OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, December 06, 1918, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1918-12-06/ed-1/seq-5/

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We Ask Our Patrons to Be
Many of you nro entitled to better service, and we havo
extra men, extra teams nnd the "Blue Drays' working
We Are Doing Our Best to Keep
Pace With Our Increasing Business.
We fltill handle Pnyson Mills Products, Mt. Pleasant
Flour, Carey Salt nnd the best in Hay and Grain.
McKune Forwarding Co.
Phone SS
Clothes of
Onl) foresight In hnlng en
ahlra dm to dhow anil offer Ml
thU llmo a largo aiutorliurnl f
finer Hull I'utt-rii uiul Over
coating In tho boat weight und
rolort anil our export Hltlng
service assures maximum dur
ability and nervier.
Tliut bagg). ml.thupcn milt In
nu offetuo lo good tasta, anil II
wearer I at groat disadvantage
Don't purposely loo rnnto with
our associate. Keep our
clothe up to the standard de
manded In )our circle.
and Pressing
restore that smart liffctt und
In a great help In tho grim bat
tin of life. When wo pro
our suit It takes nn tho look of
iv new ono Ami It iisorulni
Ii prolonged
F. L BUCKIO, Tailor
North Ninth HI , Just Oft Main
l'rlcn, Utah
Candies and -
Wu liuvo Jut rtvclviil u coin.
li lo line of ClirlMnm candle
mill iiiiIn, Our futility Imxfh urn
11110111 Hill UH kl III Olll) to
(lio imuiuU. lirUtmn uihIh
uiul unv rifle In profusion.
it. st. airrANV,
Mulii hlnvl, Nmt to O. H. WIN
Mm toiling Co.
To- pFe vo nt carpet from ruvelln n
hm cut, run two rows of machine
'Itching with tho machine where It
to be cut.
It W iMlfoh ttornn thi- w,ek
moved III i.tfli.j to the room first
iliMr wcxt or t.h'Huii ground riimr
(Insollne Iibh lulib been redmed n
linlf lent it gallon whotvNile nt l'Ncc
Tl e tut doean t nffett thn retail prlie
J (' I'on, until t rnrntl) with
John Homirmft ft Hon ti.nin hh h
traveling Mitesman imii of I'rlee. Iini"
token the management of tin eoni
)im storo nt Hlnudiirdvllle
Mm. J W Wltthnnre, who io nil)
lout her Inmliand Hi Holt take I'll),
htm mill imI limk to I'rlie unit Ik to
make hrr homo htm Hhr litis IhhikIii
property In th mirlhisut ixirtlou or
Bomn of thn ton! tump In thU din
trlit ullh kirlrt 'iiiunuilliiu itgulu
lion ngnlnkt thn Infliienm nro per
milting lommcrrlnl traveler lo go In
anil take order from Ihn mermntllc
Announcement In tnndi li the first
presidency that nil stake quarterly
conference that wero m heduled to ho
held Saturday ami Sunday. Dcrrmhei
7th ami 1th, have Wen Indefinite!)
W H. O Manrmi nimn to I'rlie the
flmt or thn month (torn Kriilluorlh
a city electrician anil lion Mncr liren
on thn Job lip In n tirnthur if J II
Munkon. formrrli In ilinrgn of tho
loiol plant
1M R(Hirn of thlx lty him purohiiMtl
tho foriinir Tldwoll rniiph nt Welling
ton, horilorliig tho rlty limit, nml will
litiprouit lie trnilix) In Mime I'rlui
prupprt) Thn loimlilrrntlnn for Ihr
much In flo thuiiMiml ilollam.
Itoliert (Irevliuooil of thU ill) hnil
a lunl the flmt of Ihn utek from hl
noil, Almn, wivlm; thn hitter lunl ur
rlveil mifel) In 1'ninrn The oung
limn U ulth the llumlrol iiml Nlmj
teenth Military vuail
DruKKfil pork from tho Ulntrh Ha
(III countr), huiittxl to till t'llj by
uuKon ur trurk, wuh wiling on thu
HlrrctH of I'rlin thin week nt Nlxtein
iiml n hnlf roit. I-ornl klllviw hiiio
been rhnrgliig twenly-flio (mix,
Itiillroml ticket anil freight aKeuin
are nou reulrril to mh liberty
ImuiiI toiipoiiH If prmeuieil to them
when iluo anil payuble ThU Infor
inullon reaiheil Utah ponlnffko of
flalaln Monday In n illnpituh from
WunhliiKton, ) C
l)r C A Wlierryhna leuneil one of
hi fiirmn uboiit k lolle anil u hnlf out
of I'rli'o to OrhouMltil rtion of Knmry
county for n term KIIo journ. Tho
other plaeo about vevun inilen further
on Iuih In en rentoil to the Wtiterumn
hnM of Victor for u like irl il
Ilenjamln Kihiik illuil nl hl home
In HpanUh Fork Friday or Invt week,
thn third In thu family from Influeiua
Deteuiied hiin nbout 31 tear of ago
nnd a brother of loii Hvuiu of I'rlre.
