H' Hwnnus ritonucTioN.
B I'IrIiIiimi Ni'U Cottage Help to I'm
H tide Modem Komi's 1'or Some
B l lllghl lltindiv-l Men nnd thr I'ainll-
Bi Ion of llm Cniii llixiltnl I'm III-
u llo Srmiul (o Nom Anywhere.
Hi Among thc very rirst VjU Industrie
BBS I unnnuneo romplcllnn of vvi.r tlmo
BBB j preparation to meetpeace tlmd do-
BBB monds In thn Independent Con I nml
BBB' ' ilike company n Unrbon unty,
PBM which, nt nil expense of many' thou
PBDj Minily of dollars, Oia ml dec! vlffleient
PBBtj miuliuiifliit ntnl lmtirojjiuymii to Its
BBBh Konllworth properly to very largely
PBBn mere the production or Aberdeen
PBBij iigfll, mym last Haturday' Deserct
PBV frow. The work mwi undertaken
BBBrt Hboul IrIiIH'U month go mill lw
PBB'l HUM Dip new mm lilnory of thri most
BPJ j modern type that linn lieen added, art
PBB ) mlllrely new mine linn been opened
PBS , ii II the Alierdeen vein In Hull Hollow
"l nml oxton4ve addition have been
Imnilo in tho quarter fur the uotsjm
i mndiitlon (if employe.
Thn need for greater iriiictliin
j fnallltle Itemmo rlearly npmrrnt
h j nliout two year ago when, hy work-
PBB I Ing ui to enrmelty. It w found tlmt
PBB ' , tho output would not nearly tnect tliu
PBB demand. The market broaded atead-
PBj ( I Hy In 1017 nml ISlft nml during tlin
PBB j I pant two w Intent the need for n groat
PBfli ly Ineronsed produrtlnn ha lieoii little
PBBI j i short of iicutp. Kcarcrl lui'l the
PBBj I Mirlousne of tho situation hoeomo
H' I Hpparcnt, hovterer, when the mnnnge
PBB r ment of the Indmndeut CimI mul
PBB l Coko oompany began to formulate
PBB i IU plana for nxteuslvo linprovemontii
PBB j rontcmplntoil to euro nut nub for
PBB j rurrent needs, lull utnplc to wire fur
PBb .' iv ntciullly Increasing ilmnml fur inmiy
PBn ! yeArx tn come One of thn flmt
PBH thing ilctennlnoil nun that a new
PBBj mine nhoiilil ho npeneil In the Hull
PBk Hollow tnit't.
PBH ToimnKO (livnlly Incrriioitl.
PBB Tho olienlnir of the lion mine wuh
PBn PUahoil iileht nml iln nml l Heplem-
PBU her lt of thM yiiir. a Inrito liitinnKe
PBU wn lielnif ilellvereil ilnlly from the
PBH nH-onil properly. With lite Improve
BPB mnnlM tnmle tho Kenlluurtli pruporlj
PBH of thn Imlepemteiit f'onl nml Coke
BBHj noinpniiy U mlil to tnnk nmonir thn
PBHI inont inixlorn conl mined In thn vct-
PBH- urn roll ii try. II U one of the fnw
BPB mine In tho nvilo opernteil oxplule-
PBHj ly by electrlilv. Ihn conl Ik iiiIiimI hy
PBHj nloctrlo umle'vuttliiK mnvhlnn with
BPB n capacity of n ton n, nil mi le: tho
BPP lomloil mhin onrn nro Kntherml hy nil
BBHj nloctrlo locomutlve. hulnteil nut of
BPK tho mlnn nml lowered out a Ihreit
BPB thouwiml foot tram by elcvtrliiy. At
PBHj tho foot of the eiirfarn tnim tho Him)
BPE onitliio In lirouxht Into Hervlco ami
BPB haul a train of thirty turn nt time
BBHI ' li tho new iterl tipple. Ueforn ulnrt-
BPfl Inir work on the Hull Ilollou inlna u
PBHj k now kteol tliple lth n t'nptully of
BPB thrrn Ihuuraml loin In elxht hour
PBH! j
PBHj All IIimo ImproveinetiU loiiklnir to
PBh I un lucremmil pruiluiilnn willisl for
BBBL i further oxpanilltureit nt thn ciinip to
IPB j provide nvt'oinmoilntlomt for n luritor
BPB force. Hven lieforo tho camp lm
PBH! provemont were inmle Kpullvvorth
BBb wii not uncommonly kuowit tin the
PPJB model coal oiimp of thn atHle. Tho
PBDi . new work ilono him not marred Unit
PBH ' reputation. Durlmr tho pnl few
PBH) ; montlni, eliihtcou four nml nlx-room
BPB i 'Otlnitr, equipped with Imlhronmii,
PBHj i eleotrlo Unlit nnd etenm luwt In many
BPB Inetnnreii have been erected. A Urne
PBHj Rldlllon to Keiillvvorth Inn has been
BPB ' eonitrueted, mi well un n hntel unnex
BPE , which, however, la not (Ulte f Inched.
