OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, March 14, 1919, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1919-03-14/ed-1/seq-6/

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H l I Strong Demand For Good Kinds of
H Cattlr, But All Others Are Slow to
fl J Get Rid of Lately Top On Hogs
fl j Reaches Eightcen-Fff ty Quota-
H I tionii Locally and Elsewhere
V The) Hlln "l1 1"' Herxlre
L I KANSAS riTV. Mo, .MHnh 10
HflflJ Cnllle nvnipt lining aeveulreu thou-
HflflJ i Mind hand tui) tin market ateHil.v mi
HHHJ j native Kteerm. Other low nt Ion to
' fifteen rent Jower Tom Sill .'(). Hog
H) aupplv thirteen thousand hiwd Mur-
Bl') Vet fifteen to Iwmils-rivp rent high-
H,i er. Top 41HTHI and liulk 1700 to
Hl 518.10 Sheep rereipt tin llmumind
BflJ i head. Market fifteen to Iwentx live
Hfri renin lower Top on ImiiiIh $10.10
Bfl ' Mwo $13 fill Clmiiv to prim" nleer
HHHJ' fontiiitie vert warre regunlle of t lit'
HBflj' Tact tlmt reeeiitt were nevinteon
HHHV thoiiMind lirail With tin number of
HHHJ entile on tin hinrkcl one would ox-
(pert it fw lend of t holer atrer.
However, tin Itulk nin to tin- plum
tncduimwclKht kind Colorado pulp-
i fffl topped I he mnrktl tndn.x, furl)
Hl four head fnnti 1'ort Collin ". cni
HHHL Iiik twelve liundrrd nnd t Iiirt -fix t
Hflflfj pound Hold for Kl.oO, tint top. (liv.nl
Hi. ilioirc HtcurM iirv in demand, while
Ht' other urv rloMHK ten to fifteen tent
H)h lower. Iliileher erode nliont Mood,
Hif K!Xd wivtH holliiiK iniin $12.00 to
Hfl ?lfi()0 iiikI enunor from tfinO to
V f.CM, dull ateadv nt fluid to jMILoO
n und iiil en him loiilv, nelling from
jj -Ml.GO to $1100 Older dull Stnch-
Hij erjt nnd feeder slon and trnKulnr.
Hil Them m ii pood demand for the Rood
H kind. Other nn slow to move, feiil-
f -r aellluj; from 1U.0 to i-lAOO,
HIJ atonker atior hwn 10f0 to $11 ft)
H'lJ; nnd slnek buk nnd heifer wiling
lli fom WW 101000
Htl ; "imply (mini thirteen tlmumuid
ll band. 'I he mirket opened tell to
Bfjl twnt tent higher iner Kridnv V
Hw( efoim it II 1 1 cloned fifteen to tvvi'M,.-
HjM fixe mil higher with n good clear-
HI mi", 'lop toduv I8)H, liiedniuiH
H ind liutoher. koIIiiik fnmi 1 "."'" to
p flHA'j, llcht from 17JVt to AtHOO
l I and hulk Helling rmm f 17 fill to
$v.r. iv fin oo to jir.oo.
