Newspaper Page Text
V ' PAGE TWO tub SUN, PRICE, UrAtl-L'VLR- 1KIiA NOVEMBER 29, 1918 iAre You Fully Insured? mi H ! llrlng out )Bir tmlley nnl H ( (hen vlow jour holdings as they B ,3 stand today. Homo huslnc H J men still mnko the mlstako of B '.' sledding on thin lee they are H j duly and sufficiently prolocted H ' against the numerous losses B I thnt come unexpected!). Lel'a Hl fi talk over jnur Insurance needs. I lEfli(0k H ( 8llvgnl llldg, r e, Utah I. Cottage Hotel B , ,' 5 Under New Management of Ij Hi J. T.JOHNSON P J 5 Free Automobile Service to and J B 5 from Hotel Tor aunts. i'j I GOOD CLEAN BEDS K i 50 and 75c l H&fi gj Automotille Service For the Hi 5 rubllo Day and Nlht. Teed 5 PBW 5 Tarda and Stabling In Connec- 5 Hj I I'hone 22M2 I'llICC, UTAH 5 I SERVICE Hjfl Main Office, Main and W Ninth Streets, Price. Utah M JL Rex Miller H i Mnnajrcr. L S. KUSANO Bjr japanisi: mi:iichandihr Kl op i:vi:hy diciuption HHo PbH; t Catering to the Trade ot n- BBj.I Identa of tho Coal Camps and HH r Surrounding Territory. M V niTT OUIl QUOTATIONS PH Concrete llulldlng South Ninth Street, Trice, Utah. Ml THOS. FITZGERALD m: ji .Bofl Drink and Fool Hall. A BMH l? Itcsort for Gentlemen. a K j 1 i Clgara, Tobaccos, Cigarette and PPB i Similar McrtlinndUo. B PbbV 1 7 ' West Mulu hlnvt PH jj FIUCK, UTAH I'd ' KJ I POOLj-IALL PPf , Soft Drinks, Cigars, Tobaccos, Cigarettes. PPt ' Candles, NothlnK nut the Heat, i,' Your Trado Solloltod. SBBBBBBBBBBBsHI J0,! SIIKVA "(!' I Parker-Wceler Bids. Price. Hji 'I " PbBB Am Silk stocl.lug will last much longer HHHK si.-- If waahed each time they ore worn. EWE LAIS GOING AT THE RIYER AROUND $1100 ri:i:in:ns with iiiuvv inniw DOWN TO SI I.OO, Prnlhtlnn of (JimmI Price During tho Coming Week I'or Cotllo nml Cnltc of All tirade liastcrn Wool HnuCM Afmld of Overloading On Stock Pending I'murr Government Action. Tho Hun Hpcclftl Henlco. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Now . Caltlo receipts today two thousand head with tho market steady to u shndo loner and no choice fed steers Included. II off supply twenty-three thousand Market steady to ten tent higher at the start, hut weak at the finish with tops at $17.10. Hhcp and lambs thirteen thousand head. Market fifteen to tncntWUc. cents totter nnd no choice one hero Top tit 00. tlect entile receipts Included u largo number from Colorado nnd other cMcni rnngo stntes nnd some big strings of belated Kaums pasture i ut ile Hhortfed steers sell at H 00 to flit 00. with n er small number good cniiiigli to soil up to 1100, al though some show cattle wild on the open market last week nt 120 00 to tit 00 it full carload nl tho litter price (lood western rango beef steers weighing nine houndred nnd fifty pounds nnd upwards sell nt IH 00 to lit to lighter steers down to 112 00. ucetcrn grass cows 17 to to tlO.CO. cennors IS on to 18 76. iholco hetiV) natUn ions up to 113 00 nnd eals 111 00 to 111 7D. ItecelptM or cnttlo nnd cnltrs hern Inst week aggregated 101, 000 head, but the mippl) will be ma terially smaller each week fiom now on with good price prospects for sul len Kntisan and Okbihom.i wheAt fields are making a fine growth nnd mail) cattle went out to them In tho last week feeders nro n llttlo higher nt 110 00 to III SO and stockors stead) to ihlrty-flr tents lower at 18.10 to 113 00 with most of the run kb earl IngM and two selling at IV 00 to 110 BO Hog receipts last week wcru lot. (in head us compared with flfl-e'ght thousftnd the Minn week Inst ear, )et price ilnsed the week ton to flf Uen cent higher. The liberal mip. ply lodaj opened stAid) to ten tents higher Ilest medlumwelKhta up to 117 00. heavy hogs 