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ADD HOPPERS TO MENU. UAITIMOUK, Mil, Juno 8,-Ono) f tin iiilnnmlogistB nt John Hop. I klMljniri(y Inn made the dt..i wW,rv ill it locust lire n delectable' iooJ "'' "ii tlu tnate much like nr , ml adtinei everybody tit mill them 'he menu Up suys it in the' vflit s iv Id get rid of tin- poMn g ,f littlli III f InJtlMIro Ik the j ..or i iv ' wlf-ripe t OLD TIME FOURTH FOR CARBON COUNTY AT PRICE COUNCIL OF DEFENBB BXTENDS BROAD INVITATION. rioMt and the Lafgcst Dancing Pavl-j lion Anywlicroi In Eastern Utah Under Construction' and to Be Completed and Dedicated That Day , Program Arranged Tor City Park WiU Hie ihbikIiiiico of C hfIhui urN n' 'ens gcnornlly Price ih go mc t m Mimic tin' coming Fourth of July i manner ncter liefon- nt tmp'i ' The local louuril nf de tcn.'n I 4 nuked nil relumed nofiliura niLi'.' re nt Hint time mid help in be c li ' r.ilion of Welcome Home Day "Piimoii" Simpkni of Suit Ul ( ' will In1 the onttor. The Mifd i intmltec, fittHittliii)c of W. Y (i - i I'mf Orxiti Uyuii nml L 1:. Wli l i i- al-M lifter Lieut. ItnliHin If III III v Mllll llXM of hi pmence. i cvilti-ivch miuoiimcd in lnt (l'.t San, Pruo in to lime the larg ntcf n'l dancing put Moiim In ISuntirn liUk nnd I lit h will lie ilcdicnted on he l t h Work wan begun mi thin nt "-..;, mlii mid thu Mnicturo dur- ng ll'-- Iimt week m moII along. utiir j inrn'iilt'tx nnd other me 'hum ire donating their cert tie. Tomorrow it higgling of tvotkmcu will been lh building. Xiimemim Indie nM'nri ure seeing Hint they lire wejl irH f r s iiertiiiiH lo the inner nmu. Utt ii r iii.iltrn nnd ulliera nre eon tnbutii uiiitermlrt lo the big dancing tixtf I. nil of the IochI hunk ban 11I11 .. hundred iloHum, hiirv I ,wn mid precinct in the, wndt h reirii'iited for the eclibm ir ( it ivf, It Y, (IIImoii; lleiuei, K. Pitlit; Cn.tlo Outc, William Islllrj. In . I Icur Creek, Until Onl land, IIiIjmt, Dr I' It. Sluiwiike ; 'Lau. rli i. U M Mngniw; C. X. o'rr irdOI'o Ilirrei KuuilunmHi, W. .1. KU-.d. Ijninn, K. A. (llenny; Sen- itlJ, II Si MrfitiT SiirniK (lieu, SiIm lion I v Miimhirdtillf, If. K. Uwin; "ton , (i Mutpht mnl A. P.. (lib wn, Sm nit, r C. ('. llcnnen nml It. Ii, Kirkimiruk; Wellington, S. V. ""Mm,;, lliiriMT, Clinrlna JoIiiihIiiii; Wt,., . IhllelirHiit: Uluda. (I xhtliuli Pctrlcan, Itohert lloMHnl, itii Wni ir timrlerx, T. J. I'rtnnlej. The n pie of the enlijv ttHMl ire in M I mid nre PAeelel hi pJ tli I'rne itMinttloii. The wr wm tin fiinnoiin will lie led li re 'jrncd m i lur Then will Mime wtn- lie n !,n,j. nml niiiMn, xirlH of nil kl', r. , Hiiik tlreiii nml iiitiiwi- Mttlir mtiiikemintH with diineine in the .idiniooii mid ovennn; ut thu H I, i, HiMir ninre Sxv li it jndrid i 1 1 C'ollon witter will' he wyi'l Hit ii mil. i:er.oni in uked Irm J is or her own pnnie. All 'Wur, in lo he thu kiiiwIh ot Ihu Un ( . titv Couneil or Detenw 'III' i lilt ure ut Price. iMt r i nnd mmihir neiHimmoihi "j"' I he pnnided nt the hitch I"!. I v Hull, the eourlhinue, the 'tfii.ii i i nnd hI-oiiI Citj, Purk mid ' r .miiiiIh Pnee eitueiu will ''' ' Hie pity mithnrititM to put '" I !"' n iii order liy h nenernl J.iD.' 