M With ten thoiiMind hen1 todnx, the
H hillk Indue t'ullfonii.inx of the leedur
kfnd, the nmrket elimed fifteen to
B lweuty-f!e eentH lower Ton Inmlii
IimIiiv nre 11) 10 und ewe $1;IJ. No
)wirllup or w el hem on the nmrktl
hI Utriirnmendntion tlmt I'uli klieep
SJ . mon fix it Ktniidnrd unite for herdem
Vffi wnl rump Under nnd n definite rule
U for xhenrinc i routnlued m fixe thou-
VS wind clrmilnr letter mulled thniuh-
Vl out the titute h ('. II. Slewnrl, neere-
1 Ittrv of the I'lnli WiMiluniwer' ummi-
I eirttton. The wurb ii)imted for
I kerders I eetily-fhe dnllitr nnd
wj Mxt.v dullnntif i pn(Hl for ewum
I ifnder. Till ineludim iNiunl in inieli
M, ' waM. AeeorduiK to Kluwurl within
n 'I iha IiikI three ,uir the iw of thin
BB rlnm of help Iiiih udviinetil from fifl
(dollnra nnd fort dollnr n mnntli,
rMpeetlwdy, to mi iinrorlnin f1j;nni nt
pR'Kriil. Rome lierderH hne rtM'eipd
hlh ii nlnelj didlnm nnd u linn-
f i dred dnllnr n mouth nnd hourd dtir
t n Thl ilpire i oxorlutnut, tliiuk
ji 'tuwnrt, in mow of the fuel tliut
' honrd for the herder und rump (end
i tr 1ms Indited in the limt (line ttr
BBV " It now Kot," Mi SteuNrt, " dol
J lr and n lmli"ii du to feiil it mmi on
' ; Ibn niiiKK, whereon three iwm hw6
H; lifty nuitM wn the lnmnl Iwni." 'Hie
h. h ennui; figure whiih the wi)hj(row-
j ira will trj to umki linilnrd i l'i1
Bm rtnls n hiHid when lxmrd m furni4ie.l
mid fourteen onU when the heMrir
1" Uwril hluvwlf
I ftfltiflaHthti of the reeomni ml
f Imn U liMikwl for t the miuuiil wml
rowttrt' eotiveiilion to Ik mdd nt
H Hull Uke Ctt Apnl Ut, iM'xt
1 STABiLixma or pork
Hj Komovnl ot Hrk und ri peodoeln
HI tmm tbo export eoimntum lil i
H'1 MHH'tiMl hy the wHr Innln board.
fl nffwrtivH lt 1'rnUiv At tb mime
B limn the iMnrtl munudttd the rvffuU
BH i linn by wbirh nil pflielutu for
BB ' 'iMtHMNi to exirt tbe ihoiiuxhIiIii j
BB r luroMH de'lHHtion were re
BB I i.Htred to liear m prlil1il flora the
BB rood HlinlnitrtioH kliowiiiK that the
Mtwlniat ration hud Mpprovinl the Mile
C'M. 'I he ulnlennfiit re(rrilinif thv
rd' etion . Old in jmri "The
BB .nmMwl e flee I of tin uelnni of tho
BB nr Irtole board U t4i detro the wlnl
i (a of tlm United Stale fwHl hiIiuiu
Bb utrntlon to further HUhilnu) the pnee
BB f live Ihnj( It wni the dmire nnd
BB'' kma lKwn the nndeor ot the food Mil
BBj; itHiiUtrotiou to eontinue thin thi!
BBli int!iin u horelofore nnd until Mareh
BB "lt, when the normal nmrketinK )o
BBI imm of hor furrowed in the uprinv
BBft uf 10tR vuuhl lime terminatwl."
b, iMYitr Rates Aro Made.
Ri WASIIIKOTUK, I). (', Mareh 8.--BBHj
., 1owor freight rntw in inan eiH4M on
BBXi khipmentfi uf lio ntoek III south w ot
BlSe urn tenitor wore, in offiot, provided
BBffl toduy hy uu order or the interstate
BBB rommerio commiMiion buopcndini; op-
I i bfHk
RAISING. lieeprnimnR does not requin ex
pi nie eitiitincnt or hcin lnlHir, hut
ilx rifpure uliuh nnd eontinuoii n
ttnlion The beginner inn nripnre
epentu(fl with lew thnn twonty
eve, hut for eronoinr of lime nnd
fenninf:, nnd In nMiire proper enre,
floek of itl or more ewe are hel
ler In moot eaue iHinb are inot
pmliliible if nmile rcad for umrkit at
about four month. weitjliuiK fixly
five to eient.-five ound. I'litcHe
the floek hn n ery Iniye territory t
imiirp otr it i iirtvMHU In make di
mxiiiii of the paxture or to line ytcdeo
fnniKc iroH Tin pirmilri Iho ehnnpe
oT xmnitiR ground neeeiwir to innurt
the health nnd thrift nt the In nibs.
emtloti of lone nl"' 'hurt haul n-ii
hitmn nffrrtinit tin cln of Iniffn
The rule, whirh nfl'iit both ledernl
eoiitndled and noti lontmlled line,
ninl. "When two or more route ni
railrnnil eoiiited of line iMirtli- to
' i tariff idinll be in opcrutmii lie
twiin nluppitif: Hiint nnd jmiiiiI ot
iletiunlion, the lowest rale unphrnhlu
vin hii of Mieh mule chnll Ik; up
plied 'in the other route uneptltic
Ihi freight for tniiMMirtnlioti bttwein
wuli iunl The rate fnmi or In
interim dmle jwints hhnll not he uf
firled exeept tlmt the rate from or
In the intermediate miiiiIh oball not
excei d the iliMntue rente of mil
prrwenhid herein for like diMunio,
nml iimMihd further tlmt the rule to
the intermedinle jioiut xhnll not ex
i ifd the lowest rombinntiou of lo
Govornment Wool Sold.
