Newspaper Page Text
I I H j PAGE SIX THE SUN, PIUCE. UTAH EVERY FRIDAY MAY3ij1,B I DR. J. E. DOWD K ,' l('inilU lliilldlng, Sntl ImU' llx, H flpei IhIIM In i1Ip-hmi nt rir n H ihho mill ihrimt nml fitting f kIhh-(- B Will If In I'M-. Max tt I., ilh i- K requiring opt rstlve treatment nrr i H quested lo nil ilurliiK thf rirrt Ihii ir H three .Ihk to allow I line fur after H tremtniHtit ixlntmenl wn ! mud B i hy timll l( deMied H ! - EVERY INSURANCE NEED B Can bo taken care of by this W firm. Ki Wo'ro Insuranco Special- B' Automobile, B Parcels Font, Bi, Compensation, Hji Tire, Burglary, Bt Best Service, and Bf. Prompt Adjustments n' Bonds, Abstracts, HBV I Conveyancing, l Notaries Public, H. LEE-NELMS CO. H IiienriHimtetl Wv PH.tmrs, Silx-tigm Huildiiij:, 1 SERVICE K Mnin orritv, Muin iimi l , Ninth hired, I'rliv, I'liili l H- jf j. REX MILLER H Jf S. KUSANO H i' Jstnne Monlimiillao of B llii'ry IomtIiIiiii HBVJ . Ciitcrlnu lt the Trade of lie- HHJ Ident if ttin Cet Chiii nnil HAS Burroundlm; Terrltor). K. fiirr mm uiroi'.vuo.vs Bbi Concrrtn Itulldlnir Huiitli Nlnlh BBl Ktreet, Utnh B; r i Thos. Fitzgerald B Kofi ItrlnkM nuit I'iniI Unit. A HBV Iteorl for (.'cnllcinoii, HBVj Clears, Tolmcttx, Clcari'llea nml HBj Similar McnliMmlUe. W Mnlu hirm B HUUH, UTAH H POOL HALL BBV Butt Drink. Clear, ToUeii, HBV ClKurtt. BBV CanUlrs. Notlilni; Hut Ihe Hut. Your Trade HollcltcM. B JOH SIIHVA V l'rkerWter IIMk. Price, H Farmers Mill and H Elevator Co. H tMt 1'leur At Mill, ir l0 l,b . 11.10; 11 t 9 I.U.. H Hrati In Hulk. I.s. In Stalks, D UlMhMt Mh I'rliM 1'hUI fr H Clipping 10 per llundrred round. H Ptwanliuf KtMiil WltfMtl tit 'r B . Wilbur Burnham, HBV I Manager. H, i ITIiut U'oiJ inlntlnif The Bun HHVniMwkJHkVHHHk- WELCOMING HOME DAY WITH AN EXCELLENT PROGRAM - CASTLE GATE PEOPLE HONOR S0LDIEH B0Y8 Rev. Peter A. Slmpkln and Capt, Baldwin Robertson of Salt Lake City Down Tor Appropriate Ad dressesDancing and Presentation of Medals By William Llttlejohn. Cnnlli' (lull- cilmiis liittiurniu S uriliij) I'M'iiiii' iin- In Iiiii n "WV1 iiiiiii' IIiiiiic l)n" lur their wililii'rH, Miilont nml iimniuw nt Aiiiii-wiMiut Hull in tlint (nun, llic pniKniiti hcjftri nhtft nt H nVliick uf llin fimii);. Tin-iimu-rt innrniiii. .Man'li, "Slum mill SlriMHi Pnrv.tir," Iwinl, mliln-w, Vi'Iihiiih liniiif," tv. 1'. A. Suiii ktii. winf, "Wi'lowm. liniui', bnlilii li". low Ini'kii in iiinjric, Itnlliuul tin- (IrcHt, m Ih'Iihii, "Atliilmliuii." Iwinl, Hililtvn, "Our IIii.xh." Ciipl llnliluin KoImtImim, h III t iV iiutu'iii', KIIIm (c KIIin. mui);, "CIiciiik". pn1 iK'iilntiim nf iih-iImIh, Williiiiu Little J'lllll. itIicIiiiii, "SolipH lit t( ,. liull," IniiiiI, I'iiIIiiwiiik tlir miHwrt tlii'ri' will In- ii iliini'i' Willi mxlci'ii nnliir iimnlicrx mul four nr five rx Inii. Stiiiic i'IkIiI liuiulrvil inwtiilinnM lim Im'oii M'tit mil. Ilt'lnw in (iimK (Inti'V