117.75 nnd lights 117 5, but tho close was er weak and bulk of wiles ranged from 117.20 In 117 CS Htoik ptir rvll at 112.10 lo III 00, which Is n ery nltraetivo prim when coniHired with nlties of fat hogs. In sheep nnd lamlm prices liitn lie dined rift) tents since the mlddln of last week Ilest lambs am worth I 25. though tho top toda) was 115.00, I'nt owes briiugh It 00, but salesmen sa) the) tan In. good enough to bring IV.tO. Nine cars of slxty-flto pound Arlionn hea) hided reeding lambs sold nt 111.00 today. Kuo In in Im sold up to IH.OO. ooi,.mi:n i'(iiitiN( htiv or lli:i. (MrfillT WITH KlXX'Kh Ni:V YOltK. Nov. S3. Contrary to nxpeclntfoir, tho release of wool for civilian turn hna brought only it moderate ilemnnd from manufactur ers. so)s llrndstreet'a today. Condi tions haa chinged and prlcea that seemed nil right for war times nr not now so regarded Thera Is a general expectation of serious fluctuations In prices to oner tho readjustment pe riod, and manufacturer ax well as woolmen ore afraid or being caught with surplus Mock while that read-j-Jitmcnt Is going on. Little U et Known as to what tho offltlat iittlon Is llkel) to be, but the government Is committed In take orr tho whole of thn IVU tllp, though there itpeata to bo llttlo llkellhod of nn) thing being ilolio In regard to tho control or the 1019 clip lliDlng for tho United Htates In Kotith Aiuerliau markets has been stopped, tho great problem before tho government agencies to day I ring how to dispose of stocks nlreud) owned or engaged without tcrlou frlitlou or financial distress Thn work of valuation anil purchase of wool Is going on steadily In the Hoston, Mann, market, but thero ha been a cessation or allotments for arm)' work Conferences are being held In Washington between tho war Industries board nnd representatives of the iiuunermuster'N corps nnd the various committee representing tho manufacturers and the allied trades, and It Is expected that there will be an earl) anuniiiiiemeiit of policy. Tho sixth quarterly tensus of wool storks In the United Slates shows n totul or 3US,61U.:00 pounds or raw wool tops und tiolla held by manufac turers nnd dottier as of September 20, 1911. On June 30th the census platod tho similar total at 399. C0I, ICI, on March list. 314,300,000. on Detumher 31, 1017, 4IS.OI7.000, on September 30. 1917, S22.ono.000 Tho total under the flto main tbuwiritm liana are about on k ir with those reported as of Junu 30th, the last previous report, but am corwltlernbly lea than the reHrt for September 30th a ctr ago Of tho 33l.SSI.793 pounds or grease wtm on hand Sep tember 30th, dealers hold 219,619,017 IH.uuda and manufacturer had only 10l.k77a pounds A )twr ago the delrs had 173.9S9,81lt pouiida In st.Mks and the inatiufnetureni IK. (31.70 poii n ita. or muro than tvvlvo tbt. quantity thua hold In 1911. ("Niiuot Sell Hogs, WAHHINUTON. D. C NuV. 21 All hum wejxhlng undor a hundred and flftt pound were Included In throwouts" from packers droves b) an onler of the food ndmlnlstrn ttcn Hits attlon la designed to keep from the market hogs considered too light for export trade meat und also to maintain the present price of heaveler thun throwouts" nt 117.80 a hundred pounds This program will be wontlnued until December 3d, when a mctlng will be held with the pack er and, hog producer In Chicago trr further action. "The exclusion of hog weighing a hundred and fifty pounds, which can not be titlllred for export trade, n statement by tho foot! ndmlnlrtnitlon so)s, "I necessary for the mainten ance of price stabilization " Tho food administration urge that they bo retained on the farm until they reaoh proper