Newspaper Page Text
BHsssWBSMiaBSBSBaMSBBBBasBMBMHMsMMBssBWBHIBiBIBB imLjjiuwiaiBefewjiwy4g''wwl,BB OCTOBER 18, 1918. THE SUN, PRICE. UTAH EVERY FRIDAY PAGE THREE 1H WpHWctproof Steel Lined SWSkeUs Wm PVSBMf "KT''P yUr t',owery l"nt'ntf Jayj this Fall the tfood day for Jucka they really M J ijttimKnr ,JVr olV.o,r'Wll,ltJ,er,'tB,,0t,lcl,5 Rctnlnrfton UMG Smokeless "Arrow" or iU V VH "NitioClub Wctproof Steel Line J "SpccJ SlielU. ' No matter how much water may frlA '$ i Br .'et t0 tnetn, they will actually stay juit fl dry and serviceable a your Remington U ft Tlioefi'neitofi1iol-wtrfuwl.lhebi'rf IT) 3221 fl&OZJ dWyJwnrur-leepslisrdaiJsmooili Uv( I mallard which you can seldom get with- M Jf THlf with no softenintf of the turned-over end 1.1 H V( I In jjuntluit of when It is calm and fait "" fLJt L or bulging1 of the top wad in live wctteat I ' 1 I are tnen not to quick to I Ac win;. Dut for Shooting Rijlht pocket. I IS. li I . 4- your helli mint lorjf. Hunting hal no You buy the tame favorite Iran J, at the 5rArV 1 I I .avBSsft wora Jock than a watcr-ioaked hell that ha iwelled regular price, and pt the Wetproof improrcment with- VJa If. 4-Safl '" .'t,c'" 'nt'1? Kun at a ."'. moment lo isy out colt. Tlu fint cumflttiJy wstcrproof ahotihcll, st v 1aX I I. ) BSE l,0,h'n!' f a "" ' caucd by wilting of the turneJ- the same time having the uniform auperiurity of speed, f 7v 1 J&Iv over end of the shell, pattern and twnetration for which v J ll l&fjtf Remington UMCSmokeleji'-Arrow4 and "NitroCluf fe"n" , P C lArr?w" "nti --"jJrlg5!j? I flXl Wetproof Steel Lined "Speed Shell." are made water- cri,r CIu b,ccl ""J bP"J felrSa rrm priKif by a wonderful proce.l. invented for them and u.ed bheb . V''EI IKjSkI c!u.ively ia their manufacture. IB lJael fawJtrt buy the old reliable 'fMto ' ."JSh 19p It look three yean to perfect tlu'i proceii. The reiult "New Club,' now Wetproof sealed tjfMJH ' VKSflT ,' 0T li a tbell that will wotk and ihoot rVt throughout an at turnover and top wad. TH I lQ(l,,,oW' " I TCsm SoJJ h-j Sjterthty CooJt Dialtri in Your Community Qw3J3--- V'" - S l I WwBA Ot J.1rfi.A REM OIL iW . Jj&4$2tcZiri ""3Z W3k REMINCTO.NT ARMS UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO.. Inc. fejftj j&flj WOOLWORTll BUILDING NEW YORK CITY mjjk 4jJjSfhH v- wiUw(AAN V v-w-sliM WVP Specials For The Sunday Dinner Nulhlna; that ire buy U mors Important than thn thlnn in at, ConiMSUontly wo ahould kIv theao purchaaea tho attan Hon they ileaerm. Kim of all we nhuulJ Mcure tho thlno fur our taljl from an eatabtlah. mtnt where quality can ulwaya I depended upon. Next ahould b tho prica of lh Kooda. Utata and meaU producla ar thlnira that Tre all naad they are nrrranltloa and we canuot put off buylns them a we can dry gooda and clothlm. It a thla fact that make It poa Klble for lomo atorei to Doll la (prior itooda or to set higher prlcm than thay are rrtlly en title t lo. Koi the beat of ranrcluadUe vUlt our place on Ualn UmI, w'ir.