Newspaper Page Text
I I THE WEATHER f TV, Sun Special Scrvlec. n-wnit t'i oou n, n a.Ht iinpritil fair tonight Hml Attar- I ill px 'i'1 r"'" "r ,0,"w '" th-e north- wc,, . .rtioti rrewtlng temperature i t .t irii Anuther tlilnic wo W nlwul the is Hint tho ml lorn ran liull their t, sfi-i over their shoes without wig their reel I . 1 VERY BRIEF SESSION OF DISTRICT COURT AT i PRICE iiMt or inpi.ukn.a imiMm s i.?t)tmiivr Vernl I'mluUi MnlUm niul oiim othtr n" llcnnl In W lilt ti Mien ' Were Ni WIiiicsm Or .liiroct j .iptnluK t)ilii)iil lor lhi tin c ' mini or 1-oiiB Term In Kmery JK Uiorge I'hrMriiMii adjourn i -mil nrl for I'arhoii muni) )r ealerdu evening unlll Id k r l he morning of Novemlwr I Ml rlmlnal immm were mi ti I fr the term, while Jury asm K r begin Oectunber Id nt 2 , i k Jurors were v uvl hhiii i , iih aim "nl irnlHte mat i r 1 1 iieeH where hii nutnlwr of i vi were mil required wire ijr during Hid tlttee data komIuii Ii I gun Tuesdit) morning IiikI tu t OhrlstemHin being delayed h I g term for llmnr) ioiint at s, lnk nur Monda) It is lv ibf. . f the Infliifiiui Hint tourl win i imnl it I'rlie. I t lit of Xrihle II CIihmI denarii lit' I lit for litter or mlmlnlstrrtthin M for November Jd v 1ft M Klhano k 1'ralik Mt Klh nt divorce Petition grunted . ! . ntcrcil of record 'ill' of James II florlc) tie i ... i I'etitlon for oriler of eHle of rf, etsto grunted an pr)ccd for h ' ite or Itwiben II llrynn de n I I Hint account Mini i r 1 .Munition liettril Approved -iiile if Henry I'lmml. dceeaid iVil ill for Mile of real estule grunted i pi iul for tlu mutter or the gurdluuehlp uinl Dtvld lliiuvlcktu. final mint nml potlllon or Ito Ibmvl- ti lirtitil nml grunted ilie having rs hml her majority W A Itowry vs. Thomas t Vault bet tl thorn Motion for dint barge of Hvir wua argued nml hrlefii sub- ttml to tho uiiirt on lertulu phases i'ii tuollun Thu uune Involves the -Ling or ithniit fln hundred head .' sheep by plaintiff to dufnlvdante ' r i term of five cas, runnhiK atl ii the full of ttllf. Waller I'erry Klrekey. trustee v irleH I'tttlttl nml John I'Mtlttl Mo- f ir it new triHl heretofore taken IT UllUlillU)llt lll'lllnl Hilt' i I" (lreiiw Nluk (.' dm ii il i. them JmlKiiieHt uvwir.l 'I ilnlntlff In the Hum of ITItO ul Ih I'lllltleK t'timmlilnii of l till Htar HUKe line ( ni-iwrt r hip) JllllKlliellt UKMlmrt tUfeml r win. Ii illreitM the oliejHme orun 'rr of the t-ominlMNloii iltileil Mu 15IM wherein the) urn lruhllilll ( mi opt riitlmt u utMKe line from I e tu llliwuthii IHRS. N0RAWILL1AHS DEAD lluhnml nml Little Ctrl Are Very Ikiii In Culifonilu. Mm Nor llninlp WIIIIhiii wife jf 8 C WIIIIiuiin of llui Denver ami 1 firamle run en nt I'rlie, illeil of n imonln rollowliiK the luriuetiM nt Aiivole. (Julu . Iutt WiMlnnHilny murnlnif Th remulim, Hwomimnlwl MIim Kuphue llomlo), u eieter, n the little Ihi) or Mr nml Mrii luiim, will urilw In l'ili In " row the liiulKiml U confined to leil with the imeiiinntilu uml will ' t tin ulilo to Kt out, ndvlcei from r hi for four or flv ilui t hitliy, u little ulrl of home thne in quite low ami l not expettwl irvle II uml Mr Wlllhtins went to mhi u few weukM KO to upend liunlMturN Mioiillon ami were a n itnlml hy the iiUter of Mra Wil li 1 ami the ihllilren Thej weio !' nic ut the home of hl nrent ! tukdl III Dei'uUMiil In tho ' ktiter of Mr nml Mm. Ilormttnn ' r iy unit wua Imiiii ami reared In 1 us jihii whm uImiiii yeir f i il u iiiimt lovahle woman tirntiKemelitM an to the funeral ' I n made, and It U duulitful If " I than hrlof hurlal eerUen will I ut the itrave ' I MUtlCN I.OSSIW OVKltSI'-XH I Mom: 'l HAN I'll TV TIIOUhA.MI , I W VlilNUTON l t'. Oil 19 H "' ' 'Hi inimtMr uf AmM-leu nx ' B ' irs fore eaiiimlthM to