Ho miin tho win of Mr und Mm. J IS
Kvaim, old roeldentx or that pinto
Tho fellow who mrrlen a litlln pu
per aark of peppermint drtio to hi
Klrl on HumlHy night In no oi gvr to
lio liiughml nt and oonnldered tonutry
bred It ih tho murk or thn wUeture
upon hla bron I'oppnrmlnt drnpa or
luieligorH urn haIiI to b nn aid to
prnientlnR tho Influeuxu. and Halt
Ijiko Oily Ih "Kolng mad" ovot them,
recording to windy Htore ownur and
Albert Scowaroft, vto prolilnnt of
John Hiot'ernft A Mono oompany nt
Ogden und having u wholoaalo grocery
hUHlnetw at Price, dlod at hU home In
the Junction City taut frlday after but
hrlof lllnetta from Infliionni Ho had
been confined to bin bol only about
ten duya Doceased won born near
Ijancufctendilre, i:hk, bo mo forty-eight
yoaia ago und wan tho eon of the lata
John nnd Mary Fletcher Beowcroft,
who umo to Utah about thlrty-eeien
itar ago He wan educated In tho
: lohoola of Ogden and the Ktate, und
i upon completion of hla education
; entered the firm of hla father In tb.i
morcuntlle buslneca. lie wu quite well
The Hchoi,.; nnd tnmmcr genernllj iru bo opened ns soon n
tne people are accinttted The vaccine to lc used is thnt film-'
iBbed by tho state board of health Persons who doslro t be ni -cinated
inn call on one of the phynicians at Price, Sntnukv, Si-n-dy
ami Monday, ncct, December 7th, 81 h and Oth Dr. 1 .
mi ,A C' A' W1,crr-V -11"1 D- C. T. Rose have arecd to be m
inolr officen on these dates from 1 to 2 o'clock of the afternoon.
Two local school teachers will assist each of the doctors. There
JB no dntiKcr, but little pain nnd the lwt authorities nRrce there
is value in vaccination. All nro urged to isit the physicians ns
early as possible that the work may be finished and tho schools
nnd buRinoas ngnin ojn ns soon ns jwseible.
Dated, Price, Utah, Dec. 4, 1918. '
known lo miMt irf the bimlunw men of
l'rke wl ImiI been a freiueut ilnltor
here alne the eatnbliehmont of the
brunch Ihihm of hh. firm loinllr
Jm4im ChnnteMHtn ptltf rojirt He
IwHer Abler left ywrierdiir Illuming
for tlulr heme In tfcrnpetb eouiit)
la Henry Kuril gnlHg to Ihrnw In n
rtlhftfrlptlon to hln new wreklr with
eier fllepr or n fllveer with every
new witwcrlplliui?