liiiimr mil. llnm.r Hnll-Allirrt WnnWI, P .M. IMiiihii, Clnirl(- Aim, lUnm I'iiiih, lldiiirunin ViKimili, niml ilontim, P. U .iiiiu1, Willimn Ml. (iIocimim-iI), (I. U NVNiui, Ituiliilph Ziilicll (iIi'cciihciI), .Inlm PihIi, ,lr., Duxnl Kxniii, (I ('. I.illli'jiilin, Mull I'liuit, Trni'V .ImifK, Alfred Mill. Oiiiivi' lliirriN.ii, (' II. KteW'iiMiii, .lr, biureme CheeketlH, I lurry (liiniiliikin, Arthur OpiM-rnmn, .1 S. IIiIIh. 1. CiiIiiimImi, Willimn Wli.l Inn, I). V llilberl, A. K. llelier, II. I J. IVrkuix, (InirKi' Mre, Vinee Peiidii, Inlm I'iuiIIiiih, Umi Speronl, It S. Wtmlt'j, Welmler .Snf, Alex .Inmii, (1 P. Iluiken, V T Aery, Jr., Al-fn-il Hire, .lr, Ditvul .liiiKt. lliirr.v .Muther, Sum HnrriHr AiiK'i'lo ('ostiuino, Cliurleit Tiiuiteliuer, .lr.. Hurry IjhIin, Willimn .lorn, HiikIi WiIIim.i!, .Iiiuu-m I'JiiiiiI, Clmrle lllniico, Sum S. Sillier, Inlm b'inill, .link Diipm, Mike Knpiiki, .liio 1'otii.lio nud .1 It Will- llllMIII. NumcroiiH iuitnlliiiH lime licen n reived tit I'riii mid It ih expcili'il llii'iv will lie n er lnrj' nlleiiilitnie fntui Hits rity n well iih I'nuu Hie iilher Iiiuiih mid eiunp-i of Hie iniiuty Suit Uke Cit iiImi Mill lie well repr'e ' willed. GREAT TIHE FOR HIE KIDDIES Closing Day of Price Schools Spent In Outdoor Sports. "I.i. Pnilny whh h red letter d for Hie liny mid girl of our mIiohI. Pirwt It tuiirkid the i'Iikiiik nf h Mir iwflll .er In iikoI nf Ihelil, mid wnmiidly ll hh miide the oieiiHiiiu of one nf Hut hnppiiitl Iiiium ewr curried nil hy it tMiiuiiiuiuty nf Kiddle," Mild I'nif. (' II. .MihUcii, priueiMil nl t lit I'ni'e pulilic M'hiNiU, when linked li Tim Sun for mi m count nt' Hie dny 'h iiM'HIh. "Stiidi'titM iiNMeliililed III Ih'eir room nt lhi umuil time to receive their eunU nml nturii home In tell ' tin' 1'nlkn. At HI :.'I0 o'clock ue limn ed ii proieiwion nml limn licit to t'lly I'urk. Arriving there we iiwinldcil iih n ln,'" fmuily mid tile our lunrh eoilH, after which Hie order of the ilny whk MiriM nl MinoiiH kuuU Inlcmpcn ed with it churl mid hpley prnnriiin. Not mi idle moi;ient iinpcilctl the pro t'le mul lull enjoy meiit of the dn "Thi pnKrmu, rendered li the vtlldeuth of the ieenil iiniiiih, him liKleiieril In with keen pleMNtire liy nil Hwiemhltd, liolh ihlldreii mid iMtorn, Tin) cent ml nleit of the pnintm wh HihI it khould Krou out of the work nt the M'hnol mul nIiiiuIiI mil enucumc extra lime in prt'wrHtiou. TIiihk. wlm heurd imiuniiuied ll hii entire mic- , i. i'lieu emne the time tor tin hull irHiue The Krtnle temu ulmvi I he tlnrl ilefeinleil the honor nt I hen room, Hie Sixth A heiiiK xieloiM met Hie Si lh II Mini I'll III II Not mm I i'lilliiiiiilii wbk crcMlwl when lucxcli meeH xxere Himouiieeil heeiue mol I the ernuil hhk prewinilK tor III film I exeitlk. The mxlh hich, IihI Ii.x S. A Olu'li, cIiiIIihh1 I he otlici ith iron I.', Iwl Ii.x mMlf, In u tiifc