Newspaper Page Text
B PAGE 8IX THE SUN, PRICE, UTAHEVERY FRIDAY UNElisl, I EVERY INSURANCE NEED H Can be Ukcif care of by this B , Wo'rc Insurance Special ' lU H Automobile, Hl Parcels Foot, H Compensation, j 1 riro, Burglary, B nest Service, and HH Trorapt Adjustments HK Bond, Abstracts, H Conveyancing, v Notaries Public, Hi' LEE-NELMS CO. H'l Iti(NirBirntrd it, Upstairs, Sit niu Htiildinjf, IMIICH, UTAH i I SERVICE HLJ Main Office. Main nml M Mtitli Street. I'rlcp, I'IrIi j. REX MILLER H S. KUSANO MMk Japanem Mm liamlli nf H I'lerjr lltwrlptlnti 1 j entering (h tliu Trad of lte. T, Identa of the Coul CMmp and j Hurreundlng Territory H i H ; ' i :irr tnt wroTATtosK H ' Concrete IIiiIIiIIiik Kouth Ninth B I Htroei. I'rlrn. Utah i" -Hb t Tlios. Fitzgerald HN Holt Drink nml fool IUII. A 1 ItrMiri fur ('inltcinrti. Hl Cigar, 'IoImuvim, Clf-nrt-Mr itnil H hlmllnr .Mrrtlinnillao. H , ' Vrl Main hired m rmci:, utaii j ' POOL HALL H' Bofl Dilnkn. ClKitn. Tobacco. MM' . , ClKsretlea Hl i Candles. Nothing Hut the Uet. W N Tour Trail Solicited. J joi; hii:va aMs J'arksr.Weeler Hid:. Price, Mh Utah Hi F- Hj Farmers Mill and j , . Elevator Co. H , KmH I'ltwr At Mill, w 1 I .l.. " IMf, IrfHe Of M I.N0. Br 1 gran Ih Hulk, till; In frisk. HlgkMst i'aeti lrt.v raid for , Wheal ' i 'J Chtlag lie NM- Humified H I'ouwta. CbsanlMg Need Whtat tfr per i if Muahel I ;' M J, Wilbur Bumham, Hi i MMr. If ' lnvastflgatton by the agricultural i . i towtmeut show thai one standard J , rl uf v,H seaonel kiekorv. oak. i S " Moil, hireb, hard maple, ab, lm, h ..jf lj Hai w eberry hmh1 in aitrxnuall x.ff J nvl ton f anthraitt roal A ' x win! m4 half f wtft wauU or Ihu t 2 ink ttf MMUr, io)ar r Itaa hmm1 ' J T uw riiirMl to jrh tlw mum nnwunt HI " 1 tr( ittixwl xh1 tuU ut lat hup ton of B ! 'HI r vrM"Nf rHtU iMtuiuiniHW cal H' i fell IUhiiL. fitrina nru Immivjc snt out to Hi Kfy;' $ HraHa of tliu IimUhii ht hi Itali H ol i "" Nn ""'''l' ,0 lHriiBintlv in tliD HJ ' i.fefl f'l uijiririutttl Ity th tniiiMtntn H i TTsU lfHiutur tor (Mr btmnflU Tim or- K 2 fl Til ''"" '" 'IM,wmit tne '"orwl i" i11! b H t r' ' '' "'Mtv Ixmnl of examiner. H ' . H, 11 fyr ''J"' Zod pnntiDg. Tbe Sun. LI"' hHhhhhhhIhhhhhhhhhhhR! 'CONGRESS 18 TO FIGHT ; PREDATORY ANIMAL PLAGUE UTAH 8T00KMEN ON BVK OF NATIONAL ASSISTANOC ConErsMiaan May and Senator King Working For Bill That Passes House and Will Be Pushed In Sen ate Packinghouse Merger Ooing After Foreign Business Markets. In ntisuir to n li'li-Knuit ! re iontl lo t'tflli puihIom nml riimni ImIimh in WhiIiiiikIiiii, I) C,l t' II Slonnrt, iri-l(lfnt tit (lie I'tali live Muck ImhuiI iirxirtfe tlieni to llc lln-ir infliipiico to carr tlinniKli I lie nn riiltnrnl Miiniinnlicin fur llic ilt-Mmr tion of pri'ilnlcin hiiiimhIm ('iniKrcvs limn Mil) it lolpurnplieil Knil taut (lint the nKnriilliintl npjinijiniitiiui bill linil just wiw1 the Ihiom, rnrr. iti); n IhIhI of :N),ID fur I In- ilrMnir lion of prnUturj hiiiihmU in Mini about tlm forwt re m m Mh.vh mhI tlmt In would notif.v the liimrd when the bill liioHitic m atittud1 Inniimuili ns I'lnli bus Iwn Imdh mfixtiil with tbmut xiit4, Stcunrt ilivtiioil it nwiiwHirj to ut ovpry if tort in utvitiK I'IhIi Mimlnpt nml