iluU. I K I in aitliiu (InelmllnK two ' 1 nml nlneO -three nt . I ' ' ''I of wound. SICO. ulwl f H ' ?" iIImI of uooldeHt and t U luiwi, I0i!. woundutl In ai e I 7 967, mliwIiiK In hi Hun (Hi V ' B prleonem), ST87 TotuI to f M '1050 IH " -iwatha thu for Immune from 'Ucnxii, Iiuh pluce! u ittrlct em- ri onlruvel In nml out Nu one If 'vrrrltted tu leua the town except y "peiiul piirmlaiilon IncomliiK 'vu u limited to thone'im upeoliil Jlnemi ami In caces of this kind Kltom mutt (tresent rv phyilolnn's "tf ratc Bpeolul policemen hac n piarod ut tho arloun entruncea L r ,he lown w'"' ltruttlon to T 1 i ,nforc H" order 8unniilde L "a n feral other caropa of the dls Y ' haB token th name precou- J M 5ft lllowutha Fntered ns BecondtClniui Mttttt, June t 11S, nt the I'ostofflce nt rrke, Utnh, fnJer the Attof March J 1171 VOLUME 4; NUMBER 22. EVERY FRIDAY OCTOBER 21, 1918. UL Somewhere in the U. S. A. Z OH 1MI WW-' (OtfTllMI I UTAH SHOWS UP SPLENDIDLY ! IN THE WARJVORK PROGRAM! Acting under Innlructlona from tlio Kovvrnmviil, I'nod AilmlnUtratnr Arimilrnim 1 1 ua, Jiut mailed In Unnli lUKtuii. I) C i tlio followliiK lum inury of tho war work dono by Utah during tho war A pari of It It Riv en the lint liberty loan Utah sub ncrlliod $11,400,000, liur ullolmonl w-un ICtOO.OOO In tho second lib erty loan she raised $10,200,000) her allotment vrus $10,000,000 In the third lllmrt) loan sho raised J12.6Jl.S00. her nllotmmt was I10.J15.0U0 Ho fur In tho fourth llborty loan shu Iiuh rnlsvtl approxi mately $12,000,000 aRitltist an allot mill uf $18,600,000 In tho first lied Cross itrho sho suUtcrlhcxl ISIO.000. her quotu was $3t0,000 In tlio second lied Cross ilrlo she raUwl $1112,000 as aRitttut livTV ullotnivnl of $noo,000 In thu Ited Cross inoiiibunthlji drtvo she rulied $07,000 hkiiIiuI un allotmunt of $C0.000 Kor tho soldiers" wel fare fund shu subscribed $110,000 imalmit u $100,000 ullnlmvnt r'or tho Y .l C A war fund slio huI sorlbcd In full bur ullotmoul of $10, 000 In nil the drlo, with (lie excep tion of tho present loun cumpulKiii shu raised $3!),4G0,300 us nRulnst a total allotment of $27,836,000 Tho wur savhiK stumps sold to July 1C, 191S (maturlt) uluo) amounted to $3,000,000 This brings tho tolul funds ruined In tho statu or urlous war drhen up to $42,450,300 Tho stutun population Is vsHmalod at 445,100 Tho tolul oliinleor millstmenls In tho arm). tmy and innrlno corps from April 7. 1017. lo Hopicmbor 1. litis, woro 8G2 Tho total draftud mun In son leu from April 7, 1917, to September 1, 1918. were 0635 This Kle " total contribution of men tn the service up to Beptember I. uf 18,07 The aboo llRuroa ilo not Include shlpyurd workurs or othors euKi'Hotl oxeluslvely In war work out side of thu actual urm forcos The d of Ksmmer C Hteiui was Mtit t" Knlnlew mterUy. vsii rn"v..'a Herald of the I Mil II- lll .t it IoohI hospital We.liU van "nit fit.m injuries suffer Ih a l mine at IHotra where he was work lav Stevens was drlvliiB an lirlc motormr In the mine whhh was thrown from the traik. plunlint him under It HI rltsht ! ws frae turod uml hud l" be amputated, and his skull wus crushed ! the rlKht oe He was 13 years '" l"JJ the son of Mr ami Mra John 1. Htevens of Tain lew. who. with one sinter, uml fourr brothers, one of tho brothers with She Amorleuniiim In I'ranie. survive him Ah u means of making a direct ap peal to Utah Klrts to Invest part of their time at school in studilnit do. mestlo solenie us a war measure, Miss Jean Cox, state supervisor of voce, tlonnl domestic solonce, Is conductlnK u number of mass meetings In vurlous stele sehool districts. In thla way tduiators hope to enlist tho suppor( of every Utah school girl (RUSHED THROUGHWITH LEAST CONSIDERATION