H ImiioiI Kvcrv I'rldnv li Hun 1'nl l'i
B Ine fo (In. ) It U t'rrMkitl Mur
H fluhserlinlnn, 2oo tlu vnr Offi.e
H 1'honw No 9 Itiwlilum- Xn nnn
B ,ivi:inisis(i itArr-s.
H ! Display Matter l',r Imh per Muntli,
1 I 11.00. HltiKlc lemle l Hp ll
B roslllmi It I'it Cent Additional
HBV Reader nml l,eKnl Notice. I Br (f r
Line Count Hlx Word I., tlm Line
Hi Obituaries, Pard nf Thank. Itmxilii-
, tlotio, Kti nt Half I Him I Heading
H I N'tl(p I tale i '.unit Hlx Word i
B the
m Adlel. I'nr Hale I'.ir llenl Knuml.
i lnl. Kit . One Vnl per Word Km h
I leMie. No t'liataw An mini.
Hll AUtlraaa All fiiliiiininli allium In
i HUN' I'UIII.IHHINO CO, Price, t'txh
H, I vvrnl inniiriiliii: Million! 1li tun;
I I kIihxI up nml i rbtl In ln tinum-aii-
1 Moil, .lnl. ao.'Jh.
Kl Wo have h greater not) of food
! . in IIiIn count rv limn I In In- Iniinil in
; Hiiy other mi I'Hrlli Not unl do we
' ha inure foodstuff I'ihmI in granl-
l itr ipinnlilien tint I lie average Am-
.P arinMii consume h wider range of
fl' fund limn doe Hi ii inhabitant nf
r nlhtir t outline An ii iiihIIit of fart
H , the vuricly nf foods hi inoul IhiiiU i
K Miry limited. The Hindu know mi
H , oilier food Himii ni 'I lie Cluiinmmi
H i anil I In) .Inpaticse Imvij n coiiimotlil
jy IT " hoelde m. Iii nmo replon
Hl fruit is uletl exclumvph. nml in mmi
land broad nml potatoe coulitiiU'
B: Dili chief Hem nf ilirt Hill here, iii
H thin pHul In ml nf our, ki; Imve prae
H 1 1 rally every fiMiil tlmt i In be luul in
V ""' other Tnko tlio liililn nf Ihu
i ' uicrngri mnti nf Carlton count) iln
in nml iluy out nml bole tlio ninny
commoditm wlilrli arc rutmmiicil.
Or, In-tltT Mt ill, pi to tlio Kmi'tiry nml
M liHik u(r tin hlnlviit. I'ikiiI from
HJ i'Vitv nirk nml cnnicr uf tin mirth,
H hnniilo llic iniiny iliTfori lit kiniln pm
Hl ilurril in IIiIk ;lortiiH lonntry. A
H ilnrrn kiiiilt nf mont, fifty kimU nf
i rptnliliiK, fniiU uf cery kmiun
HH urirty uu iiirlli wiih i-r lliin ii
BbB imlion uf mhiiii (lint luul tlio prml-
(-K1I uf M'lrctillK tlju liiil iln-1 from
1 Mirli it Imtf Wiih or lliero n iMiipli-
B llmt hliutilil npiri'rintu wi imirli tlio
i priviliu uf Umiic in ii liiiul wlicrn il
HHT thn npiK'litu rnncN nny umi llilnj,' it
HH ii h)miiI)Iii In uliliiin il riglil lit rv nt
BHI ImiiioT
HKj If tint Knru ronfi'niiro ilinvtti'l
. i hkiii kvI llinnik'li with il work u 'I I
l lu(Mi l mil (lint imlrh uf rmlmluHi
""J oniium nn iinnmtleo, iimtcnil uf n
I Knro pinlcii, iih Undo S'nin hiikimiU.
i j Soinutimc H-umliir wlml lint lie-
BM tiinin uf the ulilfniliinni'il ntirin win)
V unoil to pvu n pnlcnt mriliriiiu firm
tiwlitiHPlliil jiiMt Iii K'l I'll plrturo
' in the pnH)n.
