bbHHbHHHDBHHbbBM PAGESIX THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH-EVERY FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1, 1918 I For The I Land's Sake, I Improve It H i BS i It t Het fur nu Hml beet BM i for the bind Ileal entitle b K- BB n ii and rertnln men ore ft going Hp with It. TJioe who Bft build ortinmtinltle new will realize the Inat ilreHtn of men i today whn look Imek upon thriving bwelHewi eecilon bihI Ideal home ettrrnotidlng they K; mlRht have held corner of B' : We lutve let Htnl property BYl exchange I hnt will Intercut ftE r. Adeanlngeou bargain Bin i that hnHl he IriToetlgatcd now. PJl i We write nil kind of liHKirunce. BBfc j R ymir bond and fornlMi B: akelnicl nf tltlo (n any parrel M i of Mini In Hnolern t'lnli Con- BBT', vayanting I HI Ik BH KHtuKxi tudg Price. Utah I Cottage Hotel! BBl' i BKt Under New Management of II J. T, JOHNSON BB I; 5 I'ree Automobile Service lo and ? BP fe from Hotel Tor Ouett i GOOD GLEAN BEDS j! J 50 and 75c t BB AulomoulU Service For the BB r Public Day and Night. Ketd I; BBj S Yard and Stabling In Conntc ' Hj 5 Phone PIIICB. UTAH ij H rWWWVVVWWWVWWWVwjC H CARBON HOSPITAL H I'HU'i:, UTAH BBp. . - - PBfD i jBaBPB HI , SMfwBwiRl pBEi TBBnBrTj'TJ !? Bftajlj I'ulljr liuliKNl unit 0rn to All BftpMjj I'rucllcliiK I'liyMclan. PPJH Operating; room alwaya In readb Bftwiil lie" for cmerRemy cane. Not con' BftftiM trolled by any one phyilclun. BftwB Mr. Hltiel H. hlicphcnl, Manager. BBWBj -Ml Ivlln llurkr. It. N.. Nurao Ir Bflil dinner. j SERVICE Bl Main Office, Main and 1 ( Ninth Streets, Price, Utah BVC BBwa- I! ' J. Rex Miller PBjK MnnnRcr. II POOLJHALL Bfl Soft Prink. Cigar, Tobaoeo. Bftpjlyj Cigarette BftaJ' 1 i randlea. No I 111 lit; Hut the Heit. BBlJ i I Ymir Trade Bolloltod. Hl 1 JOi: KIIKYA BBH) I I ParkerWeotor llldir. Price, BBS, B j Utah If I THOS. FITZGERALD fl H rlt llrtak uinl l'ool Hull. A J'' I I Itrwort for (cutlt'tuou. PH' I ClRuro, Tobaivm, ClrarolUw aud Jf Wiullar MordianiUrto. BBBIBE ' B Wcwt Mniii Street HIQ 1 1'IUCIC, UTAH bhI SHORT STORIES OF THE PAST WEEK Home men hoard In mfety deponlt vuult mid flherii bury their money In their backyard, but when It hint to have It the. t.rnment will Ret It In either pktce I'rlee Horwln now ha Its club romnn In the tlbmry ImlldlnR. Afler the llftlnK of the rjunrnntlno thoclul. will reiimn Hit meetlnKit In loth the ilrlc and literary department AweoKmcnt N i of the 1'abima (told and HlUer MlnlnR eompan) Is due Nnveml-er till, tint Prlday tt la for half a rent n nhnre and It iay aide to J II. Ilrnffert. revretary of the romixny. JtidRe bulldlnit, Halt Ijike City MlM Aildrn) (Hik htm brM iUlte III lately at Haered Heart Oitden. tnit h ww tonelderably Im provel 1pt mother. Mn. tlertriide (Nik, rently rtltel with her daugh ter ami remained there until tin--iir lady waa Impmrwl ' OrRanhora nf the l'lrt Nallonal , liank if itofitkelki have been noil fled from Washington 1 C. tliat ithr applleatHtn 1mm beo appmvpj jarnl a I'lmrter will We fttrwHtded at Uni't Thf nMV twntltutloH. eapltal , mm Ht IS'i.aa will open nt an early dale .1 It IhxIjeMifl "f l'l'o Itehlanex atnlnathm at I'rfce btM JtatunUy for I r.otinu(rr at OraHRllle. An Ktnliiathn will be rnndurleri at I'nrvo . n Nmemiwr lth for l)i rHmaMf hip at MunHyaMe Any rtttn who tt t realdfHt of the latter plae la ehKlbh in take tlte tmrt tabtr. fift-eii huinlrel .