Newspaper Page Text
M'THE WEATHER. mxit gun HjKtlal Sen Ice. ( M. DESVH' Colo., ,"m" -" ":" n. ---Fair li'inftlit mid Friday with lit-, BJ"chnpJ temperature. Sntiirday ffoUblyf""' M tdrin)C lliclr ruluro liy tliolr inmIi rood im fl)lK" Wr Know nre nut J,ETtol-.-nm i GERMANY HOLDS BACK OH SIGNING OF THE TREATY jUilES BEQINNING TO LOSE PATIENCE WITH THE HUNS. titles! Word Soon Comes of Their Bitdtntss to Comply With All the Term Demand Will Be Made For Flialsotentlarles Within Few Hours -Conference Leaden Perplexed. Ta Sun K, i . ! Hcrvl.e SALT LAKE CITY, June 20 (7:G0 ji-The German crown prince . acijti from Holland today. He it bditTtd to be going to Germany to luyurite a movcraont for the res toration of tho monarchy. ' Tbi Oerman delegates who are to ' era the treaty of peace at Versailles i tin today. . i WEIMAR. Juno 23. The national J uttmbly this afternoon voted to sign , til peace terms unconditionally, the , (CTtrament having succeeded In over nslsf the opposition of those who In cited en two conditions. ' t I P.UIIS .him; J(K If the head of rallied icnt in Pnris do not hwir tm iVcimnr ter) wain regarding tin , 'ittnin .Ichgnlion for tho Mgniug of , Uice treaty, mi nlllinnlum will lie j wt to tin' (h nniui government. The , iUmIiiiu will ilemnnd tho uppoiul. , wst of plcititotciitiiiric within hi frfun number ol hour. Pp to -I : f I , dxk )tMir.hi) tiflcrnnon no ol'fi-j J nonl li.iil been received hero re- h ..Midr (urimiiij 'a plan with roguid , -tle finnal Mgning of tin ouro, rutv Tin' Niii-i .inference lottdcm1 irre umli-iii-cilly MriKM'd over tin1', iluliuti, , It SS CIIPIllcil til l)( illiJKIihlc , Ut the ceremony nf hicilillg could Af U(i' iMforw .Saturday. I'uof. , il rtixir'n were lluii it probably , MrkllM'd.hoed until Mondny. ' , DTINO WAIL OF GERMANS , BENT BY PREMIER BAUER WKIMAIl. .him- I.-Iii mumum-1 tlkeiicri-.ioii of tin- (icruntii guNe 'ISHflt t i mj;ii tilt mwci term In1 "lbci if (mil noiublv IoiImv, I'm- ' yrlUmr -md "At tliln hour of 'Mil (lui'll, UtliliT till' lUOIIIIre of III- w. fr lliu lust lime I mine in " (Iitiii iriv a pmtoM itgHiuM thin Mty f imlrnru mill ileMructiou. I aguiiiM thiH mockery of wll i WtrtBinntmn, iih t'liidiivcmciit of 'WOrnunu cople, thin new incline 'Ike Ik-hit of the world, under lh' or u iriily or pencil. No Mgn Hm infecble iliiK protest which f wim. mill Kwcnr o. Thi trenty twl I o ik miuihilntiiig I'liur "b aid ration in ilolnil. I'm B knini it in lui-lww mid is nt nk 'l .1 ni'W 1-riniH within forty W wi'ir- Our jHiwur of rwinttuu'i'1 'wkfi tlii'in in no iiiwiiih of Mftioc il, in-aty. Tlu lnoty iltwll. ntr, it ., jjivii uk n liimille wlnrli arwi iiiuw to lie wrwltwl from MiiiiU u,. iiilfiiln'H wrv Milimm 2 ' ' 'mi" Will Hint Ihu litMty 2JA"."' 