PORTLAND, On-. Mnnh 8. The
poMiriiment todn Imik the ilntt teM
lownrd dlnposine of the imnieniw
Ntouk of wool it i holding in Tort
land b rondurliiiK nu nuelion Mile ut
winch 1,100,000 poundi were offend
b Chnrlc II. (In en, I'nited State
wimiI adminintrntor and ilmtnhulor.
Hie amount nold wn inon' thnn 700,
(00 mnd, the n'mnindir not brine
hie the minimum price The total
proceed were about i5sl00,000 The
rale included nil tnnetien of wool
from tfio l'neifie Norldwet. toxetlur
with u number of lot of California
ttmnil wool. The demand wn
loniet for the lower Knido. Pnei1
Minted from twent) nix to fort.-uine
reutri .for fine and fine medium ;
Ihirtj-lhrre to rift.-two wnl foi
Ilirve-eiKhth rlotliine'. Iwinl-wx to
llfty-ono tenia for the half IiIimu'
rlolliiiij:; thirty-nine lo forl-two
mil for rommoii nnd braid, nnd
mtvmilveii to twenl nielli cent for
inferior wool.
Red Orou Calf Osll.
County clinini.ui of the nnmi Itcd
Crow heifer rninmittio in the nneral
enuutiiw throiMihoiit th Htulo aiv
M'lidiiu; out a nail for heifer mle
'IIiih el e are lo he hold ut the fal
oek liow which to be held ill Salt
lke ( M, Hie lirt week in Apnl.
'I In luonej demwl fnmi tin wtle h"
inlw doimleil will not jco into the
Keueinl I e I Cn' fund. Kaeh ehup
ter will ifeehe the exael nt amount
of nnrne) ilerned from the ale ot"
enlM eonlnbulid hy tlumi. It. -I
MuehU, manKer ol the Sail l.aki
ii)imt ebtir of tjie It ml Vnxm, rr
i,uet that nil heifer eulf eommitlee
nnd in it rejxirt ut to how many
t.ilww will he rent t that adiiiunle
tieeominodalioiw nwi) be urrnnKed for
the inline. All rattle mnt lie oliliipix1
ii .i to rem h halt Uike Cilv by April
I'd, a jtulpue und the uwurd of pniHi
Itexin on that dale
Cold Storace Meat.
HiKith hi Id in i old htoruire in the
I lilted Stale nt the ud of I'lbnuiry,
J010, Kreatly exceed in ouitntit) the
eiaount held at the Mine line in 11118,
nionlinc to a roirt jul rtetied by
Commiiwluuer Walter M. IUi.mIiii of
the ktuto dairy und fiid demrtuunt
fiom the bunwu of nmrktl ntoeiat
eil with the federal depnrlmiut of
esrienltiire. lnereociw in the dilfer
nit iiiunta, iueliidlne wit jtork, run all
Iht wa fnmi SI per unit to SSfl per
nt. l'liere i alo h HulMtaulial in
i wi in rrmHHr duller held in M
Owihk to the irreat ahortaife of
hooe in KunijK' and the demand fnt
Imiimtre lo tin eountiv it I probable
iial the t'niled Stale will e m
1 ranei all il war borw now over
n effort will be made at the ne1
a-inuul umhHiiik of (be I' tab Wool
grower eonveution to bava the tt
livii Mtoek iMutnl iaau a mtwral order
for all kbecpow Hr m Clad to dip
their bard.
The hupM reeeatlj aold b thi yov
eramoul at auction at the eatuM and
rt mount utatnm hrouulit ait averao
of aevent) fixe dollar. Thej tHwt an
Hveragi of a buuditMl and eveuly
mivh dollar.
Coke ItolmrtH, a ateer buvvr h i.
