Newspaper Page Text
"the weather jit fiiin Special Service Ot s r u Colo . Nor Jt, SK hi. -Tonmhl anil Snturdtt) grttsmllr fjir h cithern portion tiiiw North tlnl oilier tOlllKllt If r ttaatl t Iho IlirillChM It Willi I it M something duo mi lie thankful that ,(, llt lire nit on the other utile J the I'""'1 " f ntered , Second-Class Matl.r. June 1,15. nt ih. Postofflce at Price. Utah, I nder the A. t of March J. 1S7 g'NrMimK2B. BVERV FIUI)AY .iToniiiraTSni: PRESIDENT JOSEPHUlTin IS CALLED TO ETERNAL REST Funeral of Head of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Be ing Held Today. IN .Mont Joseph t'loldlna; Smith im.I f the Church of Jeno Christ r Utter .Iiii Saints, istsed pearefuti) nit ii hl home In the IteeHltc llu t Malt take City nt I M o'clock .t i xla) morning after mi lllneaa h ' I'"!" mused r.mslilenihk anxlH) m i I. lux fntnllt Hint friends for v mi m ntliH part The end mine am in hid condition occasioned no ft- ilirin until Honda) morning n ie wn seen to experience a wd I ( hnnge for the worse and mfiii it- of the family were hastily min iin il to IiIih bedside from then u I prt'tloli rugged constitution pttluilly Kino wn nml It became nlJ nt Hint the eml nun near Mnn nty iiliriiooit lie weakened perrrptl r nml nlthoiigh relnrutltei were PI In I ntnl ctentlilng iinsulhlc was len I i rele him life stowl) edited i'i l lie heloeil rhnrrli tender tiled nt (he lime InilUHteit In the paeelng of !' lent Smith the rlitirrli Urn one ' iU most rimaplrnoiiN Mm! stalwart uri e nml the community h man i . Iini dune nnieii fr the uphulht- e i the Orestt West llorn nt i ' m nhm the church was mi'ler t mi? wmtc hardships, deprive) f ii f illirr nt mi earl) nice mid reared Ho midst of difficulties nnd prl i ' i" theee condition drtclipcd it ' if. ilpcMt mid MtretiKtll of hnr I I " wii Ii peciillHrl) fitted him fir tit- rk lie wu i ailed on In p rf in i i ii 1 1 i irn llml cilto Caret i t- pioneer hiiri'hinmi fin tit rr I -blent Joseph 1'lcldlng Hmllli h (iKiii nn nrtlMi part In the drteloi nent of thii ltneky Mountain rrgb n .jring nil hi lift time lie hn wit mid the desert enuutr) with Its ex -4IIH mid emigrant train unfold Pit i MirotililiiK ixpunc of Industrial lir " I ItM Ion rem h on r wilnl tin TM-d i) the pioneer iiroiittht Intu -e rontail li it el of rillnndi I nntomolillit ctflKee lie iin Ii r;i einln r 13, I MJ, nt l"r WVkt f ild II count). Mo, Hint In III oirl iilhood pHHeed tlirotiKh nil the In " k. hh iii-H (s.iitiiM tinl with the limit r ii of hla fa'her. It) ruin Kniith n 1 I'niphut Joeeph Hmllli, Mill It ( rol on June 27, Hit Tun )enrn follnnliiK the ilr itli cf father with hi ilni I nirthei M ,r I lelillni; Hnilth, he blurted out the Ionic Joiiiiip)' uhlih 1 1 ti tlumtel) end In the Halt Iiko i' I- ThotiRli hut n hid of 8 eiira he " e mi ox tim fur hla mother ' im the elate of Iouh DurlUK the ) iiiru of the fmiill) nt Winter Qunr ' t (now rinrenie. Nol ) ho t rdho), lmln ilmtKo of tin fmnll) itkn und nitllii while hla mother wiih - aherlni; tnKiither temua, wiiKnna mid iiutUlonx for thn loni; Arduoua tntel ii ruM the plalim Durlui; thin pi rlod r wua oiico raptured by Iinllaim Mini t for the urrlMil of u part)' of work from tlio luoflelda mlitht hno t Iho fto common to II fn on tho 'arlrlea of thoin da) a Iho Hmlth fumll) muile the trip to ht Ito(k) Mountain next aprlnic In of the iompaule of Holier C K inlmll. Thn Impreaalon of that Ioiir (tfni