'd from tiini' to tinm hih! "Jrwl ' mw cMiiiililitiiih. Tlmi i 7 Hi lev. wunln in Hih irirti "HiiiiiV ,( rt-ul npirit of imwhw." IlmuT tmndu.lwl bv i-v V"'i hull, in (,o (luriimu mni "Jim I n.,r , n-iilixution of a r fuinri I. Kiiia .v wr,. "J "!' mhi of lulxir for tin for-1 T7',"tii Inil mwd it to tlioiri rf1"1- '" hold the vuuiitn to-: rTf; ""v miit.t MtfoKUMrd .mil',ru ' '"' ' "TIhw nm.t' Will t,, rt,,,. nl M (igij,nw , Mri ' s,,'u'1.v- 'l'''r Hr no! jz"1 '"irnw to curt' h nntiim.! nof tt '''' fwdiitlon iwiiiiut n.l i J " ' ''-"b Iroin which mi uri' " "v Only by a lovollltion ifcriinril COIIM'IOIIHIIIIW CHII Wll rTJ11 mi i ,,MK nunxdviM out of our Wint.. ., IhUit futuri'." p. No' of Accoptancc. tiiL ,,I,K' -' 1 'IwlnriiiK iu . '" '" iii-cpt and h,Kii On, pHcc -wic p.nrimitiut of tho (luriumi 7ir, I,','i w't tho following note ifiiimiTH1, of tho T,,7 '"lire, throiiKh i)r. Huniel 7, iuili,1,l. . k( "''I""1 tho K'VuriiiiU'lit of jUmi1" r'I'iililii', in mtBrniit urn 4iw ' """"""iwtioit of tho allied touim' "IP'voniimmtB, Hint tluwo 'NutiT' ,mvu luikl to wrtwt U, ,fri"iiy hy forco uccoiitmico of $'". '""'litioiii., oven tluwe, "nal'u- r ul I'wi-'Mtini,' miy inn W Ger "lf"'u,i mm nt .livoHtinj,' rnf.i "i.violunco tun touch tho ii rn.i' (,t'ri pcoi)Io. Tho (ler- ld"VlUt'r Wsbtful suffonnu " years, hnvo no menns of 1 (in inKiiis li.ton.,1 , socoml oiaM Matter. Juno ,. 191B. nt the fo.toffke nt I rk-e. I'wh. t n.l. VOLUME .'i; M'MllKit -. !- M MHhIt ' EVERY FIUDAV IllMl ' " ''i:.m:ui.MM mas nml H.rtini, f WeM ,. J l.lel.1 lie ... dn,. ul, h.rl I .. ."'"' I,"mMt i-erUlH XZlll 'MtUU ' WH1-IH. her enure nn (MlM ,nk, . . J ' mHHrr .ndH-i'riVhJ. " iMiJtaS'i ",r,,t,"r"- -'" W' l"l? h"'1"' ih..n.l I jnil I,, M..r. h II. im. t . ,,. ilrr.1 ihoiimml. Hhe mnt HiN,.h n.-ri.ti.,i, he m...i ,i,.H ... tie nil rnriH nih M,PB ,, of the Ithlno Miihm mx 1 ll?.1" ," ",,,, ,l.alt..i. f..T fifteen rera or until Ihr .v.ti,. li.ui um. nut ,t f..j, ,, ,,,,, .Icfendmu thelHH'UM l. eatenml m turn. I ''Yielding to fuHnr lore, mid witlmnt rviiiiiinriiiK m t. imnlime il own view or lh,, Hiilicuril or huh.. lice of the MHie eiiii.liinnin, . B,,,. eniiiicnt of tho (lennnn rHililir le-cIai-im (lint h rend In neeept nml "IK" I lie Miice cutiililuiiN iiiiMin4f. STORY OF THE SINKING Or FLEET IS TOLD BY OERMAN LONDON. June ". -A.limml ..i, Keiilcr. coimiiwiiiIit or the Mirrender el (Icniwn lleet, ieriiiily onleri'd In (.cutllmif nt Schn Kl.. ni lh,. he. lief llmt the Nniiiilice liml hecu ter llillinlcd. He wink h. Iiimwlf, lnjf lo the llnily Lxprew.. m (lie fol lowillR Ituwttue to h- etmi iiiHiider: "I onlereil the mhIiiik hi the helief Ihnt I lie Mnniitire whh ter ininnte.1 nml follow iiik the (IiTihhii nnvy's lni.lili.ui which kiniwM no 4iir ninler." In the firing nit Inml in which (lur iiimii Mtititrs eraiieil fnnu lite wntllf.l wnililx. i men weie killed mid leu wounded. Four hundred I lion mi ml tin,.., hIii id ul jiUfHi.lHMi.iHin. iti. iipjietiriHl hiuI I he Hilmimlly l.tlil I'm Htury in exneih n hundred mm.1 llilrl w.inU. I The Ibnleti lowed inlo Swn hiKler ltn iIih nllerniMHi. where ltc liik hi Ihe lm)lntt Not h miiirle (tenumi i4tip out of the whole fleet n imih floMl. All ittnl prolru.linit I In the Itni ell imvmI euelitli. At 7 o'.I.M'k imi iteiuiliMf. h lienNN i'Xd.Mi.ui look plHee where one ol Ihe ImttleiJiiiHi Milk. All ee witnea miw h two liMHilriHl foot eidumii