Newspaper Page Text
as-a rPHI JllY-O. 1919 lH I j:rr7TTTTT--7TT the si'X. price. vtah-e ehy Friday page TIIIlBR j t m " '"W'iii'iiiiiiiiii ...i.iu u,.. ..pti. . III 4&00 If III , 1 A $J WitlwmOnce :J V X $' Shifting ( lean ft jdh f Y $ T 43TO MiWs IK X f g! in 7 Jj .ml 7 fk ig A ft '""""" I ' u : 1 v-v-jj t.W I i Y - I H v V M ' I W i Breaks High Gear Non-Stop Record 8 . ft',: Seven clays of pounding over cwintrv Lines ami through ' !rj , &: Mocked city streets in Oklahoma alwax in scaled high w Y J ?l: gear each day showing an average ol 024 miles and an fvK V Y 1$: average of 20.66 miles to the gallon of gasoline. jtifo W: Not once did the motor miss an explosion. Not even iwii A V ifr n spark plug was changed. ij A A, 1$: Let us .how you an exact duplicate of this remarkable- !Wi t a $i Mm,cl w car- ill!, V . PRICK OARAGE CO., AOENTS ' l$ A $Si Tho Tavern Building. :JW A $j rnioE. utaii jri A V fj1j Unili4iMlNrlr.'l"l ui fC.r.t'UI..-. l i )fj y w twiiK touur Hum JtVi A rllrnif K'd " Hewing Machine hUMV T,III,K '' r KntMliK Mlirlilims III III '"..eil Hawing Machine LILIll Midlines rented and re j I J l.linor Jamison, corner of j.i I J struct. Price. 1'lnh PROFESSIONAL mi. r r. itosi: I l'lilt Inn nml Surgeon I'HICH. UTAir I if! c Hl'wmnl lltiMdlng I nit. ir. ii .oi:r..M.NN l Hcntl.l I Ftrmanrntl) Located Over Price (.'.immrrclal Hank, I PltlCK. UTAII I 4 -- lilt sWI'oitlt IIM.I.INCKU IHtVIIST. . i.. i lllilir I'rlrr. I'Uli - -- 7 c a Mrii:i: I AlloriicjMitr.aT I Roviiik B unil 0, HllvuKnl IlldK. I . Piucn. UTAII. ' - . ; nnii)i.s,Ni i:ihckpi:x i I .,717 JikIkq lluimins f BAI.T UAKK CITY. UTAH. ' nurnrnicK ii woods i Allorn7tr.aiv "will 14 nml 15, Hllvaicnl IllorV. i , I'ltlCi:. UTAH. 4 MI It K. rriAV I lloriny.,t.rntr I 4l(llV III ("(llirl llllllM' j 4 riticn, ITAII I Jr --: " W l)ll().V lliirncy.Al.nnv I'rlce, Ulati . ,rri ' r In All th Cort. ' ir.iim Kioor. I'lnit Dtr 4 t of Tim Sun. " ' :; fiH M IIT. AI.KXAVHim . i WAIIDOll'S lliirnc)n nt Im, I 'lltneiil llullilliik'. i I'ltlCi:. I'TAII '" ' ' ir CIhuiIh 1' llnkn, ,Vli lll(i:it A IIAKKK I "HltM s nml (H'N.slM.OIth I 'l" iav t 'J ' ' 'h. nml Kurpka, l'th A K'nic M. I. nrHt I .,.., H O Rohulder I niN. niuri'ijT as sciiur.DUn l Alinriicjii.At.I.nw I n..-.JuilB8 nulldlnir I "A'T I.AKK CITV. UTAII I rn Hotel nulldlnK I IMUCB, UTAII I ' lino i,rt, riHirU'il wnnlwl to r IxcIh nt Imvton, with wmn ,'fl ""ll' dolliiw nr iiern in onlHr fceu.'V ''"'I'- I'i'"lr duly of k 'Bi'ta Slates iMiiiilowupnt bureau "''?" iu"s 'uotuil V'rulay ufter ,u nrrj uiuii up tliero at once, , NOTICB OF SALE 01' PROPERTY. ii'Mititiiifil from imKe twe ) ii..rtli.-t .ruff ..f M:, . li n ,'thimr i-.nih IIS f.-vt. tin hi' lit I iin fi.-i. ihcii. e in. nli its r.'. t iii.-v. HfKt Ilk fl'l ,l h lr . KlIIHIIIIf Hn li, Tp It. Hoiilli. Itiillk)' ..' I H I, M .. tiMMrMMl III tlu iiuIIIim f .)(U-t J I'hOIhIi Tin. ICtt nf HIS V. t'f- 17. Twi I". H..iilh. ItRHMf. I Knt. HI. M. n h.1 In I lie imiiii. of I'. .M. lliimiT IrfiU I. 1. 3. I. I mill . Ill.