Newspaper Page Text
HHPBBBHHBBHB,HBHBWBiWBallB b I PE( I ' DECEMHFR f 1 n i qH "" I PAGE TWO THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH- EVLKl L RHA"i '' Jf I I 1 Nobody II Said Corn Ml Kj Tlicni I the lory of n boy HI nlio unit to market ullli a ling )nf smcclcorn to cll nnd com ing home nt night threw tho corn nit Itio kllchen floor Miylngi he II tlmt corn ir )oii until to, HI I carried It nround nil itny nnd B noboct) nlil timi to inc." HI Il' n Utile Hint wny ultli Hj, otnc IiusIiich men. Tlioy scent K to Ik uniting (or someone to Bg tnyt "Ulint nro you selling?" HI Wlillo 1 1 icy nro uniting a might- j HI bo ciiMomrr no liy. Not mi , 4 rcnl rMnlo, nnl wn until you to Vj" real cMntc. Wo unnt )oii to HI know It. "Well soy com" r m. I (0 k Hi Bllvagnl Uldg, Price, Utah Rjf i ( j i Bj (vvvvAAftAAAVVvvvvvvvuv 1 Cottage Hotel HX 5 Under New Management of 5 I 1 J, T.JOHNSON 1 Hft j 5j Fran Automobile Bertie to and 5 Hff 3 Krom Hotel Tor OueaU 5 I 1 GOOD GLEAN BEDS I 50 and 75c l Hfl, Automobile Hervlco T"or the S jjj rubllo Day nnd Night. Feed ? HS 5 Yards nnd Stabling In Connec- 5 H 5 rhonn j:mj piuci: UTAH I "service VJ' H j Main Office, Main and H j Ninth Strcota, Price, Utah HHl' at I J. Rex Miller H Manager. Hi I S. KUSANO H2 H japanisi: MunciiANnisri HHfl or r.VKiiv mcscmition BBS Catering to the Trade ot He- Identa of the Coal Camp and SI Surrounding Territory. K OI7T OUK QUOTATIONS HHa Concrete llulldlng Bouth Ninth Btrect, Trice, Utah. I I THUS. FITZGERALD HHHl Boft Drinka and Tool Hall. A HHflf Itraorl for t.uitlciucn. BBfll Cigar, Tobacco, i IgunltM ami HHHjl Hlmllar McrxliaudUo. VHJI Ucwt Mnln Street HHHJI 1'ltlCU, UTAH H I POOLHALL HHHn Bolt Drink. Cigars, Tobaccoi, Hn Cigarette. Hn Candleb, Nothing Hut the Best. LI Your Trade Solicited. Hf hlll.YA HjHBw Parkor-Weeter Hide. Trice, B Utah Hf' lk atocklnn will last much longe ( whl'ach tlmo they are worn. H i PRICE CONTROL AT ALL MINES IS SOON TO CEASE MIDDI.i: or 1H' CMIIt.ll MA SHK Tim HI (HJIiATIONS OI V ionc hyMcm or Hnmlllnir Output of Wcwtirn Fnipcrtlca Save Mnny Million of Mile or Itnllrond Haul nRc Sctrrnl liornl Propcrllc Now Onlering New Mnclilncry oto. WABIIINOTON, I) C, Nov St Price rwitrlctlona on lillumlnou "ol may bo remotod by the natlonnl rurl ndmtnlRtrntlnn within two weeks 1111 Ailmlnlatrntnr Onrflold nn no hoptn to rnnccl tho prlro rBUlntlnnii not Inter thnn tho middle of liwenu her Prewnl prlrrn rnniro rrom IS 31 tr If HO a ton nt the mines. Dr Oar riplrt wild It mny bo powlble to ntinn ilnn tho tone Ktem of dlntrlbiitloii nf hltumlnoim onl by tho middle of Pt-rmbrr, but thnt nctlon to thl end will bo tnkrn only nftcr cnnniiltntlon with thn rnltrond ndmlnlntrntlnn The rurl nilmlnlMrator Mid ho tould not tnko hln hand iifr tho nnthrir'te ultuntlon until winter In ier TIiIj wit a tnknn to mtn Hint the K'irn mi-til will continue Ha control over nnthrnrito cool until tho end of the ront yenr April 1, HIP nod thnt tli fuel ndmlnltrntlon will rontlnuo ti funrtlon until thai time Tho nnthrnrito con I ahoruiKe wna rellewd iMimewhal hint wek, the fuel mlmlnlMrntlon nnnoiineeii In repnrtlnu thnt production for tho week allowed ii n Increnae nf 373 000 tnna oer the output tor tho prccedlnu week The production to dnto for tho conl er, howrtcr nmounta to onl) BM'li 000 net tnna, romiMred with 86 t2.000 Inn net for tho witne period In 1917 Produrtloii In thn nnthrnolto fleldn, oftlrlnla here belie, will continue, to ahow nn Inerenne na mlnera nro re lented from military venire MILLIONS OI C UMH.UX