BPB Work on tho latter utruiture Is beliiK
BBBH puhod with nil poMlhlo Inuto nml
PBH when oumploled II will furnlih flmt-
BPB laiM nccommiMlatloiiis liieluilluK many
BBBBm ahonerlinthii for revmtD-flvu men
BPB , lliHiplint for i:nipl)iK.
The alio of Kenllworth lloapllal,
BBBH J malnlnlued for unplo)ea of the com-
BBBBm i pany, hn been Increitncd nnd tho ne
BBBK, . oinmodnllona for Ihn realileut ph)
BBBH Ma In II lira reported to lx the Iteat jn
BHBB ' irlim county. Included In the Hat
BBBB! , of Improvemerui alwi uro n now mat-
BBBBJ lerial houie nnd ynrd nml an cii.ri;o-
BHBB j inont to the Konllvvorth Mercantile
BHHh lumpnny'a hulldlnir, the liutltuilon
HBH now itmumliiHT tho nppearanco nml
HHB I importunco of n ouiib department
HBH ' Htore. IJver intereted In the welfare
5 of IU eniplo)oa tho Independent Coal
and Coko company l wild to huvo
pawpaw i-coti the flrat coal comimuy In the
HHB ' tttta In provide nn anuueinent hall
HHW for their enterlalmnent. Tho liuml-
HBJ i aume and rommodlnim airui'tur nt
HHBj fi Kenllworth luia nn Hnellah half Iwae-
HHBJI ment In which nro liowllnir nllex nnd
HHBJg lio tabic, while on tho upper floor '
HHBJI ij H n very Mimpleteb equipped theater,
HHBI'I Hccnory, mollon pleture apimrHtu
HHBJ' Ilapp) nml pratrou and enxaited
HHBJ 1h an oocuiMtlon eaentui to the win-
HHBJ' HlHtr ef th war, th reatdHMU of
BHH1 l'snllworlh. olKht hundred In nuniWr.
HHBI ; did not permit their pat Hot tain ti
HHW hail Utnro. Ttiey reaponded liberally
HHBJ, to every cult for funds for petrtattc
HHBh ittrponaa. livery liberty loun allot
HHBJ ment wan uvMUMiTibd end ih
BHHJj thrift almnp eon nt ecu were llbiUy
HHM' BAtrunUatl. In th fourth liberty loan
HHW tho allatmaut of the rami amouuUail
HHB ta $11,000. Tho aubacrlptli.ua totalad
HHBJ IJ1.0IO. to whirl) the company added
HHBJ 1000 In addition tot Dim UO.Oeo II
BHBr auUHcrlbod at Halt I-uke Clt)
BBBBj ""
HHVJ Iliinelnir Mlnorit Homo,
B LONDON. Nov. 21 Coal mliiera
HHBj, aro llknjy to be nmnnx the flrat re-
HHjl leaned from tho llrltUH arm) Hven
HEg bofora tho ormlitlcn wus aouRht by
SOormnny atepa wero belnK taken to
meet tho grow luff demand fur coal.
bbbbbbk Arranifeiiienta -were then to return
HHBL two thouannd minora dally from the
HHM ranks of men not In the top oateKury
HHB and Htlll In the United Kingdom.