Dcfcnueig of tho mine tux imiundment cry Krnvoly nurture un that the JiiciiMurc wn paused by a vote of "more than two-tbirdft I of the IcsrJHluture," asHerta Monday'n Snlt Iako Tribune. A It could not have been Htibmitted iinlcaH ttupportcd by at least to tliirdrt of both houses, its presenco in our midst is incontioverti blo proof that our talented constitutional rcp.iirmen arc KivinK correct information on this point. It is not necessary to review Hip nmondnu'iit's Ii'jrislativu history for their benefit. They lenow i.ll about it. Tlioy were riht on the job, as usual, to see that this or t-omo other kind of an amendment was passed. But it is woll to ttll the stoiy briefly to refresh tho public recollec tion of that night, 'or it all huppened in one night, the last night of tho Mission. The amuudmi'iit was prepared outside tlio ranks of the legis lator and font to the senate a little after 1) o'clock as a substitute for a rojohition nhendy parsed by thu house. It was ho different from the house resolution thnt thu author of the original measure refused to vote for tho substitute when it came back to the house. It was a proposition tmtirnly unlike anything previously presented to the Utnh leglslatiue or to any other legislative body iih far as we can learn. It wiih passed by a docile senate majority on the nssurtion that it had the administrative approval, although several seuiitor.i ueic sufficiently awake or conscientious to vote ngainst it. It then hurried over to the house, where it was pmtnptlv Killed in accordance with the pleasant practice followed by the house income tax bill. The amendment was resurrected by a liouio member a few minutes later and passed, with only two votes to spare, amid the confusion as the members collected their official and private effects preparatory to going home,. The whole business was completed in less than two hours and Im anothei hour the legislature finally adjourned. There was not oven the pretense of n discussion of thu measure, on its merits, to Miy nothing of a public hearing. In fact, it was never heard of outside the capitol building and very little Inside until after it had been passed. Public business was never more privately trans acted In tho history of the state. The legislative record of tho amendment nlonu is sufficient to condemn, it. And thu legislators who tl us displned "ch indifference towards the state's organic law are not likely to point to this portion of their record as justi fication for Author opportunity to manifest their statosmnnllkc i.tmlitius NEW FOOD-CARDS COMING ' Iti'Kiiliillnii- uml .SiiiwmIoiii. lo lue, In If4imtxr, Nel, WAHHIMITO.V U i' il - i Twenty mlllem home t irils contain IliK the I lilted Mates food administra tion a new food lonservatlnii ie;itu lloiis ami su westerns are to be ills-, trllHiled aiiiunK AmetUaii huusttwlie II had lu planned to illslilbule them ill Ut tolier 7th, but Wause uf1 the Infliittnsu pldemli the ilWrltm- thill was i lutiiKtMl tu lleiemlmi" Ut Meantime lh t-inwervalloii piintram Is to m pushed The new ianls will show the uod of t a refill suvlliK or all edibles, par-; teularl whtMt, HUal. rata il euuwi. hut thero will be mi mere wheat-1 leas' and 'meal I ess' dsy rsBUlHttoim I llousswivea will In Inform!. Ihatl Aliurlia must semi to her soldiers and to the allies ,7te.veU tuns mure foodstuffs this your than last, and It I will be "put up" (ii the home women' uf the United Suites to helpi feed the XS.ono.000 people frd from Oermany , Tho fontl udmlnliitratluu will also this ear omit tho pledges tlmt were miked over u ear ago, und to which 13,000,000 Amerleaii women sub-SLrlbed J Wilbur Ilurnhum raifed this ear ut his plate northwest of Trice about two tons of