marketing weight This I or prime Importance, a all pork which can bo produced In the next fow months will be urgcntl) needed to supply the wants or our ex port program of pork product. Next Year Wool. WASHINGTON. D L Nov. 23 Urging the government fully lo pro tect the Interest of the woltgrowers or tho United SUteit, Senator William II. King has been holding it series ot conference with official of the war Industrie board and war trado hoard and I nulla hopeful that n favorable policy will bo adopted. Thnt tho woolmen may not face heavy losne on next year' clip. Sen ator King urged the war lnduitrle iMiard to recommend that, If neces ear), the government take over the 1919 wool clip. , ir that plan cannot be carried through, ho urges through the war board, that action bo taken, under authority conferred on that board, to prevent Importation of foreign wool m tho American clip will be sure of it ' good market. I loth hoard hao promised to In vestigate tho situation carefull) and carl) decision I looked far liar Nliecp IiiiKn. DliNVKIt, Colo. Nov. 20. The state board of. stock Inspection today announced It would prevent the Im IMirtatlon or sheep Into Colorado from tho Navajo nnd Ule reservation uti les the) are declared free from senb Infection The Indians' resenatlon extend from Colorado Into New Mexltti, Arltona and Utah The last two named Ktatcn will not allow sher to he moved from these reservation and Colorado I likewise preparing to enforce tho quarantine Veterinary surgeon will make- Inspections befon. shipping Is permitted WITH THK I.IVi: KTOCKMIIN OP THIS MIXTION OP UTAH Hr II W Hoggan. state live stock Inspector, left for Chicago )mterda) ti. attend the annual convention or tho National Live Stock Msoclatlon, which convene there December 1st to (th Ho was given nuthorlty to dn so b) tho state hoard of examiner. Among the Impoitaut subject lo be considered at tho toiivonUou will lt uniform method of Inspection of ani mal and fur elimination of Infection nnd contagion disease. fleorge A Storrs nnd N She) a have filed suit In district court at Provo to collect about seven thouland dollar damage from tho Kan 1'cilro und tho t'tnh nil I iv n companies. They re rentl) shipped u bunch or sheep and lambs 'or their (lordon Creek ranch from Southern Utah to Wildcat Spur Negligent and cnrelem shipping ar rangements are alleged as responsi ble for the amount or damage uskctl. Kxtru feed and extra help become necessary also. Losse or hutidri'da or sheep and cat tle 1 1 stockratsers In San Juan conn t), N M, were explained when the county agent discovered thn whirled milkweed and. Its poisonous proper ties The agent pointed out tho plant lo farmer nnd stockmen, several meeting wore held to plan how to meet tho danger and committee were appointed to Inspett ever)' part of tho I.u l'latn district, which Include twenty thousand acres, lly helping the stockmen to lotata and uvnld tho weed, tho agent hope that serious I dm will ho avoided During tho week ended November 31th snow from two to tort lncht In depth fell over Southern Utah and the west nnd oast deserts, states the report of tho weather bureau In Southern Idaho, Southwestern Wyom ing and Northern Utah thn snowfall was lee than one Inch, An u result or tho molnturo largo urea or rango for sheep and cattle hnvo been mado available, and both sheep and eattlo aro reported In unusually fine condi tion At Strawberry resort lor, a flf toon-Inch carpet of anpw covered tho ground all last week. All shlpmentM of hog hereafter to etockynrda ut Missouri river cities or to stockyard east of the Mluourl river will rrqulro a car permit such it now In use for giving