Newspaper Page Text
H PAGE TWO THE SUN, I'HICE. UTAH-EVEKY FRIDAY -1UNE27, i HUNGRY EUROPE KEEPS PRICES OF MEATS SOARING M HUOB DEMAND AND SMALLER H( SUrPLY HERE LATELY ' I i' AnnUtlce Gave Thin Country Home I H Twenty Millions Additional Peeploj , Which It Mint Help Peed- N.v! Hj tlonal rood Officials, However, B j Ohnrge Holdup In Pork ProdncU. ' naHi ! H'k'i UK) I'lircn hi ( I ah nml elne- 7 where are canned Iiv boat demand . H1! hihI depleted niipphcn, innlcad .l' by i any cotilpd aimed In ntitniilalc tit 1 production Much in tin- n-nettmu Hh1 drown in .rcorl nf Iho bureau of ' puldiealintia, American Meat Packer' j nnaoeintiuna, jimt imiiiiI. Tin' rrNirl H' illwtHane mlimnlcl prevailing world j "''"I eondilmnn Tim "npecilie roe- H none" nnmgned nr llif heavy demand , Tor ihohI are li.lcd nI "JVMl.lllMl htiu- iH k'ry Hclgiunn, UO.IMMI.Immi hiingrv Piilon, H n,iioo,iMHi inititfr ctImi HioMikn, i:t,. , 11011,0(1(1 hungry ICuittMiiiMim, 1.I,1MMI,II0U H t uniloronunnhcd Sorbinim nml 'i( 1,000, l 000 MiirMiif,' M'txmn ('iKiuvlmri'. (Ion- 1 y "'ml mum mntnbutiiig l hem ! ninmln nml high price worn gtcn. Hclgliim Iiiik Imt n third uf ita avvitm , nml niiirn llinn I lino-fourth uf it rjililo. OIIkt iiiuulricM itornin by 1 Ueniuuiy hne bom drained or llinir f, food nut inula. 1 ! Herd in Kuroiienn count no lit wnr 1 "" ori'ii depleted. I'ranrc, (lor- Ht "inny 'l II"' I'niti'il Kingdom him. H lean limn Imir iim inniiy hog ni before j Hid wnr. Knghiud nnrnuilly dcia'tid j mi llollnml nml llrnninrk lor Imlf of K il Imrnti itiiMirlK, rt n nhorlitgo of H focdntiiff ihi ndiicod tlin muni1 herd H of llmno tun count no Hint llu.y jn.t H inert dmnwdio need. Tlm nrininliro j gno tliiit country muiieUiing like 'JO,- M (M),(MIII ndditlniifll ienuinn In help food. l Jf Ituwiii iiiiiikk in order, iIm Mnring Hl "Hy luillmmi Mill augment the world Hll ili'iimnd Tor nifnt. Horne, which 1 n freily m'IIiuk in Miivimv fur Imlf H ; n rrnt n mmiiii1 in lllll, U l,riniiiL' H 9I.(I!I imu. "TImi miHit Hitiinllnn to. H W I" jmt nlniiil uhnt HurlHrt IX i JiooviT nml olhor nffiaiiiN of llu food ll udtniiiinlrnlnm pri'dmlnl nDrr Dm Hp -i ' nnnlnllrii wnn m.nril u world iiitiI ii Hint fur cxi'ii'dn llm world 'h mipply," j " n-jwrl rvnilM in Mrt "Allhmigli H lliom n ni otlirr fnrtom, Hint im the iti. H ttrnrii uf our nitwit prolilrin. m ' , "lli(-li prison tiro fnnmil liy liwnv B ! ' ' ili'innudH nitlirr tlmii l.y nny rout nil m i iiliiird tu htiinulntit iinidurliini. TIiIk H i . I"" nrrnlly Imii IlluntruUil i-lwirly B ! i J' inNTt In Iiiirh. Mnny iicnuinii I lind muintiiini'il tlntt tlu minimum H , ; I '"CO nil Iiikm li'iidfd In kwp vnluiw B nrlififlnlly lnKli, Wlini tlm iiiiniminii HjJ i' witH n-tiinvril llm TiniiI niluiiiilNlrHlinii M jirnlioUil thnt Mlg pr,.,M miKit