Yes, We Have Them !
I Bran and Shorts,
Cracked Corn,
Castle Gate Coal,
Hay and Grain, and
Carey Salt.
Tell the Blue Drays. .
McKune Forwarding Co.
Phono HS
Clothes Built
For Service
ton inn ronaeno wool
arnrlnR elnthea w makes u u
u.t or oeri!Ottt bought from
im will Klo you phjelcnl r
vlre unit menial autlafacllon
The) will (It comfortably anil
hate thn rino llnea mid Rood
flnlrii thnt put )ou lit rnne
whoreri nml whenever mir
wenr tlirm
I. A llllli'. our r"rniia
the, vUlt the romp mid ""
rnundliiR tow mi rry few du)a
with u complete Hn of a"'"'
pie the naino ok nre dl
plu)d at our plnie or Imalne
Hne him mil or drop n
F. L BUCKIO, Tailor
North Ninth 81 . Jmt OK Main
Price, Utah
sti n auv.ww: iv lions
m:i:n vr sir i.aki: un
luM clUp.ilihtHi fiom thi Knat
t llnB that nrriiRement hurt been
Kuli In iweon the PnlU-tl Hlute
"urriu of murkol. tho food ndmln
Mntlon nml the poiker t main
'in u uniform irli of 117 50 foi
! r fut Iior tlurliiK November I
n uriiKlnif now to llu fiirnurn und
I r.ilHer In nil till Intel mountain
m ir AieordliiR to tiff hint of
the hii Iiko Union atoikvurd, thl
from I'hlriiKO uwmre IwBTiilaeiM
1 irt mill niUnmlUK mmket In
'lid Willi f 17 50 per liundredwilRlil
Hi top prim for thohc fut lu'R'
'rt , thr period thin minimum H li
'" ut ciiIuiro Hal lev unrt irn
Mlm l.fliiK low or than tho hnvt
" ut time In tlm liiit rir ix itl
n i i leil emnuriiRnmrnt to'ln roise
"W k rather thnn cut thorn d-wn
Wi it thi Iior run hu lipt li wine
''lit iitr thun for week pievlom
"1 ' market U li no matin eer
M'"Krl unil pnikurN are bu)ln all
h" fat Hoik offcrttl tihorlly nflur
riv t The lutt wuk the loei.1 mar
" i Vorili Hull J.nkn ha been very
"" huvliiR handled twenty-ono
'"' iiul five hunilrtiil heep. nine
hu' I' l urn! iilmtt)-flvit uittlo nml
Wit hundred nml elRhU-ona hnR
"nil. poiiih of thlH una trnmilt Mock.
"'liuj Nhoep, the othora wore
'$ theio DurlnK tho lunt week onu
Hail of hoiw (torn Ulntiih llanlii
" I'fl o arrived mid wore milrt
Tint iiomutiil on tlm murki't ut
nt l Ktrons for chohe fat hoa
' 't fot Blear mid iowa. The
i murkot la Mimawhnt ulronitor.
"hoiiKli iim demand U alow
'aland Oonl company, up llarda.
utille a outputtlnic about two corn
ay It Knea to Salt laka City.
T I" (Tom) Kilter old not n-ok
the demotrutlv tiomliintlim for sheriff,
hut hU prevlolla rriord hi the off lie
iniule Mini the IiikIiiiI mmllilali when
Che ilrniiiir.ltH II few wiekn UK" he
Klin to lint iltiout for pomeone loin
erpt thU moht repiiiHllile ponltlon
At the hollilatutlon of friend, hn
comieuled to run Tllt-ne lielliK IIUIII
ered h) the hunilrrda, lie U koIiir to
ho Car In m eounty'a hherlff after the
flml of the )rur livlliloei dread
him, while nil thoce who luixe hart
litndneM with the off lie when he wua
an liiiumlient know that he ha the
drain nurt the dilre In do what I
expei'ttil of him III reeord pernon
nil) mid a an of Mi or I nhoxe irltl
cIkiii At prtfeul he I empoil by
I'luli Kitel tompau at Wlutei Qiiar
tor. He I held III hlhll eMoelll for
III true worth Adierllcemeul
When pari control of the IvKlohi
tltt liritmh thmme. the koi liiiuent
fall lltm.ll ut the poll of the
purl) In t'oiitiol of the Koveriimeiit I
lutt preteil a popular dlKippioul of
lilt pit t) pollileN mid the ifovern
ment I petdll) ihuliKid that It mil)
ho In hurnion) with the oiwmnktiiK
power. Head the apptal of l're.
