Newspaper Page Text
THE WEATHER, TM Sun fr W Service. dknm i" o'" ,Mim' " "'" " ''- nl"' ''"''"J' Little Jwp". i.iicniturt' .y.ji iin'miirdnenl. engraved . . , , deed. Iilnnk Ixwikt Jw " The HUH GREATEST ATTENDANCE IN HISTORY OF THE CHURCH TWENTY THOUSAND PEOPLE AT MORMON OONrEItENOE. fttiident Hcjjfcr J. Grant and tho Other Authorities Are Unanimously SniUlncil -Finances done Into In Minute DcUlI, Showing Expendl tare of Great $umn of Money. f ul H thHHll.l IKTWPlm, I UB.r i ' lot.itltlltcil till- VHCt Ht- aM.v .t'liidnuj tln iixlil -ninth cnrst i tin nee of llic Clnireh ul im I i I nf Ijillcr-ilny ShiiiIh nl Jtltki itx hint Snncliiy, hH,Hiticd m A r I Mil mi nceonnt of (lie sflurn 1 1 pidriiiii' nl I lint lime Mure tat fri II HHHIiil n.iiiIi Intend to J. ;! N nddnitt. nr 1'r.xnleiit lltUr I (ir.inl lit thu lori'iiiMin. Over To it. i mi wtTi' held Hi AiihM, (Itllat.J iNtwIicn. Sixt) Ih cou'h iMnti I 'i dinrtuiK the cniw.l ntaitt be f u! ', (lie tuhcrnacle mill ! k.n Tr.h.ilcs of rrcct for mX thr; 'he church, .wpcciHlIx l'rwi i !i I' Smith, formiil in? i'ii tit llll'l IC Of I tilt KjH'lltO't-. WHt -Ulcl ! w diili pntidcnl M'i'iiii'il to we n ii rhnti ihImioii to irlorm, Inch a .' .1 llii' Kn.vvth of tin chim-h, rtrli miiih'iI to come lit tin1 riKlit fee ntiil place l'riwnlcnt (Irani, nemlcl n.r Ihh fimt time Ht iln ftl n i II iif ll p'ticrnl miller hi MiiliiiiimK of the nrcnllv ytu il pncral iiiitlninlic nl llic iwrh n iintl in order. Tin hI tint tiriio-nti'il n wnmlertul pie f Tli I. w.r floor liinl In fii iliiil 4mt ii t,.,n, where u nix ltvitu l! nolliooil wit, uhicli wa wtuli i" mi noinlilnj:c of iiH'ii. mci' a wu crowded to it lit W, t. , v men (i inl women Iihmiik flillll III Mlll'lllll IIMl'llllllHKI' till' 't in i i voted on wh l'r..iihnt it' ri'ilil, Mvr hihI revclMlnr l ir - Imi of dm i'liurrli. Tie i r I. rin winch l'r.tidcnt (Irani m-W nul, us well hk llii' general I'd-nil .f llic ilmri'li IioMiiik the ''lii I iniprcwtivc. The vol l 1. .pioriuu or .imnciU l the ""'I' I illlll IHlll Xoll' Wat tMkl'll ''til ' v 1' IIi-Imt .1 'tMll M , Miii MX imsMllflll ot Ii in ii . r .Iimik ChriM of Utu r !' , hihI hk nroiihi't. wor hihI i r ,i , ( n nil of tin- oilier eii "l!iir it niiilionliiti, h ten wp rfeiiili!..iml .ilw. iff H4 Hoi iUiiul In the inemlierK of the fill! iilriin. Miinur iik u unit. Then "Miii- r -r.t MtMit Ititt whs put In the f'l ' In twehe mill he un mm iM In iluil IhhIs iu n unit. Then ' i 'iiiiieil li llii' wiptriiiri'lix, '" I'r iltnjc 1'iilriiiri'li Ilrnm II. 'm ' i lii ir ImihI; then liv preni fi i.f U, their tiiiuiNt'fiint nml r I'lorx, then liy thf IiikIi J,i '' ii li the M'Wiilien, with w lir-' inn pritiiileiilN of Meii '1j ' r IiciiiI; then liy the ehlerni ' hihhi nml their ttiim "f. I'rnililiiii; lliithop Clmrle , ''l ml Iiik eoiiuu'loni, lliIip "l Mmlli nml lli..hop .liihn ,''1'. i nr heailj then hv the leu "I'm 'tl nml hnnllv hy the en- '" .iimn, iiit'lmliujc nil tin' ""' 'nl the women. PreeiM! Jil Urol otiliC win oliM'nwl . i . ,p ,r HIltlHinlllM. ' ''i? of thf xbhI eonjcrtiw- ' " ' niKt'il III hii uniiuiml iimii ' ' - li'ille the otili)C Mini wl rn " mln, ol the niilhoritx o , i "il I'lemilmit llelier .1. ''I I it t-nniiiH'loni, I'reuiilent d' ,' l,,,", ""' I'nwili-m " ' I'l'linuM, iM'eupwl (lie ' -niml