pi tlll higher. Thnt prfdirtluii in doing KB infiiMl fiupliiilinilly. Ijm, v.tolc on 1 inmiH in tlm United Hluton nt llm M. M Ki'inliiK of thnt mir nxrmld the EHB iiumlicr nt I no Ik-kuiiiiiik of HUH hv 1 l,0t1(!,(X)n imttl,., l,'Ji:i,(KI0 Impt Hnil 1 1)11:1,(10(1 MlllM'p. lllll till- HrilllHlllH-, in- f tmd nf liaviuic ri'duroil llm donmml H for inont, Im kivoii A nil)k (H0 mM. m ' . dnd million nddiliiuuil orxitm tu H ' !l,,l f'd. Tlm hungry imtimn will B ' lioooum iiinvnuiuKly nreoMildo for H fimtl ixiiyiKM. B "(lnvnl niimlMTH uf miwt huidniU JBJ, Imvn hoon dnwed mikhi Hio linn nf KJJf ' yiwir llnpt nni (iiuiiiiK ml" Am 1" itIpmii m.irkoU m ilwimlliut; iiiuntl lion mtil in lotwor iiiinilwm limn h iMr iW. IIok rwoipU ul tin- oIom'ii IkmiI. v iiiK' iniirkoU hint imnilli woro ndfi.lHHI H, .fimr i.WKl.ODil hx inmKiivl utlli l Il.llft.OOl" tlmii in Hio iitriv-j Hindi ng i( month uf HUH. Tm hutfn nwiwd hi H I ('hitwMii in MHrch wtri' thnf hiindrwl '1 IIhiimiuiI lowor tlmii iii .Ma rvh, IIHb, BV! nihI Iradfrx iintwi.. tlmt ili Cluoitirn j rtHVMjaM ilnruiK Hio prtM'iit it, in I h K H i" n dHrvMM nf two hmidivil 1 llHWMMfltl llOHtl iim o.tuiprol Hill lnt H April " i, roou ornaiALS oiiakoino H HOLDUP IN P1110ES or POHK H CotiHflioii ilmt ihorv i a "riykI , "Wl ul ifiiu hmIhUoii m p.trli l hkIU" wm puprtwMtl M H uir HfJ Wont imu il l'w iuiii mi in Now 'i Ynri City l. (U Aw.tiwh ivlirf imI- IH'I ittinislralhw mioI ikiim by lulirar H I Itinlwnl, wont dirwior, nml Julian , IkrMw, m wlMNit dirtxtur Tb Male H Httmt vim imumI "in oloar np wim- H IHwlMMiiuuuii in roirHrtl Ut tW m.nlnd H nf ni nnoMi liy tlir fmnl mlwiHMint l I Imw hhii l ho miMsmvitioi that itov- H j irHNMttit urititHiiuilimu rt bolUinic ! H i lnjni atutkii uf f.MH i.i (ho ilt-inimiii H Uf I Wo mtMUUMT." TU llHhl HdlUIII H Mmtmu, I ho ktalouvotit nay, Uu tu H , ' MtW "UMsl I bo IMMItlUn Uf M H HUWtrtwut, haa Hot irntM in fIH ' M' ' Muff ad ootnmquoutly "Ihoro .uii l I ' b MO tjuoali.w ( tta ntlaintnir hnv H t rttwlw of ftMNl. Tho only atiHrbn . ai H rkMl m under the twors irrauiid MUtfWM lu ftwirul tha 111 Is .,.! H. nvi. Mioeulttiiuu in purk i uidn n .1 , i by lb fufl tlut I h voluno ol ,L i wHuota in ih I nlio.1 Hluttri i- jt ' t, Ika liurliosi Ion I oor kuuwn hi ih - R, iwriuil. HorlHii (' lluutor it itu '.'.I f i t Imwntf alway rosrollMl llm I tl V (( nuvt.nin. in msilod un lit reiuoN d I lb lalnliKaiiou airnwmont with H farnn-r under wlurb, it u MinU'inh d Hj , '' , pMHiUilmii wan i-lmuutoi. Tbenui. ft, '! J HMWt niuJudea. H i 1 J Tbar in mi tha butt fair tbgri tko B! J Q' iNHiiWit iUwhihI Cur tin rtaiw- B I ttmt til aiiiMitilidaiiNl UuyfiHf by Mv B (H' ' I ornuMuUi wtneli would ho n pmti(ul '" ilirlntmn nf Iho pnri in Ui In id, Stn(on Tho pnnl mni ol tm nf Mirk pnolint" in l-un-pi