Jotirnn) Iioji remained it No of lvlil pirtureH of the ohuroh ' id later ilii)H. with hi rournKeou 1 Kh eplrlted, determined mother iih 'in kiiIiIIiik eplrlt of thn Krent ml veil- 'Th mid lilmtolf oftun ilrhlnK tho bis kn of oxen that drew the prnltlu uonm The fnremimt of tho com. ny to enter tho wille), tho widow mil hnr family, built ii email Iok enldn ) Mill Creek, fnrmlni? n imnll piece 'and mldwax between tho creek nnd rle' din) on Ilia mother uruIii i 'id um the Kuldlnir aplrlt of hla 1 irntlon, ilarUlitt- at flrat with the ' 1o ii a hla principal text book mid k'lr (oiifluliiir hla aehnol work to the nttr hihhiIoiui of the early day ol In lust, when IS eor of ace he tie Ida flrat inlimloimi1) trip to tho ' .walliin lalanda. IIo returned four r Inter mid mrtlolmted In the I "I iik phone of tho hVho Canyon " l'dn HtwlRiied to Colonel Cul- cat air) command nnd liftlnir ' 1 i f the dtttitll Biiard to follow i lone II i the lieeln of hla excellency, Qov r r Cutnmluca, upon hla entrance 'i the talley Treildent Hmlth ttoa L ne ut tho mounted run sera who wt into tho hllU to wth further " moteinentu of tho ko eminent J'1 l ut Camp Scott und won ono of "" Kuard loft In tho almoat deserted " Just boforo tho arrltat of Joliiw ' ' army In the winter of 1858 he received " flrat appointment to cltll office, '"it of norKennt-nt-nrms In tho coun- 11 of the territorial IcKlalature Ho nied hla flrat wlfo UiMnta Smith , jo ISg9 und a eur later wai callod on ' " flrnt mllnn to Kurope Tlien fo. i "wed a mUalon to Hawaii In 1884. "'"re he wua Instrumental In break !" UP fraudulent operations nmoni; 'ie nutitea by mi Impostor, WUter M "won He waa alao Inatrumontul In, purine a, trm-t of land for the cen- of Mormon operntonH In the la l""!. tho district now comprised In " church augnr plantation at Lale, N ITItlilC I'l M!ltl a me. linn .if the ireneral au lh irllieK nr the hnr. h and rrpfe-wtn-latltea of the family on In-t Tiiete mornlna; It waa nnanlm.til P i,r,i that In Men ..I eaMIOK henlth ..ii dlttone In the community it nu lie lmmr to hold pnl.ll. rnnerat eenleea for the late t'reeldeiil I. eepti K mlth Thla decl4nn, IhmiKli rearetfull) adopted, la a in.mire of prndenee width Hill meet with inn er I aptx-ntal. we fwl aii-e Horh aertlrea a ahall be held at the time or Interment In the city reineter) will therefore lie brief and prtr At a later dale hiweter. annnumement of hldi will m duly made tneinorlrl hti. en will I held IhrniiKlmut the . hul. i r .r the tainted lender whom ItMtn nt -Ho erel) l.ut nr tuft alii nt It in urn STIUN II It Mi I II Mtl I H I'l Mici-I "i Hit I nt I -re-Id n HibbbbbbbbbbV.1 Vbbbb! 'LaBBBBBBBBBBBaSiK BBb! 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbCbbbbbh TbbI JbbbbHHbk. 'I vbbHI bbbiHbbbB' 'aH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK1 r" ' H ' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBh tri bbbbb1 ! IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV VibbbbI IbbbIbIbIbIbIbIbbbHbVIibbbSbbbbI JOSI 1 ,N(i HMIIII. In lett of the pritnlllni; ipldemh. of Influi'tnii the reiimlinrnf I'renldeut Smith did not lie In Mate. Tiny will lento the lleehlte I Inline nt IS o'clock (noon) todn), Krldny Kertlce will be nt the Kruttwlde. The. proteealin will bo hemlml li n platoon of mount (d pullet), followi d by ilty toiumla alotivr, atate ufflcluN, Kvnerul church nutliorltle., tho heume. tho fumlly, Knerul I nun I of relief yotlety, Kinernl