' At thuMiiuu limu Hint Ihmuo picn nut
' ' Ihn wu-t'nl Htmiip ihiimc bnrk. Hut
BVi, ,l whnt'n the lincf Mo.l of Ihu follow
W '. will Iki liHdr lolirku mitii;i Htninp.
V It in unmiunriMl Unit IinmI price
will iwkih nHim tlnun. Ami n know n
BSI lot uf (Kiiiild whnM Ik) willing to Ktniul
VJ under nml l linilwd hy the full.
H Whin lulxir h'Ih nil it wnntx nml nil
l il ilrtHUiw riiimi (Vile, tiolniily will ho
M' xorkinjf hut (ho Ikhm mid Iih 'II not h
V K'ttiiiK nnlhinK out of it
I -
B In mii ufforl to utiim (hit lulu of mull
oriliirw piiiiK out of Ihu MmIh lo IUwI-
I urn fuitur, lh I'ImIi MMiiulititunnt'
iiiNMiMittioii in ilirt'tintc h mrt ot it
huy ut Ihiiho eHitiiKii to tin Ntrieu
kr 4utu. A nHirt wmt n-cviviil nt
g, llm'orfifHI Of till HMKIAIHtillll Ik ffW
I iIhm iiko tlmt rtHMiitly u lull rurlimd
Hjj Iwonty-uiNht Ioiih of iimiI orthtr
H j iHorwHwmliHt whViih-iihI nt h Uluh
H illiilriliullli pouil, imiiMKiiml to otn
,! Mtmlt ilialnH. Intlipttimi rfiwlisl
Hi tin) fntit thnt Ihm him n lrtMuiit h
mirrtimHi, mid tlmt m fml, mm I order
J btiMNM m lw IJit uri Iwiuk icifii thf
enwrn of Ihu humiivM llwt ntkould h
H (C'llHT to Ulull HicrrhmiU.
H MJHt wlml ulftmt thn ilnun on the
rMtHiiM of tht irfHlt mmn lo tb
' HHllI WH4I HltUt l(Kk til I'lull lllllu-
truw MM i mmu of kiik h livfll-
IhmwI ii liMrd to ilelHritiuu'," ) m
t WHinlMtr of the nneitnni, "hut it
f KiieM w.tmmt mik tlmt er liollnr
H Ihiw mill mm in Ihu upbuildiiiK ot
iHiHM ISiMtHrH imliutnnl ivitter when it
H, wmld jiwt iu wcl Im iitMtle lo help the
Hi , dwimiiiMttiil of HwnufMeturinK iu thin
H "The MMWiufNelurvni' tiMoeintum i
i Hiidwi4nMtc to orete n Mntiimnt
j Hftit thin irt ot hiiiiiK by untune
HH) ' llMt UtHll MMlltf JMmU WlJI tWl III
HH ' ntue, hi I lie Ihhum of ImiIIi ipiauiity
Hi I, nntl iiumil.N, tb mml order hinmU froiii
Hb thn lwMrt, mid nkuit the pooplt ot the
Hi 4 tnle to HHtke ioninriojt Mini give
Hi. n i Utah kimmU the iirefereiiee when they
H H t eompi fnvonthlv in ipmlity nml in
Hb. u i Jirie-e with (imhI mmle elMwhere "
Hi ' l I At tint rytwul tueeliHtf of the iiiuuo
Hl I flMrtwrnrn with the Uluh Sute I'ivm
HbJ (j MMeWitjiiM thi 4mm of I he earn
Hh i J imh wm emphmnjud mid htith mmuu-
Hit j)' J fuatMrwv mid publiaberf tiiiJgl
HI i ttiiiiniWwi to viirorouaiy traaeeul the
Hi! V mmbjn yaui.l the nwl order buw-
Hl! "
H , ftHB which pmi4e for the tabu
Hti IfttiQB of information ragtrtuiuf pupiU
Hjl J '' v in the voeuliouul eduentum (Jim out
Hlii , , ' lined for L'Ub have boan forwnrdml
HH ' l ij to the vnou m-JiooJ bwutU iu tin
HB , i tote by KUio DirweUir IMieu W
H , iM KiikiwMu. M'ltb IIm fonw i w ltur