cubbuge of the l'lut Dutch variety One head un oxhlbttlon ut The Hun lust Saturday weighs twenty-four pounds He Is selling his cabbage In the camps und near v towns at five tents the pound 1 Ni'oi mint muum: uh iidu'n i. hi: con ins coi'vntv ileirge W Hteveiweii of I'rhe ro il inly khvi up his life on the western from that llberl and demoira) shall In the end prevail He enlisted here for the murine itirm and after golmt over was among the first of all the A I tier Im n ti see attual Mtrvlue. lie was lh son of Mr ami Mrs. I' II UteveMun ami i( most promMm; young man Ths nsws of Ills death ttiHti' tu the a rents durltuc the st e4 throiMch hla hrother. riarme X Mtfvenami also III servif over seas I'oll delalls have not been re-i-elved neithei hail offh la I notice from the war detainment mine to the iNtreiita up lo the thus The Hun goes U press A letter to 'Mar erne II Stevenson from the itead limit's ehum stated that the latter was shot through the forehead ami that death was litstautaiieous llefore gulng Into Iwtttlo III- oung man had said to his lomiHinion tlmt If he never cumeoiit of buttle III life would be given to his i mm tr The government t spurt that I the ouug mun had ben woumleetl In Iwttle Is an error Until suuh lime as Influenza has run Its oourM) v. I'rKe memiirlul sen Ives huve bten pimtpojjeil These, however, will l held Ut some future time Hxmnlnutluna for a postmaster ut Hunuvsldo will be held at Trovo on November 13th. next The salary of the office last year wus fifteen hun dred dollars, Conservation teaches tu not to waste our sympathy where It Isen't needed. NAIIerml food roHrrrtttan vek, j r ',HH . wlileh ws tn have started October fll 'tli, hue hi iii iiwittHineil Ih Utah on i HIH Hremiut of the Siiilli lufluems 'll etMilemlr If the iHsohm U under IhI raiitml by Uerember 1st tlte fedoral H fiMHl sil'iilnotentlon aits tn limugur Vil ute a -wtHHinl Ravi nt ismpnlgn at 1 linn '1 Our guess hi that when one of otirf H Immlsome snllors hang thtlr feet ovr KM the side of the boat It Is hard for the H niFrmiilits tn to his leg H PROPOSED ii AMENDMENT MAKES BOARD ALL POWERFUL Prominent Lcal Firm of Zion Renders H Opinion of Much Interest At H This Time Locally. H Tlie attuntion of roadors who dotfiro to be fully Informed on a most important matter is di rected to thu opinion of Dick son, mils & Lucas on tho mine tax amendment, published on another pago of this issue, says Sunday's Salt Lake Tribune, Their opinion, which is fully supported by numerous cases and many high authorities ex amined in connection with its preparation, is thnt thu pro jyosed amendment empowers the state board of equalization to assess and tax mines at such valuation, high or low, as the board may see fit, and thnt the action of the board In thu mat tor is not subject to review or control by cither the legislature or the courts. These conclusions accord with those reached by other com petent attorneys who have gone Into thu matter, and, from the fact of their source, will im mediately dispel from thu minds of thu thinking public any doubts as to thu effect of the amendment that may have arisen through thu fulmlua tions of those "economists" who so insidiously mUrepresent lis plain meaning in their frantic attempts to win support for nn outrageous measure, The opinion follows: I'oiir (Juotloiu AiiMveml. We have Iwen tikked four our opinion on the follow lug iiueslbuis legurdhiK the propiwed amendment ol He, I. Arl 13 lolistllUltou of t'lah hirst Should thM amendment be adopted, will either the legislature or the stale iHMnl of equullwilloli Imvo the right thereafter to hwum ami lax mines at morn than full vnlue or ut , lees tlmn full value or must minus be usMteeed uml taxed like