OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, November 29, 1918, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1918-11-29/ed-1/seq-5/

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I We Ask Our Patrons to Be
Many of you arc entitled to better service, and wo hnve
cxtrn men, extra teams and the "Hlue Drays" working
We Are Doing Our Best to Keep
Pace With Our Increasing Business.
Wo still handle Payson Mills Products, Mt. Pleasant
Flour, Carey Salt and the best In Hay and Grain.
McKune Forwarding Co.
Phone iSS
Values In
Men's Suits
Not the "bargain price" kliul,
luit'man) fine Imported pat
terns, as well n oholro Amcrt
inn weaves the claa of good
wautetl li men who tvnii)
Material of this quallt) lileu
llflcii Iho wearer on n Judge of
good value.
Anil then th stle. fit mid
romfiirt thnl I luillil Into ever)
null I make ttlr tin final tnuuli
tit thn weol dreseed man
. F. L BUCKIO, Tailor
North Ninth Si , Jimt Off Main
Trice. Utnh
oiiAMiu:wAiV8 col'oiiiii:mi:iv
Do not Imagine that becauso other
tough medicine failed to slva ou
relief Hint It will bo tho name with
Chamberlain's Cough ltemedy. Hear
in mind that from a small beginning
thl remedy ha sained a world wlda
reputation utid Immense ale A
medicine mum have exceptional merit
tu win estoem wherever It become
known Atlvt.
According to Toslimutter Wnrrum
M Halt Uike City, through somo mis
understanding many Isttera me being
mullet! without pontage to tho Htato
f id administration. Thl U unuti
It irlied except where regnlury dts
It tated penalty envelope nulhorUed
1. tho food administration ura lined
R : h unnuthorlretl letters will ho went
t) tho deu.1 letter office or returned
to the sender where a ruluru nil die
l given Tostmaatera througliout thn
' te nre rciueted to refrain from
I patching unitnmi(Hl letter ad
dr ed an the commission Iiuh no fund
f r paying pontage due
Irfimen ly flro In the United Btntea
nl Canada during Ottolier amounted
11 176 412.300 ThU wan largely- con
tn utenl to by the Ion of tlio ahetl
' ling plant at Morgan .V ' and
" serious Mlnneota forest flro
h h ilettrojed sevorul tawna. Tho
"t. ren for October tills jcar comparo
Mi I20.J8M60 ihnrged ngmiixt the
ne month last year, und 117 7ai
" In October 1916
Three. quartern of a oup of rnlslna
' I a quarter of u cup of walnut
"ituta put separately through the
"out chopper, then mixed, salted,
naped Into small flat cake and
trapped In paraffin paper are con
lUrntod nourluhmont far children or
fownupa who take lunches
Urn V Moss, who went to Idaho re
i cut I) after leaving Helper, In mm
In California, looking for u location
Mr. Kiimi lleatrlre Allen dlid at
Clear Creek a few da) a ngo of In
lluoiiiu The rt mains wrn tnkin to
Orange villo for burlnl
An Increase f 13 in r tent in busi
ness for Oi tuber last, over the iihp
month last )onr In shown In the West
irn I'nlon off lin nt Trite
lu Trltchnril iiml It U llngere
IIiIh wtek received nml ltn.li.Ueil the
miuliliicr) for llulr vulcmihtlng simp
(I the I'lUgcrulil bllllillllg
Now iiiNiPN th neWN h n) of thn
wrnthvr liureuu iittnn that nIIkIU
ciirthiiinko uluxkh VfiVj oxix ricni-rit
nt I'rlrp ciimn two wVfjU ng"
' II II ThIhn In liaik nt lrlri from
Cunlln (lute working In the Mtlm ton
Mtrliil purlorN. l-o lAtwry haN taken
ono of the thulrn nt Cullnwu) n
C II Arkerman, formtrl In biml
neN nt 1'rlirt In nun Imntnl In Iam
Angeli'N, Ciila, In lhr im nhitudlNo
hmkeriign bUNlueNN "Hi In mild lu Ixi
doing nlitl)
It J Turner Iiiin filed Ntilt ngiiliiKt
aeargn M Cannon at Trite for the ro
om wy of Urn ulun of mme mining
tooU In iino nt tho Mlllbiirn mine Tho
iium axked U lewi than a hundred dot
lam Ainin CliaiiirH Anil Tullorn have re
cently liiHtullyd n utiini (irewiliiu mu
thine to ilo thrlp work, whlih In thn
Intent thing rtut A pit turn of It np
pN.rN mi imotncr gc of tl It liupreN
klou CI) ile II ChrUtenren, ageil about
T- jmrN, died nt WnttU lant Thum
dit) tneulng of Influeniu. Ilo leuc
n wife nnd three nnmll ihlldren Tho
bod) wna tuken to Hprlng Clt for
fleorgu ICoklnka, ono time linnir
ance limn ut Ilulper, wan nrrixteil ut
Ion n few dayN ago for having liquor
In hU pomemilon He wan rdeai-ed
under IiiiiiUn of n humlied and flft)
dollar .
