Newspaper Page Text
READERS Or THE SUN. Wo tiimilicr of Sun wilnorlp. , (xnn.' tltin month mid we ask iUt nil our renders consult the i1hI Ltwh n printed n,l,"K M'11' ,,IC "'' a Iho l"'lH'r or wr,M,lH"' ""'I IIhhb ko " ,l tnwtni nru nked In make Vl,,!, settlemtnt ns sulniriptmii irtWinl annul lie carried on in kfiniU' - TMit Kt! printing Tho Sun GREEKS MUST ANSWER' f 0 VERY SERIOUS ; CHARGES BE1BEEV AND COMPOUNDING or TELONY IS PREFERRED (tone Telonas and Stovo Cholus Set Ua With Andreas Manltocs For Two Thousand Dollars, But Now Mart Face Complaints Entered By Diitrict Attorney Knox Patterson. Jtuh, In urge ('hnsliiiMii, detained ,tMn' lint week with the trinl nl h minlcr i.i on change nf ciiuc there root drniiil t'liinly, rniiie to Price last xtowliv t'il began the licnring of I lie nmiru i deiithir loenlly which had Vtn i.rrwnilsh cot liy Judge .Instill I) (nil Tin lirst In come on vvns IIinI f Ad' n I'legnnti Imm IIcIjm i , birv'i I mjIIi 'in nswiiill with 11 dcudlx Mi i TIiin niriipieil till nl' Mnlidax. ( jiirs f In t i wiling hnuging in a . filirt o lint gllill)'. The Irnilblc tvtc ovt r wider nghtu find the iir- nt Mrr in Spring Cnn.von. Wlui. the rnite of the Mute against n vc ( I Ins nml denize Tclnuim whs illiil Ttiiilny ntlnnieyn fnr the do riIaii's nmintimcil this hud I htm iin i moil nml moved fnr n dm imaI I' licemiic. known that the innilaiinii witness, Autbcns Mani las wi nld not tcstif). Distnit At nnv lt x Pflttcrwiii Miy the latter iir r ' Mil the cum lor two llnni Mil d l!ir-i Suite Tchmns mid Clio ii lis e In on nrrcfttdl on complaint f the ili-lrirt iitlnrni'V, ihnrgfil vvith .nborv .iinl cMiihiiiiiilitic ii lelonx. htr lmi a hearing liefnre .hlliie 'lutiiiKinil nt I'rue tntnnrniw. llniii 'i -i is ulso being (one niter ill x.iii Iiuni -worn to liy Sheriff Kcl tUi n .lii-in e lliiiiiiniitiil Tiit-dax wk It is M't forth thiil Andrews Muiioti i did thin mid there vuM'till), "laufnllv mid lclitni(Htiil receive 41 hkr uiuiicx from (Icnrgc Telonm III Mt i ( hnliis IImiii iigrffiiiflit tut lie w mid illinium fnnn loslil.ving .MMl lilellllS lllld C'holllS III It CUM' tan and tin re h-iiiIiiii; in the iliKirtit urt til I iirlsin count), wherein said Ctlolius nml (Indus were defendant llkrliirp nf nssnillt with H tlcaillv iii wiih intint to iiiiirder Tin nttg ,iIm mine up helurv Justice 'Isiwii. 1 1 Minnrrow. Tin urn tcitel, Urmiiiutiuu nl I lie 'lend-. ,ii d ( hnlns cum1 disal ranged fce rnli lulur ns M't b) Judge Call. ft"! I)r Ii i him' now come on to- urmvx in 'uiil of TiicsiIm.x last, while il I Mi lliilws, elmriji'il Willi hs nl(. wi ii mil iii iii coiiiHiit murder, is KUt i the term. Iiiiim IWII. m - n mid Idmm llrn'Mtura r I in:, d, .Imlne ChiliileiiM'n ll'-' tin Ktiiiiiie iiinlfr which ' ..rruu'iusl is uncuustilu- " ' v. rri eimrxcil with li- ' Iri.m n kwnI Ml Car- 1 iiii'Mlis of H e.illl'ldelirs' ii H.I111 