OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, March 14, 1919, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1919-03-14/ed-1/seq-8/

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H Ibb
I Price Will Obtain
H j It i our btuincM to install 'GOOD PLUMOINO. For the next
J fifteen days we will install any plumbing fixtures that you may select
BBb ' cost price.
We have several outfits on hand that we must turn into ready
H, cash. This will he a saving to you.
! Elbows, Tecs, Unions, Hydrants, Stop Cocks, Plain and Hose
16 Bibbs and other material at exceptionally low prices.
l Until further notice our charges for labor on Plumbing and Heat-
BBal (T Ins will be at the rate of GS cents per hour.
BBJ. Plumbing and Heating material wholesale and retail. Yours for
B tow prices.
I : : r-
H Turner Block, Price, Utah.
BB i
t l
BBl Mrs. K. 11. Hineklcy cntcrlnlncd nt
!k bcnuli fully nptoiutcd (liimrr 8nt
unlay in liiinnr of tht birllidny nnni
vcenwiry of horjiyithor, Mrs. .lohu II.
Socly. Tliu Kuosfk inclmlril llio im-
OUli . mediate member (if tho fniiuly, Mr.
BflaU ' nl Mr. W. ! Caudlnml nnd Wil-
BBI j Hnui . Ti.lwcll .f Wellington, Mr.
BHttl nnd Mr. Alliort Merrill niul fniiuly
BHMi "t Soil Ink'o City nud Representative
Bill ' It. II. Hinckley eiimo down (n bo prws-
Bfl j nl on llio hnpity ocrnsinn.-Mt.
Bfl Pjotnuiil Pyramid, Ht It.
j Mr. nud Mr. Carlos (Jiiudorsoii HU
BS' ' nnuneo tin wcddiiu; of their daughter,
Bfl Miss. (Henna, nt llio fnmily home in
Bfl( I'rire next Tuesday cttinutr. Mnrcli
j . I8lh, In .John 1). Clifford. Tho bride
HB lo lie nt ouo of the younger sociely
BJ ' folks ot Price nud it clmrmiti;; Jtoiuij:
BB i Indy of many uccomplisliinculs, who
BV , tins fjroHit to youiuj womanhood in
BJ this city. The groom is 1,1 ic foreman
1 '' "
of tin ear inspection department of
Denver niul Win (Irnuiln nt Ililpor mid
is held in IiikIi esteem by nil who
know liiiu. Tho cuuido lire to itinkc
their home nt tho niilroml town.
Mis llililn Mndncu was hostc nt
it fitiuily K'tthcrinu mid dinner Mini
ilny nftcnioon, Mnnh .'Id, in coin
momnrnlion of tlu eighty-fourth
birthday nnnivcrsurv of her father,
tho Into Andrew Mudscii, Sr. Ikr
jjiiwN wero Mr. nud Mrs. C. V. An
ileraon nud fnmily, Mr. and Mrs. K
. Anderson nnd finnlly, Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Mndscn nnd fnmlh, Mr.
nnd Mrs. C. T. Mndscn, Mm. Mnry 0.
MmWii, Mrs. ImiIhh Johnson, Mr.
Jiyrun Carter, Mrs. Nwen O. Xoilscn
Mrs. N'ellio Nnrns, Mim Nellie Norris,
S. I). Longsdnrf nnd Aiithon Mnilmn
of Hcnficld. Mt. I'leasnut Pyramid,
( nrlxMi high basketball leant noes
lo hiHiiigvilo t'liiiormw innrninc to
pln with the I rum then' for this ill
w in'i nil" II (hi1 IolhI i'il w
it ki'h to ko to Die Mule loiiriiniiii'iii.
1 Bargains
B ' ' One (i-Cylindcr Ituick. five paasciiKcr. $ 800.00
B One O-CylinikT Ituick, .sewn piisetiKcr 1000-00
K j , One Chevrolet, five luiHsenKcr ... :t25.(lfl
OneFord, Touring 200.00
1 One Maxwell, Touring .'tOO.OO
H I t One t-Cyllmter Ilullclc, five inrnsenstcr 800.00
m J One Overland, Touring .: fiOO.OO
H A And a Tew others.