Night telegramk from the Atlantic
to tho l'nclfk Coavt may bu nent for
fifty tiinta nfler January 1, 191 9. but
meantime tho regular rato of ono dol
lar In In force, mi) a Manager Hmlth of
tho WeNteru Union
County Superintendent U)an lulled
tho kchool In Nino Mlln last week mid
reporlH on tcmlng homo that till 1
going well out that way lluryer
cthnul In tho only nun In tho county
not cloned I eraura of tho lufluenui
Utah laudymakern uny tho Chrlnt
iiiiin trnitn will b obundantl) pro
vided foribneuuse if tho augur reNtrli
tlona being removed by the national
food iidmluNtralloni Outalilo, terri
tory nnleni, iiottuver. will I e harder
to fill than thoMt In thU utiito.
Hub) I If) u n of Htorrn Iiun flhil null
for dlMino fium John Howard Itr tin
Unjiut thiirgoM or Infidelity and Im
proper conduit towarda other woman
are charged In the complaint The
ituplo conducted tho boarding hoimo
at Htorrn until ho ontorod tho army
David Monroe, J8 yearx of tige nnd
a former reproaontativu out of Ogden
for tho lleeker ManutHt turlug n.in
pan), died at IiIm homo at Vrrn hut
Wudntwday or Influenza Ho In nr
led by it widow uml )il father He
wn well known throughout Himtorn
Ilonry ThompNin, Kmer) tounty'N
food uilmlnUtrator, ruceheU toll urn
phh word thu mlddlo of taut week tu
the cffix-t thnt the Hunliilgton grla
mill might reatima operation after tho
enforcer! ahutdown nn nocount of In
fraction of rulea of tho food adminis
tration OfflolaU of the American Hallway
Kxpreiw company havo Joined with
tho inundl of defenuo 11, making an
appeal that ChrlHtmau present! be
HUrted on their way by Deiomber Sth
It las been nuggeited that tho final
ehpi4ng data bo Pocombor 10th. The
le ng tt n il ihrMrnu time ill
le tr ngl emphnlred all ver Hie
unln 1) a hundred and turm
thoumnd vxprem employe
Hornlco the I )Mr-oM daughter nf
Mr and Mra. Kmnk a Thorne, panted
away at Slandarihllh. lait Monday
night of IntluenM The remain were
taken to l'rnro forturr home of tho
parent, and later to t'leaaant Qrove,
whore tho funeral eivlrc wlre hekl
Wliieodfl) (nut
Uhllo going aliout IiIn work mm a
tipple foreman at Hiawatha ct Hat
urday Jamea It Monroe wna electro
cuted lt cnmlng In eontaet with an
rotlxwed win Oeteafeil waa almtit 30
)oan of ago nnd leave n wife and
famll) Tho rimnlns were tHken to
Mt rieeienul for I urlHl
J Camel on Sthtittt haa aniiuuncecl
hltneeir a a rnndltUitc for reetectlon
oa a acliool Inmnl memlier from the
Illnwntha dlntrlet II In doubtrul If
he will lime nn) opposition for the
place lllnhop (loorgee Huff would
like nliKi to ioi rctoil himself from thn
upper end of tho count)
J M Miller WrtN In Tried ftom Col
ton UH Tuetila) and while hero
bought two rnrlonilN of holed ha)
pn)lng $23 60 the ton for It II) the
tlmo It gcta to Cotton It wilt rrtnll
ror thlrt) ilollnrw or better TIiIn in
the flrot tlmo In man) winter h In
leen caught abort IniIcI) ho hna
Hhlpped ha) In from Trice b) the llo
for IiIn own utoik
Tostofflre iifflrhnl call attention to
the fact that ( hrlntmna Kirkngia to
