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Hp HI j PAGE POUR THE SUN, PRICC, UTAH -EVERY FRIDAY NOVEMBER 29, 1918 H M Issued liver) f rlday Ily Sun Publish- Ing Co (Inc) It W Crockett, Mgr K rR Subscription $2 00 ttio Yoar Orflce m 'a Telephone No 9 Kcaldcnccs, Noa H1 I 113M2 nn.1 133M3 I Ai)i'ttTisio nvncs. K S Display Mnttcr IV r Inch per Month, 1 i tl 00; Blnglo Imiic, 40o Bpeclal j f Position 25 Per Cent Additional B ij Headers nnd Legal Notice, 10a per m Lino first Insertion, Cc per Line m Each Subsequent Issue Count Mx H n words to tho line B -IS Obituaries, Canta of Thanks, Itesolu ( tlona, lite, nt Iltilf Local Heading J Notleo Hates Count six words to V U the Line H'il Adtela, Tor Hale, Tor Ilent, Pound, fi Lost, Ktc , Une Cent per Word Bach 'U Issue No Charge Accounts H 1 Address All Communlcntlons to 11 8UN PUI1LIH1IIM1 CO Price, Utah j rg c-f Axs. ' i.i in mi' i --r ) ij I went mourning without Tho 8tm HHK. I stood up nnil irkil In Ilia congrcgn- If' Hon. .lob, 30-28 Hl woitit or tiii: ( iiu,im: iv tiii: HK J dinar umiM) mail Hk J It Is now estlmntrd Hint there lire K lwcnt)-twi million m hool children In B I the United State. Klghty per tent of B them hnn token some port In the B j tuition's war program Ho tr nnd 1 J picture, what minders hmo bten done H ! by these little ones lonnrd (linking H.) the not Id mfo for democracy The) ' j hnAo aided In the wnr gardens nnd K ( tho school gardens Tbe hne orgnn- B ! Ue.1 n Junior Hod Cross nnd hundreds B i of thotimnda of them time tnntrlhiit- H ed tventyfle ichta rneh to that ; 4 imhlo nrgnulxntloii The) hno been if of great mine In seaitcrlng booklet nnd leaflets among the rcsddcnl of nerj eominunltj Tliey hnp even n ' sold eornt hundred thousand dnl- Hk Inrs worth of llbert) (Hinds H Take the work of Cnrbiui count) t rhlldreii, for Instnmo It Is known V i i nbout vi lint the) bnr tterompllshed B Tlien multiply that It) millions nnd t ( tho towns nnd rltles In whleh work H j slmlllnr to thut done here ha been 1 accomplished! nnd one will hne some B Idea of what n wonderful help the) H , nre In restoring tUllliitlon to the H! world When tho history of this war H i Is written gronn men nnd grown j women nre not going to motiopotlxe Hi , Its) pages Their deeds of nlor nnd R their untiring labor In behalf or the H rnuntr) will not crowd (tint book H There will I hi spare lesencd, nnd H ? n llbernl nmotint of It, to chronicle H' the NMlstnuin lent b) the children of w this nation without uhteh vie might H not hne approached If tor) so close- Bj ly or so nulekl) i' ' H PUUSPAT WINTKIl t II wit H Mt'rii Nt'ri i:ium: in Kn)iti B All or them good reportw iraihlnu H Carbon count) lour n litideix), II vo B are not er) rnrefiil to mown u lo V relax In our rf fulls '. nrre tul ) et Wo must stop not ronsbler that HBt I 'we nre entering Into n m inter thut HHt um) hold much suffering i store nnd BBSS thai right nnu wo nevl in practice HBjJh onsen nt Ion een niore than hni HMI at any time slnco wit enteiol tre .ir N Victor) Is apt to stetl um wivi pride ffl to the extent that grow nroIrM, & nnd wo forget tho !eiuest of our gov HHS eminent In save for the to I ers 'i".i' B our mIIIi-h uhroait HK Wf inn gel mine siigir now than HHi ki could a month ugo, but It doesn't Hk mean that It la glin us to nste f And a, month from now wn mav be Bl J without an) There U no wn to tell H It Is going to rriilrs Jus' us muili H meat abroud aa It oer bps unit more Hff each sueceedlng Meek as now troops BSi. are aetit nbroud Ho it la t ot safe to BBpli feast heiaueo ktor) Is lotar or taba HI chances on stun lug tho er) ones who B make, vlrtory possible Et Oo Just ns easy on tin sugar and 11 the meat as ou did last winter