of WMter Hirt up. All (Icrmnii priennenii nre nlHturd the lloynl SoNereinn. The lliritfth fleet linik to wMril tin iiwrniiiK. The (letieMH, hllherlo Ihe model of brevity, rc.uire.l four hundred uonU. IlixtoryV iiMHt NttmikHlili' imvul ilentnnli'Hi, which in the fliurl Htee of four hour wied .mt n fleel wore Miworful tlwii the enure I'reti1! hhv.v mid Hlni.t ihiimI to .IhmuV, iletinile ly eii.U Ihe imvnl jMmer which .Iim pllled lite oupreumey of Ibi- em Ml .IiiiImihI mid iimv threnlenetl llnUn iiin'n role of iM wne In four leur t In - niinlii.N m-titN.U i wihn ..If the In.e of the wnlem niol h aiiMll 1hhI of Iliell lit IaHmIoII NiiuH-uinir eeluive Hewn w.uree .Iim-um the rtteltlri of the Mduiirally'ii hidre.l mt.l ihiru wonU in miien.u un.lertoie. "Wh?" Thm whni the Hnifh public wnulK to know mt.l whm iMirlm ineiit will ilemoTUiral wbeti ii ren mltle. Why were the Hermann al lowed lo ile.lh.N the fltH't held iu trust by Ibe Hnli-h nv. iietidinff H, il.HiiioH by Ihe pence eoiurreiw f j Hut already the firt eldnee "f !" u.lmirali ' alibi i eontaiue.1 in lat ! uiifhl' lateiueiii that "ih accord ance with the aruiixtir" tenu. Ibe (l.miim lii were interned with tier- wm(i kkeletoti erewM b earel'tker aud I without IliilUb iruanU abuanl." Tbi may lie taken lo indicate Ibe admiralty lm f .Ictmae. wMt the blame lo the nuihor ! the aruu I Mice, term lr leuvinjr ! ibe Her-1 mall Iree wwu ! the carck at i any lime. j One hiirti ItritHh nal oiricer - Ihe iMtoek t?ould hau been render-. I (CoHllnu4 on jaiiw Isht.J ; DR. C. T.R08E CASE IS ' DROPPED BY THE ii STATE EVIDENCE NOT 8U0H AS WILL ., STAND IN COURT. ;New Complaint Filed Charging Physl- , clan With Fornication and the Girl Also Placed Under Five Hundred Dollars Bond-Judge CaU Coming Here Again On Monday Next. DiMnci Attornr) Knox I'Hltcrwm la.l TueMlay diKiuiwed in district court the chm' hkiiiikI ). ('. -p. Ku-e r tin eil, ehiirxed with enrunl ktiowlwkt,. of a lemule under 18 onnt or ae. Liter he Tiled n roniplniiit ajtainci the doctor before .iimtiru IlniiuiM.inl for Ilr. I(oo i now hound oer lo diMrict court on hi eoinplninl under live hundred ilollnr IniiiiI. The womt he run K(., ir eonvirlcel on the chniye, is n film .r a hitudreil tlolhirti or ix mniiihs m Ihe cMiiily jail. The Kirl in . min-, Mim LldorH Muxfield. of the town of hmery m held Hi n witmwi HKuni.t li'M' mid in nm under bond m hku miHtuiil. The reeiMiti Tor Iimiiiim.iiIK Ihe chi-hhI klHiwIetlge efl M the UN rerlaint ( (he vvidence Hint iiiiuhl be LrtHMthl out n to Ihe nc of Hie youhir wommi. .lu.kjte .lu.iin I), ('nil of llnlmin I H V HKhiii eoHie lo I'riie next Mem dn., while .Im1v (leonte CIiiiMiiimii PHIS lit HhkIiHIII Cltt to Ml III IJIKC hi which ihe former I ilixpmliliil. .Iu.te fhnlenM will be nl Mnnli mi .Inly 7lh mid Imm (here lo Cn.ite Dale on the Htli, nficr which he n turn lo I'nce. .IihIkc Call will be nl ITnce a wi-ek. Coniileroble buMuwt Ihu Ik-ui .Iinmi ol" lornllv lunttar Ihe it week. The newt mi H.rtanl of the ea.e coming up wen1: Lw Neluw Co., In., v. .ImuiM A. Kaildrn; rait .m