all other proper!) ut full value. In itevonlauve ' with Here 1 unit X. Arl IS Kiwtiml W'lmt mldltlnliHl imwers. U utiy, will bo vested In the state hourd or isiuallsatlou over thoe II now iHwsesees If the amendment Is adopted" 'Third Is the amendment self exetntlng b Its onu terms or must the iHMird of eimillxiillou uwiilt the emutmenl of a luw b the legislature before It mil do uiiythlug and, there fore, continue tu tax mines under tho present law until olherwlMi directed b) the leglshiluro? ' I'oiirtll Will Ihe legUUitilte be obliged under this amendment to eourer upon lire statn lnmrtl of iipiall xatluii the ulHHilute power lo animus ami lux mines at u rule und value lo be determined b the bounl or will the legUlatHle ditermlue the tax rate, how mt proceeds ale deter mined uml what multiple or sub multiple shall be applied ' I'd uur) I'iihit (Itiii. We are or the iiilhloli that should the proHiMl umemlmeul be adopted the state lemnl uf eimllsatbin aoiiIiI In vhsIimI with pleiiur) hiwwt (o asseea ami tax metalliferous inlHee ut, VHfll) more than the full value thereof and HMwltl) at vusll) les than smh full value, and Ibis laawar mo itmferi ed upon the stale board of ittiuallanllon will lie entlll lmleMii dHt ami beod the i-oiilrol of the legislature V are also of Ihe opinion Hint iteta t and i of Art 13 would not lu any way limit the rliit or the board of enimllsatlon to asss and lax meUlllferous mines alHther more or less limn their full vulue And lu this lonpettluii It Is manifest that what may ur ma not W the full value uf a mine Is lmHMelble of determination 'Hie projaised amend ment. If adupted, would confer uMn the Itould of eqimllsatluH the right to assees and tax mines at some arbi tral valuation depending entire!) UHiii the Judgment whim or eaprlce of suih iMwrd (Julio 'loo Vim h I'imci. 'lu unswer tu the wetoinl niiwtluii submitted to us we are of the opinion that the state board of etuullittbiu, us stated ubove, would be vested With full and uomplete power und author It) to iissees and tax mines and min ing elulms ut suuh valuation us the board of equalization mu deem proper, that tho powers of the hourd lu arriving at the valuations to be plana upon the mines will be, with the oxi options set forth In the pro posed amendment, untrummeled and exclusive and not subjMt tu review or tontrul ly ilther the legislature or the murts unhMS It shniiW be Hilt H nielely ile(ermlnl tlmt the prS H KMK-d amendment la violative of ths iM pmvMons of the raHstllHllau ef the jM ITiiIUhI Stales I'tiiler the prosent '''H i onstttutlonal provisions, the Mats Of V 1 the Male board t.f eiHatisallon are 1 subiH t I" review by the courts and jf Its ilelermlnatloiM may be set aatdo l( found t be Hrlillror). dierrllnlnii' I ''H tor) or not In Meconium e with the r H mamlales of teglskitlie mmetinents. ''H Should this proHeeil Miiieiidment be HiloptiMl. however, und lieconlo a ''H imrt f the organic luw of the stale, H so fur as the iienenimcnt nnd taxa- vLbbbbbb! Hon of m I in are ronremed, neither bbbbbbbbI the legislature nor the rotirts would M havo nu power to curb or eontrol ''H the hi lion or the sliile ltanl or euual- H Uallou. tm matter ho urhllrary sueh BH aitlou li- H Im'kI-IiHiiii' lomrlt-.. H In answer to )our third query, It j 'H Is our iiplliliin that shoHld the pro. f ''H Hcd amendment bn udopteit, In " !H fur us the taxation of mine Is eon- ,rB tirnitl. with 'the exiepllnns neleil In H the aiiiMidmeHt Itslf, uamnl), Ihe its MbbbbbD scMiuent or rive dollnra per acre and J''H the deti'Tmlnatloii of the value or any , I''M use other then for mining purp'ufis, L9 It will le ef.exe tiling and that no '1 b'Kl'lilllVf stllnn will be required lo rH sit lu midlon Ihe