jtmtenUy plemlisl I .mi iiwault nml wn ' I. ti rminole nt-ulciio 1 i 1- Miiihl for I he mil I l.miii nffniiMt Frutik ! Ciirue Klailintncin, III ' I II ICUKI'. V 1 WANTED TOK 1 AUTIFYIKO TMB PAKK I'urk u NHWibl" I hi ll -1 plut-ti in nil Curium " il the mlilitiim ol the I iv ill. HI It I pilltff to It" t I'uliir out, ll I now the ' 11 of ImuilmU f t'lii " v nut 1 hern for h pcU and 'I' I m r iU it la waited U " ' '"Hi uinl eliililtvn and nit u"' 1 more no then-. What ' mi' t low ew around the ' mi mid hIu)us.Jic walks ' i 1-1 loriierTCliiWi wmild r. - i 1 'the hcautylnr iho mrk "" ' 'true is ifiiirVloak cat k ," " Clt l'HlkM'M week "! I' in tluwer The ground "HI I. nail) mid irKirl fcrti- 'i.'-i 1 n nil one will lime to do to ""' (l1 underfill improvement 1 I-imiii 11 ,tttr jrm u,14, mi, when "u;"l 11 ,vill hulp lumutify tliHtif .' '"I U theie 11 family in , sl I '1 I'tMc pride m litlle at j'rt 'l iln would n'fmw t 'h "'."' ' "Ii H, t tr tl, HUHIUIlt t ?" 1 Ii ..,f Thwe plmita will he 1,f,,'!,y ' n.l .ullivwtwl h IIm city ""11 ERMANS An BALKINO. . ' 'line lb -Tim (lurman ' "mi nt this umriuiiK'a I i'" ' '""m" M(lvie4l tlw eahi- , ' r' 1 Hie jwaee trJHty, aewu ,'''' I vetch. ent from Wwnwr 'rt ' rr -.iitliit of the I'ruiik- ttLni'i ' " 'H' wrwfcpondant .uld- .r" f ' ' x' erU W1'u ' dt'luKHlU'ii ." tin opiiijon that thu trcul) , U 'I hi ri'jictcd. ' M HMMBBsajsjswMSjsaMUBHBH ' 1 t-rr I ,M s( ti J c l im MnUrr. J t,c I ll nl the I'oMitfi . nt I ll e ttih I n u 'In l f t ir Ii IS VOU-.MK '.; l MIH;i( . EVERY FIUl) V Jl Ni: -II. I!t!l LYCEUM NOT UPTO EXPECTATIONS .Local Manager of Coarse Tells of Things Tim DiiMiipointfrfl l'rnl II A l ..!., ,,ii.i,i ..) n (iirlMin t, .,,! llih ,,... i n.l ..H, iiiaiiaRcr or ih.- h.f,.,,, ni, whj, was run in l'nre ilw ,w ,,., Im, lolil Tin- Shu thm l.r nil ,,ll er much iIims mini in i mini Ih'Ih that came to I'nec uml nl-i ike maimer in which Ihcv were hooked "I'lHmihl, Ihi- intliM'tixa cHilcnne had i-ntM-thili In .In with lmlh . ,iX,ns ol IIh IhIcmI and the irnvulnnlx in winch the nnmhers were run m." w l mfeswir Fowler "As ).. - m i,-r. Iiciilar. we w.-n- mliil Inn three dfls in mUnlice ..t I he armnl of the nllraction . n will ndimi ilnl imc huh 1 1,. i n inlxiiii.iim1 or exeli mllfihr nt the seasnli luke' hohlcrs 1 "Tm-ii MKam. Iliix did imt n. attislK Miilwtitutions were freiiM'iii. and The tsleni noi up to siandNnl. When I objected I he Kc4lmlh -sip,. sent wonl lhe, were doing their htel Iwst to Rie ns phhI smfl. Imt limnx ol their Im-sI combination hud lieen lirnVni into lr the dran and in IIuchm thai the) jimI had to miImIi lute. The film I Idow came when Ilnstks Helehei, who is well remetn-In-red 111 Price as a whirlwind lecturei and cnlerlamer. was lakui ill while in New Mexico on his wax In l'riec, i we did not m-l imr riflh numlM'i at all ll was the olie we Innkul for wanl lo with hopes ol