member of the txpodltlonar) fonco
In Trance ma) nlw lc areomimtiUd
with poatal iraiiii) order. If the
thing their friend whdi to xcml ran
not bo put in the Mimll Imixcn ftiru
Ished b) the lied Cnwc Tho ordera
should bo drawn on tho t'nltett Wale
arm) postal sen Ire
When lle Klmer I llimheii had
finished n tribute to l.leut Kills U
Weetcr, at tho )oung man a graxe In
Mt Ollut remeter) nt Halt Uike Clt)
lttt Wednemla) aftcriiooti mlillrm
from Tort DoiirIhh fired n niluto
Then tho post bugler aoundetl tups
and n score of lm)a In uniform sllentl)
marched nwn) oung Weetcr won
a sou of Mr and Mr J C W'tcter
and prior to IiIn Injuries mn service
on the firing Hue near BoImmhin In
Tin 11 re
I'rlios ill) toiiiuil Iinn decldetl to
run tho lighting nml power plnnt on
Ita own nicoiint nnd after tho first or
the )oar n ncn nml rediued athnlule
to users of rlccirlilt) will go In A
genllcmnii from Jenllworth, Mnnsou
b) name and a brother or J II Mau
Hiti, tins Icon tmplo)ed nn electrUlan
Ho In said to bo n mint ttnupeteiit
man tor the plui
Kstnblisrment of n stnnilarl mt il
to to strved b) dining cars in! mil
mad ootltighoiisiw lo offliiH-n nml en
listed men of tho United Htuto nrni)
and mnrlnt torps In nniiouiHod in h
hiillttlii this week from WnrhliiKtoii,
I) C The prht of the niltllnr) meMl
will I e seVetiD-flvo iciitN. It In to ha
stanibirdlitsl iiudir the dlrvctltin ot
thn Tnlliil Htntea railroad administration
KihiiI rcgulatloiiN will b infoticil
until loiul food off Icon have been
Closed b) nirdtr of tho United Htatea
food ilepurtnient, nctordlng to Infor
mation IhsiimI Hutunln) last b) Tooil
Admlnlstmtor Ariustrong, who states
that ho will rlgtdl) enforce tin post
ing of u fair prlif list b) nil grot em
In Iho state Trlics of all leading
foods must bo illspla)ed III iver)
grocer) storu
John Thllllp, who i ullstetl In Car
Iniii count) from Winter quaitem last
Juno, In repnrdil wounded and In it
Krone h Ifospltnl Ho hna a bullot In
ono of his arms, according to u letter
riMuhid b) IiIn Imilher, lta)mond
Thllllp, nt the coal inmi Tho )ouug
man won nt Camp Iewln, Wash, for
several months beforo going to tin
western front
IteiiuasU Unit Christmas hll)liig be
uurlalled IhU )oar, miulo by tho
council of national defense, In ngiee
mi nt with raproHeiitatlvoN of leading
Irdustrlo mid retail Interosta huvii
bieii wlthdruwn Chrlstnuia buying
on thn pro-vvur scalo, (irosvouor II
Clarkaon, uclliig dilector of tho coun
cil, uya In oaentliil to tho rapid
ctithhllnhmei t of normal after tho
wot condllloiiN"
liicoiidltlonal luulgument of nil tho
ajtN mid other huslnosN affairs of
the Uuurdlan Cusualty cumpuny last
I'rlduy waa made to Itulon H Wells,
htnto Insuranco uimmlwilonor Wolls
will hold tho funds of tho company In
trust until all liabilities huve been
UMcertaluctl und then distribute tho
iiMsela pio rata among creditor. The
company a row mouths ago sold a
considerable amount of stoik In Car
txin count) ciia I cumpa, which U now
next to vvorthlcfu
Kour memltora of tho count school