(lefure iwlllim fo- Jtiitipe I tiM urek
l'rmlitent WIIikiii toAk umo In iniinl
nale Chnrlotlo II Nelann h pt
mMhw nl tKtlVHtp
O A llernnu, formerl) of 1'rko,
nn taut Vedu(dft elettid to the
.Inn Ixmril of ediiHtln from the
Fourth ward of that ilt
Dm lil U June of nMle (Inte la
named iim nmoPg the allghlly woundeil
hi yeelerdityN roMiHlt) IIM He la a
former ("Hrl'im high atudrnt
After rppnillng nciernl wrckx Ml
I'rlee and (Ireen Itlicr tately MIim
Jennie ISrnnch hn returneil to Halt
Idke Cll) to her forimr poelilon Mllh
thn New (Irnnd lintel Her hentlh U
mtu h Impelled
Mr nnd Mm. II M HihiIiI ire enter
tulnlng h new nou Mt 'their home on
Norlh Ninth Klreet The young mini
nrrlicd laid Humlio nnd I or tho
regulation weight nnd lung power
, OthelK romtnieit nlw doing nltel)
Mm. A I hi- W'hltmore I In hurge
or the Iti-I from ilrlie whlcli b glim
lornll) for lien niemberx on the Ifilh
nl tin month In view of the iiuurtiii
tine ngulatlonit throiighnut CurlMin
(fiinli Hiixllltary rhnlriuen nnd other
will be inntnirteil lo nork largely
atom, tin Ir own linen
A Hurt I'lerlunlnnl dlnl Ml i I'llie
liiwpllnl Idft Mondn) evening Hfter
but II fi hoiira IllnrWr from the In
flueiiM He repreentiHl Voce do
Popup., an ItMlkiu iiewHipir nl Krni
Fntnelmti TnIm I In 11 M tnknii til at
the (loldeu Hole Hotel lie e
burled ill I'rlre b hi eolllltlMiieli
Four new Hppolulmi nt in re mndo
In nl Miimtii) on the Doiiur nnd lllo
(Irnnde to tiike effect Inimedkttel)
The uppolutrea ore tl W lloiirne,
trnlnniiiKti r Ht HvIihi, J V Durklii,
tnilliiniiKlcr at Thl.lle, H K Willi.
iriilumuti at I'mio, und F I. Hum
mell, niwUtaiit rhlef dlnpitihrr nt
rult Uikn Clt
Muihlneo for the Fiirmera Mill nnd
llleintnr rompnii), due hem In I'rli-e
mnin lhlrt ihiH ugo, hil tip to ditto
fnllid lo nrrlie Trtueni M-nt out
fiom the Kat nnd iiImi from lure
have m far failed lo loontc It. It I
belli led nou the enr In whlill It win
idilpped ha Im ell dnatrojed b nrtik
bmeivheru i n route,
Mik. V. V AllMip, formerl Ml
Flora lwl, 1ImI itt Htnndurihlllo
lunl Hjturdu) f thn Influtnui, uhlln
on tho wn to Join her hunlwud TIiohi
Himlilng are hrr himlHind und n batiy
on, Ir wU, her mother. Mm A M
IwAAeM, n Klxtcr, Olllo lane, Hlid two
brothim, lloruci. und Hnrr Irfiul
The ImhI) mhh tukeii to Halt lske flu
for Inttrnient
I'iilomu Mining lomimii) or whlih
M I' Ilrnffct U priMddent nnd gen
iral mnuuger uu euughl In thn Mer
(.hunt bank fulluro lit Halt Ijike flt
with tio Ihouiiaud dotlul on ilcpoult
In thnt limtltullon llouoier, llrafret
uh mine Iutk penMiiinll), for the
ilu bvrorn the bank rloed hn uheikiM
out ii thouwind ilullnn or hi onn Me
i mint fur iim nt 1'rlie .
In ordit ) ruilllUile the liainlllng
nnd dellier or mull during tho ChrlM
miiM hollda)", the ruling or thn ihu
office ih purtmiHit thnt all paekugiMi
hearing ndhelie mhiI, other Ihmi
lawful pioitngii Mlumpk. on tho addrewi
cliln olmll be nuHindel during thn
month or ))o nmbor Tho public I
niHIred, houeler. thnt hollilu) msiIi
or atlikrra ahoiild not bn plaietl on
the uddreHH iilo
Owing to thn fiut that n I urge num
ber of puiliage deiillned to foreign
porta rrivntl) huo been retdod In
a budl broken condition, I thn pimt
orilin dvpartment hna Iwned u Morn
ing lo the public to eo to It Unit nil
urtltlea Intended to bo mulled to any
foreign (ouutr) nro ducurrl) pinked
Article not proper!) packed will not
bu ueiepted for mailing at nn do
me. lie poKtoffUo
Notlfli-atlou that Cleorgo Klilicr,
on or Mm. f W Klderry or llolpnr,
Iiuh been mlwlng from hU reghnnut
Into Beptomber tOth, Im Ikoii Milt
hi mother bt the war detriment
Tho l on ng mull, 10 year old on en
ll.tmcnt, uua In fallfornlH ivlion war
wh iIm tared Ho lolimtewod from
that Ntuto und wont hi Fruiieo u a
member of it machine gun ualtalUii
fruiii Camp Mwla. Waah lie una
horn nt I'oemtallu, lib, and rotelvaU
bla odiitatloii In Ihn Mldvole school.