HBi " M miHmt HKwtion to tim jtirupriiw'u
HJt' t ' I by th Mtme uf fifty tlionatiml ilollmn
Ht- . f for this work,
HH 'mL
Sheep and Coats About Steady With
Trading Fairly Active In Both
OUmch Some Inquiry For Thin
Mules For Feeding Purposos Live
Stock Notes and Quotations
Tli Kun Hptx-lnl Kr Ic
KANSAS ( ITY, Mo, .lime
All enltle pnetw Im1m wr troiK lo
leu rinln liiuhor thmi lt werk'n
pIhk nml liflj lo nitv five rntn
mIiom- h wtrk Hpo l'nren hnvp dmnr
iii Hlemlih ninee luul Tneily, nml
llw deitimnl lodnv boel nvm
iirgenry '''"" f"r '"w Umr mI
Mine" were lnitir lo leu ftit blither
tliiin I'mlnx nml hep peMil, lo
twi'lil-flr renin lowei ('mile re
eeiptu tinkiy wer eleven IImhimihI or
four llmunmnl hend fewer thmi week
no. nml Iwn thou ml lem Ihrni n
yenr tufo Onlv hImhiI eenH em-lHd
of Ioiir Im ii I enltle were included in
lodn 'n wiilj Hog rereiplK ieen
I ei'ii tlmiiMiml, two Ihouxmid heml
Imxer lhn n week no nml i llem
Mini iHrjfer tlinu n yenr nnt Sheep
nreipt lHiweil n iWHlemle ieerene
eoiiimrel with h wnk io, nml n
twenty fue liiimlred heml inerenm'
eompttriil with ii .eHriKi l'rtri for
fill ulcer were leu to fifteui enl
luulicr limn hiil wek' rloe nml
flft lo mi I J five lent iiInivc ii week
ngn with conniileruble nrliwl) 111 the
lain Inule. Ol femur wild mo'ri' che
ly t tin ti for Nome time pni. A cur
loud of fiiurlmi hundred KnnM
oti-er wild nt Mil 00, tlieliiKlnxl price
for wutie time hih Cnliforniu Mlccr
M'-'m to fill 110 ArioiiH up In
Ml'ifi, mid Colorado MI0. ('"
nml heifer were ipioled HtruiH; it t
t"o0 lo MIUMI, nml heifer d n cent
higher ii H0 lo .l I (HI. Venl cnle
were Mmd). Trede in Aloeker nml
feeder wiin rnlher ipiu t bcciiui of
mimll nceipl I'nre fmn. I'eedi r
ntv ipioled nt M0 00 to M I (HI mid
MtoikerH $Hf0 to $1,100.
1 IiK price here remnin iimleriHll
higher limn clucwhcrc The lop price
loihiv $V.0..'I0, hiiiI b n pucker, nml
bulk or hk bniiiKht 1!.1HI to f.'O Ifi
(oiiiMrvil with hut Frtdny the iiwr
kit I ten lo fifteen mil higher 1'ipi
are milium ut iri0 to $11)0(1.
Shtep iinre ludiiy were hIhmiI
utiHidy with Iriulo fnirly nclnti ufter n
Into Hlurl. KpmiK himii wild nt $ 17Hi
to .1H.M, nml elipHtl hlnep fOiO to
$U.M. (Iiiiil up In ill 00. MimI of
the ufferinir went I rum Amumn,
TeXHM uml ('ulifoniin.
Normnl rcieipt of Imrw nml mule
in the ml week met n fnirly nclive
demand nt Mtetidy prne 'I here in
oiiil iiHpnr.N for Ihm mule for fetd
lUKt hut the defmiml for wittthern
huie is dull nml price wenk.
Dr S W. McCliire, necrelnr)- nf the
Nnlioiinl WoolKroUHra' MWHiiHtbtfi,
I in milHHineed tht the mmtniHliou
will olfer n bumlretl ihdlnr in pn
for idieeji nt the next lle fnir.