hoard are to bo elected next SVidntxt
day, C II Marcusen from the THco
district lielng the only holdover .lis
terms extends for two )eum et. In
District Nn 1, Hcoflled. AVInter Quart
ern and Clear Creek, a membir Is to
be chosen for the long term of four
)titrs, Abui In the Hiawatha and
Helper districts, known na No 3 and
No 3, rosporthel) Hunn)sldn Dis
trict No I electa for two )eais onl)
Ir A W Dowd Is u candidate for re
election lleginnlug last tunning November
28th, the frstlvul of Chanukah, or
lidudleatloii, will bo celebrated by
membera of Jowlsh homoa every
where The festival lommemorntes
the defeat by un army under the
loadorahlp of tho Mactulienn fumll)
or the madman, Antlnohun, who near
ly two thousand yoorx ngu nttemptoil
to sprind tho spuriuua ' kultur" ut
Hyrla ovei Talostlno In much the
same manner that tho Antloohus, who
1 1 now an oxllo In Holland, attempted
to carry Truaslan kultur Into Del
glum and Trance
Committee In each count) of Utah
hnve been uppolntod by Qov Hlmon
liambergcr to tako chargo of the
celobrutlon of Ilrltlnli Day Baturda),
Doi-cmlor 7th, and Bunday, Doiom
bor 8th, havo been sot aside for tho
olmervnnco and all Amorlcans, In ad
dition to llritona, ur naked to observo
the day The personnel rf the Car
bon county committee la A. W Horn
ley, chairman, A Ilalllngor und C II
Stevenson, Trice, William I.lttlejohn,
Castle Gate, T, J. Tarmley, Winter
Quarters, John Evuns, Illrwatluti
Qcorgo A Murphy, Kenllworth
Itnlert M K me was tranraitlnR
l.utlies nt n,e tat tapltal this
O H.ipn-en Jr of ' astle Dnlo
was among tho Tavern a iiiimeriMin
eaosta the proxont week
CtMirlea teger la oxpeetcU homo
fmm nn Kaatern trnlulng eamp Bun
tin) noxt He Ima been with the en-
.Mr J U Mojnl In hack nt Ttleo
nfter a short aoiourn nt Bait t.nke
City The I lovils havo gone to house
keeping Mr tl V link rvgavtering fron
t ullfiirutM ami tho dlv.r. etl wife of Y
V llsh has been at tho Tavern In
Trice sln.r Biinda) last
Mrs It II Walters or H tit Uiko
Clt) In istilng at tho home of her
parents, Mr and Mm Stephen Olon
oltl. nt Helper The bitter Is reported
unite III
Nick llcritnrdl wime In Wednea
dn) night from Tort J.ogati Colo
where he Iinn bieii atntlmeit for some '
time In tho service nruncle Bam He
Is feeling fine and llkoa arm) life
Mm Don C Lenvllt of NValen
romo to Trice this wiek in nr vvn lo
Hlawiitha to vllt rvlttlvos but re
turned hotne without rfo'ng into tiimp
when she heard nf the stri t ,imrnn
tmo nt tint plate
John T Kmllh of Welllngtuti wn
up from that tonn Battirda) Inst de
livering a number of turkeys to buj
em at Trlre The) brought fort)
cents a lOTUitd d rowed The gobler
crop In that aectlnu this )oar was a
large one
It M Mngrnvv genera! aupcrln
tondant or the Unltetl Btntos Tuel
rompnto a four Wjr properties, was In
Trice TiiMsJa) last There are but n
few cdseti of lufluonfet In his ctimiw
over immiiIi bectiuso of the rigid
Hubert I'owler formetl) with
Utnh Tuel itunpnny'N force. Is soon
to make his homo nt Tort Worth,