'I JUKt preioux lo the , ' Hie Kenerul eoiuuilltet1 f'k,r!l ImiiiIIiiIIh nlioiit the eit '1' WiiiiIimI, He hundred "r i "I Cit l'Hrk, KitturdHj, M ' n IhIji huild iIhih-h hull. " i lii,nK eurpenter tool. i'iie will Mri' lmuiiiel lo v ' .it iioiiii hour " GRADUATIONJMYAT THE HIGH T 8tn lentg to Bo Given Their Di T'ouiag This Evening. i ,,' ' " I (or Citrlxiii l'iiint. '' mes loihiy, Juuii lltlh. .'. .. ' Ih held Hun eveinntr. M , '' 1 li r, innciwl, will net i B liuiieiition, Itulph ('. ,, . " on. IiikIi wOiuol oroh'M- ,J ' IhirKPiU'r, direolor; hhIiI' Vok I ' ' "'"! ,,,"'l wl'i Ir1"" Zn '" rM'"' lxl''l'ry, (llinn fon ' ,r' ,H '" Br,,'',ll'e. s,,l,t- 'w I '. Pri,",iiiiniiii ot i'in, l Pn,ident C, II. Mhii'iimmi; rt,1'" -V W..!lwUy. The 'nwil ii "'" n'"',t,r oxil nwwlu Artist" '" fm,lttH"" follow lnC f'udiiiu will ho nwnnlod ill- 1 II. i"v ,,s! (llo"l N. Alwo W "i llnoia M- Milhir. Irene Uilafi i'i ,rM)"' ','t,,,,"l MoDoimld, Hl i'" ' 'n"M'ii, Druoillu Jonos nnd Hau "'""ii. Utu'1 "' A"loriwl Hemity nnd Btitni.. ,rn dint How or, Aiuerionni 'Un t. ' (''" motto, "Iiimiwihlo! VxRcman'" ('1" ii'lMsor, Mnw I Mifl vr nii nM taHer( June , ,,,5( t ihf, .o,,0ff,,r ,,, M e t(,i I i i he I i V ir I. m . '-MK '; X M"l-It '' BVEHY FHIUA " n Ni: ,. ,.,! To Every Returned Soldier In Carbon County fellowduZ' r C0Unlry h"V0 bCn ,hc grMtMl raan "n t lvc' You' ToThta 5S Si nP1rM'n ' aml t0 bld y0U wclcomo t0 'ou" h of peace, nre cl S ?'i n " Unty CUndl of DcfcMC Ptfnlly request, your 'at 0 o'vwl, n XpM,tyou t0 "Prt t tko county courthouse that morning I n w m,PTtf,"ly AUB0N C0UNTY COUNCIL OP DEFENSE. R.W CROCKETT Secretary A W. Horsley, Presld nt DEATH IN UNUSUAL MANNER i Thomas Forater Ornhd By Falling Trtatlc At Castle Oat llmitiH l.imi.r win. iii.imiiU kill eil nt (mile Urn. ,,n H,( s,1M,m MMirniitsr hImiui It ..Vlmk when mi eh-r Ine motor rnmheil thr..uth Hie trmile lii.liniMtinti the mine with the lipUe. Dentli wkn HlmiMi innUnlMneuim IV. eel wnm nlMint .'Kl ers of up- nml in .ninivel in thin eoiinlr)' h hii wire, UM ('Hrtwnirht I'omtet. mid one Itmther. Peter Pumler. lie miiim' to lhi iiuinlr nImiiiI eiirlit ytmn hjji. mel Imd iK-eti nt ('untie (lute thin Ul lime of hi ciniilinifiil there himmI mm HHHith. i'rvM..ul he hml workml there mid l wtenil ..tlHr enii of the dial net. l'linend Mriee were held for lie. ii'nmsI hi Amuwiiieni Hull lt Mon ilny Hllenioon. the tnitiri nml ne ipiHiiil.iiicen nt Hint enrnp loniiinir one of the lmrel tMiMtml mMemhliHic mmii liter.' 1.r n lnjr lime. The ImhI.v wh hroiiKht In Pnee lor ililcrment. Hie eortejji' Immiib tiutde up of mure thnli thirlx Tite NUlomoliiW lleee- .ilenl whh t Hh'IiiIht ol Hie Utvnl Order ol Mimim? m HmwuthH nnd whx i to lime Inkeil Iim Iiml ileree in MHMinr nt Pme Im( .Miimht) een- ,'injf SeAeriil iiM'ulieni of the Mimm i()rdr nt the eHWw ir mhiiIi wen 'here lor the funerMl. I ltw. Ilnlim ('. Jhhm ol the Methn ilint I'hltreh nt I 'nee ufflrinled nt the 'nenieen nt ('uftle (Jute mid li nl the (nui'. The ilmul nmu wn one uf Hie HMt iHinjlnr eiliietiii of Curium eounty nml in monrneil imwl h. im who knew him dent. K. C. Uhi linn hml ( quit eimatrw lion mid nNiirK on the Price to .Mj Ion ronil heenue he eould mil lllduee 'men to work. He oirered Snlt lke l('il nml I'lnh eoiinl.x men four ihil llur kt dn, MjIom'ii Prw Preiw jiif lnt l'rnl. Tlwt wnn not nil hi' oirered In M, rnilrond Inre lo und fnmi Hie enmp To mnke mire I lint 'he wun not lr;uiK lo Kel Mitm'thlliK I