Kne 1 fata evun mnrn strUtl) mil keep tho HI plate just ns clean after toinorr ) s 1 meal ns ou did when l lory seemed H )eurs In tho future Follmt t'nuln Bln flam's order to tho letter, nnd uhcit 1 v nil tjtr. world Una Joined In a mighty Hl hosnnnuh, nnd nil mankind Is liitheil 1 In a new light of llbert) than and. B . only then, Mill It do to tens einimr- ffi Ing. Hflj i nuv it iik.iit hi hi: at iiomi: k ami 1 1 i'i iurrri:it. ff -, The Hun would urgu the people of B I I'nrlMin county for their own good mid Hi J for the good of tint town ut lurge to H " mnko every puruhasA that It U possl H ' bio for them to mnko right hero ut H ! J home. Wn know there ure some nier- H; j uhanta locally who cant aee their H' way clear to help suport the Iiomi H nawspapeni. And Moll lue to ( 1 nilt tbot the) uro largely to blnrnc for i the mall hollies getting business. K't! ""' whether or not thny aihtrtlse B , with Tlu Hun will not keep It from H I doing Its dot) nnd tr)lng In overy way H i we tan to build up the section In H if In whleh we live mid nf which wo nre HlA ' Justly proud Wo believe tho stores Hjj J here offer Just um great Iturgulns ns H Mi Q storca In Chlungo 4 If tho More nf j " Chicago rend nut a grocery or n cloth- H lug or n furniture rotiilogue once nmh f J month nnd boIUU buslneHi tho liter- HL v 'uhanta here must realise that they B!J have gut to meet that competition l 'l' telling th4r people what they tan get H rt here ut homo B ,I Don't buy aiDthiug h) mall that j ) mi tun get here by going to the store BB When )iu need teillt. or when sick- HBH ( , ntwa In the family makes It nnrwwary for yet) to nek favors, the Chicago HBH tv mailorder house wont even nd a HBB., J Ihreo-eont stamp In answering your BBH 4 s appeal The home merchants will tide J A run over a tiell of misfortune or bad BBKr fj luek, mid for that reason they d- Hni. ine your huslnea when you are able H' J ij to puy the mall llemombr this, and h' I remombor too thut not a dollar that IByiij FToen to build ur this count) coma H jH from the Ohleneo mailorder luua. R 4 Hear In mind also tlmt the further jj from home Sou oud )uur dollar tho H J,j longer It tuke It to get bck Bttjj A M?lltt' ihe reaubllean part) Is be- 1 Ing offered connlderuble more uilvlco from jmotropolltan newspapers and magaxlneu ns to how to proceed now than it received anslstnnce from the same quarter in achieving Ita recent H& conyrcuuloiial victory, I (OMIIHItTlXi I CTOIl TO f )M-j Mas It Urer rieeWTed to t ruder this eaptlou Prof Oraon Hjhi at the hoad of thn M-lHMtls nf Cart count) has addresd by letter n i of tho more Hum elgnty-flre lea h erx He eltrfl That a child mnnot bo mIucoIihI f r life In general but that he must I e educated for tho spoelfln life of hit particular environment and nllllt That economic prosperity Is the Imult for nny health) civilization That the education of the child cannot bo separated from the develop ment or tho iiimiiiunlt) lo which the child lotongs. That tho development of tho turn munlty raiinot be separated from tho development of the state, the nation nnd the world That thn primal-) groups vvhlli must le perpetuated If the progiom nnd development or civ dilution nro to con tlnue are the fntnll) the pin) ground of children nnd tho neighborhood group of elders Thut there am three t)pt of Indl vldiials In soclct) I'lrst The Individual who does not enrr) his own weight nnd who Is, therefiiro, u llnblllt)' n tnllilis or heg ntlve iiuantltj it burden Hecond Tho Individual who cnrilea Just his own weight Hitch on Indi vidual neither Interferes with nor contributes to soclct) Hueh it ono mn) I r rcprenciited b) xero Third -r-Tlie Individual wlm not only tnrrl his own weight, but