lor the lit piei wrv "iniiliei-K of llic eouneil ol J '" l,r,,,K'"1 x,,t I'Mw . who In HI eoilKlViW, mill r ' 1' ItMiMiiU, who w in g 'I 'lillC oer the lUliatoll fo I "'I their ullul plumw. s' r -i putriHreli, Klifer ll.xrum "' " i" Hi Iiih umiiil iiluiHt nml r.' h r of llic klitiiil wh o nv!i ' I n "1,,,,,H "l" kt lirh ut''' I other promiiiHiit elih'i. iuj.! ' ri "' "'" K"mjrnl eliureh ' ' ' UU irwlileutM ot M'WI N,t III lioily ot thu Ihiiimi, im h 4I" i lrout ot the pulpit to ,," " ' i"l ut thu uuil of tho nl UfJi'r ' Mu'' Ml' iilimwt enliii'ly nib ' M,rllon "f II"' iimliturium ' r.u '"tlr "'kIl,'l I'1' w0 utii "" 1'iu'k nml timler tli y ' r The memliero of tho h ,.. '''"huprip wit jiut liulowthi &l s""' Khlow not north of kf bri "",li '" ",u m"iu m,(,y ol M kl "ml "' ,'"' rw,r ,lllrr"uml,Hl laf.V '" . "'K'1 uf0 '" J,"1'- ' Jrot t, 0i,iew ami ?U eSI l'rK'h'00l t umler thu uetJ'!'ry ull thu way nmiul wtis ' "'"'' ' '" Xe "", lllM Ml,ler J'"' . "t the 1'o.tntt e ,t In. t tih t n.lcr ho t t f M7 r ' 'Nl'MHLK2, every rmim lU NK . ,..) IPRICE WATER BONDS GO AS THEY WERE VOTED -m lii'iit l,,p)'.,r!,,1, "I V" '!""" "',''" ' ,"1' ""'-'itiil"'" 't !- le-i limn Hit jiHirnn U ..V i i1u. i ,"'" '", ' "' "VIIM '" mliriil m hill iihmi proLin.o .,rk," .;:,,ut.;,r ,,r,n,,h '"m i,,,,w,nx ','"",,' n -f tMliiHi MrmiU mW,iH .ml .tTi ,,M'r "WM,",'' ' H- -Mme ,ih.u. HfttlH J, !.! 2L K Al1 ? "f "' HItllHlHHl inrriliM llwl U RXuEtTk il .. " T": '" l ".IiiIhhi 4ll.ll he emereil ,.,,m ri TV LSi t .1 "r.,hp l"lm""'' fc "'- -ml laU the mwnnTr!iM J! i . h" HHW,,l,m''" " nu.l y-iEri" h;i:H''h;rri,r" w.!0 11? "t m wni ,,r Hnt ihhi ..iM.,,,r,ih,hrr,Ln'.? -Tr,,t,i,!r,,L" .'.",,;""'""""" liv Die ih.iih .. .i. . .'"' """ ""'miniii lllinillllHillKIN o. im rutin in , MnniK .'Hni..n wnlliti l.v .lii.ti,.,. V,.r m . ,TJl.TL.I . u" I " ,,',n,,,',,h,, "'"''""I flMHil.1 he il.H' xo,.l iiSill, ''r' '" "f " J"-l'l- thHrt',l," the i,.rt M ir,Ml hi."' ' '-"'"" wriwn to nlenirx the pnlioii , Jlllu? ,JH' "& ""'' "", "" ili NHifiiilminl proieil Hnl ire T Cri L ' l ""! 'H,,,l",",,r Vf. M""' ,,,,,,i,.X "'" Hr','', ?r m .. . .WH" ,l,,," H,U' ,,Hr" Hml WilNTiili..i.. liml the mem- m I ,i Im. "T ". ""' WV"M mtH,,,l ,,MV,, ,", I'""K. eli'iirU ?s " 'l'LlHJf N...I ...lere.1 in lull or ..Here,! Ht tiir.-, , the 1 ill .! IK ,1UV ' 'i,.lh,, '"'",M""' !' ' - ro,M.n..l llwl when '.tr. ! ,'.lK' ,,!r,","n7: " -l'1'p've.l li Ihe jrm.rm.r nml .. return l In tin exreMliM' wilh hm nliJerlimH Ihe Ihhim' it onKinHtr.l in ,1 enter the ohjer timw Nt Urge iih.h in urntil." The eiiM' whii'h n-ullil in Ihe .Ih-im.hi wh one owiik out or Ihe iiniiKtMil Imml ,.,. or I7I..HH. ,v Ihe e,l r I'nee Mr tl' r,.Mlrurli..u llf I wnTer MMrm (..nlenlion wmm nuole that llu- rilx etmhl mil InkkI itM-ir imire mil H t eenl ..rjU nW vil xnltMlitHi, ime the,HmemhHent npiirowil h Hi., people in .Noxemher, iu, hmwhhk . iN.mlintc limit lo y per mil wh mHli.l on the jfnitimU Ihnl lU lext hml not lieen tiiltr, , m roll iiikmi llic JhMiriMilt o the tHKiflnliir.' whieh .Irew il up .,r prnentNtiou n. the Arthur . I. Ue. ho m rtluen ..r I'm-, Ihe miiI, huLiiik lor u writ ..r iinilu l.ili.m to pre.nt the eilv ofrn-iHU ..r I'n.e Inim iId.nmiik ol ihe Im.ii.N. I The MtprriiH tmrl nuii'liiilin itn ileeihum h .leuxiiiK Ihe wnl of prohlln I mu