Newspaper Page Text
H PAGE SIX THE SUN, PRICE, IjTaII-EVLUY 1 1UHAY DECEMBER 6, 1918 MAKING AMERICANS OF1 1 CARBON COUNTY'S I . ALIENS H I'ltOt OltSON lit N llS IDI s H n nii: suhji n 1 - fljjjjlt i-iixriiilriiili'iil tif Irfxnl School S). l lent Stum lit He gin Kuricv nf I'ur B rlgm r riininulimit tln (omit) l H llic Dltiillmt of IImi Cumuli nr le- H irtiM- MtM Liberal In UN lcn H ttlng under government m it Hj ti urn ami wit It, Ilia co-oernll m f the : inoal nmitell nr defense 1'rof )ru IH i ityan chairman of tins committee n 1 VrHarlennlnitlntt for Carbon muni) K' tempi nnir hi i nrrnngements for n B -irrr i tiif wfpli here to deter- IH ttritu l e l nmim f American!- n Hi Urn tdiitl imp A I linn Kvery nreigi .1 m tin . rnintv l to he visited met il- i in tesed Ttee reword H vlil in fulillllnii to i ther vola- ible !i ! ho attitude of nut aliens uiwi i I iH virumeot and their tva on r i nlnal bevomln; (itltons. I'm Iter that mm h i(f HM ihtn i ri iin ii i work cmi no done van n k Mu present quarantine, n tint ilu m imiMnl tr class In- ini. m ti mi i put Into imtlun -omi i ih Influent situation has learc B 11 i n" iiiim nr the government K io wt iti ti.u.i with awry alien In th ountr and lo enewMtraife natitrallaa- ikiu nml education K vital ami lm- iHirMMl In the work that permanent natnrnlhrntlnn rVuaae will be nstah- itehed l Hi government In all imrta B1 llin Mnto Tho government will ttirukli nil text iHiokn free ami II t Mi enemirnge nml support every move- nictil nml organisation whoso pur- mho lit tho Amerlennlxntloii nf alien. Itroump of ttio oxrcllriit IiiiuIiik vliluli lmn Loin inmlp li Hid hIIoiih of l CnrlMin oiiutit) In tlio inirdiiUMi nf B iil(rt IhiihIh ami nr wvIiik i(niiit, f i lit) thn niltllhor nf rcqiipdlH for tlio J IIMI (if tllC MlllMllllOtlJKM fur OVPIlllIK I InxacH nf niliittH, County Huirlnlen V ilciit 11)1111 U nptniiilntlo ami liollntn N ihnt i Inrifn mnjitll) of our nllcn B population nvnll tlicinirUM nf fi tho opportunity to lirmnio Annirl(Nii ItHonii Tin Fxintinlllru HppolnttHl I liy tho C'nrlMiu intmrll of defptina niikd I the nctlvo nupport nf nil tltltpiM nf I thn counlj. iupwlnll) thn iintumlltcil H totolKnt-ro. nml omplojrm nf fnrclmi I InWcr. H ,i .Air. IIjiiii Sec. It. H An I mo fit. the Iminrillutn tint) J fl nil the IminrOlutn npporlunll) nf our J natlmml Runimcnt nml nf our Inml I ninniutiltlcM to thn iiilmltteil lintiil I Krnut nro flfpt. to protect him nimltmt I fraud nml nxplultutluii, in Ihnt audi tradition nit he chorlnhcd Mllh rrimrd I to AniorkH will nut l lout In Mu flrnt fl .-(intact with u. Kotoml l kIvh him jl nn opportunity tit Irnrn nml iim Hip Knsllalt lrtiiRuntfo, nml to eouro mioIi i wnrklnir knnwIrilKfl nf nur Iawk nml intltutlonK iin will rnnlilo him to jnln UK In innkluR thn United Hlntr n I rrnll) pffpctl itpniuirniy Ann r Usui fl liiilluii inonn intU'li tnurn tliun Imrn- ! ine In prnk tlio Hue I lull InnitiiiiKP IftVflJ Yet. thn barrier nf liuiRUiiKf inilut ho flftffl romnml tioAUm tho iinnHiiBllli H leakliiK ImmlKrnnt nvrewiurlly IImhi IftfH uolntrd and romoto from tho mnln ! urrent of nur American life. Aunther ! iniiortnnt elemont In HiIn Itolatlnn U IftfH tho iKiiuriinco of u Aiuorlonim nf thn H hlntory, atruitcln. doxIroH und IdouU of ihno pooiilo, H Ainnrlonnltnllnti 1 n iirorwn vt ! cduonllan, of wlunlnir the mind uml IftVfll the liwirt thruiiich liitrutlnn uml ru- H iiKhtonmenl Wo hMt, lit In ! tnerlcn, rlovatoil tho let from ull IftVflfl ouutrle Into u rnmnion HiiiMwinn ! 