1'nne uf ten dollar eneh will W ol
fennl for the lt ninw nml ewe.
.Iniite A. lltMiMr, Keiienil nent nt
Sttlt Ukv Cil) for the Nnlioiinl Wool
Vri'lMMie nml tomne eAntpnuy nt
Chienic. ieeene-l n telegram but Wwl
newU.v frout there ntnliHg that at the
mietHHI wimiI wtle in ltolti the tUv
heforw there wn keen Imldintf. A ,
few flmiee wuol were offeretl, mull
I lie balnnee mdd alwive the xmenuttent ,
miiiiiniiui inee.
In I he ueiithborbtHHl of itevetilern i
hmidretl Kleer. which netlett their I
owner Henri) $100,000. were lnopetl
but week trout Tboui.m. The Urft- J
et hipHT were Ihe Sbny MomiiImiii ,
l't lie nmpau, which Mild MimelhiligJ
like l hi rl ecu humlretl bead. The price ;
the) reeeiietf were firt-fle ihdlrj
tt yearling, il) five tlollnr for
two and wnt.-fne tbdUr for
ChuM MrvU m a ullver baKlnic
dlah will Ki hot muih luitaer than
,1( eril on a plait tr
If you expKt to gt remlta with
stock yon must have tb best of feed.
We bare an extra quality of nay,
Crn, Oato, Barloy and Bran and
SborU at the right prioas.
d A serriea, geed prieM awl onee
t oM(ur. always a mttMtr.
'rice Commission
South Xmih Strait,
lnai, L'lab.
Iluinmi'i ai.-n t utana. as you i
tlm k u ili., but )uu chaiiKC I
Tw Hinitri mllin of t oitl laniU welt
I in- UrnnKe Keeh, William A Jrf
I n Ormwp Kcelj William A. Jef
(. r.ii llriitn ami .liwnli It Tlilwell
till William H lloinltie
i Work beitiin on tin- Kratle for
the Iwiurr it in) Itlo 'Iritntle lirnuth
jrrom Moniirin lo Mttntiynlde
II (I MmiIiI wan nam cil rmtd mm-ml-uaioner
for fartHin iiinnty li tint
lltlier M Well Unit Arnlerwtn alwi
loplrfil 0 the plate
Nephl Mfofleltl twilll a litlrlih of four
ihonatnil wchrii lo W T Otetlen for
lllSn hem!
Mr a ml Mr K r l.ee reliirnnl lo
Vine Mile from I'rttvo, wliero they
hml anne for it luririeal otinmiloH fur
fine nt Ihe i hllilrtHi
Three hiinrlrtnl loal ph ka anil a
proporllonale amtmnt of tHlir tool
ami nupplleit were writ to ritintlltle
by I'leitmnl Valley 'al niltlHtny frtim
t'HKlle Utile lo utart development work
Niiiwrotm miner were alveti emplo
mini llrr I'armley nf (Vtatle (Jale u
mmte mine foreman at Hunnysttlc
llrnm Wilcox, watchman at (mrthi
Hale hllletj a large mnuntnln lion Jnnt
nt utile that camp
Ira It HrownlnK of ('antle I (ale
wantetl lo buy aome entmr irtwtecU
for Kaalarn tllenl. Ilnntlretl of
t lit I inn had been ItHatetl In Carbon ami
Kntery rountle.
I'olaloma were worth two dollar a
l.u.hel at Oaalle Dale
Jhte litelttiw and (lnrHe M Miller
rilunllnaltm were In I'tlce on a mln
Inn ileal thai thy illdn't niahv
(lite I'rlce flim adtertbtal Hour at
IJi to ! Iter hundred, sugar,
fifteen imund for a dollar. Itaion
(brenkfaatl Hi. lard, ! and dry
alt baton. 1, I'renmery butter. ic
Mexeral friend of Mr ami Mr. K.
