Newspaper Page Text
Hi -,,.,, n,.v NOVEMBER 1.J91 PAGE FOUR THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH-EVERY FRIDAY . 1 B I Issued Ker) Friday fir Bun Tubllih B , In Co tine) It V Crockett, Mgr. I M ', Subscription IZOO the Year. Office M Telephone. Nn i. Ilcsldences, Not, I K 133MI nnd 133M3. I H 4 AllVHHTISINfl HATIU. B ' Display Matter t'er Inch per Month, B 11.00; Single Issue, 40c. Special B roiltlon Zt l'ef Cent Additional. BM . Readers and 1-enal Notices lOe per i Line I'lrsl Insertion. Sc per Line ! Bneh Hubsciient liwue Count six B s word to the line H Obituaries. Cardi of Thank, ltesolu 'I lion. Kt.. at Half l.oinl Heading f Notice llntes Count six words to B jj the Line. BB (H Adlets. 1'or Sale. Tor Kent, Found, BB Loit. Kir., one Cent per Word Hach BBT j Issue. No Chnrso Accounts. I B I Address All Communications to BB I BUN 1'UIIMBIIINO CO. I'rlce. Utah.j BBt ,il ' went mourning wltlimii The Hunt BB S LsKjoil up nml rrlnl In Ilia congrcfra. BH " Hon. Job, 30.2N. B I U In ilmilil. .perhnlm II would lie BB i Just ns well In vole the demiH-mtle BJ , I Miintr ticket simlKht. j K i' Chief nmotiK our regret rit thin BJB tfme bt Hiir limbllt) i Imrn the ml I il dress f the limn who Ims n iliilbtr-n- j ton substitute fur eml. , BKt; Anether thlmt If nil men Hie Iwtnii BMiff' free ami Hflt. Ihiw U It that some! BBYk sltcp nil summer Mnder blanket mid ' BHIF l Home llliilcr dlffhtiltlcsT HK ) It Ims Jttst alxnU Rotten ii In thin1 BBTIi j nlllltrr llmt mure people emild be BBVR j seen around the WMsollne station titan , BBVC the hHrrlint on Hnnday. BBIS' 'I BBfll'- Civility ami competene) are Im BBVI ' thing expected III the enmity clerk's I BBW l tjffite, II. I Smith, demni'rittlceiindl-' BB date for the pktre. popee Imth. Ml Li Might now would he il relt good, BBVTj) lime In flog In that fnmoin. Hpunlh , BBW Amnrlrtin nr phrae "Iton't ehrer. BBm'j 1 fellowH, Die pour ileA'lb tire dying." H t M. I. I'mffrt Iiik mid Unit he hint BBpj'rj I no lulerenl III nnv of the cundldnleol BBptf exc!H the election of Alf PiilllngT BBVj to the fourth term km niunly tren BBB'r, Hj One thing In fnvor of the kiilrer la BBpjk that the yimka liimu't hud much BBWr , training. If lhe)'d had u eotiplo of BBpM ' wetka mure they'd hate been In BKBJI nerlln b) thin time. Hn llntlliiKer, Morale) mid Mra. Igcr, BBlj the Inter nut for h third nnd the BBpVif former for fourth eoiteMitlve terma, BBpr, are nil well to do fluntieUlly. Tholr BBVj ' opponent urn equally rompetMil and BBBjB l denenlng. Hb ; In the alx yrnra of hU limunibcnoy BBBj! of the county vlerk'a office K. H. BBf ' llorklry haa uaver yet trnnacrlbed BBpJvt the mlnutei of the dUtrlct court. BKBUf Kxtra help has done thla work lit the BBVBl expenae of tnxpa)er. BBBLI BBVX J, K. Ilolmea, unndldntn for the BR MtKtalnture, knotva the needs of BBpB Helper, Wellington and Price In the BBpBL' matter of bftter witter, lie la pleds BBpB k to bring iilmut any powilble teftlntn BBbK f lion that pruinUccit relief. BBBK ! V' Alt Hutllnger one day lift week BBBl' confided to nn nrqunlnlance that ho BBVl teemed to jutt fit In tho county BBBJ treasury niche nt the courlhouso. BBBK i How ubout the salary altnched Juki BBpJ' fitting Into the llnlllngcr nlvhe? BBBl i r BBBl l!t Kxety now nnd then we run ucross BBBB. r the man who loves to tell ubout the BBpR ; time he used to hop out of bed on a BBBV',r void morning, start it big fire In the BBbB ,i kitchen rum;! nnd then bout u tune BBplfn on the bottom of the frying- pan with BBwB "f the mush fl , Hlnce County Clark llorsle), eandl- BBBB ( date for tho fourth coiuecutlvn term BBBB !f U so much overworked, how would It BBBB Y do for the voters or CarlHin county to BBBM i, turn the office over after the first of BBpB K ' the )ir to II, C. Hmlth, democrntle BBBM il i nominee for the place T fli . H