Newspaper Page Text
OCTOBER 18, 1918. TI,E SUN( PRICEf UTAH EVERY FRIDAY PAGE FIVE We Pay Cash For Baled Alfalfa, Oats, Wheat and Barley We Sell Payson and Mt. Pleasant Flour, (None Better) Carey Table Salt, Redmond Rock Salduro Stock Salt CASTLE GATE COAL BI.Li: DRAYS "Do I Now." McKune Forwarding Co. Miotic S. The Latest Cut of the Season The lolcrt lUt fir the KeMlll lii Clothe may be reiclxed by you If ou Inrpcit mir nrorl mcnt of pattern In men' ult The mnlnaretnf njiprnrniu In n runt milt. Well fitting, oulrt, arlrtorrary In a milt U n burl tier and aoclnl errenllal. Our offering muni not lis overlooked, becaure It com bine quality with economy, and our goxernmenl I wanting exrr man In the iinlnii to adopt thl method of living dur Inic the war Our reprerentatlxe, Mr I A Mill. llt tint inmp and xorroundlng town cxery few da) with it toinplclo linn of rnmple the ramn n nre din plnxed nt our plate of burlncrr llaxn him will or drop u a rani, F. L BUCKIO, Tailor North Ninth fit., Juit Off Slain Trie. Utah CASINGS and TUBES Cannot nlwuy lie fixed When nu need new one examine our l'riiniliinln Vacuum Cup ca lng. guaranteed for lx hun dred mile imd PfHNSYLVANIA TUBES. Iloth are winner and glxe the lert xerxlce on all hlntta of rouili. All kind of acreraorlex and autolit auppllm. Ort It here and get the belt. Price Rubber Works R. W. Golding J. R. Golding Proprietors Mn old men wlm were burlier In jnelr j mi niter daya are returning to in hutine, drawn by tho Increase In JnKen, uciordlnir to Secretary 1 l mt nti of the ntuto board of burbor It "xmlnir Clementa a)a that the ''" of the barbera haxe been do- JletM b no ntan having beon rart a ond othera leaxlng the btul- J1 to enter more lucrative employ jnt I.rm than half the number Jjo took the examination but year , '" taku It during 1918, he an), und Jn number would be much entailer If i " 't not for tb older men. in i " ,lour 'wJ'er Ip apt to hove fetv ""' Itit many tribulation. 1 PRICE AND NEARBY Ilex It C June of llllimlit Ik i x pM ted to In nrrlgncd rlliirtl) UK mrtor or tli.- Mctliodlrt ihurch ut I'rlie I. pi i N Unl und other huxe pur limped the (Ilurmnnn More nt Hunt. Illglon, The deal u made tart xxeck. Kxiin Thoinar of Sunn) nidi bar been down In Kmrr intint it iniiple of week nrrlrllng IiIh folkn with hnrxcrtlng Mni bluer) for the I'rlie Mill and Klexulor itimpnny Ik urrlxlmc thin week from Mlnneapnll, Minn, und I being plated l)r 1 II. Hale. late of Mohrtand, ImH been re ently appointed u mem ber of the Imard of health at 'Ion Mia. Ilelle Allred of Clexeland Ik n patient nt Carbon llneplliil. win re Mix retentl) underwent an openitlon Dr. Wllllnm II. Iluah, runner Hunt ington prnctltlnner but more rertenll) nf Hunnjrlile, haa been commlrHlnucd a flrnt lieutenant In the medlinl rorpK l.nul lllactter of Kenllworth wiik Inrl Wrdnrrdn) Indli ted by the federal grand Jut j- nt Halt l.okent on iharge with aitlxltle to hinder the war Kiigcnc Allen llrnwn. nurd XX )enra und rcrldent of Kin hiwne. died nt Cm nip Pri'inont. Cnln . IhkI MoiiiIh) front Infliienm Hi- Ik the fliM one from that imiut) to iiiim umi4 In tin Kerxlro or bin niuntr) The IhhI wiik tietit to hl home for Intuninil He hud berii III but u tf ihi)e I'or pennlixilon to oprriite it iiioior frelifht tw-rxlie