rip riwntntUiM to ni)Mirt Ibv mmstiri' nml kii'p tin nppropnnliiin from bo i UK Klirt'il ilnun to nu innixtiifli'Mnl mnipiinl. .Sli-irt My Hint I In1 I'lali Ii-Kixlnturu bail npiunpriHti d $1(10,11011 for tint piirH,c of ilitro,viiH pruln lorj nmiunb), nml tlmt be im port tbi fnlrrnl fciitnimfiit lo k;v h Mmilnr llllHlllllt. Tlio rwiiit bill wliitli pmh1 the Ihmish of n pni'ntHliii wim itj lib rnl in tlit Hppnipnwlnin Moro Meat Animals. IM NnW'iiiWr tin' MH'rrtar.v of Nffrirullure mlilrtwwil n MnU'twiit to lht fnniHTK of n nntioii, in whirh lie Mid: "'I lii uorid Hill bin it umnl NrtiPHlrl of it Knwtfr "d than linriiiiil of Iim nlok, inHiNll of fntH. Wo iIhhIi1 mil fail, tlort'fiife, lo intupl itr fcHibl itHwns of MHtiHHwii'all) imnvHtinic our Inn i4ok prtHltH-tN " Him Ibv UrnHTH an rionilina lo llm uhmI m Iwmn b h rwnt rirt of ibV Imreau of crop mtiumlM, hIiivIi m IhimnI mmiii rrMirt fnmt about leu lltoMMtnd tv HirtcrB. The farm Mipplj of umiir, M) tllf rfMirl, IIIITTMMl hImoii IhJV wr K'til or hIhhiI UlHHi bead dur iiur Mnnb, m pomMred nmIIi an in nreow of about 7.11 ht i-ml or l.7!, (HMI U ilnniiK .Mitri'li ol laai wr Tb nppl. of ratllt imrfawl a'tmal J.H wr H-nt duniiK Marrh tin .oar ami n ,vr ago, but from Ibe ataml point of immbra lb inrivan' in MarWi or tin. )wr wan IJAU,iHNih-ail m enwwrsl with llt,lNNI ,rid lor lk month a earao Tbe bi p Mip dy MpM-ar to bae inrnwMM III) mt rent or rtHt,iHHI bead in Marrh of lat year From January Ut lo April Ut Ibe Hpparent inereaw of lieeji wan "Jtt K-r eent or KVJlH.IHMI lieail nu eomMtreil with an Iihtvhm- ot U Kir rent or UW7.IHHI beail in (be fintt three moiitU ol HI IS. Clover Sounds Alarm. William It Clover, ehnirnmii of tlm fetlnnil Intde nmimiMMon, in neal,iiu before the Xntionnl Wboelwle (Irw era' nM'mllim eineiilioii at Ciiieiu nnti, 0, a feu ila.Mt H)fii, advoealed Unit the fcrcat meul paeberi of the country be linutiil to the field of mnnt paoklliK mid lo the mmiiifHeltire of pin kiri)? Imiumi bpndm-ln. "The eoiumiiAioii Iihh found that a meat trut exints," wild Coher "HhI it ban found more tlmu that It linil tlmt the Kreal emteenm are raMtll eMendiiuc Iheir iUmiiiiii.hi ami eonln'l oer Ibe whole f(HMl uppl, ot Ibe na tion, ami 1 Miete it i onl a matter .of time, uuleaM preiU Irndeuetea ar Iihmk, when tbee five euweerna or ternM tbe one or I ho uf them uhieb .ma openlv or werelly aUorii tbe lulberti, will abwlulely dirlale to tbe lieopleitf tbeuunlr what tbe aball eat am) nbal tbe oball pa.v for nbat Ibey vat." J Marc rt In Skoep. , A a renull of hiartt itrtpex of wool 'and million and tbe value of threii a weed and wante utiliiter Weiltrn irri iraimn farmer are keptuir more and lartrer thn-k Thi u amWH b rt Nirl to the I niled Stale ileNirt ment of aifrnulture An a rule then lanu tlork are of -food lireedinir, I many ronautiiig- ot pnrebred a' iiiwla, their owner making n oiteeialty of elluiK inirebretl nun lamb to range Country olorkmen, hImj do not nwerve lin'ediiujt atork tmm jear tu jear heveraj itrojeetk are now openitinit wool -mmi, the nwin funetiun uf nbteb is to euneeuirate the wool in large iUntilie and devebtp keener eonute tition amottt; the buy era. ConiUaalion lo fwvtr grading ami