-r the iowttit irlcca always liiovall lluylng and Mlllna; inxAtM t nit meat producla on a mtt baula luaurea ubt.ntll mvI-k r.nd during t.ietw war tlinea you are not doing nur full duty to youraolf or founlry If you fall lo take ud vantage of the opportunity lo Have. I'hone ue on Hoturday morning for the apoclala netd ed for Sunday dinner. CARBON COUNTY COMMISSION CO. K w, SIlINnn, Uanagar. HOICK SEnVICEll I Will repair aay leak, pipe. uhr or valve trouble any here about your premlneti If ou phone or call HKIlVICfi IB Ol'll THAUM UAltK. WV aro on the Job Immediately rfler we aro notified aud the vork U accomplUhad correctly. I Wo taud for bervlce. I C R. LEWIS I'luinblng, Turaar Dldg., I'rlce , I aiiitn of the preneat acarctty of v,Mhem In Utah a lame number ot "" who have had capable training i i,fmB recruited Into tho utato Uol runka by "emorgenoy" ier- ','t,. aicorUlug lo announcement a flccretIU'y Norton of the mate rd n m,m0u the require at that teucheru mual have a Vear'e i kiJu"""'1 training above the regular tu -'hoo la being modified and ciisr g)Bn crtificttes under an anowirgency olauaa aa a mean of ad l '"r the labor shortage. Republican Ticket ('oiinrfwloual, Slulo, Neiutlortnl ami County. Ilpprenentutlie In Congreaa WII.MAM II. U'ATTIH fcber County Judge of the flupreme t'ourt J. W. CIIKItltY Hanpete County A. K. IIOVVKN Cache County J. K. KHICK Salt lAke County ltepreeutatle In the fltale Hoiute IM1N II. COI.TON Uintah County Itttpreaentallve In the Leglalature TVALKACK A. i.owitr l'rlcn Commluloner, Four Teura A K. UIIIHON Htorre Commlaalonnr, Two Tew a W. K DItAI'KIl Wtiiitngton County Clerk M. H. IIOIIHI.I.Y Price Bherlff OHOItaK COM.INOIIAM Hunnyvlde Itocorder UUH. IIAItllAltA I.KQUII t'rlce Treaaurer A. IIALUNQHIl t'rlce Aeor U 3. MOIITON Btandardvllle Attorney. K. K. VTOODU Price 8uroyor C. A. UOCIOH Kenllrrurta AdiertUement TltAINH MUST WAIT HOUIt TO CATCH VV WITH OU)CKS Rogular train ou all railroad un der federal adtnlnUtratlon will lay over In station, one hour during the night of Saturday, October 26th, waiting for their rogular ichcdulea to catch up with them. For at 2 o'clock of tho morulng ot Octobor 27th, the country gooe off tho daylight ear Inca plan and worka hack to regu lar standard tliuo. ' The dlroctor general of railroads Uiuod order Saturday laat that all railroad clocks and watches ahould I bo turned back onu hour at 2 o'clock of the morning, October 27th, and that regular trains then must be held to conform to schedules after the change In time Tollmen within a few da will uwumo the task ot delivering tele graph meiuagea chuued aa night letters In cttlea and towns where postal deliveries ore maintained. Delivery of telegrams other than night letters by telegraph roajsongora will continue for the present. HOLIDAY PACKAGES FOR HEN Poloffliv Dim Hoik I'or Ulatlt In Our Mm Oteix'M. Itrgiirdlng the prcnirtl 'i nml mulling of I'hrlntinuN packages for otflrern mill men on I'nlted Klnte mmm-Im or stntloned til muni IxiKes or stations In foreign iintrrs the tmi depnrtnienl has illreded ihnt such parrels miut nut exited twenty pcunds In weight unit imiKt be n packed Unit the content" may resdlly be eiaiulned Hulxitaiitlal boxes or other suitable lontnlners iiumt be iietiI. No perliihahle food piudnrU other than those pnikrd In tin con tainers should be Included In Chrlnt mas parcels, i'arknee mutt bear the name nnd address of the sender In the upper tefthund corner nnd be so addressed as to Include the name of the ad drcVee In full together with renk and rating nnd designation of ensel or ftatlou or naval base to which the ad i!ttMM Is uttarhed, nml should be rent In cam of the stippli officer, fleet or supply base, Tnenty-N'lnth street nml Third avenue, llrooklyu, N T, nnd should also be marked 'Christ inas llox," or "Chrlstmaa Present " The posMge will be ut fourth-class or panel poet sone rates applicable between the poatofflee whete the parcel I mulled nnd lliooklyn, N. T Parcels