lioard of thn Sunday athnola, general bourd of Yoiiiik Men' Mutuul III), protement aaaotlatlou, Keuernl board of Youiik IjiiIIiW Mutual Improve, iieeot latlou, Konvral board of prlmar), lmrd of religion tlomea, em plo)ea of prtMldent'a off lie, official mid boarda of dlrevtorM of bunlueM orKnnlxatloua with whn.h IVeaidant Smith ttua conuotted nnd other friend of the president and family tthcro tho Huttnllan tomplo haa J it at bcon erected Upon hi return home ho wna made auccenattely u clerk In the hl.torlnna office, nu naalatant In the name office, wna ordalnotl an Mpoatlo Jul) t, 1801), and became n member of the npoatnllo count II In 1807 In 1871 and 1877 he waa called to preeldo over tho Kuropean iiiImIoii and upon hi return In 1880 he waa auatalnod aa Heond otmnnelor to I'realdent John Taylor He held n tilmllar office under Trealdent Wllford Woodruff and I'realdent I-oreno Snow, autcwwlInK to the office of find couiuwlor uMin the death of President Oeorire Q Cannon In 1901 1'roidilcut of Cliurdi In Ottober, 1901, he Iimriiio p resi lient of the church follottliiK the death of I'realdent Snott, with John It. Win der and Antliou M I.und oa hi counaelora. Since the death of Prel dent Winder, tho lato rrealdcnt John Henry Smith, I'realdent Lund nnd I'realdent C W I'enroae were hla rounwilora With other church leaders lie went through tho critical period of the fltrce nutl-pol)Kainy curwulea and t lilted oonnldernhly In thn Tavt where ho became it prominent f uro In the bis flk'ht then belnu ttRed ngalnst the ohuroh Ho nlso did much to propari tho way for the chuiih'o 1 condition that obtained ufter the Is auanco of tho manifesto auioendlni; the practice of plural marriage Hut In addition to hli prouiineiito In church affairs, for naarly v. half a (Continued on page five.) Have You Reported? INFLUENZA IS SPREADING WITH DOCTORS AND PEOPLE NOT REPORTING CASES. Ir (' A Wherr .It) plnoi in nml M r-lml orwn A Ijirw u ihihi.hi t ie Inopriti r hat Ihk emit naed the tltt found nt ihm wlue the tlmtor In nttendince had failed to reiwirt them a not hiitliiK Iind n phyeltlau Tho nrrl itifnea- of the illorfw la knovtn to the people, and Iho henlth tleMirtment l t impelled to make more rlKld rnlliiK to prevent the further aprettd of tho diet nee 1 lrt I'hyalclana mutt rotMitt all ene. datl) to Ur. nierr)' office Klrl phi ue 141 before t oVIiK-k of the nfterneon, or to Mnndutl Uireeii Afti r .tint hour phono No II I'hIIiik to etimply will be reported to the ctutti Jli.trd of heallh J Second All arule alrkneoe with e)mitoma of fev mid cnhikIi muni lie Iircn It t doctor for dlairnoeU. Tlie ill) phelelaii will coll on reUeet for this purpoae mid make no elmrne Hmli ihiw not reported will be iionrHii tlned fi r ten da)a when found by the marahal Th iielKhtmra reiueeted ,ti mnko reiMirt of nil people with aleknea. Tho iiuantiitlne will enter nil pi- pie In the linitee In theae CMeea. Third -The quarantine will date from the day tho eaae la iHtrted All nttt inwH In iiunrmillued pUttea inuot be reported the name ax ir not under nuarintlne Tho period of iiitarttntlHc U ror ten da ye, I'eopte who aro nunrnntlnetl foil ml on the Uriel before ten thtyn wilt lie prtteeeeuted. The health deNirtmut dwea not wmIi to place mi) undue hardahlp on art one, but thtwo reKUlatlmw mnt be lived up to or more draatlc meaurea tvlll be uaod Tho loaa of lite I too irrent to allow people to be a law unto themeltea I.Ot'AI. IlltAI.TII DHI'AItTMIJNT. I'rlie I'tah, Not SI, 1911. MOW. IS MMIIt TO 1'UKVlt.Vr iMtori i i:i;ui.