Newspaper Page Text
P PAGE TWO TtlF. tam. PnifE. UTAH-EVERY FRIDAY . OCTOBER 18,J018 I Iff SHEEP SALES WEAK AT If ; ABOUT TEN CENTS H' WER B i DCT I'AI OM'.s IIOI.DINO MlkMl H ' AT Vt.1 l XII..VI. B J rmllne liiiiln Plentiful nml outlet V i flood i llic I'lrinlllns: lrli of j" TmiIii1 V-H-nlj.l'lw lii Tlilrtitii m ' lift) Cuttle I'lnMi Ciin.lileriilily H A lit low Nilntloii ' Qiiiiinllniin. B ( Th Bun 8e Inl Brrv I. e KANMAH flTi Mil. Oil II H Cattle flnWied ll week iwetill Hit '' " "" ""'l1" lower fur ihnweek. T - except m. which milil mmrwhiit H vt , Mroimcr Itftilpm tmlHV tliirtj -fif Ka'i thousand tinil unit market lnw anil Blf weak. l'ow tni t lweiil-flv .cut B'!'- lower nnd im prime- nleer offered ;,'' IlofCK iIumhI hut week r itollnr ; il J lower Mnrkel leil l ten rent 1 lower tiln Tup ll Ot IlerclpU H i twelve tliiiiiMinil lieoil I'nt ahcep H and himb helil up hIhiiiI atetuly hut 5 week, tlioiiKh there w n Mimll loin K m Thurdn nnd I'rldn) Mnrket atwvdy B ll ', to ten centii Inwei twin) llest 'jf western lamb are worth nround Hi , II MS. (.'nttlo rutin hiivr been eX- B It ' cepllimnlly hcv fur Hie Inat U H If week, nml wllle Hi" millet In emitm- H ( ( out, tile alltintlnii ha developed ion- B ' klderahte vtmkiuiM lnt week B . price were Hie low rat iif the aeiiM.n bV . airent nil mw nml .miner. The ,; uncertiiln nai outlook In n dl.turliliiK 4 factor nml work toward wenktir ! A few lot nf irlme Mrer arrive i from time to time nml aril urniiml h 119, 00. hut other feil Meer liliike tip the limal f the upd nf Rood ,1 cattle. Theee Mil nt 115 00 In l 75 Oram Meer hrltiK It 50 In 111 50. lu- t eludlnk" mine Colnrndo OreKon lieef ( teer reiently np in II 00. uniwi eowa nell nl f 7 50 tn 110 00. iiuilirri. I .00 to t 75 nml eiiln If 00 tn 113.(0 Pmkeinute not iiimpetlnit I mtiell for feeilern mm lleretofole. and rnuntr) KnnleA nitinniihitetl litet week wllli ilnnltiK prlree llilrtj -fln . to eentj-fle letilK itniler the iliiw I of the tirexliiiiK week Triule wim lin- I aen lotln with n lower temleni 1 fltork ntern 17 00 to III 50. feeilern It,50 tn 111 00 mill nloi'k town nml heifer l 40 tn IN 75 DfdlnliiK miirkeiH lme the effet of drnwlnic In llheral eiippllen nf h0. Hull twit week eexenlMwo I thouMinl elx hunilreil hmul, fhe i thounnnil mote tlimi In the previous wetk and thlrt-fnur ihouauil more i than In the wime week hint er Ail I, , outnUlc unler lni)r imhl 111.05 for . two lonilM of meillumwelKht hoK mul if packer pnl.l up to $1H00 for thnlce Ifl hea" welnlit Top IIkIiIh 117 75 ' Jlulk or wtle 117 35 In 117 55 Ktork 2 pK cloxeil Innt week 1150 tn 3 00 It lower with fiilrl) llhelul nfferlUKK, JJV and Mien loiln Mlo nIIkIUI) ntroliKT in at M3.50 tn 1100 f Hhaep wlen were wek to ten "l,V ctnti lowei tniln), due to extra heavy 1.1 runa at Omnhn unit ChUn". Ileet ' weitern Inmlm nre worth iirnuml ,V 115,35. mul native 113 50 In III 75. if Kt aheep nre hnlilln nteiul) ut l 35 T to l 50. IVeilhiK Umlw ri plonll- BfffjiL.. S (ul nml the nutlet In 'mI nl prevnll- Ll I Inf price. 113 75 to 113 50. for Hf ' deilratiln weiiterii feedltiK lmnb. k ' retdlnirew en bring l 00 In 17 50 nml MmI p ' wrdern breeder l 00 tn 114 00. BnL' ' now Tin: i'ackiihs iii:i.i"io EB .;, win tiii: oui:T WAit V 3 'CHICAtlO, Oil 14 Amerhmi Niik K W era are doliiK fur m re limn merel) LIXi U furnUhlnk meat foodii In the ldlei LB (Mi! P and "llir nf the United HlHleR mid mi t hr alllc. noiordlnK tn l H Ohiirclf f ,! hill, advlMir) euperlntimleut for i r r local purklnif huuie. wlm ndilreMd LB?UCi L " Amerlouh meat pinker' innven- ! ,1 1 Hon tmln) 'The Ki'liNiit pulilli' K(V. 1 J reallie little nf tin work tlmt t'lo 9 i J r pucker I doing tn win 'Hie witr." wild LwLl t V Churchill. "We rre furulnhlug u K J great drnl rf miiterlul for the ninnu HKtT m facture of muulllouM, Iniludlng LIBj!' X Clycerlue, potunh nud Httlphurli mid. LIQK' 1 ur neepkln nre lined tn niunu HMBl fecturn enldproof runt Kvery pound Mn ( 'i of wool thut we hne I taken hy )K the government n font we produce LB ifii 'H ,( ftni1 "" ,,rl, l f""',l ,0 ,l" B"w Bf: crnment. Theie Inn't n pound of FT itock food manufactured today that Hv n li not being ued to help win the war, OH it tcBT,ee ;; zzz i i,ut we,hl n ll,e m b ftocH ())At I hatllv needed rr " i f if aoldler and rallor. i' l 'The ton of feiltllter vvhUli we m , ' rnanufactiire aid In urowliiK more B eropi that will be used later to feed '.: ! more soldier to fight the llun Ol'ie J71 . hca Ita ue. Honp certainly la a big t;r , ltm, Albumen I another highly Im ! ', portant product It I now ued In 15' ' the oontrucllon of aeroplane There Hi m are alio many other product, too f 'V numerous lu mention, not one of '''' : which, I believe, do not have an lm H., W portant plain In Hie conduct of the H rar, Wo believe In Riving rretllt H i si where credit I due, and I want to ay M J u that our labor ha performed cheer B i I II fully the Blunt talk net fcr u by the I ftod admlnUtrutlon N" inter ha HB i V been too big no Job ton overwhelming BB M. ,J tor them iteeognltlon nf thin will- .' 13 Ingnets to orvo ha reunited In nn In HM tvl oteaia for mala labor totaling more M ; ' n than 100 per cent since February, ' , (K, in the com of our female help HI "fi , ijl the Inereane ha been even greater, M li ' ' tbli help now receiving 1C5 per rent Mi T mora than In 11" fl' t To take onre of the war btuinoM, 'fy ' Churchill ld that ull (Mtrker In HM i M the country had been forced to build M Jt new freexern and building of Jfi fi every denorlptlon at a i-ot of two t 5 tothree time greater than pre-war , '5 COit Ho paid tribute tn the gov- K 1 ernment Impectorn nf the bureau k j , of animal Industry and of the army BU I .4 who elect the meat, nnd uld LValfU) ifl "In addition to the (afeguraid that SaKi n till I to the aoldler and ullor. It I LwJaW 'fir a Mfegunrd to u It Mfeguard u !? Hii from attack from thono who for their LW"wl'BI own personal agurandlxement or for I fitB other reasona may seek to criticize B j unjuitly one of the few Induitrles that M B in tne early days of the war, and up K to the preeent time, ha continued to I I I A . . : -j . ri.Yiii: Hi loinriitli' onilnro I'or t'oiuinU- loner, l"our-rur Trrip. W W 'l)de lvve at Htorre, when for mole limn four rwt now he hn held th li-Hiltlon of ililrf engineer for Hie Hpring 'iinjnii Conl iumpan) rrevlmi to hla Homing to Curbon iiintv. Im hw einplo)ed b I'tuh 1'iwir and Light rompnio nt Kprlng-villi- He I n graduate of the t'lnh Hi hool of Mlnee nnd stand lit the head if hi profeerlon n a civil and i-on-htiih tlmi engineer HI profrmlou evpnlnll) fllH him for n nullity mm uilniiourr he having n prmtli-nl and IhoroiiKh k'owlrdg of load Inillillng mid bridge work He I n demotrut of the Woodrow WlUnu Mhool nud the nomination for the place to w hli li he mimed at the iHilliiinllon of thoo who Im-pI knew lile iUHliriin lion lor the office -Hippl) out government wllh whnt II wanted, u II wnuled II, when It wh Kiilid, wllhoiit quibble n to prli e "That I a record of which we ulioulil be ploud, geliiremeli II ileiiinnidiHle Unit we nr doing nut uur bll, but our full chute toward winning Ihl wnr, doing II (hrerfiitl) wllllngl) nnd hiM-uure we ale ,n thU war to win Am) to win, our soldier ItlliKl ta fil and fed wllh good fond Mvi).CItit Crnl WimiI. Ilrliirn me beginning to iinno lu on Hie I lx wool clip Ait.. tiling to nnnouut-iinrnl iiiiide nt Vertml. tin wool Mild from I'lulali ount will average about lt irlitx u poHlid iloverumenl apprnlrei are now at work plaelng Hie vnlue of the VMrloti wool ehlplnent The rllp frinn Hmt oiintl nvtrage hlghei than the wim, feiiind elM-wheie In t'tah, n i lip from other eitloli of the state have rent lied a value of mill flfl)-two ienl h pound for Hie high mark I'olloii I ln. of Xenial have etrlvel Ho lilghet ruling of nn) t'tah wool Up and a value of MvO-rlntil lent u pound I plaied on Ihelr uhlinueul Thin I n ill. (lint leiogulllou of the superior!!) of the wool Rrowu lu Hint mm lion nud Hie rare tnktn of the hrep The i-omblnril WihiI lllimiMU from Ahle Valle this mshhiii