Newspaper Page Text
NOVEMBER 29, 1918 YAVJ -' TUB PUN, PRICE, UTAIf EVBkY FRIDAY PAGE SEVEN ' 'ftwj iiHIJBiln i! ujJkmOBSaBSm Qood Reasons For Coming to These Stores The nice thing nbotit our clotlis Is the fact that you don't hnvo to think of the quality. It's there, all wool and fine tailoring guaranteed. All you have to do is to pick out tho style you like and whatever it may be you know It's right. Our duty is to sec that you get the right fit and tho right thing for you. Extra strong values in accessories shirts, season able underwear, shoes, sweaters, gloves, neckwear, hosiery .and everything that goes to make the well dressed youth or man. Our lines of American toys arc arriving. Everything to eat, wear and use. Wasatch Store Company Stores At Winter Quarters, Clear Creek, Castle Gate and Hunnysidc. A. KOPPS STUDIO All Work Guaranteed and Prices Reasonable. PHOTOGRAPH WORK OF ALL KINDS. Up Stairs Over Commercial Rank. Phone 17. ..Price, Utah. MILLBURN MINE COAL Mined And Delivered 11 y Can non Coal Co. Licit Lump, M.tO; Itun of Mine. 11.25. Delivered to the Illn. J.eav Order Willi B. M. GOOLD Manager. At Hesldence, North Ninth 8t, Trice, Utah Price Bottling Works All Kind o( SOFT DHINKB, rijAVOIUNtt" HYIIUW, CANDY AND DHUM HAS. ftood Dollierrd At Your Home rrouiiljr. Out of Town Orders (Solicited mul Given Prompt Attention. Thono 21 Trice, Utah r Aberdeen The Ulcheit Efficiency COAL Internment Equivalent, 810 K'' .i)b. Unequalled Tor Storage. W. Not Black. I at of Steaming and Heating Qu titles. INDEPENDENT COAL AND COKE CO. Mlnei At Kcnllworlh, Utah. Oenrrai Office, Walker Dank I mar., Suit Lako City. . '" I reparation for a new syatem In ""jr fiinca tnx work, Attorney Oen "' Milcld and State Treasurer J?" To culling upon county olerka "fouKhout the atato to Bend In copies !?'"llr Inherltunro tax record a r" ti pMlble. State official wish ilnUh before 11 all Inlicritanro ran against varlou estates, of which have- been pending te 190S. PROFESSIONAL , I Dlt. C. A. WIIKItllY J j l'li)ilclaii and Burgeon 1 j THICK. UTAH I I Office Over Commercial Hank. I Heildenco North Dlghlh Street I 4 4 4 :: im. c t. nasi: j I'hrsldan and Surgeon THICK, UTAH Offlcn Milr Ilulldlnr I 4 4 4 Dlt. II. 11. COKTZMANN DrntLt j Termanently Located Over Trice i Commercial Hank. j THICK, UTAH I SZl ' : 4 D. A. McOKi: f Altorney-at-Eavf I Hoom S and 6, Sllvagul Hldg. I THICK. UTAH. I 4 - ' : I'KHDINAND KItlCKBKN i Attorncy-at-Law I 71T Judge llulldtng i HALT kAKK CITY. UTAH. I 4 4 : 4 HIKHKIUCK li WOODS ( Atloriicy.Mt-I.nw I Hooini 14 and It, Bltvagnl Hlock. 1 PIIICK. UTAH. I 4- 4 -' OI.IVKH K. CliAY I v Attorncy-At-taw I IIKI.TKH, UTAH t . It. W. DAITON AUorney-AI-Iavv Trice. Utah Tractlce In All th Court. Office. Upstair. Tim Door West of The Hun. 4 B. A. Kins M. T. Uraffet I I It. O. Bchulder , I i KINO, IIUArriTT it SCIIUr.DEIl I Attnrup)-Al-I.avv j I Judge Ilulldlnr I BAI.T I.AKR CITV. UTAH ! Tavern Hotel Hulldlng I I THICK, UTAH j !, of one hundrrd anil fifty-four American passenger unit merchant vessels of 351,11!) tun and seven hundred and -vonty-flve ltvos through arts of tho uuorny during the period from tho beginning of tho world war to the t'(WHHtlon of hostllltlo Novem her itth, I shown by figure nindo public by thn department of com merce' bureau of navigation. The report dnoa not Include several ves sels, tho Iomm of whluh Im not been established a duo 'tn acta nf the enemy. Nineteen vessel and slxty Heon live were loot through use of torpodnes, mine nru) gunfire prior to the onlranoo of tho United State Into the war Iliiuana dessert to jmrvo In a hurry la mucin of Hiiro of liread, buttered and covered with sllcod bannnaH, tho thft who'n browned and berved with muplo suorur. To nave work and fuel on Sunday try having only one or two hot dUhei besides coffee. The rest ran all be made tho day beforo and used cold. Tho prettiest hat have the most Irregular brims. CARBON TEACHERS GET FULL PAY DURING EPIDEMIC SUCH IH Till'. DKCIKIO.V or Till! SCHOOL HOAHII. Mooting