tu digest m fund, which seemed to la) a a dead weight un in) stomuih 1 wa very iiinstlpated and m) lomplexlon be eume dark )ellnw and mudd) a 1 felt Hleepleasnisw wa added lu ni) misery, mid I would nwaka a tired ns when I went In sWi I heard of Chamberlain' Tablets and found such relief after taking them that I kept up the treatment for nearl) two month. The) ileunaed mj stomach, Invigorated my sjstem, and since thnt lime 1 can eat and sleep In comfort I am toda) entlrel) well Advt Please Take Notice The uuiiiiul meeting nf the Cuibon Count) Chuptir of the Amrrliun Ited Crom will be held Wedlieiulu), Ot lober I 123, 1918 nt 8 o'clock at the tubernaile! fur the election of un executive ium milled consideration of and a. tins i upon the reports of lommltteq, Itamuicllon of such IiuhIiicws as muy propel I) come lieore the i hupter and amendment or sutmtllutton of lolaw. Kach member of the i hapter I I earnesll) urged In bn present The executive mmmltteo In I'rli'e la lomposed of five member and the chairman, vice thulrmun, secretar) 'and treusurer .are membeha ex. officio of this rnmmltlen. The mm 'mlttee, which will be elected at the annual mieHng. wilt appoint the officers of the chapter, and nlsu the chairman nf each principal committee I CAItOMNK OIl.MOUlt, Becretap i On thousaiid of farms throughout the cutover secilc the most vital problem In normal times Is how to get , unproductive land cleared so tharrtf will brine In rin Increrfse at revenue Democratic Ticket Congrctilonsl, Senatorial and County Hi presi ntiitlvc In Congress I MILTON II W'BLLtNO , llnx Klder Count) Judge of the .Suprt mr Court HAMUKL It Tlll'KMN Salt Uike Count) VALKNTIVH (IIIIKON Weber County A VJ W'HHKK Halt IJike County Itipresintnllve In the Slate finile WlliLIAM T UUMIMI 1-Yiery Count) lleprrsentatlvc in Hie I.tgislature J K IIOLM Bunnysldo Cnmnil.lonr, Four Years ' W W CLYDK htorrs ContinUsloni r. Two iar MMfL OSTLU.N'I) Utah Mluo County Clerk If C SJIITH Price Tr usurer ii h uoiiiNrrrr Prlcn ' ItoconUr ' MIlK. LBH fi THOMAS Krnrield Asror liaVTON ILX.N'DOI.PH Price Sheriff THOMAS V KBI.rKIl Winter Quarter Altoruc) OI.IVKIt K IUY lltlpcr i Sun e) or i OTTO HKItltKS lllawalhii Adtirllsi incut Adlet One Cent I'rr Wonl Ivach lu.crilou No Charge Aeronnta KOH HAI.IC CHKAP tl7 IIUICK mr Owner i,oing to war Addre llnx til. Price. Utah LOST IN I'HICK, PII.CK OK KM. broldered linen Cinder please re turn It to C K Wood' nffUe POlt KALK OLD NKW8PAPKHB I.N' bundle of a hundred Tniul)flv c tut the bundle The Bun I'Olt BALK KAIItllANIvH-MOltHK peclul electrln slX'horse power en glue Oood os new with fixture pul Ips belting flu up Tli Bun I'Olt IU.NT WI.8T IIOOM IN Till. Mile building, alter October 1st Modem and het location In Prlie In quire nf H C Mile. HKntAMIO Oil HTOI.KN..O.NI. IIA. mure, black mime and tall, tar in forehead'und white hind feet ltrmid ed rlrcle over J K Tin dollar re. ward Tony flerakls Hunnxlile LOBT llltOWN l.KATHKIt BL'IT i use contalnliig flock of new dresnee between Price nnd Mnhrland either on the Huntington or the lllttik llnwk road Helurn lo Annie J llrdle Price. Utah FOIt I.KA8K FOlt TKHM OK MJATIB On sharra or for cash rent un Improved land within ten minutes walk of Trice Owner w furnish sed und other neceanarlea and give long lease Address llox 4tt Prlie. Utah I.ONO TF.ItM LKABK CONHIDUIIKI) I Ninety fet front b two hundred and fourteen feet In depth, Bouth