tor nulling ! ngrwd to ell tenili nt iiei mid hue m eiHtk. Xolhuifc dninir. Still h reMirt iiimen from Snll l.uke ('ll Hint there nre lite tbouwmid idle 'men then1. I In It HrowiiiiiK, ntati uwtl eHKl III er. llH Hilttaml ItiMMWtelt imiile tlmt thwiK W mi Iniviumn liy Uw inie iomiI uimuilMlon ( nlNimlimlHK or lieft-liHllmc the orltrlnal lniw outllneil fur I he Imiuoiemint of the l'rt l Mjt'Mi hlKhwuy. He mImi ntltliw thnt hi the IjmI mwlliiK of the Ixwnl IH tlli I ICniner Tuttlw wm nuthrleil to innhe two IIhk ihnm In llillfr I'nioou Mini In exemt four thoiiMmt iIhIIhim In mil improtemcHMi. Imll rMtliimi are tjuit wrk on the C'niitUi Dull' In Dili lientte IimoI will I oilil lilelxl oil or Imfur ih (lrt f Au mux Thin wuik will mre than 1131 f0 Here nre the eiilWmentii Ml the I'rlie riullliiK offh nlm M tllh, la Air nertlie. llm luiiiHti I'nirtle ImIo. William II Tufroiil nml Will In in l Moore. llelMr, John U ViiileiMiii nml Uoimnl (Jourle). I'rhe. nml John 1 1 lluwn. Ilurper I'on 'truitlon ahlnloii Amerlmii ekiml. llour fore. IMwnrd O Not. Peler Ix.mii nml Aiiwr llenilerlihiwii. nil f I'rne iNttnlo lUlwnll. William II ll ii I'rhe. Merlin Koufnmn Mil. Colo nml C'hunV . Ie ToueKii Knn I'll t ure Uulleo. Uown In OrmiU ii.udl). Hn iMen rohtil uf iIhM akiiii-mriii iMwlnwiad Jn tm ui KttjuHtcer nit it "mttllmnt." t"Hnif lion unknown, the ' t ller will n mure onxl..ul nwitH th eonilmr " I the Unlly mnll nnl the mn r the imt utile worlil The i)emrtmi'iit t Wuh liiMtou. I ' hu. .leililtMl thnt lh tMWtofflie nt Phtuw Onllery nhnll U '.llnrontlmmU All lll " Iwreuflei 'he Milt to Clwo I The lomlltloii of JMete wKh. miner i( Clwir I'rwuK whu wan lnjura In mi ttutiimnUlle nuMwit Tuewtny ntter 'noon imnr 'IUIr Hummlt. wiui tr Imm-Iouii yetinl. Hmonlln to men iwtKe to Hull I City fri-nU from lh Un.rKn.y huiriuil i f. where the Injureil nun tkn nVmlih1 Iiml lilte.l the Utt tiUl miU wn. " I.I. wm! h wl.n injurea b nn Ltploloii of the In H nuw- tiiohll IIUi HIP mi truHwl The hmumwlf" mum not l'"l; 'oconon.) nt the !.- f t h . tiwjUh I of hur fmnll UrowliiB olillilrwi nut llm'o ViMMt milk to drink m well . .other nourUhltiK f oo''. Ju.lue V K Wnoiln l " "' nu'e 'ml .law offl' e fro... tlieHllvunl build iik to the farker-Weeler I k , JUDGE L R.JHOADES PASSES Former County Attorney of Carbon GroMM Great Divide Jmltro l.lni It Hli, ,rm uti 'n of Pnee nml nllonut ot Curium eounty Mm I'ihleen enm up', died nl hi Itome nt Port Collin. Colo. Mn I Ith, lnt, nt the or 7(1 twrti frt'in llriirhl'n diene mid n Re'tienl lireakiiown. He hml lieiii the editor nnd the owner Wont of the Iiiih mnre rating I'tnh or the Unmer C.mnl IVetniHTnl. WM4 I he tather ol Colo raihi'n irrignlion law mid dean of Ihe Imr of hi home town. I lorn on Un mltt'n Mrthilny in lurking eount.t, 0, Jmlge Itlewileii eame lo Unmer iihiii It St. Pni nek la.t in lh72 nml the rollnwiMg enr oiemil a law of fire. The next tear he wan elwtei! eitj ut lowev nml in 187S ninle wnnlor. An a immlHT or Ihe legislature, he heait wl the eommiltee whieh nrrmigel Colo railo'n irrignlion lawn and emu that lime had lieen Hie ilnlc'n iwubxhuihI nuilmnl.t mi thm nuhjeei. He almi nerveil on the eommillee whieh ilrnHed tin- Cidorndo eourt praetn-e aet In Kift he defealeil I. N". Sletrun lor din. Inel nllome.t ror Ihe dinlml uirlud llig Ihe