'rnntfuHod uml triumfornt(Hl It Ii) nur H iilghent nml hent IdpaU uml Killed It flftfflj merlcnnUm To enter Into Ihl IBfH omniuii horltneo nf thn hoot nf nil to ! at Innplrrd with thexe Idonln, to learn IBSfll io undervtnud tho InitltutluiiH whleli IBSflJ Kucrnnlen ti nur freedom uml rlKhl ! md enaliln u to urk tOKvther fur flftffll tho common K"id, to reolo to for- H net ull purel) Mlflnh mennn nml to flBSflJ work for tho liUlient uelfuru of out IftVflfl untry and of the world U Io Itcromp IBSflJ Amcrluinlied To kite tho fnrelttu- IftVflJ norn iiupulalliui nf Carbon ioiint tho flftfflfl rullmt and frvtvit opportunll) for thu IBSflt in what no umlemtumt tn lw the work flftVn r the Amurleauliutlnn oouunlttro H Aiuerltanlintlon la not conifthluir ! thutnm) l thrint upon tho forolitu- H norn It In whut the pcraomi do for ! thmehfit when the opportunity Ik IftVflfl ffered uml they are uliowii the nn) ! Wo muit teaeh thn rlsht nml dutlo B f oltUeimhlp to ull Irreopvctlvo of H thuther tho innn hecoinea u illliwi of IBSflJI ihu oountr), ho muni rocoKiilie that flBSflJI bu hau certain oIiIIkiiIIoimi to thn eo- H tety In whlvh ha llm an wl the RBSflJ i net that ho U entltleil to lortalu IftVflJ tiKhta under our Koeriimut H SI ll!S or roilltlf.Milth H nitiMi iNgnitKD ivio H Muroyii nt tho Industrial oaiM of IftVH 1 uli, where larKo nuinUom of allon ,ro employed, la tn bo maiU by the H I'ulttHl titataa iloiwrtnient nf UWr for IftfH 'ho purKao of leariilnv the uttltude IftVflfl t famlirnera tonnrd the Motornment flftfll itielr know lodge of the ISntfllnh Ian- IftVH KUiKn nml their romiietviii y to be- ! una wltlieiHi here AcoonllnK t Ill IftVflC rraiur. United Htatea iiHtumllJuuli a IftVflJ lAmluer, thla la utrt nf the A mart- lftVfl anluxtion pluii now belli k itvelHid H iy the Kovernment to enounHe all worth) aliens to become rlttiena H t'erinaneiil naturullwtlou t B w ill bo ntat)IUhed by the Krim vnt B , in ull parts of the tate for whuh ! free text book a will be wipplled I r B 11 D Ifarrlmun of the I'nUeralty of H I'tah, will mipervlse the work, whlen ! M to be carried on In connrctlott H with the unlverxlty exterwlou rourm IftfH Until now onl) one KoernniMit ckw H huv been mulntnlned In tho ktute B Only cltlxeii application! filed prior BB to 1816 are being heard now All np-i BBb pllratlona filed since then will not no B heard until after tho treaty of pouicl HV U slimed H flBBBBBBBBwBBBBBBBBBBBarWBBBBBB . I'ltOI' (IHSON lt lwiK"0F RED GROSSCAHPAIGN (IrrnloM llrlu Kur Mule In CnrlHin (iiiiul) In (limine I'lnnn fir the imln Ited Oroa ilrle ulll ih n tie- under w) lm ally It nmiMnna mi Mmiiio Uth when It la ei. ted that all rhapteni and numill irle. thn iiathoiti the auite will g In for nn attlie part, which will he larger than hw Itpfore as the nattotal Red i'mm etcts a meinhprahlii for ll of about five nill'lon nr more The t tali chanter KnMt nt least two hundrrd thoMsamt Already 7e hMttoaa have Keen re reived Tiielr tnntto la to lie "livery iHidy a Member Women will attain take an active- iart It la expected that booth will lie erected In the large Morns and txivel moan will bo pktnned for inakltnt the drlro shu lesful Ah yet no word of prominent speaker has arrived all definite plntis belli held In nbe)-m-e b) tho lufliienui iwrntillne Kail Lake county nlonn expects between eight) thiiiiMiml and one hundred thousand metiil cr Carbon county expects to enroll u ory Inrge tnembirshlp says .Mis. Carolluo (lllnmur, soeretar) of the chapter heio The drive will be the grout an l ever attempted lncnll) President Wllsoli Is fenluipd nn one nf thn postern Muting I summon nu to Mimbershlp Thn greatest mother In the world Is nlso fentured with one Mwer shotting n child urg Ing nil In do their Hit, nml another n presents a nurse with outatl etched arms railing for nssbdauie The hut tons litis jeiir will Ihi larger of oral slmpn with u iMirder of blue luatead of the former window design a double, blun bonier