reih-eiinnjt some of the meihocrc iooiiIhts whiih uilm 1 earllei." l'nncil l'owler slate, howttcr. that tin- liHiidnsI ami ten dollars which should hae Ih i-n niii riedher for litis uumlier is m lht IW Com mercial nml taxing Imnk in what is kllnwii a the slllilelit ImhI IiiiiiI, tilid is on I1.1111I lo Ik- til Inr next xear's iiiinx' or lor whalexer pun"' the local lcclim lommitlee IHH) decide to Its ll , CONSCIENTIOUS OBJE0TOUH REFUSED VICTORY MEDAL Major A U Minerx, in rharjienl the mruitiiu; hiHiiiins thnmieleiut I'tah and 111 Idaho, writes the I'nee otlice that he has hccii notifnd hx the de Mrtltll'llt that 'niliM'ienllous hjeel or" who rehiMil to wwr the iiiiitnnn or to accepl mm x ne in the urmx tan not wear the xietnry ntdlal anil hut lou. Veilher eau men aiecpled h.x IihmiI ImwhIs, IhiI reJH'led at camp Ih fore cnterinK "' renular dut.x the major is also mitifnil thai er roneous resirts to the effect that the war depart mm! would offer lo the public a lane stock of motor eimp niH'iil. imliiilinit new MJMHiuer auto mobiles, he Us-n widel.x eirculaleil ll was never the intention ol Ihe war ilcpartmcnl lo so iismw of Hs motor xehiclea, and U ha transferred all such xelueleii. as fast an tbex wi re tie iclansl sur.lus, lo the mIo!Iiic. aitn uillural or tuMic health mtxicc de '(artmrnls or bx sale lo oilier ioxem ncital aitcncics niUirni such iiiiii .mmt. The lm il recruitinir ollice is also 'noitlied thai ihe interior .h-mrittieiit ,is dcatmus ni exilisue wanuisouivtl !bv 1 In ordnance ilcuiuu!, Ictl on hiiml h sixninu ol the armisiice. as it has no monex lor iurchas f such tluiur he o'n market. Contrress is iM'init 'kid l aullmriw .uch Iran-ter 'ODD TBLLOW8 AWJ VMITSD ! by wmojuin) ornoBM ! I'rici' odd Fill"- eri r.inndi 1 IttKt Wcducwbix cxcninu bx haximr ".with tkem .1 H llorouiitf. itraud- mniteTf I'nsi tlrands MiHir' aiuli , ,arM and I K h-d Uelar. 1 truiiil inan.hl cxeral xiit..r tri-m . Kemlworih. t isile ate. Siorrs. ! j .'lie- a'1 Iscxxlnr "" l,n''"'BVi ' tie HeUknli iNig w si w rntHl. At Hie conelualiw of the Ivxork the Indies ol h HeMcah serxwl ii line luiK-lii-m " " l"i naW 1 'l I'nee hut formerly maidimr I Kemlworih. hits laim pn-elilcd hx Ihe I .iur,. (lore with a handsome past , eruiitl euihleni in lken of Ihe wnwin' mi which h. .. mid ' "?-",!l lot genuine iralernolism, The id f iceiv ( of Ihe I'm l"d -'"'-' lor "" VI HuiiiK xear am C. H. U. 'H c S. Hams xie hwhI. (leorgi. i:. Xclm. secrelao. and J .' IJo.xd. lreasurer svi.r down nnu. KAI.ONIKI. Jim AniHrtiaii Hiii'rl workers In Kasl.rn Kuri iml V-t lli...r arc flndln "dranai ru'loms 'me Is thesatim. u fW. u.rn Lul'lcs Armsnlaiis uml M mrt r..U ..fa new Ui. with fine Sr.