iHiuers of the H lu rip) to itiieetloti four, lu our PS oplulmi II will net be uectswiry for j''H the leulnbitiire to tuki nu) action I , j'H whulevrr to eiuiiovver the board ot I ' j''H quiillrullon lo determine the vulus- , tlon lo be plmeil upon mtnns or mln- il lug elulms. The legislature would ) . H huve the powtr to define the term, I fH net prin ceils, nml to fix what. If any, j 'H ileduetlous could be lllAile III arriving ) f H ut m t proceed, but so far ns any ,H VHliiutloii of mluea Isised upon wme f'H multlide or Mthmiiltlpte of the net , rH iroicils Is eomerued, under the pro j rjjH pcd amendment, the legislature B would be iiowerleiui to In any way kjl Interfere with the aitlou Ml the state j (I'H iMHinl of ciiIIhI1iiii and etiiild not , HbbbbbI fix or determlHe what HIHlllple or faBBBBBa! submulllple should bo aqillel III the HH mee of metalliferous mines lu Ihe pi Ileal oiteratHJU of the amend. fll metit. exUdug law would ilitermlns i ftH what Ihe net proceeds deiivml from jjH ati mine might tie The machinery llH for ditermlnlug the rate of taxation , Jl Is likewise also pnivuled i-UbbbbD Vcr Mull) lllijitlltiu. IbbbbbbI "In this oplulmi we have net en VbH iluavoreil to give lu detail the reasons j jfjH for our ninehislons There are many I (flH ohjeilliins lo the adoption of thll ii SbbbbbI amendment which eaii be soeoesafully laH urged The lintst imtelll iilijedtlon, Ll It seems lo us. Is that this umend- rBBBBBa! iiiuiil is tontrar) to the spirit of our 4H Institutions and form of government. I ,jH To deistfate to an spnilnUl iKiard vJbH not responsible dlreitl) to the people uJbbbbbbI the powers an itintinnplstwl hy this IsbbbbbI aineiidmeni would bo to deiwrt from Lbbbbb! ull iiiuepilons of governmental '(tl Hwer of taxation lirreltifore enter- dbbbbbb1 IsIiumI lo the penplii 1 ' Wlwt would lie thought or H pro- Abbbbb! kmiI to mo amend the coiutltutloil as fULH to ilntlie Die governor. Imllvbluully, TiIbbIbII with a leiwer or taxnilon wieh us the 4 proaaiel HIliellduiMIt seeks to winter rlll iiihiii his appointees' Would net any Ul suuh mtcinpt lie siontuneHisr eon- IHH deinnetl by all wilier thinking eltliensT bUvibbI Yet, It Is manifest that a eoiistliu HuH tlonal iirovlshm iluthliig the guv- WlriBi eruor with suvh power would be ut. IKI tendeil with no more danger would iBl be mi more leVolutlniiHr). ami would WKm bo mi more objevtmnahle than Is the 11101 proMMel tu iimfer like powers iimn DbbI III HplMilnleee. BbbIbI Horace M Wilson writes U have HH The Son sent lo htm at I'et llltss, Hi)l Tex where Im Is sUHoail M a &H I inuslilaii rvlth the tlghty-8eoiHl HmJ i'leld Artlller) baud Up tu tllU MlMii time, he says, bis regiment has net WJlfl preiared for overseas duty esfept In JHarti Mae mask work The influesuat has aBw V 'hit tlmt lamp hard with numWer of deaths, something like thirty lllif! dally However, tlte medical wsi Vvtl' have It umlei euuUol and fewer fa Mil- bbMRI iltles are looked for from now tm. Ttie Will 'young man Is a sou of MiCluie WIN IH ju eon of I'rlie and U making kikmI as a HJ 9 l musli Ihii as well us u soldier m it Tho Ainerkutiluttlon lommlttee of M' fl Jhe stute ituiiii'll of defense, ueeord WK ' ling to He4ietur Arch M T Wur mun, l i bus u plan to ostuhllsh American H II lunguage sihouls In ever) community H Al 'wheie there uro rorelgnera tu teaeh Hilll them Amurleuu Ideals, Amerloan HlwS government. In short, to "Amoiioun- Kill lie" them This will be undertaken UbbH In conjunvtlou with the fedorul gov- IH ernment The work Is at present Ml under the supervision of the state HIbbI council of defense bbbIbI Our Idea of military necessity 919 Is when a widower admits truvt he flBI Is more than it years old. wfflHv