letwern I'lln- mid White ItoikK, the llrWIlt llrolhiT. cotnpuny or OKdeu haw nppllcd to the etnto publli utllllleN lommlwlon The) propone to run their Xehltlr b) wii) of M)ton. llooexell nnd Port liitih. i'ne with a brunch ?erxlie iiIko front M)ton to DtuhcMie, imlna; foiirtou trtii ka and fonrlon trallerK M II (Ireeno, Utah repreKentiithe or the redvral ialn corporation, Iiiik Kone to the I'lntnh IIukIii, wheir be will dUcuaa the Kruln elluntlon with the fnrmrrti and elexiitor men orthut reclnn, HecnUre or lui k or lrnn portatlou facllltlcn, the furmrrK find It difficult to market their imp nreene will explain to wheuiriiUerK what the KoXernmrnt expeita of them. llnuaewlxea oxer the atnte ukuIii are urged b) the iiovernmenl not to lomptnln ir food reRulnUoiiH wem it Kniuter burden thl jrur A men. wire aeut by the WnnhlnKton, I) ( , food ndmlnlNtrntlon a)H triinnportu tlon n' food will be more dlfflilllt than ex'er, becaue u m enter prupor. linn of rail failllllea miiKt be In transport imr neiemiitle to board terminal)) fur Amerlian Koldlera In France Mt. IMeuHiiut I'jrumld, lSlh 'The Infant ann of Mr und Mm Will A n demon diet) at Hlorra lant Kundu) It won brniiRht to I'alrxlew forlmrlul I'unerul aerxlrea wre held at the home or It" Krandparcm, Mr und Mr. V, II. Ilanrrn Chuunt) llowell, P. II llniuMi nnd Kied l)iinleiMin were tho Kienker, who orrered njnip.ithy and tnnolntlon to tho be reaxed, Man) flowera woro Kixen and n hom of friend attended the ner xlieij." DruKtb' rKiilatlon aimed at retau. runt" und other "public eatliiK plucea und t'oxerlnir exerthlnK from the prlntlm; or menu curds In "plnln HnKliih" to retrlctloni forblddlnK late auppera and afleruouii tea will be Inxoked throuKhout the Mate next Monday b) W W ArmntronK. tate food ndmlnlatrutor In lompllanie with order Junt received from Waah liiKton, I) ('., a long lUt of new ion eervatlon rule for public entltiR houie haxt been drafted und will become effective October 21et, Mora, day. PractUally all the frill or the table are to be eliminated and no culled U to be reduced to a it t smith oi rum: !i hum rnllc noiiiliicr for tlcrk of ("nrlxin Cnitnl), xtlin nlo Ik rn (orMil by tin. liberty part). Minimum Klubnrate hamiuet arc put under an Indefinite Itan and the ue if rhlna. linen nnd allxer mimt lm teduced to the tltmont nlmpllilt) Sam O Bhctlll of Salt Utke Clt) I aa the contract for the tontrurtlon fr forty-two hotinee nt Hildler Hum mlt ror the Denxer and Itlo Ornnde rireulnr nre out nnnoiiniliiK the Bppolnlment or J It Miller hk rrelRht ilnlm agent or the Denxer nnd Itlo tlrnnde xiith heflibiimrterK nt Den xer, Colo He mirreedK Cromwell Tinker, who retired nrter rontlniioiiK eerrlie with the coiiiiniii) or thirty nine )eflm Mr II. i flmlth tell The Hun that the Oelobpi ipiotit of the loin I tied CroM Ik five hundred elr or xH'ki nnd n hnndreil nnd twent-flxe meatera. The ladlee are ticked to iii 1 1 for their yarn rime Hie latter wnn lute In rotnlmr The work mint be hurried up Additional llbert) bwn milarlp IIoiik reporlod diiriliR the (hkI few i'ni at Halt like Cltx ore PreMon C Nutter or Carbon loiitil). $10,000. I runk l.utodii or l.lbelt) Puel com pan) at l-uliiilii, 1 1000. t'tnli Puel loiupnti) ISO. 000, ami A II Cowle, Xbe prerideiit and Kelicrnl iniiOHKer