MtK HHI IIY rill' IIMI MhTIUI IJotlmalcH made oorllir In tho fuel jenr thnt npprnnimntcly one liunil drtd nnd Ixly million carmllea would bo ied In the eonl enr t'lroimh tho oprrntlnn nf the none. nteut for the dutributlon of biiiitnlnoii rcnl arc belnff fully reatliid. It l nnnouncrd from UnahlnMtoti I) r by tho United Hti lea fuel ndmlnlntrntli u ThLi aa tern, tnndo powlblo thrciiRli tbo 1ofo ro-opcrntlon ot tho Untied Hlntoa mil roed mlmlnlKt -ntlon with t'te fuel h.I miiiUlriitlon, hna hud n larite khnrn In brlt Kim: the imtlmiH uppl of hi tuinlnniia nml to Ita precuit riopor tlnnN which with patriotic eeonom), will I nufdclent for tho wilder a re quirement. Thin method or dlatrlbutlnn wu oMnbllahed to Hint tho (onl nupplt of nil He.tlon or thn country thotild normully Imi drrlw-d from mini a rein lively near, thua prowntlnif ubnormul and wntful tmnnportutlPn moe menta nnd InmirliiK more oqunl. ill trlbutlon or tura to tho mine and the inont atrrfdy Hinpliiymnnt or initio labor Knrly otlmnte were Hint thn movement or bltumlnou chi) rffci.t Intr thn tone ayitoin would ImolMi nbout threo hundred million ton or to per cent ot tho total production Tho latent flirurr how Hint 3g,US,000 ret ton or thl kind ot conl lmo been produced and dullvered alnrn April I, If II, fully CO per rent of which U nt fected by tho Kino ytem. Ihexi later fliture nhow thnt oxen moro thnn the urlidruOly entlmated onn hundretl and alxty million ir tnllv will bo WNcd la roumltitjxi to and from thn mlnea nnd that consider ably morn than thn Hirro hundrexl thouaand uddltlonul trip, which thn Hitvlni; In oarmlle would effect, will lie made Kxncl riiturca ha not been compiled, hut tho early ritlmato nl bwid for tho threo hundrud thouwind alddltlonal trip bcluK thn equlvnlnut of 5 per cent Incrouao In the production llr. (,arrlild UIkii. WAHIIINOTON, I), p.. Dec 3 Fuel AdmlnUtrnlor Onrrield lm rn alimiHl nnd Prcnldonl Wllaon ha ac cepted hi rculgnatlon. Thl wn an nounced today lit tho White HoUko. "It wan announced at the oxocutlso of fice today." Mid the atntumont, ' that United matt Fuel Administrator jdarrietd had tondored hi resliinatlou, to tuko effect at tho plraauro of thn prreddent, and thai the president had accepted tho rrslKnatlon, nlthuuith It won mud clear tlmt the need of do mestlo consumer will contlnuo to re ceive the attention or tho fuel ad ministrator until tho winter I pawl ed" Thn correspondence between tho president nnd Dr Ourflold wu not made public, nor wns thero any In formation a to when tho resignation bvromert effective, or whether a suc cessor to Dr Clurfleld will be named llOUM Till" OMi (ItMI-hj PintSONAIi AM) orill'llttlhlt Carlton Fuel imwn haa ordered a hundrod threa and one half ton ateel mine oar. Oworhe A Sliulti, superintendent at ljtudH, waa a recent visitor to V.lou on comiwiiy buslnwvi. NtNtrly all of the conl mlnlK oamMi In Utah aro quarttntlnod on acouuut . of the epidemic of Influenxa F N fameron, pruaJdcnt of Liberty Fuel oomprtii), I back at Zlun front a ImsliMM trip Ifcut for hi people C AHttH. ehlef eiiBlneer for Utah Fuel company, waa nt Cusllo Onto re candy lookliiK after the flltrutlou pluut wiil h l beliifr built thero William Darke of Bait Icke CltJ. formerly with tho Kemmeier Coal company lu nocopted a position with tho WuttU Coal compan) with office In Suit Ittko City aa offlie munuxer The upproaih ot peaco ha mattii ally altered tho plum of the produc tion bureau of tho United Btatc fuel r administration for consorvinp electric power used at coul mine, it