Ha) ilen, Ci1m " Moad a l
day ai(u wiHttiiiK with Imal e.ittd
men ami ntwotiatiiiK for thei tt -
Itolwrt miole an offer of forh tie
dullanf fur )trliiitf and ixtv live
ikillani for two ver-old. lule none
of the eattlumeu have a .il iontiui'(
ed In. him, it m undentlood that wine
of Idem will at (he price of fen I
bhearuiK will dugm at Mound and
at (he detiMiu eoritla, the lattar over
south of I'nee, about Cie 10th of
Apnl. Somih ut. thouaand are ox
pietial to be put through at the termor
hi(H and aiMae fiftv tdouaud nt the
latter Owner are talking twelve
l Continued on pave eight.)
Gpcclali&tc of the Department of gri
culturo At tho National Cauital
Point Ont Things That Should So
Known Py Aruatenr Enjaslnj In
Stockralflng Everyvhcre.
(orreeponitcnu Tlie Hun
WA8I1IX010X, 1). ('., Mnnh 1(1
Mnn new floek of ahicp wrrt e
liililinhul in the fanning ilnte lal
venr nnd thi xpmitf their owner will
for tlie fiwt time experienre thi
himhine nnd olunnne M-nson. Spring
whirh i the ImnhiiiK nnd ulnnnn
riamiii, i the hnrvit eriod of tin
hn pmmer, hiv Hpccinlmt of tin
1 nited Slate demrtment of ncneul
lure, nnd the iixe and iptnlit of thew
eniM dilinmne (lie profit. At tin
t'lnc extra ntltntion hould he ;ivr
to tlie ewe and lamb. In no other
w. ran lime lie Usui to detler ud
vantage on the fnnn if the ewi
dnve not been pmperl) Ted nnd ean-d
for duitiK the fall nnd winter tin
cropH of lamb nnd wmd rnn he neith
er Inrpe nor of dipd quality. It l tin
vettk, thin ewi-j that rnpiire mott nt
trillion in the himbinp eiiMin, tdoupli
pnvioiiH misliiku latinnt he nmedied
at that time. On tho ut lit r hand, fail
ure lo be eomdnntl.v near b.v while the
lamb nre arnvinp may mean the nu
uiff of onl.v mi hO or 00 k,t cent cniji
of lamb where n 1'2! )xr rent m-rreae--ioniilerine
Ihul manj ewe
vtill have twin ran rendily do n
nlixod from pood heihenliiip of (lie
floek of mutton quality
In iiiaiix mi (ion it in moot pnfit
nMe to dave Iambi arrive in Mnrrd or
i veil iMirlur. One importniit ndvnn
l.ipc of tin plnn i tlmt other wotk
i then Ii iirxmt nnd lull uttciitioii
run lie eiveii lo (lie ewe ami tlie nev
arnvnln Aimthar nilvHiitape piim 1
hv natl.v lambinp I that the lamb
ik'i be made auffifientl.v denvy and
fat lo market in .lime or dulv. Knrlv
inarketiiiK iioimllv menu hipher
iriie, and it I cxpteially ileMnihlc
lieenuae the Inuili nre dn-potn d of lie
lore Ibe time or erentir dnnper of
injun, dv intenml imrHHite. Ilinewe
laind an Ntnuiper tlinn I hone whiih
arrive later in tlie hhikoii und are
therefore, kept lor tlie hrtedinp floik
Tdey nn Iww mieeptidle to injurv
(tHiioeil dv pn rail tew, wliied t mol
tenon in warm damp pi nod of .lulv
oi AiiKiixt
I he IhiiiIi tdat doni Ntnmic and
viKorou, wild u pood dam, will m id
I'ltle ean' I'mmpt nllenlimi khiii l
the weak ImiiiIi immeilintelv tiiu lit
arrival uillMreUiiitl.v renull in an.
Hf il lift, hi eold wither Iambi
choiild de wrapped in hot flannel
doth to prrvtnt i lulling, which ma,'
rrmilt in their death, and the iloths
abould dtt ntiewetl a ofli ii a i
meaaharv lo kiep the yimnic annua!
warm. Milk abould lie piven Inil.v
nnd tde lnmd n turned to (de ewe n
mmiii a il i Hlnimc inouph. Some
time it nmv de nieeMNr' to fei'd tlie
lnmd' wild an infant' niinunK dottle,
fivinp n few leNMMiufiil of milk
t" erv hour for a few hour until It i1'
Ninmp enoupli to nurM without n
If lnmd nn to de hold at (dree to
five month of npe they may run with
their iliiiii until tlmt lime. The
lamd kipt for bnislinp iur)oey
lioiih) de w iiiued nt tde aumo tune
hud put on fmdi mture where
there ih mi dnnper of tomaeh worm.