Tex Bluio leaving Utnh n few )enm
ago he hna resided nt Terth Amhn),
N J , where ho boa I ren it lilghup
with a big sun King concern
ThiimaN lliocock and l ll
Ubbs, live stotkmeii from taiiKUllt h,
are registered at the Bnvov lola
after u week a trip out of hero lu the
tlrcen Itlver roiinlr) The) nre bu)
Ing both sheep mid cattle where the)
rind mi) thing to suit them
Jot lUlilcllih, bill tlerk fir Unit
oil rilntts Tuel tiinipnii) ill Hlawnthn
got liaik to thai camp last Sunday
from Dmver Colo where ho waa
chIIoI a short tlmo ngo to tho funeral
of his fiithtr The latter wim alMiut
7ft )oarN of age whin ho iniseotl nwn)
Mis ella Tntisett, who Iiiin been
loathing In tho public schooU of Mon
roe lu Bevler rount) cumt home n
few tla)N ago nnd will be with hor
parents Mr nnd Mm urnrge A I
Tniisttt until tho pnsslug of tho III-1
fliicniu epidemic, which has closed
the schools there na elsewhere
Nell M Mndsen wont up tu Bt o
field b) milomobllt lust Baturda) to!
see Ills brother. Antrum, win hail I
been complnlnlng lalel) after u light
attack of Influenxn llowevoi. lhaj
ton ll In under quarantine nnd tho
authorities would not let him III Word .
fmm there, In that tho brother In In'
no dungir
1C A UiurltxMin cmiin over from
Cltsir Cretk this week to vlslt'n, short
tlmo with relative nt Moroil Ho
has bten working In thn tlmbur mid
also In tho mlnea at ClMir Creek dur
ing Iho past summer Ho sas that
there Is about eight Imhoa of snow j
over there Ml Tlvasaut Tjramld.
J Cameniii Bi hulls nnd A D
Maclean were down from lllnwalhn
lust Baturda) on Important company
buslues Othrrwlso the) would nut
hrvo (unio out or tiimp while tho In
fluoiiut )iiaraiillno In on Tho mines
of tho United Blatra Tuel lompan),
they any, are working about half tlmo
latel) Uuk f a market In tho roa
st n klveu
lr John It l.lewelljn or Out
field wiin In Trite Monday last on Ills
way homo from I'erron, whero ho hud
been to attend thn funeral of a sister,
Mrs. Singleton Dr I.lewollni In n
son. In-law of Mr and Mrs. tleorgo a
Trandwtn of Trlco mid beforo taking
up medicine and aurgery taught
Mhool nt Trlco Ho In prospering lu
his present lotatlon
Oeorgo T White of Cloveltnd
vvun lu Iho illy )esterdn) oh his way
homo from tho upper tamps of the
county, which ho reports ua working
I ut two ilas a week He had gone to
Winter Quarters for employment for
the winter, but could nut afford to re
main for tho amount of work In sight
Hlx deaths, ho sa)s, -huve recently oc
curred nt Clear Creek from iuflucnta,
but nt Btnfleld mid elsewhere It H
ulHiting Ho will keep posteo on Car
bon und Kmery count) nffnlra by
reading Iho Bun
Knox Tatteraon, district uttnrney,
vvun In Trlco last Saturda) bow eon
trains on legal buslneaa, llu told Tho
Bun that two oil rigs havo lately bo
gan work lu IiIn mrt of the country
ono lu the town of Monb and tho
other In Bait Vnlle) Thn work Is be
ing done by Nut IajvI There Is every
Indication of striking tho mnl-r fluid
wlun fho right depth Ih attained He
Iwih lately undergone it sovero attack