of the latter torpot-Htloii, I2im Dr mid Mre It It Miirph), iHte of Clear Creek, are. mom located ut CliamtMtlKue. IIIk, where the doctor nka that IiIk Hon be rem until further nollie Dr nod Mm K M Neber, who left Cnrile (lute not buiK hro ror the old home at Owumii, Intl., ate now In Chli'OKo Dr Nelier Ik tiiklna po.t Krnduale loumea ut Itimh Meillciil rolleice Amended rcKiilntloiot Koienilnu the dUtrlbutloit or ukit, effeitlxe l )i to iler 15th, hint Mondii) under which retnllera iim ell mil) n huir tuonthl) altoHiince on ii baKlK or tuo pnundK n month n prmon nre miiiomiied b) the federal rood board from Wnriilim Ion, D C The mil) exieptlon to Hie lew remilulloiiK Ik Hint the feilera'i rood iiilmliilKtmtor or mix ulule ma) nuthnrlte the dellxer) of the full monilil) ullotment or two pound per perron at one nolo. V o Miller, koii or Mr mid Mix (leorxe M Miller, Iiiik reielxed onlem to leport ut lleikele). Cutii pri llnil lilir) to llU tlrfllilliK ror rerxlie ut ii dcMKhuled fl)liiK ecliool Miller re ii till) Kriidlialed from the around mIiihiI ut Hint pluie. mid ttiiK xIkII IIIK III Halt l.uke Clt) ttllll IiIk puielitK expnlliiK to be in deled Hunt. It f thoimht the luriueiiui ipldemli Ik loponnllile for the i hull if c of plan ClirMimiK paikiiKea for Amiriimi roldlerx III Hlhrrbl Kholild be III the mnllK befole Ditolur Xth. Hie uui drartiui nt ulinoiiiU'i'K. Hocli paik Ke rhollld bear beldeK Hie MddlerH name und leKlmeiit, Hie xiordK AiiiiIchii Kxpedltloniir) Poriea III HlberlM.' Illld Khollld not xelKll lllole Ihrtli rexiu pound" More Hum one iHiikaite lino be rent mill eoldler If derltcd IIIhk Hlaeldel KelillMolth WU nrralRiied at Halt ttke I'll) larl Mon dii) before II V Villi Pell. Pulled Hlnte comnilKuhiiier, on the i hurice or xlobillmi or the erploniiKe ail b) drcliirliiir that the (leriniiiiK had u perrei I iIkIU to rluk the l.nnllunlu mid that no K)mputhy Hhoiild be ex It tided to Hie women und hllilreii i.r HelKliim mid Priinie who hud rnf rered Ihroush the nlroi IiIch or the knlrer Me Ik further i harKcd with IiiixIiik Mild that ir the xxnr I won b) the arrmmiK, nnd he hoped that It ixoilld, the liberty bond lued by the Pulled Hlute ko eminent would haxe I. ii xnlue Htnelder pleuded not Kullty und hi prellmluur) beurliiK wn fixed for Oi lober Xtlh. United Htnti'K tlxll aerxlce iinnnilx Ion unuounceK an examination to be held ut I'rlie, October XCtll, ua a reault of which it I expelled to make lertlflcutlon to fill ii ontempliilml xutuni) In Ihe ponltlou of fourth i law poKtmurter nt Keotleld and other xnmnrlra ua they may oictir at that offhe, uiiIckm It rhall be derided III the Intercut or tile rerxhn In fill the xniiinc) b) relimtulcini nt The torn peiiKalloii of the pontmurler at thl ufflie wiik fixe hundrid and elKht) Kexeu dollar for the larl fluid I )eur AppllcunlK niliNt haxe readied their tweut).flrrt blrthdii) on the dnte ot the oxuiulnatlou, with the exception that In a tute where women are de i lured b) vtatute to be of full ucofor all piirpore at IR )rum, women of thl hkc on the dute of the examina tion will be admitted hl.N'CIUli: C.ltATiri'DIC. Mr. William Hell, Ixignniport, Ind , write "I deem It my duty to exprei my gratltute for the good Chamber latn'a Colic and Diarrhoea Itemed)' did me