l hmi Mirxiwi.Hie emml. "AIHmiiiicIi ii xxuk Ule in I lit wller IKHiii, keorex nt people xxiIiiiamhI tin . exenl Txxne th niH lirnke, hut w eonfldeut hw eHvh lile nl ulliliwti xiiiory Hint it mxx npo hud In be eureil Hy loniu up m com my Mih drew Hie lower Iwuk nf the emml I'miiMMir St. .lohii Helm mm judj(t How did It come out The kixtli hi(l Krude ure tellliui no tnlen, hut it xu notitrcHhlf Hint they loll fur home no xeiy imucIi in need nf it Imth. Po Hum, ut leii.t, h dump climax to i pei'tiH-t ilny " UTAH'S PRODUCTS CAMPAIGN SURE Or GREATEST SUCCESS lteMirt I nun thf I lull Mmafui turorH' itMMieiution indicate, thu nf fitiinlN Mty, that ultlmuiih the Htule xx ule itdxHitikiiiK cauipiiih'ii ih only ill lU mmond uiH'k it Iiuh nlrimdy uruunoil kiitficiviit iiitvnmt mmniK thu piMiplu nt tlio xlutu to jtutilv ml th tiffort - mid expeiiKi. to which the iimnilfai' turon huxu time. From nil purls of I' I nh letters uro lieinj; rt'Ci'txed com mrtiiliiif; thu enterinse of the iimnu fniliireri mid iIc(I(,'iiik' supMirt to the moxemuit. The Iiuiiiiuim mun nl Ox den Imxe gone on nconl ni liciiit col idly behind the mnmifmiturcpi mid I will Ii ml exiry poixible mil to th up-! Iiuitiltnr nf I'lnli's indutnct. IndirntintiM hit Hint Utah miiJci nre rvHKiiilinj,- i nllnisiatlicMlly In th.' iqipenl nf Hie imluitnoM for the mip-1 Mirt of home iimtluct W'otncn ' cliilit, rommcmul orKuniruliuiiK, Islxir IhmIkv, pulilmhent mid uthum haxel will epriionH nl approval. The reiHime Iiuh been nf the mnl en couniKilie; kind In the members nf the Hpirinl adxertmint; coinmitliu of the maniifaclnn nt nnil nil nre conliiliiil uf the umpmlified suretwi of the ef fort to iinuiM' the entire ntnte in a Kindle enmpiiiKti to the lolxuntae mid iit'tielit uf dexelopine; home inttitu tintii rather Hum to cnd munex In other ntnti-H. The ttniewi of the campaign Ihlin fur Iinh eiieuuniKed the inemberH uf the iiMtot-iutiuii In such mi extent llmt the Mope of the original cainmipn Iiuh Iikii extended to iiiilmle iiliicu linnnl imilerial lur the cnplo nt llic ntale PiicIh are lieini; nthered mw for Huh work mul wmic lnleri"tlii)f m forimitiou ih 1 1 ro mined MORE BASIH RAILROAD TALK Gov. Simon Bamberger and Utah Capitalists Are Interested. The 1 irt definite proUllM looking lowiinU an'eurl.x reitliutiiui uf I'IhIiV Kreut nmlnliun In kcc u nil I road iulo the rich I'lntah IIiikiii xxiih made httt Saturday xxheii (lux. Simon Hnmlicr Kit unmmueed Hint n party uf lend iiiC luiMiiewt iikii of Hie stnte, lid hy liiuiHelf, will make a trip through the t'iiilnh country ut Hie cIiimi uf tin1 coming ((inference, (loxcrnur Mam herxcr hinted Hint the piirtv xxill e ntnine the feasible routes tor a mil nun! mul Iiiixiiik determined the mint Miilnhle pndmhly will start at unto the orxunixutiuti uf it lii comiaiix In finance the projtct Willi Utah eup ilal. If this exiHdilion