HHB i Plana wore being made for tho releaao
BHHt from tho nay)' of audi pre-war minors
IBf as could bu spared,
HH' Itatlonlnir of fuel has been o
Bk " '
l' imp that the noiith hor reaorM
hl' li hii In tho mM made ln)l
illapln) of riowera and ahnibs on nea
I front and In pnbllc square will In
itebd. w ne1y lirifen of any floral
bounty OreenhotnaM where theen
flowmt have been rateed hare not
only Feen their pool ratlnna cut to n
quarter of the ordinary supply, but
hnvo Ifecn Klven tho lemer amount
only on condition that half the plant
they rnlao lo ipgetahlea for trans
pliiutatlon and production of food.
IVouomy Now Comlnc
Office fortes nerving the United
Klatea fuel ndmlnNrntlon In Utah will
bo rpdurcd Imtnedfatcly, In compli
ance with Instructions from Washing
Ion, 1) r Two district reprcacntn
lives, A t) Plenum of Bait Ixike City
nml 1) 11 l'npo of Ogden, will bo re
lieved, nnd their office organisations
will be abandoned. IMrrson and Pnpe
have been assiatlng Moroni llelner,
state fuel ndmlnlstrator, over since
Jul), 1917. when ho became repre
sentative of the national fuel admin
istration Hereafter Helner's office wilt rila
semlnnte nil Information pertaining
to fuel regulntlona nml will liavo
charge of nil state fuel matters until
n peace tieaty has lcen signed nnd
there Is no longer need for fuel con
servation. Throughout this region
nnd on the I'aelfle Coast there Is no
rofll shnrtnge, but In Hoiilhern nnd
Kantcrn H tales the situation Is still
acuta and fuel regulation thero prob
ably will bo continued along lines
similar lo those mnlntalnml last n Inter
Though llelncr's office Is not of
ficially nitvlfpd as to what Is being
done to reduce fuel udtnlnatrntlve
fori on In other districts. It Is surmised
that n similar course Is being pursued
It nil (tarts of tho United Htates.
May Now More Conl.
ItegulAtktmi limiting tho amount of
bituminous coal stored by consumers
we.'e lifted today by I'uel Admlnlslrn
lor (Inrfleld In mnfermlty with Ihn
cnnrollntlnn by tho wnr Indiiatrlos
board of lis preference Hat. Any In
dustry or domestic consumer may now
store nil thn bituminous desired
Most of the mine of this district
Hrn'worklng four nnd flvo da) a n week
at this time. Tho prevalence of Ihn
flu nnd lark of markets Is tho prlncl
IhiI reason for the letup from full, si
A N I'linrber. who hns been ap
polnteil nsslstnul to tl- W. Harris,
president of tho Colorado nnd Utah
Cool eompnit), will take netlvv charge
of tho company's office In Denver.
Colo, while President Harris Is at
tho mines nt Harris, Colo, nnd Dines,
Hlale fuel administrators uro naked
by thn national fuel administration
tn organlio "burn word" campaigns
to further tho uso of wood for diitnes
tic fuel this winter. Tho plan of
campaign suurpsIpiI Is to hnvo town
o- country wood fuel deputies or com
mittees nrralign for wood at reason
able prices In villages and th anial
ler cities, through Hie operation of n
Wood aril. These deputies or mm
mltlees would lakn orders for wool
from consumers nnd arrange with
farmers to supply It nt fair prices.
In healing value one sla.ulnrd cord
of well seasoned hlrkor). oak, beech,
birch, hard maple, null, dm, blunt or
iherr) wood Is approximately equal
to u Ion (2U0O pounda) of nuthrnrlto
coal, in cording to eatlmates by the
forest scrtlco of the United Hlale de
partment of agriculture, lloivcvoi,
a curd and n half of soft mupto and
two iii nU of redar, poplar or bass
wood nro required to give thn same
muouiu of heal. One cord of mixed
wood, well seasoned, equals In heat
ing vulun nt least it ton of average
grade bituminous roal.