H. H. Itoblnett posseaMt all the BBpH'I qualifications for tho county treuv BBBB;'l urershli. ThoMt who ilo not believe BBBBTrt In n llf Job for the present Inoum- BBpBl ' bent, republlcnns and dMnocrals BBpB alike, are going to ute for hint next BBBl) Tuesday. B!, Henator ltce.1 Kmool ,tld In a BBBK, speech ut the commercial club In BBBBf- t Ball Uikn City about u ear ago that BBBM1 i the election of Woodrow Wilson waa BBBB'if prnldentliil. Thnt boliiK true, why shouldn't Kmool und his lllnh friends BBK H vote the dvmonratlc ticket In the BBVB, election of next TuesdityT 1 Ci rutin Interosts that Jammed through K. K. Ilorsley's nomlimllon st the 'republlwin county miivmitUtii ex . , pett fttWjw from hint hh h member of BjBjBB' f ' the drtift borJ. I low do the fatliern BjBjBB , and' inAtherw, ttlvea und swevlluiMrls BBB ' qf men wliu ttre apt to be tlrHftml rrom BjBjBB l Qorbon county view this matlerT It BBVB' ought to put people to thinking BBBB !' ' ' I Irs, l.e H. Thomas of sUfhIU Is BBBBT well"MlilPpwl tu fill I be offlte of BBBB) 1 : rewnler of deeds While her bus- BBVBJ, j band Is fighting for lib etuntr on BBpBu t,f tho wtMtern front It is as little as BBBB)' J twtera uf Crheti tntniy ran do 'to BBBBlbt-it plnco litis good woman whore she BBBBh !( may tatrn n salary until his return. BBBBk J I'eriuNW ctuttliuc their vol for this BBBBa! rj moet cimp4nt lauilldste or the BBBBVi dfllliMOfMlw will never have is use to BBBBVli regret II. Deserving' There I noti BBBBn more hi anywhere BBK ' W' Cooper, wet nurse in the BBBBK , third and fourth termers nt the court- BBBBK house, diHihtrei. Alf ItallhiHer to be BBBBT j the best ouuuty treasurer In I'talt. BBBBH As Tho Hun has before observed, BBBBB slneo tho wifa of the editor of the BBBM raff up tho nmd draws it salary for BBBBk ,. .work done every now und thou lit tho BBBBB - treasurer' office, friend husband BBBBM. ought to know wherwif he speaks. If BBBBB (he question was put to Italllugur he BBBBm- Vj,' -would no doubt declare Cooper to be BBBBMii .thT'sreutost In Utah, Hi BVBBssr 'M HHbt- St ( II Ml VS HON WILLI M II WATTIS DO THINttS. Bevernl of ths rlofe friends of WIW Ham II. Wattls, republican nominee for congrcw In this (tho Tlrst) dis trict, have been In Carbon county this week In the interest of his candidacy They nro clllmr the fact that he Is heavily Interested financially here shouts nnd point to the ronl camp of Wattls. one of the newest to come In as a shipper In this district, as one of his Investment While he lives In figden. he may be called one of far J,on runt)'a men who do thing Allc from this he btilll tho t'tnh rallwn l at the hend nf the Hohller Kiimmit Improvements and has ether inter est that make him n frleml of lbi . tloti of the stale. In urttstderlng H man who Is npn ble of doing Carlwn ewtint) ami bi llern rtah nwi'h gwwl. II would be well for voters Im-nllr I" ' mlmt iln mnilhlaiy rf William II Weltl next Tuesday Mastern flith has never before hart a ittmlblate i rear iHiine The people should tbcic Tore inneWer what Is maIMe p. nine to them with a ! friend at the national rapllal We have Irriga tion liVHttere of (treat Impoilanie rnmliHC Mi after the war. hind affairs ii ml nnmenms other things that ma lie put thrmigh If the right man Ik Ibirf-e In took after them In till The Him Is sure the repilblli-Hn candidate will imiI be found wanting. Again, we like the public utterances of this man WhIIIs, Hi one of lilt It he says. "This Is the Mrst time tlml tn) ratine lias nunc before )ini as u enndl dale for ptiblli off lie. but whatever yon find In the reettrd if my mtlvl ((, in merit approval, yu may de pend iiNin Its manlfeetnllou In the liitereela nf I'talt If y"i honor nie as a representative In eotigree. If I inn .liTtml I hh'. aa my first dtttt. lite stipimtl 1 ever) menatire. thai will spcedlb eml