-sC as .w "" sluis 11 kcMs awn) exit slums mi'thvrs lellcN ivr ihe first lime in maW m,,"t'" 1 JnL- and Id.' Oranda train. ro IhM Wr'lxi... -l "& ;;;;Umit .. .1.. ; I,,.e g Mn.iiuiii 1 mrl Learning the Mystery of Mother's Pies "111 BE sure, My pear, you ' uE5 VE5I put m a Lor of- A L 'J , ', SPPLES, AND THEN -Jsri&L 4"2?S& J n I ; Qm n&W !l'i t I"fcw"'' - y1 IFLYING MACHINE RACE FOR FOURTH AT PRICEi I'ncc'n I nit dam-line iaxilioti at Cil.x Park will he completed in plililx ol lime lor the prcMlcrl lelehralion the citx has exer sun 011 n Fourth Vesler ila.x eximiur Ihe lst mrl ol Ihe rtHil wits 011 Hinl h eonsnh'iiilde isirtiou of ihe lirt fhsir that kocs under the maple one was down The (wMlimi is lo cated in the leirthwi-t comer ol the HtrW and is roaihcil on the west and north Miles bx auloutobih ilnxcuiivs and streets. The buildiliK is sivlx bx n hundred wiih it ceilmirof lourtnu feet. Foundations are of concrete ami will iienm! nT linrk walls iuteinl ol Inline slnmlltlie ihmiKe be desired later on. I'he band mid spisikeix stand is ilexaled uis.e muiIIi side so as not to ob struct mi.x xiew 111 ihe main auditonum. Hut a week o hist MniidHsMoliiuticr enrM'iilers and olhem biifuu their work. The record and process thcx lime umile is x i'rx tniirh to the credit of thoM wImi have and are doing the acluiil Inlmr. Tin- biiildini; will luixe cost when iinnpli'ltHl im lo six llHillsaud dnllnrs, snme fifteen hlllidrid nf which in mmie,x is alread.x IihIih1 ami a mujnrit.x of thieo who tin' expctliil lo iiuiinbute xet lo Mmv Ixinif. mx eleetnciau. will in 11 da.x or so Ih-KIII wmilK 'he Mrk. whlih will he as ilnliilil when Ihe juiie is turned on. I'.nlrances arc lo Ihi liad lo ihe sirk on ihe mmiIIi ami west and n walk made Inmi the Instil mIhwiI buildiua; and sin els to this most HttrHitixe ( phMMire Kixuinds. At ihe imxiImui chiak nsmi and nst ixsmis are beiua; proxideil loiter a slage max lie addtsl Thice to tour hniidicil couples nw.x dame with out erowdlliK I'ml ilrsoti IIhii of the yiiicral coinmitteiyl in mIi like Citx 111 mm? iiur it isawilde tor a rate liclWH'ii a Curtis iitrpmm' mid u Ihk mill. mobile It will Ih- a tin mile exenl if m-ciimhI Mini will he (Hillnl oil at I In rnii'n k aduninu the iiark on the hi 1 Oncol iIicImmI ImIIki I iliexiar . . ! . irntuiMil Other all rail ions hm to he ei unud luiir I xcrxtluiiK suuts to Ihe biqiesl crowd exer msii Ik n CHURCHES U'nO ED TO I i OIJSBrtVE THIlirT DAY I ilbfrxaMcc or .1 tine '.I'd if Tbnl lUay tbrotiKlHiul the I nileil Kuie i.( 'urviil in nmimunicaimns sini n bun Idreil and Ihitl.x-fixe thousiind Ms(, 'ami clertrxSm 11 hx 1 1 11 Mid llnnhlock. idirccinr of ilu snxinns duision, and U'harhs t'artir (ilnss, secn-iarx ol tin ilrcaurx Copies nl the two u renin r .ivtlcrs usml were nvcixwl last Wed In.siUx hx T. fnWI. Male ril 1 nslor nl ihe nalioiml war saxinif 1 si amp tuiiiiliec. isms-iuI pnarram luxe Imiii IkIiisI iii mui.x hurrln : in which ihe prunipli-s of ihnfi learn id llliniur Ihe war will he lit (all ihlin-hes ;in .l-keil bx Oilvll to , holil si'l!ll exert imm UTAH