HJ ' Small payment down and terms to responsible parties.
K ;
I Utah-Idaho Motor Co., Div. 5
I -
I Sixteen Years Continuous
H , Experience In Fitting
H Glasses
B rti I'lmifinrir mrtrtnrnriititliil''''" ' '
B ; Lxamlnlng room equipped with the best Instruments known to
B i tho optical profession.
V .Licenced to practice optometry under the state laws of Utah.
II dlassea fitted to inako you see perfectly and in any style you
J wish.
f ' R. E. MOSS,
H I Optical Specialist. At tho Elite Jewelry Store.
(Conllniifd from imgp x:)
nud n liulf rents for shrnrrrs wlu-it"
lionrd ih ftirnislii'd nud fourteen mIiitc
the nn'11 iMinrd IhrtnscUiw. Kle to
leu tlioutfliid uill lie drjipil in Nun
Mill Ihis spring.
Thirt-fivo thousand, six hundred
nud sixty-seven horses nnd mules nrr
ir'torted to linve died from disenu or
xwiumkt in the service of the United
Stntes lie fore tho nrmisttcc wns siku
i-J. The lotnl casualties were 4211.
While It would linvc.tacn itnMisilik
to lime fought tho wnr without thu
iiHilnr truck, tho nutoniobilc nnd the
tiHitnrrcli', it would nNo, snys n ror
rwpondenl of tho Wnsliinttton Post,
hnvo heen iniosilile to huc fought
the wnr without the horse.
I"p lo llio time or the siuninf; of
the nniiistice there were 101,031
horses with trvp Amcrienii expedition
nry force Of these only '10,8-1:1 hnd
lwn shipjicd from this country dirt oi
ly for our service. The Imlnnru hnd
hj-i'ii reeeucd from Krone, Knglnud
rnd .Stinn.
Klni'wlniiritip will lie-in nt Mo
n'eun i ImmiI rtl loth, .e-or.lilif; to
liulletm ikhupiI.IiikI eiltiosdiiy li .1.
(Veil Allir of the I't'li wwillier Im
renu. At Wcudover, the liulleiin
state, the lisnds hse nlrtsnly Imvuii
It t mil northw ml, out mh et there
ih no imjmrtnut imi.vc ttiont in life
l'ri'o luliorj
L It. Anderson of Mnnti wns in
I'riee Sntiinliiy nnd Sundiiy uTter n
trip to his herds on the old Ireltind
ruiinh in Kinerv county. His Hocks
nnd thine of nil others in Hint heetiou
hnve Kone I h rough the winter well.
Hu will slmtrnlioiit hix thoiiwincl hesil.
The elip will vouic out to Price.
The l'tnli Atwoeinted Industrie Imw
Ikpii invited to Ik- represented on the
njwinl iirogram of tlie iiuiiuaI wo"
arower. convention oT tho lit 'i
Klnle WixilKrowprs' niworitioi to ot
held April ,1st. Tjiis is Mild to V in
reooKili"ii f the M'nires wlitnh tl"
AsNoeiHtnl Industries enve in mnkiiif.
ii studitd siirvej nnd inrostiKntioi,
into the jNilulity of eftinlilixhini; in
ilinttriit in the state, whioh would re
sult from ih storing nnd rlennsini; of
Keihirtx fiom the wnr i1ekiirtmeiit
IiIhiw thai from the tune the United
Slate entervd (he wnr up to Imiiiary
11, HUH, there whs it lotnl or 07,1 US
HtiimnlH bipH'd oversons, whieh In
iIuiInI filSt Mralry hnnwn, :w;W()
draft hom, 'iS.tWW ilrafl ihiiIvn and
nine Inutdrwl and sn'ctity-five mek
animal The tout iiiiiiiIht oC animals
llul en route ownwas so far as re
HirtHl i six hundred iHtrxs and
jiiiulm or Um thsu 1 njr ewit of thu
lotnl iiMiiiKr of aniiHaU shippeil.
llnffalo iiMt is wiill h prime favor
ite of the iMst inarkuta at Salt Ijike
uv. It is rtailinK lHlwen twenty
I to fifty eeuls n Hund, hut it is ulnltie
id thai the idmI is really s rlieap hs
'bef rouiul stenka nt thirty or thirty
(live I'entr, 1hkum; in Imtcherinie th
iiiniuuil the Imiiivt arc nil n'liiovetl, so
j no pnw is thnrxed for their weight.
iKeversl of the huffnlo from Antclopo
I Island 1mo heen Mid In Y.um hutelitr.'
nud Hid meot is proi one of iho
iitost salnlilu offen'd.
live stock uxaiiANor.