nml ilwhinnif the nuiemliiienr Uo.tione.l nli.l, mi.l llml the eit ol lrne w Ihe i-ikIiI to iMtie Ihe IhuuU iX (iulliorin.Hl liv Mpuhir xole on .Mnreh Silt, lnl, which will Iwo humlretl mil lynty one lor the homU nml hut eleven Hh'Himtt. The eiix in now in Uiy (ii go nheml with lU wnlerworU improve menU, which will Im .lone wilh thf hio.t ihle .Ichix Kix.n over lo the nuting of wtmicn It WHit h uimpie Mxhl No womeii in Ihe muni ImhIv or (he HUihtomim no men in Ihe gMll.'r.v. The plHJu clnhi" of the men mnl iimoliirmil Ihe heml niHile h hiIi. I Mtt of huiiMiiilx lUnktil hImiM', I nun the KMller.v innl to the ver.x .eihiiKof ihe iMheiiiM'le, in ifnt.1 eoulrHol, wm Ihe iH' or eolur nimle In Ihe IihIhIiiih'hIx o ihe women mnl Ihe .niilrHl ot I heir colli im lo thvleHiU nl' the men lieh.w. The iHhenmcle whi lo cmh.ciI, ever hvhiIhIiI. oewt MwiHin Nml down heinit .hvhh.h1 hihI I'miii.v flHiiilinic Ht nil the enlrNiic.'. ANNUAL REPOItT Or OHUROII MADE BY PRESIDENT GRANT At Ihe rcKiilHr itmlereme iiicelii.K helil in Ihe TnheriiHcle Munilav, I'teM .lent ( ftut out .tm.pile.1 inlur iiMliou Irom the mimml rejHirU ol Ihe ehiirih lor the enr HUH The priueiH.I IhHuIhIioiw were iiiH.le rein live lo the yreMt iiiitchmi in Ihe num her ot iMplitiiik, in iiIIciiiIhiiw nml in mimuiilM ol lilhiiiK pm.l The rcMirl hImi xIiuwimI iIihI Ihe . hiinli liml over twi'iitx IhoiiMiml mcnihcru in Ihe M'lfiie liunnic ,th war. Tlie eoiHplcle reNirt IhIIowk: KlHliNtie Duniiic the iwr HUH I here were 11,7111 lw4iiii' mi.l lAHKt ihil.lreii were IiImh1. There were A7A'J .leHlliK, which lit tho Im.! mini her on ie.tirl lor hii.v .ttr. Of Huh niiiiilMT 1IM ilml ol uttlueiiiw nml MI2 ol pueitmiiiM. .Mililnr.v - tlver lwenl tlHiuxtml iiiemUnt of Ihe ihurih were in Ihe imliiHr nerviw' f l h I'mlwl Sunn Mini it.. hIIiw Ht Ihe .'MM or Ihe xei.r 11)18. or i hi nMinlH.r'K1 .he.1 in ih Hrvi.t. Ve lmnlil Imve Imh-ii hIIow j ml iuii leu. i Iihii tweiiix . nml we nmile HppiieHtlon lor M'rmH"'iiii i riiriiwh our ipwU, hut tr wiin' reu Mill, MHkmiWH lo M. we were ill low c.l lo funn4i thiw .IJhiii. two of wltoii. wiw Helm wrvice mi Ihe I nml in I'm nee lneitil.Ml -There m liwn h Ih! ter HllemlHtiie ol tk pntirthtMHl Ht Ihe wnr.1 weekl wtilig, hut lliffi' Hre Ml (It WITH ihtmum who hol.1 Ihe pntiMhtMMl whom the hiatal r'l.,rt nr willing to IhIht hut hnve not Iwen HMBltftHll l' ' lull' '" 'h ,l"' or wHr.1. , Tithea There Im ! h eonMUer uhle iiiereH ih ihe hihouhI ot tllta iwi.1 tor I h ur 118. Tta tilhiHt Ima lmn well'tamlltil h th lHalti. Verv linlf h I1 ,w1 rrwl. x eeiK thnnih lb. Inilure l fiml h nmrket lor ihe Unite ! np t the yttnr 117 ,-...- i Templet There were 178VJfi Imp ll.ltl for tl. li'l JHTfurHietl ill Ike temple, ml tl' t,r'' 7a','M'1. "".' ihiwuiMitH lor thf livinif mnl lh il. Tim IIhwhIIihii tompln i m.w prtii'ti willy nmipletiMl t ? " ",Mml i()0,(HH) Tli C'HnUli'n WiMpli i. ,,Mninr wmiplftmn ' whwi fwiilMHl. l'" m,m. SHi'mment Mwlinrfii -1 nl eueti of the quunmlimi mnl wmilitimw nrevHilinic 'luni thu epi.leimi; or in & m the hitter put of th r 1018, tha jillwnlwncu ut werniimnt (Continued on Pse elrlit ) ( EDITORS G0HINGIN OCTOBER Price Selected A tho Next Meeting Placo of tho Scribes. I'm i in to entertain the im when, of the I'IhIi Suie Pre h-wmmhIium hi OcIoIht next, when