IBBKIXCI PUOTOd OF OITTXBKI IK WORLD WAR Second itieimniinires re being1 sent lo meuilH-rs ol families of sol iliera, sailiirs ami marines bx the I'tah, war hisiorx departmeui, askiuir infor mation for the permanent record ot the slate. The leiit-r acconitanxinir the iiiictinnuuiri suxs "ll is llw idaw of the stale in haxe a imutin4t of each mH as a srt of the mi-xicc w 'iint. Yu are, thercfon', unftil in aaml one thai we ma eelain We shall ap Weile our wi-.iperalum in order that tk atale may haxe a protmr m onl f wM and women who Imxe hi teid service from L'lah." Work Is MHin to km lUr with local rallwa awpliea. spi'dally tboMi who run train l and out of llalssir Tm. fMlaral raliwu dmluUlrHltoii has Ukn at I Ion looking toward scmrtna mnru traffli fr the Invar and n Uranda. atiordlng u. advlcw from Washington l t" Ktfiy iars m doad fralaht eh wa ure to h tuinwl to ih road Tills in addition I" "it tralnloud M.r day of tltrua fiull. tsasl iMiUnd Wastbouud. th Hwlt Island aiid Urn Jturllnatun have nwii Instrupt ltd to forward, via Coleradu JumllAmi lid tha lianxisr and Hlo Orand.. all Irartoad traffto routud lr"er am (irand or unrouUd tmyoml ika IUm. tiland and Hurllwrton r whkfi l r. rautad on aecwml of mux Ink vw elr 1 ultous routas, wheu daatlHMl to Utah. Nexada or '"lnl In California. I'resno mid l) TtH TOO MUCH JAWI10NE COMEH j OUT IN TIHH PnOFOSITION Not iIiiixiiik the merit of Ihe com pmix 's projecl, bill linlilinu t )nt t till js'r cent nf Iho slink was Kreut 11 premium to phue on wnlcr flllnus 011 11 siwersile lit the junction of (jie west and north forks nf the Duchesne, nxer, the I'liih securities commission last Monday n'fiised to grunt the (Ireat llasiu Power loinpitiix the richl lo tiiurket Mime twnitx-lhrei liuiidred slums ol its sliitk in (Jlnh. The cniii pmiy has for one of its olllnlitls II, A. Slnniss, 1111 elcelriuil eiiniiiier who hits hud rluirxc of some of the I it rue eleclriinl ciitirpriM' hxire In I'tiih It Miinls out I Inil lis project is within ihisv Iruiisiiiissiou ilistmne not only or Pnrk Cltx, hill hImi nf the 1 1 nil t Suit Ijike Vnlle Hinl nf Ihe Driver mid Km (Ira nile and the isial miiiini; fields ot Carlsiu eoiiut.x. WeMern t Itli'll business Ht t'rlie Is this wiek nnruial Willi no trouble In selidlllK ailtl reaelXlllHT lllessaKes IrftM wetk fur H iollie or llllee ilsvs there wits no wlie from Uielly orrim work IliK In Halt Uike Cltx or elmwlnr. LliieiiD 11 lust Huinliix run siK nt w wires I int. 1 III. ofll.i bi.ri wlnrellieli xteit fi.rmcrl but two UTAH LEAGUE TO ENFORCE PEACE TELLS AIMS At H met 1 1 itu nl 1 lie irt 111 isl c mm ' rnforim Pcnc-, h. Id nl Sail lnkc I ..1 rani- fnr 11111 linn with nil ndtirm mil fm emal nruiiii'iitiuus in tin1 " niteranc r. trnrdnifc the luiiftienl mitt iii- was rr rted ! u Heml eomniiii 1- rhniruuiti ibrv is the res. .In 1 nut m 1 proaiMil to iaw rullllisl nl nil