tho food ad ministration orderly control of the mnvemont of grain. Stockard di rectly affected Includa Chicago, Kan sas City. St IaiuI. Omaha, St. Paul, liulivllle, NtJihvllle nnd Pittsburg F W. Doty of the United Status bureau of markets at Chicago has said Hon At tho Strawberry reservoir it charge huva ua n member u represen tatlvo of the bureau of market at ouch or the cities named except 1JUUrvllle and Nashville, To meet tho cull for morn sheep to supply wool and mutton tho farm bureaus of Cullfouila have under taken n compnlgn to boost tho sheep Industry In that stato and have al ready auareeded In placing four thou sand sheep on the furma there Koine of the point that nro being used In the oumpulgn nro thnt tho United Stated deportment of agriculture statist thnt twenty eheep aro rcquhod to tlotho n soldier. Thn United KtatiM has about 80,000.000 sheep the wool of those will bo wufflclBlit to upply un'foriiwt for nn urmy of only two nn I a half million men Hallroad station ugenta tho country over wero last Saturday granted by Director rjanerul McAdoo a general wagu Increase or twonty-rive dollurn per month ubovp tho mte prevailing last January 1st. with a minimum of nluety-rivo dollars per in nth. Hlght hdurs la to be tunsU ered u tlay'r work, with pro-rata wy for two hour overtime and uma and a halt for sr. vlia aUov'H ten hours. Tho order itf foits about two thousand rive hun dred station agents, who nro not tele grapher, and who consequently wero not covered by the recent wage In cro&ir for telegraphers. Wlpo the top of the stove off aftur using with a damp newspaper and you will aave much time spent In blacking. Hoiice of Eleglioii, Carboii (ounly Sciiool Dislricl Notlro h. hereb) given that In et$roceyv Ith the proV Mow ef ' 'w or tho state of UUth. an elettlon bJrffTby baltd and w III be held Jt Hn and for the said Carbon Count) SchoTdlstrlct.d In mcIi ' J",'' lepresentatlvo precinct n hereafter najnf d. on Wednesday, the ' DecemlHjr. A. D 191. for the pbcposW? electing am ember of I he boanl o education for each or the district hereinafter named. The poll ng place loi the rcpresentntlvo preelntts nnd tho names or the Judge or each said polling placo ore as follows' Itepresontatlve Polling Preulnts - Place . J""Bt 'S"' ' Mrs. A. Olbson Winter Quarter Town Hhtl Mm. George Blmpson f Ir. Pearl Heynold Mrs. William Jensen Scofleld Town Hall Mrs. C Cobb lrRA I'ug" jj j (.pap,,,, Clear Creek ShoOl House Mr. Peter Larson Mis Vnlllero Hall Mrs. Sarah 1ui Utah Mlno " School House Mrs. Wm Chrlstcnsen Mr. William Wild 1 ,', 2 Maxlo Maulshy Cameron 'Sehool House... Joseph I Cnmpliell Janet Letter II." Klalm Helper Sehool House 1. A. Orcenhalgh J. W Woeler " ' ' A. P. Webb Hfniidardvlllo School House Mrs. W. i:. Knox Mr. I. O. Thorne llobert llalrd Italns Sehool Hhiiso C N. Huseell William Shield OT D. Itccso Castle Oate . Sehotil House I H. Durront William lMinnn l'rnnk T. Dennett Storrn Sehosl House W. K. Cowley JSJ4, Hu" ' " Oeorgo'W. Fullmer Ivtuda ' Sihool House II. II. Wood K A Ilnue PecrloMt, qualified voter to veto at Sterrs. Carbon, qualified voters to vote at Helper, No. 3 . i.on Tldwrll llnst IllaWatlm Sehool House K. J. Curtis C - Oreenland " C H. Ilosalngor South Hiawatha. Sehool House.. Martin Mlllarlch . James Powers B. C lorrntxeii Spring nieu , Sehool House Frank Jerome J. 11. I la) cock lleteey MoKlndrlck Cartmuvllle Hehodl House Mellnda Morgan Henrietta Matslng John Madden West Hiawatha Sehool Hnuso S K. Potter Fred Anderson. Jr. Irrank M." Ilettn Watlls Sehool House Wado 11 Ml Collins Charles Oulehcr Kly K. Kllllan Kenlluorth Sehool House.... !. J. Griffith Frank It. Jewkcs