has been SIMPiE CODE FOR GOOD HEALTH Ion Hrnltli (oiniulmdoncr lrfijc Doimi Sonio cry Hlmplc ttlihii With the reopenlnK of aehonl U h nked for erd to, a Health co '. for boy nnd t-IrM In suKtrerted bv Itv Health Oninmluloner SnrnUbl O f'i nt Unit trfiko City. AVImt I pint nt 'ton ought ntno n apply In Prlr an I 'ir);on count) Other thing nm to dono to promnto and preserve 'lealth nnd KtrenRth, but these timt lorn Itonx It I bclloed, '.Mil ko far n wnrd wnrdlni; off lllncM Air Inili'o nlr I neve" nn gm i outdoor Hir flct outsldi air when vu inn nnd ndnllt It freely Into nlecplug room Bunshlno flunfthlno directly ad mitted kill dlsensa germ It sun shlnn Into your home nnd piny nnd work In It whenever you enn Bleep lloj nnd girl need ten ho urn' sleep, alwny In a bedroom with window open. Un thing Tnke a bnth nt least twice a week One a dn) will still bo better Piny Mean pleasant oxerclae It should bo Indulged In every da), It possible, out of door. Wnter About eight-tenth of tho weight of tho humun bod) I water It I Important for your health' anko thnt )ou drink nt lenat threo or four glniwcs or thl health giving fluid ever) dny Food Unst simple nourishing food Milk I not enlon. but It I a most nxrelcnl rood and fine for mak ing children grow lly tho wi., don t forget to wash your hand nlwn) be fore eating or touching your food Mouth, Teeth nnd Noso Keep these olcnli nil tho time, a the) nro place whero germ nro found Never sneexo or cough In tho open In the presenro of others, Uso your hand kerchief A good toothbnmh, used nt night nnd morning, I a friend w irth having Boro Throat Born throat nro ' dangerous, unlcs given prompt at- . trillion When your thront hurt tell )our parent nnd have It treated planned to establish n flld organlxn Hon throughout tho .coal produ lug country In connection with obtaining Increased cfflclcmy In the uso of le trie power In coal production Utah conl mining eompnnlc rep t that nil requirement for ion I in now he met, notwithstanding ah r' ngo ot help duo to wnr requlrrmct and spread or InNiienin, nnd that : II nrdenc can bo promptly filled (I .V, Pfeirfer of Castle (late, u I etc nt engineer ror Utah Fuel oomp-ut has resigned nnd I now located ut llerln III., where he ha accepted n position with nn engineering c m pan) Ho ha been noeroeded bv I ( llnlph formerly with the Halt l.ik Clt) I'ffUe or the compan) lnde ruder Coal nnd Coko r it pi.n I miellng with grutlfylng su ceM In tho development of It new mine, which I electrically equluei throughout Thn rnmpnu) I ciilirg Ing thn hotel and annex nt tho mlitr, office building and honpltal.. and sr. einl new house nro being const nuts I which will bo mnderiil) equipped with wnter fin Ulllr. bath und clectrl lighting It I reported from Han Francisco, Cnla , Hint the gnvemmnnt ha mi thorlivil the expandlturo of ISO.000, 000 for tho construction of coul hunk tr nt Puclflc Coast point In order to Inrrruso orean shipping fwcllllle. Tho coal for tnins-ocenn shipment will lt drawn from thn cent Held ot thn Western Ktate. What effect tho recent armistice will havo on the pro gram I not known Inland Fuel company ha estab lished a wholesale nnd retail oflleo In thn Mclntjro building nt Halt Uike Ijike Clt) Tho compan)' mlno I located itbovo Helper In llarilscrnbblo t'mi) on This I n now property and In tho vrly stage of development and equipment. Its product I styled Plnn Canyon Co.0 Yard for the handling of thl coal wilt soon be established In Halt iJikn Clt, W A. HUkenlooper I general manager for tho company