Where the weiiiunp in done ut this
lime the owe inn he put in better
onnililmu tor the full breed Inc. When
IuiiiIhi nre to be k)t on the farm the
heat method of wetiutiif; la to leave
them on the old amture for time or
four ilaya, removing (he ewes In A
aeantj jaiatimi lo eheek their milk
flow A aoou a the lnuilw leaxe
fndtiuir fur their iiam tlu ma le
ivimovihI In fnwd vaturea. Kwea wild
larxe udilera alamld de jiarliallv milk
id iniee every tbn1 dajit until tbe
R dr.v.
Detail on the tare ot the floek
ihiiuur the.lnmhinK avaami are aiven
in Kariuem' Hullelm Xo. hill, "l'arm
kybef) ItauiiiK tor lleinnuera," eoHea
of whiih run lie had, ao Iuhk a the.
upol lal. b applvnitf lo the I nit
ill Statea Department of Agriculture,
Waaliinfton, I) C.
The jMtultry depaitment of the
I lh iXMNiwnt atation liaa just in
Nlnllml h uaiuiiMth ineuluitor with u
naiMieit-v of eighteen hundred mntK
't will be ued m ouuneolion with the
inculwtloii inratiKNtiona willed art
h'llip eondiicled at tde atation. Tin
ihiek hatelied will de tmm the whit
loglatina which the atation hua been
I teeillnp tor tvg produetion and will
be aold throiiphout tde stale to van
ou imrliea in lota of not more than u
hunilied. l'rofeir Alder, the atution
poultruuun, now uHliiuutea tlmt order
iiave bwi, neeived witlun the hut
low month for ut leiut thirty thou
nrnd baby ehiek for prinp delivery,
ol wliied not more than three thou
aaud onu lie aujiplied.
An old wiyine wn "the lurper the
Iomvuh the duttur the dread," dut tho
modern drondinnker ehnnpoa it to
"Iho slimier the louvo," ete.
I -
ggw BB
"Take My Advice Ibl
j and Use Either fwMHhk sf I
of These yj&M$ I
Two Coals" SBP' I
XJlfK J? 'f NflPf v " j5tP at an cm' f 'n your ncxl 1
1C s VSfBK mT- ivr order ou specify 0A8TLE M
feSIKRki EmmmSm: aATE or CLEAn 0RKEl I
They aro mined and prepared for your use with scientific care; and you Bfl
receive the benefit by getting a clean, free-burning fuel, high in beat ami M
carbon content and low In ash and moisture. - ' M
Ask Your Dealer I
Miners and Shippers Exclusively of Castle Gato and Clear Creek Coals. M
fNot Medicine
r Not Surgery
fk z Not Osteopathy
Kl iWJBrPT Home Oalbs by Appointment
1 DR. J. Ii. HENDERSON, Chiropractor
Hours 10. 12, a, m., 2. 5, and 0 to 8 p. m.
Golden IOile Hotel, Price, Utah.
roiK.or what in: m:i:ii.i.
I'mm tlie Iteiiiilillrau Ml OlllaO,
( ' The iilltor liiul an Inti ritlnu ex
I'lileiue mmiiii time uk. when u ouiik
Keuttemaii rnme lo till office ami
Hftkeil for a r of Die ilormw Ooiiu
1 ltiulillian He wrutliiKiHt It earn
fully wlien a eopi waa Iwmleil dim.