mine- lifl lo wx l ol Ihe newMiper men ot ihe .inn inouweHllh will he here for their wmi minimi meelinif The lime mnl phiec were ilitlileil on hI Sail Ixke Cilv hit .MomlH.v. Mc-t of the uewMMr IHihliohen. of IWtcm 1'lnh were iirm eiil mi.l imitc.l iimiii mnl tor tin cil hn h iiHt ilexmihle tiho It. convene. Il xoeH without hiijiuk llml they will he ro.vnlly cutcrlnimil. Coiikiniclion ol' hiKhwny mmle ol itiiicrete wnt 1'i.Mircil nt u lumhtim Kiveu in their honor Mnmhi.x hy Ihe I'lnh Mmiufni'turerM ntMirmiiou. The c.lil.irH hlnniKl.v iiimmeiiih.l the tnte nuiil eoinmiMioii for riniKuirinv thn iminiK ol' concrt'ltt nml I'lnh niH.le pro illicit. The Imtimttt eHmu win. prittiile' over hy M. .1. (IrifnuiMiil, ,SH.ihen were iiih.Iu h,x Itnlph K. Ilritlol, .lohn A. Ilnrper mi.l .liuiiii. II. Will I it. It it the Iintl lime in Ihe hUtnr.x of ihe 'naot'iulion llicv Imve ever met in joint Mtihinn with Ihe L'IhIi iiihiiiiIhi' I ii rem. All of the prtwent ofll.em ot the ukoeiHtiou were re-eleeltil, I'rifiilciil. Ihiii.h II. Wwlllt, VciiiwI: xire pre-i .lent, Ixurl ('Mrltuit. .Millonl, mnl It T 1'orle, Suit Ijike 1'it.x, tKi'reliirv ICASTLE CATE AWARDS GOLDEN MEDALS TO SOLDIERS MORE THAN THOUSAND PEO PLE WELCOME BOYS HOME. I PJrlotlc and Inspiring Talks Trom Rev. Peter A. Simpkln and Licit. Benjamin Robertson An Excellent Program and Banquet and Danco I Part of the Entertainment. I llHwten h thoiiftHliil mnl tw.lve hundred inple Ihe Home. iroiiiinjr 'Dhv Tor M.l.lien., wtilort. mnl innriiiii. nl ('.mile (Int.. font SHlurilny ex.nliitf The crowd mipIi llml llinn.x eoulil tin) he k.iiI.iI hi Aiiiiim 'inent IIhII, when' ever.v ihiur wnt liiken mnl tiirlx nt the eumiHC p.t.ple ,wen. Klnmliiif; in ihe nml in Ihe lohhy nl Ihe cut rem e of the Hieiout iiitditnmim Ktu hTne ..r Ihe filly odd men home riiiwhue wrl in Ihe world' war w.a pry. nled with n pdtl itHtlnl in njMtjAiiiin of M'rvict lo hit n.nnlrv willmm l.itilejohu iii'i'lf the pnteutnlmn Inlk mid w crnl limit won i.pph.nilcd when Mime reimirk Hppniprinle lo Ihe oeentiou mnl the mini iiihlretwcd wnt umilo. (Where Ihe men'.ct were not pnttml ihe mciliilt wen' kivcii lo Mime nunr relnlixe or nr. in Ihe ke.mititc ol (lciion.1 Supcnnlemlenl l.iltlejohii mid n .timmiite.' until Ihe.x tlnill lime n!uninl llev IM.r A Stinpkiii mid I.icul. Ilitijiiiiiiii of Suit Uke ,dly wcie two psikt'ix on Ihe pm Kniiu fn ul of town Km.Ii dwelt liNin whnl hml heen uceompliie.l III the wnr mid the Krettt mrl I'lnh hml phie.l, not I'lirxntlinn to w' due credit to the Imivi. I mm Ciitlle (lute nml Hll ..r ( iirltt.ii roiiut.x lit well. 'They nl. t.pohu of what Ik xh.c.1 of Ihexe r. Mildien. mid Ihe mrt Ihi'.v nre ilmlincd to phi', nt eltiWi. ot their- ii.untr.vv I ntpifitt i reference wim until.' lo Ihe ohject mnl irtirw.' of the Amen.iiu of lloimr oi! ut Still Uike ni I hit week. Hoi It nMiken were litleii til In wilh tliMtut Hltciilmu. There wnt hIm. ii niimicnl prirmn, h ttippcr nml u lUiiee. Worlh.x of hpccuil iiifiiliitii wh the "Chouic" MiitK .Ihuciiik hy Mim. Ncdn Clint leiiMii, Hclle .Murtiii, l.ucile Aver.v, Moitn l'hnlenen, Muriel (Inthniii nml Kiln it ltee.'. Alto, "Wel.ume Home, biihlic," h .iemielt.' ('row, .Mi mu ('hri.lciiMii, Hdle Murliri, li iitle Averx, MiiihI (Imlmiu, bird In Km). en, (Irme Suw iiii.I Mhtv ler ten TIm. MirtiriwtuiK in talli iitiinlicrt hml hcen drilled l.,v Mr, nnd .Mr. !'