eounlien or Antwthoe, Unmer nnd Weld Denter wnn then H mrt of Amiiwi eftunt.t. In 1WII he went to Snlt Uke Cit, Inter eunm to Priee, hnl HriervtnnU telurued lo Colorndo ami HtrrbnMH ihe Demoeral, to whieh he ileriited newt or Inn time in Ihe lat tear or hi lite Judge KhoadeN gate Ike 1 1 ml tthenptmn -hrt.t ihillnm toManl huilding the Pirnt Methmlint ehnrrh in Pert Cidlin He wa almi aeltve in hating Ihe nlnle ngnrulluml eidhijw loenleil I here nnd wan an en tlimuuntie giNhl nwiU man. .luilge Ithoaden renigneil the eount.t Hltiirne.Xidiip hire heeaute or ililfer enea emuing up hetweeu hiuiell' and Judge Jaeoh .lohiim. it in naiil, the laller lieing on Ike hetteh or Ihe Set With Judieial "ltlnet at Ihe lime. During Ihe hnet leMileiiee of Jmlge Ithoaden hen Mr. Hhoaden eomlueleil the .Mnlhm Houne, the leading hotel of lleiw ila.tN. She nnd a mui In a former marnage lutte Tor m-veral teara Iiwii living in California Minn Minute Hhoaden, teMhtUgliter of the judge, dieil wniie three or four jean, ago ut it Denter, Colo., hotil whilo n guent of the houoe fnuu Port Collins. When Jmlge I Inutile left Pnro Arthur J l.ce wan HpiNiiiileil to till out hin leiiii an eoiiuly iitlorue.t. MONEY FOR WATER BONDS WILL BEALONO SHORTLY .Major (leorge A. Woollou nml Judge P. P.. WihhU, ul nltoriiey, thin week had leiiem I mm the Drnetr, Colo., lamne that eonlraeliil lor the Priie water Ih.ihU that ll in prvwniig Ike neeennary wierk in eiittlirelmti with the innue and that the iieniej eoming to the illy I Mm the nule nl 1 1 ww will mmmi he tu the hnmln of the etty treasurer lire. HuU for the eoi l rwt ion of Ike MwliHe from Pnee lo Col Ion are being akel for h ad tertlnemeut ill thin imprennlon of The Sun and are to ho opened im the 'irith of June, two weekn troiu touuirrow, hy the eil,t eounil In Ihe unMlllime eterlhiug m going along nuiiMit' l nnd It l exiieeltHl work will be aurlu all Itegiin ! Ihe Iimt week in July LOCAL INSTITUTION IS IK FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ( anbier I'd win Hutterworih of the Cartam Couui.t hunk had wonl rmm Chailen II Miuurl, mminger of the federal reM-rte luink ut Sun Krnn eineo, Cnlu , ihu week ihnt the loenl institution hn Ihi'U tiduiitleil lo the nntem, and mkiii will he in full mem hemhii. 'I bin woukl hate eome about MMiner hut for an ermr of the teileral ikmi4, wbieh ban now lm aornailtNl Managar Stewart apologises to the of tiMr of tho loeal lustttutiiHi I'm Ihe delay. Carbon Count) lawk m tbn owiwr uf Ihirtj-lhree sbnran ot lok in the Inderal rwwrve. In tlt two Meeka it has hn ojwn, Cashier Hut terwartli.nay, a s(lendid huuntaw luu hetin dmif. In fail, far IiboiuI antini-puliims. One of the fir, wawntluln to an tin factory inarkellng nrrHHHeinnnit hi ntandurillMMl products. Can. Jar ami othnr conmlnara nhouW be uniform In Ik, uiiiMutrauca, iuallt nnd condi tion Uvvry luiitnlimr wlikh (n fully up to the ntandard rsprnBlil l' the Iuhl or hramt wilt then te uu itilter lUement In Itnelf and often it guurauty to further purr hau s. JEN8E PETERSEN, AGED OF PRICE PIONEERS, AT JEST IN NINETY-FOURTH YEAR WHEN THE END CAME. Body Is Brought Hero From Spring City and Laid At Rest In the Plot 8ct Aside For Burial Pnrposes By Himself and Other Pioneers Homo Thirty-Five Years Or More Ago. Jiline Pelemett, oldlinie ulleti mid jiioueer of