Tho Hlnln lHinl or uure enamlner
will hold Ita regular Minl-unnual ex
amination for traluod and graduate
nuraoH tba flrat week In January,
Application miut bo on file with llie
reeretury at Halt Ike Clly nil or be
fore December !Sth Htato regUtm
lion or nil gniduato iiumo eompul
aory under the Utah law." Mention U
mnilo or thli In order that outaido
nuraoa who aided during tho Influ
enia epldamlo may han opportunity
to regUter If they oxpeet to remain In
Harold a Nejma write hla parent
at Trice, Mr. -nnd Mm. Oeorgo K
Nelma, that ho hns been In Cook
County Hospital at Chicago for about
flvo weeks. He was one of twenty
five voluntoera rrom Camp Kearney,
Cala., to go oversea and waa uont to
!he East to tako autornobllo training
Mi It It TIIop) of Rait take
flly pent Tlmukiigliliig week with
lur eon It tl Tllnei
jiidgi Ferdllinnd l.rlOeii miho '
doiMi M'indn eiinliig rrom .Ion on
bii"lini Iitfure illntrlit eoiirt hero
Im It llrownlng waa n gueet of
the Trtiern laet KiiIiiuIm) and HunilA).
eonilug down from Zlmi on U le road
It O I .lira, nttorne) for I'lnli
Fuel enmiMin), wm In dlntrlet court
Ml I'rlre with .ei era 1 legttl matlem
Ihta week
-Mm. J W Irfiofbaurow hna nr
riled nt Irfing lleach, Ualn where
alio nnd MIm Ittuh Imie tHken apart
metila for the winter
I. W'nltou of HaII take fit)
and f A tloyil or Ogden, nltnrne)
fur the Ketrhum foal eoinnu) were
heie Ihl Meek In dMrlrt eotirt The)
wire gueota or the Talern
W'llllnm l.lltlejuhu nnd O W
l.llndne) or friatle pMo Vice llidlor
In I'rhe Um TuoednX'ror ii few hour
enih The influentii (iiinniullna I
xtlll rigidly eufoned Ht thnt enmp
Itev Itnlph f Jolie. Mtor or
the Methodliit i hurt It nt I'rleo. I back
home rrom lluln lie hna been work
ing Ihrle n it etirpenter lieenupo of
there being no nervles loeull) on c
itinnt or tlo InflueilM
John Itlttltll of Wnttl mm here
lant Moifitat rrom thnt onmp. which
he mi y tlu been working Intel) aevon
day h week Tho Influentn, how
ever, hn Interfered eouwIderHbl) with
thn outpiil fHeM Dure are on tho
Itev Mnlk M I'etrukli with hi
wife und four ihlldren left Wcdue
du) (Veiling taut for Honiiniiih, Oh,
vvhure the fin nn r hna been cHlled to
Hiiotlur ihunh He hn been tu
llocd Mt I'rlte for the ikikI lhlrl)-tuo
month In going lilmiMilf nml fnmlb
leMVe ver) man) giMid frkliil Ht I'rlte
MM iLenhire In Utah
Ir f A Wherry I lo leavo
I'rlte during Ihn next few du) for u
trip lo fiillfuinln nnd Moutniui Ho
U figuring on nuothtr loeatlon In ono
or the otlur or themt stnte. having
imvernl place In view lie hna n
good practice hern, but elmply la go
Ing to better blmiidr. Ill fuiully may
In the imuutlmo go to California to
kpnlid thn winter
Mm. tl Allle FUk left l'rlcn Ihl
u ink for. Kent tic, Waah, where ahn I
i.i bn with her mother for Ihn winter.
Hhe ntnpprd over hero lant week nnd
Ihl on her wny llmrn from Wunhlng.
Ion. I) f Her eon. Itiu-oll T Y.
llk, I In Frnmr, with a medlrnl ill
vlnloli or the Amerlenii oxpeolllon
nr) roriett. While In lha rll) Mr.