I). C. Dunlmr. dlatrlet United Htatii
exploslVM Inspector fur Utah, ha re
ceived from Clarence Hull, chief x
ploHvo wngliievr at Washington, D. C,
this notlie.
"Ilecauae no longer required for
the public safety-the director or the
bureau of mines. In charge of oxplo
sIvps regulation, has made tho follow
ing changes In the general Informa
tion nnd rulings under tho nit of
October t, 1017, as uinended by tho
sundry civil net of July 1, 1D1S.
"I'lrst All tho regulations relating
to Ingredients not used or Intended lo
be used In the manufacture of ox
plosives are revoked nnd un further
license of such Ingredient will be re
"Second All regulations relating
to fireworks nro revoked nnd no
further license of such Ingredient will
be required.
Third All regulation relating to
platinum, Iridium and palladlnum
and compounds thereof nre revoked
mid no further IIioiimi of platinum,
Milium nml luilUullum will bo re
quired "
"The luflunnsa situation 1 Utah I
on the downward curve," aald Dr. T.
II. lieatly of the stale board of health
last TviMsdu.) "Ittqxirt from nearly
wvei) part of the state aro encourag
ing, and It may be amid that (he dnv
eosa haa aiWIUsil partnanetitlr. A
comparative teat of three ten-day pe
riods shows a decrease of 60 to 76
par tent, and the subside nee noted la
due to the fait that publlu sentiment
hns uffUIntly awakeuod lu the im
liorlalico of following th incisures
at forth to iiiinlmt th dlsoaso."
What I trot of the state I also true
of Carbon lounty eommunltlas and
those of Kmy county over south, o
far as Tile Hun I nblo to check up.
Christmas parcels fur men In the
armies and auxiliary service of the
allies ma be mailed from this coun
try up to November 30th, tomorrow,
without the need of nn export llcenmi,
under an order by the postofflco de
partment November 20th had been
designated as the final dMo of mail
ing, but thl rule jus umended to cor
respond with ten da) extension of
time for airoptlng Christmas pareols
for tho American expeditionary force
In France.
Itoll collar maku square neck be
coming to almost everybody.
w.it ninssum: i:rri:crrs n
aiinoumaIj inchuasi:.
Cut In Price or Soft Product Would
Mean Itr-durtlon of Wages Which
tho Country fs Not Yet Itcndy to
Itccclvp fJovrrnmcnt Slust of No
cosslly Conlluun 1'ricc Fixing.
Correspondcneo Tho Bun.
IIOSTON, Mass., Nov.' SS Thn
war's termination presents n highly
complex situation In thn bituminous
coal industry of tho United fitntes,
m)s today's Ha)den-Hlnn news letter.
War pressuro has effected nn abnor
mal Increase In tho soft coal prodil
Hon I'nr example. In the nlno months
to flcptcmbcr 10th the United Htates
mined 447,900,000 tons of soft roal
This suggests a tolnt for all or 191
or 616.000,000 In 696,000,000 tons, the
latter riguro representing n gain or
S 0.000.060 tons or 1H per rent over the
tons mined In 1916 Itrnndly speak
ing, tho country so far during 191
hns been producing soft coal nt n rat
of 126.000.000 tons In exiuss of tho
1911 total. This Is, of roursc. nn
abnormal growth nnd clearly prom
ise derided over production wero It
to bo continued. The complexity of
tho situation Is better appreciated
when It I recalled that thn natural
peottotnle method of ohcrklng this
over production wo.ild bo n cut In
price or bituminous. Ilut hero tho
question of wages assume vltnl Im
portnme. Prolmbly 70 to 76 per cent
of the nvcrngo coat of soft conl re
presents labor. And wage paid In the
different soft conl fields have ad
vanced 100 to 136 percent since 1911
Any drastic cut In wage would quick
I) bo measured In strikes and miner
might very properly object to n sud
den sealing down In w aires nt n time
when tower rood prices seem Im
mediately Impossible nnd perhaps not
possible In nny major wny for a ymr
or two lu lew or our International
obligations to feed the war hungry
people or Klirope..