Prtii, Mnniit awa.t al Ihe home nr bin daughter. Mni Mart ltoliin-.ii or Spnng Ctt.t, Saturilat, June 7. Hill), al the adtmieed age ol Il'l yearn. He wan Imrn February lfi, ISW, at Allmrge (Denuwrk), the mui ol Peter nml Attim Iterwin hinne Jene Petersen lie hiemue identl fiinl with the Chitreh ol .lenen Clirint of Lnller da Smiiln in Inn imlite iiiiinlrt, Augunt 'Jfi, IHfil, nlmrlly itflerwanU iimung to I'lah, Inking up his luime Hi Siiring City The tin medinle eaune of death wan upplnplex.t mid tniuhlrn ineident lo old age In Mat. I.SH2, hunenir mid lamily ji-ame li Pnee, wllluig on a pine or 'gnmmt miw imned lij .lumen C Per gilHiu. H.t trade he wan it eooiier.miil iiiinle man harreln, tuhn itmk hueketa nut or thu niiigh limber or thieic il.n, alwi cm-ting a mill mid iiiitnii rui'limng 'imdnniHw tnnu nugur emie Hun grown here. IjiIit he timk up enrNt work and Tor man.t ihi wan the' weatir ror nil thin neeliou ot eouulrv. Ilia Hrnl wile, .Mitrv Chria tini, dieil til Pnee, August 'JS. M2. She wan the fimt woiiMii hnniil here and Ihe InhIj w.n interred at wluit in klMiHi. an Ihe Pelvrneii burrtul gniuiul leant or Pnee. 1 1 im neeond wiTe, .Mur.t Ann, died December , 11117, mid wnn bIi burneil at Pnro. There an1 net mi children Mirtiviug, Christmii, (lilUrt mid Knintun or Spring Cit, Peter Pelenu'ii or Hull 1-nktt City, miiilmiiaa 11. 1'ienwn ol' Pnee There an' Mime thirty Hirer vrauil children and Ihirty-htu great xntnilcliihlren. Childn'ii of his neeoud wire nre Mm. Stetu XcImim uf Mien, Wnsh. Mm. Nettie (Inrrelt, or Snll Uke City mid Mm. Alum Calloway nt Priee. Pun n ml wnieei were held in Ihe labernai'le at Ptiee lanl Mmi'hiy, eon duel e I by Itudmp I In lie. The nHuk em were I'Mder William Dowimril, President A. W. Ilomley, Hnient S llomley mid llmhoii Albert I Inner, nil ot whom reteneil leelingly lo Ihe iplcndid life and ilmrHctcr uf Ihe dc IMrliil Many lloral ollennga cnic ii the eankel. BETTER SERVICE IIELriNO PRICE AND OTHER PLACES Pun eU Ht nhipmeiitH into Ihe .Pintail Ilanui lime mum tliiiu doubled iiiro tho xoteruiiieut took liter the ie ill coutnut Inini Helper to Venial, ay My tun 'n Preit Preen. The uterAgu under private contract wim not to ex iiwil three milliuii kiuiiiU u yuur. To day it will nin more Hutu aeteu mil lion pomi '. Sume lime ugo Im P I law oii ol ihe Ktntricu dumrtmeiit pnilicleil Ibul thu deiartmeut will ,nate at leant Huiit thuiinand dollitm u tear or rather nrry mini ror thin miiu (per year Its I linn thu pntate contractor '1 he aat mg was oatuuated on thlee million niun.ln Tlte more the tounagi the more the amount naved, 1'nder private nun trnel tleMinnndn ot dollar nr year wa. paid for gootln bai nml ilmtiaged Toilny there are no loaaea and but lit tle damage. The nrrviea nbm in rnjml iMonilay luorning ot lanl week a firm ni My ton M-nt an onler to Pnee and on WmlneMlay morning Ihe goodn wire there AiMtllier firm ordered a !liipment from Chicago, lit eight .dutn Ihe shipment renew! Myton First and neeond claas hwiI u now urn t lug neveral bourn earlier. Salt IjtU iiewmpem leach Duchenne the mime tbty or publiualion. I'Urly nest inoniing they nre hi other I'inlah I In "in towns. Thin in the biggest guv cnimeut oirateil ktnr route in the I mtl State anil was the first one cl;iblisbed. Others will soon Im put hi I'tah. Invuntigationn