i- "it on Iv oiirlailiiiK nminmplinn m ln illml nml iioiitmrimiltiM ami -iivi imu pniniin aro ifinx on in nnm piirt in rnlilPf Iho runililinti l Aimri'iiu ppodtioln by Hiilnlitlitlnli nf ilhi r InN VVo are, nf ninr , pnworleaa ! mli r fon in lb mallor, mthor In put dnwn 'Iho llltWHl dioolllatlnn nr In prrvotil ( lailo.n f Kiimpoan (ptoninnnl " 1 Exporting Pure StMk , 'In work nut (ilana for in nnonir 'tho i xpnrlaliuli uf ptirohrrd bniilinK litirk Imm Iho I niloil Hlalm lu uth Awonra, David llarroll and II 1. Morgan of Iho Imroaii uf tnarkotn will nhortly ki Ut South A morn a a n-pro- i nlali f tho I nilod (aioK ilo imrtmonl nf nm-iilliiro Tho r' I oonlly nmft'rrw! in Cluoagu Willi or rrlano nT variuna brooilinu noia thma. Moorotanoa rorownliiiir nil iliroodn of lHira and nil but two ul rut Ilo Mltmdod. Way and moan uf Mimtilaliutr inloroni amnnff Smlh Ain orioan alork minora in imirtatinn nf Mirohrol atuok frinn llila ontuiln woro ilioonaaod II ta plan nol lu aond M biimont uf ik lu Hmith AimTtoan lio utoik aloiwi Tbia plan, it in l' liovoil, i ono nf tho boat ms r in IrudHoitii; ( South Amonoan alnok minora llio (ptalily uf hiiimihIk now Im ihk Kruwn in Iho I'mtoil S(li- I Kelllnu Army Hornc. Ainotioaii ' army lMroa, wttno nfj whirli laat or haulod arlillor'y m or I Iho batllolioliN of Franco, Mill thlaj DUiuiiior bo iimiI h I'ronrh KftmiuU in vnriniia diMnota an aida in tilling Iho hiiI uf hundrt'iM nr iutok ul do VHntulod ntenx. DoIhiIn fur Iho auto uf ton thoiiftitml Atuonrnn army linoo nml iiiiiIim tu Ihti Kronrh xuvoruinotit won rnmplotod rooontly n( tho bond ipuirtorH uf Iho Atncrimii nnuy nf uc oiiiHiti'iii. 'I'liifo hiiiiiihIk ii ro tu bo tdi(pH'd fnitn Iho uoriiiurd nml uf tho lllunolnmlH lu r'rouro liy rail nml Mild bv Iho Kronoli pnoniuicnt din-ot lu Iho pouxililH, 'Iho 1 1 rut Imtrh uf n IIhiiikmiuI homo anld lu Iho Krciirh iimlor IIin arntiiKotnonl hroittthl nlMnit Inn hundred ihdhtr oarh Wool Market Baat. IKISTON, .luno 21. Tho- Cuuuuor ouil lliilletin aaa toda) " While Ihoro Iihm boon tin tiuukod rhmiKo wi fnr aa pnrort ut Iho soalMHird uihiI iimrkot nrw cviin'rtuil Iho londonoy ujf va I ilea in att ill upward, tnnro iwHTinll. uu finor wiMilh. Tho iimrkiittf nhnuid nil are firm, o.pioiiilly in Knhind, I'loopt on llio inoiliuiii wooIh urudinj; hflow ftflioa. The milt aitiiutiiui ia very almiiK and nihio priroa nn ho ini; nniuiil fur Iho liKhtwollit miiwin mi hlandard kihmU lluyini; in Iho Woi.t bun oonliiiuod alottdily with prii'o) fin n for tlm boat wimiIm nml in Iho floiro winiI Nolioti4 a littlo high or lur ilolutiw." Wool PriccA Jump. Willi nny wool uf film, hulfhtood nr Ibnt'-oiKlilh ipiulily Imhiiic onRorly oous'ht nml bid for ut llm lltuii, Ma., Hiiotlun anloa, I'tah wimiI ilonl orw liMik fur ono uf Iho inuM