-k 17 ll.wr iiwnllf uro. I IfljH r lluh iwiiwiril in th iimou) "f IVttir i....ii' HImIi .f I'IhIi, t'uunO nf uiIm.ii ' I. II I' HlllHIl. ii.iihI) ilrtk till. I r i.ffl. In in mikI fur I'urlH.u inm tt, Hl i.f I'IhIi. ! lnri'li tirtifv tlwt li.' nlMi nml r.Hfi.iliik' u u full trm- mitl iiitiMt ilvwrlptKin t thi iriirl .ifffrr.l fur mU nt IIiIh tune, an Hr I lie nrtlr f thi Ixwr.l of iiuin ty Kimitilmlonvnt of fHrlntn . oiint. MMle f I'IhIi. Ill U'lllifwi WlmriHif. I Iinki here until uffUtHl in) limiil nml tlin mhiI of I'HrlHIII I'lHIIII). t'Ull. Ml in of fl In I'rlii'. ChiImmi iiiiinlv. KtMln of I'IhIi. thl Jtflll i)h of April, A l m. (Hill II C HMITII. Cuiilily I'ltrk mikI ISx.OffKlu Audi, lor of ChtImhi Count). I.'tnh. KN )lll- My t. Ut MHy Ift. 1919 COTTAGE HOTEL I'rce AulonioLllo 8rrlo tn nnd I'riim Hotel I'or auHit. iOOI, Ol.ltW IIHDS AT Vlo AMI 7.V. Automoliile Sen leo I'or the 1'hI.IIc IMy and NlKlit. Peed VnnU and Mul'lInK In Corinec tk.ii. J. T. Johnson, Prop. Wioiii, UHt 1'HICK. UTAH i For Sale- i 1000-POUND TRUCK, , Hllll top. A-l lM. kl0 I P. O. Box 177 i , IwplU-ntlMK unci trlplliiiU ! IhmiIw mud t' "rdr In iiuantltwii from u HunUr.! up lt.lii".l Ijri w ;Vfr Mhut uu " '' red. The Sun. I n.. uviiii .ilili lu -,MMI l H"J ati'iNi mi m ; vu mn i',u,i" UuiUKUH l- U4l P4l 1.MAmj lo limt .! ii" " l'l"l " '"" " Si'1 ' .,,..! juqmnwu K'u J" """ Jo I NumuMiwr wHWlUHmi wk uf roowntle BlrU." Thr U'l.t W other kind U-Kttl I'lankn deed, blank book, limit und ofo-th The Sun i jSlbcteojO!' 1 yj rirwnns C Aininunilioii ff . IHI O I ,r i II! Piolioo1in$ ElI't'iS thi or hi n( in:. I, kii.iiiiiiir i in mi-i a .iiM.i-.. mu) often I moult.! Tin- l putll. lllHll trim of In. id. I. In Tin iim-t iiiinitmii Mime of hiMdai he u ill-i.r.lri'.l ktoiiiu. Ii or iiiMipMtioii, Hindi limy l. iorreite.1 l tnklliK H fen iIimmhi of t'lmiuberlmiiN Tiibletii. Try It. Mmi othir hue oi.liiliu'.l ptirtnniinni rwllef li iMklllK there Tilhlelii Tlle nro to lake mid inllil nml centle in nlfml. Aihl. UTAH INDEPENDENT DI8TRICT TOR INTERNAL REVENUE TAX I'IhIi v ill be tuiiile it ii unleieiiili n' illhlnil lor llie colli rlinu of t'nilcil Sialic interiiHl revenue after .lul, Ul. TIiih htiileiuelit mw liuiieil in VhIiiiij.'Iiii, I). ('., Ihk) SHtlinla.V li Senator Iteeil Smmit, I'lillnuiii Hie receipt of h letter lroiu Daniel ('. Knper, 1'nileil SIhIi collector ol' in Iwrniil neime Tlie ileeihiim of the illleriwl icwiiiic enlleetor to elnliili hii nfl'iie in Salt laike City i (lie re Hill of cfforU of Senalor SiimmiI, h. InwiiiK a utiinii or protckl trow I'IhIi reiili'iiU on the ineonu'iiienee pIhiihI IImiii Iih'hI tHMer Mliee the ufliee lme been ilMbllliei at lleleim, Mnill. A H renilll of the etnlillll meiil ol' the new oft'itH m Salt laiko Cit IihiiiIhmU ol' I'IhIi reiileiit mil Im relit'MHl ol' I lie imimveuieiice ul' iw.uiltt' their liilerul Im nUlufnlinin. fiy IiimiI. Setertil hmolreil IIhhihhiI iliillarn. it in ImIicvihI, will 'm- pml at I lie aoil oftlee, mice ll U elMl llnlie.1. IlieoHie li., luxiirv luxe Mini pnvi bse Ue Hill eouktitule M large 'l Hon of the liMKJliewi eouiluclml. Dikconletii on the Mrt of I'ImIi lul era I txiMt,ver iInIck Imek to the lime Hheii . (' Wlialev, inleriml revenue collector fur till iliklni't, lieivisl the 'of flee from Klt laike City to Hel ena, .Mont., wheie ho roMiibw. The eliiuax to the itimtnm vM reaelitnl laet wiiilur when eore of I'Uli pro prietor of act u re IheMteni recieil notiee that they hail been penalisail for (Hit lauitiK I heir tax. It ib elop ed lale- lliat the checkM 4nt from Halt l.ake City to the oftice of the willn'tor at Helena hail nut been mail wl promptly to WanhinKton, 1). C. Seh.Hil eliililrin ot I'tah nxm u lie Hikwl to make (Hutcm illiitrnliiiK the i latitat thrift aloyan, "Keep tho Dol lar flniwinK-" llcury I). Moyle, aa autant atatu director of the national I war KiYiiiK atainp coiiiniitleti, haa ent nut circular to tuhixiU uuuuuni' liiiK the ouuttwt. Tina ta in lino with I n iiatiunuiilo iuoeiuent, according to iMoyla. Tho national eominittco 8 iiointinK nut that more than .