IIODKN. Mnreh 13. Tho Ojplen
l,is Stock exelisniie wns orpiuised
lust iiiiiht nt ii meeting nttended liv
twtuly two repn-enlBtive stock dtsih
ors nud eommiiou . leu who signed
for charter memhership. Artieli of
iiieorMrHlioii ate to he pmwirel .im
mediately lor n iSifi.liCMl orKanisntiou.
V. I. Norton will he first president;
U I. Keller, Mrond vice preoleilt;
lidin A Moftat, rl4ir ; It. I).
1 Idlers, treaier; wilii .luliii Child
and IM Hampton fomplellnit the di
rwlurste. lleahUarttirs for th nw-U-xebanay
will he at the I'uioti nl'xU
tHrd. The organisation has hiiH
jliniuiiht ihout as the iviull of ike
glaive volume of Itusinesa that nasi
: tuade (uden one of the liMviwt irwl
ini( .int m th Weal. Tho eel of
the exehniiire here lo urinir alHt
eloM-r relulions among tlralan and (a
M--urt a uniformity ut trade jirarliew
has lMn fell for soiiM'tiuM, hut Immi
Inn-it hnmyht iitost forcibly to atd
lion Huh apr.ntr by a marks that baa
irin Mpidly.
I Tlie new eiuui.ee, rhwi' a ill pmk
!!! iMH-tuiie rf mviulkr of the Na
tional i.ive Stotk XL'h'init) at an "arlv
iinte, libit I een onunumi to maiiituiu
n ioiiiuierml exeitaiiK, not for ualn
t.r iiclii, hut " r. i.romote unif i i ty
in the customs nml usacra of lra!ers;
to Miculmte pii.,(.JiM of justiev ,inJ
Huil in trwk; to n'rv eriet
snd hijfh moral prmeiple in Ih
transaetioiis of husiiiMt; to nikpips
ontidauiH in the uMtbftds and uitif
rtty of its mmlHrs; U facilitate tho
se)d adjiistmwit of lmsiuiwa dis
putew, to sBiuirD and disaemiuale
valuable romuiert ml jnd wnmiiuui
intoruiation; aud xrnarally to set-iir
to ,i iiHiiiilM'rs and luilr lis tht l.e.u.
lit of -o-oiHiration in the turtherama
of their legitimate pursuits."
When the I'tah wiKilrowers hold
their nnnuul coiiMiiii'ii ApriLlst 'it
Sup l4k- I I? ii tn uhe'i 1 4 of in.
p.r lice will be discussed, ikh n 'in
to (' It. Stcwurt, u'creury of the us
For L?ss than 3 Hundred Dollars I
You Can Buy What Cbst 3 Million I
Three million dollurs wns what it cost to perfect the comparison 1lie two renditions eonld not l ,), icB
New Kdison. And if lhm times three million hnd been '- f"V"' Mlf"""- ,Mon,1". nr,or '"n,.h ' " rttB
. . , ... . , ., . ... T, a buried hi his lirborntoo. In'' every fncull rrntns.sH
miulrcl it would hnve been spent. H.r when Thomns uM pm) Finn' ,u, cmcr,(, , BR ljnlrM
A. IMison nssnited the problem of iichicMiijr nn instm- wrv al nsl WflH uj,t tlie world hnd lone; nw...!ed,M,B
incut which would nctunlly ro-erentc nn nrtist's voice or struinent which would re-crente, nut mirv' itsH
iustnuncnt with such fidelity tlmt by the, text of direct He exhibited H
"The 'Phonograph Willi a Soul" M
"No humnn enr can distinguish between the living i.roed the truth ot the Krcnt seieutiit's il.m TVH
voice nnd its ItcCrcution on this instrument" he told New Hdison does re-en-nle the tirttsfs 1,1. iriwnl
...directors of l,i company. "And the same npp.ies to ll M
a violin, n cornet, n banjo-nny tiiusirnl instrument. .Now nt . ,.,, r ..JHr,( ,. fncil nUmtor, nodiUI
build replicas. Don't lower the standard I hnvo set in ensed in n bountiful Chipcuilnle or Willimi nml lurH
this official Inlxirntory model. I've sient $3,00(),0tK) to rnhinet -the instrument which tost 3,00(l '. J to mH
perfect this phouoKrnpl' It is rendv to offer to the itub- feet. Cull tomorrow nud hour ou Im r,!. -iinpsH
lie." Hundreds of tone tests conducted in public lnre created. H
FktKtiimu Kodnck nnd Supplies. H
When yon get (he Knstmnu nnd Kdison ,mmi net 4)10 bust. H
somation. Dipping regulation nnd
laws will be outlined nnd exlnine
en re nnd ro-onerntion-tt'ill bo urved in
the limit r of senb nvoidnnee. Thu
net easily for Hxing prices on shep
sheariiiK nud for w.ijjo fot Haiders
nud iBiiiptenders wil. be ndvoetiled.