account. limiMd wilh prtadh'e on motion of plaiimri'. .Iliwk' I'. llrMlllll U. Curl I. Ilrun.lf. iliN.irre. Hr..e.l fnH the calendai for lck ol Mrvic'. N'iek C. ( 'mi tut . IVier Ihtrlxiglio; tleHt. S. lor .Inly l, next. Aiwnean Siuoly etmNny v. Ilel-M-r Slate bank; rail lo collect on fblelily Iximl. SHbtuille.1 lo ihe court em linef. I'uldie ( labile eHumition ol I'lah n. tlahnel I'milolaki and eeteu t4hcr defemlanUi notation of imblle utility or.h'r. Demurrer on crriilcl and eaten to le hear.1 on their inertia ut (rliil eoiixeuienl dale in July. OHine (I. Praudien and N'oeih Au bert . Andrew and liml I Oman; trtNi. No e-HUHe lor notion. Sarah .lane Van Wawrtuicr .l.din (lalaiii and iMhcni; trtwiHiMi. S.inni; ol the eaw' vacated. A. Klcante . (iHinfe Stnmnlai and Crank Aiulmwiu; ihtutatfeH violation ol term of Itwtf. .Iiidtfmetil for eiiclii limnlrtHl dollar, A. D. Van Wamoiicr mid I'eter lUrlwlni v. .Mike Dniii ami other; lreM. Di.iniiHl. .lame Uddell . Mike Dunn, and other; lrenuu. Divewiiiaeel S Mana DeAnirelo Verdi . IIcIjht Stale bank; uil ci.neermiif uitereM it lime .b-MMii. C.mlinutHl for the 'lenii by i ilike T.loe.u . N.w Aubrt; rail lor treea. Jurtx enittulll and im, came- on for I rial vett.rday. j N'oe Auliert v. Tom Cholu; ttt' M. Jury Nenlict of three bundled kdlar for ptaiHtiir. Iu Ibe uwlter of the estate of Kuuiiwr .1. Ilarkinw. iUhkhhI, h de- erae wa enlere.1 eorreetilir the ilea cnpliou ol prvpit tblnbolel metier iieere to conform to patent iwtued l ileeeaaed. In I be mailer of Ike peUliuu of I'aul l'eaHitlo awl itlbai aakiH for etiitMtiuM from lb Iuwh of Illr. caan el for hearimt at 2 o'clock of July lt. Alx.ut li hn.i.ti.! mn nre ul ll.lx 1 1 ma on lite nlrui Hurt payroll of Ihe Pviteer ami III" (Iraude ai MoldlHr Mummli. Ttil Numlwr, Ii U alti. will Iw ntoro than Ui.ul.leil by the inltldle ..f the month If uu anru' with a tool yuu're fiHillnh and ir a wWe man araue with iu h' toolUh. BERLIN EDITOR SUPPLIES STILL MORE EVIDENCE I1KIINF June Jl "i"""1 "Nram to ihe Vitnim foreifii oflne ..?. .ri.. . imm n-i'iiihilit. lr the Sumj.o murder ha Ihh-ii nublXl M?JrriUnU ... lh.' M.. W unit .r, of the ,a Tin tclcurmii. Ih i i , 'T, .mnt, HBrr Harden oniim-nt ''"iffir i. hi S Z u I .uatum to Serb,., wu pr.en.tH). ..,, I K. n.l nUl.WrH July flth Ur the kaUor ief "for tho m'rl"!; and we who had t" . rtn war and poueo hud ",moA buXd m.ll.o mdiwduaU were thus tedni." j RAILROAD F0LK8H0ST FRIENDLY I Denver and Rio Grande Making Trice j People Concessions. Dr. It II. tloelrmunn h home niter nn nliKcnce ol u couple of week nt the HcrmititKo in Outlet! Cnnvoii hi nt tciidmice iiniii the tnle tlcnlnl ihui trntiuii nnd tlurinR which time he ttxik somo Ni.t Krndunli! work. .Mrn. (loeta limnii aeenniHiiued him, bill pin in mont of the Hum ut Coalville, viiitig with her laireiitH. They ivporl huvitiK n tiioul plcmnirnble trip. At Sail ike City Dr. (loetmnuu went nntutid to stc I. 11. Luke, piiernl Hitperinlciiilcnt of the Dciner mid Ifio (Inin.le, who it ery much iiitcrotrd iu Ihe improve, mcnl to the witter m)Mciii nl I'riie