win it I bad a vex ere atack nf diarrhoea three )ur ago It waa the onl) medicine that relleed me Aht I'rlie ha aome flftren or twent) ine of InHuenza ull told with aome or them near the danger point. All public gathering ore off for the time being The achoola are cloned pnd am likely to remnln o for at leait a week or tuo Death attribut able directly to the plague nt Price up to thl time number three. Pliire of amurement are chned generally. Church service and flunday tchooln are alno off. PEOPLE GOING AHD COHING Mr and Mr Martin K Mulxex ore here thl cek xlsltlng with their daughter Mr K. C Chamberlain Mr C C Powell hn returned to Grand Junction, Colo, nfter a nhot xlrlt with Mr. Dule Walker of thl ilty Mr llarbara Legcr I Imtk home from Mohrlutid, where rhe wn Inrt week on a xllt to n new daughter ut Ihe home or Mr. and Mr. I.eo Kin ne) Corpnral Matt (J lumber or tho Twent) -Klrrt Infrnntry. who ha been xlrltlng nt home tor eexerul xxeik. left Prlic Wcdncmlay morning to report to hi command at Camp Kenrtiev, Culn. Dr T C Illll left Tueedny lart Ington prartloner but more recently rntnpft to help Uncle Ham with hi profeerlonnl knoxvtMlge HiinllnRton people are loath to pnrt Willi him a It teaxe them without ix ph)lclan In the precinct to look nfter tho nlllng one, Comle Dnlat Progrems 12lh Join ph I.ltlrctte or Helper wa In to ree The Hun lart Monda) That town he m). k better orr In a burlnee way at thl time thnn Itexcr bit been or eourre the HoldlerHuin mlt Improvement ore going to hurt aome. but thero will be luunethlng rlre to take the place or an) thing that IcnXeK John P lllte, who tired to work at HuuiDride. Illmtntlm ami ele wbere In Cnrlwii count), ha re turned to Utah rrom Hi Uitila. Mo nfter a t-oiiple or three )oor nbrenre and now order hi Hun rent to Oar Held where he Ik emplo)ed b) one or Ihe rmelllng cmnimnle lie write the editor that be ha lome ltk lo make Zlun rare ror ileum crar) Amtlexx O Irftrron or Cartle Dale ami Perron rpeelal Held ngent orilio bHreaii or entomology, wn In town the Hrrt of the week In Hie run r re or an Inrpeitloti of the iiiillit) for the oilenlal Jieai h moth, anew pert xx hit h I threatening to be tho worrt the linrllrtiiturhH ha et hud to ifimlHtt lie hn right of Ihe Wretertl Hlatea a hi terrltnr) and I Jurl eompletlug ii tour or the dMrlit Cortlc Dale Progrer 1 3th ( t)N.itn.ssxii; ami: to AID PltltSi;.T C.MPHJV CotUteermell Jiittie II Xla and M II Welling haxe notified the demo i tutli rtulo rommlltec Hint the) will vrrlxe In Ptnh on Oitober :5th to be gin their rpenklng tour for the com ing inmiHtlgn The longreremeii had oxpeited lo be here before that timet but hnxe been held In Wuxhlngton, D C. on nccnitnt of Inirlliewt before longrer It I planned by the Mate, committee to hnxe them dellxer txio to four ad drerre a d) while they ate on their tour In theti rerpettlxe dlrtrlit In tho ttuti. Jilrl how long Hie) Milt be able lo letunln i.t home I not known HI'.D citoss ciiaiti:u mki:i i:i.ibxi)AY Mi.vr t r.i.tu'i' The uilliniil meeting or Hie Cm boil Coiint Chapter or the Amrrliiiti lleil Cror will be held Wednerdn), Oitober SX, 191. at S o'llock nt the liibertlui le for Ihe cletllou or an exrtiitlxe mm inlttee, iiinrldernlloii or and acting upon the report or committee, tlali-aitlon