bullinli iiwrkola in your. Word uf tho up ard I rend ul wimiI hIiiph ut ltwlon nfuhinl damoa A, lliMipor, Wotoni roiiroHonlativo uf Iho National WimiI WarolHiUMt ruiuHiuy bint Satunbiy I'roiliotiona uf xlioop mid wool ox IH'rlM uf lal iiuiulb that tho oiul uf .hum would find nit uulitioa uf wool in doiimml, with tlm iiiurkot Immuuiiiic nro doing lulfilloil, anya llnnM'r WITH THK LIVE STOCKMEN Or THIS SECTION Or UTAH I 'tub 'a Iino ntnok iHHiril Iihm imiioiI an order nipumiK that nil choop bo ihpM'd fnr llm omilioatiiHi uf tioka, diiMiiK In Ihi dono botwoou duly 1Mb ami HoHHibor HOIh. Tliw urdor p I iln In nit ram hcnU, na woll h tu bonb tntoritHC I'tah from part nut udo Ih' alo. Ijwt I'ntbi) ai lltMtnii. .Ma.. Iho oiiHiliinir uratlow uf Imir avomico Wyo. Itillitf rliM Mild In ii wnratod mill Ml Mly fito and ail mou aonla ll ia boliHod I'lah witj uf I bo aamo xnulo will MMin bo aollinic fr binlor pnooa booMitao tbo Khnukaifo nt lom (ban that uf MoMthw-M Wsomiua: 'lipa Ibia mm aun Wirr inoaMiiro rovioil in I lab dumic tbo laat fow iIn) from Iho in lorklato MHMtuortv onmmiaaton lato ibal eboaor wixd rule trimi I'tah tu tbo Rant ob n not bo bal at loaat fnr tbo prmoiit. I 'or I laud ia yioN a rale uf ll.Jft ior rwt. In CbioHirn, while llio mlo f imiii hall Idiko Pity In Miaaia ata)ti nor aniil ia i HVL S'n ox idaiiatinu ia ipvon why Ihia dimnmi nalum u albiHotl to euutiuun. "Koou, aotne bidding" ia rofloo(ol in tbo latoal ltoalnn nuotiuii aalon, o eonliujf In m wmd iUoUtlon ruHul by JauitM A llMiHr, Woatorn rnir Mniaiio ol tbo National WimiI ami WandiuuM- i..iniuy of (.'luoanu. Thniih tin I. iwer grade wot noglool d, bidding lur line, bull and tbroo i iVntiHUKtl on fMK four.i MEN AND TEAMS WANTED Men and team wanted fr rot work in Hpnaj Oaoyoit. i iWen (17 00) dollars a day. ' Apply to A E UibMn, Stom, Utah. BOARD Or COUNTY COM MISSIONERS, By H. 0. SMITH, Olork. PUBLIC NOW TOLD ALL ABOUT THE PREMIER REMEDY AUTHORITIES EXPLAIN JUST WHAT TANLAC 18. rerMMla of This Popular Medicine In Purely Ethical and Conform. With All tho National and State Pure 1 Pood and Drug Lawn Made In tac MMt Sanitary of Liboratorlcs. In a rooont iue ut Ihti ioi nn nuunoomont wni made that Tanlao now baa tlm largoal aalo uf any modi riuo ul tta kind in Iho world, nml that twelve million Ixillloa hud boon auhl , during the aml fuur your. Thna aro u ii u na 1 ftguroa', ami tbo iptoation na lumlly ariooa in tho tmml uf tho trad er why Ihia phomuncnnl auerivw and why Inn tbia preiwratmn wi fnr out alrtuiol all other im-dieiniM uf ita kind 7 It ia only natural, therefore, llhal tho irMnufnplurora mIhuiIiI offer Mituo oxdnnntion In anltafy iiuhlic in ;loroat. In Iho firat plaeo, I'llldar ia luanufalured in one uf tho lurgoat and iiuKt timdemly iipnppiil latHim-loni-t in Una