shows that this Is the rccond grout drive This )eor six Hid Cross reals nr Mump will bo glieli with the nieinl entlup sulrlp lion, and will help decotnt ClirlM imis imckHKes. "II Is expected that the Junior memlHrshlp nf the lied Cross will ulso Inks nn nctlve part Membership will again be one dollar with more, U mr lies feel Inclined Iho ill lie ends nil tho JJd und Utah Is exc4teil tn go ntr thu top' ns she nlwu)s hus Mlwt IiIh It Titnuer Is seeretnr) of the Junior orgunliutlnii for Cnrlmn isilllit) i ii: Mii,iru i'iamw Tti M 1' SK KMN Kit t'l Ml Kite mllltar) uliplunes nre In bo Kent to L'tuli Immediatel) to irnwl a cnmprthensUn map of this ami ad jacent Mntoa for I lie proposed trans coutlnenlnl aerial iiiaII route Thla auuouuiouirnl haa been mnde b Col llimey llurwell, eommumlar of tho arm) nlr erlce selnxds at Han lilego, Cwki rlo extiert aviators will be sent litro tn cluirt the nlr linos of Cull und preiMiro toiwuniphlccl mrp for uso bj gueriiment mull fllerj when tho route Is flnnll) eetnbllidud The stouts will make Halt I.uku (lt) their b.stibiuarli rs In mapping I'tah .No Mula nml Callfornln It has been announced Ihnt Halt Inke City nml Ogdeu nro the mil) two clllo In Utah tlitt lmo lieen deslgnateil as stnpa for tNnaoontl net tnl mall (virr)lug flbin. Hmaller titles will Inter he Included In the aerial mall route hUJUt AIIOti: IN IKIMICS now iiirn I'oiiNim moviiii.y Hugiir tlhlslons of tho United Htittes food admlnUtriiilon throughniil the country will twgiu to demoblllie ubout Dmeinbcr 16th, In untlulpatlon of the arrival of Cuba's augur crop lu Jniiu ar) Mudifleatlon of reitrletloii uf fectlng eonwimers bevamo effective earl) this wtek The sogHr dlirlons, whlth huo complelo control ter distribution b) refiners, und, through the rt filters ooi dlatrlbutlou h) uboliwwlers und grnecni, December 1st, btguu In dlscoiitluuo their rnrllfl (ate system tinder willed auga hud bii allotted to iminufacturera und dealsra aa n wartime measure tn eon servo thla commodity Manufacturers will hawevar, le required to limit their punlia eah tn a thlrt)-da)' supply until the free arrival of the Cuban raw wiwr altout Jsnuarj tOth or llth While restriction nn the uae of suits r In put IU plHcea will con tinue in infect fou miu rid of sugar will be allowed to each person oaeh mouth In the homes beginning on last rueeday If an egg Is frosen put It Into hot water for a few minute. This will thaw It out ierfetly When Ironing linen, mute the Iron with the threads, never diagonally Card of Thanks Mr and Mrs. Alfred Itlio ami family wish to expieee theli (inartful thanks tn the nutii) friends who allowed respcrt ami sympathy ovet the loss of their little dsughter i ml ulster, lavorne and oapeilall) they thunk the Knlkhts of 1'jthlus Indgo and tho iCcstle Oato Welfare nwoulatlon for their kind rememlirancea at this time Mil ANU MI18 ALPHKD ItlCB Castle Oatc, Utah, Dec. 2, 1918, I UNCLE SAM TAKES JOB OF MAKING BETTER CITIZENS ( MtllON (OMI.NO t.N I Oil tONSIIIKIUTION. IIIr llriw rinnnctl Tor Miens Who Mny iMirlnir the Next 1 civ 'Months ltcelro In Tnko Out 1 lrt I'nKTs Nnlurnll'nllon ltonnl For This Sot- I lion Outing Things In Itrm1lnr. I ( rreifondenco The Hun lNKII, Colo, Dec J. "Atnerha ( r mericaiM" hi n cry which is as siiming tnnglbk form In snme imrts nf the t nlten Htale. And the vobe Is llng heard liy tho tlmussind- f foreigners In all the Inlemteunt tin aisles During the last few wcV there haa lieen a dpdiltd Incroaw i the numlier of declarallona of Int i lion filed within the limit of Urn ivnver natiirnllsalloM district, wl I h Includes Colorado New ilestieo I t ) Wvnmlng and a psrt of Idaho I nr that the) will Ite sent bach Io the nuntrlos of their nativity haa a n nted