Itrlil Tuoday Hy Trio phono Arrangement mul All Salaries Have Hy Thl Tlmo (iono Forward No Tlmp Yot Sol Tor tho Ito-unip. lion or Work Tliruugtioul DlMrict. Member of thn Carth,u county school board last Tuesday Vel ; their ndjourncd meeting by telephone, n It eio, the Influenui opldxmlriprcvent Ing uiHpmhllng am custom. r il Trice. Alxut tlic.huwt Important matter to comp up wns allow nnco t.C torlirm HnlRrtpn, vrhlch ro granted for the full time Iho ocliooN hnchteii cloned statu Weeks. Check have been mailed out lt.ccCXom Other Import nnt bills were pnMcd upon. All tearbcrs nro Instruct d to hold themselves In readiness fur work when the present quarantine li lifted, which L Is linicd and new nppocis will bn within a raupln of week. Next Wednesday, Droember ItH. being tho lato nf tho i.iimml n. election, Judges nstl ihOIIiir place w-lp deslg. naled. Those are given l.l another portion of Tho Hun J'our tltistees bip to bp rhnson. threw for a four yoNix term eoh and n ie f r two years. Thp latter Is from Htiniiyslde. It Is pxpprted ttie Influerxa epldemlr will have itassed by thn 1nli nf be board's next tegular mectlig IIEBER J. CRM SUSTAINED Hoiii'm Tn-lilciu of i lie Duiulunut (liunli jit Sntunlii). At a meeting of the quorum of twelxp npOKtle held Inst Hnturdny morning In the Halt tiko temple, nt which nil members wero present ex cept Apostles Oiprga 1'. HichardN and Hood Hmoot, llolrr J. Ornnt was unanluiiiitsly sustnlnv.d ns president of the Church of Jesiis Christ nt Ijtlter ilrtv taints. Apostles Authon II. I.und and ClmrliM W. TenniMi Wen also unani mously sustained os first nml second counselors, n-uppcttvely, to tho presi dent. Thp quorum then formally, bi liiuinlmoiiH vote, sustained Trpsldent Ornnt as trustee In trust of . II prop ertt and wraith owned by the thorih througliout tin world. Antlion II I.und, b) irtup of thp uscpndiiiii' of Apysilp (Irani to tho president)', was mistalnrd as per manent president of the quorum of twrlevo iipimlli-s Aponlle Hudger Clawson, next In lino to 'resident I.und In npostleshlp, was sustulned ns ailing president of thn quorum. Thp iirllou of the quorum of twelve aHistles mark the only procedure nerpssnry by church nulhnrlllea to In stall TrcMdcut (Irani to the office of chief executive mid tiustrp In trust of the church. The action of the quorum will be ratified by memberH of the church nt thn next regular oonferenco assembly. VICTOHY TI.OI'11 TltlCIN AK pixr.ii nv tiii: oovhhnmunt On nuthorlty from the office of the nntlotml food udmlulstratlon at Wash ington, I. ('.. thp Utah office last Haturdny iiiinouticcd tho prlies that will bo pHld tiy 'he uieniment t.t smi hoard points for Uclory flour and wheat flour Victory flour Is tlO.fiO per hundred pounds; straight or patent no flour, tf.90; white corn flour, IK. DO; oorumeal (cream), 18.00: barley flour, IN. 00. dark rye flour, $7.60; yellow corn flour, 18.00 and coriimeal, $7. Do. in u ihip will a price higher than iiitunl Involie tint phi freight lx paid. Thp flour or substitute must be de livered in full carload lot on nxport freight nito to Now York. Iloslou, Thlladelphlii, Ibiltlmorp, New Orlcnns, (lalvcston, Han Francisco, Tortland, Ore., or Heatlle, Wash. No shipment!, of less than carload lot will bo re ceived from M. II. Oreene. Utah rep resentatlvn nf the United Htatex Drain corporation. I'lour milled later than November 16th will not be accepted by the government except that which la covered by outstanding contracts, sworn copies of which must bo sub mitted. Iocal use of the present stocks Is encouraged In prrorrnce to offering them to the go eminent for puruhuse, and baker aro urged, aa far aa possi ble, to continue tho uso of uhatllutca until present stock ore disposed of, although thin I not mandatory CMiniY COUNTY KOI.DIKIl (JIVICH 1,11'K I'OIt MlllillTY KI.MO, Nov. S6 Adolph AxeUcu haa been officially notified that hi son, Hheldou A. Axelsen, was killed In action in I'm lire, October tth Tho young man wart 12 year old. Ho went Into tho army, Heptembur