inn JUsv'.VMt, T. t w favor, ulvoctt' t ratty, ineIiiB( kwffiHi of naii iurtkar Mtcadmant ,u tbU Urn by tb Ths I-eaitne 10 hi lo'Cil Peace i. 1 he I'mlcd Mati M'liai , not (Mausi iscauMi further ihanites , ill MMtHue ihe whole Icatfiir ol nation niovemeii . pan iiimtnil il after the I. tgtM is liitiruc altoKvlher, but ht 11 not lw m 1 ven In lr a plan which pmuuaes so Do those who demand I urt lie r am will mcaiif While it is true that 01 1 wist, navel bctuie has il Imm ii askisl Is IV number of nuiions. Any aim-n Is- appmxvd b) Ihe eounlnes whnh ih rough lhii iires4'iilaiives in I'sru 1 lie iiarliaments of Ihe world with a tmiml approval it mat in time come but it certaiul) will Rather other aim These amendments 111 luru will 1 would lm indefinite sstuieiiient, ivol whole Mae Ireaij, of whiuh it la a v Officers of the I'rlie Hsirosla have I..SH ihiNMtn for the iiHilmc ur Mrs. fl.tmer I' I'cwimk Is 1 hall man of the ilvle dtiuartmeul. Mrs. Krwl J ThoHuxa, vke iltaluiwii. Mra Tbnmas Knots, tiwitsuri'r "ft s liuslnesa mt ma a few das a K" of Ihe clxh mhIhoi plana were dls. usd for Ihe entartnln ntsnt of IM. di-lewttM of the 1 lulw In thm Maalorn l'lah dlstrlit and uf Ot slut itrMMdelit Mrs K O (.Mather .iod.,DMiKutes lo lite lonxuntlon ulso wer ! led Thoat 1 nosen to pr sld mi hoih dnartmenu ara Mrs. Mat (Itlmour. ttrldnt. Mra. J T MacKnllrtlt. vlie itrsslitent: Mrs ll W. C.Htr, iortsV"itdlnK trtary: Mrs. J W. Hammond, auditor. Orrln Ulmr. Colton merilutht and huittlmaH. calla attaiitwu In his ad. xsrlhwifivnt on thu third pK of ttiui wk'a Hun to the excellent fkihliiic up that xxay ' All the xvuut nf the mrt jinuu are taken cure uf ut Ills sturu illti- i, Ihe I IhIi bruin Ii of I In' Ii'Uirue il x n dux or Iwo nuo, it was deciihst lo iu, cdtifutionul, business, labor, mmmhI If, ekiitt Irom Ihiilii ileltlille laxorablc nut nml Ihe I real, x of tcace. The nml ii ol Hhon Or llisirue W. Middhlon ilupi ml bx Ihi- sub oiumiliM, whnh it linirs held 1 and uxe Um rUfleUn of Uw xstacs covwumt, without atty sUmtk st s iwute of lbs Usltad Statw. iuim-s nmendlliK the Pans coxeuaii! Ill il is the lust word in Mrteeliou, but (wttce iinlelinilely and prolMbly .lefcul il If Ike eoxenanl pmvea unworkable Mlabbshi'd or ex en withdraw from Ihe ml of America lhal we were list timid much for all mankind. Mtidments appreciate what such ckunifca ir Mtiate has amended treat leu in the In 1 miss iisiri a treat) involving such a limeuls it adopts, to im effective, must a I read x have cntkirseii Ike eovenuul . If we Mtd 1 be eoxenaui on a tour of flock ol amendments seekiua; inUnia- home with iIiomj aiuendmtU ratifiml, 'iidments in the juurney. ttsuirt Rcneral approval ami the result I only of the leatfiw covenant, hut ot the ital srt. Ths Manll temiile 1 ursioti Is lo Ihvk Ornaixlle Jul lib. mot. rh loud- in lm up Wtrahjht Canyon ami ihrouch l.wer Jua Vatkty, up