(lolbtm n year MlM llutiHle Ktcld. formerly une of the tMtrhlnK forr of the I'fler IkmiU, la now III frnneo. hor nd ldre belnR I ItHe de Ktywo (Aintrl an Iteil Croea), 1'arla. Hhe haa Kone laa a tiiirw Mlaa I'li'HL" haa Itwi at 1 Yonkera, N Y.. trnlnliiR fir ItedCrnna I work for eorefal monlha A yoiliiR lad friend ae-maiiilel her over I Mm Teat made l MarrtM It Jone. ! '.lii ImiUiiW and I'lieiiibil who haa I been MinlylriK Hie rubber plant of ! rtah Hilder tho dlreetlan of the t'nl- !rll of CallfnrHta. ehow that the 1 1 taut leld aa much a 10 per tent 'of II welRht In rubWr t'nloaa later I inveatlRHtloiHi ehall prf that tbo ' plant raiinol be HtllUeil aurcoaafully. Ithn wimto lamia of the htnte will i det clop Into II rlrhet reRlona. Jnnea believe. New cipreea rati ImolvliiK aver ii no lurrroe of about 10 per tent, applied mainly on hort haul,- will be Initiated ahortly by the American Itnllwoy Kxpreaa rtimininy with the iippiotul of Director Ocnetnl Mc Ailoo to rnleo $21,000,000 nddrO revenue, lnf of which will ko to the exprcwi company to meet runttm plated wnife advaneea and the other half ti the railroad for traiuortlnR cxpre matter, , Another promotion hni been won rt,v Meut II. T. fipry. who U In the dlhurlnie ilMlon of the quarter mitater Reneral'a deparltnonl at Wih HiRton, I). C. He cnllated u n prl- ile mid wai commliuloned n a erond llruleunnt. Now word Im been retcled that he haa udxnnced ' to the rnuk of flrt lleiilHimul. Youiik ,Hpr wa formerly it elerk In the 'off lie of t'lnli Fuel unn at ,flunulde. 1 I)nrlli8 the at week the MHre- tary of tnte ha mailed out uatlee ' ' to the vurloii ctirporntloii nf the I uliile cnlllnif upon them for their mi- I nual atale llreime. The amount of the lliMie I laed on the tmpltnllbi- 1 lion nf the mmpaule nud the time for payment I l-firo November Itih The ilellmiilMlt date I leccmler Kill rind n flat penalty of ten dot' Inr vtlll be lidded In the event pay ment I not made beforo the Ittli of ItoiTinber Hpeaker of liitermttlnnul pnmilu eme will tome to Ut.tll vvlien the ullled labor union of the Mate open their drive for more member It hit not ht-4'it decided by thn commit lee In thnrni) when the drive will be etartctl, but It will not be until after the luflueniA epidemic haa aubilded, dr. lured A. It llarvtty rm-viiily. vvhn I In clmrKo of the memberahlp cam IHtlRii It U the plan of the member, ahlp vNimmlttee, accurdluK t Hurvey, to Itnlil n mectiiiK In every lowu In the Mute The 1919 tMHte of war lutvlnw Ktnuiiv by the irovernment will be 1 1,080.000,00(1 or twite a muih a the iMUe of I9U. New rultw for thtt plat'liiK f till" lue on wtle are Jut auiioum etl b thtt frtleral iiulhorltlHa. The rule pruhlbltlnic a puivha.- of more than one hundred dollar worth of atamp at one lime b any Indi vidual ha been abroKMtetl and pur- IrnnnM of one thonaaud tlollaia In nIhiiiim will he permitted under the Ifl'J Iwuh The purvhamM m,i Im made remtrdlMM of the fact that lit ilvlilul hold the maximum allot ment under the 191 laatte ! Mr K II I'olloH. I'Ull llloH ttmimlaaiotier. In reHin- to ntveral letlem of lHUir MNit to Huiiry II I'luyd. idler of Hi Indian ware' ill vlou of the Unlttttl Hlatwa biiienu of ! hiiIoh. ha received repl)' that the work of the bureau la belnK inueli re- jUrdtMl by the luflueiixa epIilMiilu ,llod write llwt the buiauu forctM have liettu Mill) dlfcircmilitxl und that h hlniMlf waa off duty for three wtttka. InflueuM ImvIiik developed head and luiik' tompllratloii In hU t Veteran of the lllaek Hawk VMtr are atketl by Mr. Cohen to hu lutlent under the ilrtuiiutuiue Mohrlund again lead iiuer touiity In wultft-riptlona to the fourth tM)rly loan, hnvlnif ulvrlbed IV. COO to date Two hundred forty-four IndlvlduulH aro (.irollud on the'llat. Such ure tho figure furnUhed by Leo Kennedy, tumimUn director ,at Molir land. Oren lllver U "rltht thre" too, wllh 117,500 aubaorlbed and about one hundred and nlnotykOveu euhwirlber, aocordlnv to 1). J. bill Inmn, director at thut place. Oreeu Itivor was villi golnB it stromr. how ever, when Hllllmnn reported, and has