or mull biirlmeN a ma) properl) iniile In fore Hie ihapter mid amendmnit or riibriliutloii of b)luwH. aih member of Hie ihapter Ik enruiMtl) urged lo be proent The cxim utile lommlltee In I'rlie Ik tolllpored of fXi melllbem mid Hie chairman, xh-e iluilrmmi, reiretni) and Irmmirer are meinbeh ex off i In of HiIk ciiminitieo The lom llllllee, hli h will be eleiled at the minimi inietliig, will appoint Ihe off Per of the chapter, mid nlro Hie chairman of euih prim Ipal mm tultlee, mi Mix Cmollue (lllmuiir, rc relur) HltOM'III.M, lltOPIH.Il Mir A It Hldenbeidcl or Itm krield, Indiana, write "I'or mi attack of hromhlul trouble whlcU umially n Hillr me In the aprlng I find Chamber lain Cough llemedy the only thing Hint give mo relief After lining It for it rew da) all algna of bronchial tumble dlMippcurK" Adxt Wlllli r upplr now lead) for thore wanting them. Come to the place ror them Mr II C Hmlth Adxt The Liberty County Ticket lleprerenlatlve In Ihe lglrluluro a. v.. MAnniiAi.i. Wellington CommlHoner. Pour Year OKOItOB PI.KTCIIKH Htorr CummlrMnner. Two Year W. II. ItORSnit Illawntba County Clerk II. a HMITH Prlt Iterorder MltH. I.ltlt H, T1IOMAU Hrofleld Trruaurer II H HOIIINI4TT Prlie Aweiuior BII.AH T, HOWI.KY Hprlng aien Attorney F. K. WOODS Price fiherlff MATT WAHNKH Prlie Burxej or W A. VIIAYN Wellington AdxtrtUement Tho g'nwi of fashion, u far a the naxy I enmrrned, continue to be gtapejulco, tf i Tho "nllent partner In n firm ho ulwaya a lot to hay. Save-- I : s Until you hnvc lenrned that one Kfcnt lustton you M cannot start on the road to success and linpp'muss. We i offer you every facility for saving your earnings at i least a portion of them. Four per cent, compounded ,H semi-annually, paid on savings deposits. lP Price Commercial & Sayings Bank 31 Price, Utah il How Much Do You Charge 1 For Fitting Glasses? 1 This question is often linked, and as it is no secret, we will ; M txplain how how wo arrive at the price you are to pay. Tho t H mounting or frame, the lenses and our services arc the throe L H things we charge you for. Z M For our hest mountings or frames we charge $3.00. For our M t-ervices we charge $2.00. For the lenses, which nre fit to each M individual according to their needs, wo charge what is known as f M standard duplicating mice, which is the charge made by all honor- M t.hle concerns for replacing lenses when broken, and is the lowest M price nt which lenses nre sold. H The various priced lenses make it impossible to name an '- exact price until the examination Is made. That is why some v 'H glasses cost more than others. Our methods and instruments for . M examining the eyes are the best. Our prices are just and based , M on honorable practice. If the glasses we fit are not satisfactory, ! M leturn them and get back every dollar you paid. Could we be a M more fair? h H This has been our offer since opening our optical dcpaitmcnt rll last May and not one dollar have we been asked to refund. Tall R. K. MOSS, OPTICAL SPECIALIST, WITH 9B The Elite Jewelry Co. fl Eko Theater Uuilding, Price, Utah. jjH Atntxioiui,i: tiianspi:h and DHAY UNIX Olxn ii jour hauling of freight and like work No Job too large or too mull for us to handle Freight U glxen our rpoclnl attention. Waltar ChrUteincn, Phone 