No. S cTlt. Ftthrlng Sunii)ltle Sehool Hou U O. Itlchn . U. U Thrawer Sanitiel" N'aJTor" llast Hunnynldf School House Harry 1-atturncr -- " D hi Crnvvfortl F. Hanson "" Wellington School Houst W. II. Tldwell Dowd Aloiixo Tldwcll i:. C. li Harper Sehool Housn a. '.. Thompson C. C. Johnwtun Tho polls will Ihi open at 7 o'clock a. rn. and continue open until 7 o'clock p. m. on said day. (J. It. MAIICUSKN, President IDA It. TANNKIt, Clerk. oiu'.vtly ni:.i:riTi:i) iiy cham Itl'IlLAI.VH TAiu.irrs. "I am thankful for tho good I have received by using Chamberlain' Tab tela. About two )ears ago when 1 began tuklng them I was suffering a groat deul from distress after eating und from headache and a tired, lan guid feeling duo to Indigestion und a torpid liver Chamberlain's Tablet corrected these disorder In a short lime, and slnio taking two bottlea of them my health has been good, vvrltea Mrs. M. P. llarwood, Auburn, N. Y Advt. Ostrich Is an excellent trimming for winter milliner)', iiki uay Nona: notici: is Heioby given that under an Ordin ance of Price, Utah, entitled, "An ordinance prohibiting tho running ut largo uf horses, rattle, mules, asse. Mhctp, gouts and avvlne, nnd to provldo for the Impounding therco,," I huve taken up und Impounded the following described animal, tow It One sorrel horse, about nine )eara old, weight alout eight hundred and fifty pounds, right hind foot whlto and white strip In head; branded on left shoulder ver ttoal bar with two bunt ucroe this And If the said animal I not claimed and taken away within ton (10) ila from tho data of this notice, and all cost thereon paid, 1 shall exposa at public Halo and sell to the highest bidder fur tush the animal ubovo dcMtrlhed. Such aula to tako plato on tho 2d duy of Dotumber. 1918, at the estruy pound, ut 2 o'clock p. m , at my residence of wild Price. Dated at Price, Carbon County, stata uf Utah, thU 32d day or November, 1911 OUSON A. lAHBKN. Poundkenper. IN 'I UK SKVHVm JUDICIAL Dis trict Court of Carbon County, Slate of Utah P O Silvagnl, Plaintiff, v. Nick Uelcustro, Defendant. Hum inous. Tho Stuto ot Utah to tho Said Dufondunt. You are hereby sum moned to uppear within twenty day after tho service of this summons upon )ou, ir served within tho count) III which this iittlon is brought, other vvlko, within thirty da) utter service and defend tho above untitled uttlon, and In caso of our falluro ao to do. Judgment will be rendered against )ou according to the demand of the complaint, which bus been riled with tho clerk or sold oourt, and wherein the plaintiff pray Judgment against Jcfendant for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage on the following described premise, tow It A portlim, or Lot 3 In Dloek 11, Pricu tuwimtle survey Ueglnulug at tho southeast corner or Lot 2, Ulock II, running thonio wc-st C3S reel, thence north thirteen rods; thence east S3S feet, thence south to place of beginning, being the east quarter ot euld Lot 2, JOU W. nOZKCl.UK, Attorney for Plaintiff. rostofflie Addresa 417 Kearns Dldg, Suit Itke City, Utah First pub., Niv. 22; lout Dec. 20, 1911, llrolutlon opposing "any exten sion of crrtllt by American bank to Germany without tho depositors' con sent" were adopted In New York last Friday by tho ho)cott committece of the National Defense society. Tho society announced It would make pub lic tho imrno of any Iwink extending mtch loan a "tho sentiment of the people 1 opposed to tho lending of Amcritiui mono) In uuy form to tier man)," NOlICi: TO WATL'lt UHI'IIK Stat Knglneer Of fit c, Suit l-oko City, Utah, Nov 20, I9IH. Not lie Is hereby given that Parley P. Warren, whoso postofrictt address