$30,000, 1000 will bo available for reinvestment j Juno Ifith, when payiueiit of interent Ion tho fourth liberty loan ia due. rlLUMBER PRICES RULING : HIGHER THAN FOR :. YEARS J LAST RAI8E IS CAUSINa GREAT STIR LOCALLY ! I rrlces Jump Three to Tlvc -Dollani the Thousand Feet Because of De pletion of Stands and Labor Condi tons In the Northwest Especially and Over the Country Generally. I lull tiiiuber ilealcrs lme nceixed .tclecraplue ad ire from the lumber inilN ol the NiirtliMiH of an increHo of from tbric to the ilollur per Hhmi 'fuiiid hit in the price of lumber. Thin 'incrc,ie will make the nitwt for lum ber hiuhir than at any (htioiI diiruiK the ComiiHiii lumber it nun lor l miii dollar cr iIiimiiwiiiI IitI and tin other grades of I'iih-Iiiiik Iiiiii (bci raiiKc iiiiard an Inali ma 7tl.fi0 mt th. iiiiinl Tin im mi iiiereMM- of approxiiiiiililx ten ibillam iliinna" the pant Mur The lumber dealer m that i In limit jump whn caueil b the tiiiniiM' of HiiKm in emplojiv lit .the h.iiiilliiu; of timber nml I lie innuii I'liclun ol lumber ami the heavs e Nirt iliiiuuiil Tin laxt rame ha rau-cd -.imellnnic of h ilir ainona; hii pic uiKiik'cd ui hiilldlltjr MemberH of the "(Ittii lur Own Hume" cam pinpi at Sail Uike City luive inxiti Killed loinlilioim ami a rcxirl ha been Hied with the eommercml club in wbuh no Iii.m' ihimii for a reduction of biiilibm; materialH It i probable that IiiiiIiIiiix pnie max continue to p) up The pix eminent ih iloitig all in its mwer to Ktahhe iiiihilrie ami it i pmbable that Mime hlcw max be taken to open up two larxe fore! in I lab The iiatmual lumber Miluatiou is not at alt ciicoiinixliij; ami will liaxe lo In mwii immeibale nltentiiiu, turn berinin mix Analyai of the lumber Mtunlioii kIiowh that one Iiir- ai.mli tloll limiil, iiiM.riiiil and lliat in de pletion ol nil t-MKil.x available limber Miunl- Many Stands Depleted . One ol the InrxeM I'IhIi luinbennen hat Mini the milU ot the tltvat Lake lotiutrx, .Minuiolii ami WuHiiimiii, liiive prm I null all kIiiiI down tliniiib ih pillion ul timber KtiimU. TlieSiuth em xcllow pine lumber milU alMoibed Hie lilimi-of the Mul, lie Wit ulneli the Vorlheni mills wen- unable to take tare ol and are xirluallx out oT tbur own territory a a reull of the law cxmrl Inole they are haiulliuir, biiliK unable to lurillfll the lumber needed for the ilomeHiie nml I'orelKii market The rcHlill ha been that Hie .Middle Vii market i hcing fiim isliid with lumber by the Pacific I oast mills ami that for the Hot lime ill the lumber bilftiuem the U'ol Cimst null are actually fiiriiisliini( the . inni Kin.n- .i iitrnoer i" H liuiraei as lar east a Newark, N .1 The irniwtli nf the I'aellic Coast nulls, however, has not bieii rapid inniixli ilo take nil the marxill ol llirreaetl biisimwi thrust on them a a iiwull ot