better elaMi f.viug of w.m.I and allow a amalt pro iltwer to real i i-t greater pntfita trom ma nbet tanning o-ierMtion Packing Merger On. nilt'Allii, lune T. Full detail of tbe merger ot Irelgtit imleMindeut iNtekingeowpunie, uniMNaaed in New Yuri lat night, will be given out about June Uth, aeeording to John A tlawkimvon, who hits roetgiitMl u Me ire4iUwt of WiImhi S. Co in unler to head the new eorporntiou IlavvVimuin iaid tmlaj that tho capitn'ixatlon of Hie now concern had not been set' LEAVES THEJHRST OF JULY A D Hadlcy As Yet Undetermined On Location Social Events s SNYSIDi:. June 7- A I) 1 1 ml lev is to Ik1 elieoked out iw tiMtinger of the two Waiali'li lons at Ihu ramp the first of Jnlv Jtmt wlmt he is jcning lo do he Ims not nt nnnoutieed, hut H h likelr be will gn on the road a ronple or three month for a big l,ntrrt enneem This will lie in the I nature of a short vacation and mil pet ! mntitit rililiiHtilv he ex iris to en 'giite in biHineM for himself either 'in t tali or Idaho llinwlf and famil.v have U-en ver tHinuliir with nil dar ing their long rvfllilelid- here nml vnll be mited bv very nmnv giHid frnmU. I) A Ilayimiml of Winter Quarter, a fonner store iiinnnKur here, takit lladley's plaie llimielf and family will be w i binned biuk. Mrs Horare Xn.vlnr onlirlnincd at dinner Momla.v evinin; for the mini Ihts of the Kmliniidcrj dub and their ImisIwiiiIi I'rt lit weru Mr. nml Mm. U-e Itnnnill, Mr nml Mrs. Homer llnnt4, Mr. and Mrs. Don llic,iii'n. iIr ami Mrs. James Nnylnr, Mr. ami 'Mr. I(h Nay lor, Mr ami Mrs. Tally I'vaiis, Jr, Mr nml llrs. (Icorge mitb, Minx I'Iixh I(nsiiiuxtn and Aim I ChnotetiMiu Delbert Craw ford ami family left MmihIhv imirning for Idaho Kails, Ida , where they will make their home. Mr ami Mrs. I la. Nnylnr wint to Winter Quarters Siinilnj, whore he is to take a toitioii as clerk hi the Utah Fuel eompmo ' offifc Memorial service Were held SHn day All returned soldiers, the lmml ami Imlgea marehnl lo the reiHotery ami relunieil, after which it fitting program was given at the amuMimnt Iwill. Mr. nml Mrs. Jnuins Najlor lnwe gone to Clear Cn'k to visit with relatives mid friend. Miss Vnla Jewkes 1 here from Slorr. viiting with her sister, Mrs Don lliggiuson Mrs. (leorge Smith was hoMes at luncheon Mondnv for Mr. ami Mrs. Samuel Nay lor. Mr ami Mrs, ltav Nay lor, Mr ami .Mrs. Tally F.vnn, Jr, Mr and Mrs James Nnylnr, I'earl, John ami Mary Nnylnr. The Junior Dramatic club present ed "A Cae of Supemuon " at Am ueiMint Hall Tuela.v evining. WiHlnmnlay afternoon Ir, I 'niton Jehnoon I'litertrtincil (be memliern of the Knitting club TliHrmw.v a deaaanl surprin; soeial was given for tbe proNileut of tbe re lief mieiety. Mr. Sarah Crawford, at tbe Uller-day Saints ehwreh. A H gram w a gtven, a fter whieb refreab jnHnls wereoerve.1 There were thirty ladies preent. Forent Farley and family left telay for I'rovn, wbre they will make their home HUOB SUMS ABB SPENT IN UTAH EDUCATIONAL WORK Item taken Trom tbe slattstieal re Nirt of Ibe alaie UMnnlendent of imblm in4rnetion show that in the .vear UH7 IMS adimnilralive . ,Me of tbe sebooU in the stale ag igregaletl 4CHI.IH5 (If (hi amount tbe ilargeat oingle item it for supennteml lenee, $7ftH in salane and l'i,tltRJ in exienea. Kalanes of laNtnl mem hep were in round numbers I1,(MHI,I and etHnei 4WHHI additional. Clerks' oalane totaled .IKHI and treasurerrt' $!UI(s). ,Suerv ision xt nlmot a mueh a suMirtntendenri i'SV.OiHI in Mlane and l(h h, rJ. MniM. 