many alien tn Mej up and fib their first p"Prs' tecewtly In s me pls r the clerks of conrta have t sen swamped by the fnrelgntongtied men appearing and this rush haa resulted In hold lug of night session In s mo places so that the alien ma) file their declarations-of Intnntlon without ! n of time front thetr work The feeling that they are to be re turned to their old tountry homes seems to be espeelalt) strong nm mg the Aimtrfcin nml Italian through mil Colorado and Utah, especially though Just wheru the underground Information originated rnnnnt easily 1k truced Aliens from wnrtorn Ku ril po know tuxes and burdens will be henv) In the homeland nml do lint wish to return In itddltlun In this foar mi tho part of tho nllcns nf being sent Istrk ncross the Atlantic nn shls whli h bring ynnkee soldlom bsk home the bur en u of nnturallw tlon Is s ceding up thn work of filing declsr allium of Intention The war hits hud a decidedly livening Influence on the pari of the foreigners. Nearl) ever) mining und manufacturing mm munlt) bus reported reinnrkiihlu sules of liberty loan bonds, wnr aavlng stamp and thrift stumps nmnng the fotelgii iMipiilatlons. nml nlso rrtmrt largo eoiiirlliutlous tn tho Itrd Cross nrd the various wnr work ncllvltlc when the several drives havo lieen made The result Is that the foreign ers have it tnnglblo reason for con tlnulng their rcsldanco In thn United Slates und feel n closer rointloushlp with thn government This thnnge In sentiment on the pari of thousands of nllcns Is respon sible lor n drive on the part of agents nf the burcAU of nattimllxatlnit to as sist the aliens who desire Io take nut Ihelr fit st papcra' or who dcslro to become nnliirnllxed Agents nro now working among the liiiiustrlitl limits of lioiivir I'uetiln nml Halt liko Clt), urdir the dlrerlloii of l'nul Ann strong thief iiiiturallaatlnn examiner with hunibUHrters lu Denver, und lalir thesa uitlvilles will be extruded In ever) Industrial and mining sot tlon lu the dlstrlit Agent aro going to the mines fat lories nml plains with blank forms of declarations nf Inten tion or first papers" and assist thn nllitis In making these out correctl) mid giving dopuiduhlc advice Km photr of labor ure assisting in the work of iho government itgenls. After helping the aliens lit the plute of omphomimt, the naturnlUatlon intents urn arranging with clerk of court for si octal times when the aliens may ap pear In n bod) nml lo sworn lu tho of fire of the ilerk to thtee declara tions of Intention The filing fee re mains the same as In the it one dollar In conjunction with this movement, Die bureau of iinliinillxutlun Is also oxsrllng every possible Influent to have night und da) schools estab lished for ndult aliens who aro st ek ing illUonshlp or soon will be Thou sand of classes nro now (o-operutlng with tho I urcnu nf iiaturnlliallon, but It Is liopul that classes will bu estab lished In ever) tommunlt) where tin re Is mi) considerable mnnber of foreigner and the new textbooks Is sued by this liureuu nre doing ninth to bring ubout this desired result Utah rullrond reimlr elioin tint adopted nn overtime shift during Iho transportation emergonc) last winter linvo been ordeted to again resume their normal work da) scludiiles Kf fectlv Novemlier 2Eth. the ngulnr work day was reduced to nine hour, and I eglunlnir Decemi er tth, the shift will be reduced to nn il) In Issuing tho order, William n McAdoo takes ooeaslon to thank the worker for their oo-operutlon during tho war cmergeno) und their effort lo keep the transiHirtallun artetle open llallroad offlulsVs und imploye wbo I u iM years have receivtal Chrlstmaa preeoutN from shippers ami Individual who furnish supplies to the railroad aro going to