. i:. Hllit, Inte dntuu'ilie m-.iu-tili.iut to Ihe ciunp. The "few Inckt III mnpie" hv llnrr.x llolluml were nkwtinir, while Kill Kill-Trunk l'.. nml Alice "n little iioiim'iim.," pli'He.l the hit; lmme iumi.'mly ( Httlo (lute' ortliinlrii wua in lit iimimI p)od I'nriii mid received vcr.v iiwuy .i.mplimenlH. The hull d.corii liont wen. itiokt hemiliful mid nppni imHi.i. Ii will he it luiiif time hefore Suiunlny cvciilnt;' nifmr nt the .iwl cnmp it ouiiloue nu.xwhere or hy miy-Imdv. Irfiiimr.l (lm.n unci M.rllii Kituf- Uilh nr I'rlic .'IllUtnl wilh tile urin. wt Mult ImUu City' lt 3saaBBaIBBBBBa3aBasaas:ss39aaE DANCING PAVILION IS GOING IN AT CITY PARK i I'rnc it in Imve on. ol iln luri -i .himini; milli"ni ir the i it. or ih. IWett lor llml nuiWifl -ilv l.v a linn feci (til uuil reudv lor UM Hex I Fourlli J'lyJluh II will he .reeled nl t it x I'urk nml it lo isl unmnd live ihiumul dolUrt, nccord- IHT l the ealllimle ot ('. II. ('Hl.lpMI, Hrchileel, who hut tiihoullcl plnn lo the commit lee huvuuf Ihe umlertHk ink in hum), nnd whieh work i do imlwl h CaHiptall The laller it nl tint 1 1 me emHo.vtNl loeully hv I' (). SilvHgui nt I'nee. I'n'f. Oratm It.van, W. I'. OUm. mid othtir ure thtt onirtmtlorti ot Ihe idiw. It ih pnMH.l to lutve CHrHtiilern, uuiaoiw mul other troditamuu who feel 1ishhmm1 to do mi ilonute one or inure ilut of work tweh. Thiu minify Imve HKntet' to .hi. Tho eity will kivb llh emll.v, lh eou I iniHM.niiM like the nhtH mid ure dunutin, while nuumr out cilijnt Imve Muuifieil thmr in- leiiti.iu of kiviiuc With llnyts the rtttupU on the rourth nnd ilumitt to tolkiw Hh (Mtvillmu will mi iltelt out mail). On h floor of thu t.uu four hundred vouplw muy dnuee oomfoituhly. It I will he mi limit Unit it may ho added to iik rttmrumtnU dejiiHud. Kxcmn- i lion will he imide for it heating iiliint to h milled helore winter eU in With Mich a daiu'ini; fmnr ns pliinuetl peojilu will ha couiini; to I'ncu uibteud of Pnio people (joing clsowhcru for An i'hvMte.1 timl iiImhiI Ih. .inter ol Ihe hiilliluiK will Ih pro v iilnl lor IimiiiI or or. hintrn 1 1 will he mi Ht lo he in I'HHil in winter nml open iliiniiK iilcitkunt ((eulher The jmiviIIiou will lie .Uilit Hied . i the I'minli wilh prutr cereioonie n cotiiieeiion iiiiil mi 'ihlliiiit' celthn ion. I RAILROAD TO BA8IK. l.ov. KiiiH.n Ituuilieixer mid m wrl. ol Suit Ijlke City .i.itl Dg.l.rtt untitle, t men lelt Znui eler.luy lor the I'iii luh I hum ctiuntr). They me hccoi.i hy u ..r civil oiitrnm.tni who will nwke ii rmlr.Mtil wirv with the t.l.iN of huildiiiK h rmlnwil trout Mime Miint ntwr ftou to meet tlie Mol Ut nmd oxtenamn in the neiKhhor iIhhmI of the ColorHilo mid I'lnh line. More extended meiilmii of the pinna it uindti on the third AKe of tint im I pretMon of The Sun 1 MINORS OET TOBACCO. 'I he frUto Inw with rtttfMrd lo the wtle of Hivurettea mid lolmeeo to numim will ha unforci'd riKi.n.utly, nun'orilini; to mi miuouuceiiieut l.v Dun II, blnoltla, nttorne Kentl. CmpluinU Imve hcen mndu to the nt toruey Keuernl that milium have Ihmn hll.xiliK or iiuxohion (fivell tolweeo Clwin B'dit with u nit,' inoUtene.l with u mixturo of twi)oonfn of I ammonia to a tUo of watr ; LimE BOY INSTANTLY KILLED Father, Mother and Others Receive Very Serious Injuries. I I'cwcv. ut. miChm! ton Mr Hint Mr .