'I m iHMtrds paid office n. MstautN fJil.lHHl, health nflieer-nearly 7(MM and truant otfieer J.JOIMI. Tlie Mtage Item of tbe boo alone was HI.1IHI. The H-mxd district of the state nru Untiled to Ibe exlent of -JftAILUlH; have enough other lialNlitie lo bring the total to aImot ill,(HHI.(MHI mid have F7VHI,00 more ot asoetk liMcd lliau liabilities. ANNUAL CONVENTION Tbe annual mnferenee ,f leaebaru of Utter day SatnU ebureh m-mmiU iebwe.1 ai Salt Uke City but Fmlay. The mam theme treated wen that imiaaionaneo obouhl be title.) for field I work by ebureh semad more mm than ever, thai an increase in alane of Iteaeber is nt'eewary and that higher effinenev hould lie the univtral ob. ycet. Alauit two hundred tiacber attended from tbe tent-to clmreb sebooU and nineteen ebureh . inmar ie located throughout tbe ei, m I I atiada and fliKiro. If ll Herein fur their wiv, muM man woulu lw uolga,mlota. definilelv, and that tbe figure of I'WjWMiuri given out in N.h ori, was a mutale "The eapitaliutitin will be Urge, neeeMMiril.v. and wilt U ample to lake eare of the uctd of Ibe eomany." u lUHkinou WITH THE LIVE T00KMIW Or THIS SECTION OF UTAH Prof. K. II litt of tbe Oregon Agneullural eollego ha. been iIiomi I'tah Stale Fair judge uf dam eat tle He ha a reputation throughout tbe entire NortbweM tw a dair cattle judge John T Kramtr el Tulsa, tlkla , tbe judge or tbe beef eattW. FoMr hundred cattle and bar grower ot seven Mountain Stale will bold annual convention in Salt Lake City Jul ait, and for three day. The print!-! matter to eonw Utnre, the mmveutioH will h tbe ebauging of control of tbe publie ilomain in the H'vural stutes l'rtsidcnt P C Srorup (Continued on paio eight,) J&y Thar9 s two things can't iV ijjfiy be imitated youthful Ijl Mi charm and mellow old Jpj if tMt I uf "Mellow old age" in good Kentucky IS Mi Burley Tobacco is reached after it IS Jul has cured for two years. B ml We put millions of pounds in ware- IS SI houses every year, to ripen for two 10 ml years. It is a slow, expensive lM ni method. But it makes Velvet as !tff ml good a pipe tobacco as money can buy. iff JjJ It makes Velvet mel- SSLSSSKT fejl low and friendly cool fji-gSJ Ul and long-burning. Get (i mi that charm of Velvet's MiwirL H mellow age in your si - 4kAtmfi' II SEeL-1 Kd I TOBACCO 1 SPECIAL ELECTION HAY COME Utah County People Dissatisfied With Boundary Lines. In the recent enncurteiie,. oi in state engiiicer in the ibtuiou a to the iMmmUtry line Mucin Waimicb and I tali counties, ('tali eouul mav loe two million dollar in pro-a-riv VhIuim. This ettlimation i hated on Ibe dii 11011 ul the Denver and Urn Orande building it big roundbouae. at Soldier Summit. The valuation ot railroad i aportiouei aimnig the counties on a mileage bast and the Mate engineer's tleeiximi add a little imire than a half mile of main line, in ilmling a lew iidetrak, some of which have not been eouueeted up with tbe main