Oi-onlint: to Ntcwhrt ns high ns
tweutv dollars to thiity dvllurs u iIhv
a'iis mndo by shonrvrs during tho war,
due lo the exorbitant rntes that some
oT the sheepmen were furred to pay
for shearing. It is hoped that 11 maxi
mum of fourteen rents per head will
lie fixed us the print paid to shearers
in t'tnb. "At that figure 11 good
shtsirer can mini from ten dollars to
twunl) ihillnrs n day," say Stewart.
Olmr subjects that will Im t rente I
are lowering of taxation on sliep to
meet the market prir, outlining or
the hounty laws that will have Twmi
4td by the st.ite legilutur, dis
euMioo of best iiioIIhiiIs for eofpera
lion of st 'Us, government ami indi
miIimiI in xtenuiunti.ii of prtaier.v
t'lld .ininuls nud the jMSMtge of utriii
,xnt iwolutions jirotosting Mgainst
Hh imrease of grnsing pries in for
est reserves.
On of the most hlKiiifisaut sub
jiH'ts to be taken up will be the start
Mig of h stntcwidu proHgiiuda to get
iiery furmer In ouu n few sheep.
"Not until every ranch nnd farm
owner doe this will production of
live stock bo sufficient to meet tho
.demand for meat in thu future," do
elnros titewaiL
That sheep by nature of their eloso
grilling habits can eat the weed nnd
grasses of thu f 11 nil that cattle cannot
touch nud thus practically maintain
IhemseUisi is Stewart's contention in
1'iiMir of the "own 11 few sheep" eimi-iwign.
CIIH'AUO, March 12,-What wns
officially eharaelenseil us an "cHoli
milking" event in tho live rtwk in
duslr)' hs nnnounewl here today. It
is an onrauiiwtloii of lie stink men
aud Mtrkcr, with the government
represented, designed to elimiuatH ilif
ferenres betwMui iwckwrs ami live
stok priMlueers as fast as thev iveeur.
The, aim tfment came on the heols
of a forty-Mght-hour eml'ere)tee at
temled by retrMiitatives of the lite
stork aMHK'ialions of fie slates and
bout fifteen leadiiuc Mckers of tht
country. "Itig fiva" jmekrs all env
tared uito the agremsul.
The tnte aaiHHuations rvprsenlel
were tbiM of Kansas, Illinois. Iowa,
Missouri and Texas. Other associa
tions, il was said, will join iliu move
went. lisides the ChieaKo packers
there were iekiiighouse niresiitH
tives from lluffalo, Indianapolis, De
troit, Cleveland, Aiutin, Tex., Ht.
l,ouis and I'ueblo, Colo. The eonfer
snw udopted u plan which calls fur a
eoiifcrouee NHHinitte of the liveslusk
indiutry, eouiMHl of twenty-tiuoti
rsprtsssntativea of the produesrs, tint
IMiekera and the commission nimi and
a gowtiHHiviit member.