fl. 1917, anil trained at Camp I -owls. Wash, lie went overseas In Muy and was first In action In July, a member of Company II, Tlfty-Nlntli Infantry. He wax almost continuously under firo and never suffered u wound iiUy til the fatal one. llo la survived hy hi father and mother and tlireo si tor and ono brother, till of whom live In Klmo. Mall service to Holgtum haa been resumed, hut only such matter us I provided for In tho postal treatlea can bo sent to that country. . Thn iimlla are not yet open far parcel post artl olnn. This order doea not apply to soldier In tho American expedition ary forces whoso mall la sent to thum addressed to tho army postofflco es tabllsbed In IYuuco. Homo straight loom coat aro tied with a cord uround tho waist llko a bsif. Borne tunic have all their em broidery on their lower part. CORP. CEORO. M'MULLIN Clrtrliiml doling Man Killed In Ac Hon, October ao, 10IR. CA8TI.E IiAt.K. Nov 21. A shadow of gloom which wn all the more In tense for the rejoicing on account of pence, was thrown over limery county as a whole nml tho town of Cleveland In pnrtliular by tho receipt of a tele gram b Mrs, Flora Davis of Cleve land, naXng that her son, Ucorgo Dougln McMiillln. hnd been killed In ncllon on tho battlefields of Trance. No particular hao been forthcoming and the grlcfstrlckon mother still cling to the fond hype that thoro may bo somo mistake Many friends of tho family gathered at tho homo to offer nuisolAtlon . memorial ser vice will likely VJ,'Ua a soon ns public gatherings oW'pcrmlltcd. Oeorgc D. McMullln wn born In tit. Ueorgp. Hcptember 9, 1113, and camo to Cle eland with his mother nineteen enr Ago, his father having lost his life In the DoLamnr mines. Most of hi llfo wa spent here, but ho wa also well known In Carbon county, whero ho worked ct Hip vari ous cninp. It was from theeo that ho wa lallcd Into tho nrmy Ho left for Camp Lewis, Wash , the doy ho waa 24 jear of nge nnd remained at Coiirttay Kmery County Trogress COHT. Oi:OHOi: D. M'MCI.MN this tamp until last May when ho, to gether with Milton Cowle), wra glvon a, sixty-day furlough to assist on the farm Hut nfttr a brief stay of two week they wero suddenly called back mid sent to Trance almost Immedi ately upon their ruliirn. He had held the rank of corporal for some time previous to his death. "Doug," aa ho waa moro commonly known, wa of n jnlal nature, and waa well liked by all who knew him. Up wa of good mornl chancier and clean habit. Ho wa esporlr.lly de voted to his mother and ever though ful of her welfare. Heslde his grief stricken mother and stepfather, he leaes five sinters and two broth ers. They are Mrs. Florence Jensen, Mr. Hadlo Whlmpey, Mr. Hubert Whitehead and Mrs. Hllla Bhurflek, I.enh, Ijowell nnd Ioralno Davis, nnd a host of friends. HOLIOAY SHOPPING IS NORMAL Wurtlum llostrhtinus Aro Houiou'd Iho Country Oicr, Merchant and Christmas shop per will doubtless bo glad to know that tho wartime restriction on holi day shopping have been removed. A telegnurl conveying thl Information thla week wn received by Arch M. Thurman, itecrctnry of the stnta coun cil or defeure, from Ornsvennr II. Clurksnn, acting director of tho coun cil of national defense. Tho mo-ago' "Heforo the urmlstlro the council of national defense composed of the senrctarie of war, navy, Interior, agriculture, commerce, and labor en tered Into an agreement with repre sentative of leading Industrie nml retail Interest to tho afreet that tho sale of Christinas good should un dergo (el tain restriction, with re gard to tho employment of labor dur ing the Christmas soason and tho con servation of transportation, and de livery facilities. Certain other agree ment were likewise entered Into, "The council of national defense now believe- that a ono of the steps essential to ttio rapid establishment of normal after the war conditions with holiday buying Is the deslro to give a. natural Impetus to tho re-employ-incut of those, normally engaged In the production of holiday material and in the holiday trndo. 