bswly (Jiaak and down Mphralm tanyon IImum wlshlnv to stwnd His Kourth f 'July In ton mountain may Uatva in July Id and thm Join thu main com pany on the tth aa they tome ul"ii "S e will make uur main camp at Tm .l Uroxe. I4ir known aa th Uwsr llaavnr Imiih In Hl ('leek Just almxe Willi.' Hllde und there M will Mlld llltday Tin- reason for star Ilu asf llel In Ihu month la on hi 1 mint of the temph mains; July 1 1th. not to open until August Uth. whkh would ls quit lute fnr us," says A Andaraou, Uka 1I1 rk. nf t'sstls faUi. JC. M (tarnatt of Salt lkti City U IduliiK he court r(HirtlitK fur JuiIk .ChrMauasn at I'rlte Dim waak. Frank IM Aldar I not yet fully recovered if ruin tm ntta kit the InfluciiM THE WEATHER. H fhe Han Meclnl aVrXtce. H DKN'VI'.lt, Colo, .Inni' 111, 7:o0 a. V H m - Pair totilRhl and Criilsx with H little itianRv in temmrHtniS SMtur- H pnitsxblx fail H iMsm 11 ItlHIt Ik liravn 1 miiiajh m lflj H inl.i n iiiiin..ns mmith who is Nfrwlil aVI Ii. iiIImm 1 .IhiIKI I. I. . k I'll' 1 his biHbiiH nt -ni It H JITNEY CROWD IS BEING BROUGHT BEFORE COURT - ATTORNEY GENERAL IS AFTER H SEVEN LOCAL MEN. H Actions Urought At the Instanco of Public Utilities Commission, Which jH Desides to Settle Once For All, the ILHsl Rights of the Regularly Established H Lines In llusineis Hereabouts. jH In mi ellorl to ibtsstlx Ihe auloiuo bile sialic situallou, confused lieouusti manx Vtiiliiimiliili' owncra refuse or fail to draw Ihe line betwctii ..impel- H ins; as public curriers with miliiitiohlht H slum' lilies over 1111 eslihllshcd ntilto H ami eoiidiicliuir hii onliniiry iiulnmo-. bile tnxicub InisitieMi, sexeil lociil owners lire required lo npptttr 111 ill's- I nil court nl Prne, .lime 'Jolhviintl H show imiM wh.x Ihex shoiihl not Im H previulcd I nun loiiliuuiiif; siiili trnf- H lit' The Mi'linns n re brought hv the H public utilities commission of IJlnli, H whnh lakes this method nl pmtcrlili: H Ihe terlilii'Hli's of coicnlcmc and H uciisssilx il Iihs itrantiil lo the Arruw H HIhki' line lo oH..mle from Priru to H Siniusiile ami Imm Price to KtnlU H worth, ami to . I P Hhiiscii, lo iipiTitto IH between Pnieniid llilpci H Automobile slaite linea im' nspilred H ' lo operate oil schedule, rnniinlless of jH Ihe wiMlher und of tin- miioiint of slllH Irnflic nflcri'il The) complain that IbH 111I1 rloiicrs not so rispnrisl cult nicrnli' H when llicrc is mmic) 111 it nml cim fall B whin the npt rut inn wnulil be ennduct B cd nt 11 Itevi 'Ihex tun skim the erciim rVsH of the trot lie, but mil run the risk ol VaVJ nn losses, it Is (liiiiiinl. The mining I VaH wtiiHi nl Carbon count) luixe Innn iH been the storm tenter for tltia sort uf I SVJ Iniffir, mid the iiimimssioii la en- iiVafl deitvoriiic now to M'e it it enn not be lH Mtoppcd 1111 the Kmuiid tlmt ila con- . ISVJ Illumine iiutkiM the coiiiiiiissiou'a ul- ) UflVJ forta iiM'less