may bear the Inscription, "Please do not open until Chilatmas day." "Happy New Year," "With Heat Wishes" and j list of the articles sa rlosed. Alt packugu Intended for officer and men In the nnv should be mailed so that they may leach Urooklyn, N Y., not later than November 15th CAW COUWTY IS BfflWO One of Se?rrat In tho Slnto 'Mist Are Lax lu McliotN. V V Pltsgerald laat Haturday telegraphed to Provost Marshal Qen eral Crowder that clnsalflcatlnn of registrants of September 12th la 90 per rent rompleto which means that the work Is pruitluall) finished In Utah Washington county was the lst loiul bourd to be henrd from In the repolt it Is expected that Cap tain Kltx Oerald's telegram to flunernl Crowder will put Utah at the head of the llt of slate, to complete a 80 per cunt iluMlfliiitloii of the September registrants Hatiifaitlon Is expressed by the cnptuln ou account of the promptness of ull draft boards In IHuh In prosecuting this Important work Nine boards lu the state. Vaptalnf Kits Clerrl! sas, nre up to ilnto with .completion of to per cent of the phvsUal examination work connected with the same registration These .beards ule Duchesne, Iron, Piute and Summit counties, tho two In Salt I-aka county and three In Salt Lake City, i Hoard No, 2 being yet unfinished. 1 llox Elder, Carbon. Davis, Emery.Oar field, San Juan, Xllr.tah, Washington and Wayne counties are the only beards In tho stato which have not yet reported at least SO per cent of their physical examination work completed, It'a the fellow who used to have money to burn that rum tender recol lection ot his old flames. Democratic Ticket ( oiieivIoiiiiI, Mult', Si'liutoilul nml (iiiinty, Iteprcsentatlvv tu Congress ' MILTON II WHU.INCI ' llox Kldcr County 1 1 Judges ot the Supreme Court I SAAIUra. II TIIUIIMAN , Ball ljike County VAIjKNTINH OIIIKON Wilbur County A J WKHKIl Salt I.akc County lluprenvntative In thn State Hiute WU.LIAM T liMMItl Hnry County ltepieentsthe In the legislature J. B. IIOUMt- Suunyslile Commissioner. Pour Yisirs W W. Cl.YDB Storrs Commissioner. Two Years BMtl. OSTI.UNI) Utah Mine County Clerk It. C SMITH Prlco Traurer II 8 nOHINCTT Price itucordcr una. tM H. THOMAS Rcofleld Asseaaor UENTON RANDOliWI Price Sheriff THOMAS K. KBLTWl Winter Quarters Attorney OI.1VKR K. CCAY Helper , Survoyor otto luannaa Hiawatha "Adorllsemont I'ltl.'KiHT HATISi ADVANCKI) ON IIKQUKHT OP UTMI KOUTIJ Specifying certain exieplloni. an order tins been Issued by the state publlr utilities eommlsalon authoris ing the Utah railway to raise Its freight rates tr r. level with those al lovvd to roads controlled by the gov ernment Tho exceptions are Class rntes ure to be mlvancud It per (t-nt, the minimum stale provided b) the McAdoo order, and the mln' mum iharge for a single shipment, whether olass or commodity, shall be thnt In forte prior to tho issuunce of 'the McAdoo schedules No changes ahull be made by tho company lu the existing stale of pus songer fares and baggage charges The Increased rates may be made ef fective upon notice of ten days being given to the public and the commis sion Utah railway operates tialns over Its own track from Provo to Thistle and from Utah Junction to Mohrland, A wheelage contract exist with the Denver and Itlo Orande between Utah Junction and Thistle, Legal blanks of every description arranged from the best legal form and brought down to date. A full supply always on tund. Fifty centa a doen. Tha San- EVERYTHING POINTS TO SUCCESS