(3 i roons Tho federal food ndmlnlalrntlou ttill contlnuo control of the food altiut lion until leitnl peoro hna bcon de clared, mid ulao wilt innke nn effort to keep down profiteering und apeeu latlou In food product until the lant moment, ueeordliiK to n bulletin Junt ImHied by the Utah food administra tion. A "fair prlro" lint of rommodl Ilea, lataed on wholeaule codta. will bo piilillahcd from week to week In nil paper throuuhotit tho country, nnd a chiwk will bo made upon nil oter charKCM Accord I iik to the Utah ofllrlali, pro ducer, manufiioturrra and whole saler liato promlaed their oo. opera tion In suppreMdnK profltcerlnir of all sort It I nUo Klteu out that tho proportion of firm penalized la not larKe, nnd et seternl millions of dol lars liato heron refunded In one way or number to the public It I to bo I expected, however, that chain; In prices will come after tho war, but It hem! cannot eomo under tho inteeor) of profiteering Wiiko hate been rnhd. as ttell as railway rat en and sofortli, therefore we cannot expect to maintain th Mina prlte level for foodntufft UTAH ASKItlt TO IIKI.P IV I'llMIIM. SlUICUICV HL'HOI'K In h letter recelveil by J If. Man derfleld, thalrman of the Utah high way transport committee, from ltd ward H Hurley, chairman of tho United States shipping board, I'tah I asked to aid In feeding ICurope The letter urge that all put forth their best efforts In sending foodstuff to thoto who are suffering "oter there" The letter says In irt "Our grand privilege la hero to re storo life, strength nnd hope to those mart) rod brothers of a hundred tonguos All American ahoulil proto theinaelves as reaponsite today to the 'cull of suffering humanity, ns In the time of strife, und wa hopo you will bo nblo to rally tho population of our .stnto bark of this groat peace time undertaking" Up to lust evening there we.o twenty-two cases of the Influenza at I'rlce, according to Dr. C A. Wherr, health officer for the city One of the local doctors, whom It la said has failed to report flvo otuiea, he been cited to tho state board of health. DRILLERS B00HCRAND COUNTY lltcry Indlcnlloii lor Striking Oil At mid Around Monti. "Ornnd count) la going to be thn oil center of the country" said 1 II Hammond of Moah, In Sal' l-ako Clt Inst Wodnosda) In connection with the nil IndUKtr), which I just being det eloped In III section of the state "There I no niiMtlon but what we are to bo a petroleum center." he con tinued "On thn Maxwell rmicli. which I praitlcnlly In tho town of Moab, drilling for tho nmber fluid will begin within n few dnn The rig. which will send tho drill down, Ih near completion The co m pan), which I preiwrlng to drill, I thn Western Allies Oil nml On eompan) When Ur that the dust In our section I kept down by oil I mean what I say J W DeWItt will drill the well nnd all arrange ments are being made to spud It In within ten da). Moab I enthtiNln. tie a the outlook for striking oil will mean hh much to the county of Ornnd a II will to the city of Moab it moana a railroad for iih mid many other thing nnd will place our county where It belong on tho map of Utah as one of tho beat In the state "Hotwwi Thompson Spring nnd Moab and twelve mllan from the lat ter place driller hate Win at work for some time The drill has pene trated to a depth of about three hun dred