Our object In sketching this dilem
ma. Is not only In show tho particular
problem or nn essential labor Indus
ID like bituminous coal, says tho
letter, but tn suggest tho ncttvo prob
ability that tho confuilon Is so great
Unit tho government must or neces
sity cnntliiuo to rrgulate coal price
for some time to come Thn fuel ad
ministration ha a. legal exlsleme un
til peace Is signed, so that no legisla
tion would be needed tn mnkn such
regulation possible It I nenernl
opinion that what Is likely to hspi-cu
will be tho establishing or minimum
nnd maximum prices. Such n regula
tion would glv'o quality roal Its In
nings, nmphasls on production has
ii fur eliminated mimlderntlon of
quality. Hut with ltfned demand It
I ii innrnl certainty that quality coal
will liavo first call. In fact, as con
ill lions oxliled up to thirty days ago
roal of Nor) Inferior grade was being
sold at the same prices n hlghgrado
coals. Many or these lowgrndo mine
wilt bo automatically driven out of
hualiipss. Porno over production will
be eliminated by this process of ro
emphasis upon quality
Thero I belloved to be a good op
portunity to build up n large export
business In quality sort toal Italy,
rrnnra nnd Houth America would bo
glad of large tonnage or American
It Is n quwrtlon or transportation and
prlco ugreemrnt
1.0ml Hoards t)lny Order of War Do
imrtincnt Heads.
I .oral draft hoard will In n thing
of thn past by tho first of the now
)ear In the opinion or Capt. tlordon
Hnow, draft exeeullvo for Utah, In
strut'llnn from Men. It. II. Crowder
Indicate siiredy winding up of work
or boards, with definite order as to
the final disposal of the records. He
cords shall bo closed nnd scaled by
December 10th, next, General Covvder
stales, unit no qursllnnnlre may bo
received after Dcemlr 9lh No more
appeals may bo taken to the district
boards and nil ph)lcla! examinations
are discontinued No further entries,
alterations or additions may Iw made
In tho reiord of nny registrant ex
cept under conditions and Instruc
tion to be burned Inter No Informa
tion I to be given out concerning tho
record except upon the written In
struction of the governor or or the
provost niuinhat genurnl
Tluno rule nro laid dawn, (loncral
Crowder !, In order that tho loeul
Ixmrit may bo protected against Ihn
ImiHirtuultla or registrant and
against serbiu charge to wlidh any
other coursv would lend mlur and
might give wibstmiie. Also iioii the
data contained In these record, prop
er and Just administration of the war
risk Insurance ml and or future pen
sion law w III depend, lu mail) as,
almost exilualvely they will also have
a vital rehUlonahlp to charge or de
sertion and delinquent y ami thn his
tory or th war muat in it he torn
pltail from the lecords.
Kliminatlon of tho half-cent a mil
extra railroad fara for Pullman trans
pnrtatlou, affectlvo December 1st, next
ha been decided un by Director Osn
eral McAdoo. Tho order to be Issuud
oou, also will remove iithtr differen
tials Imposed by the asenger rate
order last Juno on tourist sleeper
and oilier special accommodation. It
will not afreet nny or tho charges Im
posed by tho Pullman company. No
radical chango will bo made oouln
passenger train schedule or setvlcn,
It I said by tlm rallioad administra
tion. Soma fw extra train will be
added to iieommoduto midwinter
tourist traffic to California and to
Florida ,
Tho smaller the brim the higher tho
crown of the fashionable hat.