nml Hie building of Ihe pipeline to the Collou Hpnupi from IhiK-rilx. " pnm d Dr. (toclriiiniiu that nnylhiiiK' luimmlf or the rmlnmd eitni pnny can do to further the improtc mcnl will be willinul) nml chn-rfnllv done. Dr. (loelsmntiti Inlkc.l uu'r with Luke tho mailer of ruiitiuue the piNline through the twii tiituicU of Ihe road nleie Xolnn, which Iiiiiiiin ii mimitk of hcwrnl thouimtiiN ol" ilnllnr lo the city in rom.1 ruction niiniiiil llii'M" iNiini. The reult i ilruwiiipi nre to be aubmilleil lo the niltrond by Ihe cily cnttinter mid (he eonceion will uniMMihtidly he Krmiled. Oilier mutter or eeiiiul iiiiNirlntiro wcrei broiiKhl up by Dr. (l.mnimmi with Hih rtmill that n be-ller under tluiiiliiiK mid Ihe best of feelm exml lii'twecn the two inter.!, enNeiii a .oiieeni the tie of water iu which ladlt are llilerexltil at Colton. Itelter water ul I'rire, (Ictirrol StiMr1ti.n dent Luke Hunk, meun n hier etv mid Ihe latter m'I IiiiIiim for l he nulroml. WOMEN FOLKSJfAVE BANQUET Mrs. K. 0. Loatherwood of Zion Is the Guest of Honor, Mr. K. O, Irfiithcrwood of Snll Ijiko Cily wa the hoiiore.l (ruel nl tho minimi Knthcruig of Ihe Knxlcrii I'lnh Diilncl of Women' dub held ni I lie Suvoy Motel in Price lnt Sn. i. day evenintf, whcnii luiiche-on wu sen ill lei Ihe Iwcnly-five luilio pre cut. PnllnwiiiK tin Mr. II. V. Cimiimt, ehnlriimn, iiitrodtire-.l .Mr. .1. V. llnmiiMiii.l, who K'lvn iiii iiilere! (UK talk on lloin.elmlil Work v. Club Work." Mr. Tlmum Fouta Iwd for her rabje-el, "Afler the War, Whalf" Mr. lalherweH.d highly eiilcrlniuiHl llatoe present lor alauil ail le.ur with a mot IntereMimr talk. She bad le.piel at I'nce on her way Imhii fMHH Ihe iialionul xalhemiif at Ahe Mile, X. C. After the ivei-plion a bnef hiiinep meelitnt ol the .Icletfate wa hail. I 'Ian lor ihe whmiiik eeir were lalked ami deleMiite to the Male emuvelillou lo he held al O.Icll ill October were namid. Thce are Mr. J. W. Ham IH.Hl.l, elelexate; Mr. It. W. Dallou, nllernnle lo ihe preftideul, mid Mr. J. C. 1'rtH.ton of Hiiiiii.nIiIc, nllerimlo lo tho elcl.tcale. The e.ffirer for Ihe .htlrict eleelml for Ihe eiimiii; year aiv Mr. II. W. Cooiicr, preiil'eiil Mr. Zeph Thiima, xite ireidcut; Mr. .1. r. MuiiKniiehl, Mcrelnry, ami Mr. J. C Haker, Callo Dale, Ins urer Anemic lioe t'nuii out of town pren wi'iv Mr. Zeph Tlmma and IMr John C. I'retun of Hnniivi.le,l Mr Julia C. linker of Cuttle Dale iand Mr. Ii. II. Tdney of Sail Uke Cil DEAD IN RECENT STORM NOW PLACED AT SIXTY rKlKICS PALLS, Minn.. June 'M. Vliliinry aulhontie, wla. tire iu ebame of the tornado atnckeii area of ihu city, bae ciih1Iih a lil ol j torty-Might kiH.wn dead a w reult Ibe eyabiwi which awepl uNcr hure Sun- day. Tho ollieer ewlimate that I lie total .bmtli lul will lie not ei than ixty. Mayor Prankbertc tiMlay iueel the I'ollowinif l a lenient in connection with the financial Iim which reulteel: 'A earel'ul urviy of Ihe city how that the early estimate of a million and a half I.m i too eonen-atiot and that tho aetuul lo i at leant three million dollar. Porly per eenl of the