are now being wade for a nmta fnmi TIioihimihh on the jlVuvur mid Km (Iraudo tu Klnts isouth oi there. Trlendn of K. H. Iloffifiann will K Ipleaced to learn tlmt ha Is fact reenter lug from the nttaok of lllnmM whUli he nuffered a few week ilnve lie In at I.0111: lleach, Cala , avya Itlchfleld a Iteuper of hist l'rhl, enjulng the urf IwtliliiK and rapidly galninic hla wnntwl health. Mm, llnffmunn Is chief nurne, lomimnlan, advlwer and 'chnpsrnne and the Hoffmann itru liu Iiik the time of their young Uvea. Manter I'loyd Hoffmann returned from ihiI.ooI Imit night and will un complete churee of the Huff, iiunii Inlerenu iiro while hU folkn are In California. He Ut u inunly fal low uml worthy of his purents. PARTY VISIISM CEDAR BUTTE Governor and State Officials Arc the Guests of Dr P S. Coke I Mondat'n Slt Ukc Tnbuiie cm ,rnil Hie iiiloritiHlion thnt (lot Siiihui llainlierger mid hm wrly ol Titian lien, who hate In en in Ihe Cinlitli Itantn lor tin ol week looking over Hm' n mrfn for that country with the tdui ol coimlnnling i ritilnmd Hi rough the llaain, nHiit Sntunlay night and a wit ol Sumlat on the pro-rt.t ol the Cedar Itulte Oil com jmiit A leleiiboue meanage rmm While Itockn Iomlny lo The Sun nlateil that Ihe llamberger wrty wetv more inlerenleil 111 the Cellar Itulle Oil iIchmiIs IhiHi Tmm a ntamlNint ol tiilure 'unnagr lor a rmlmtnl ami Ihe Mimibililien ol large pmHtn, limn lantlhiHg prvtiomdt itlcd on the Inp (eilar Ilitlle Oil eomiMiiy ban ibtcloxil Hi pmiiertt lo Hie extent thai hlerallt imlfioitn ol tonn of ml nnml nre etjnweil The hand la no neb 111 oil that ll neeM from the niden of Ihe lull ami ninn in Mreamn fmm Ihe euln made in Ihe ntde or the Initle Alter Ihe ilintinguinhed mrlt rmm Mall Uke City nml Ogihti hml made an exhauatitf itinpeeliou ot the ex tcnl mid rii Intern or Ihe oil aandn de nmit 1 hey wem HiiHiiimoiin in the nlittemcnt Iimt the Cedar Unite oil de HMila are dmliniil to Income one or tin- lug commen-ial eulerpnoea ot the Male A mfincrt ol thri-e hmulreil lona tapaeily in now miller eouMrue. lion, and ila oieniliou wan explained to llm tinilom. The wrly npint Salunlay night ut the cmitp entafdinhcd at Ciilar Untie, xi hem a relmery for taking oil tmm Ihe amiiN in now under eomdniMlion. They were the kuiI" of Dr P S. (oke, mmutger or the propcrlt MANY CARBON COUNTY TOLKS HOLDING STOCK ( arlHiu county mid l.iinterii I'twli linte uiimcmu aluiriboldem in Ihu Pan Motor eoiiiwn,v who will I10 in-len-iled in thm AnMicialed Prewn din lattrli, ilnjed Wnnhli.Kton, D. ('., June (lib "The Pan Molor coiupmiy or St. Cloud, Minn, mid ila preaidcut, Siiiuuel C. Pmuloiro, were riled today by thu ledeml trudu coiiiiniwiiou to nunwer n oomplaiul, Ihe fimt iMHied in Hm govt riiiuoiit 'a eniiipiiiu to ell niiiiiite minnipnHentnliou mid uiifmr practnea in the 1 Vmlittc wile of nlmka mid neeuntien. HiHiringa will begin here July llllli. The complmnt Hllegen the concern Iihs taken 111 fl, 7U.'III I mm the Mtle or Mock It hImi ihargea Hml the ntock in ipienliuu wan Hild Inun the incorortioii ol Ihe iiimHiny in Jauunrt, 11117, to Pebru ary 2H, llllli, ami Hml Ha pmaiilfiit, with Hie t'lliit of 1I11 citing the pub lic, circulated Himiighuiit the country falne, minlcailiiig mid i.iilmr udter tiMiuciitn couceniiug Ihu nnetn, re noun en, pmgrcua mid