Flghth "Nreel, Price Also forty feet , f nint b) averago of eighty feet depth at rorner of Main and Tenth itreeti It W Crockett r 1IUTTKH WHAl'l'lHtS ONI HUN dred, fl 60, iwo hundred, IS :&, five hundred, tl 00, one thousand. II 60 iJirger quantities we will fig. lire on Knclosa cash with order, as It will save express or pared vtt charges Postage for ono hundred lo three hundred wrappers, five cents, three hundred fo ono thousend, ten cents. Nothing but the best parch ment paper and jcial Ink that Is not affected by salt J grease The Bun, Price, Utah, a i Elite Jewelry Co. Large Assortment of Watches, Wedding Rings and Solid Gold Jewelry piTICA.L DEPAHTMENT The same Instruments usetfin mnklnp, ex iiminrtt.ona ns nre used by nil specialists In the Inrgc cities. YOUIt MONEY REFUNDED IF THE GLASSES WE FIT ARE NOT SATISFAC TORY. M'ATCII KIOPAIKINC; Equal to fnctory work. Only genuine f.ictor mntcrlnls used. Eko Theatre BIdg. Price, Utah I Baby GranF ' J Price, Utah. Cur In stock nt Price A pleasure tn demonstrate either l,et us how them In von Delivered nn)vhrre In Carbon nnd I'merv coun ties wi: ti:ai ii thi: nt m it to uitm: .Mrrm: foft cn ('EOItfiE A. NIXON,,I)cnlcr, Price, Utah i NEW STYLES IN GIRLS' COATS aU i iiiim i in m v rsmM - -Asm MJmtmui If Hie ci'neral effect of Its stylo U Komi and Iho nuitirlal of which It i mnrtV reliable, there Is not much moro to be riiitlrii of Hie fall coal for jout'B girl. The waion calls for quiet Milnrs hligc, tostor, brown alone I with blue, krein and blnrk and white I mlxturr. 'Hie converllblo titllar ofi fur or fur fabric tint! n narrow bill I re almost luviirlubly present. Why We Are So Busy It's because We nre rlvlni? The Sen Ice. i Just nou we nre hnvlnk' a run on oats, mixed chicken feed, bran nnd shorts nnd Tip Top I lour. The Reason Our prices are riKht. The tfoods are the best. I Of course e have a fine line or salt, hay, beans nnd other produce with snme sen ice and prices. Price Commission Co; United States Food Administration License No O U3t PHONE III Pmc mAU Dependable Vulcanizing Wi are eiiilipiil ulth standard viilinnlui und with men who kmiiv how tu uae them A re paired lite l iimiiiII) the worr) et nn iiiitiiniiiblllsl OUR METHOD . seiuieH his Kood fulth and iimfi dime lu nur work We du not hurr) but we do vuluable work Our vuhunlilnir Is an art Hist Me are proud In demonstrate u nit) whn Is rubber Price Rubber Works S. W. Goldinir J. It. Goltliu& ' Propiietors if" iiii should wake UP "ine nlKht in llml'lh Huns ut )our window what wouldn't )n Klve tu have p. compan) ef doiiKhlMi)a at )our call? Al most two million Ynnks are five thousand miles uwn) driv Iiik the Oermuns farther from )our window 1'OHRVKH These Iwjs need ammiinl Hon, Runs, food and elothluK lour Kovornment hna asked )ou to nd nil the money )u tan spare to supply )our de fenders, ImaKlne Ihoea fa lit )our window and HI!. bert) Honda Toda) UTAH-IDAHO MOTOR CO. O. Oj HOItNKIt, Bale Mansger U JM.U.OVI), Office Manseer Phono 171 North Ninth fit, Prjce I' Mil j. w. iiAMioNf. mci:nwii An- STItACrKK or TITM-S. Abstracts of tltlo furnished to sny piece or tract In Kastorn Utah Insurance written In the beat com punles ilolnic business In the "'', Heal estate, bonds, etc around fior' (lulilon Itule liullillng Ugal blanks of every d'-' ''!!? arranged from the best leesl fr'"., and brought down to dale, A supply always on hand Klfty cnU " dosen. The Bun.