HantMliI Hr. atirtirtKed them at their
home at TaMle Onte
It II Mllltr had been named mar
hal of Ihe da for the 1'i.iirili of Jul)
eletintllou nt l'rbe Henry I'lAtk wa
to fire tile Mlnle unit Joeph Jom
hok.1 the flMit It W CrtMktitl wait
itowu for a Hump ieerh nml Hubert
Mi Kane nml Herman It llondey wtti
to alllK t'ommlttee oil flllHIUK. K H
llorlty, (leorne A I'iim-ii ami It W
CrtHktlt, tlettiratloii, Mr. J. O
Kaiiwll ami Mr mite Millbtirn,
niHirlM, Mum ltoe llryner i.Mr I'etir
Amleroii), ltenr I'lark. Krren Oleeti
mid Mr Olive Millburn.
Jnme Itixmey of Ililper hail return
mI from (lleiiwiMtd HprliiK, t'olti
mm It Imprntetl in health alter taking
Ihe twill then
Jinlwe I' I. WimhIm wn In l'rbe
from I'aMle Hale nlti mllmc court, hi
fln-t Npiiearmiit- in CarlHin itiunl) n
tliKtrbi Nttnrmv
IContlniieil from twite two )
eighteen hundred ton dail, while
Slorr it running hIkhiI twelte hun
dred I'ifl) miner an beitiK ndertietl
for nt Keiiilwiirlh Ihi wek.
IM Hoffman, n mliiiinitmtor uf
Ihe elnti' nf Slwo Cureich, Im tiltsl
Ult Hfllil Die I'liitetl Stnlea Km I
kiimimii) to n-eover thirty -tutt hnn
dnl iliilhir ilmnnge fur the death
of Steve Cttreifh.
Ctnli mine ot Ihe Ctali Km I nun
tHtiiy ha lieen ilotl down nidi lnm
l. Ick ol tinier fur Ihe cIiim of
coal prtHlueetl llten1 i given it tl
nni. It lalel) Itan.lieen iimlir h.i u
to Kmil lUiluml, wlm Im gom lo
Clear Cn-ek a mine nHtmilemltui
Snne for a branch line ot rut
rood from a totnl nkinl three imi t
koulh of Snnnyule oh the I). n,r
nml Km (ramie have la-en eouiidttid
lo ! new coking ettal eantp in nt r
Canon heiujr tleveto(,e.( b U 1
Itmn. The hue will Ih mhuc ilint ,.r
four wilt? in length. ,
I'ltnnisw, wxiitit I'li'ic i.im.-
Nolbe i I'ontrat b.ra and Matin.l
Man HeahMi propuwtlii will lw re iv
.mI by the ntar and illy toumil if
I'rht I'lah. nddrewed to or at then
'off be at I'll. e. I t.ili, until 1 o'i b K
ip m of June at, ll, roc furnUhlna
Pipe. Ulna plp. eiavatln lien h
Iwikfllllna iran.h. otuttru. una mi.
t-allanrotia i-om rale Imumni, Mih M-tutr
! or tottiblneu lid, for all or p.r
lion of the ob for a walarplpe lint
from Collon gprlnga to l'rbe. I'luh
lUluiu of alHiut lwntfur und ,
half niiltm. All bbU for mirierlul uir
to be a.-, muanled ly manufm Hirer
HHlftalbm and all bid are i l
.mtomiMiiilnl b a ierllfU.il tbrtk ..f
IS par tent of tba amount ..f me III
lo wuaranlee their enlarlug into a n
lra.1 In taae I lie) are Ihe kui.mXuI
blddera. Iha i h k to le returned in
i if of rejeited bid The p,ikn ir
tomiianUw h bid nhrtll be a n I
d ahall ule a n.lrt and turn
lah laind within lan da of n.iil ,,
.forfeit the i enlfled iheik alaxe men
Honed The riht a raaerxad ! re
Jet t any or all blda Plan and -.o i
ifnalbiiu ma le vnaniined and eu
linutad .! aa-vrtalmd from Juue it
Oliton. eiiauiettm, Kko theulvr building
l'rbe I'lah, or at offbe uf It It !.