onutitry. Ita formula i purely ellueal nml ouuiiilioa with nil niitional nml atnto pun'hHMl and drug Ihwk. Allngolhor there nro Ion in griHlunU in Tanlae, rnrb nf which t uf roonguirol Ihernpiilie Milue. Manx uf lluwe ingrodionta Inuo boon Imli Miluully known nml lined anion oivilt tuition find bcgriti, nml wmm uf llinn luivo been tiaod nml pnwriboil by lending pbynirinnH iM-ry where, but until they wort IipiukIiI tuxcllmr in limner proortion and mouifllittlun an In TiiiiIhr lorinuhi, liuinnnilv hud nut licretufnro ronlnuil llioir full valiw and of fori. In relVrnng to ono uf tho iwire nn iMirtant ingroitionta uf Tanlnit, Iho KnoyeliiiNiliii llntanioa wiya: "ll hwi long bei'li tho Miurro uf the iwm salimhle tome modicinoa Hint have over been diaouvonil." In referring In otheii uf Iho general tonio drugn ountHinod in Taulae the Ihirtienth edition uf I'uttcr'rt ThcraiioutioN, n htandard mwlioal lexlbonk, Mnlit tlmt "they iuiHirt gonornl tnno and utrvliKth to (la1 entire ayaloiu, Includ ing nil nrgatin nud Inmtioa." Thin niiino well known Hiilltorily in dimonli ing tho phyaiulngiral Hetiou uf nlill another uf Iho ingredient uf Tanlae which ii of alit. in (routing what ia commonly known un "n rundiiwn oon ditimi" tinea Iho following mtprvn Mini: "It In highly onleeincd in tuna uf appetite during ouuvitliwooiMHi from noulo diMntnoa." Thoro atv certain other oleiiioiita in Tntilao which bo rn u mi uf their liilliiotiru iiimiii tlm Nil H'tite, iligontiun, Hiwiiiiilittluti nml oli iniiiation improve tlm nurilioii and vital nelivily uf nil Iho tianon and organn uf Iho Imdy, nml prodiieo that otalo uf general tonicity which ia called health. In dix'iitning nrndlutr IngrwliHiit tho IIiieyelniM'dm llrttanicu aaya: "It In urn uf the munt elfleieiit uf that china uf Mibntunron which net iiniii llm ntoinaoli an n In invigoruto dtfK Imu nml thereby tnonwoo tlm general nutrition. It in n.od i" il.vnHMia, ehlonwin, anemia and varinim other dintwinon in whicli Iho tunc uf llm nlomach ami ulimentar oaual in de lieienl." ('uneoruing alill Miiutlmr ingredient thin name nlundard autloir ily nay a: "It enumm dilation uf llm ganlrto bbaiil enwln, iucivHen worn lion ut tho puttrto juiio and cmiimw greater activity in tbo movement of munoular hi) em in Iho wulln ul tbo nlomach ll alnn leuiU u Iomhi tho onaibility uf tho nloHwch, ami mi may rolioxo gantne min." Tlm I'ni'ed Statoa )inienMtory nwken tho tol lowing ouwinotit rogardmg anutkttr ingrwllenl: "It may bo unod in alt oaaoa uf wr" ilebtllty uf tlm dlgontivu organn nr wlnr a goueial timio im proaaiuH in rotiiiro). llyH)M4a, ato nic gout, byatona ami iNtormittont fovor aro aog Iho ittany atfoedona in which it baa putven unoful. " Tbi'ro aro rerlain utbor ingmliont di-wnbetl in tho linpoualoi and in olhor