liumitiul hlniid lug of the company " HELPER P08TMA8TER8IIIP IS TO BE TILLED NEXT MONTH At the reoiient of Hm KHitiiuinler giuieral the Milled Ktitlea civil ner Mi o couiminniou linn itiiuoiinicd mi examiuiitloii to be held ut Pnee, July lllth, next, for the iwnition of m iminter ut HcImt 'I bin of rice bun mi minimi eoiiipenwitlon or nixteen I11111 dred dollam. To be eligible Tor Hun ttxnmiuutiou mi miplieant iiiiihI be it eiluen of the Hulled Ktutea, ncttmllv renule ttilhiu the delivery of Ihe of fice and hate no lemdwl at Ihu time Ihe pruiil uemiey occurred Ap ptiialiou form mid full nitormatioii concerning Hie reipiireiueuta of the examination may he nceiinil fnim thu totmutr nt the place of taemiey or from the eitil service ooinminnioii, Wastiiugton, I). C. All uiipbealionn nliiiuld be pruieriy exeeuleil nnd filetl with the coinminnioii at Wanliingtou, D ('., in lime lo arrange tor the ex amination of the apjdieant UTAH'S CELEBRATION WAS ONCE AGAIN POSTPONED When Ihe thirteenth legmlatum up pmpriuleil iiltcen Ihounand dollars for houonng I'tuh soldier, nailom and mannes who iariicNtteil in the world war .it wa exiieeted that a cMira tloil wuild be held on the 1 ouiih of July, when the people ot the ntale would give a great lereptum and wel come Keteral lonferenee hate lieen held regaiiling Ihe date for the m eejitimi. When it wa foud that not nearly all uf the men from Utah eiluld reach home liy July Ilk llm date was deferred until July '41th. Now it bun been found that that time will be un autiaiuctory, because a large number of the Utah lmyn still are (jrereeus envo it I inn lieen detemuneil to mmI Mine the eelehratioii pmlaihly until the Oelolier eonterence Mark A Howard haa reelaueil hU pneltiou with a local flmtmlal conenrn to take effeit nt once. Ilefure lucatlui; at Priie he wan In the Internal revenue kertlie, where he made khmI Heustor Koioot hue Introduced n hill In coiiKren to s'te taptured war 'un non to eotvral I'tali towns and title, I'rle Iik luded I THE WEATHER. H the Hn Mtievtnl HeMh-e. 1 Col... .him- 1U. 7u"7 n. H in. -Pair l-migbl and Pnday Bxecpt H j local nhnwera VH Food m Ihe tuel whh h ruriilnties tlw enerav f..r all the IhmIIIv ailltHtae, nn H coal rtittilnhen ihe hnit to make the ntrim hi. h ilrl, the enalne. hut II fl ih'ii Hem thnii thi it 1I..1 l.nlld th H '""'' '"mh ni I knp it ii, repair. VH JUDGE JUSTIN D. CALL i HOLDING DISTRICT COURT SEVEN CRIMINAL OASES 8ET H FOR COMING WEEK. H Civil Calendar One of the Largcit In M tho History of Litigation In Carbon M County Judge Ohristcnu En M gaged At Manti In Murder Trial H ( Taken There From Grand County. M Judge .1 imt in I) Citll n tin' Pimt Judicial rid wan here thin week' M rmm Itnclmm Ctly, opening eourt LH hint Mundat Tor Judge (limrgf Clirin- H The littler nt the liniii Imd H lieiu engngiil al Mnuti for mom limit H a week in Ihe iniintcr trial or Ignunbi H Marline, 11 change of tiuiie fmm H Grand coutily Dinxugaof it mini H jwr of law mnl molum nuttier, pro- """ M hale nine and the netting of (he cnl- 1 1 ndar. Judge Call hint Tu.wtlay iu. H jorncd iHiurt until next Mondny, when H I ho jumm ure ordered to rexirt, mid at which lime Ihe rrimitiul euleudnr H of wtrn eanxn nmien on. 1 1,, will mont likely he hem until Ihe 'Jlllli or the H imuilh, when Judge Chrinli imm In to H