I eotlitmtid nl light hundred tlnmainl liouuiU No Itcnwin for Inin-nx1. The total wool illp of the I'nlted Hlnte for till rtr I entlmated nl two huiidrid nnd nluet million ol liouuiU. with hii npproxhnate value of 1170.000 00 Ho. n W W. Mil'lure. eiretar of the National Woolgrower,j eeeoilntlou. . It I hard to een how there tan be Hilt ehortage KlghlV in r tent of the lli I now In llo-tmi, MaMk and the nt U on II hii) there In mi nothing of ImmeiiM iiiHiitltle ntnreil InAumriilla and the Hnlith Amrtlui, wi the mining if iloihlug prliee on HMiHIIlt of H)hgel WimiI shortage I intlrel) uuiiilleil for lu Hie l'il uil there I oul) five dollMr worth of wool The Importation of wool Into Ihl runll I about the enine i. larl )eur sliiirnigv l llelleviil. The Denver and llln riruuile hn re lieved Hie iloiiblediM k ear hm luge for Heber Valle) shiepmeii mid mmiv ale I elug shlppi d In w Inter range There wlm a shorlaga In Wivlerti t'olorado wlne sheep whileled In Ktrin t'lah, but (hat slluiillnn ha ii Ik i bien ileal id up, mid laige herd nte arriving lit llleen Itlver to ) luriied iHH-e on the Hall llnfwel range wiiith of time Huperlntendeiit l,u ke savh freight ear shortage, tspei'lally lu the line of douhledetk vara, have bent i-ommnn over the Hiiinto. but b) judlilou mmiagnmcnt In tolleitlon and usrlgnment nt tliee ear, cmbar rusolng Ituatluiii havr beiu avoided WITH Till". I.IVK STOCHMrN' OP THIS SUCTION Ol' ITA 1 1 """ The Khlpmeut of Iioixm and mule tu the sent of wnr from Amcrloa. whbh W4 stopped for n while. Is now In lug resinned In the belief that from now on the cavalry will have an Im portant art to plav I'irireu million pound of the 191 wool irop have bttn retelved from ftah aniildlng the federul reserve iMilhtln for Oi tuber Of these mnmilitt ouh 10 per tent had been graded and puld for nn September lt. the re mainder living stored In warehouse Hi able, believed to have originated II a band of Hhetp broughl to lltnh from Idaho, ha been dl4overel In a small herd near Hrlgham nij T U 1'hh an inspet'tor for the I'nlted Ktatea biirrau of nnlmnl tudustr), has advised an lnimellule dipping, whlih will be repealed In propel time to Im- erfeetlve In eradicating the ma lad). Hulne production within tli stale has Increased threefold during the last jear ai cording to a statement b I)r It N Mend, li elinrge of the Utah, animal Inspection depurlment At present t'tah fnrmer are raising enough pork to supply the wants nf the entire slate llefore the war 80 per lent of the pirk eaten In I'tah was inirted Henry llnxln say. In the New York Win Id, that from Jumitry Ut tn A;rll 1st the hospital for the use of the American war horse received one thousand three hundred patient of whlth one thousand two hundred wero tomplcfly cured and returned to (Continued on page eight ) CARBON COUNTY DEMOCRATS PLEDGED TO BETTER WATER, EDUCATION AND PUBLICITY The municipalities within this (Carbon) County arc greatly in need of better water for domestic purposes, and in order w procure it, expenditures will have to be made of moneys in ex cess of the maximum nmount that can now be lawfully rnisca by reason of the existing legal limitation. We, therefore, favm legislative changes in the existing laws providing for greater latitude in voting bonds for raising funds for obtaining desir able water for municipal purposes, and to this end we pledge the efforts of our nominee for representative to the legislature. We point with pride to the excellent schools as now estab lished and maintained within our prosperous and highly favored county. It shall ever be our purpose to improve our educational facilities in order that every child may be afforded on opportun ity for such mental and manual training as will fit him and her to ably perform the duties of citizenship in this greatest and best of all nations. We pledge our candidates for county commissioners, if elect ed, to make publication in some one of the county newspapers it list of all claimB allowed and disallowed at all of the meetings of the commissioners. In this day taxpayers have not the time nor the inclination to make personal search of the county records. Carbon County Democratic Platform. (Advertisement). .