(..hii Mllmio ..I I'nrt. wn in Mnnllv in mi mitotnohile ncrt dent mi the llelT Mini IVier trm i.ImiuI hv.. mil. out r lint citv Tlmr du.x eventnir ol lutl week nltrnt II o'elmk. TJnlHther . nl n hM-nl lMt pitttl will) In leH hip hn.ken, while h iler t.r Ike injured ihhii. Mm Dnndd btmnrfl t.r 1'rife, mid Milnno't wife ure eontiitcnthlv up A Iwliv inrl i.r Mr nml' Mr, Milnm. wh hI-o hurl in ihe ernth, hut not wr. mitl.v Mr mi.l Mr MiUih. mi.l ..then. Iih.I Kine lo Hpriiax (Hen tlmt nftor ihhii. lo ilciiirHle the Kmv.i of rein liv.t (here. The', wen' return i UK lo I'n.e Ht hIhmiI Ihe hour I)l C T K.Mt mid MHtH" rncnilt were in miolher enr kihiijc in the nie din c (ion. A rnce wnt the n-nll i.Ioiik h ttret.h ot KtHid nmd lo the chI of the tlivertion iimn. Thin wn Tor it Imlf mile oi iiHire, it it hhi.I. The .Milium enr left the loud or wnt cntw.lcil oir hy the Ul U.we mi It went inlo Ihe feme, telephone deH nml MnckM of milriHiil Hit. The n Milt it told nhovc The ihijd child mid tin.' hurl were hniiihl lo I'riie nller Ihe hcciiIii.I. The injured wcn nil umiinteioiit, it it mid, when help remind I hem TEN CRADIMTTC FROM HIGH School Closes Nexyrrjday With Ap proprU(orrc:grain. Coiiiiii. nounlit .'n'lt.t t.r Ihe CitrlMiti count x high .A ill he held nt the miditorinmoi iuuIwiumiI huililnic next l'llihiv, .lime lltlh. ul H .'III o'clock ol the 'xeniiuj. "While Ihe wnr do the rank ol cuuiIiiIhI.h lot," wi.vt I'nil. II. A. I'owlci, priiictpitl, "ihcn. nr.' ten Mmlciilt who will he iiwnr.k'd tllaploliuia alum itiK four venr ..r work tiillnriiTiliil-ily ii.mpl.'le.l All of the.. Imxi htxlccii mult or more of Inch work. The.x bImi Imve nit the riipun-d ttih jcclt to mliint them to unx .hIIckii or iiiiiVIHliab-lhn lim i'Iiijfcl'JJ)UlW, , " Ihe .imim.uremciit pmcnim in he niK nrruupil (hit week Stiii'ruilcn dent Orwu. ItviiuA.ill deliver the ml lo the icni.lnulct., nml I' Mnr. hm'ii or Ihe ol idumlmu will Hwur.l Ih. diphimut Then, will he h dume in Ihe fomiitttinm tnlhiw IHK the exereiatn. I.ver.v Mrl oil the phiiruut it hciiiK mh.ihII, prepurnl, mid wilt he off wilh prompt mu linn wiin iiixHiitii. Minrl, ti.ic.x tpciheM mid tel.i'l iinici.l niiiiilicr will churn. lenxe the i'Vciiiuk'h pro Krnm I nun H.'lfl lo lllo'chnk. Dnui'itiK it lo hcKiu imme.liiitel.v, mul it K't.d time It ntnure.l ull Hir.'lilt, htmleiilH mid of the hcIiihiI." The Kniiliiiilm ure (llcim Ncltou, r.lnorn Miller, Tlielum, K.Iuh Itciiniwiii, Mmiil .McDiiiiithl, llrucillu .limit, Aliie MihUcii, iln'im Mihm. (tiiinlciwni, Kiln NcImiii mid Arvillu It.vmi TOPPLINC WALLS INJURE TWO Town of nelper Is Visited By Heavy Windstorm Tuesday. licHi'hiiiK ulniin.1 ccl.imi' pnutir limit ut lit tun n wiiidttorm ut flek per hul ThiwIh) cvuiiiiik, atnrliiiK iihoul 7 i.'tlock, toiiple.l over Iniium., IretK mid did coutideruhle other .luiiiMxe Th live ol Mverul cilixt'iit hImi wen endmiKi'red llitvoe wna wnmiiht nt the home of Itoceo A mil I, where Ih. wind liimhlct over n three (ir hnrk whII left almidiiur Inim Ihe rtnent fire there A .rliou of Una hlllhllllfc eollMNUil. Two of the (hildreu, .Icnnic, 7 .xeum of m, mid Wilton, I'J )fnn, wtre enoualy hi jiiml. The hov wh Imnetl lieiieHlh grvHt pile ilehn nml