the iIimihk nf the S'orthein mills and .with the S'ouiherii mills K'Hita" into 'isiit traile. The IIHleMM'cl blinleli I on ihe I'aeihc ('nasi nulls i floater than can be hamlleil, with the result ("supply nml demand" brings an in- Ii'IchmiI prue. Then, too, the wood pulp paper mills which have followed III the path of the Northwest lumber mills furnish a market lor wantage ot the lumber nulls that pays more money than jcould bo carneil by Ihe mills lii work ihk Ihe wantage into Ihe usual bypro- 'iliii'ts such as lath. This has broimlit, a serious rendition lo tin; lumber trade handling those article which Iherulolorc have been worked up by Ihe mills foi wastage. Some labor I roubles have limn pi. red ihe lumber ilislricla, HiMieiilaily tlio.e of the Northwest where the Industrial Worker- of the World is rciMirted to Imve MS'iired iimisI ol' it rcenills, but Ihe lalsir siiiiaiion m not nearly so n siusible lor increased IuiiiIht priivs as Ijie deileliiiu of timber lnuds. A lo I'tah, lrunsNirtatiiui prubltuns con I rout tin mm. xxlai would develop re souiei of this stale. That is Hue with I lie lumlier llliluetrx. In ihe I mtali IUsiii ami in the Ixailaib for est some ot tlie. largest timlmr sUnds l Aitierica are Im-aleil, but a prohi bitixe traiisiHirtalioo eost makes lam Imt tnmi those forests unavailable. The ipienliou I wing proMimld is, will Hie governuietii step in and in the movement to slalilue industry pro- jXiib. government fund for the ism struetioii ul a railomd into either of thcec xugiu I uresis Billions of red Ready. Korea! ranger in tlie OgiUu gor eniment loiis.1 ulliee sax there are llM'lween two ami three blilnm teel of rii saw timber ready (or cutting in lh Kaibab forest and that the Hm ber la one of the newt ideal stand in jAiuerioa for uniformity of gradu ami ta) of wood. .Most of this lug hir es!, aiuordiug to the runger, is aindglit xcllow. pine. Danu I'arkiu oii, ohiei of the I tab loretry ofliee, ha been through the Knihab and says thai a more ideal stand of timber tor saw null operation could not bo found, that imwt of the tree aro yel low pine so that it saw null would not haxe iiulhng of imrtieular Hm of treoa as an oUtaolo of ojierattun. Tor soino y ear tho govunuueut lias been 'ailrortising ona billion feet of this .Vidlow pinu of tho Kiibab for sale, 'bu while Mime lumber dealers huo i figured on it the eost if transpiirta-l t ton has been (he stumbling Work There is now, aeeording lo lederall officers, n ibwl pending lor tti mr chase or a large iptanlil.x of the tim Iht in the Kuilwli If Iransporlatioii lor Ihe sawed lumber wen- axailahh lo put Ihe product on the market tin-, sale ituimtioimlilx would lie made l'ougrcsioiifl aelmii mighl ! hjsil tor the biiibling nr a government railroad into the I'tah ford as a means ..I aiding the slabiliriiig r indiisin bv bnngiitg lumber onto the market at m materially rcdm-ed prni as eotniaied with present lumber iimt.iiintis. It i barel.x seilie thai llie "ii.olx mid demand" iUi"tioii nmv ntiike pnvale inlen.ts, whirb an- fug enough, (.. further the giganlie eiilerprisi' of furnishing trnas.rta io i tn the I tub forest. GREAT GAM IN'SICHT Postponed' Qonferencc Crowds Ex pected the Largest Ever. I(cerx alums made at various hotels indicate thai the general conlcrcmc of the