- ... - r- r -!T NOTICE OK SALE FOR SPECIAL TAXES Notice i hereby kivcii tl at jpcual taxes for Mtlewalk are due and uu paid in amount and upon land ut lorlh and iWcnticil in the ilclimiucnt lint hereto attached, anil unless l taxc together with the cost m puhli ration are tmiil on or before thi 'll day of October. A T) 19 IP, the ictl protirrl) upon which Midi tixe an a lien vvitl on said day be sold for taxi. eotU of ailvcrtivini; and expu e of sale at the south front door of t'lly Hall at Price. Utah. bcninntiiK at the hour of I o'clock p m of said ila. and continuing until all of jhI parcels shall have been sold J A Mathis. patt of lllolk 21. t'TS. M-1'4 feci licRinniuK southeast ror tier Illock 21. tliencc north 2Wi frrt. thence west HAVi feel, thence south IMM feel to Might of Way, thence southeast along Kight nf V 110 ftet to hcKinning. U')2 Crank (.rosso. iart of Illock 27 V I.S, 70 feci, commencing Ut) (eel west of southeast corner of Illock 27 thence west 70 feet, thence north 2Ult feel, thence eas 70 led. thence mhiiIi 214 feet to licginnmu. SlfiJ. S SilvaiiKl. part of Illock 27 I' I' s ll'i feel, commencing I"!1 Jcct east of southwest comer Illock 27. Ilirini cast 1444 feel thence north I.W4 Uct thence west 414 feet, tliencv south IJW'4 feit lo hcRlnning, $1"SI () I Harmon. wrl ol Illock 10 I' I 2W fret commencing at the northwest corner Illock 10. I Inner rs, 211' , feet, thence soitlh 21 1't fret thence west 2I4,4 feci, thence north 2I4'4 feet to hcRinninR. StKI . Herman II llorslc). part of Iihwk I, local siirvc). Sec Hi. Twp USouili Kangc 10 east., connncncing nnrlli west corner Illock I. llicnoc last 2t17 feel, thence south 211 ieet. thence west 2M77 feel, thence north 211 "K feet to hcglnning. 22i 78 II I lewis. Mit of Illock l'. I'T S 2I4Mi feet licuinuiug at the north west corner Illock 10. ihcncc cast 2l4'i feet, tinner south 2l4Mi feet, ihcncc west 2I4'4 fed. thence north 2I4H feel to licginniiiK. WJR utnnio llruno, part of Illock 19, V, PS- 0 feet, hrKiuniUK H'l1 feet wist of the northeast cortur Illock 10 thence west 50 feet, thence south 2II'4 feil thence east 0 feel llisnce north 2llW feet to beginning Js2..lR Isahclla Houcr. part of llhwk 20. V I'S. 222 feel beginning at the north west corner of Illock 20. Ihcun south ti7l feel, thence eM lll fed llience south 40 fiet. Ihcncc east M' feel ihencr north 107 W feet, thence wist W4 feet to licizinninu. $103 J I ('arhnn l'ounl fontmlssion Co. part of Lot 2. Illock 41. I'TS. 25 ful conimcneniK I32Mi feci cast of the southwest comer Illock 41 Ounce north H7Vi feet. Ihcncc cast 2s led. Ihcncc south IVtt fed. Iltenci west 25 fict. to hcKinnmi:. $3140 Dole Turner, ct al, part of Lot 2, Illock 40. I'TS. ciuht feet, coiumcnr iuk US fed nnilh of southwest cor ner Illock 40, thence cast 100 fed. Ihcncc north ciht fed. thence west 100 feet, Ihcncc south ciu'ht fed to licwnnitiE, $8 10. rh6ma l-iUKcrald. part of It,V Rlock 26 I'TS ciKtityaKht feet. coiiuuencintr se'venty-five feet west of the northeast corner. Illock 26. ihcttrc south 150 feel, thence west eighty, ciuht feet, thence north 10 feet, ihcncc cmhly ciRht fed lo hcinmni;, $1040 Trunk (irosso, part of Illock 37, 1 lS. commencing at the northwest coiner Illock 37. thence south 214ft feci, thence cast 214'.4 fed Ihcncc north 2144 feci, thence west 2I4VJI feel to hceinnine. $I2H07 Thomas I'llpccrald, part of Illock 42 I'TS sixtv (est. commrnciiiK at I southwest corner. Illock 42 thence I cast sixty feet, thence norlh H2'4 ftvt, thence west sixty fed. thence south WH feet to hcRinmnK. $s027 Carhan lounty Cniumisstou Co.' lart of Illock 6. local survey Sic 16.! Twp 14. South ItaiiRC 10 cast com-1 mcncniK at northeast corner Illock 6.1 Ihcncc south 150 feet, thence vvesi IR0, feet. Ihcncc north 171 feet, thence east 18014 feet to liiKinninK. $72 6.1 Carhon County Commission Co ' Hoy llenfer. Alfred