feet Thla well I In the Salt VuIImv. where there la eter) Indica tion that a HHHid well will bo brought In I am not oterly optlniMIe, but lit view that thn well, which la to be drilled in Moab, I nn property owned by our famll), I have reason to bo happy" Statewide community singing will bo a feature ofitieThanksi,lt lug pro gram for N7umbtr 38th Letters hate been eotitlto etiry count) coun cil I of defono uvxIuKfthat community singing be i parr-of tho program In etory town.l city add community In Utah to be rvcljMli tho largest build Inga obtainable. It la suggested that 4 o'clock of tho nfternon bo the hour for meeting The plan haa tho en dorsement of the goternor nnd state officials, and If the Influenza quaran tine does not Interfere this day will be long remembered In the history of the state Should It Interfere the dato will be postponed. LOCAL HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT suite Otilt rn Work lom On I'rliv to I It In r Itoiiil. rl eomilicr III see the begin ning of the loifttriii lion of uliiet) tight mile of .nam surfnted high way In I'tah. nrtldlng to devlnlou readied nt a tnrltlrut of the otitic road ttuumleeliiu beet 'Tllesda) Iru It Drowning, stntei-imd engineer, wus authorliid to Imte luimedlatt cur ve) made nu t lot en separate pro jects, mi that t-ontrnetM inn) be let Mtrly next spring for completion of thn work during the summer Heelloiia of road between Salt I.ako City nnd Ogdeu twelie mile In Datl cojul) Mliltnlt. Junction to the Dtiih county line, II 4 mile, I'tah county linn to Amerliati Cork, tS inline Pleaaant Orote to Proto nine mile Proto to I'm) Mill, eighteen inllea Magna east eight mllrs llrlMhaui City In Ogden sixteen miles, !.ogun lo Suillhfleld, six mllii Uigau In WcllHtlllo. seven miles, mid I'rlie tuJIulpjM, 4X JlllltM. Part of the expense to complete theee road will be borne, b) the coun lie through which the) wm, it ttti ril ing to Drowning The rood from ICplirttlm to Oruugetllle designated u the forest, road In Hmer) county, will also lutvimore work done on IU llie commission npproprlaled fltd thou sand dollar for till work ITlll HI(illWAH TO lliait nt'itii:.v i.v ui;i,iii' ri,.K Totiiingn ueccfuiary to tit-ry food otirMwt to feed the Mlurtlng populnio of KiiroMt will npprnxlmnteo twent) flto million, ueeordlng to it telegram to Jocph II Mmiderfleld, chairman of tho Utah motor transportation commlttrc, from It. C. Hargreates, secretnr) of tho United States high wu)s transport committee In order that food inn) bo rushed to liurope n mpldly a possible, tho motor transport commlttco Is urged to hasten It work In getting lite stock nnd grain, na well u other foods, from communities not touched b) railroad to shipping centers. "Carr) on I the lueseago to nil branches of the hlghwii) trnnapurt nrgaiiluitlou," Ilnrgreatea has wired "Our. work la mure Important now tlinu nt any time heretofore Wo request that ou communicate thla mi (stage to all )otir cummlttoemen. Tint world' food problem I serl on Tonnage for otcrsen wilt ap proximate twent) -flvo million Our organization I railed upon to help relievo tho situation Wa must facili tate all hlghwa) transportation to tnerr) this program through " oi.iniMic .mim.mi witinm DUN API KU I.OMJ U.I.MtSS Old It Propper at one time a prominent figure- In Utah mining clr ale, died In a Salt Utke Clt) hoapltal last 1'rlda) Propper came to Utah from Tellurlde, Colo, about twenty fit e