'The council 1 further Impelled to thl declalon by reason of tho neces sity now confronting n to get our military forooa and munition factory worker baok to the ordinary pur suits of life with tho least possi ble shock In making tho change," Treservod egg should be rinsed In olean cold water and used Immediately. FRANK A. WADLEIGH IS HOST OPTIMISTIC oyiL CHItAT TIIIM1S TOD COMHtADO AND USTi:il TTAH. Any Danger of Worldwide Taniliio .May Do Averted Dy Developing of lucnl Hluilo DpmhIsIs Many In qiilrlos Coming to Denver nml lllo Orninlo Official Troin World Over. The oil shale Industry (n Western Colorado nnd Kastern Utah I attract ing more attention now than It has at any lime since tho first Investiga tion report made hy the United Htatr geological survey In 1916. any Frank A. Wadlelgh, pnsnenger traffic manager of the Denver nnd (Ho Oiaiule. which run through mid tipcr thp main fields being developed ! both states. "More nclentlllc men nro on Iho ground than ever before." say Wnd lelgh, "and moro Inquiries tire being received. Hcquesls for authentic In formation are coming from nil pnrt of the United Hlntes, South Amerleti, Aurtntllii and other countrlpn, Two large plant urn now being built near Do lleqiie, one of which wilt proh aid) In In operation before Christmas and the other shortly utter, tloth vonrerns are having their machinery mnde In Denver". All danger of n worldwide nil famine, which has brcii much talked of recently, cnu be removed by de veloping the Immense oil shnte de posits In Colorado and Utah, nnd legi timate projects are winning substan tial support from big men In the in dustrial nnd flnnnclnl world. This promises to bo a large mid profitable for HI the Horky Mountain legion, us oil shale production is rrallv a manufnrtuilng Industry of vnrt proportlotis, requiring oxtenslvp maililuery mid other pUlpment mid employing a great inati) worker, (.killed nnd unskilled." Colorado and Utah shale fields are winning prominence In lending oil and financial Journals, through develop ment news, scientific reHiit mid editorials. IHO HOAD IMTHOVKMi:.YTH AUK TO IHKilN IN STItt.NO With one million three bundled thousand dollar remaining of the road ImiihIs mul approximately rive hundred mid seventy thousand dol lar to come from tho foilcml govern ment for approved projevts, the state road commission Is planning mi ex tensive campaign or highway con struction nnd repair to open In Hip rprlug Hecentl) the commission authorised Immediate survey or near ly one hundrod mile or road In varl ou set lions or the state with the In tention ot calling for early bid so that work run be commeiictd n soon a (ho weather shall permit. Htnte Itoad Knglneer Ira It Drown ing I planning further new construc tion to tho commission, which will undoubtedly give II ready approval. Need for better transportation facili ties and furnishing employment to the great number of men soon tit Im re leased from Ilia military svrvlco aro tho two chief object In planning Hie road campaign for next year, It Is stated by Hruwnlng. TUTII MIIKHTY LOAN CAM.K I'oit i:vi:n hioiit The amount to be called for In tho firth liberty loan, which I to bo launched next April, will be 111,000, 000.000, according to u latter received by Oov. Hlnion Hnmberger from II K, Viulette or Kansn City, Mii., director or tho speakers' bureau fur Iho Tenth ftdiral reserve district. "A peace now I on the wuy," It In stated In tho letter, ''the coming two year will be pregnant with meaning, mercy or woe. for Innumrrublo mil lion In all part of tho world. America must do her full part In them Import ant reconstruction day." In hi communication VIolettn ex presses the highest appreciation uf tho governor's speaking service dur ing the fourth loan campaign. THISIDI'..YTAI DOOM I'OIt (ii:.V JOHN J. THHKHINO COLUMHUB, O., Nov. 25. A cam palgu for the election of Oen. John J Terahlng, commander-in-chief of tho American expeditionary force In 1'rnnce, to the presidency In 1920 wa formally launched In Ohio