finds, m heeliiH prohahle, Hull the HiiwihililleH uf the terntory promiie present nml future luiitiliemt enough, the actual count ruction uf the mud will he blurt ed in the xery ueur future. The Hirlx which will make Hie trip will inulude men acipuiiuteil with the llaMii nud IIh NHsibilitieH, iih xxell us men Imm Suit bike City unit other iiurtn ol the Mate who uro noxious o help in Hie development of t'lali. Ku Kineers iih well as linHueiern xxill lend I ho weight nl their mix he in the ills eiiiMUiii nl mules. Threv loulw nl reudy imipiK'd nut in Hi h,I xxill i.e exmuined mid ulher h.1 ilnie- will he I.Miked into us they nre pri'led. The three rinciKil supKtiniMi lur Ihe proMiit d railroad nre llume hy xxuy uf Holier, by xxuy uf Slockmore ami oxer Sulilier Summit. Surxeys for nillnrndH oxer nil three uf Ihene nre Hxmhthle tor eotikullatlou mill xxill he ut iuxhIuhIiId HH-iM'aiue in deteruuii uifef Hie fuml iIhucc SpcHkuu ol tin' pniMctl inp (lux ernor Immherirer mhiiI he eoiiMdcrod ewtiutiMl ahoxe nil Hiiuk llmt im medmle mcIiiui he taken in Ihe mutter. He empluiMxtl the greut iliirxliilily uf huxiiiK I'IhIi eupilul oiiUlnp its ColorHilu nxnl In (ellinic the rtmd lit Hie hiNtrl ot the count rx nt Port Dueheitue. The tind who etuiie txill reitp mind pmlil, he mid, mul bring uiiHt dexelopmeiit fur the Mate ut lurKf The Koxerimr stated that if it Ih tuiinil pntelienl from it Iuuuuom nf xiexx In Mart the work nt nine, then the xturk xxill he hepm. It Ih ii iiietlon now of dclcrmiiiiiu; from the prencut mul future icoiioiiilc jmhi nihilities uf the country whether u nun I en li he put III Willi rimmI proiH-elH of yieldiui; relurns to the backer. TEMPORARY PERMITS ARE ORANTED FOR SECURITIES IViiiIiiik tlMimuKh exauuiiulluiiH uf ' npplicutiniih lur permlHiou In hell ' sluekN, IhiiiiIh or other Mt'iirilieit, Ihe htale MeiiritieH commlHioti will uHiie u leuiMintr,x permit mithorisiiitc Ihe holder to proieed wild the iimrkiliiiK of hi M-fiirilic until Mich it linw as ' ihe eommiMiuu is preHtretl to iue it i permanent licensf ur to rejeii the up ' jilieHtlon The teuiHirHr.x H'rinit xxill 1 Male HiHt, after it preliminary exami nation ot Ihe application, it appear ' lu the commiMriiHi llmt the keeunlles ' ottered are not of u crotl,x uutMir ur i i-Kudulent nature, mul Hint lem ' Mimry iH-imiamoii in thereture iruen lo uutrkel I hem pending lurther e- ' HIHIIIHllOII The wruut xxill stste Hint it iuuJ r Ih diklinetly uuderttMHl thu! ll i itt- xokuhlu Ml siiy time, Mud thu I ii iUum mil imply Hpprovnl hy Ihe etuiuuinMon - ol the seeiintie to he wdd llohler of Knell permiU xxill lm utpured to u.v- plain to pixwwctixe Imxem ut I hen ' mm untie llmt the Hnuil is ouly I em (xintrx Hud ih Ikiuic iuxiligMte.l, miuI ' the pulilic will Ih turlber protect l i by Ihe rtHllireumutH nf Ihe coiuu)uoi: ' that adxertiMment msile under i touiporury