Tlw Hgreeiuunl was rsgarded as
twilstiu until It has hem sttuetimiffl
bv interests not at the aoiifurenev.
riie plan 11. litem). Isli s local coii.ilul
tvoh al nil of the lrtduig live siuik
wmrkvls. (Imwcra who thuik they
have bt4n unfairly trunted 111 any
imirkat may ohuin the fuels thrmh
If the traitorous "oouiwieiiliou oh
jentors" imprisonwl ut Fort Inen
viorth lire given houornblo discliit'i,
nnd back jmy for nil tho tuno thej
wcio 111 prison, how noon will nur
I oys who fought in lrunco be homot
the local committee by which they
vill be fully represented, nreordinjt
to the plan.
In 11 general way it is thought that
the oigauiratioii, ns yol unnamed,
will go far lo ussist in the problems
nT reconstruction nnd IIhhm" brought
out by lemovnl of govenmieut iimtrid
through the food udmiuistralioii.
Market At Zion.
XOItTH HALT liAKK, March 13.
Cattle Itecuipts, fourteen Instil
nud market stonily. Choice lieaw
steers. 13.50 lo $M.(ltt; good steers
(weighty), iriaill) to 913.0(1; fair
steers, .!.()() to HkOtli fair to giHid
own and helrors. $8.(10 to 441.0(1: out
ters, .r.r.() in O.OU; eanuers, I.(HI to
6.(U; fat bulls, jf7(l to H.(MI; lei
liMinn bulls, llMI to 47.0(1; Veal eahe.
,4MK) to Jrll.OII.
Hogs Heeeits, forty-nine heud
nud market twenty-fic cents to fifty
ewits higher; demand strong.l'nm'e
, top Itog. 1".' to 'M iMiuuds, .r 1(1.011 to
Sheep-Itweipts, 110 Iwad. (IinhI
I choice lamlnt, 1I3.oO to ifll.u'1; ehmeo
iytwrlings, 10.f0 to II.nO; fat weth
ers, iH.A lo if 10.011; 1st cui. K.IMI to
W.W; tceder ewes, W.5tl to iftUSII.
I'nclS Sum's mails mm now reach
.Southern Ittissin. IIihniui.i the Medi-
1 lerrnnian and Itlnek sens luixc been
cl(d by wnr activities, no mull sent
fnnn the I'nited Htntes has reached
Hlack Stst sirts sine tho opening of
the wnr. Xow, how liter, letters nud
jsNteards of 11 Kronal or domentte
character will bo accepted for Odessa,
.Scbaitosi, N'mnriHuiiik, Kknteriuo
dar and Citucasia. All suili mini will
he subjected to ieuonhip m the
Kumpenu ismntry lo which they are
I diHmtched for onward transmission.
I The country in question, it- is (hough'
by loeal xlof!W authorities, wiIMh
Kwedeit or Holland, No regiered
rlielis will bv aeenlcd lor tntusmi
.mil.. At Kansas City,
KANSAS CITV, Mo., Mnreh 13. ,
Hogs ltewijits, mm head aud high
er. Heavy, flllJfi to 111.00; mteh
ers, $1!I.16 to 1U.A0; lights, KS.'iO o
.luVJfi; pigs, ij-ll.tHi to IH.V.
1 Tattle Iteccipls, lBlM) head. Slip.,
18 (Ml 10.(HI, eslem, 12 00 10
.Notice to Sheepmen
Tlw now khttaring plant nt Miller
I'ruek will bu istnduetwl unilar new
w(isnt, shtMriny to communeo
lKHtt AjhtiI 6th, iittxt. Courlwtus
treatment and giMid sorvimi guurun-
I teed. Sfluks, twluo and branding ma.
ttiriol will bo furnished at the plant.
our iwtrouago wlidted. Addroaa all
nmmuniotU)iM to
1 H. C. Ghristensen,
I'ltlCIi, UTA1.