who also contributes to or assists In rnrtylng the weight of others. Hueh an Indi vidual Is u totitrlbutlng furtor u asset to soclct) That with )our nsslstance It wilt bo possible for the schools of Curium county to mnko of ever) ho) nnd every girl who en in iv within the reach of their Influence n contributing fnrlor to the rnmmiinll) nnd to the state nn asset rnther thnn n llnbllll) It Is suggosti d that there Is no need of using n Made In Amcrlen lain I on our AhtTlcnn hoods to distinguish them from articles made In Her man) Hut that Is not the out) pur post of thn proposed brand What wo want is the use of goods mule here us ngaliist goods made In nil) other laud either cneui) or nil) America should produie or mnnufiutiire ever) ii tnmodlt) needed for homo I'v' "' fr ns practicable When we must bit) nhmnd we should buy from those with whom we have been nssmlnted Ir, the war for preservation of Inter national rights, (Mil) ns u last roort should we buy from the llun It u n strange Dpe of American who will tin) gooods miido b men or women who spilt In the fines of American soldi) ra as tin were eouduiled ns I rlMiuvra of war through Herman ter mor) Hut regardless of nil that Amilliit should pmdott' u t lass of goods of which till Aincrlinits iiin ln proud, nnil. In order to spread the mine of those good the) should It-nr tho brand. Made In Aim rim or Made In I' H A Hfld Marshal vnn lllndeiiburg lit his mtssngo to the Herman army, sold that the threat of famine caused the ntteptiure of the armistice." suys Marctl llutln of the Hcho de Pun "Allhuugll fiHid ilKfitllltles pla)vd u part In tho defeat r Herman)', the detctmlnlng cause of Ihe Herman col lupse wum the fact that the enout) a arm) was on the brink of disaster Thn first words the Herman plenlpo lentlariea said lo Marshal 1'och were, In subsunce nermnii)' army Is nt )our mere) Our reserves of men nnd munitions nre completely oxhuustcil, making It Impossible for us to con tinue the wur ' Carbon count) school board did the right mid proper thing when It order ed (hecks sent out to all tmielton (or full time the latter have not bflti 'tl tho schoolrooms beiause of the III flueiiM epidemic However, limiting else was to have been exported n( thrse gentlemen, mid The Huu doubts If theru Is n single patron if tho school or u tnxpiotr In the count) thut will olfer objection Congress should iImhuii t that t x truvagaure tense wusta slop nnd un necessary expenditure end before It pusses tux laws based upon offltlul desire to spend nil tho money In the world a couple of times before the excuse has gono h) Nell II Madsen dropped In on Thu Huu, um It were, the other day nnd In cidentally remarket! tlmt he was put familiar with u biblical quotation used rrtiull) by this great family newspaper ThU reminds us. there nre others Those who write mid also talk well about economic nnd Industrial piob leins without having had any expert mrc either In labor or enterprise are the biggest menace to the welfare of the people of the world Hnmetlme we on n't help feeling that llerlert C 1 louver' 9 reason lor Increasing the augur ntlollmeut U that he Is Just human enrugli to covet pumpkin pin. Ah a general thing when mother mid Ihe glrla ure gutting the huuw read) fur comiutn) the) con agree oil nearly ever) thing exeept what to du with rathe, itemnanta or tho local repu'illeun parly will bo iwitehetl together Ih the mntlme ItMdera state. In an effort to ttet together two yettra hence. I,oudon impera declare tho) otituti.t trust either Uermuuy er Austria, and In that rkiet they novo plent) ol oomiwii) One nice thing about demoerao) la It usually seliea upon n kin Just u few Inlnutea too late for him to puas the bu k to anyone