-ff-yw- Utah's Two Top
f aA7 -SHM? Thc Ucst
n :
Hnvc.liccn the Htnnilnrtls hy which nil
Western fucb have been judged for thc -4l
past twenty-five j'ears. ,)k
IIIkIi in volatile low In moisture nnd ash they arc laraies'iP.
clean nnd free burning, and with the method of screening njg -vw
and picking in use by thc Utah Fuel Co., you arc assured j'w Jff
of a uniform quality three hundred nnd sixty-five days $ll 'sHm
Mined and Shipped Exclusively by THaHBBrif
It is nn ordinary thing tlieso days to pick up tho paper and
see tho manufacturer of some well known auton obile, for w
mnple, asking you for nny suggestions townrtl theimprovement of
his car; or to find a clothing ninnufacCiiiur nsklii,? you to ..ug
gest a name for n standnrtl suit that he is putting out; or oven to
sec some mnkcr of n stnple product offering to hnvo you try his
goods nt Ills expense, writes J. R. Unmilton, former ndvcrtialng
innnagcr of Wannmakor's, Philndclphin, in a current magazine.
Dut n short time ngo tho wholo of New York City wns treated to
n can of milk for breakfast. A llttlo bit later another city was
Invited lo a dinner of pork and benns absolutely free. Thero is
hardly n product today that you cannot buy and send back again
Ir It doos not live up to thu statements tlint wero made about It
in tho advertisements.
You go to a store for a suit of clothod and Inter you find the
color fades. You tnko It back without tho slightest hesitation.
1 ho storekeeper thnnks you for helping htm catch tho error. Ho
sends it on back to tho manufacturer, and tho chances nre tho
maker in turn will tlinnk the storekeeper for helping to locato tho
trouble in time and so saving his commercial neck. ,w, with u
condition llko this with every effort possible being made to
serve ( ypu, the buying public, tloes it seem fnir on your part to over
look this most important feature of trade tho advertising?
If it weren't for the advertising and for thc effort of every
manufacturer and every distributor to live up to what he says In
the advertising, you ould be robbed forty times n day nnd no
body would care two straws.
Tho point is that the thing flint protects you most, you pay
attention to least. It is nbsoluto carelessness on your narL to
spend your money with nny concern of any kind that does not
placo itself on record behind Its merchandise. And not only is
it careless to do so. but It works n positive harm to tho men who
nro trying to uphold tho standard of their goods and protect your
Interests. Now, suppose you end your aid to tho general cause
nnd maintenance of good goods?
Whatever you arc i going to buy, make up your mind to buy
through advertising. Give hose makers and merchants th i beii
cfit of your trade. Turn to the advertising i the iwwmn"w ". d
seo what they have to sell. Patronize them with your pocket
book, ou will got bet or service, better gootls, botto? prices, and
best of all, you will get more security than has ever been known
before in the his ory of trme-nnd far more than ever S3
hnvo been known If it hadn't been for thl groat publicity nlmi
elal l7berty0fofn;tll of us'." f mlVrli8ln8 U rlc "mmer-
Kr.mii ami ititsr.
Ono of the most common cause
of Insomnia and restlessness Is Imll
Kosttou. Tuko one' or Chnmlierlaln's
Tatilets Immediately after supper and
see If you do not rest httter and
sleep hetter. Tho)' only ooit n
quarter. Advt.
Price ScavenKor oompunr, all kinds
or carnage hauled nnd toilet and
roaspooU cleaned. We aim to please.
All work Buarantoed. Services avail
ble any hour and will go anywhere.
W. D. Heaves, Manager. Pnstofflre
Ilox Ht. I'hone 31M5, Price, Utah.
Adv t.
Th old fashioned Indian pudding,
seasoned with molaH and spleea,
should be rovlvad. It Is nourlahlng
and cheap,
SlItACTKIl til' T11MJH,
AUtraet. of title furnished 'to nny
.Uco or tract In Katern Utah. Fire
Mr Unse H Wldtsoo of thelJnU
under the auspltl or the Utah food
Wldstoo ha I.,, director of the
ZYScZr U"0-'-'- '"
Orange peel adljeil to .
make the jam de.lded.y nlfo
Spring Can
yon Coal
Miners nnd Shippers of the
Mines At
Gencrnl Offices,
817 Newhouso BIdg.,
Snlt Lake. City,
Will repair any leak, I'll"
washor or valve trouble any
where about your premise I
you phone or tall. BKRVK'I
Wo nro on tho job Immediately
ufter we nro notified and iho
work I accomplished correctl)
Wo stand for service
riumblnr, Turner IlliJ., Vric