Ciramcs. ncl of, Illock 6 local survey Sec 16, Twp 14 South, HaiiKe east, commencing 150 fed south of northeast comer Illock 6 thence west 180 feet thence south M) feet thence cast 180 feet. Ihcncc north 0 feet to bcRinnink'. $33 SI Ijwrcncc Johnson commencinv; 111-98 feet norlh of southwest corner Illock 1. local survey, Sec 16. Twp 14 South, Mange 10 cast, thence cast 10714 feet, thence north 50 feet, thence west 1074 feet, tliencc south 50 fe-t lo beginning, fifty feet, $43 OS Isador Hesselbcrg, part of Illock 27 P.T.S., 38V feet, commencing north' cast corner, Illock 27, thence west 1744 feel, thence south 2144 feet, Ihcncc cast 174ft feet, thence north 2144 fed. thence cast 1744 feet, Ihcncc north 214ft feet to beginning. John A, part ol Illock .20, I' PS. 107ft feet, commencing 1071 feet west of southeast corner block .20 thence north 2144 feet, Ihcncc 'west I07'4 fed. thence south 214ft I fed, thence cast 107M feet to bcRin ning. $5083 Herman II llorslcy, part of Block 1 local survey. Sec 16 Twp 14 South Hangc 10 cast, commencing at southwest corner of Hlock 1, thence north 11198 feet, thence cast 1074 fed, Ihcncc north 100 feet, thence cast 1074 feet, thence south 21198 feel, thence west 2144 feet to begin ning. $29091 Oscar Hanson, part of Illock 2. lo cal surve. Sec 16. Twp 14 South, Hanuc 10 east, commencing north west rornrr Illock 2. tliencc cast 160 fed. ihrnee south 110 feet, thence west Kid fed. thence north 110 feet to hrttiuning'. balance $1.2' J S Mathis. part of Illock 20. I'T S I07W feet, commencing 107 1-4 feet cast of southwest comer Illock 20, thence cast I07'i feel, thence north 2114 frt. Ihcncc west 107s feel, ihcncc siHilh 2144 feet to hKinninK. 531V . J S Mallu. part of Illock 20. I'T s 321 3-1 feet, beginning al south west rorner Illock 20, Ihcncc cast I0li fed. thence norlh 2144 feet, Ihencr west 107ft feet, tliencc south 2144 fid to beginning $0707 Dnwnanl Dootrv. part of Illock 42. I'TS 107 li feel, commencing at northwest enrmr of Illock 42, Ihcncc rust 07's fret ihcncc south twcnt.v five fed. thence west I07U frrt, ihcnci norlh Iwcntv-fivc fret lo be Kinniug. $43 M tteorKC A Mxon part of Illock 10. local mrvi). Sec 16. Twp 14 South, Kangc 10 cast, beginning 210 feel south of tlir northeast corner Illock 111, thence west 22 feet, tliencc south sixtv fed, Ihcncc west 200 feet, llincc south JOi) fret, Ihcncc east 420 fed, thence north 40 fed lo begin limit. $101 67 Hen Cwylhcr. Mil of Illock 10, lo cal survey, Sec 16, Twp 14 South, Uangc II) cast, beginning at south east corner Illock 10, thence north 220 fed. tliencc west 113.59 fed, thence south 220 feci, thence east 113 50 red lo beginning $28201 M I' Harmon. rt of Illock 18 I' I'S. 375 feet, beginning at northwest comer Illock 18 ihencr east 2144 I fret. Ihcncc sotilh 2144 fed, thence wcst 844 fcvl Ihcncc norlh fifty four fed. thence west 130 feel, iliinrc north lf.04 feet to licginuin. $39968 Stcvr I'otschmt, wrt of Illock 31. JI'TS. fifty fed. commencing 1144 feet south of northwest corner Illock 31, Ihcncc cost 2144 fed, Ihcncc south fift) frrt, thrucc west 2144 feet, thence north fift) feet lo be ginning, $14 69 (irosso & Miilillcton. part of Illock 31. I'TS. fifty fed, commencing at 1644 fed south ol northwest comer Hlock 31. Ihcncc east 2144 fed. Ihcncc south 50 feet, thence west 2144 i'."!. thence north fifty feet to begin nlng. $57 6. ('. N Ktchetiame, part of Hlock 30, PTS. 321 3-4 fed commencing at northeast corner .Hlock 30, thence south 2144 fed thence west I07U fed, Ihcncc north 2144 fed. thence tast I07U fcrt lo beginning. $44 31 Albert Hrncr, part Hlock 29 I'T S , 42) feet commencing at southeast corner Hlock 29, thence west 2144 feet, thence north 2144 feet, thence east 2144 fed. tliencc south 2144 feet to beginning, $67 38 Sam SKitaforr, pari of Hlock 2 I T S . (S J Powell AiM'ii) Sec 21.) Twp II South, Kangc 10 cast, commencing 103 fcrt south of northeast rornir Hlock 2 thence west 2144 fed. Ihcncc south lift feet, thence east 2144 feet, thence north fift) feel