else. Grant went to Europe and rocelvetl tho honors of a c-onquerlng hero, whleh he really was, but It did not t,H him a third term BfiKjirnwMBjBjS sssssHsHHssWssssss, ktisssssl HssslsHPS bV ssssssssssBstsssssHst " -v. KHH 1 ALFRED GRAMES Its easy to make )ourse1f popular with some l'llio men All )oti need do Is sit ii.ini'id nnd listen to them Wevr nlso noticed thnt there nro a few men In Prlie who would rather give good ndvlcr awn) t lull keep It themselves Its 11 good thing the tlilldreu or Prlte are so liniment Otherwise lheyl kick on presents that toino from mnllordcr hiujues. When somo I'rlcv men gel married Ihe) quit 1 arising her n pound of Hind) nnd think she ought to blew them when the) take home n pound of butter or lard Pcrsonnll), Ita none of our busi ness, but we cant understand why nvtr) young mother we have ever met In Price thinks she Is never going to need but one bnb) bugg) TWENTY YEARS AGO THIS WEEK Hubert Mi Kline sold ('lurk Hotel to (I T llollldn) A W llitrsle) and John II Pare hud been numed ns home mlsslonnrles Tlntnids Pltxgernld had won eevrrnl lints on the Corbett nnd Hhnrke) flghl He took the Hharkey end of II An official count gnve Hon Harden lletinlon four hundred furl) -three votes over Minis 1'iteiseii for state senntor Knglo Unlge Knights of P thins ut Costln Hate was planning n big liHisqiit rode bull for Christmas eve nt Ihe coal enmp II lleurdslo) wns tsindiictlng thn Dcnvir mid lllo (I ramie Hotel ut Helper He mid Mis. Ilenrdsle) were planning u trip to ISurope Count) Attorney Wnrf sold tils farm five miles south of Castle Dale to Axlnl And rson The purchase prlic went Into Ciuhou tount) prnpert) Haven Mining tompaii) uiinotinred tho building of a wugon road from Its mines on liidlin Cretk to Ihe head of Willow Creek for bringing nut Its ore's, i: Ho) Ollmou nnd wife went to housekeeping In the McWilson resi dence Just cast or Muthbi Hotel He was nn operator for the Denver nnd Itlo Orando at Price. One or the Pinch boys, writing back from Alaska, stated that J It Mill burn of Prim had some fine pros pects not far from Dawson City The latter wan the father of Chub' Mill burn K, C l,en whs In Price from Nine Mile Ho was butchering about sixty five head of cnttln, which were sold off to nelghborn mid nt Prlre They welo too wild to be driven out lln leported splendid crops out thut wuy II (I MiKuno, fathor of Holcrt MrlCuiie, left this city for Colorado Hprlngs, Colo , to make his home Feed In Car Lots We hnve somo attractive prices in ottlond lots on 'Com, Outs, Rolled Barley nnil liny. Try this for making whito bread, Wilson's Beat, Kansas and Tiptop flour. Chicken Feed, Mjxed Feed, Cottonseed. Wo arc getting tho business. "There's a reason." Price Commission Co. United States Pood Administration Ltcenao No O 41131 P1IONK 113 PltiCB, UTAH Legal blanks of every description arranged from the best legal forms end brought down to date, A full upply always on hand Fifty cents a doxen. Tho Bun. ORDER BY MAIL Whether it be a package of pins, a rug, or, suit of clothes, don't feel that you are entirely isolated from the rest of the world. ORDER BY MAIL. Our fa cilities enuable us to fill your order in one hour after receipt. This is service unequaled. Send for our catalog. Compare our prices with the keenest competition in the whole country. If your or ders are going East you are losing both time and money. A one-day service by mail. Prices guaranteed lower. Quality and Satisfaction or Money Back. L J. C. PENNEY CO. m li7 ItUSY STOKI2S mmammmmMmmmmmmmammmmaaammmmBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi automoiiim: TiLvsri:u and DltAY UNIX Give us our hauling of frslght and like work. No job too large or too small frr us to handlo Freight la given our special attention. Walt.r ChrUtemen, Phone 9SwJ, Price, Utah Sunshine Confectionery Luncheonette J ut n few suggestion In our Lorn lironcHc Oi iwirtniiiili lllrT (LAllirr Pl'Ntll nor i.oiosmu: HOT 1 (.