ami llieu aalil 'Now I hmiw'' Wiut
w It oii are tookliiK for.' we Imiulnxt
U wife nt,l me after a lottle of
('hamtwrmln'a i'ouhIi llemiy, ami I
(irK"t the numi) 1 went to m vera I
torvN ami the irk nameil over
iVentlilliK III the line on tlie rrtilf ex
1 1 pi rhiiinliwruvln' I II try aimln,
unit 1 II uetar K home without Claim-
i rln ln' 'ioih Hrmedy The tta-I-oI'IUhh
old miai!( to the pro
Itrtelor or tore tlmt they Mt their
i lerk ami never lot Item iuihatUut
I'lintomeri. Iom fallli In utortw whei
uhatttutliiK I iermltll, to way unth
lay n( the liOutniie U mahern ot kooiI
HiHHla m the UUmpiiiiUui nl of tu
tomer, ' Aitvt
Total unMirta of tHliysten latanui;
ore in Diiemher, 1IU8, wen l(iS3toia,
vajuwi nt fl.lDIitW, tba lUtwrtmaMt
ol eomwehHi now reorla. lliMttfkuAK
Chum, and Chila ware Ike eh let
aouiva. Cnilixl Ktuto export of
tuikitaten and ferni tuiigalen nwliil in
that month totaled !! pound, worth
4A170, nnd were prmitteall all "to
Tho eoiitiniiiHl alim ailhmiettu
menu Hint eidlnra will de aiuall dut
llhuk, drown nnd silver emdroul
fry nru eharmiiiKl) uned uu hlauk
Willi Wilt.
Crown (Hilar nnd blaek is u firat
tloiiu in color eoaidluntions.
lint alovvlt'. nuitlot our fooil
thon nulily Itat hut little moat anil
none at all for aupper If'joil are vtill
trouhtixl with miur atomnch lake one
Of Cliaintiorlalu'a Tablet be'ore ce
IliB to heu - AUvt
Rubber stamps and pad. Tho Sun
Word ha linen reeeivnl dv (iooiv
T (dh II, alatu dtrtelor.ol war snv
lii'ic. Iniin Carter (Jin, M-eretarx of
I (lie treuiir, and A. S Hurleaou, pot
maater Knuml, wamnur Idat traffic
in war aavuiR tam) i iIIokhI be
aiiM Hlnmps am not uiafotiadle He
Kirta duvi hi en reeened tlmt iiiiiuv
al-iiMIM were Imiiik wrureil rnm the
H'lipual punhaaera d dealer. A. M
Doker, third aamatant (MMtmaater,
wlj wntle lor Ilurleon, mix i
liiaalem hhould not reilmia Hlamtm
whieh thi not have the name ot the
Hirehar on the eertirieali a ai.imim
lie hot reileemalile exeept lo the
"tijriual biddara evwpt m cuat of
death, or diaahilitv ot the oriKinal
ladder, when (lie estate may riilem
Idem. Holder nf atawj an. urgm!
lo keep them, a I hi form a hadi.
of thrill. It it is found nary to
let tbtun co, eaad ma be ohlained lor
Ibem at any imattitfiae where laonex
order are aold, after ten da.v wntlen
mdiee baa beau given
There are naari.v five hundred mile
of ainjjle trank uleetne railroad Iminy
( operalei I in Utah, aieoriliita; to n n
iwrt Kveu out d Direelor Sam I,
illouera of (he iwimu Imreau, Uniled
Stalea ileiiartuiont of wiinmana. Sal
Uri?.. !!,'! W".BM lw,a "KProxmute
IH.IWd.OOO oaed jar. In 1007, when
ilectnii ruilwaja wire joung in I'lul,
(dure were hut alaiut a liundred und
twtntj-fiMi milea i,r wllMie. (nuU m
ojmrntion in tho state.
For ofieetivenuaa is n atniiK of
Kraduuted jmhiHs worn wild a simple.
llnglun and kimono sdevi nppuu
ou coat ns often us the bttin uritty,
-yn"'jssMSasai im
AiriOMOIlIU: 'lltANSIIIt ll
(live ii your tiuiitltitc f frcJsttii'H
like work anil It will n i e prcerBB
nttenllnn No Job I too tjrc- or i Bfl
mimll for u to liumlli IrtliktkflB
Itlxen our iMnl nttenti in Wi&BBJ
iCIirUtciiio'li. I'lione 'JuwJ I .ice Vut Bfl
Knici:orsi.i:oi'iti xi.iMtnH
nml I'eriMinal I'mptrtv MilxBB
I.oiiIh i) lloffiniinn. Hi i. -.L Tvfll
hiiKlemluniHl, mlmlnltrit is bt IViflB
wtate of l-oul t) Moffir i Jew4
will eel I at private niIi on Andlfrflfl
Itlio Itth ilio of Mnn.li 101" thria-BB
IIiihIiik ileta rllail real in i-m Bfl
lrort, t'.wit Tliut. x.ti -BB
oiio-hitr atitnw of tl'i ifnl Hi
of the 1'ilie Walir inmi i lta
Hhare of Hie i iot I kI Bl
ttotieer DIP !i No ., t.7 litw BJ
ami fiiriiltiue of tin Ii t ' , 1 1
ileceaMHl, ami all i.r tin iKhUIBs1
claim ami in l err l of tin i. rowJ HI
ami to the aoutheai.t on ,lrr cf U
Houthmort iiitarli r or H II n )Tn
IH II. Mouth of Itiuxi I" ) t,WflB
lAke merlilUiii, Oar lion itut'r tut
Wrtttau Nil will Imi re H. I otlHfl
rlih.iice of thii umli reiKii I l'i ITn
UvrlHin (imutx, I'lnli 'lert iitaHB
eaah AMCIt IIOITAt N . Vimiffll
Oatixt Pehriiao 27 IJI5 Bfl
l'liM piih, m. , in ',!. h l fl
Mnii'i: con I't'iti.ii vnov-
(I'uhllahi.r ) lHiartmiiit r the !