the war Willi btor) a epMirt lltat must lit, wholly nloive INtrtlsnnshlp rtnd when the war Is over I shall expect to stud) elosclyitll the great problems thill lire bound to HrUe during the rreoiiMriirllon period nnd to nppl) to their eolulion with nty utmost itblllt). the principles of sound stnlesninnshlp tlml nie In herent In Ihe republlcnn purl). i "I shall staml for the protection of Ainerlciin hnltistry iigitlnsl ihetip i foreign iiunpellllon, which mentis, of 'course, that I shnll uImi work fir the lsl Interests or Amerlenn labor. And t ulutll i omit niyrelf fottunnta If I am able In employ In Ihe advantage of our stale the exierlelice I have .githiwl In rislaiiiatlon work nnd slock 'mlsllig Hi the West, when measure laffetllng Ihe agricultural and live slmk luleresls of our sntlnn nite up , for eonlderiitlon." While nol In the leiut delruitlng .from the ability nnd able service or Milton II. Welling, present represen tative. The Hun believes In consider ing home Interests Hrsl. und the closer a representative lit Washing ton, I). t. IS to his eonstllliuic) the more that ttilislltilency Is gidng to !gct. William II. Wattls Is u man I whom itnone may itprmnih. He Is 'not above the coal miner, the farmer or the. everyday laborer Huch men 'lis he do things, i - Krnest H. llorsle) has now been In the iHiunt) clerk's office six )wtrs nnd Is nsklng the voters of Carbon county l give him the Job for another two )enrs. He has been the most expensive officer for the lnxpir)cra thnt the) have ever had In the-phuc Durlnic bis Inciimblwncy he has spent thousands of dollars for printing without ever asking for bids as the stntiitvs provide. Proposals from The Hun during this time, presented to llorsle) liave nhvn)s been utterl) Ignored and the work given to nn Insti tution lit which Alt Unlllngrr. county 'Irensurcr. Is believed lo own stock In I Ihe name of one of his bo)s. nnd "IIIII" Hamilton, it county commis sioner. In Hie name of his wife. These four termers not only vvnnl in mono Ipotlto the unite. It appears, but till business originating with the cnunl). ! Again, llorsley us it purchaser of sup plies for Curiam county persistent!) Ignores most of the taxpitylnc firms of I'rlce to turn business lo it con cern In whlth he himself Is n stock holder, und of which one of the county lommlssloncrs Is nn assistant malinger. I'rlce merchants, regard less tr polities, are going to rest til this monopoly of things next Tues-day It Is difficult nt times for folks ItavlnB business at the courthouse to distinguish w bother they nro In the stake i lock's or county clerk's office Isn't intuit of this overwork com plained of nol for tho county If those candidates nf the republi can party nro given the third and fourth terms won't they be out for the fourth and fifth two )oars from nowT This keeping of men und women In ofrirw for er unfits them for on) thing else. The Bun dislikes to see otherwise useful cllliens ruined "Now Is the time for nil good men In come In Ihe insetie of the iarly" ami help In clip Ihe whk of the courthouse ring Carbon real tsMMte itwnera, tinder I the demands uf Alf Ifelllngar. must see that takes uf their tenants are I hi Id. to Tint viyntiw or oauhon countvi Th liberty iwrly hereby endorses tlm Hon. William II. Wattls for mem ber af tenures, ami requests all members of Ihe party to support hint in the lumliiff election (Hlgned) LAHB (JUNDKItSON, Chairman of Liberty 1'nrl) Dated, I'rlco, Utah, October 10, 1818. Beveral candidates on tho ropubll aan county tliket und others Inter ested In the state and local campaign hold n mcetliiB In I'rlco last Monday evening. About tho most Important thing oomlns I tforo thosa present was an assessment against ull candidates of 6 per cent of tholr first year's salary to meet expenses Incident to seeking office. Outside precincts und cundldutes