nf Inriuenxn but waa looking und
feeling well on this trip to Trie Ho
will bo here again when district court
meets next week
Kmery Count)1 Jtfhn K Held, chair
man, Orange vllle W T 1-impti,
Clovelnnd, John Morning Hunting
tun and Harry rlvans. Castle Dale
Mrs Dola B tochrte, wldel) known
pioneer, died at her homo In Bait Iake
Clt) laki Mondny after u two yoam'
lllneiw with arthritis. She waa the
widow of Teter Uichrle nttome,
who dlrtl July 12. 1917 and waa born
In I.nierty, O. Novembor 17. 1847
She waa married to Judge kochrle at
Champaign, Ills., In 1873 und lu 1884
cume to Utah, first residing at l'rlsco,
whero they made a large circle of
friend. In 1889 Judge and Mrs
tochrle removed to Bait Lake City,
which had alnce boon Mrs. l.ochrle's
home Mia. Iochrlo waa try widely
TtlB Young Man's Motive Power H
No matter how many obstacles Old Fate may throw aiH
into the roadthat leads you from school life through il
life', school, you will nlways find a well cared for bank !-
account the motive power that laughs at barriers and !fl
lifts one from yesterday's dream, through today's en- H
dcaor to tomorrow's accomplishment. IH
This bank invites the accounts of young men. Iicing vflf
In close touch with conditions, its helpful council H
cheerfully rendered will become progressively valuable ; H
as their responsibilities increase. Wc pay 4 per cent on fRil
saings accounts, compounded Hcmi-nnnually. A dollar 1H
starts an nccount. 111
Price Commercial & Savings Bank M
Price, Utah
December Edison Re-Creations H
Now On Sale At H
Sutton Drug Co. h
Price, Utah M
The December supplement of Cdison Rc-Crontioiif B
Includes many fine selections that you will enjoy hear- H
Ing. Opera, oratorio, tho latest iwpular song lilts, in H
strumentnl nnd dance numbers, all find a place In the H
tuneful list. Come la and let us play them over for j ou. H
Some of them undoubtedly you will want to add to your H
collection. Come hear them whether you own an Cdison H
or not. Here they arc: H
Mad Scent Lucia til Lammermoor, Donizetti, Anna Case )i
Come Unto Him Messiah, Hamlet Mario Tiffany )kH
Hush-n-Dyc, Ma Habv (Missouri Waltz) Frederic Knight .H
Ix)gan Million Evelyn Cox and Vernon Dnlhart liH
A Little Iu. a Little Kitts, Ijio Sllesu Haliih Crrolle llH
One Fleeting Hour, Dorothy U'e Gladys Rice H
My Walklki Mermaitl Hula Metllcy I HHIH
Waiklki Hawaiian Orchestra IH
Fantnsle Impromptu, Chopin . Andre Iicnoist jH
Work, For the Night Is Coming, Mnson; Jcstw. i H
.Saviour, Pilot Me Mctiopolitan Quintet H
Inflammatus Stabat Mater, HohhIiiI Pictro Capotliferro iaH
Iji Paloma, Yradicr Smlcro's Hand FiBH
Old Virginnv Days, Theodore Horse Homestead Trio tH
Faimyartl Medley Premier Quartet H
Study in Mimicry John Oiren and Lillian Drew .HHH
Molly Dear Walt?, Arthur Du Hlonc H
I . Jaudas' Society Orchestra BH
! Invincible America March, F. H. Loscy iHHIH
I New York Military Hand LH
Thanks! I
Thin Thanksgiving Week and for sccrn! 1.ih previously wc H
iliac cnjoed the best olume of buslncHH in any like periods Hlnce jH