nlandanl inwlioal texlln.k n having a Itoueficial action unu tlm organ uf wore! ion, whuao pnipor fuuotioiiing ronulln in tbo punfioaiiun uf I bo bliMal ntroamn ianaing through them. lu ihia uiauner idijoointnabU and innauiiuun ingrlionlH i th bbaal aro lonmvwl, and the oniiro valtMn in iiivignraltHl and vilalicl Tanlao wan doaitnol pnmanlv fur tbo ourrooliou uf dinrdra uf tho nlnm ab, liver and bowola. At Iho name tinwo, ioiwevor, it in H imworful iocui. atruolivo tomo ami Imm!) huibb r, tor it naturallj Inlbiwa that any im-dumo thai bmiga a Imiii t pnh'r aaainulatioii nf Ibr too.1 and I bo tbomiigb . Imu liatiou uf tbo want product must t here f ore have a tar roailiiin; and munt beneficial of foot uni (he eniiro ayalow. Although Tanlno'a el.i m lot aupreuutcy aro abundantlv oup. nrlod by Iho world 'a k-adtng nutbort lioa, it ia tbo MMd thoiunolve who havo roally made Taitbtu what it in. Million ukni millitaji huvo uM d it and huvo told olhor nullum what it ha dmio for them. That i h Tun Ian ha Imoouh) tho real m'iimIiou uf the drug trade in thin country, und thnt I alao why it la tho iuok widely talkod of luedieiue m the world totbty TaulM ia void in 1'noo by A D sm Um, in IIhIimm- by luuta KllertMiu, in Hiawatha by Carlhw-limery Slura euiHpuny, in Kwiilwurtb by the Keiul worth Maruautile eumpany, im Sprr g C'unyou by the Simure 1)m1 Store, m aLV II I BBaBjnlBBBHBLaBBHBBHBCBIBWHBHHSIvlH TlLnBBBBBBBW H bw ll f aBBBaVaWr wmSrTr wfrKiF rvr aflaBBBBBvPBu9 iIVAbbbbbH H 4 This Is It fffii'V A. 'ie re a maes S every time v' TTNIFORM MILLER TIRES mean no "second sjfjt" v ' TO Tl bests." They are built by uniform -workmanship jTOk j A yt U l and all arc long-distance runners. VWb tS m Miller. Tires arc also Gcarcd-to-thc-Road. This tread fWjf 1 ' 1 1 many caterpillar feet engages the ground like cogs, Wj1 i im il trcac 's sacr or gives such positive traction. IttjpJ j M B Call up or drive up when you want a tire or a tube, jSoAJ (PHj 3 Our prices arc reasonable, our service complete. TSot IiIjI Resolve right now to try the Uniform Miller on 18'oQi wjl ' you WS MM W.C.BROEKER, ftlS! Willi MAIN AND DEP0T STREETS WWMl PRICE, UTAH VfffPPI wmblC ir"MIMM",",,MMt?liiT.Ki'.tiVmtf Cnllr (Into by Wmnlch S' ire coin puny, in Siuinvaldn by Wmutlrb Stnro ontnmiiy, in Winter QutirloM by the Wnnnlcb Stum com puny unit m SYo fiolil lv W. N'. Mnnolov, nml in Kwi U hy 1'raiik iJolinnky, - Ad I PROMOTIONS LIMITED. Mi tubem of I'tnli' nlnlo aeoiirilion nuuniinnion have ruled thnt ntuck in nui'd by a newly nrgituiKcd ouuiwu, in n turn fur a mum or nil project or fur IctlcrH wlent lu nn invention, munt not bo In large amount and that nuch inniioa munt not, nn a rule, curry control nf llm ouneern. Tin guioml ml" will bo Dial llm minimum amount uf nuch promotion Mock