man and Motwr I'atk Malt loikc fit)
I I ih AIo priMp.le ioutraiiir
will le ikon over Ut prupad woik
b) appolnlinanl Willi Joiiea A HU.ii
I'lTX llllM'II, OK Hltlt'K. I'TAU
ll Haorao A Woollen. Ma) or
A 1 1 eel Mat Ullmour I'll) llai order
Hnrt pub, Juna I I. laal Juna it), lIV
Wadding anuountetnenta. enantieil
or printed Tha Hun
lanwl blanks, daada. blank Ihm,I.
notaa and f rth The Hun
N C) T I V 10
Eye, Nerve and
Headache Specialist
Will be at 2vavoy I lotrl
If . I
i . T
'jf y
: ' I
$ Ready to Serve You J
f Come In and Open An Account X
i with Us i
t PietkJenl Vicc-PfcikJent Vice-Pf anient CaJiier Y
Patrons Are Asked to Call
For Ice By Phone
Olvo the number of your card, before 3 o'clock of the after
noon, to be sure of prompt delivery.
High grade distilled water, delivered at Price homes and places
of bnslness, five cents the gallon.
Price Ice & Cold Storage Co.
CHAS. 0 MUflLER, Manager.
PHONE 101.
U Laboratory
1 and Road Tests
a i
Laboratory testa of motor oils are all I
B well ami good We wake them con
I stantly. Hut tlio best way for you to
B tost your awtor oil, is first, find out
k who manufacture it, and, second, to
N use the oil in your car day in and day
I out'
I As to tko first test, Vico Motor Oil Is
D manufactured by the Utah Oil Refln-
ing Co., the largest oil refining com-
piny in the Intennountain West. As I
U to tko Kond test, thousands or motor- I
U Ists have used Vtco and the proof of
iU efficiency Is in the fact that they 0
H continue to use it ffi
Utah Oil j
Refining Co.
"Every Drop Counts" H
Jlainuxer I'nrralt ha contracted
with Henmrtir (Irealer KMtitiou
Ihiw for the carnival attraction tor
(hi ar' fair.
l'etervtm Si Itmard recenetl a liuu
dretl ami ility baml nf ling nt l'nee
last TiMMtUt). They name from Kwery
county and the Uintah Itasm and most
f them nra gointf to Denver, Colo,
und im Jiaal.
During the ioat weak Utah .Mauu
. imtlurer aoMMiatttm jirtanniuxl to lb
I'Uh Statu fair Itoartl a larga eleatnc
-ign, Ih oIim of whieh is apjirosi
ttialaly tavcu bundiMl tiollar. It
insn the legend: "I Am Fur I'lah."
i Arrangement have bean matte on
nil railroad for iweial freiabl and
I aasanger rale. These are halt the
ntuul lull tare. The ball nductioti
made on the preiwintation ot a rer
ifieate lroui the I lah State Fair a
eiation. .
Tbi car for the first time tha rail
roatla' will aaauuM jiart uf ttta nk
n shipptug entile. Kxhibitor will
have thirty tlna in which to ship
back block from the fair, tbo return
trip la-nig trie Thw ia aquHalaia to
.hall ' the u.uul trviirbt rale.
I S t yhiiuker of OgaVn has lan-n
apiinied dirwlor to ud Willani
jSerowerott, who was ttbligetl u, tender
hi reaiirualion beeanse L i. ,.u( ,,r
lobar will la, aMleni,.r of tb flm,
art department and the worehnnts
The I tab I'lgeoH club through its
I L " ?rif"r, Ktt'r-'tt twtrtiy for
Wy tha most es tensive disulay of
pigeons ever aaaembled in Uut
Fairs in California have organised
iirtasuT"1 , "Jrf s
i tan Mate fair It Wiii ti..
be r,be lor eahJb.tora 'JSS
Llah loesh.bi, J w iJrjSl"
lit. on Ihe eou.1. This l. only Uj uf
he miBieniu udv ant WH ,4Zul
ihe I lah hute ,,u lMr'r "'
Ur M II Jlra.If..r4 f lhl ,,,,
ehal ol uiiut, at the University ?