Mortthn ihunb called bx Ihe lirst ', president x lor .lune Nt. next Suiidax, , will be the largest asm mblage of it kind ever held in Salt Uke Cilx III fael so illgenl have In-ell (he rtilllrsls for Mceommlal inns ismntig into liuirilt heaihpiarters Hint I'n-snleiil Heher .1. Ilraiil has issued a call to all member asking their co oairaliou in providing si urn. rooms Ml leHwiimlile pnci for Hhw Visitors who Mill H unable lo del IhiIiI aieoimiilatinus Through the effort of Senators William II. King ami It. id Sims.t the I'uiled SlahM railmail ailmiiiistrntioii baa provided a one ami a third rate on roumltnp ticket and ll rt'irial of the Otegnii Short l.ine and Denver ami Km (Irmule aiiiioiinie Hint their lickel hk.iiIs tbnilighout the stales nf Idaho, Nevada nml Wjiuuuig Imve made record brisikiug nervatious for irosH-elive Hull Uke Cily isuifer eme visitors next week Allhollgh the In el crop I keeping fanner gvnerallx iuilc busy m all rural wrls of the lulerinoiiuliun dis trict it is staled b.v agrieultiirisls that Ihe.v eau better at lord In leie their work lor two or three days earlv in .lime than in spring when the seed planting season is at it height or later in Ihe summer when Ihe harvest goes iiilo lull swing. The tabemmle is be ing thoroughly lemivated for Ihe con rcremc Assembly Hall is also being made ready lor lbo.c vtlm will be un able to Hud standing room m Hie great cdllue IIcohIim thiwe two Mar- i rail Hall unil (he nut nf disir of tin temple Moth will be used as gather lug plate. Next Week's conference will mark an iuiHrtaut chapter m Mnruuhi his toi.v. I liber .1 llraut will be voted llsii a the slli-coMMir nf the bile Joseph I" Smith a head nf the church ami Ihe assemblage will be eiillnj iisiu in sustain htm a prophet, seer and revelalor. .Mclvin .1. Ilallanl, ic tcnll.v apis. inled h member or Ihe ipioriim of Ivvelve HH,lles, mil alii be voted oil NEW PLAN ANNOUNCED TOR REDUCED RAILROAD TARES SMiial rati of one ami a third fare have been grunted for muniltrip excursions over the Denver and Km (Iruiulc, aceoriling lo telegraphic in fornutliiiii I roiu I. A. Waillcigh, pas senger Iralfie manager of Ihe line at Denver. Colo., lo loeal agent. The reduced rate will be granted on the cerlilicate plan, it is statu), for all meeting of Intleniiil, rfligious, edu cational mul iinliliirv organiTalioiu, attemled hy mure than two huuilreil and filtv uieinber of Ihe orguma (Ion or (heir Immediale families. .Meui her of the orgiinmillon tilling ud vanlage nf Ihe rcduicd rahs must purcluiM' ii going tiikcl and secuixi u icteipt therefor, paying the full otio way fare. .n offieial at I he plitiu of meeting will he authoriM'd to slump approval uism all ne receipts, if It is shown that at least two hundred and filly persons bltemlcd the con vention. 'Ihe slauiNd or signed re ceipts, when presented nt the ticket oflue (or the return trip, will be no icpted as representing two thirds of, Ihe oneway (are, and only a pay. ini'iit ol one-third lure will be requir ed A minimum rate of Miventy-live cenl iisui the going ticket will be ih- ipunsl I roiiT all those availing them selves of the c.i iirsioii rale Tanlf loveruig the rale in detail ate Iwiug issued hx Ihe sisengei' lialhe com mi It is1 at Clucagti BEET THINNING CLUBS ARE BEINO ORGANIZED