95wX, Price, Utah. W W lleiili of Pnlmxii N. Y. xxho I working the farm where the Plophet Joeill Hlllltll oilio llxed, hu Wlllteti to lllrhop Daxld A Hmlth or the presiding blrhoptli ut Halt l-nkc Clt) that llxe rtoik, potiltr) mid ngrl iiillHtut ptidiiiiM riom the fui m won thlrti -one priiuliim nt the iiiiint) fair held there during the week of Heptembir 2xth TI.e prlxe winning llxe rloi k ii lirlrled lilillnl) or pig mid kheep stti: cocvnii and woMi:.N'h ill DIVIHION U'KT AMAMIAMATi: tlaLI In a telegram nxched by Arch M. qLI Thurman, rciretaty of- the Mute I9H council or defeiuo from Heirrlnry BlH Franklin K 1-ann of the Interior de- SlH purtment It I rtrongl) urged thut tnH there be Immediate amalgamation of VIbH the rtule cnunill mid the elate tIH women' dlx Irion FlH It I aiiggerted b) Hecletnr) f.lic MbLh that more efferllxe lo-operulloll III nlial the work nf perfecting war defenre SIibLI InnuiuiriH Will be mm II led b) climel- BLIMLb Hriuii latlou or Ihe men unit women' Wtl orgiiuUiixtloliK mid uitliltlea. ICHal The propoMil xx III be prcrcnted ut IHIbLb the next mi cling or tho rlnte ioiiii- RHH ill exe. utile committee rSaaB WILSON'S 1 Where groceries nre sold for cash. That is why you can al.- ways do better at Wilson's. Do not be deceived by discount bait 91 thrown out to you by the credit stores. Use your pencil. The eI federal food adminuitration realizes the credit store cannot exist IH on the same per cent profit as the cash store, allowing the govern- Hl ment regulated merchandise a larger per cent of profit. This MH being a fact, think yourself nliout the goods the government leaves ftl to the mercy of the credit merchant. People of Carbon county vl me wise. That in why, when they have the cash in their pockets, a they haul for Wilson's, where tho price is always right. HaH Creamer) Duller, exer) pound giiurun- Tollit Hon p. a xnrlet) to uhopre from Bal teed, per pound .65 per cako v. ....... 2s BiaLv Kgg rinelved dully from Knierj SOc Carnation MurIi, per paokuga . 16 bbWJ outuy. per . -6S Hi!., 2 pound iitek of M. J. II. per We ute not hundlliig Cold Htorago. ,, x6 HIBJ Full Crenin Cbeee, per pound . .0 Milk, Tall Can of Si go. Peel lr or Wl llf.jul llreAd. frenh cxer) day, we Carnation, 7 can 1,0(1 Bl bundle r.n other kind. Heeded llulrln IS ox 7 piuikuge, t.ofi Nux) lleaii hand picked, pet KiiIkIiii, 15 ox, pattkage, Not u Heed. ' 1 pound, , 15 i) paekuge 1.00 VBV Pinto llsatiN, new Hil )enr, per Ollxe. I.lbb' Queen In 21 Vi ox rew BPwJ pound j. 12U top Jar, per Jar .... ... .50 SBfl Limit llean. ., SO Klngford' Corn or Olur Sturqh, VI fl Hoap, Cr)tnl White, Hob While, or paikuhw If Hlfl Pluke White, 17 liar, ... 100 Kluntlu Starch .. t Bj, Hnponlfler, per enn 10 Arm and Hammer Hodu .. . .10 Fruit Jars, Pints, 75 conts per dozen Kvl Fruit Jars, Qunrts, 90 cents per dozen M&M Fruit Jars, ft Gallon, $1. 20 per dozen dr These are the Drey-Mason, and not many left ,f flril For one week only, Double Dip Diamond Matches, full count Wmm per package, . ... r cenbs lilvl Another car of those famous Green River Watermelons WlM just unloaded. Get your supply. Put in your bnsement now as fiOtrl thin is tho last shipment for this year. Ull 9 The O. H. Wilson Selling Go. U Sfciv.ocr of X'nltcd Btateji Food ComrolMdon. , jJ