n'Milonm eliMriet i nt nun, and alMiut the aamo er cent of Ihe lml iii - diiMnet ha Ihh-ii demoluhed. " BIDS TOR WATER PIPELINE OPENED TOMORROW EVENING Kiclmrd It. L mini, eoiihultint; en jrincer for tho city in tho wtnstriirlioii nt tho Price to Colton water pipolmo, came down from .ion Monday ami ht Tuesday m'uiiiiiK held a meetuiK with Ihe oily eouncil mid Mayor (iooixo A. W.Mitton, when tho plan and fcpeeifi cations wero j;on eiver. Tho ImU for Ihe work ro to ho (iMinod ut City Hall ut n meefii)),' of tho hourd tomor row, Kutiirihiy, ovonwur, XumerouH ones nroou tho ground already mid by tho time for uponiug of proawii it is uxiK'utod n dozen or moro finns mid Individuals will bo in eompoli titui. Dids nro to ho opened ut H o'clock of Ihu evening. MONEY FLOWING IN. M V TOLHDO, O., June lW.-With the m- bntvywehthi chmupionshtp eeiuleht be- ,' M $mijdS lwe.-ii.leiw Willanl and Jack DcmpseV i iH SlVSlT .H rW ilcfiiou iu lew thnii twl. r B III III ". Tcv llickanl. promoter of the M III II match, announce thai Ihe rev H 9aV F I't no"' h'i-it iu Toledo bnnk M lotaU :t-ri,i.(H), which nuroa flnnn- H r il.o A t . r h ts.'i. bil ihccck H live i- linn l'"',, ""I1 -l".!" litKk Look. M h ii, mill i ...t. .n,,! m, ti, Hun M CURTIS PLIES Fill! FOURTH I IN PLACE OF DE HAV IMS I Everything Arranged Ior the Greatest M j Celebration In the History of "Good Old Carbon."" KterlhiiH( i mi mid iu complete readlneit for Ihe KreHlyM.ecttbrnllon of h Ponrlli of July nt 'rite' ill nil the hitor of Curlain eoriut.x, 11 in io. lli to be a coliuilie wtlrouni home dny for Catb.ui muni) wnr hrn.iie mid lo which ecr)one i nir.lmllv in ile.1 by the CurlMiii County Council of DcfiiiM mid iiImi by cery rillen of I'n.-e. Tin week will nee 'the com. plcliou of the hiwvM mid bet dnnc itiK pavilion iu nil Knlcrii Clnli nnd one NiuotiK the ery Inrgent in the Male There i dauiiiii; hpuce for four hundred couplo eight liiiiiiln'd people. Xol one, but not oral eirehoa Ira. will fiirnlih Ihe diinruig music iillerniHin ami eteuiug. i The progi'mu for the day begin with u ila)brenk alule of gun fired by Albert J. Ornino. immediately fotlowi'.l b) n Kcmniidc from the Price Junior llnow Imiid, by Prof. ' Arnold llurgeiier. The big Ninole II to form at I) o'clock mid Ktarl a hnir hour bitec. TliU will I... fr..... el... iH.lltlhoUM'. It will IMiiNf went on I Main to Tenth street, Ihcnce enM to Pun rib nnd north to City Pnrk from' I lie iliteicclloii of Mnlu'mid Pourlli.' Kiilrnuce to pnrk from I lie enM gnle.' Prof. Orwui l() nn, imiMer of cito-' ttionii, will he in chiirge of tho pu I nolle program, which begin ut 10J10 o'clock. It followa: ' ,j I'UKKrilllte Itor Hcemta' I. II. MhiIm.ii, Kcoutinavter I lnv.MHII.ui Klilnr John II. Pute' MuMc Illawntlin llaml Halule, "OHr llcrone." .'...Mim lli.ll llimenrolil (l hi't I laet I'. K. WmwU ami Arnolil I It) re tier Oration im-. I. A. HIiuinIii Mil I. 