dent WIImui uppeurltiK '"i the retund
puite of thl ImprefcKlon of The Hun
K" j
It la puttliiK It I ut mllillt t)'i) llentou Ituiulolph li at Intel)
Hi r h st "t r t'jr'ion umiiiy
ctr li'irt He wii ili i tul twit ir
uko without mi) tffort whatevei on
hi Hirt mid next Tuenduy- will he
ehiiNun ly u hundwinie inajorll) to
miriiert hlmrndf Kveryono know ins
him U uwaie of the fan that he
would rnthei endure au Injiintli'n
hluiKeir than to wroiiKfllll) aweMi
another Ilia JuilRinant a to wiluea
I Kood. mill If mlHtnki hue heell
mudti l) hlmnelf or deputle the) uro
orrora of the head and not the heart
DurlnK hi two )era Ineumlieiu) of
the off ho he hn unearthed mm h
property Milhject to taxation that hud
heforti lieon oerlooked Thin amount
lo man) tlinuaiinil of dollnr Ad
Althuuch not exnotly a pawlinlal,
the manlaure Kir' thinks most ieo
pie nil Quid bo taken In hand.
a Citizens of Price will hnvc a
Kood friend, ns will every town
nd community in the county,
If J. E. Holmes Is next Novem
ber Fith chosen to represent thia
people in the state legislature.
He it pledKcd to work for such
n lnw or laws ns will permit
those who want better writer to
acquire the same by bonding if
they see fit by their votes to
do. Here is what the demo
cratic platform hns to say on
this all important subject to
residents of Helper and Price:
"The municipalities within
this (Carbon) county nre great
ly in need of better water for
domestic puriroscs, and in order
to procure it, expenditures will
have to be mndo of moneys in
excess of the maximum amount
that can now be lawfully raised "
by reason of the existing legal
"W i therefore, iavor legislative changes in the existing laws
lioviding for greater latitude in voting bonds for raising funds
for obtaining desirable water for municipal purposes, and to this
fiid we plcdfc the rifoits of our nominee for representative to
Ihe legislature." Advertisement.
Mliieii niillniie to Ik mihio hi all
the,tiuupK .ind more wanted iilnioxt
J I MiKtilKht lepulilUtin i mini)
ilmlrmnii, I i-oliflmd to hi, home
with nu attaek of the Infliienui
Hiofleld t'oal eonipnn) I viitklim
thee day nl full itipnoluv Si out of
Ihe output Koett to the railroad
lttr i-Htnp In Carbon muni) 1
iiHirHiillnl HKalnul Influenza No
illHIHea are heluK tMkott with the
U I' llaltiee, imwlilijlit mid innii
aRer of Carlton I'ucl iiinjmn. Imn
bttel) been hi (VllforMl on ImikIiioim
for hMi etmeern .
I'ntntoe are at till time nllliiR
on the I'rlte mnrkit at two dollnr
n hundred Hay I roIiir hi twuil)
otie and higher tho ton
NotwItlmtnudluK the Influoihut epl
dilill' I'll e hotel are nil hntlliR n
ri.ikI run of litiHlnpaM. Vt r) few torn
'imrtliil men are off the
Mt-i lnifMee Itvcr hn Inkt u .1
ipiiPltlou ii iHMtkkeepor mid tltlk nt
tht Hnn) Hotel at 1'rlie Kheitmii
from tin Kenton nt Halt like I'll).
There are more frelKhtem on Ihe
I'rln lu M)toti riMtd thnn for mull)
imontha There are loud nt thl end
of the line for many mure team If
the) were to lie hud.
NolhliiR more hu li'ii beard
Intel) or the nlleRed deiortntlou or
mlntr from CncJion louiil) tntiip.
Thrre wa liothliiK to the Htor) In the
Uirx I'fuliilM'il llll delhrr the
KnlRlit toal lo l'rlie umtomiTH by
wiiroii The road nru atlll Rood, but
mu) be woro nuy time with i limine
In weather lomlltlon
AiUlee from Roxcriiment authoil
Ilea lo the Mntc road eommlimlnn thl
week tell of nn Imnsine of 10 per
lent allowed In the prlre of lemtiit.