OF HUGE PROJECT ; i MILLIONS OK ACHIW SOON TO UK ' UNDKIt MAI Kit (Jo. Simon IbtinberKCr Xnmm Com mit too of Prominent Men In Con fer With (lot rrnment OMrlnl.t In Matter of tho Colorado Ibvin Pl.iti IVir Homes Por ltcturulng Holillrrs. Appolnlmcrts by dor Simon Ham. borgcr of n committee to tako execu ttvo charge of the movement aiming to bring tho Colutado river drainage basin project emphatically to the at tention of tho federal government was maito permanent a few dnys ago It Is sought, with the assistance of other slates Interested, to have the government Include this Imtnonse undertaking In Its plans to placo ag ricultural tsnds at the disposal of re turning soldiers, after tho war Tho organization It 1 still unmclras -consists of W II Wallace, president. Former Governor William Spr, first vice president. Anthony W Ulna, second vice president, Will (I I'.ir rcll, secretary and treasurer Direc tors, J L. Lylcl. project manager of the Srnvvlicrr) reclamation scrvlco project, Provo, W II Wnttli, Ogden, I) I) McKay, Huntsvlllc, I. W Cur ry, Vernal, and T I. Allen, Conlvllle, Or John A Wldlsoe, president ol the Inlverslt) of Utah. I)r K (1 Peter son, president of the Utah Agflcul I u ml college, (leorge Albert Smith, Armstrong, mid (leorgu S Auerbiich of Salt like City, nnd (leiirge K Mctlonngle. stale piiRlncer The majority of Iheso were preo c'lt t the niectlng, and tlioso who wen ii it sent (xpln'iHlliins aa to I heir until uldiihtc nbseiicc lu udd'.llon (o milking the organization permanent, the association decided to ask the stute hoard of exntnlnirs for twenty five hundred dollars, or ns much ot It us should be found ueceasary, for the completion of the preliminary work necessary to bring the project lo the attention of the other states Interested In n buslurssllko and prop- I ur wny McOonnglu was authortted lo go ahead with the work of pre paring maps lo show Utah's interest In the project. In Its relation to tho Interest of the other atatcs Inas much as most of the proposod storage reservoirs by means of which It Is hoped to control the flood waters of the Colorado are In Utah, It Is held thut I'tah Is the virtual keystone of the arch. However, of the four mil lion acrea of land that can be brought under the project, according to pres ent estimates, only six hundred ten thousand acres aro In Utah A. II Purton, of tho water re sources branch ot the bureau of geo logical surrey, United States de partment of the Interior, and Half H Woolley, of the same service, were present, Purton placed all the gov ernment records of stream measure ments nnd the like In the Colorado Ilaslo at the disposal of the co nun It tee and Woolley told something ot his work Id tho Uintah country, where ho has examined proponed sites for reservoirs of the Colorado Ilaaln projects Ho said that tho final decision as to these would rest with the engineers of the ustoclatloa. TWO IlIOH POIl TIIOMPttONS AND MOAII COUNTIIY COMINO One standard oil drilling rig has started operations In Southeast Utah and It I expected to have another bor lug for nil In a few weeks Is tho re port that Nat Levi given out from the Thompsons and Moab country The drilling now under way Is at a point about ten miles southeast of Thomp sons. I,evl nays the rig Is capable of going to a depth of three thousand feet. However, he anticipates re sults at about fifteen thousand five hundred feet. With good luck this may be attained in the next thirty days. Tho second rig