trrior, t'olteil HtatPN Uiml iK'lit'
Halt Uke lt t'lah. Man Ii II II"
Notice I hoiiJiv kiviii th t Ky
TUIwell, or Wi ItliiKlon. t lili. v
8eilem.cr lit, 1913, m.i I. ilc x uu
enir. Hi rial No OIJHil r r I it
S. HHNKU. Him I.. Twp Ij N
Itauife 11 lut. 84Hi: Hi l,t
M Kouth, HaiiKe It Hum t II U
merhllau lam fllml nollti r intrntM
10 make final proof, to l i I h iUJ
to tho Imiil above ihirll ' I''"
the ilerk or the illMritt i rt f
flail on the S0t)i ilav i f M ' "
I'luiii'int imnicN a v.itm Kr'r
11 Mlluer. Jr. Kuni Inmi I JlJ
lit. Ii, Wllltam II Tlihvell, tr
WellliiKtoo. Utith HOI I, I I i I"
I. ICY, ItkKUter
llnrt u. Mnnh II lm '
triin: -to w.vii.it "-r
,Htte IClliclnevrM OtlKl . i"
flty. ITtah. Jtanh r U w
lrel. Hivfii that I urn I ?
I rffhe aihlre I It ii) ' ?
nmile anplUathin In . r I
Hie rwiulrenmut of tin I '"l"1-
ljwa of Utah. t07 . u uU
tUt. H4.aMl.01 l-iw i.r t l ib ' '",
ami ll, to appniprliti 1 n ilf"
il l) or a -iml-r.Hit or w rrj
u mall unnameil apriuK 1 '"""d
;iount Sahl aprliiK 1- nt 1 ' 3' M
Uailiit 31 Ii ft tuHt an I ' ' H
north of Hie iiuthw 1 n y.HI
IJ. Twp 13 Month l.aiiKe I iW
jke li4 ami innrliliaii T iSH
'will h illvorttMl hy in van- 1 1 '"".IS
lam iHoutriliteil jnct below I' MlrgS
laml there iimii) from Janu ' '' ,vM
lHHwinlMr siet. lm I11.lv t, if( '.'tfHJ
'to Irrlmte niKhly uire or I J" H
lrui 1 1 , mn NV.HU t it ',,.95
.It Hit applliatlou l tie 1, ",19
the atate enHliivera off He 11s '
All prottwU HKalnH the KT ' n "B
'wvlil upplliallon, HtutniK- U Sfl
iherefor, iiim b niuile l.v M'r JJ
i In ilupllcate. auioi nmnlwl w.t 1 .JI m
1 f l 0. ami rilwt In thl ofii e '; S
1tlilrt (1U) ilaya artor tlie i u J I' 3
f the iiulilliatlou or thl no t 1 u 9
MUlONAdl.lC. Hiato I.11K0 ,, P
IMlu or fhvt pull, Mar h H j; H
I)Ih or toniplHtlon of puh, Ainli'H
mm .
Wo don't know vvhnt xnti l')r
think nlmut it, hut for our I .rt g
btdiuvo Turkey would luvvo hu I'1 n
off if aho hud Htiuk to tho ruff b"8 i
iiuaa. q
Thero'a ono tliltif tho Utftd lepf' Z
tnro eunnot do nnd tlmt is mite t
utiiteuBo ndovo suspicion.

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