wero unrepresented. No, Maude, dear, tho practleu of crooking the elbow Is not necessarily a part of the sottlngup oxwclso. r , BBrsI BBrpB dK) eblbVbVbVbVbH I BJBBBBlBBBBBBJBBBi Bpr ik ng if effl irii II H 1 .hi licit t) imlnee if the democrats for i 'Mintv trcosurrr In Ihrre with tho gooiln 100 n r tent He has "lie liov with the nrmv of the Inlt'd Hlales ittid Itnil ho few enrs ,ig" foreseen 'lilt world's war might have h el pod In make I'ncle Horn's nverseas forn-s still stronger. As II Is he s there a hundred per tent pntrlotball). aa good a record as the' best of them If hoseit to Ihe treitsurershlp next Tuceds). all residents of the e it)' and others having I urn In cm nt the eoHrtlmtise during the coming two )ents are assured of eotirteotisliess and efflcleni) Ills mnny )ear of ritlltoad work Willi the Denver and Itlo.itrntule aa all operator and agent, as well as with other Unci, tins fitted him eepeilatly fur such duties as the trensiircrshlp tails for Adveille-nient. MANY TRAPPERS GOING TO RELIEF OF STOCKMEN (Continued from page three.) situation. All sorts of changes In the transportation plans nro mn slatitl) being mnde. Hut I'ncle Ham has n liubll or find ing a way. nnd you needn't fear tout )our bo) Is enmp will stirrer fioin .old this winter. Itxltcmc effort Is being made b J. Kdwnrd Taylor, bend of the produc tion deiHtrtnicnl of the Utah food admliilMnition, to provide cars fur Ihe shipment of cattle nnd sheep from the district near Thompsons, the stockmen of which have made un urgent appeal HeVcnty cars ure needed nol Inter than November lib, while the shippers or Cisco require twenty-two ears about the samotlme. In spile or the furt that there Is a senrtity of cars on ull rnllnmd lines. Tit) lor expresses the hope tlml he nut)' be nbte to satisfy nil demands. November hog prices have been agreed upon ut Chicago at tonfereme between nnllomil food administration nnd representatives of prntl liters, commission men nnd packers. A minimum prltc for pnokers' iliova hogs. excluding throwouts. of 1 17.10 Is nnnounced. Mr n,nd Mi"T7 II. Alirvtms, living west of I'rlce on I'orphyr iVnch. this week hil n letter from Abler son. Curtis Xbrams. with Ihe ihnrlnca In France VThe )nting manytnllstcd and left hero IssUaiUnroerr' It Is written on it piece of ennvns shot from n Her man plane and sa)s: "Prance, Hept. 1, I9I. Dear Mother Just n few lines to let )ou know that I am still ull together, although 1 thought a couple of times the othcer day that I wouldn't lw I nm writing this on it pleco of (lerman airplane that we shot down with rifles. He was only about fifty feet from our trench. We put twenty-five bulletholes In him. Well, mother, I haven't heard front ymi since I have been over here, but hope to soon." lr and Mrs. A. W. Ifciwil of Sunny side have been called to mourn the death of their oldest daughter. Mary I'm m cs, which occurred at it Halt Ijvke City hospital last Wednesday morning of Influenia. which was ns iiimininlcd by pneumonia. The child was 14 ,oar of age nnd was attend ing Bt. Mary's ucadrmy No funeral announcement had toen made ut the time The Bun goes lo press, but It I presumed Interment will take place at Hnll Utke City. The child had been III but n few da) a. I'rof Orson Ityon, county upfiln teudent or schools, has received u letter from J. C. Uauerman nf the bureau of education nt Washington. 