I Price, Utah, hit mudu uppllciitlou In ncctird unco with the requirement or the Compiled I .aw or Utah, 1907, a amended by thu Senslon I aw a or Utah, 1909, 1911 und 1916, to npproprliito two and two-seventh (3-2-7) second feel of water from Grundvlrk'n Creek In Carbon county Suld water will be diverted at n point E2I0 feet north from tho southwest corner of Sec. 1, Twp, 14 South, I tango 10 F.oxt. Salt like bus und meridian, und ton vejed by means of u ditch for a ills tamo of BCOO feet nnd thero used frain April 1st to November 1st or with er to Irrlgnte 1C0 ntrm or land cmbruretl In thn WViKK Bee. 1 und WViNKU Sec 12. township und range aforesaid Thla application U designated In thn statu engineer" of flee u Nn, 78S All protest ugalnst the grunting or said application, stating the reason therefor, must bo mode by ufflduvlt In duplloato, ac companied with it fee of 12 SO, und flll In this office within thirty (30) da) after thu comphtlou of thn pub Mention of Hit notice. ( F M'OON AOI.IC, Statu Kiiglncoi Duto of first puli Nov 39, 1918. Dutn of itiiuplelluu of pub Dec 30, MUlCr lo W.HHH UhltllH. State Lnglneer .Offleo. Salt like Ut). Hutu Nov 6. 1919. Notlto hureby given that tho Well ngion Cuiml lomiNuiy with It prlntt iwl orrice at Wellington, Utah, has inad application In accordance with the requirement or See. 1398x21 Chap, at, fcowtlon Itwe or Utah. 190l! ,to tlutnge the place or use of twenty J2) second-feet or water diverted 'from the Price river In Carbon coin, ly at a Hmt luo feet south uud 1120 west of the northwest corner of Ml ilV l ,U".'' ,,ttngB K Halt ; Lake Iwse and meridian, and heretofore used fro,,, March 16th to November nth, Inclusive, of each South, itunge 10 Kust. Sec. 1 Twd taailllT', le' 7 TWP " 8ou ' 7. and to Irrigate In addition t us rest of tho land above deecrlbe-i the land embraced In the NWHM v 8F.UNWU. and NKU8W4 s. i nnd tho W8W Sec. S. TW 11 ' South. Itnngn 11 DasL Thl apt.i . , tlon Is designated In the state n I glnccr's office n No n400 All it0 I test against the granting of MM application, stating the reason there i 1 for, must be made by nrridavit In . duplicate nccompanled with a fe6 0f ; 12.60, and filed In this o'frico wuhir. thirty (30) da after the compl.t0n of the publication of thl notice a v M'GONAGLC, Btnto Hnglneer Datt or rirst pub. Nov. 16, ll date or completion of publicat10I! Dec. 18. 1918. ,0" PltOllATK AND OUAHDIANBIIIP NOTICl, (Consult county clerk or the respec tlve signer ror further Information ) in Tin: si:vK.vrii JUDiciAirnw. trlct Court of the Rlnto of Utah With In and For Carbon County. (Probst Division In the Matter ot the Estate of J Amano, Deceased No tlve. Tho petition of IX V. llnihl lilolo, pra)lng for tho Issuance to himself of letters of administration In tho estate of J. Amano, deceased, hn been set for hearing on TiioHar) tho 3rd day of December, A. D, 19H at 3 o'clock p m. nt tho county court' houso In tho courtroom of said cuurt In Price, Carbon county, statu of Utah. Witness tho clerk of said tVjurt with tho seal thereof affiled this 12th day of November, A D 1918. H. 8. llOltBI.r.Y. Clerk, MAIt' OAHKT IIOHBLHY, Doptlly II J Itlnch, Attorney for Petitioner First pub, Nov. IS, last Dec r, ) IN THK bKYKNTII JUDICIAL I)IT trlct court ut the Stuto ot l uti within and for Carbon count), (Pre bate Division Jn tho Matter of the Xstate of Jean Cortes, Deceased Nollco To Creditors. Notice I her by given by tho undersigned, Antoine Cortes, administrator of tho estate e Jean Cottes, decerned, to tho trtdl torn of, and nil perton having claims against Mid deceased to exhibit them, with tho necessary vouchers, within two months