Utah ba i be, ehoaen Ju2 1
viaor of the tumoral kmn7t
James Haley f nnmt WTJ. Jl
ylnrtcr fur Ihu rncon oC lnt jtnr, hxr.
In en choH'it for Ihu cominjr fr
The ncnrtilluniita or llic Mate will
be lntcrctcd in n collection of rniji
h1, such n injuniiiH in-ccl and
liingiiK niwlliK, which nn litiiic m
Kfliiiblcd by C. IJ. KC fr (,M
linn, rhi ilinplny pniniict to br
one or tlm must ciltunlloiml tlmt will
l pruxidcil nl (he bij; nnnunt mtmcia '
turn. MrtliotU r nimbntiiu; thec
kI will iiIimi lit-illtntmtf.1
Willi u it;w to pniviiling n iiMIy
or Hnlifnctory horaca for the iiw of
tint iirni), a iiinvmiicnt ha been ntnrt
ol by the wnr ilcutrlincnt ItaikinR lo
I'lilisliiiK coiiKnitaiiiiinl intcn-t in the
liutllur .l.iu, .l...i P. .1... 1. ..j
: "" "tint lorni toe tiewrea
ItvxiNlntiou to ink,. i ,Ha. not
cltair, but the ipiliiui will be worketl
down to it Ihims Ii tin- military nu
jlHtnllm nml then a definite plan ml!
bo nuhmiltctl to rongnw.
Ke ICIIerlaon ft Hlajncr for big Mr
MHlna. Ileal eetale mid relilet.. Adrt
The railway niliniumtrntinii i aend
Ing out to nil ttfkut iiKeiit n circular
J" vtlH lrnel, in whivli it i wnd
ITie I inted S(ttta railroad admin
hetratbMi remove nil realm tiouuon
dtiMr travtil, nml full trmiK.ri
Hon raeilititw mii now be provided
II publilt i IiimIihI to ioit the van
w reaort llirutiglHiiit Ihe country
imtlndiiig the lunionnl Ntrk and na
tliHial iHtiniimenia. K.xetimi.m faru
will lw Hiillmrmetl quite K"rMlly "
l"lm olive oil m, three for
qunrt.r Hmk lllllk. avt n for a d- II r
irbe rrudliig tompaiiy Atl.l
Wttbllng nnnouicementa engri
or printed The Hun
"no tViu IVr Wonl I'jiiIi liiK'riliin
.o ('linritu Atiiiuiii.
KSSIt tSAI.lC llltlll (IHADK I'lA.NO
and furniture Che p. Mr. 1-an-Oundrnmn
..,5 . ".' ""w ,rll reaaonable An
ly to Kuaami Chutlln, l'rbe. flah
,h furniture lrt with me by n
larker will be aold for rent gn.fleid
Utah. June 9. mis. )oM yj,titi
r9' AI. ONK OOOU R.l)I)l.r
-im" of alaiut a thnuamiil pounds
aiUJi ''t"Ma'l"r l'" I" mle William
Uluh "r Bf c",",' ll0,el' Vriu
T "' "a "l twvov Hotel, MumUy
iu." th All thtMie aiifftrliiK from t.
"rain, headmho ami aofonli tlont
tall to tail Ailit
i... i "". w "Mhlo feat iiac, alan
.Jav. ry' o'lrltf llaht. Can kear
under any tawuamtur If ntarale
Plant ,c'' m' Colii ,or'
'at' .. A,' VN l-ASHKNtlKI
iJ?. .tbh'r automoblla Driven tml
I"'""! ihouaand mile. Two rklra tlrec
upnolatarad. apurt top. Thla i-r ui
'-ughl cheap for .aah ASdre
"wmr Ho, n3 t,rhm uh
j tii. in Oei eland turnery .t.untv
'u'i. one now wide tire I Hhutt af
' ii oii ittVy wt)rk milieH-i 0ttI,4
, wad and ,u.r ,hM, Bw oue 0M
gray .horse, al yaara old, and one
fit I n",r,, f'va eara old ThU out
it... 1 l"""' u "unured dollar, hut
u , u,UBl for rur nulH,reJ Uo