'Calrtolle l'e.." two Inliiiitm eaciL K HhiiIwIiI, mayor of lliawatliai W J. HIw.mhI. KMilltNorlli; Wlllliiiu l.ll tlejiiliii. I'm lie (late; Ur K. Voiiiik. Metier, ami Mr. J. W. IIhiiiiiioiiiI, I'riie A.IiIihm, "I'routl. Happy Carbon," A V llrl.)r. preMfiit CarlHiiit'ouu l 'unci I of lPieHe "Klar XiwiimImI Hoiiiiit." i-iiiililiiel Iwml. cliolr ami eltlum. .Ilr. Iixl l I'ruf. Arnol.l liaraxuer lleUMlnilnii, I lev. It. I' Joiih. wor MIiihII1 licoHt iliiirtll, I'rlve. While ul Salt Like City InM Priilay mid Saturday Prof. Oixin K)nii of the general omiiiiiltfo arranged for the coming here eif u Curl Ik airplane, which will make flight unit the eily beginning ut II o'clock eif the morn ing. A rare will bo pulled oil' be tween tho piano mid n big Packard ear nt the rncclmck Inter iu the .lay, the piano to he in Ihe air aix hour. No piiMcuger will he earned on the Pourlli, hut mewMigiM may ho scut to adjoining Iowiih and eaui. Kntiir.hiy mid Sunday the who have a hunker ing for the hMirt may make trip over Ihe city a wMUiger. Tho iiirpliuie I to remain here until Monday alter Ihe Pourlli. At 11::I0 o'clock of the forenoon, among the other niMtrt, will he a t co in game for the chmiipionhip of Car boll HMinly at the high kcIhhiI eolirt between Price mid Slorr. for Pnee, L II. Auuneriumi and l-i L'wm. Por Storm, Millon P. Pleteber and J. II. Ilenl. (lame for the children will be pu ter Ihe direction ol Prut. C. II. Mad hen and Leland MeDotutld. There are cIcnhi etenl lor the girl with prie from five to lifly cent. .lo, aeveu-l teen for the I my ami men wilh prime ranging fr.uil twent)-fiu- rent to five dollar. THOSE HAVINO OHAROE OF THE PRICE CELEBRATION llelow are llie eoiiimittett having lit charge tho celebration next Priilay at I Price. Nothing i Mug left undone to make it the grealwM Nr in Car lam county. (Iciierul Committee W P. , OImui, Prof. Orwiii lt)uu and L K. Whit- ;imire, Price ; It. Y. (lihnu, Camurou; i.l. K. Pettit, Ilemer; William Little- Ijiilin, Catle dale; P. ('. Ileum.., Sun nyiile; Dr. P. It. Kluankey, Helper; It. M. Magraw, Hiawatha, (.'. X- Orr, i Hiawatha; Olio Her re, Iliuwalhu; W. J. KIIwimmI, Kemlwoith; It. A. Oleeuy, (lain; II. Xewrun, Seolmld, Sila How ley, Spring (Iluu; II. H IoNviH, Staudardvilloi A. 11. flibon, Store ; S. W. (lolduig, Wellington; C'liarle Johmdtui, Harper; (1, A. Sehult, Iutudii; llohmt Hownrtl, I't'erlww, and T. J. Punuloy, Winter 'Quarter. I Soldur- Carbon County Council of Defense, coini-osed of A. W. Horn- ley, Cnrl (luiulcrMiii, A. Ilrvner, P. T. IH llcnucll, A. 'L Mnnthnll, Nell M. Mud- H nen, Judge P. K. Wiaid. Cnrl It. Mnr- H ciikcii, A. I). Silt Ion, Hubert MoKtuic, H K. W. Crockett mid Mi Murgnret H Kcreptioti - .Mm) or (Iceirge A. WikiI- ton, 0. P. Peacock, W. K. Audcnmii, M John II. Muthi, Dr. H. II. iloclrmnuu H nml Tlmum Pitsgernld 1 I Kxeiirxlon Tniini. Dr. II. II. (loots- H iiiiinti, Cnrl It. mid L 11 H I Colton Waler Hubert MeKiine, M. H J. KlopciiMein, Waller ChriMrimcu H ami Cnrl KuiM'). H Sirmkliiig - Major (Icirge A. H U.miIIi.ii. P. SloHitkev mid Allart H Purndi-L II. Ammcrtiutu, C. It, H MnrcuiH'u, Mr. Thouin Pilrgemld, Mr. II. C. Smiih, Mr. II. W. Mill- M burn, J. Itnx Miller mid Xeph! dun- H ilcrMiu. H l(el IloouiN All ineniber of the SoroNis H Dancing-N n-k Iteiniirdi mid the H liiember or the fire depart incut. H Kcfrenhmeiit !