(I MAI11. I MILK ritiUM op TOMro soup I'UMV hTI.W ) hTI.W nor toirii: AM) I IIKNCII IIOLI-S nor chocouvti: chili: hPAOHITPII CIIKKKS TMlK ClllMi: NOODLI It us sortn jour next uirty. We iln nil llio work ami snvo you nil tho worries. R, M. TIFFANY, Manager. Next door to O II Wilson Selling Co Prim, Utah I Hotel Helper HKLPKJl. UTAH Transient Trade Solicited lILV WTOMOIIIir PS. si:(.i:it sintvui. to all UINTAH HhIV POINrb, llunnlng through Uinhesne M)tnn Itoosovelt I'ort Due lis sue Moffat anil Vernal ronnect Ing with stages for all other Inland points. Parties making roundtrlp from Bolt IJike Clt) leave Den er und Itlo Qrande deiiet un No 3 nt I IS i m, arrhlng at Helper, S30 in Leave lle. per next morning at 7 a m Iteturnlng Leave Veriinl. 7 n m W. S. Avery, Propr. At the solicitation of many friends and nitrous of the school In the upper end of the count), I) A Hay mond bus (ousvtilcd to become it rnndlilnto for school triisteo from the district uhlih Includes HcoMrld. Clear Creek and his homo place. Winter Qiinilera, The gentleman la ironager of the Winter Qumltis store of Wasatch Ktoro rompan) and a long time resident of Carbon count), huw Inc at one time held n similar position nt Hutiii)ldt 'Dell' llujmond, ns he Is popularly known nm'iig his friends nnd the general public, Is In err wn) qualified for Ihe place and patroiiM of the schools will make no mistake If they choose him next l)e rtinhcr (th, ui the election occurs, lie U strictly buslucs In business mat. ters, conwclvutlous nnd at all times iln pl) Intcresteil In better educutlonal facilities In county and stale Portlier railroad nmplo)ea of thn Inturiiinuntalii section ure to experl. ence no dllfkuliy In getting back their old obs, or others mually ns good, upon their return homo from Prance or Ainerlmn army camps Ho fore bis retirement us f'Jernl direc tor, William O McAdoo Issued as order for all rnllroada In tho I nlted Htnte to make provision for puttlnx back 011 their old Jobs nil ox-employes ns fast 11a they nre .mustered out of the nrni) and navy While Utah rail roads hud this matter railed to their attention some lime ago, no enfore ment or the order hoi )vt been under taken, bemuse none of tlo men havp returned runeral services for tile lain It 0 McIKIiiiioii, who died nt Oroen Itlver. W'yo, one day last week of Influents. were held from u. local undertaking establishment lost l'rldu) Decenseil was n member of the Masonic ordtr locally, which had chnrgo of the fun rral Halurday word ciuno to Mr and Mrs. Murtln Mlllnrloli that their daughter, Mrs. McKlnuon. nlso sick or tho lufluenxn, wna muili wone Mrs. .Mlllnrloli departed Haturda) nvrr.lnr for her bedside Decrosed In sr led by n wife and oro c' lid Very sumptuous capes are made of seal d)ed fur One uuderallp Mill make n finiiuU lion for three dresses. H MODEL 1919 BUIGK -- y Wc will soon hinc on display In our Halwirooma some of (he 1019 Model Ilulck Cars. You will see the enclosed I uiKlnc. (he automatically lubricated motor, HclMubrlcat Ihr rocktr arniH, scientific coollnjr Hstcm and man) I other features that make the Ihilck car the 'Car ol" Utility." New nnd better body tjpes lime been devised, while IlKhter and stronjer inaterlaLs are brouRht Into service. A demonstration will convince you that the Ilulck Is the car j 011 want. Utah-Idaho MOTOR CO., Div. 5 Kulck Ak'ency Carbon and Emery Counties. G. 0. HORNER, rinles Manager, J. L. LLOYD, Office Manager. North Ninth St,, Price, Utah. j