come. In ihe meantime Hie Litter H wilt go to Uigmi mid llriuhiim City H nir Judge Call The civil enlcnditr is H a very large one Tl rimliuil umoa LH follow H Stale tn. Antonio P.legmitr, nnwitilt with deadly wee.nin Trial set fur iH Klutetn (leorge Telom mnl KUiVH jH Chnliin, iimaull Willi inlcnt to com. jH mil imird. r Met lor June U()lh. King, H llralfct t Schudlei, ulloruiiya for do- H fvuihinls. tjl Kliile ta lludii Drngiifh; grmul Inr- ! icny No inlorumliou an yet filed, fl but order lor amne may T uindu. M King, llmflet . Srhiullcr, attoniuyc Tor iIcIViuIhuI ILI Stute va. Dr C. T. It.Hi; wrnnl J fS kmmlcilyc of Iciiuile under IH yenra ' ' M of age. Plou or not guilty and cum , M net lor June 17lli. .M. . WmldoutM ' 1 WM nnd L A. Mi (be, iillorncyn fur ik- ' I U fcudiiut 1 Bl Hlule ta. Hiiruey Ilnuglloi indirvnt IH uMuinll Plmt or not gtiiltt mid ensit h lor June lHlh. P . WinmN, nt torney for ilereiuhinl. H .Stale vn. Uhiih Hell, biilin IIoiiih- 1 luni mnl Jamea Il.irtoii; obtninlng 9 money hy eoulnleiice gmue PI111 of I V mil guilty mnl cane net for Juno lllth. , , M M. i: WnildiuiiM, attorney lor ilcrclid- W 11 11 1 h. j IS ORDERS COME TO RESUME ! 3 WORK AT SOLDIER SUMMIT i m Work ut Soldier Summit 011 Ihe V M Dmer mid llio (Ininde wan 1 jjj nwiiined litnl Weduendiiy Almut Tour b K hundred men will bo employed in run- (W, Klniclioii mid truck work this summer. ' Ml ll in enli nml cd il,(l((I.HOI) will he the M Intiil Hit eat incut in llm leniiinnl when ' fy It isiou.pleled. Thu work wna nbund- A oncd Innt Hiiiiiincr when war economy S lorbiiibi further pmgrena. Aii-ordingtoSnllljikeCilyolfitiulK, ' t , ' hImhiI Tour huiidn'd mm will be em- 1 ployed ut Kobber Summit by thu rail, road to handle the hiMince or thu mad when the leriinmil ih coiniletd. Sol dier Suiuiuit uiiiy hImi be the htnrtlng iMiint lor the new rmlmad into the Ciiitah Ilanui. The nwil would run lo Duchenne and then to Mxlon. ' j Much ol' Ihe work nt Hoh.ler Bum. nut hits already been completed. Tim wye tlwt will serve nil the twenty.njj: tuilea or Irucka has been finished mid mueh of Ihe grading done. OOMINO HOME TODAY. Telegram reeeitetl lrom Crulg, I Colo., Tueaday aflernoon were to the I- i-rrei'l Hint Hot Simon iMtmbergor and wrty o I'lah bumneea men uud engineers, now invealigatiug the feuI bility iil h railroad rmm Salt Uke. s City into the I'inlah Itwuu. would leate then. WetlneMlay last They hud been iiiveniigatiug coal mnl oil tlttMi ' near the wenleru Icrminu ot Ike Muf rat railroad with which the 1,'luli line would 111 all prolwhility connect. Thu party in exiieciml hoiue today. 1, MEXICANS ARE OUILTY. ll , MANTI, June 11 At the mmolu. S won of h nensalionnl Inal, in which J Igimeio Martinux mid Inn mii-iiidaw, Kl Itauaiu Arehtiletla, Mexiuaiw, worn , clmrgcil with the murder of lliidolidi K. Mellintlun, a forest rmigar in tint ' U Sal ilwlnet, Sun Juuii county, buth t men were today sentenced to Hm statu , Ii i' nnnoii Archulettn vviis scntemcil tn '. V lift) imprisonment mid Mutine: to fif. ' teen year. " 1 uneph MoKlerrK. uf Helper imd V. Alexander June uf Ctutlo auto were 7 , 'J looeutU hunorahly dlehuri.'d from ',, ' military nervine ut Cuinp Koaruey, C CU,- & ' 1 I) J-ewU'liau puielia.od the home i, ' of N V ChrUteiiKon on Noith Ninth i " ntrict roiiklderatlou, It BOO 1