will nut be iioiro than 10 per ecnl 'Iho ruling are expected In aafoguard the interval uf invoalum and umiitv a fair return fur tho money invi-ted MOKE MEN WANTED. i:nlitmeiil uf an additional lilt tboiiand men fur Iho army ban I a-, a rouoltHl by tho wur depart men I, tu curding tu Information rcooived at the I'no rornnting uffim hint Saturd.iv Tho urdor for more men a. " Into men aro wanted lur Iho niiautrv. nn airy, tiehl nrlillory, engine r, uuili eu I ihMirtineiil, aigtml eorH, air h r Mcu and lur tho iptartermnnter oorpn Oilonnl men with pre mm nomeo are autol fur tho infantry." to iMiitvnvr iici.t'iii.Mi. Mako a roaular bat'li of oatlme U if, HiaMUwIo your footl Ihoruualih a U ! may ba no further tmulilo If you nholiol, tako ono or Chamlwr IwlH'a TalM lmmollal ly alter huiI-lor- Alv i TKoro la a ih of man and wmiiuiii thai arowa uhf without ov.r havlna bwen in luvo owlwe l tho fn t Him bo Ha alwaya Uoan In loe with liiio imlf DR. j. 0. HENDERSON Chiropractor, WHY SUFFER? i '"Iii.- .lrs t,r,MMd 7 till S p.m jjdtii Uulo Hotel, I'ncn I'lwb. M'luMllllll.lC 'IHANM'ltlt ..p ltV I.I.Mt. Ono u our buullni; .if frelitbl nn.l liko ..rk .mil it win rmaive iironiiu ,.lleml.m No ih 1. trn, largaar loo 'J!H1 ,ur "" " "(H rrclKht U I. . ""r MhkUI attoiilHm WaH.i v ul.innM.n. I'hon. ntwl, Prtce. Utah ' Tl..- . hlr liunlnoa uf a dm More la in fumi.h Ir.o tolphono rvl. to ! ! ll . ilo not lultronlM II, UNOLE BAM'I rABM HOliB 88118ft. Tlu. d.n.i imweni. u rupUuBU or., i.t ,v,.od farm honw adaloiJ tor a .mul fam i)iri,uifltl iht. )l(lU v,Lil . ,'"!' ilr. It uieluile a living .,. ,.., h, , lllillw f u houB'r,n be binalion diiimgnH.ui and en. uobumwl tno tn.m ii,V.Jli - P,B " wMbruom and aaUbcd .u. .ell a, ..,.- d,u ... Vf &fc,ff7rwP" a uodna.w and Uih. Il add,. . al,.-,tiri .,1 agrieuliuro atWaah leeping apaoe t ibued. auoihirtui. 11. i' "aanMtg- room aan lie atbled an mdwaled by tho ..., dottod Iihw. A aide oal ranee oueaa .- . - . inlo tbo Imtik ball, wkohoo a4bnUIS!tai. iS"1 ta f i. had to tho bath, Wilroom, livingnTuTh'r y iTLTX m room and dinlnj;noui. CotmikMliounnow u u uw yian, ago. brU'rbul" SAVOYBARBERSHOP I Savoy Hotel Eulhtinr. BEN T. MOSS, Tropr ll t Workmen nn, " ii'coui I TriHtmeiit CatirliiKt tlir hint tliiTruile llnllin III C n',i linn. PRICE, UTAH -' Isllllltlll-K MM.i: IV 'Mil. KR1 I ontli JuilloUl DUIrl.t i ..urt, Cu J I-in t'ouuiy, t'tnli. Illcr iMiaM laiiil lliirilvvuru Ciiuiitun), a I'orinnt lion, rummf, vn. Inlnml tiitlCe I pan ii I'liriHirutlnii l. i. n-Unl. 1 to aol'l at nliorlfrr ii i. 