and J M Alliu 1 1 man ager of tho rrtull department John P Fuddl. superintendent of tho Union Pacific mine at Cumber land, Wyo, wa crushed to death there one da) 'ast week b) a runuwuj nro car Fuddl had boon superin tendent of the mlno ten )er.r und fur seven )enr preceding wu fireman. At ono tlmo ho waa a resident of Coal ville, coming to thl country from Hcotlund, whero he wo born sixty two lour a no He I survived by hi widow, threo son, threw daughter and lino sister Tho cloud mint waa well known to many renldont of tho camwt of Carbon count), end whero hn ha several rotative. At thn meeting ot tho National Coal usnorlatlon director In Washington, D C, recently the bylaw wero amended providing for thn admission of Individual compaule In localities whero thero I no local organisation or operator a member or tho na tional niwoclatlon Under tho amend od bylaw tho companion elected to membership ore the Allelic r Coal com iny Clevolund, O , llrothor Valley Coal company. Now York City, Colo rado Fuel nnd Iron compnif), Den ver Colo , llobert Ougo Coul couiny. Hay City, Midi , (lallup, N M . Mon arch Coal Mining comiuuy, Monarch Wyo, W J llulney. New Yoik City Other member nro Alabama Fuel uwoclatluu, lllnnlngham, Ala-, nnd Jackson District Coal aswHlatlun, Wellstou, O Aocordlng to ndvlca rrom Denver, Colo, thero I an abundance of coat and no coal funilne thl winter I nntl olpatc)d Colorado I seven week 1 e hind In coal consumption Compara tively mild weather und tho enforced i losing of largo amusement place and publla hall for flvo week on account of tho Influenxa nro reason Kiv on for the abundance of coal off setting thl aomowhat. It may bo ld that tho produolng end ot tho Industry has suffered from tho Inroad of the epidemic nnd estimate ura that two thousand flvo hundied miner are down with tho Influenxa or have been called upon to cure for thowi who nro III, leoMnlng tho outpu,. Colorado' tonnage la four hundred and fifty thousand ahead of last year' produq- tiuntinued on page four.) If It Was Bought From Elite Jewelry Co. I It Is of Dependable Quality I fOur Ions experience in selecting the H ; best goods in our Mirious lines has en L nblcd us to display thh car the larRcst H and finest Btock of Jewelry nnd Christ H J mas Goods ever shown in Price. Ik Come to our store for our Christ I mas purchases and you will not be dls- lu appointed. We hae the Roods. l l-rfnJtrrlfi&k J tWaMa3aaaaaaMaaaaMa "ul THE ELITE JEWELRY COMPANY s Price, Utah. w tor ALFRED GRAMES ' BSjBjBjBr" HB HJl u tfH aBVfsBH9aYaW&. rH HyBfPm ifl ' LVBhHw'PC t j StiliVi Father wn glad to sen tho armis tice signed Iki-buso mother can now quit knitting for the soldier and dam hi nock. Just a n mun In known b) the com pany he keeps, so they estimate any buslncn man by whtthtr ho ha hi printing dnnn nt homo or by n mail order house lie! thnt thn cost ot living dldn t cut such iv figure In the old dny when thn family thought morn nf pa) lug their debt than tho) .did of keeping up appearance. Possibly them I nothing nher nbout bring poor than thn thought or how much fun you're going to havo when you get rich I Wn still urgiin thai n woman has a much right to fr) onion In the kitchen u her husband ha to burn tohncoo In tho slltlngrooin And we also wonder If thero I go ing to bo a stump In tho slutcoso mar ket nbout thn tlmo the whole nation poca dry? After n girl ht been engaged to a fellow for nlKiut four )cant nnd he doesn't seem to hn In any hurr), shu begin to look Ilka the doer rations two week after tho celebration I all over 1UO MOM'Y COMIMl TO VTH . l-IIOJMTri AM Till: 1MIIAM Utah, Idaho und W)nmlng ura re membered by thn secretary of tho treasury In hi ri commendation to congres for appropriations, accord ing to udvlcea from Washington, D C As to thla state hn would appro priate 156.000 for thn Htrowberr) Vulley Irrigation. project, S3,70 Mr thn support or Uto Indian eonfedern Hon. other Utex unprovided ror 110. 