Flk wu tho gueet or honor nt ei
rrnl noulul iitrulm, ninoug them n
TlmiikuKlvIng illnuir nt thu Mutt till
mour homo und n dinner given In Mr
and Mm. Thnmii Fltigernld
- Mr und Mm. '. II l'utnuen of
fhlltou, Win., nro hern thU week on
h ii.lt to Mr nnd Mm J C FerguiMin
of I'rlre, parent or thn latter Hlura
leaving hue 1'iterneii hn been on
gaged In the llvn atoek hua,liea, bit),
lug nnd alilpplng, und wt)N the world
hi a fronted him ua well na ooulil bn
expiated lie I looking around tho
inuiitry for tho firm he In Inlerenlcd
with nnd It um) bo this market will
be gone Into for rattle und allvep to
hlp out Mr .nnd Mm. l'otrrwm will
i I mi horn Nime time )et fhlltou. Win,
In Ilia "old home loim" of W C
, llroeker und A tl Outhi III
nt u fat tor), when thirteen or thn
luiuiD-rivo uimu down with tho Infill
rnw Ho I uttnehed to tho I roup
transport sen leu train, nnd no doubt
will )et I Mint to rinnco. Tho course
or training ul Chleugo k for eight
Mm. Johanna I Warner, wife ol
W Jr Warner and a fnrmnr realdenl
or Winter Quarter, dlrol at I'rovii
laat TuomIii) or h nmllguaut growlh In
the throat Hlio wuh S3 nam or age
and went from Carlwu eount) to
l'roio n Unit fiuu year ugo, where
tho family homo haa Hlnio bean Hh
I nun Iv oil by hoi husbnnd, three
wu. und u daughter W. J Warner,
Jr, und flaorgu Warner, two noini
nwiilu ut l'roio, while tho third, Ito
land, I In Frame Thu daughter!
Mr Illanche Marrlger, ra4de ul
Halt taka City
To Inaur) agalnat loaa of thaft nl
llbwt) bond, owners ur being urgatl
by tho troaanry Ut have their eoupor
Imnita reglsla od. although the pmee.
duro roaulta In a graat amount ol
work and expetuwi for the govni
mnilt, now that the number of ImuiiI
owner runu cbove thirty million The
registration n be arraugMil at moat
bank nnd la dona without cost to the
maul, now that tho number or bond
la luat. klolen or doatroyod, the gov
ornmout will pay It ut maturity just
tho sumo, and Internal check wilt be .
mailed to tlm IkmiiIow tier twtoa each
year without requiring him to go to
tho trouble or clipping coupon und
presenting them nt n Iwuk
I'rof Orson Ityan had a lelt. r the
fiiit of tho pieaent weejt rrom I'rof
L'arll ThnmpKOii, auporlutendent or
aehools of Ulntnli county, vvhleh give
a slight Idea of tho Influonxn condi
tions nut that way. He aajai "A, O.
Goodrich, eur clerk, ulao haa had the
Influonxa, while Mrs Mary Harnett,
a teacher, 1 Improved, but not out of
bod yet. I am tho only one that
The person who sees in his savings account only so ,
many dollars and bo many cents, plu so much inlorost, iH
incka vision. The savings account, propoily regarded, is it IH
magic wand which will some day give life to tho ambit pu
dreams which all of us have, and w hich are good for all of m
us to have. H
Nothing pleases tho officers of this bank more than M
those little heart to heart talks nbout those big things you 'h
have in mind. Dreams como true you know. M
We pay 4 per cent on savings accounts, compounded JH
semi-nnnunlly. A dollar starts nn account. iH
Price Commercial & Savings 'Bank H
Price, Utah 1
December Edison ReCrea I
tions Are Here ;l
The December supplement of Edison Rc-CrcatioiiR 'H
includes many fine selections thnt you will enjoy hear- )
ing. Opera, oratorio, the latest popular song hits, in- H
strumental nnd dance numbers, all find a place in thn H
tuneful list. Come in and let us play them over for you. H
Some of them undoubtedly you will want to add to your H
collection. Come hear them whether you own an Edison H
or not. Here they tire: H
Mad Scene Lucin di Lammermoor, Donizetti, Anna Case H
Come Unto Him Messiah, Hamlet Marie Tiffany H
Hush-n-Dye, Ma Baby (Missouri Waltz) Frederic Knight H
Logan Mnrion Evelyn Cox nnd Vcinon Dnlhart H
A Little I)Ve, a Little Kiss, Lao Sllesu Ralph Errolle iH
Ono Meeting Hour, Dorothy Lee Gladys Rice ?H
My Waikiki Mermaid Hula Medley j3H
Wniklkl Hawaiian Oi chest ra tlsssH
Kanlasie Imnnimptu, Chopin . Andre Ucnolst PH
Work, For tne Night Is Coming, Mason ; Jesus, ' M
Saviour, Pilot Mo Metropolitan Quartet jH
Inflammatus SUibat Mater, Rossini Pietro Cniwdifcrro , TM
La Paloma, Yratlier Stulero's Band ';H
Old Virginny Days, Theodore Horse Homestead Trio :iH
Farmyard Metllcy Premier Quartet IIbbbH
Study in Mimicry John Orren and Lillian Drew lH
Molly Dear Waltz, Arthur Dc Blonc iH
. Jnutlas' Society Orchestra lH
Invincible America March, F. II. Ixisey ',tiH
New York MillUtry Band 'fl
Depot nnd Main Sts., Price, Utah. IjlH
ICocorclN uiul Kiltic KtipplieH iiH
- "", " !