Till rulnea the iiiotntlon for tho
Utnh prodmt fiom 1170 to II
If farmeiM who delre help with
their br.-l or men and bo) whowhdi
tv woik In the beet field will make
thflr rioelreM known to Count) AReiil
Pi be or to Prof. Oron Itan thiM
Kentlelllell will ait a a frte biileau to
brliiR aliih imrtlett toRrthtr
Applleatlon of the Utah llnllwa)
fonipini) foi ptrmliwlou to liiniiKuiale
nwltihhiK iharRf for mIIIiir ontinra
for the I'ulted HtutiM Km I iomu)'K
tlpplen nloiiK It " III the Curium
and Knur) fount) umI field wn
heard ItlM Moudii) brfoie the pllblle
utllltle lommliMlou of I'tah Theie
wn no proteHtnnt nml the matter
wn tnken under adxlveiuent l the
HlmrtHRe of I- Ml minor taiiM-d b
the Influeuau hn iuijjoiI the t'nlteil
Htati fuel admlnltrnt1oii to miRReM
that all mliier In the Weal work all
da) next KuiidA) II) thl method li
I hoped to iiMiriiime the hortak'" In
iimiI output It I mtlmated b) the
fuel udmlnlntratloii n dull) axeraRotif
mole than two million ton mut bo
mined for four month to imet the
imllou' need.
Mr and Mia. J It JttrylMin uf
Irbe were inllwl iimiii laat Katlltda)
oeulllK li litlt with their little
Kill. (iHrtiude Kud)ii, iiKd almiit 3
jeur Th little one wa a rmaik
M brlKhl and lovable child and wan
I K but a few day of membrHiiatiu
r uiii I'uiiaral iwrvltett wrt oil
ih i toil b Hex llalpll C Jolie of
tin Metlmilll hiirth at Prbe lant
M i! iv MrM Jeiwe Kanford aim
liltrmont wu In the loeal temeler)
If the term of a mandator) order
i ud last MoiuU) b P J Mocnii.
illn I'M of the Utah liurimu of tlm
I niled Mtute einplo) ment trU.
are full) lomplleil with taery non
iMteutlal liidutry In the entire Mate,
uf Utah will he thhnroiiKhl) iiuiiImhI
for loon, the Hirvlitta of wlilili win 1 1
dherted to what the Kivernment haa
tornitMl efiitlnl net iiatliiu Moran a
order wua dlrette.1 to the tutw wini
muiiltv boaid with lntruttloiiM to
make u "ulaanliiK" of H limtltutlona
not employed In ekutlnl war In
tlualr) In exery (.ottlnn.
Hr.ui'.p nm hi:st.
One of thn moat common iuiiiiom
uf liiMimnln and riwtluMiipwi la Indl
Reatlon Take one of Chnmberlaln'a
Tablita Iminedlutel) ufter aupper anil
eu If ) on do not riwt better mid
uteep bKter. They only toft n
iuarter. Adt.
If a monTeally lovoa u woman ahc
doea not haxe to conceul her bkc.
W Wllnon wa in Kloii thl
wiek n liiinlne
C P Hint and Ule Hvan were
here I'rldn) from Wattl and iPKlnt
rred nt the Hao) durlliR their eta)
C P Crawford of the Xlon of
the of I'tnli Putt tompnii) wuahere
thl week nn mntttr before the
county draft bonrd.
MIm Tliehnii Sutton I bat k
homo from Proo, whcie ho re
leutl) nerompnnled her Rrnudmother,
Mr. IkHtlttr Clark Tho latter I to
iimke her homo In the Oiinlon City
Mr. J M (Inillrtlll of Cletelrttid
o. wtt In Pi Ire and Cntle Dale thl
week and bint on bimlne matter
for her liiiklmiid Dr Ornlnmi hn
been in 1'rnnre for a ronnlderaldrt
Mr C I! l.uix-11 I iuoxIiir to
Hiawatha Horn l'rlie thl week,
where her IiuhIkiiiiI retentl) went to
work for Carbon and Knier) Htore
tompMii) after iomIruIuk a poMllon
with Hiowtioft
Dr C A Whirr) or Prbe I
liHikliiK after the praitlre of Dr A
J. Dowd At Kunuyrltle llelde lo.
Iiir hi little Klrl from lutliteiitn Dr
Dowd ha a rlrler rr) low or the
plnRiie at Snlt Imke City
Neil M Madron, (ount) ihulr
mini, J It I Induce, II C. Kmllh nml
O K. Chi), iiomlnet on the demo
rralll lloket, United WtlllllKtnn laul
Kiinda) The) nut with en
touriiRemeut from oter there
-JililRe ileorRe ClirlMeilaeti mid
Court lleporler Abler left Pilie Prl
da) liml for their home In Hunpele
uounty Thorn will be no (ourt nn)
where In thl dMrlit until the In
flut iixu epldemli hn pnod over
Will DilRinole I Mr) III at Tri
llin with whut I iiipoed to be In
f hu inn nml toiiRtMitlon of tho Iuiir.