000. ror ulvlllxatlon or the Uto. 171, 000 Tho secretary ndilse vvthdrawl nl $300,000 or tho Ulo Indian tribal fund, )I00,000 of thla amount to be expended ror the White Itlver und tho I nrompahgre Uto In Utah, mill $160,000 ror tho Colorado Vto. Ihe secretary also advlsoa a further with drawal or f 100 000 rrom the Ulo tribal fund far Irrigation on ailottod land nf the Ute In thl state Additional Utah recommendation are Halt I-nkn City ay offlie. 113, 000, nn Increase nf I1QB8 ovue list year for wagn of ompj)e. and an Increase or M00 ror contingent ex pense, the surveyor Koneral or Utah $18,380 ron cnoui. Chamlxrlaln a Cough Itemed) 1 splendid for croup." write Mm. 1W ward Haiwott, Frankfort. N Y 'My children havo loen quickly relieved of iiltuckH of thla draadful complaint by Ita use" Thl remedy contain no opium or other nurontlc, and may be given to a child ns confidently a to on adult Advt. ? ' One or our airmen ran away from ii thunder rtonn nnd soon we mny ex port to hear that they are able to I dodge lightning "Royal Society f A I Package Outfits $ k f. i The quality and vnluca of tho mntcriala in ROYAL & SOCIETY PACKAGE OUTFITS nro mnlntnlncd under J all conditions, crcntinK n standard of cxcellenco that In- f ' t. Htircs beauty and service through usnirc nnd laundcritig. t i V I Every package contains the stamped article to be t embroidered either made up or ready for making, suffi- cicnt floss to complete the embroidery and exact Instruc- tloiiH. i In our Art Needlework Hcction wo carry full assort- j j ment of Royal Society embroidery and crochet materials Y nnd pnekngo outfits, the quality of which Is nssured be- J 4X yond tiucstion. Nothing more appropriate or plciaing Y 4t, for ChristmiiH. T BESSIE KENNEDY f Y Millinery. X I V Main fit, Trice Utah V I V I YOU I Can Hcne jour country's, best Intcrestn, conscne labor, help shipping facilities and sne money by buying your groceries at the nearest Jobbing point. IN HSWT I SONS CO. Wholesale Grocers. ! Price. Utah i W. K. STOKER, Local Manager. : . Mlt, AIMOMOIIII,!' OUSMIt, I lluy your auppllo from ua, and HAVK MONK1 Sparkplug, guaranteiM for five your noo ront timer, tho I mi only l it Antl-Frc It Havo your motor 3 00 Carbon remover, clean li cylind er i 00 vo carry a complete lino of auto mobile acKMooria. Write u your wnit. When ordering stato make and model of car .. !tur OMr """"yimvlng oatelogue. Mallod I'ltlJH on rnuueat AMUlliaN SUPPLY CO, 1039 Mouth Korond Wot Street, Halt w 1-uke City, Utah If washing powder ure used In tho washing of linen It will go to piece In no tlmo, i That good printing The Bun. Bomebody proved by unanswerable logio that thiro wu no reason f' r advance In the orlco of tmnana TI It happened To Judge a good hum. eo that the kln I thin Old humH have tho IM sklq, and they nro apt to havo a strong flavm The Fixit Man Wo repair nbput any old thing tht need It Our hop 1 equipped wun tho most modern machinery I" mower ground, aw aharponed, 1 Hinlthlng In fact wo do lu a w0"!"", like munner every und toll kinu good repair work, llloycle. F. H. ROBINSON Vlglla-Douomo Bldg, rrlca. U-11