year ago Ujion Ills arrival hore he began prospecting nnd mining In the Henry Mountain and waa one of the prime mover In exploiting that dtstrlrt In many nowspapor. Ho waa considered an unusually clever writer on mining topic. !lght oarn ago his health began to fall mid he became j dependent upon friend for n lit ell I hood letter bin mind hemmo affect ed und ho wn udmlttcnl to the Bait Lake count) Infirmary flto onrs ago It la not known whether he baa any rolatltea living Mrs I'rltx W Worley of Welling ton was jcaterday notified by the war department at Washington, D C, of the death of her son. Prltnto Ne'den I' Worley, on the 2th of Beptomber, Inst IIo waa killed In action on tho western front The joung mnn left Carbon county In May last. lie was about S3 eara of age. BMyiwiiiiuJaarsCfjBjgagtMM FbbsbbI K'bbsbsI I tnh a 1 to ill nil ul n will aasi not h dd lix niinoul imrting tMn oar , !cbsbs1 This iln ll. n wn rtutehml ait it con- 1)11 fercni( lirhl Ust woek At this gntll- 4bbH eilHg n retpiest waa retelviM from 9S xtfaLH per cent of the arhool Hierlntotidonii .aasH nml bncirda of cducittlnii asking the fll nMNN latlou to defer holding thn mcot Lsas! lug us It was belle cd that the tetteh- rJaH era tootd snotiipllsh more good b IH rcHtmliilog In sthoil diiinlg the boll- tasasl ilnt Hum It attending n loiitcntlon . iH Tin triiKleC or the nsoi I itlmi at- M qillcn til In the ir.Ui'j iH CARBON COUNTY BOYS 1 lO.GOiDOWNSINTO jl HISTORY II (OtllM.rtl IIMOIID OltlUlllltD Vsl tt ClltSCtl. Ol DI'I'ltNlt. lUI ICrniMit S lliir-li') DoIkmiiIihI In I'rt- il pan' Ninif, Width Iln the Itmlooc. 1 , inttiil of Cot. Minoii llmubtrgc'r mid "Nl Oilier Worker Vmiittl In All Kll the t'lllcs lnuiinil I'ntlntl. i'll Kit I' Talor of Salt tke Oty. Sal sent out y l. Mats ctrttllrll af Ue- 9'saaH reifs bMK Tnemla) eveHlHM" titcH with GaaBssi the tlarbtm eoomy pnuurll rtl PrttO In MaasH iht matter of rcmiplllNg n. war hlntory aBBH birall) In (oiini'ctkui with one for thn Bbbbsb slate, whlili latter Ie endorsed by HbbbB riot HI mon ItttmbtrKer, the stnte HLfl cnum II and leading rlllxeiw of Utah. ifaasfl II I eaHMtetl the next legislature will ft H make an approprlatlou to rover the ?bbbH vxpeiMM In the iiicnnttmo nil ucrns- (TJbbbbh sar dnta I to be KHthered and com- JnaasH piled to thin end the Carlmn coun- MbbH ell hit unaiiitiioiiel) rmmetl llruest fi. WaH Hondo an comity historian, und he Kl will linmedlalel) take up the work, ftsH He Ha authorised In employ such Sbbbb help l neresaary for tho duties In MB Imnd The stale coiinrll nlso re- WassH quested the photiHtraph of tho eoun- wraH It louinll memliera, either In grntip 'aasH or slnglt lo K" Into the btHik. With atsH 11 1 t in ew all msintwrs of thn Kll r.iiio. II ate to meet in Price tumor flH n w iSaturilay) afteriiiHiu In fflaassl beet raiment, prepared to be "sjiot." Sbbsbh rommtinlly conn el I of defense waa uVI also arranged for with a. member In nsLsn cat Ii ri town and prilurt of thn ilaaE touiit) Tito named are' VafaassH Winter ijuarlir T J Parmloyi ill 11 Seorield tndrew II.hhI Castle (lute, MH William Mttlejnhn. Spring (lieu, R. jfassB C I.or1teu llilper. Dr. I' II Slopan- flsasBsi site) CartHintllle Ml Henrietta MH Mnrslng. Prlre. Arthur J Ih; Wei- MassW llngtou, A U IrfMitinrd, Stinnyalde. W. Wassal N Wetzel and It It Ktrkputrlck; aiaasH Clear Creek, II C lleiines; Kenll- Massal worth, W J Hlwood, StuudardtllU, MbbbH Oeorge M