ho ' nut of luck' till yr Order have lieen Ismicsl by William O MeAdoo, direc tor general of rnllrords, ohlbltlng the neceptance nf any such present b) railroad officials or omployos While technical!) the order la In the farm of u request. It states tlirt the Iimctlcu tnuat bo dtaeontliiuml entirely" Planting of o) stern In Hear lllver Hay of tho Or eat Halt I.ako will re quire an nxptindlturo of o ily a few hundred of dollars mid that tmount will bo paid nut nf tho Income of tho irtato fish and game depirtmont with out asking nn) appropriation of tho legislature according to It II Hlddo way, stftto fish nml game commis sioner The oyster culture experi ment will bo Qondtictod during tho aomlng )oar, boglnnlnp a early a re quirements demand Never forgot the need of salad and fruits all through cold weather. LBBksasasBaHsaWsr l!VBajfwaflBattBvGr flaal 1 lp " aWefP1 THE TWO TOPNOTCH FUELS OF THE WEST CASTLE O ATE, and , CLEAR CREEK Clean free liurniny; low in moisture low in ash. In fnct, wc know n dozen k(1 rejtsons why ou hIiouIiI huy these fucLi wc do not know or one why jou Hhould not. They hlic wet the pace for nil Western co.tls Tor 25 cnrtt. Four Biggest Words In Western Coaldom Mined and Shipped Exclusively liy UTAH FUEL CO. CONSERVATIONJEEK POSTPONED lufluiiin Hun lutirrrrv Willi Work Througliout I Inli. ltd hum- nr the Influinxn ejildemlc mid the rontlnu nice nf tho iunruu tine, tho olnnrvnnco of Consarvntlon Week will not begin until I)nmlicr till, thn postponement having bten compulsory, lu compliance with tho order of the state board nf health re gurdlng public gatherings. If thu bun Is not lifted b) the en 1 of this wek n second contlnunncu wll lie necessnr) Tho Utah ramKtlgti wilt ha none tho less vigorous whin It Is lelebntttd Const nation Wck will be Inaugurated ) thn rending of llirbert C lloovtr's message from nil pulpit In the state nn Hunda), Do (emlxr Sth The following Tuesdii) mas meetings will be culled In each i mint) b) the count) food udmlulstra tirs, when tho nerd for continued food coiifsrvatlon will ho explHlmd Wed i esdu) will ho (hih wnmiu tin) A speilnl prokram has been prepared nml will be Milt to nil suth orgunlxa lions On I rldn) u similar program will be nhrerved In the public Mhools If tho latter nro open At ull of tho principal gatherings In the stuto during the intlre wctk Hoover's mcssaho will be given out ii long with that of President Wiliim, nn tho subject of food conservation Kach group of cllliens will bo oxpeit ed to take a plodge to put forth theli lest effort to prevent waste und to lo)it)ly support all measure suggested by the government iho entire pur pose of tho week will bo to place isiunrel) loforu the people the great burden whlth now rest on Amerleous In providing food for the feeding of the world llmphnsis will be plnrod nn the fait that to feed the world will be u (.reater task than that of proso outing the war Under the direction of Mrs. K C Hihnvmm, director or eduoatlnn for the Utah food ndmlnstratlon, mem bers of (.hurchea, club, commercial organUutions, freteriml societies and officials arc now being bombarded through the mull with ull Informa tion concerning nstlonal and lutorna tloiml food conditions obtainable from Wnshlngton, I) C notick i on rum itnt ion Coal Kntr) (Hoe 1147 11 H ) Ijvnd orflco at HuU iJiko City, Utah, Nov It lVtk Notice Is hereby given that Martha H Anderson of Morgan eounty of Morgan st. t nf Utah, ha this day filed lu this office Uppllea tlon to purehaie, Herlnl No U23C8E under tho provision of Hoc 2347, U ii llevlied Htatutos, tho Hli)( of Hec 4, Tvvp IS Houth, Hange 8 Hast, Halt Iike meridian Any and alt per sona claiming adversely tho lands described or desiring to obet fur any