Just received two largo shipments of cercnls direct llH
from tho miller. And, to put these goods direct into tho HH
linnds of our customers, wo quote tho following prices IH
good one week. Now is tho tlmo to get your winter's H
supply: H
Rolled OnUf, lii )oundH for 91.00 H
Rolled Oats, 2r pounds for $2.00 M
Regular 40c pkg. Mother's Oats, a for -$1.00 TM
Regular 40c pkg. Quaker's Oats, I $1.00 H
Regular 20c pkg. Carnation Wheat Flakes, G for ....$1.00 jH
Regular 20c pkg. Mother Wheat Hearts, G for ..$1.00 H
Regular 25c pkg. Pearls of Wheat. 5 for . .. $1.00 M
Regular 15c pkg. Puffed Wheat; RIcoor Corn Puffs; B
8 pkge. for . .$1.00 M
Regular lHc pkg. Cornflakes, 8 pkgs. for .$1.00 H
Regular 40c pkg. Flapjack, 8 pkgs. for . $1.00 H
Regular 40c. pkg. Peacock Buckwheat, 8 pkgs. for . $1.00 H
No. 10 Knro Syrup Mn H
Potatoes bring your sacks and wo fill them at, per H
100 lbs. . .. $1.00 M
Apples Jonnthans, ArkmiBiis Blncks and other H
varieties at per bu $1.75 H
If you bring your box. H
Navy Beans, 8 pkjrc. $1.00 ,H
17 Bnrs White Soap $1.00 M
10 Bars Palmollve, Kirk Olive, Cieme Oil or Jap Rose $1.00 M
20 Bars Lily White, Lifebuoy or Annour's squares $1.00 H
Rit, tho'Hoap thnt washes and dyes in one opointion, H
nil colors to pick from .10c H
Wo have eight-piece lifetime Aluminum Sets, Gran- M
itowaru or n nice set of While Dishes. Or, if you prefer, B
i something n little nicer a set of goldband Dishes. And M
for tho good eats for Christmas, wo will have all tho mar? H
kcls afford from nuts to Christmas cauls. K
I O. H. Wilson Selling Co.
Main Street. I'rlee, Utah H
r Member of United Statu Food Commission jH
oeui Immuno In thl office. I am
going out nundHg now Mu.l of the
iv. pie are panleati liken and wont
help thslr own folk. So. It a up to ua,
and tho leathern nro impending toy
al aix have taken It while out
nursing but thn rtt keep on,"
In 1U1S American iimnufi cturem
produceil 19,870 tntctora ami In 1917
02,748 For the tlwt six mnrha of
the prosont year tho output lacreusod
to 18,(13, making a total for tho two
and une-hnir seam of Iju.HOS. Of
tioo trnotora 27,810 were sold to
American rarmeru In 194, nnd fewer
than two thouaand to exporters In
1817. t9,504 wont to American forma
and 1 1,854 to aportern. Of tho 1919
half year'c output, 18,010 went over
ugMpgWMM1t,'M w l i ' e"l,l
Tho bod) of Milton IMhIii Wright. HI
tho n or John and Hwitha I.lvwel) H
Wright hh laid to rest at Hcoflold a H
few ita) ago The grave waa de44- H
t aled by Klder llnlta V Johmwu, Do- H
iasd waa Ixirn at Ihistle, April II sssl
190J The iuum) of 111 death won H
pneumiinUi resulting from Infliiem t M
Ua dletl November Jtth 111 mother j M
and keverat other moinbr or the B
family are quite III at thin time. Ha- H
ther. mottui two brothtim and ftt" tM
stslera survive i
I.'gnl blanks or .every description H
arranged from tho best legal forms flH
and brought down to date, A full IDV
supply alwni on hand, rifly cents a IfeJ
doicrr. Tho Sun. ni
Thai good printing. The Sun. LH

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