has been purchssed uud Is on Its way now to the Moab Valley The site selected la not moru than two miles from tho town of Moab "There Is nothing In Wyoming that looks better for oil than these South east Utah ol) fields," declares Lovl "At the Moab site I am looking for oil at about one thousand five hun dred feet. Thore are three sands, some of which are the same as found In Wyoming, and as far east sj Pennsylvania Wo have all the sur face earmarks of big oil field lu this part of the state." PAIIMKIIS MAY inCIIANOIJ ALL FLOUlt SUDHTnUTIW Partners who grow their own wheat and substitutes will bo permitted to exchange them for flour and prepared substitutes at any mill In tha state, according to a. bulletin prepared by Pood Administrator Armstrong. Tho farmers are requested to pledge them selves not to break the 80 and 20 per cent substitute order, They will be permitted by the food administration to supply themselves with enough flour to last them for a year If they care to exchange their wheat "Anything But M Broken Hearts" II We repair nbout unj old thing that 11 needs It Our shop equipped with ll modern machinery Lnwn mowsn ground, mwi sharpened, locksmith- r lH !ng In fact we do In n workmanlike. il manner every and all kinds of good JH repair work lllcycles H F. H. ROBINSON Vlglla-flonomo Dldg, Price, Utah r'ssl REMEMBER II THIS I I PltKIOIIT COSTS DO NOT I H MAKK ALL Til It DtrPKIt- ' U IINCK. We offer inerehandls jfjl P O II Pihe, Utah. Hut alao hfiH more WK AltK HKItlt TO xliH SKIIVK YOU. Yeur goods are i I IH here fer you to rail for at any IEasI No rail debt). No Mornge to riil pay. No claim to fallow up, Jl DPT YOPIt LOCAL JOIIIIHIl 11 1H ON TIIK OIIOUND TO laH HKItVK YOU first, laat and alt ,Ji the time Ills suevess mean 1 lour sureo Do lint Target , fiH that H IIKPolllt WK Wllltlt ON , TIIK OIIOUND YOU PAID f H PltKIUIIT PltOM DISTANT ' M JOIIIIINO CITIKH WHO'S H M)tlt ritlM.S'l)- p H MH JOHN SCOWGROFT M & SONS GO. ii W K Stoker, Ucal Manager. !' H " r I 1 K Where Are i I You Buying I Your I Groceries? ; I II If ioii are not buying your t tH groierlex at our store perhaps H )uur moue) Is not doing Its full y H duty There Is a big differ 5' H enre In price on staple article F jH right here In Price and we al- L! H ways welcome comparison. p ,H We have built up a reputa- j''1 H linn for snuure dealing. This M H tore is operated ou small ex- H penne und by buvlng close It ll ,l H posatble to sell on r. very small j j H nurgln of profit, Nu matter j3 H what )ou need In the grocory ij H line let us quots you prices. hIbssI n Stocksrowers9 and ll FanHrKs' Store II BlUaENK V. CHATLIN ffll Phone 1 20. Pries, Utah. H j i jM HOTELl 1 HELPER I 1IBLPBR, UTAH H Home of the Ulntak Dailn Kl Stage Lines and people going WssH and coming to and from that fil Duchesns Stage and Traus- IH pnrtatlon Co. automobllos leav H daily at V o'clock of the morn- IHsssl Ing Iteturulng reach Helper 9H at 4 IS o'clock of tho afternoon. IHI Homes' Vernal stage leave 011 Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Satur- Hil days at 7 o'clock of the morn- log. HsH Modern In All Itespects. Head- BasH (iuarters Por Commercial HH Men and Tranalsnts. H'ssh W. S. Avery, Propr. Hfl S. KUSANOl 1 JAPANKfiK MntCIUNDISK 11 OP UVIillY DEKCllIlTION ' WJCm Catering to the Trade ot Ttea- ' Olfl Idents of the Coal Camps and ) VBj.1 Surroundlag Territory. IflHu (b7T OUll QUOTATIONS il Coacrete Ilulldlng Soutk Ninth IflH Street. Price, Utah. iSfll