nftcr tho first publication of thl notice, to Mid administrator at hi residence In Sunnjsldc, Carbon totinty, Utah, thn same being th, place for tho transaction of tho butt nrss ot said estate In tho county ef Carbon, Utah ANTOINi: COIlTliH. Administrator Dated this 8th dn) f November, 1918. First pub., Nov. S, last Nov 29, II in thk si:vi:.vrn judicial iiih- trlct Court of tho Slate of Utah within nnd for Carbon Count) (Pre halo Division), In tho Matter of the Hstato of Frank Mnscnro, Deccated Notice to Creditors) Notlcu Is hers by given by tho undersigned, Fedtle Do Vuuno, ndmlnlstrulor of the estate of Frank Mnscnro, deceased, to the creditor of, nnd nil persons bar Inr tlniniM against said deceased, to exhibit them, with tho neevstary voucher, within two months niter the first publication ot this notice to said administrator at hi residence la 8umi)sldc, Carbon county, Utah, the same being the placo for tho trun action of tho business of said estate In the county of Carbon, Utah. KB DKLi: Di: VUONO, Admlnictrutor Dated this 8th day of Novomber, llll First pub,, Nov, 8; last Nov. 29, -II NOTICi: TO CltKDlTOHH. FATATK of Karen Prandsen, Docta Creditor will present claim with voucher to tho understood ut Price, Utah, on or before th 10th day of Marah. A. D.. 1919. OKO. O, FltANI Si:N, Administrator of Karen 1'runJ sen, deceased. First pub., Nov. S; last Nov, 29,1911 IN THK DIKTltlOT COUItT OF CMl lion County, Stato of Utah, lice A I.0WI. Plaintiff, vs. Mary liwlt. Defendant. Summons. The Stale of Utah to the Said Defendant Yon are hereby summoned to appear with in twenty day after the acrvlro of thl summon upon )ou. If served within tho county In which this ac tion I brought, otherwise, within thirty day utter servlco und deftml thu ubovo entitled action, mil In e of )our failure so to do, judgment will be rendered ugalnst you nocoidlng to tho demand or tho complaint, which hu been riled with tho clerk of wU court. This action I brought to re cover a Judgment dissolving the mar rlugo contract heretofore existing between you and tho plaintiff I & WOODS, Plaintiff Attorno), I'm! offlco address. Price, Utah. First pub., Nov. 8; lust Dec C, 1911 N011CH roil PUIILICATION. Department of tho Interior, United Stute lJind Offlco nt Suit I-uko City. Utah. Notlco I hereby given thai Isaiah ItlchanU uf Heunllngtoii I tah. who, on October 10, 1916, made homestead entry, Serial No. 01 1073 for ol-8, nl-4vvl-4, nwl-4 Seo. 32, Twp 13 South, Itange t. Salt Ike meridian, ha fileil "" of Intention to mnka threa-)eur i"' to establish claim to tho lund iiovt describe!, before the ulerk of th district oourt. ut Price, Utah, on the Slut duy of December, 1918 Claim unt name n witnesses Davi' " Wood, Levi Howard, T. I oun". Joino How bury, all of Huntingtun. Utuh GOULD U. HUVKHLY, IM' ter. , First pub., Nov. 8, last Dec 20, DM NOTIC15 roit 1'UllLHWrii''--Coal ISntry. (Hoo. 2847, 11. 8 ' "f Offlco at Salt Lako City, Utah, Nor 12. 1918. Notlco la heruby gtf" "" Martha S. Andomon of M Tifn' county of Morgan, stute of Ut in thl duy filed In thl offlco M"" tlon to purchase. Serial No "-J!,? under tho provision of S" ,' 'i U. S. ItevUed Htutnte. tho SI ' pl Boo. 4, Twp. 10 South, Itonge J"" Salt Luke morldlnn. Any nnd "I son claiming luivorsely he !" deoerlbed or deslrilttf to ' ll ' ',, uny reason to tho entry tlr ,i,. applleant should file tholr ""''"'L1: of proteat In thla offlco during " thlrty-duy period of pilblleullun ' medlutoly following tho first P"1"'" litsuo of thla notice, otherwise l"'e ' Plication may be allowed aoui." 11. IILAKLKY, llcglater. Kdwarcl Dunn. Attorney, Salt Lako City, " First pub. Nov. 18; lost Dec.