today by Iho Incorporation of "The Tershlng Hepubllcun league." Former United Htutn Senator Charles Dick of Akron, and fourteen other prominent republican or Akron aro sponsor for the movement. Dick' liamu hoad tho Hit or tho flftesn men who signed tho articled uf Incor poration which were Issued hy the secretary of state today. ADOUT CHOUT. If your children are subject to roup or If jou have reason to fear their being attacked by that dleas, you should procure a bottlu of Cham borlaln'a Cough Itemedy mid study the direction for use, so that In cas of an attack you will know exactly what coiirso to pursue. Thla Is a favorite and vory sjecMful rtinetly for cruu .and It la Important that you olwervo the directions carefully. Advt. Arthur J. Davis, well known mining man of Bait I.ako City returning to this country from a two yars' stay In Hnuth Amerleti. was so desirous uf presenting the Zon Hot I Cross chapter with Ha new flag that ha wired his offer from Now York a soon oa ho arrived. Tho offer camo too late, how over, as tho flag had already been pieruted by H. J. Itaddatx. Davis will bo remembered by old resident of Trlco oa having brought tho first oil rig Into Kastern Utah somo fifteen years ago, which ho later operated In Kmery county. siopo I Now conic u reduction of a bun- tl dred dollar on all models or thp Onk- "H lam'. duo to Ihe factory gr'.ilunlly ' H returning In the "leforo thp war" jH schedule, thus Increasing the output , .JH nt ours. Oakland rloscd cars nro Ideal iB tor all the year round service. Tho 'M ever present ronvcnlcnco and utility JH or an Oakland Holnn or Coupe, re- HH gardles or the season or woollier, be- jH comes In II nw icr tho most Import- nut mean nvrillnhlo for making every jH moment count to the best ndvitntngo, '(H Oakland Car nro high powered, light weight, roomy nnd easily Imndl- ll e1, giving n high dally mllengn at nn H extremely moderntp expetirp. Tho tH oomfort puchanrlng linitcr. a new H feuturo thl year, make tho Hedan or f H Cnupp entirely suitable tor thl cold , weather TIip tlghtrittltig, heavy H plateglasa windows lire quickly and , 'H easily Mdjiistnlde in give the proper H timotint or ventilation, mid In hot H weather may bo lowered entirely out or the wa) A celling light for llluinl- H imtlng the Interior large, wldeopon- ll lug doors convenient nnd easily ' ll operated driving controls and tho fl complete and hlghgnide equipment '1 give three ever) day ours it harm LiH uncle unusual by the thonnulilj' prne- f fjH Ileal character of nil their feMtire. lil Dtop In and let us tell ytui mnra 'jH alottl the Oakland. Or belter still, nr- jH range for a dstnonnlrntloii. tH ) H '. s- '! Price Garage Company. ,H Tavern Hldg.. Trlco. Utnli. 'taB ! 'aH Utah's Best 1 Coal M HMtttlMHl I HMtt 'B r?w 1 f Hiawatha, IjH Kin, M Black Hawk, H Panther. H HtHHtltltltlHHI H UTAH GOAL SALES I AGENCY 818 Kcnrns Bidg. 'H Salt Lnkc City, Utah iH m m m i i a i i i hb i m m m m ARROW AUTO LINE jl Ilelween Bunnslda and Trice I'gH and Trlco and Hiawatha, IVH Automobile Iavo Dally at 9 tlafl a. in. and at 3 p. m, 11 Hest of Service. Tackage Do- 11 llvered and Called For. flH Courteous and Careful Driver. 191 Women and Children 8ttfe With IHfl Us. Union Btago Station, Tav- H ern Hldg. IjH Right At (lie Depot THICK, UTAH wk I 1 llH H Collet's CAFE W Hest of everything that' good Is ffH at. Hsrved hy whlta people and at HH prleo In keeping with the times. We If B enter especially to the ladlaa and the 11 H batter trade. lately refurnlahed, new, flaW neat and clean. !Hj E. A. Collett, Propr. H Main Btreet, Two Door Bast like Ml Tlnatr, Trice, Utah. Sf'.jB Trtldent Carranxa. of Mexleti has il signed a iloccco vvhleh reform thj BB! monetary system of thut country by MHj placing It on n strictly gold basis, !Hfl The recent monctarj' crlria wa eaused LB by the exportation of silver half-peso (Bfl pleceu, which, ft tha result of the .. ( high price of silver, were worth moro HVmBH a bullion than as coin. IHhHIBB KH :;rjWBMBBHJWHfjtfMIMHflHVHHJH