probubly Kone over theso figure by BBwJBKijv iSE9ftfciFiifci!iBMBBMBFBT Mils. I.f.i: H. THOMAH licriMH-mllt' t'ondlilnlc I'nr Itcconlcr of Ihvtt of Citrlxni County, Mr Thoma the wife of tee H Thoma. now flRhtlnir on the firt tinea for hi country nt the w'eetern front He wa amonR the firm to volunteer ami at the time left hi rrnM tmharvneted III the field en the home ranch up between Kcofleld and WlMler Quarter. What money he had. not a Krettt deal. Thorrma In vtNtted In llhertv ImiihI for hi wife and chlblien The hnlnntl and wife were eat h rarclr) retired In the upper tntl of the count) and a h aim memlwr of pioneer famine Mr Tltm before her timrrlaRO a lttiniliton. dauKhler of Mr. and Mr Walter iH.mililmn. while her htieltaitd U the tn of the late T II Thoma III mother I a resident of Helper The etlbjcct of thl eketch I a graduate of the Heofield high thmil antt I In-ever) wn nuallfleil for tho dull of the pooltlon to with h he bit bveti iiomlnoled. Mr and Mr Thoma have two children Her elt thin, which I uImmiI na certain na nuythliiR of Ihl kind Roe, will be toetlmonlal of the apprerhtllon in which Carbon t'unt folk liotd their eoldlw )M,y After recelvlliR the lemmrnllt noinluatltiii HiKinlmoul Mm Thomaa wa endowed iy the lllterty i"tty now WtMobtide I Included with (Ireen Itlver In thkt Intnl. whleh ab-o Intiludea imine fifty nultnerlber and five IhouMnd dollar ulrlbed by the tallrtmd men It M. Tiffany, etnla ftmntMlu ex pert. Ii revlRned hi HHiltlou with Hutton DniR romaiiy Ho enmo here from Vernul a ehort lime hho. Iwal honey produter are hold Iiir what remain or Ihl ear'a crop for it prlco around twenty-five cent. The Mine I true of Hmery county niler. About the hlRheel prlte t far inltl I twcntytwo trill n pound HiirReou Oeneral llluo ha notified l)r T II. Ilealty. state health mm mlwtloner. Hint he ha applied lo it doien InrRo title In it vnln ntlrmpt to netfure nure to cnd In Utah None U nvullnbln nud ituother on 1 1 ha lieen aenl out hjr Hie lied CrttM for volunteer nure. With CRK elllnR In flail rltloa from elxty lo Mxtj.flve tent u doien. now I the time to Ret Into the poiillr bulne-i. acpordliiK to I'rnf. II, W rMiihorit. exltnulon iultry hu batidmaii at the IMnh ARihultuml tollcge He I ttprRliiK tlie houe holder lo Mock Up with a few hen, which nn ln rarrletl over a breed lUR tock for next Mstmin Theee. lie wariHt, liotll(l be kept III the beM of health. HlaiMman t lewk. who lo. cully purclinMHl n-verul cttrlwtd of iluin hkihI coniitHl fruit from rk on the deliver and ItHt tlraude. are Ihl week chwIliK the ettine out at un heard of prlte. The wreck otnirred at Mound one dn laM week The uill dnmaRe I to tho outalde of the utna. The firm uleolulel Riialun tee the Rood being offered. Hale iiiom rtro In the Hmoot-Nlxon build liiK on Houih Ninth elreet. .NinitKli Kt'OAII IV ITAII is no imih'atiox r sriiri.i'h AIIIioiirIi there it re hugn iiiaiilltle ofMmiir Mored up nt eiigur umiiti fat'turliiK tenter In I'tali nud Idaho hecauae of arraiiRement Imvlua not el been made for It utMrlhiitiou. there will be no Im retiee of the monthly nllowiinco of ugnr on uo ctiliul of till JtlM becailee It hitppen ih) to be Mored liete l no Irii llmt there I not a dire ueetl of II ome where In the t'nlled rtnlt or In the counlrloN nf the American allle. V W AruiMrouR fetleral ftHHl ailniiu IMralor for I'tnh. eay AtttirdlUR to Htepheli II lve u mcnil-sr of lli MiRtir dlMrlbiitlnR immltlee fur the Weel, much tiRr U torel In I'tah and Idaho, but the t'ouimii expect hhiii to Imve to Mipply all the counlr wtwt of lluffalo and I'ltbtburg. a the two Pacific I'tuwt refine! ItM Will bt. cIinhh! Itext unolh ivral mlllhiiM of thdlare in tit.ur are now imhI up walllug for a mur ket to be found