Ill fnther, Illnliup Hamuel DuRtnure
of Kuiiti)lde. mid Mr and Mr. O
Koreiuoii, Jr, of Cantle Date are In
altendnnre on the i k man
l.eland Hubert Wade, will or
Mr mid Mr lleur) Wnde, nrrlved
home Iiim ulRht from Port Porter,
near lluffulo, N Y, where he hn
been III a hOHpltal elliio belliR hhell
hoiktd III a battle on Ihe wcNteru
front lie wa Willi the mark
III ltin MraM V Miilnue) of Halt
Uike I'll), met him at ORdeu. but
did, not tome on to l'rlie
- J. It IIiiiIikiii lot al neiretar) of
the tlvll Mtrtlie ioiiiiiiImiIoii. who
lomliirled an examination at Prbe,
Haturdii), for poaluuiMer at Oruuue
llli report that Hunu)lde haa no
lufliienxa mid I iiiiirautliiid aKulunt
the dleuie, mid Cmtlii (lute, where
them are a Rrtwt iitnnlM r or eawet, I
iluaialitlliiHl to plevent Ihe illnmim
rrtun aproadliiR fiom there Proo
HiH-nld SDtli
W. W CI) de. proton! ehlef en
Kinoer ut Htorra and who Iiah been
i anted u fHiulldatn for loiiRturm torn
inlpwhuier of Carbon count) on the
deniiHTMlb tbket, I an old untile
m limit tlaMIUHlo of the etlltor, who
I tiow'M Cdc foi a yoMUK man of otrlrt
lutexrlt) and extoptliuwl 'VimmI JinlR
ment He uluiiil 1 be iimutuiill) well
ipluliriiMl to fill the iMMtltlon or torn
mllolier If ebttell Canlle Dale
PniRroaa, lath
- II il Clmk wu hen k
R-.liiK tu nml rttfuiuliiK from the
Pintail IUhIii iimiltl) He had btiatl
not there to try and buy up frewrut
thoiiHinl head of tillke) foi the
'.Ion TlutnkKllntf market and waa
fulrly iu.tiifiil He Mate that all
if the runnel re.orvatloii ttniulr) la
prtmrM .U. Wlme leavliiR Mytou a
tv. moiitha hko he haa woikatl for
WumuIiIi Htore oioittii at Winter
QuurtMf, but flRurea lo later ho lain
InmliiviiN for hliMfcelf at the Ute
Prim AtavtHiKar tomiMiiy, all kfnd
of HarUiKe IiuiiIihI and tollela and
tiapiMla elemitMl We aim to planne
All work Kuaruiiteetl Hervleoa avail
bin any hour and will ru anywhere
W D Hoove. MunuKer PtMttofflrti
llox (l Phone SIMS Price. Utah
- Adt
Hhtulff UaorRe CollliiRhum Rut
lniy Sunday ovenluR and hnled M
KlapMidiimuH heforti Jutlie Ham
mond the rollowlliK da) He wua
flnt.l two hundred mid fifty dollar
for aelllnR and tuivInK whlxk) In hi
powieiitilon. The prlao uhurRCd mutu
mora, nucordliiR to the nffkor, wua
thirty tenta o "hot." About a iae
wn riHiflm'RlPtl by the aherlfn
Secretary McAdoo's Warning to JM
Liberty Bond Investors i H
Herretnn MtAdoor I warn Imratnr In lllifrlr limn HOtldl H
inliH"t exrhatiRe of thpo e blent ea of their trtntlMii for ,H
nuy eeutitlett er Micnlled eeeurltle Wbllo wimi of the Fecilrl- iH
lle. or eomtlod eeurltlee, efferetl In exchntiRe ft KoVernmcni iH
ImiioN nre of oiind vnlur. theie ho doubt thnt a hirRe perroutnRe 'H
ii f them nre worthlewt. .H
' I liellee It I for the bet lutereatn of II. e people at UtrRti,
n well a for their netunl pKiteotlon, that the) tllnrcRtiid nil Mich HH