Vou henr a (food deal of wishing
Jo, ii,. liiiu IIL ,1o oluiukliiomu
K'rls, but jf one of thoin were to wulU
down street right now everybody
would giggle about her. clothes.
f 17.00; eows, 1.0( to 1KMI bnfml
10.00 to fll.r)0: stock. n i.ndfnil
ers, $12.0(1 to $1(1.50. (,.K( -; .Diiil
Kheep Itecijits, JiOOO lu, UokH
iWSi in .tltLM; yeiirliiiflUDtH
$170; wethers, 1 1 Vl t- DiH
ewi. iVAJM o ifl !.;,( M
lluffalo Steaks Connor,
OMAHA, Mnrch II O .-,.
liHe H eluinre to sample I. liikignlH
within the next few ila ilbrcnH
wilt be 011 Mite ut (he pi. lit. nurtitH
ll will pndmbly sell Vr - i.tlafcH
lar n m.iiiiiI, slockimii 1 . VU
suiil lo be the first Ii d t lufibH
ner otfert'il tor s.ile 1 " "1 (;H
market 111 the world In I ,m M
by a live slock 1 mm l-'iH
South Omihn M
(liu-CVot IVe Word IjicIi lnrlk-H
.No flmrgo Vixymio M
WANTRtK-TWO flit Till I I '
llie,l .mm M I' I f H
von hai.i-icThhici.i, to-. -rmxiiB
almost now. I'rlo rr.i 1 itu. i M
I'ly to KuHfiie Cliatll". I1. I'Ul
ran hams uioi i.rvr is hbH
per tnunsltn that mini - soMH
clone, nn estate Imiuire 1 r ' ' h nuW
nttiirne)', I'rlic, Ulitli M
Willie led f-refi, .t I rrH
lo Hill I'rsMis, l. (1 lion ,1 liH
t'tiili. ami nselte rewnn' B
I'Olt HAI.H fATTI.K ill 81IUH
farm of liunUreil nnd sixtysaM'H
lluntlnuton, A Imrimlu If takm"B
JiHQtlili Utenileiiliall. Iluntlnttin. VutM
MoiIbI et, Hiven-i'a)"rii;::r imH
litxmolillis Must Im im:' ii M
iwtats. lmiulro a K I'la et'vtsH
I'rlic. Utah. H
a oh If mile soutlicust of 1 1. "JB
river iMittoui. oxrelluul w ' rUB
ami soma Improwmei.u 'ihe PM
tllOU. J. Klrhluml, liu 1 I'rs'H
Utah ! H
una- and wclultt h . ! 'Vrl,JM
HuiMlre.l iKtilMila es. it Hit ",,!:
waiji.ii Imrntwk n ' ' ''-' ' Vfkfl
Hll Hes me hI J(nl. 1 I u'i ' t ''V
A J Keiiluu. I'll I mh BBB
I'Olt I.KA8K I'Ort Ti:M YKB
On slinrtw or for en '1 irnl '
Improved U11U wltltlu nn nlla"H
walk of I'rleo. Owner will t rni!J'
Mnt ami other nei emisrlt " 4'H
a long Inane. Address II. i ""M
I'tsli .
I'olt AI.K Olt TltAUK JO .rrfHI
101 lliloriiiilliiiuil 111 f . t'illl
ian bo put In Hi.it! fomiiti i 'KB
cum. (las Komi top. fif' ''"'SB
wrib oxtnut. solid tire 1 1 5H
Newts new liaik tlie- fr fzW
Will Mil nt h barifuin Atlur I1' 'U
WuttW, I'tah.
Ninety ri front by t ' uStShI
and fourteen feot In dertti 1 BZm
Blhtli slrset, t'rlie Al f n.'B
front l,y aurai;s of eliftity f ' "'B
at cornsr of Main aud Ten! itr"B
It. W Crtckett
lug, WiMMlslrte. 1'ult I 1 ,:h
sail sswj corn tlmt I wuti I 'JH
lutu umiuig thn fanners wh !.
ripen In Imm tlmn niiictv da ' KB
besii hrnMl In this IiikIi cllmu' "
yea and will yield xtv hi. ''",
sure shelled ticrii. l'liint HflM
Itounds an arre t will scud l IB
nnat. twenty-five tent t pou"
Monoy order with order -"
Legal blanks of every desrlPI
itrramred from the best Icgsl t"ZM
and brought down to Oate. A lM
supply always on hand. Fifty coti'
Joion Tho Sun. B

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