to beginning. $6 82 I Lugi llatticclh, part of Hlock 2. P rS. (S J Powell. Additional) Sec 21. I'vvp 14 Sotilh. Kangc 10 east, commencing 253 fret south of north 'cast comer, Illock 2, thence west 2144 feel, thcne&outh fifty feet, Ihcncc tast 2144 feet', thence north fifty feet to beginning, $41 04 Lawrence Wlutmore, pari of S J Powell Additional L S Sec 21. I'wp 14 South Kangc 10 cast beginning al 2644 fcrt north of southeast corner, of the southwest quarter of norlh. west qiiarttcr of Sec 21. thence north 215 feet, thence vvet 430 fed. thence south 215 feet, thence east 430 feet to bcflinning. $180.55 Tomato Jaquiuta. part of S J Pow ell Additional, L, S. Sec 21, Twp 14 South Kangc 10 cast, beginning 204 fed north of southeast corner of the southwest quarter of northwest quar ter, Sec.21, thence west 2144 feet, oto I'or I OLIVER K. CLAY of Helper Dcmod-nttr Nomine r'nr tonnlj Mtoniry of Carbon County. thence norlh fifty feet tliencc cast 2144 feet, thence south fifty fed to beginning. $43 56 C II Archer and wife fart of S J Powell Addition. L S, Sec 21, Twp. 14 South, Kangc 10 east, beginning 494 feet west and 494 feet north of southeast corner of southwest quar ter of northwest quarter. Sec 21, Ihcncc northl044 feet, tliencc west 2144 feet Ihcncc south 1014 fed, thence east 2144 fed, to beginning, $-';-26 II 1. Lewis, part of Illock 19. I' I S, 2144fcit beginning at northwest corner Hlock 19. thence cast 2144 feet, thence south 2144 feel, thence west 2144 fed, thence north 2144 feet lo beginning, $76.55, C II Lmpey, part Hlock 37, PTS 429 feet commencing at northwest corner Hlock 37, thence south 2144 fed. tliencc east 2144 feet, thence north 2144 feet, ihcncc west 2144 fed lo beginning, $279 85 N t Christenscn, part of Hlock 7. L. S Sec 16, Twp 14 South, Kangc 10 cast, commencing 200 1 8 feel norlh of southwest corner Illock 7, tliencc east 210 fed, tliencc north fif ty feit, Ihcncc west 210 fed thence south fifty feet to beginning, $27,4s I eo Leonard, part of Illock 2 PT S.. (S J Powell Addition) See 21 Twp 14 Soiilh, Kangr 10 cast, begin nlng eight) -four feet norlh ol south east corner Hlock 2. thence west 180 feet, thence soulh ten fret theme west 314 fed. thence north R44 feet, thence east 2114 feet, thence south 714 feet to beginning. $176 81 M ( Davidson, part Illock II local siirvc). Sec 1 6, Twp 14 South Kangc 10 cast, beginning 340 frrl norlh of southwest corner Hlock II, thence east I to feet ihcncc north fort) fid thence west 1511 feel thence south fort) fret to beginning. $.13 42 t atalan, part Hlock II, local stir v) See 16, Twp 14 Soiilli, Kangc 10 iat. comtiHncing 4i0 feet north of southwest vomer Hlock II ihencr east fift) feel, thence norlh eight) right feel, thence west fifty frrl Ihcncc south eight) rigid fed to In ginning. $73 47 Jesse Jnhnslun. part of Illock 7. local survey. See 16. I'wp 14 South Kauge 10 cast, commencing 210 feet soulh of northeast rornrr Hlock 7, Ihcncc west 210 feet, thence south tn D-itine fceU. Ihcncc cist 210 feci, Ihrnee nnrlli fiflvmne fed to In Xinmug. $ril 01 (arlos (.undersoil and I Ol.on part of Hlock II (II P Sub) Sec 16 I'wp 14 South. Kangc HI cast. b,gm mng 121 frd south ol northwest cor ncr Hlock II. thence east Ion fed llience soulh 2sO feel, lluncc wrst 160 feel, thenre north 250 frd tinner west M) feel, tliencc norlh 2M( fvrt 10 beginning. 2"0 feel. $2(8.s7 rmanul I'.hmadakv part or llloik 11 local survr) (II I' Sub) Sic Id. Iwp 14 Soulh. Kange 10 east In gin mng 371 fid south of norlhwot cor ncr Hlock II. tin nee asi IM) fed '"nrc "tli fifty feci, thenci west 160 feet. 4hencc north fifty feci to tn ginning fifty feel. $11 81 Carlos (.undersoil, part Hlock II local survey, Sec, 16. Twp 14 South. Kangc 10 cast, beginning at north west corner Hlock 11 thence south tliirlyeight feel, tliencc cast 160 fret, Ihcncc easl to Price Canal, thence northwest along the canal 100 fcrt more or less, thence west lo begin ning, $29 39 Carlos (iumlcrson and 1 Olson part of Hlock 11. local survey (II I'1 Sub) Sec 16. Twp. 