wh in .Ihhk of aHM.tlieniiK I" dentil when iieujhL.rk went lo hi reaeue ImI I.) Hnlne) 1'. Itevm.1.1 Hint tldie (' I 'mint, cilalodiHli ot Ule rtuid nwrhlHer) in llm ilialncl, Ihe) cleared nwny the wreekHge mid treed Ihe Ih.I He wh .Ut hIh.u! the heu.l The little Kill nlat. cut mid lirmae hImiuI the hand PRICE COUPLE WED Curl (War lluntfi. mid !Ih Mmmc rnniiUeu, iMtlh of th.a cit), were mar ried nt Suit l.uke City luat Wwlne iIh The liride in Ihe iUuliler of Mr. IlyniHi PrmiiUen hihI verv tm Inr htell. The tfrtMtiu hn Ihmhi reatdelit ol Una rit) It. ru liumher ol yeura mid i the repreaci.tHitxe in tin lerrttorx ol Suit I.nke llnrdwnre eoiu pmi). The couple will Ite Ht Imme to mend hi I'n.e within Ihe next few dty. The Sun with xer muny other extend eouiirHtulHtioiia. Mr ami Mr V Kureilili of lliio w allot milled thalr little Hlrl ut I'rlt pmetn luat WetlneatlH) Tli w. i l.lltl huh t eart .f hh ami lia.l tietoi III of droit)- for Hire" lixmllit or mure Iieutlt ii. urn-.I Tuelu) lnt A num tier of frlemlf if tlie fumlls nriunw panted thu rt mains here JltHtna whieh were mporlc.l ' RHK lmiwft fur of tV aii BH wijml fea tmmmry tor the ImuMeiiou aUH nl IntaiHew in Cult nml whteh full tt. f MH W the HHafWtHwii hy .litlv ltl, next, Mijl .III HHvr ihfir elMirleni rrroked nnd ISaH will hr that ml or t'Mh Thu ttute- ?5ijH i jnvrn o.H nl the orfiw of the 1!H erretHtv of ttntt oiB ' ' iir8B . "'' ' 011- l. mu iHUMiie. Tcf4 'M-wtn.r nil . ii... -.ItMU oVfjRS '""' "i "'" i'ii in. Hun V smil iCARBON COUNTY BANK m IS OPEN AND DOING Si ! BUSINESS 9010 TOR THE TIME BEINfJ LOCATED I iJFA IN 8ILVA0NI BLOCK B Ki JtTlllTI Cashier Buttcrworth and Officers of i HKOJ the Institution Very Much Pleased . l Jj With Start That Is Made-New ' t- rtS Home Is Contemplated On Main InVitf Street In tho Very Near Future. " tSs i ' fn'J4l f - p""ii! CurlMin Coiiiiiv Imnk will, h eupiliil R IW atto-k nl h hiimlrcd tlH.iHHiud .hdlnrtt . i ," 3 mid h Mirplu or ten lli.iuM.ud ..pencil ' !jr r..r hiiMmuM in the m.uIIi n of (bit ( rl SilvHKiu hlock lutl Miimlux moriiliiK '11 ', L.S wilh Kdwiiril Hiitlerworth of Snlt i 1 ',JH Uke Cii.x at enthiei. Other ..met-nt J'f" Hihb of Ihe itiMilulioii nn- W A. Iiwrx", ! t ' ' "H l.n-al.lent, nml II. M. MnKrnw mid ii. & ',,' ZS McntcrH, viie prcri.lcnlt. Thin..' fiirni- M ' i ro.J2 niK I In' ilirnlomle iirc Dr A. W. r 1 " ' . Dow.l ..r SmiiivMitc, Willinm Mttlu- 2ff 'i 5, Jt.lni ol Cn.lle (lull., M. I'. HerKent of HI 1 7522 Helu'r, nnd l-'rmik (Inttto, 1. (. Stl. Iffi ' Im7 vhiciii, W I'. Wuddoiiw, lli'iirv Mov ffF ' 'I! mer mid Auirul Nl. holnt or I'ri.e. nil fiv J' pnimineiitlx nlentirieil with iiri'nirMin . fl .nj- Curtail niiinly nml in Km. I cm lllnh. I ft Jf "ThiiMfH nre MnrluiK ..rf in rum hlinM. IgL '" mid I Hiti xor much Krntiflcil'wllh Wk (. ., tlie ImtnieM m. Tnr .Inni'." told r Cntluer llullerwoilli to The Sun Inst fl u" even i iik. 99 iUa'j Cashier lliillc. wnrlh wna hefore fi Fv iimiiiiK lo I'riec nuditor of the Nil ,I 2' ti ii. nml Cil.vJiHi.k nl Sail Uke City mid jifl V he lint hml mini) vcur ot fXi'ricni.' '" i, frJeullu uloiiK Ihe Iiiiei. he i lo eiiKUKi' in hen.. AS . Mr ir He I H liHltve miu of I lull uinlnl nue W&, M Wh time wh in Ihe mil intnte and limit Tf ' T "s l.utinettt nl the hlule eupilnl. He lulls ,li Cvllh , The Sun llml he it Klii. o he in I'rlc..' ' Tffcr. nnd enr. rmdilv mi Unit theie It u IiIk ' ,V M'i)' rield Tor Ihe roiirlli l.itukliiK hotito In , fTnllut Hilt nrh rlli.n of the Mute, lie Is ' f Unit mnrrie.l nnd mmiii it to I.. mile hi l . Jure m I'lilmly here, lie will either huv or Lit &,'1"" Iniild n, ' H '.'ilBstlti " rnrlftm rbimty tank IS'frrtflilTfpVir WM i JS nril.v loente.1 in it pntent ipmrlcrt, Sfl,JD Mat the iil.ii heiiiK lo hull. I n mn.ii ns ?ii;' '"''' phui cmi he ilrHHii mid ihe iimtlrtic- f f ','. 111 tmu done oh Ihe lol lo the wot I of the J iPmim Kko Ihealer, where il hut filly feet Mi aWH fnmtiiK.. I.) n humlretl nml li.rlv f.-et Si Qr. II in depth. The huildiiiK in mind l.v f tfxirtio. Ihe t.r ilireclnr will he it credit "it." CH to the iiiatiluliou'm.d In Ihe city nt V U f ii Price nt well jt Ih. MRS. FRANK CROSSO PASSES jl .ffi Funeral Services and Burial At Prico ir i Wednesday Afternoon. jfr ' iip.Of One of the xerv Inixtnl funeral ' 1,1 joy,,, .i.rlcK.t m-.ii in I'riie for it Iohk tlmo )-.,, wna Unit which r.illowe.1 Ihe rxMiiixliiw rt (J or Mm. AiiKiittii (, wife or r lniI12 rVitnkOnMHtonrthiHcltx, to their Inst f J ill retlliiK place I rum Ihe MethodUt . Lu church In City tcu.cler) lutt Wc.Iiicm- m I i tin) tiflenioon. Serx I. m for the de ml . vl i 'llmi. wcri'...n.liiM..l hy Ilex Alfred P. tl. ' I, Ta7 viwiinoni i.r the local CiitliolliMhurch. , i.nil Many wcn preaent fmiu Hc. I 't iht, the former home of Mr. mul Mr. ' ''j. (InHtMi, nml from clue where over the Crco count) mid the tlnlc . 4 , Mr. (ItiHiMi piiMcd ut ll.dv Crut " u llotpilnl nt Salt Uke Cit lutl Mim. ? da) after mi iiperntmii there it few ' j0. .Ih)h hko lor tiiim.r of the niiinc, Shu J, ' hud Ii.iiii t Killed hy Mime ol the hutt MtrxtttiM mid ph)M.'iHii Ihere. While . 1) her vvh Mtriou, SD her deiiilte wnt ijuile Her j llllllaM Iwfk M.llll. MIX IIMIIltlHi. hn D.i'wmhmI ia aurvive.1 I.) her hualmud, ho Mm. KiiiiI Ileruurdi, n ilniiKhlcr, nnd lio a hrother, KiMjteim (luureiiti, t.r Hid- ,!! jtr A Imi, h) tcvcn.1 dialunl relrttivuj t iU in lllinoi V ,p- Mm. (litMM. chihh lo Ileljier mhiiu la twenty lour yeam hko, hut lor tint C wl let. had made her iHime ut thkl , p cit). She waa n moat exeeltail Chris. s I I ink mid will he Iniu remem tared lor Ihe kihhI alie did, which wai f. alwaya t.i-eou.pltahe.1 in a moat uihm f I en I mu ' w a) Her . Imntie xxuru - laaii) (lenuine s)mwth) of Ihe'lit.- pie o I'n.e anil ele where llml Mm. (IroNMi wHaJiiiown Kie out l.t thn f tareavnl hualwml and eloa) relativiai. ' , I . SOFT DRINK PROFITEERS ' ' ARE TO BE PROSECUTED ' I'mliteemiK on Mift dnnka h.v add- ! i UK exln. profit lo Ihe m-IIiiik prieo ' l nml IiIhhiiuk wnr laxea lor the In- f ereMM ia mil roiuk t" ta iiHlliteliunewl ' f h.v revenue otfieem rV.r Ihe HirjH)e 'L of ami w iiik whut will hmipen to pro- 'tf L fiteem I'lalt rtXenue ofticutlt Imve T iaaue.1 Una Hlntement "The H)iiult' i lor BtcrilniiK wirt of u price to u tax ! t. knowuiK tlmt tueli stutemeilt U fulso AjH or that the tux is not w Knwt n the ; M)rtiim of Hindi tux iixuritad to Mich .. H jineo it u flue nut uxieodinK it hun 1 H 1 1 red dollnra or nut more than one H xour'a impriwinment or both " ' i H Wipe an nil slave Willi n Kreuted j cloth to keep thu cimmel ilcuit ! ' lifl 1 I U'BaSiH