reason to the ontrj thereof by upplluunt should file their affidavits of proteit In thla otflee during tho thlrt)-da period of publication Im mediately follow Inu tho first printed Issue of tht notice, otherwise the ap plication may lu ullowed OQULD II, UI-AKLHY, Ileglster. Kdward X) Uunu, Attorney, bait Lake City, Utah, rirst pub Nov IB. last Dec 13 -II, Nyrui-t mu i sTn ihN Office, Halt IJike Clt), I'Uih, Nov l 191K To Whom It Mt) Concern Notlte Is hereby given Hint tho slate of I bill has filed In this office list of lands, sell i tnl b tho said state, un der Hoc 6 of the att of congress, up. proved Jul) Id, iftvi, ns Indemnity school lands, vlx Herlal 013700, Lot I. Hec I Twp II Houth, Hunge 13 Hast, Hull l,ake Meridian Copies nf snld lists, m fur ns the) nlnto tn said tracts b) descriptive sub-dlvlslou, have been (onsplcuousl) posted In this office for Inspection h) mi) per son Interistrd uml b) tho public gen erall) During tho erlod of publi cation of this notice, i r tin) lime thereafter mid before final approval and certification, under departmental regulations or April 36, 1807, rntest nr contest ugnlnst tho ilalm nf iho stale to uti) of the trncl nr sub-dlvl-slonx lit relnbi fort, dbscrlbrd on Iho Hroiiml that the samn Is moro valu able for mineral than for ngrliulturul purposes, will le rtcolvcd uml noted rnr rexirt to the gt nernl land office nt Wiishlngtoii, D C I'ullurn so to prottst or contest within the tlmo specified will bo eonaldered sufficient evidence of the non-mlneral char acter of the trait und the selection tturc-of, being othirwlse free from objection, will lm npproved to lha state OOUI.D II llI.AKHl.KV, Ilegls ter I'lrn pub, Dec A but Jan 3, 1119. NOriCIC l'Niri STAIRS UM Office, Halt Ijiko Clt). Utah, Nov II, 1018 To Whom It May Concern .Notice I horob) Mven thaf the state of Utah has filed In thla office llau of lands selected by the mid stale, under Hec 6 of the act of congns. approved Jul) in, 1K9I. n Indemnity school lands, vlx Herlal 0J339B. Lots S. 3, i, Hec JO Twp 14 Houth, Himge 13 Hum, Halt I,ako meridian Cople ef wild lists, so far ns thoy relnlo to said tract h ilesorlptlvo mib-dlvl-slons, have been conspicuously posted In till office for Inspection by an) person Interested ami by tho public Kenerall) During the period ot pub Iliatlon or this notice, or any tlmo thereafter and I efore final approval and certification, under departmental regulations of April II 1K07 pro test or eonte.u against the tluim nf tho state to any of the tract or sub divisions hereinbefore daeirlhod on the ground that the same I more valuable for mineral than for agricul tural purn- . will le received and noted for report to the general land office nt Washington. D C I'alluro so to protest or contest, within the time specified will be ennsldsred uf fit lent evidence of tho nnn-inlneral cliaratler of tho tract and the selec- tlon thereof being otherwise rroo from objection will be approved lo tho stute tlOUI.D 11 I1L.AKISI.KV, Heal. iter I'lrst pub, Dec 6, last Jan 3, 11. Karci worm In flower not can bo destroyed by mixing a little pulver led tQlweco with the earth In each put To doughnuts add ono.fourth tea spoonful of ground rlngur Tho splco will not be doteoted and tho dough nuta will not absorb the fat Spring Can yon Coal Co. Miners and Shippers of the Celebrated SPRING CANYON COAL Mines At ST0RRS, UTAH General Offices, 817 Nowliouso BId Salt Lake City, Utah I QUICK SERVICE. Will repair any leak, pipe washer or valvo trouble any where about your promise If you phono or call BKHVICB IS OUIl TltADK MAIUC Wo nro on tho Job Immediately after we aro notified and 1 1 worlt la accomplished correctly Wo stand for service, C. R. LEWIS Plumbing, Turner Hid, P''M