.iff em nud hold fan lo the btet Hietmonl In ihe world 'that (a, H
tmmla of their own Rovertiment. fH
"It I my oarnent hope thnt exerj purtlmaei of a tlbert) Iwml
wilt rtllie thnt the mil) Renulnn help he rUca hi Roxernment I H
by koopliiR hta bond nn nu Inxeiitiiieut a ImiR a It I piwaMlito for (l
him In do eo Whore, beenuve of mloforlune nr Imperative neoon- M
It), the holdor of a llbert) InhiiI I fnrtort to fell, there can, of jH
eolirw, be no objortlon " TH
Price Commercial & Sayings Bank
Price, Utah H
mmammmmmmmmmmmmamKmmmmimmmammammmmmmmmmimmmtmm H
Compare These Prices With I
Those of Others I
i H
Cream Cheese, per pound .40c M
Those Gootl Brooms $M5 . 'H
Milk, Full CmiH, two for - '2Gc rrll
Wash Hollers .... ?2.20 M
A. U. Napthn Washing Powder ....... ............- 10c . M
Light House Cleanser ... 05c L M
Stone Jam, all sizes, H5c to amju. $1.25 M
Creamery Ihittcr . V...M ............ C5c M
Hggs ............... bRc jH
Tomatoes, Uirgc Cans, two for..............M !i(ic 4H
Canned Soup, nil kinds ............... 15c IH
Soda, Arm and Hammer ....... ...,........ 10c iH
Sliced Peaches, per can liOc I jH
Silver Tip Syrup, per Gal ..'... .. $1.00 11
Lye, Saponnfer 10c i vlH
Overalls, Levi Strauss, $;,00 i H
Overalls. Scowscrowft 1Mb $.1.00 I ,H
Apron Gingham .18c I L'H
Percales .18c VM
Price Trading Co. 11
I North Ninth Street, Price, Utah. I 'H
II C Hmlth U the Dpi or iiiiiii for
thn toiiiit) tltrkhlp limit M fair
iiinio and obllRliiR Aiwa) tourte
ou mid err rend) to Heal all allkt
Prompt mid an urate In hi work no
mini hfienhniitH I better qualified fur
the pohlllou to w tilth tin demotrut
of Cm bun touiit) hiixe uomlunted
lit tix lie I wIIIIiir lo UMOiiuc the
diltUnt of Ihe draft board with a
Millie If Ihe other fellow I tiled of
erliiK hi ttuiiiti) exrtpt for hlR
, pit) II (' Hmlth ha fllltd the of
ficii one term In tlm etitlro Mitlnfai
, Hon of tfie piMiple , He hn a etui
, flRhtliiR for our common ttuiutr) on
i the woMlerii front, while hi opponent
whliieH al'init Din extra work that
hu been Impiwel upon him In ttui
neitlon with draft dutleH dtrtlM'
ment i
tCnntluued from ihirb one )
lllerte nf (iRden. of whbh orRMiilxa
tlioi he Him preldeiit f'r thlee Ui
i emlvi. li'llilH The I tlK lrfet HUer
IrrlHulloit proje.t In Idahu I typical
of hi lorcklHht ami pontUletn and
hi ablllt) mm a developer Till ell
terprlae had lwii altttniptid h Kat
ru tapllalktlM and enwliierr ami
wnntl fulliire after falluie and waa
fliiMll) iMiiiRht In at rernlver' nale
l Ihe Hantlemaii and hi mimhh ttttc.
The name of the piojwit bad bwetnne
a lijwurtl throuRhoiii the countr) mm
tuudliiR for a ottliMMMtl ntleHipl at tin,
llUHHudbl lie took hold of It audi
rather tuttuumled the mo pernor anil I
the tale land laaird of Idaho b of. j
ferliiR to itMitnatruil tint untnrirtke
without ukluR for any money what-!