14 South, Kangc, 10 Cast, beginning 421 fed south of northwest corner Illock II, tliencc I can 160 feel thence south 300 fed , thence west IM) feet, thence north 300 fed to beginning $26945 Virginia Honvincin, part of niock II. local survey, Sec 16, Twp 14. Soulh Kange 10 cast, commencing 380 feet north of southwest corner Hlock II. thence east 150 feet, thence norlh forty fret, thence west 150 feet tlit lice soulh forty feet lo beginning, forty feet $3326. Prank (.rosso, part Hlock 26 PT S. forty fed. commencing 120 fed west of northeast cornrr Hlock 26 Ihcncc south HO fed, thence west for I) feel thence norlh 150 fed thence east fori) fed lo beginning. $101 12 K J IVhrson part Hlock II local siirvi) (K, School Sub) See 16. Iwp 14 South. Kangc 10 east, com cncing 260 fret north of sruthwest comer Hlock II. thence ial ISO f,,t thence north forty fed, thence west no fret, thence sooth forty feet to bginmng. $5 37 H 1 McDonald, part Ilfock 7, PT Ss. S 16. IWp H South, Kange 10 al. eighteen fed. $1663 .''i1''1,91 ,,r"c- u"'. H" 9th day of October. A I) 198 y I M I MS -. '" I'nsuRr '' V,e ,.ru,h ""'J be dhioovered Probably It would be. found that one reason why n woman live longer than uMZI '. I"" " doean- "pay any attention to tatltlc. r ntorosKo AMgNnmnrr to thi cov I .A,rkrr.vr.'f,ri:'cfe'c I iuu f Ut.h. rUtfc( u lr.iYw,if 1 I itnptlons. 4 m Bt It rnln4 fcr ttw Ltlitttr f iv. .. F f VUh, twtwtSlrdi ( l tit wt.VttT.i-!! I t Uatt tonrorrlm lhtf.1 "" I Stttten 1. TV. Lf hltlnrt tti.l) jr, w l.w unirrra sni eqwl r.u cf u,n7i? nd UMllon n .11 yrxtrtr In ih, sit!" tttiint lo IU lt In Mtgir, .nl .K.rJT tetlbtkr tn.rl l i(k ttnlttUii u ,K Murt Jott Mlattltn fr kntln JTl repttlr, tfc.l rtnr tni ,JL2 "? itPtJ ", U "rllin uTS Vila hit. htr r Ita rotrt tntiui Sfisl . J-tdutllon .f J.blt fV.m trrtlu .uT athatltnli ProrM.4 fartktr. Th.l urLT ntr r th unit4d stfw.. j o,, juj; 22: Ik., title, town,, uUl Usrltli, ..'.lK Erdkm d pahllt IIrrlH. Im. iT: nn tbtrtc u,i tiutlttr tot .ldli. it ertM er tksrlUalt .rrai JU Ut f barUI nt rai tr .A fW w; t btntiu .Kill U am, fr.m wL! tl.n. DIUkM. rtttrrtlra, ,ln S lamt. wt4 Ant nil Sr lailrVAtli m Z! Mrsllont fr Itn j. twn.4 sV 5 er rorin0... tr u,, uJlrfOT tmbtrt tWrtaf, thill aot V tw.blr tu3 J ltf at Ihtr tktll t wb.4 tn4 (J.jlT Catlrtt? ftr tu.h mr.tttl ttW,4 rwvw Taat mertrMn i VxK r..l ..( iSllSi I ftit7 thai) V. ntmt rrtra U.llAl f?!. tldt furlhtr, Tal tk Utt tflii ttnIIS ar .tr W r.lll4 at aatltj al ta.Vku aa4 In ttitb .tantr at m.r U ar.iUUl! Uarl rrari4i, frtkr, Tu atJi?,11 r trttUt f.t t..u- rrMTliiSC; f Iwm, kt.ttlMia, it Hnnil trWCw M S tit4 Iwa aan4rt4 a4 Sft, ..IT? ht Talat far kaatta 4 kt.ttl.t. tad C aadnd d.lltni C ittMnal rtrtf IttUta I T Imtlafr Statt k 4imu a tantt tklt travetad amtadntat u at S. Mtktd at rajalrad r Ibt Otnttltatlt hYZ Vt tabmltlad U Ih tlMltrt tt Ut uu u SU1?' f""1 " art. Ml I If arpraftd W Ut ttltn u a 8UI. llj i r.pH anthdaxM" Tm ta ika Irtt day al fandur, Awttttd Marta 11, till L HARDaM SMM10H, Jttr.l., af (nt, Ska aaara la t ML trat and torrtft tttTai a rtaalalian f rmatlaa an amtnd.t.i uim. Slta I. ArtltU fl, af Iht CanilHatlVa tf X, UU at Uuh. rtUlat la anJftrm Uti .si utiaatloDt. la ltni iskW, I k.rt atrrttu M a, aand tod trad Uit Ortal 8al al Ut iuu at UUh. UU llrd dar af A,o.l. tlS (!) HARDEN nKNHlOM. 8trtttr at lusv rxorosBo amendment to the coxm. TUTION ROL'BE JOINT resolv. T10N NUMBER NINE . ni A Jtlnl rttalatlan ararldlt. ttt tl tsuafc mat la BatUa I, ArUtlt tl, af U na. tatlaa af tka IUU af UuV rtlatlii sTC I Uitllaa af .lata ad .lain prtstrlr ssd I Ika utMtntnta af ta.a. ... ,l",M.? M taaWIHif tl sat fliit af UUh. lm-a.iV.Uaa at ill ik .tw JtXH to U Iwa kaVutt taatariUf U,U I 8tlon I Tktl ll U arapattd V. aanl I 8.lla 4. A.tL-lt II af I St CaUl.Uj. il u! I I 8UU af Ulak ta Uat Ik. tat -111 ttU tl I i falUvti ' . SatUtn d All .tltlllNrtat .laa. tt bu. 1 tf tltl.a. Walk altttr tad tatk la tUiiUD I k umiI al ISM r attt, ad la ad4..t tktttu al a Ttlaa k.t aaaa taut iU1,U at ik-.atlltU af Ut Ml taattl