'be Jrtr Iny of Jiim, IKIl' at the iimt ibraraf llm (uiirllioUM' In I'rln -t I ' at H u Imkii in , llo. iijiuur t be miuilieam 'iiinrler nf H- II, ai1 I I he imrthount iiuarlcr of the iiorlhMH iiunirlti ut Him1. II, Twp H rfeut ItliuiKo 0 ICaul uf the Hall Uka mtrl 'ill in, ontaliiliuc olKlitv a. ' nwiin I T I' KKl.TUIt, HIiiiii I Irnl pub, June 6, lane Juno JT. Illl hlll.tlllM-H 'ini:"wri. cnlli JmlUlnl Dlntrlit t'ourl I'M I "ii t'uuiiiy. Utah. Jaim tlorlm , I'liilnllff a. Inland I'tlel ('..mpunr, roriHiratlou, Iteleiutant TobaeM l-lienff aula un lliu auili U.o -f Juf l'JIV, ut tbo mint itmir uf l twin llioiino in I'rlio. I'tttb, at 10 "lot i in , tile houlbnuiit quarter nf lliomwl leant MUHrliT uf Hoc. II. and the nortB 'ei iiuartor uf llio nurtbotnt iiwrlnr of Ko II, Tw. ia. m.tilli Itanc lmt of tlm Kali likn moreli m. tallilui; oIkIU) aire more r . . T V KKI.TKII, Hherlff. Klrt iiuli, Jhiiu i. Ian Juno . lilt in 'tun nisTiiKT fornr oi'tiik Kovtntb Judicial Dlntrl. 1 lu md r' lh t'ounly uf I'arlHOi, HUt "f Ut lloulo liny, I'lalllllff, . liana V. a illov, ItefHiidauL Rummiina- the Hwi of I Inli lu lbt aal.l Hefeii'lniit " J lu-rei'i' Mimnionod to Mll"ir wltaw j i wen iv ila after tbo oorvl'o -f ltu inumuoiii iimiii you, If norveil wltwa III t mntV ill Wlllell .till a.l.ea iToiiahl, oihorwlno, within iln'iy Mf iifur aorvlio ami ilofoiid tin- "'""J ililil n dun. and In oaao of r inn uro an to Un JuilKIUeilt will ' '"rJ UHulimt uu aeoordliiK In tlu 'leua f ilu. iiuMlulnl, bln hi !" filed with the i larK of nubl ourl TW mm I hrouicht tu roi.-vir i J inoiil illwilvlna- tbo Hmrrluae "nira horol'.r.iro uxlatlUK between "u i iho I'lilniiff KINO, HHArUCT Will l.lit'H. l'laliitlfr Aiioraey I'o.tnffl.e add r ww. Halt U'k m I'tnh Urnt nub. Juno . laat Jnl 1 NOtlCU'lf) WATKIt tlhKlts rTI Knaiueer'a Offbe. Halt l CW I'tah. Juno II. I SUV. Nut it e i h" alvon that K lta I t.l IhW 1 1 tah. baa nudo aiillcNtlou in """'!' am a with tlu rt4ulremut ' " C'omiUltHl ltwa nf I'tah I'll ianientletl l.y tho gaaltma Uiw "' " ll. In uitroirMte olio two"' f,'M (l-l of a net i.ud.fiHtt of witur ' a email iriug In CarlKOi toiiiiiy J Inuring u alluatail H feet w. I ir0 feel auulii uf tike n .rihajj" turner uf Urn Si), Tw li H.iula. Ilange 1 1 Kaat. Bait latae l'i- a ImarMlan A log trlbl-lnx will tt trot tea uroumt the nurina- aiel IV water will be diverted lulu trinra and there need from April let i lml-r 50th. imlunive. nf e-.' n 'M lor Nto k watering iiuruumw. Tin r Ulliall. n la deaia-tutUMt In the i W ' (tlieera "Kite aa N... l All p" t uaauiat the aTuntliia- f t"' I'll' all. n, aiatlnf the ilieref tmiit made l.y affltlat It in .lupin " U' "mpanittU wlih a fo ol i . "" loi oi UU offoe within thliiy I ' Uu)t nfui t)i touiulitiuii if t l'i U Hil.'ii . r mil noil. o, U I' Mf 'J'lVAUl i: Hut Kneinet-r 'at of f .hi pub.. June .'H !" onipl. t..n nf pub, Jul U, ll. No man la worth a tfuod wontaaV iealouay ami from the numlmr of ul vone nulla ibey'ra filing n koo'1 n'3" Kuod wnmen aeeni to bo finding It "ut