in or from the tate or the Mttllera
until watur Nhoiild be delHerotl to tin
farmera. The toiitratt waa idRiied on
thl IkimIk mid rtHentl), after unmt
rlRld liiMpootlon. the tato eiiKlueor
and tho tnte laud bourd prtiuouuied
the dam a miiHew Thl uihlexemeut
will permit the ret lalmliiR of many
tlintiwuicl uf uere or alunlile land
In the Oem Htutn and rebound In laid
Iiir hunnflt to tho people of that Nee
tlon "In hia Mirloim enterprise, Wattl
ha been a lurgt emplojer of labnt
und It la ilKnlflemit that hu haa been
nlngularlS fire from labor troublei,
1 how who work for him, thece tvho
vnrk with him mid thone fur whom I llal
he hn worked enteclil him for hi iiial
jRenoroii fair and Miunre method. tnll
He Innpliv the itinfldume of mrn 'Zll
nml hu rlonrl) demontrnlrd hi Vll
nblllt) mid efflilent) a a tender. ' AlLH
He prnweuM nu extraordinary nmouiit 1 " ll
or tail nnd I a iinimiiiiiiiiite dlplo- j H
mat In hi dtallnR with men He I 1 j
nffiilile, klndl) In dlKpimltlou mid I fil
III over) t'Mieutlnl n thoroilRh Rrlltle $ll
tuiiii, and uIIIioiirIi he hn uelilexed I 1 1
what to anme may iuem nn unumml j
niiittw In a liiidliiMw wa), he I Jut nl
a plain ileiuot ralli rltlien. without I fM
filll or mi) kind Ul
In politic, dime atlitlnliiR hi XH
mujorll), ht ha been a republican, f )H
but he ha inner ollRht pllblle office. 1 M
The iiomlniitlon for toiiRTewt wn jH
leildi led him b) the reputdleHli eon. 1 H
entloii b) the iinanlmou aitlun f 11
Ihe ileleRute and over III protnot. J H
Wht u he ww Ihe limlnti life of thn llH
demiilid. he )leldetl In the will of III Jll
part) and I miikliiR a Iroioii latin- fUI
palRil for eliHtlou If ejetlril, he will Hl
hi arraiiRe hi affair a lo Rive hi fll
entire erlte to the ilutle of the Jl
off lt lie will brliiR lo hour a eon- rHI
Klemiiu In the affair or liile tln ffl
hi me em rRy, lRor fiirclRlit mid 3l
k'imiiI Hound JuilRinenl that he ha lined jfl
In tho ttimluit of hi hindii enter- llH
prlKe Sl
"He ha lo) all) nupportrd the go- 1
ernmtnt In thl" trlnl. and, Immtidl ll
atel) followliiR upon the tleglarulloii ffll
of war with (lirinaii). u preldtul ffll
of the t'tali Contriietlou oiinipaiiy. tHeH
and with the full approval of bin an- ll
HiiiHle he tendered to tho United WH
Htnte Rotrnment. ou any bail HlH
whbh It mlRht detdre and on It own WH
term, for war purim,, all tho prep- Ul
ert) uf hi orRttnluitlon, IneliidliiR Im ffSl
tamp and itmMruitlon etiulpmvnt. wtAH
mm will m Ita Iioim, cattle amleliMin. fSiH
Two inembem of hla famll) art IH AAH
Mlle uillltar) ervte Mild hn ut lll
lionu prompt a ml pmmlnaut In all fll
war aotivllloN mid I a member of te nIV
late llbnrt) Iimui t'oiuniltloo. HH
' ComliiR from old ploneei ultnik. Bill
tliroiiRhoiil hi caieer hi aymiwthloi HI
and Intertill haxe been bourn) up HI
With the welfare of the people tf Bu
I'tnh ami he haa mIwmm, by wtml and Hi I
dead, tlefendetl and winked fur tke Bp
benefit or till utatf ami liar HtUoa BH
ami lie I emltivutl) win my of ihft Wl
lilab truHt and honor fur whleh h !
haa been nomlnalad I.) the rajMltitl- HjHj
tan iHtrt) ft
When iwtity ttuitrul of tha (vHtata- Alii
tlo lira nib iluiHHaa. tha ovriimeM Sill
faint lleteraal at tlm talla of tha Kll
iwrt) In loutrol of the Huvnmwaitt la HI
IntvrpiMtfjtl a iMtpular ilUappruvaJ af Aflfl
the trt)V pollcl and the wvern- wH
inent la kpetallly vhanRtwl Im It imty Hl
tie In ban n ony wltli the ktWHiaklnif Ml 1
'laiwer Head tit appeal mt Pnajt- wmn
i dent WIImui appeal Ihr on tha tiMMntl BJ
Iwki of i hi Impreaaion of The Sutt. SI I
A'' , Ijj'j
io tin: ii.its op c.Mtito.N HI
copvrvi IUJJ
The liberty iniiI) heitrfi) amluraa 'flBJ
the Hon William II Wiitlla for main- 'l
bnr of t.oiiRrtvMi, und rtxuol all iltTil
niember of the purl) le upport him HDi
In tho cumlnu elpetlnu. (HlRiied) IUmIi
j chnlrmnn oi l.lbnri) Party Mn!l
DntiHl, l'rlie. Uliih, October 30. ItU rtto
II I jut aa well to. be URRfeMhe iBwJ
Any man would ratliir-ntanil up fur HVJ
(ilim-clf than take a ImrU eat iHI