I establishing our business at Price. Wc are truly grateful, and we H
'ho wish here to express ourselves. In the meantime wc will con- H
! Untie to huc our customeni money those who appreciate what H
cash dealing nicms to the ncragc hoiiHchoId. Until there are 'H
'changed market conditions prices quoted here will pro nil with H
us. Good time for resIdentH of the mining camps to Block up fot H
iChrlstnuiH. CrnnbcrrlcH by the (mart or barrel 15c the quart. H
I Apples bring jour boxes and wc will fill them with Jonathans, H
Pcarmanes, Arkansas Macks, Spit7cliurghs or other varieties to jH
pick from at $1.75 bushel. jH
Totatoes, exlrn fane), bring your llacou, Ilex, whole, per lb , Sli ""H
sacks, per hundred . V 1 wo Kggs, those good ones, per il it .9fi H
Bittash, Just right for baking or pies, TUklcs, ii gal keg. eniih $1.40 rM
per pound 02 Tickles, per tiunrt, all klndi .IS IH
Onions, well maturtd, 25 lbs. tl 00 Olives, Muaon Jars, each .ill iH
Celery, rant), per bunch 10 (irupejulco In 10, 26 am! dr bottles, H
Cauliflower, fancy, per lb 1 Applo older, per i.al ,70 jH
Bwoet potutoes, Novell lbs, 40 Vpplo elder, per bottle. fit nnd .10 'M
Tnrsle)', per bunoh , . Oi Del Monta t oaohes, llejd In heavy H
lemons,, Bunklat, per doien . t.0 rup, per can . . .IK j""H
Da s, per package . .35 Tlncapple, l.lbh) lioi'u' HawlhH H
Tigs, two packages 3& and Mission sliced or grated, per J
Tennuls, Jumbo, per pound 35 can ,1ft jH
Walnuts, California aofuhell, j er Salmon, tall nuns, pbik pr r out , ,50 )"H
pound '0 Mlnco Meat, llclur. In gallon ouiu, SH
llrutllllnn, per pound 35 each 14.11 ll
Tecaus, per pound 34 Mlnco Moot, lleliu. lu 1 f. (arsj tH
I llburts, per poifni! it each . J! HH
Almonds, fancy aoflshell, per lb 10 Mlnee Meat, llului, 1 Mt fei . .2C lH
HaUliiN, Not-n-Becd, 15 o pkg .six Jiff) Jell, with pure fruit fhtvors I'H
for tl 00 each . . 1' MH
Itulslns. Seeded, 15 ox pfcg i f.i. II 00 Mlkf fiBKOi ,r1tc' r CafButlon ItH
Mutter, fane) creamer), Mtr lu. 65 j t(J ,,(, , tl 00
Uutter ranch, per In 0- M,k ,0 H
Cheese, full cream, per Ih 10 ;' , ", , H
llaron Cuduhaya Owua. per lb 10 Heap, Crystal. Ptake. WMiW r Hob H
Hams, Hex, whole, per lb 10 wyilto, 17 lwr .. 11 04 "H
The O. H. Wilson Selling Co.
Mombor nf United States Food Commission IH
known for her charitable dlsposltlin
und her dcilro to aid t ose In dUtre
She la fliirvlvod by one sou Donald .
J Loelirle und one dauithter, Mr
8 J Blandish Bomo twenty )oari
ago Judge I.oohrle was-u re ent of
Trlco, tielng then engaged li) the news
paper busl-.ws and tho practice of
law here He will be recalled by many
of tho older resldento of tho city,
That good printing The Bun.
Just because there la no further H
oeouslun to save iMilubt Is u roast)) H
why It should bo wted H
Things are oldom what tho) sum H
You ni n't tell an augeloake b) Ita H
wings. H
Ample r'P ika with scarf collars are jH
very chart ,..ig If worn tver straight , H

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