I'tah iH-elgniwers max face a seri ous lack o (arm help in the imme diate lul ure, according to V. J Kirk Iihiii, stale I arm help sasualit Kuia. lour thousand rtrjwire las-t thinner are needed on ihtf ianna of I'tah ami Idaho, Kirklasiu jsunts out. And in I'ache Valley whre twenty three tlioiisauil acre wTWls are load) to be tliilined four humlled foroiguer may have to la imMirlcd to prevent the beut crop irolli boiug a failure. Kirkham is working lit the interest of the forming of beet thinning club among the school ehildreu of the stale. This plan ha solved the lalair prob lem in regard to the beet Held of I'n.XMin, Siauish Cork, la'hi and tbroughiuit Sevier tounly, some of the children making a high aa five dollar a day, it is olaiumd. Kirk ham is sending out ipieatiunaireti to pupils in the various schools in an ef fort to find out how many of the laixa would really desire to enlist in the beet thinning ranks Iak.iI blank deeds, hl.iuk ku iH.tes and i forth Tho Hun BUSINESS ! Ml CHANGES I Ht HANDS ' Wm Orrin Elmer announces the r4il purchaso of the stock of general I TH merchandise, hotel, the feeding 'viH stables and sheep dipping cor 2TjXH rals of Orancr tc Marble at Col cl'fSH ton, Utah New merchandise Is P'OThIHI being added to the store and L VhnB everything called for by the tSB sheepman and cattleman will it""jJi be carried in stock at prices f "WJClityJl consistent with market condl r0SB tions. A share of tho patronago f SK of the public heretofore served Hn TlSn'i at Colton Is solicited. Stock WJ men's and drovers supplies of -iniTaTii every description in stock. I ill lllfVl Hotel accommodations the best. A if II1 Orrin Elmer flpli Successor to Crancr & Marble, "MJJl COLTON, UTAH Jg !tTHi.a i IIKfaKj We are serving patrons of , rWl our market with the best corn j V tm fed pork, rattened and killed i f " by ourselves, rolks who appre i iu elate this best of fresh meat will ' f iai find it here. Torty-two head ' ' J;"" arc being served over the block 4 ,',. ,r' . in roasts, steaks, chops, saus i . t istni ago and the like. The best of 9 r ,,",f' beef, mutton, packinghouse pro , l'.",,!' ducts, fish and game in season - - i..T ami canned goods. Our groceries ' ' ' inr aro fresh. i I '" "1 .MUX. .. !l Carbon County ' x " Commission Co. i i HI emu North Hlilo Main St., j ,h PRICE. UTAH. ' (ricullu ! ' - i's men 1 wild n , Inffet. Spring Canyon M . V ""if Coal Co. . .,uro m I lour 4 (aslitl l! MlnorH nnd Shippers of tho j , .noj Celebrated ! l aovcr . r sov- bpring Canyon . the Coal '' l din Minca At Bt ) lean STORItS, UTAH' del- trcfi " ' lo Gcnernl Offices, . 817 Newhouso Rldp;., ' Suit Lnkc City, UUih ?D . I bofl m " 1 I VULCANIZING ft p H U Modorn Machinery and First-Gl-us J lk Workmen. -. 'M New and SecomMIand Tires. x fl Automobile Accessories. M Price Rubber Works S. W. OOLDINQ H Korlb Ninth St., Just Off Main S Price and Hiawatha H Xow that the ipmrHntine is t tH off. (h I'rieo to Hiawatha Stage H Line is open for hinunoaa again . H on formur schedule). Ilttttur ' .H otpiipiueut than formerly new 'H nwii at tho holm. Ijok for the tH WIIITK CAIIS-l'iaree-Arrowa. M Hotter servico than oxer. John tjH sou & Knglo, operating. Office H at Tavern lluild'ng. (Jaroge, watt of tho Savoy, jBI Arrow Auto Line SS IMIICK, UTAH ' H 1 u. 1 L' D