irttMi. , Ikwtaf. All alkar .lata ar .lalat tUimf and alktr .Inttal, mMmi Uad. tlalnl taal ar krdiat.iUaa, U k Mad al Utlr fall Ttlaa. All ..ikbun awd I .lalw a ad all artattlr .r tatut l.rar...B'a tf.a ar It uittr t .lalr ilil.t. aad Ut Ttlat tl aar itrfM. .ad af .lJf tltl.a, ar .llt unmu far alktr Utn .lalaf iaa.M. tk.ll St aaaauW al fall Talat. Tk Uuf tl aaatUittlan tktll mm tad Ut .11 ittttnt ktttl aaa.ttalad. taildtd Utl Ut atM .al ar IS If r ar ad U. wminl tl Ua T.laa al aar alktr Ikaa l.r aUMw Mtaatt tktll kt .adt a. yrartdad kr k Sttllan 1 Tha Stttttarr af SUta b kttatf dltatttd U tukffill Iht. vraptatd t.tadaril u I1-. '''S " UU at Ut til ft. aral tlttllan I U aix.rlUd kf lt. tattla I adaplad kj Ut tlMlon f Itt 8Utt. UU antad.m .hall Ult tlTttl ttv Tr lit, lilt Aritattd Martk II. HIT. L HARDEN BENN10H. ttrtUrr f IUU ad Ika IUU .( Duk, da kuW trllf Oat A akara U fall. ln ad ttrtttt tnt tl a ,W rliilta artrlJI. ftr a uauiant ai fiatlUa 4. AitUlt if. af Ut CinuliiTiUa J Ut tut al Uuk itUUn U Ut lutarl at .lata and .lal.f atoartr d Ut t- tau af ..... ! wltntat wktttaf, I k.rt ktttanlt ttt ar kjad aad aril ltd Ua Ctaal Seal tl Ut IUU 1 UUk UU llrd dar af Auia.t. III! ( HARDEN UENNION, ttitiarr t Iuu, rOrOBED AMENDMENT TO TUB C0NITV TUT10N-IIOUIB JOINT RESOLD TION NUMBER FOURTEEN. A Jtlal irttlatlan rtitallm; lltvtt rltl R.tlutla Na. I, at ttt4 kr Iht Iwtink Mr tit al Ik Uitilatut tl tkt lutt td UUi. and vreaotlni a nt. ralatttn In lit UtrtW amtRdlai Battla It t Ik C-on.UUtloi ( tt Butt af Utah, kf addlRf Satlll i tktttu. rtlailni to Iht Brohlblllt tad itiulttUi ( ill., l.t.ur.llurt, uit, adrttlUimtat if, H att.ltn af, t Ir.fflt la laUiUttlai llaaart. Watttat. Iltatt Jtlal Rtaalatltn Na, t. repatlnf to a.tnd Iht CtntUtutUa al It. Butt al Ulak If addlag laMlm I U XXII, hat Utn atitd kr UU HfWM tl UU Ltdilttura. and lltd w1lk Ut l.iitUnj Statt and Wktttai, Iht tnitatitd aacr tktltal dif.n I a rtrialn l.parual rttpttf frm Ut Ittf latlta at a.tttd Vr htU Uto... u Uat I U tltvK flat af attU I. Vr aottd, alttr Ika ward 'aatata' tkt vttdt Uti al. mall and krawad drlaXt" wtrt " fr. taU tniraatad aay. . , Naw, Utrtfera ka II tattlttd k; Ut HW lattua af Ut Buu t Uu. iwa-iKlrdi tl U. nuaktrt tlttltd Sa tatk at Ik wi U iixarilntri BttlUn I That h U ftad Ariltlt II tt Ua CanatlUtU tl Uoi at ddlni BttlUn I, Utttu, wklik ittltt iul rtad at lelUwtl BttOan 1. Tkt .i,!ttra, salt. -rf ar tUilaa far aal t adltrtx r ti.t4 n aatt. tr taaatilna-. Mrrrtu, uattlif T.HUIai. dUlrtkaUar. rlrW . S; Im, dUa.ntlai, ar ItrrU ' 4 '""'A , ult. riatat ae telrllatat (. ' vtaa, arUr. alt, Vmt, aktr ",?. laltikattac drtak. .Uur Hf'.'fiK?. Ilka nalarai and all aM krt7td iM rtaarrad la aUakail " "? aiadl aad all ktrtrai-ta tUtJu I .'.'"'..l M.kll al tat ar at!, tl aUtail kr " .l aad all .liurta, hmu tr rrH" tltna. wktlkar tkjmU ar aal wkkk tr nv Stadtd wkta .lltd with watte, ar atktraUt. W ftadata kr ftT.iaUUta r alk.rwtM laltiUttla Hatr, r Atrtkr ff'1,K iH! klklitd In U ltt, ttcl ilttkal '' 2fT lllt and .afattattn ttrtttt. inr ttd far tatra.tnlal yarrat.a, , Bttllo t Tha Srcriurr f u ,1? dlratttd to takmtt tha praMard saFf tailalnad ktttl to Ut tlttUrS ' Ut iW al tU ntit t tnttal tltttUn I Ut ." T. ytdad kr lw, laattad el Ut rasilvba " htattd In Haott Jalnl Rata N.J kttaUfera pattad kr IkU U 1st"' wklth U ktttbr rtptalad. , lk- BtttUn I It idopUd k U l,Jr,.Iw BUU UU a.andmtnt thai IffHt ) trt Itt, A. D. till. AppreTtO M.rab I. HIT I. HARDEN UENNION. BarraUn JUZ al Utah, da krrtkr rtttllr U ," lall. trua and tarratt tarr f U1 Tka latUn proTldUf far U atpdtM r" ContUlutlan of tha BUta ai Ul .r2i Sattlon 1 to Artlcla XXII riUtlaf w H: bJbltlon and rtculalUa ef salt. nBa'7.V ut. adt.rlU.rntnt of, pout, tin ef, ' v" In laUilutlni- llquort. In wltnatt whtteof, I ht lwto,lu5. hand am) klrlitd tkt Oreal Btal ( ai JUh, tklt llrd dtr of A. JA- (Baal) HAHOEN PNN'?,Vuto, BatrtUrr fu' Mnny i nun f- Hovvt. i' c f'iat cuuso he U uiiubln to Kt '"" them. , Art U Ions peclally the klrnl ' In the. production of panoramr-.