llecksttxtd. Storrs. Arthur mIbsbH 11 nibsoni Cninerou, W. Y. Olbson; ibsbLs! Itnlnos, T. T Ijtmph, Uitudii, (lenrgn J asanas! J Hehultx. Wnttls. It. P Mmilsyt lasLsi Utah Mine, Kmll (Mluiid. Ilelmr, J. fpaaBBsi K Pettlt Peerlea. Itoberl Howard! fflaaH Hiawatha It M Mugraw. Harper, A. ilH H ThomiHHiii Theeo are all delegated H to help In thn lonnty' wnr htstury H Alilerlianlaallou of the alleim of the H (oiintr) b) sihiMillng nnd otherwise laasH I a work that I being undertnknu by H the rounrll of itntlonnl defeiiMt, and H at the direction of the state ttounill H five person are delegalecl supertlslon of till most Important matter. The H count II named Prof. Orson Ityan, iH who wna nuthnrltml to seleet four ns- H slstaiil. Thoiut he named an Styllan TslH Ktaes, Dr A W Dowd nnd t Kant H will Home roprcentatlte of union H labor like!) from Helper, will bo the Sbbbih fifth The iinlloniil und stnto councils SssH plii i ii mutli streax on the work to bo fll done along these line. a'ssbbI 1'immI coiiwrtatlou I tnolhcr sub- rLsH ject brought before the loenl council L'bssbsI by the Mute organization, especially bsbbiI the poisoning of rodents In iich coun- CiH I) The national lossca from this tH source ulone are gltrri us running "1 Into tho million of dollars annually. lassl Thn Carbon couiioll expressed Its tH wllllngucva to work with tho county tasaBii commissioners nnd thn count) ugrleul- jtbbH turn I agent laassH Ilesolutlnns on the death af Prcsl- HbbH dent Jose ph V Smith of the Mormon trH church were directed to be drawn, SaassH spread upon tho mlnutennnd forward CaH ed to tho family A committee of bibiH three. Judge 1' K. Wood, A W. Iil Horsle) and Albert Ilr)ncr, waa deslg- "aaisfl nn ted to prepare them Ibbish hOI.DIinih COUPONS DKIiAV IbbbsI ILMTtAIMm IIV U.M'l.K SVtf JsB Scores of anxious relntltes In Luh UH liato been troubled over tho non- alH nrrltnl of thn gift coupons whUh HbbsxI would entitle them to send it Christ- BasH ma gift to their soldier hay- In BBm I'm nee As no gift could lie ant iH oversea without the cohkii. rent by H the soldier himself, many folks wer HM nlraad) tlsualislng a gloomy nnd gift- j BHj Imsn Christmas for their loved onto, H but Uncle Sam lis come to the rtsKU H with an oxplanatlon for the debt) nnd i HHj an oxteiislun of time In which the BJKI liarrels ma) be sent j Ul The iwrcels ma)1 now be aunt m j MBJ late as November 30th, Instead of 'M November 10th, but all who leave re AVJ celted tholr unuimns have been ad- jjBHl tised to send the gifts at once to In- !fllvfl sure delivery In time for Christmas, SH According te mi anuouneement re Hfl celted finm Waahlugton I). Q, bnya iIbbbbI who hnte been In the heavy fighting ifiH havo hnd no tlmo or opportunity t.i sllasl send their coupons, thereforo the ex SlasH tension of time so Unit they need not WBH be r lighted itflassi Imi Keel), age S7 jeara mid the sou inBBWJ of Mr nnd Mrs. J I Seely of Neslen, illW died there u few days ago of In jUU riuenza He was born In Mt I'lcas- HasH ant, August 20, 1891, and ho Is sur- HHHl tltcxl by his father and mother, six JssSHI sisters und two brothers. Ills slstors Lbsbsbs! and brothers are Mrs. Amos Ilarton iaBHfl and Ulad)s Seely of Mt Plea&ant nnd H Mrs. A C Wilson, Cecil Seely, Illancha tVHB Heel) Vcrllu Seely, Ilox Seely and 'IflH Willis Seely all of Neslon Deceased fflBfl has a number of relatives throughout .b"jTb"b. fW3 Cabrun und Hmery counties. SttmntM