wliere It i mol ll4ltM mtiivn.v iiuMtrimii u ciiam IIHItUMN'S TAIII.ItTh. ' I am thankful for the uod I have received by uMiir Chambeilaln' Tat let. Alaiut two yeor bro when I bewail takliiR them 1 vvui uffrliiKa Rreat deal from dUlrea afler watlHK und from headacho and a tired, tali, RUld fealliiR due to InillRmtlon and a torpid liver L'hambeiUIn' Tableta ourreeted "tlnwe disorder In it lmrt time, and alnco taking two bottle of them my health has been Rood, write Mr. M I Hurwood. Auburn, N Y Advt When party control of the IcrUIiv tlva brunch. chauKea, the Koverumeut fall. Itevernal at the poll of the party In control of the government I Interpreted a popular dlaapprovul of tint purty'a policies and the Rovern rnent U upeedlly otiungud that It irny be In harmony with the power. Head the appeal of I'resl dent WlUon appearluK on the heeond page of thl lmprelon of The fa'un. -Advt, t I THAT TRIP WITH YOUR CAR f Often proves the most enjoyable you can take. Go ., when you like, stop when the notion strikes you nntl remain f. A as long and where you please. Or, you can spin for hours, . .A X through miles of lovely country, enjoying every minutn of I i the time. . j nut, be sure you have n good carone that may be t depended ujwn to almost run itself, and your trip will be a t Y real vacation, one that you will remember long and long to Y repeat. Y An Oakland, Overland or Willys-Knight is sturdy, easy. t Y running nnd safe and is ideal for touring. See us about it , ! Boon, before the touring season is too far gone. We handle Y the International truck, we think, the best made. I Price Garage Co. ? Eastern Utah Agency ? Oakland, Willys-Knight and Overland Automobiles, X International Trucks and Trailers. X Tavern IMdg., Phone 153, Price, Utah X $ JLL X Y V 9 V 9VWWV VVVV ,jy" sStv'Jm v "Spokes"- and the Swift "Wheel" ' What would you consumers think of a wheel without spokes ? What would you think of a man who would take any or all of the spokes out of a wheel to make it run better? Swift & Company's business of getting fresh meat totyou is a wheel, ' of which the packing plant is only the hub. Retail dealers are the rim and Swift & Company Branch Houses are the spokes. The hub wouldn't do the wheel much good and you wouldn't have much use for hub or rim if it weren't for the spokes that fit them all together to make a wheel of it. Swift & Company Branch Houses are placed, after thorough investiga tion, in centers where they can be successfully operated and do the most good for the most people at the least possible cost, Each "spoke" is in chnryc of n man who knows that he la there to keep you supplied nt nil times with meat, sweet and fresh; and who knows that if ho doesn't do it, his com petitor will. How much good would the hub and the rim of the Swift "wheel" do you if the spokes were done away with? v Keep Your Pledge i a VaB?Ml Make Good for Our ' - w 0 IS PJ MfiMlntfMen i & BUY WAR-SAVINGS I N5 STAMPS Swift & Company, U. S. A. "Anything But Broken Hearts" We repair about any old thing that need It. Our shop equipped with modern machinery Lawn mower ground, awM aharpened, lockimlth In. In fact wo do In a workmanlike manner every and ail kind of food rpalr work. Illcyclc. F. H. ROBINSON VlKllIlnnnmn IlidR, Price, Utah Spring Can yon Coal Co. Miners and Shippers of the Celebrated SPRING CANYON COAL Mines At STORRS, UTAH General Offices, 817 Newhouse Bldg., Shit Lake City, Utah ; 0U1CK SEhVIGeTI Will repair any leak I" wuvhor or valve trouble ui ) I whoro about your premise you phone or mil BKIlVICh l IS OUIt TltADK MAItK Wtt are on thn Job Immedntio'v after wo ure notified and the 1 work I accomplished corre-1 Wo vtund for nervloe C. R. lewis Plumblrm. Turner Dldf., Price