permit mut ilupUx' n priuttil iHipx ut the permit lortii u t full. Deulem are wurinul tlmt, under the liluu kky law, it is u felony to mis represent thu xulue uf any security, and that this pmxismu of the law would imliirullx hold guml in the mut ter uf saltw made under either tern sirury ur jiennanent lifelines The puqKM of umuiiuk the permit, uetord ini; to Seorutury Gurdun Snow, is tu eliminate deluys in imirkvtiUK seeiiri ties which, un thu face, uppwir lu he reliable. The differ m lietwevn u man whn fiilU ami one who duwm'l I tlutt the flrt usuull Ims climbed suiuexvlisre or lie loulJn't liuxe fallen ! TOBACCO ll Horse Sense About Tobacco I Good tobacco ought to be like a well- I I bred hoss all th' kick taken out but 11 I all th' sperit left in. I You see, half the secret of makin' a good hoss is IS 1 j in the breedin' an' half in the breakin'. Selectin' II 9 tobacco that's grown right is only half of makin . Ill I Velvet. The agein' is the other half. III " 'II Q Thar's only one kind of agein' that gets th' right I nl results Nature's own. Nature's no clock j'll S watcher. She does a job right whether it takes II ll two years or two thousand. Ill So when she gets through with the fine Kentucky III 1 Burley that wo put away in wooden hogsheads I 1 for two years, it's just right. Nil y It ain't been hurried none, II I I ---zZZ0z2l3iK or short -cutted. It's a III WSa AU kindJ of things are llil )tJ&f? i?rM packed in tobacco tins, but jl''jft 1 tr M -yur Bood neighbor will tell III :Ih ArtjKtill M you "Velvet is the real pipe II In m lAmnjOf i tobacco." Prove it for your- ! ' Ro11 a VEI-VET ClRorclte AIUII-T Itlll :i XIsX, lllifiitmill.ui aui nml MiffcrliiK Dihii mux other iIImiim. for the remain llmt It t Ihe ino.t . 1.111111011 of ult IIK ami It l tcrlalnlx HrMtlOliiK to tMifferers to know tlmt then, l h rruieth tlmt will afford relief hihI iimke rtt ami sleep M,w.lle It l tulletl t'liHinltrrlslu's l.lnlmeiit Atlxt. I WAR DEPARTMENT TO SHIP I TRUCKS TO CARBON COUNTY . AsMiniuce ban beiu tneii Senator I William II. Km); Hint the war (leiwrt 1 un lit. xxliuli h turniiu; oxer n lurKo ' number uf trucks In Mute mad depart iiieutk tor mudhulidiii); purHMs, will 'hip rtah'k (uiiNlKiimenl uniuedialel.x. lrn It Hmxxuiii);, slnle road tuiciiieeV, xxitk 111 Wuklniiirimi, ). r, lui xxiek at Ihe deHtrlment uf itKiicultur , si lemlifiK a eontereiue ut ktHle rm-d en Kiueers At that lime he xxms u:imd sexerul docti 11 rm x Iruikk In.' i'tt- rtmd work. SeiiMtur Kiihx went tu Ihe war tle Htrlment tu urfie Die immedmte ship inent t I'ImIi's nllotmeut. ixiintuiK In the iieiettsity been use nt Ihe I a rye amount o riwd work thai is now he iuif esrnetl on He whs Masured thsl there would lie no dels.X 111 hiiuieut, nceordiUK to infni'inutlno just leeeivetl trt.iu Ihe natioHul eapitnl Sexeral ol the truck Itaxe Ikii ul lolte.1 to r.salein