( Seoul mid the iH Camii Pire (lirl. iiihmI direction of 0. fH II. Mndkeii mid Miw. Corucliii Ntewn- rH mergcuc) -W. S. Aii.lerHou, Carl k ' (lutidvnMiii mid llnrobl L-onanl. iH , Adfertiiiiig-H. W. Crockett mid , 21 II. l. ( .Miner. JH Safely 1'irM- Dr. Kuuford llul- WM lingur nml Mr. M. C, Clevelnnd. , 'AH WANES X. FERCUSON ! H ! Former Resident of Carbon County ' Hil andtMember of Leglilsturc. ;1 ! Jmiie X. Pergtivui, member of the , tH legiNlntiin from Cnrlmii eemnly eoine IliH tweut).ie Near nifo mid fnther of MM eight limir law in I'lah, tliml nt his ' jH latum ut Ocean Park, Cula., on Mon- lH .lay bml. While it renleiit of Ciutle ! SM (bili'f ho wu general Hiiperinleinleiit 2M nt WtiMitch Store coiiiNiuy when thai H em.eni had hut two holme, on, nt Sal Wiuler Quarter mid the other up nt 41 CitHlle (late. The remain weie in- dH lerred at Sail Like Cil) )eterday. De- ' ienoe.1 wn iiImiiiI (17 jeiir of ngn mid aH wn ii hnithcr-in-liiw nf Pruiik X. 21 Cameron, preaident of Liberty I'uul 11 Hiinpiiuy, mid K. L Carpenter, lute ' -,H vice priwldcnt and general manager of jH I'nited Stiito Pucl e-oiiipnuv. jll He I survived by hi widow, Mr. Tl Jennie Pergimou; four MMur mid two ,H brut her. They nro Mr. Jullii . P. VM llrowu of lllnckf.Kil, Ida.; Mm. Luoy SI P Pox of Lbi, Mm. Snnih P. Chirk 'H of Prcewnter, Ore.; Mm. Kate P. H Iturtou ol Salt Like City, Harlow 11 PergiiMiu of Sail Pruiieieei mid Per ' tH Hti PemiiMou of Ocihiii Park. Hewn H a brother of the late Mm. David ! viVB DhimimmI will be remumberiHl by , H many o the older reideut tueully us H one wlai did much leiwunl Hie early 'H develoHueul of Carbon county OOINO BACK TO THE TWO- , 'M CENT STAMP JULY FIRST iM Warning i Hint out bv the nm- . 'H office ilopartliient that all laddem of H three-cent Mampeal envelope muM rtaleetu them within thirl) daya aftar ,H the fintt of July, when the old tww- 'K cent letter ami oiie-eu-iit Hi.tal eurd ) M rain go Into el I eel. Ilii Hpiy can do 'aH for Ihu lull Milue of the otiveIoK hy H I applying ul any Mwloii'e. Two- M .emit MMtal eanl eau alo be riWw H led mi the mno hai, but action muM , !H ;be taken within the thirty da). 'M Iloblom of threeeent laaik after 1 H the firnt of July will not be able to M ,nileeiii them, but muM iihi them up f HH on parcel iMiMugo mid tho like. It I j jM mil deemed probable that any hard- I H khlli will be workeel in tbi regard. I H The exlm cent which during wiir- rH , Iiukm went to the treeuury ilewirt- 1 , incut tor war airHM- need mi longer ) H bo paid, making in effect no differ- H eueo in the actual roeuipU of Ihe kI- llH joftlti) .lupailmsiit, i ENOUGH FOOD UNTIL H HARVEST FOR EUROPE M XKW YOltK, Juno IM. Knoiigh il food to provision the people of the IH lihernted count no of Kurope until i. H their own farm urops hnvo been liar- p H veiklrd ths fall will bo iu transit hy H July lt It wii nnnouneud hero today , j H by the Amerii'iin relief udiuiiiutrutiou. j l LiisJI