line rail In I hi em the mrvevor reaehed an agreemeut that ibe line at Soldier Samwit rum. mirth and Muth tbrougb the eenler of See, 'it and '25, Twi 111 Smith, Itange 7 Kat, Salt Uke men. I ilmn Tbe slate engineer eonenrretl in bi imoision and o rrtorted in the ,slate boanl ot equalisation. J. W iltohiuton, altornev, of I tab eountv. Itate that this deeiaum may not act ' lie tbe matter detlnilely, a I lab I eounl) and the re.ubnt or Saddler Summit mav call for an eleetnw toi lieeidv wbelber Soldier Summit hall i Ibe a art of I Isb or Wimateh eoun- It is staled thai citun,. ut Soldier! Summit would much pnfer to belong I lo I'tah eounl). ' WEAK POINT IS FOUND IN OUR BLUB8KY LAWS Nothing mn prevtnt unarupu!us esMnimnie from transacting bumc in I tab reganllesa of tbe bluek law if tbe busiues is tranaaeted b mail Tbe mail wnwr business eaunol b stOittd and a select list of aurker. nan be reaehed with literature by mail and worthies stock ean be sold with out permit from the state seeurttie eommiwuoH Mail order busimsw 1 in terstate and eaunot be controlled by I'tah Uonkiii Snow, seereiary of the state secuntioa eoniunsaton, is in Waobington, 1). C, this weak, where be will alteml a uatnmal wnferenee of official from veanou stales, who1 will disHsa bluesky laws. At tbi eon-; foresee an endeavur will lie madti to get tbe btatM to eo-ojmrate with tNttbj other and with the fetlsral government That good printing The Bun fllTIM K " ' ' f Hlng Machine I rllrlV T,""B ' r H'HlnB lln. Mine. I Villi ,rl"'1 SiHlng Mnihlnn L-ILlil MkIiiuc renteil ami re I'slrwl J l.lmnr Jamison, corner of i' if Hi okI J treela. Price, t'tah HltllMC (OSSIII'VIION. 1. rh.i. .mi hn.c never ihoUKht f it Imt Ihl rilorlr I due to h lk or moUture in (In reililual matter of the food f yM HHI .IrlHk Mil KMiIHIhIIIII of Hater eat raw fruit ami uke kit of outdoor HtertlM. wu nm le aide veiiiuallv tu t.verrome ll cnlln ly In the meantime u M mo.t mild and iwmlle lakatlve Htrong and hamh tatharlli lake too muth Water out of the Mm and make a Iwd matter wor Chambertaln's Tnldeta are easy and plMMWMt to lake and m.l aare... aide in erf u Olve ht a tilal i'Advl The iwnM,n imn M,mw ,. ,,4r gel an ida.v U iht the leformar iM smh funny hknte ireaiurm ihe make Mverho4 launh j K.o.M,m 1. .omeitiiiig ihai t)i nrmll.m,'"r '" " f"mH """ ABERDEEN llm lllKlina I'ffldcmf COAL Ooverninant KUlvn1nt Slt pounds, ttnequalltd Kur htnrnxs Will Not Hlack. Host of fltoamlnx and Keating Qunlltlss. Independent Coal and Coke Co. Mini At Kenllworth, I th Oeneral Offices, Walker t"si IllJif, Halt I-ake City J. W. IIAMMO.M), IJCKSSKI) AB SlItAVrilll OP TIlMSv Alxtraets of title furnlshrd to W piece or tract In Hastarn Utah K I Insurance written In the bct eo tatnlM doing huslnesa In the sUi Ileal estate, lionds, etc around fk I Qotdon Iluls bulldlne. WOOD PIPE fflgf THAT LASTS and LASTS Wherever Pacific Machine Banded Wood PltI Wol1.R ,,yt?", and ,s Ul8 one completely .itisfactory KingZ t,ldM.v.Wood P'P" ha 2 P cent greater fing oapaetty than the other type of pipe. Sold by BURTON LUMBER 00 , Salt Lake City, Utah. PACIFIC TANK AND PIPE CO., Rocky Mountain Agents. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oala.