I'luh for md work 1 tnl will Ih 111 tliMrtt of .1. II Tut lie, iliklrirt nid eiiKUUNT. xxiih hu IichiI iiMrterk Ml I'nee Ite.lucml rMllroMtl tsre xxill Ih ItrHilled ktuileuts attendiu the Mini lite 1 imuiier Ht the I'liixersltx ot I'IhIi 1 which eouuueuees dune Kith KhiIi I cm! tllMluies have been Utstle in the kiiuinwr work, xxliuli IhM xesr whs chunifetl trom a kix weeks' kiiiumer siMkiou to a retoilur jHtit uf the ed Inn' er. The unlxcrvitj xxill luoue ot the loreuiost eulliKus in ioIxhiuhmI , mid speeialutnl sumiiim work this year Pamphlets lelluiK of the hiMury of the war Mnuip moxemeut are about tu he mailed ftuiil the office uf the Utah xx ur Mump eoiauutteo tu ditferent stamp societies uf the state. They t)l how the muxement xxms Mnrted in K up land in the spriujf of 11 1 tl Hud Imw now in the Pulled Status it is rapidly npproauhiiiK the suuhhm nttmuiHl in thu Hrituh Isltxs. l'riintly the "older Human Is attnutlxu only lieiuuMt uliu U the ' other woman ' uml almont auv other xxumnn ' xxuultl do quite iu xxell as she 1 NoIh.iIv eier h.ol ..iht- made ! Milt him l.nt Mill wr hiue I , them I lllfkk ..u'll 4 ikmh) HUlnmohlte i.uvrMtliiM.ti )..u i-rnri i.. h.iii. Imt the. it)N. im mic An man In .! ,li m.-m1 iouiIIIIoii 1 ulmoal lertMln l eno) f, while Ihe hllloiis hii.I d)iiH)te me Hit. do not eu)o iheir iiicmU and feel 11 k.hmI nlmr.v of ihe time Thin III reeling nearly mIwhxh linnet iHMNrx A few iIimhm i,r niain. Iierlslir TnIiU'U to tune up the Mmu Hih. Imiirovv llic dlK.Mlou mid reu. lain the iHiweU ih hii tie l I needed J. W. MAXIMUM), I.IOItNhHI) AH. Sllt.C'It:it OI'TITMiS. At.itructs of title furnished to sny plete or tract In Knjlcrn Utsh. Klre In.urunco xxrttten In the hut com. IMinles dolnc hu.tnsw In the mate, Itesl cwtate. Iionds. etc. around floor, auldvu Itute tiulldlnic, UVtldhiK huh.. un, eiiiem, ,injim,. or iirlm-d Th. riun ABERDEEN Tlio IIIrIhM r.nlilimj. COAL noxeriiliiout Kaulxslrnt .HI pounds. Uneiiuulled Kor lorsr Will Nut Klaek. lliwt 1 f Hlrsmlif snd llpatlm; guslllltts Independent Coal and Coke Co. Mines At Kenllworth. I'U Oetifral Office. Wulker ! UldC. Halt I-aVo Cm Men admire liralns in hhws JJ Iiiiik mh Ihe latter ilui l o.-li tlf '' hixi. Hit 111 When 11 woman fed i'" "h!lf u Kreat xxorld iiin.iii ,,'J2l, thuuies nre Ihut sIik Iih- ii'itr Wp llMiiH.iiiieil In luxe or Un ii ."i rt WOOD PIPE 1 pEpr THAT LASTS anil LASTS Wherever Pacific Machine Banded Wood M r-i v?i?lp?,ta useil U U 8lv,"8 P"fect service. It is liest adPt Work. H&r ?'?. work' irriKon. water supply, for City Water ni w ti,bnt,on 8y,tems and is th0 no completely satisfactory Sirriinn "' ""odes. Wood pipe has 20 per cent greater I carrying capacity than the other types or pipe. Sold by BURTON LUMBER CO., Salt Lake City, Utah. PACIFIC TANK AND PIPE 00, Rocky Mountain Agents. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Gala.