mul pliires the uulhorit) of the coliitiilssion in (initcinjit. BBb The of file of the iiltorney Kcnrrnl isH throiiKh O ('. Dnlliv, uxsislmit, is in- ' r llawail terestini; itself in the ease its thu ut 1 vls9sl Ionic) lor the fnmmiMiiiii, The tie- flU fciiiliinls in whom iillciiintive writs H lutve hem issued from Ihe district ' nnawJ iiiurt are 'IhcortM Ilukiikis, (lithriel 41 Pmilnlakis, Hill Pmitnliikis, .M. Ha . HtswJ IfHsis, .Mnrko Trotoimiis, (litirye Pup. "9J ihh mid AitKt'li VoIn. 1 fljH NEW ROAD PROJECTS ARE OOING ALONG VERY WELL MM Ira It llniwniiujr, stale itattl ciii- I iBhI ni'cr, K"'l Imik to ion last Stiliinlity j T alter it Inp to Pncc nml oilier welinus : '1 ol this isirtiou of the state, lie wits Tafl aecomMiiieil In tin1 state caHlal by t9sfl .1 II 1 tittle of tins titx, dialriel till. , 1 , $ iriueer While al Price llrowniiujr snltl -lvj samdes of nick which may lie Med Jlfll for Ihe hanl aurtaceil I'nee Ut Itmnry MMH road will lie forwartkid to ike feilaral TBH mad bureau at Waslnuytou, I). C, iH Difficulty has laani SieiiMastf Im fl said, 111 secunna; Ihe nsnk and Rntvtd tfUl umeiinx Ihe rriumment of lbs sHr 'jS rnmcnl. uH1 Work on Ika MMdroad fnnn Tttowii aH sons in lilandini la proKrvMnnc Inlrly t4wJ well and at Kane Hpnnirs tnsfwuy !4i nlatul nine thousand uf the twelve flfll tbousnd ijibie yards has bean hm- 5b1 valid The uliiitimuls for the briiajm Ixfll sn complete uml IIh steel work iron Pffl the icmuud Pfll At Mule KbiMt briilfct) one abutsMcit HvJ is coiniilc. Work on tba (InwN nfll Itixcr and Valley Cil) road la atew 4b1 imiKresMUK, tin highway following ''Si the old Denver mid Rio tlrande xntdiv (-'H (In the I'icc and llclr nwul, an 'j eiilhlecu fmil hanl surfaced pntjat. :Jb1 ItrowniiiK sas that the highway will ilfll be isinltiiueil lkniUth ladh pbtcis. 41 PRESIDENT WILSON IS TO ?! BE INVITED TO UTAH MOON ! Ill xiiw ol statnmenta niuilu Ut tlm rjBBJ el'ieet that it vw niinouuieil llml 2b1 President Wilson Imil pIhiiihhI in mmiu lifll west to the Pmiifie Coast 011 his trip mBI over the eouiitr) 111 ilefeuae of thu laaMiie ot nations, Gov Simon Itinii. nl lierifsr aiiimuneeil )iatenbty that he BJ would invite the preaident to atoi BJ ovr in Salt I-ake City lnn( enough to make an wililrcaallmre. Thu Utah ion- Ba greaaioiial tlltratiou will be aakail to BJ work to the same end. It was assorted that the president's sHcuil wmild 1 BJ I mom thrvwyh Ogdeu, but would nuiku Ba uo atop in I tah. If Una is the pr- JM ant arraugeiueui, efforts will Ua mad " BB lo have thu itinerary changed at luuii ' BB enough to cruiit ih praajikml to BB visit Suit Uka fit) and maku m ml. BB dreaa there BJ PROVISIONS ARE HELD. -, DKAU Iju. . .lima 18. Ititflit Am. ). urieau sleHitier, ladun with pmvWgiis h u BJ fur (luriimny, uru iletuininl in thu dfc, . BJ Ilowiis punililiK thv MgiiiuK nf thu w$ I B poncu truit), ) B 1 1 flal