1). C . praising the financial rep rt f the Carbon tllotrlct, reiicclally B ho dule ii tliuriMif, pertaining to flnuti lal stiilfinicnts of tho local s hoots BURLAP BAGS No. 1 Potato, Whuiit and Onts. BiiKs at reduced prices. We have nn oversupply of theso bags nnd will glvu you omo very nttrnctlve prices. Still lending In Hny. Grnln, Corn, Mixed Feed nful Flour. Price Commission Co. United Btate Pood Administration License No. a. 41131. PHONH 181 P1UCB, UTAH After a man has been man led mj long he boconiM acclimated, I President Wilson Smokes the J " I Propagandists Out of the. I Grass t $ :j: I . Let Every Utahn Who Loves I His Country Read This i Appeal ' Y It is now known thnt Former President Kooscvelt, the recog- V Y nized spokesman of the republlcnn pnrty, who hns been sending in- ! structlon to senntors nnd representatives of congress, Interfering y A with pence negotiations, recently advised republican members of , congress to reject the fourteen peace conditions to which our & allies have long since agreed! J BECAUSE OF THIS UNWARRANTED IN- TERFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL AF- X FAIRS, AT A MOMENT OF THE MOST DELL A r CATE TENSION IN THE HISTORY OF THE Y WORLD. PRESIDENT WILSON HAS ISSUED 1 Y AN APPEAL TO EVERY AMERICAN TO STAND Y Y HY THE GOVERNMENT. y t The president calls upon those who hnve been nngging and Y knocking nnd rocking the bont to come out in the open and let the f Y world see who they nrc and whnt they mean. He knows who has y y been hindering the work of the government and now he wants y y the people to know. y Y IT WAS FOR THIS REASON THAT HE IS- V Y SUED HIS APPEAL TO TJIE PEOPLE OF y AMERICA, KNOWING IT WOULD SMOKE THE . ! PROPAGANDISTS OUT OF THE GRASS1 AND t)UT OF THE GRiVSS THEY CAME! . Y Americans, you know now who has been fighting the prcsl- 5 i dent. You know now who originated departmental inquiries v which placed valuable Information In the hnnds of the kniaer. 4 You know now who It wns thnt secretly oppsed every move the , prciddcnt mnde since the wnr begnn. In n single stroke, tho presl- Jt t dent bus exposed their ambuscade! A Fellow Countrymen, don't let the Hun game be playetl here A as It was In Russia. This is no hour to strike at the president! X A vote thnt will rcpudlntc the president is a direct blow nt the ,!, t United Slates of America. Contemplate for a moment the great Y joy It would bring In the knlscr's circle! Y Y WE ARDENTLY 11EL1EVE THAT UTAH WILL NOT FOR- ! SAKE THE PRESIDENT IN THIS GRAVE CRISIS! RATHER, A UTAH WILL STAND WITH HIM AND REBUKE THE UN- A THINKING POLITICIANS WHO HAVE SOWN DISCORD AND DISTRUST! f Fathers, Mothers, as you expect your boy, who tonight is A in tho mud of Flanders or on the fields of Picardy, to be loyal to A A your commnndcr-ln-chlef! Mntch his loynlty with your own! A t Antl let the whole world know thnt UTAH WILL NOT FAIL THE ; Y PRESIDENT NOW! Y Y t y DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET Y For Congressman, First District, Y Y MILTON II. WELLING. V Y Fr Congressman, Second District, Y Y JAMES II. MAYS- V For Judges or the Supreme Court l ! S. R.THURMAN. VALENTINE GIDEON, A. J. WEHER. X f Democratic State Committee X W. R. WALLACE. Chalrmnn. ,R. R. THURMAN. Secretary. Y y . Y T ; Political Advertisement). J sIf svHIH Otto Ill I I I I i -1 bi domoiritl I' kct r r i mi) Mir ve)or, Is suiitriutcudeut of t e milieu of I'nlbd Mlotc-i I url ...iipin !t lilawntha He H u ml enelnecr b) professluii, und uhose ih. nluu)li been in demand l those ho appreciate his ability 'or h Ioiik time he was employed b) I'talt l''ue. coniinny The surveyor's office and the duties connetttxl thereultlt will continue to be well looked after If he niraln Is elected. , Our position simply Is that it xlil with Spanish InMuaniu Isn't umc. , sarlly a iwnorlta. The hard part about un easy job Is tha eettlnv thereof, Soldiers' Christmas Presents Fitall Adjustable Toilet Kits, com plete with Toilet Articles. VsV.WAW.WWW. Khaki Photo Frnme nnd Trench Mlrrror Comblnetl. Safety Razors, Razor Wndcs, Common Rnzors, Shav ing Hrushos, Etc. Wntermnn Fountain Pens with bis name engraved on Gold Rand. Cigaretto Cases, Cignrette Holders, Playing Cark Fine Lenther Letter Rooks and Bill Folders. The Elite Jewelry Co. Eko Theator Building, Price, Utah. j I I