OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, July 04, 1919, Fight Extra, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1919-07-04/ed-1/seq-9/

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CL ol ft
Kntore.l n HccotidM'lnM AtaUr 3
Sut Trobulc, Which Prevented Ills
Urisg In Utah, Direct Cause of
Dfith Had Very Much to Do!
With the Development of Carbon
Connty-Burial At Salt 'Lake City.
Still ntiutlicr of the rnrly pioneer
t telicil to develop ('nrlmii rnuiity ,
lii pafi! tit tin) perwiti of Wllliniii .
Oibn Slurp, who died nt liin oounrry
fase jul '-nt of ltnMon, Mn-n.. Inst I
Ttwilav nl Hi nc f 02 cnra from'
Wirt trouble Tim renmiiiH nro lie-1
a; bruii.'lil l Salt I.uko City for)
fenal anil nro expected lo nrrive In
&mw, Snlunlny. Ho wn born in!
Jilt Lake (il March 17, 18.", mid
u Ihe M'li of Biahop John Sharp'
uJ Anne (nbioii Sharp. Ho i xur
urnl liv lu wife, Mr. IIclvr Hark
Slinrj. .lowph It. Shnrp jf Price,
i broiler, mid n Mslor, Mr. domicile
JVrpjsm i f Ocenti Pnrk, Coin.
la Mill tiiniihooil dcccnaoil wnrkul
m a telegraph operator on (lie old
Hia (ui'rnl rmlmnil of which hi
'ilarr win ireiicrnl tnnnngcr He iiImi
.'enJid Dcirt't rnivnnult under
Jan It Park. Inter going to nn Knst
nir'li' Ittlimiing fnim whiml
ItliMui ' m ml mtporintciulciit ol
A lli u - i Vnlle Owl toiupmiv,
rwnVu'Hil li I'lnh 1'nel mm
par In pun I In left I'lnh l'llel , ,)il
jar?nl w n( to N'cw Vork (it as
patfml I inu'ir of Die I'ollwilldfHid
ml Mil iih ot Virginia. 1 1 wa a
raJuati t the Troy Iiiitituto ol
wan-1 it mining engineering
Later lu s iIiiimmi to tint preMtlcm
f Itu'nl Sinti'H Smelting, Itefiuihg
al Muni tinimny nnd luid been
ft. pulling --pirit mitre, j
AUul ill J lid effuloil the merger,
k'tke ILiunthu, Molirlnnd mid Pan-''
tkrcoal ics into tho fulled Slnle'
M'l'i ' v, making hi hint iit to
Wtl.il ( .i in 1111 1, when he ht ,
Mallv miitrwM'il tho count ruction ol '
fcltuh. r,nlwu, limit from the I'ml ,
Olal i r hi iiiiimii conl mine I"
rmo. Tl is rnnd hit been u icrt'Ml
ttot m I'limnntiiii; tho oonl Mmrl ;
win I h during tint winter tuohlhi
rt Ir M. tho pint fi'w ,ear hud.
rtmn. 1 lm coming to I'tnh h In
Wll ii he ilculroil.
V Ii Mi.irp hud many iricinl hero'
i Carl n louuly. nil through I'lnh ;
1 little Wot win, will rrieti. H hit1
rl IIh ii rt dny nxooiiittM loed
In fur In many HtorliiiK nttnlmlo
a man MiIioukIi hiit IiukIihih pur-,
"' I'n k linn nwny from hi old ,
mi lii' iiIhumi churtidii'd (ht mem
J"0 ''' rly iln nnd in or hud u I
"Jrtjr Mt It ume nnd u Imiidtliiikii for'
! fnemU. i
ll'luld a hK1i iMiMtion of truxt in'
finamiM world nnd hi trniiiini;!
"yjjiniimo in inelalliirKy mid roll
w affair, made him uiio of the lend
fin tin ihpurtnu'iitH mid in Iiihi
m hfr
V J ll.ulln, iiimiiiKcr for n mini
r0' J -i of WuMitili Htortw ooiii-j
j"" "t v niiVHidii, IH wuiiiiij; to l'rieu!
?" r -in. enw r A. II. t'ollelt'
f iv i ,!M on tho oust room of lhu
i, . l '"uhliiiK on Mmn tttrt.. ,
a tU ' '"' "l AttKUHt howHllimo,
' "' h ol dry pmiU mid notion!
mii ' " m-tt In tho inwuiliimi
f""i udl Iw clourwl of tho ro-j
riiu - i , w futurtw mid furnili-
in , i,, Cniirti , (pnttiitK tin
jT " hut hkely will oiiffiwi Ht
' " 'lie lmkory lnuinoiMt on n
!!fr l ihiin lm lioivluiiirw hw'ii
,'"'' 1 l' mo oiio. A. 1). lMUyl
,,ii ,'"'r '-'h Koiiik liiiamoM mini mid i
jIn wii.. .moa i,UU(. llmtHolt iiinl I
r"y r to heeomo rokident ofl
"iju-i is Mum an tht.y mo ahlo to
, "ur n iHillnuf.
C,!r' dt of the uit or Iro It.
'ranf '' M"l ,',),,,, uin(Hir, to Sun
wcio to Biipeniso tho aliipmuiit
,'' trm U from tho I'rwdthn to
" t I ho tuo of tho . tnta mad
uo?, V"" Wlw t now tiiTawiIllio
J2?'7 l" iut of iho trudw. Tho
nao heon in tho nrniy sorWeo
Ull Vi ,mi f"r wnto timo, hut nro
-Iwlured to hi, Horvieoahlo. Tlioto
' "tin supply of tirofl ut tho
Bruin? 'V1 ""d " wm tlcoitU-il, nt
mk ',,'' rwlwt, to oipup thoo
atm a i .l."ow t,rM I'oforo bhippiiiB
itAi , " KoI "f l'o truck nro
h. J htru iv'r uso '"'" " work
me '" b llclrHU-jond U fctartcd.
ll "' ' - lire tntiu tmlcr tlio Act of Marth 1H79
mEI" ;'" Jl'IA I, 19181.
Knocks Willard Down Third
Time In First Round
The Gong. i
" i
Kpt'diil Tclt'Knim In 'I lie Sun.
TOLISDO. ().. July I, :i:3l) p. nt A few Mown Itittl hi'iit ,
struck in the lu-Klnninu of the third iiitind of the twelve
round cliiuiiplmililp fiitic enroiiutet liehvcen J:tcl l)iinpso '
tmil C'liiiittpliiti Jis Willttrd till afternoon when perlinps forty
tlioiiMtnd Mpeclntors suelterin In it teiupernture of a hun
dred nod twelve debtee wiw the eliniiiplon's second throw up
1 the tpoiiKi' and admit defeat at the hands of the challenger.
I Tho fijfht wa iJentiwi'yV nil Iho way through. Despite
I prodictioiiri ol nn attciidMiiie of ixty thouand poison, only
1 two-third of Hint niimlH.r veie in the hioiiii when the k
i lik'lit oiiened shortly after 2:it() o'clock Ohio time. From tint
tttai't of tin- IxUtle IVnipney forced tho fiKhtint,' knocking the
champion Nt will nnd cliHthiK his iilit uye before the Hecind
found had ended, lu the utomach one blow nil but finished
Willntd in the ou.ii1 and only the roiik navod him from taking
the count.
I'ii-Ht IEounil Willanl landed the fif.st blow, it left to tho
head. Doiupuy hooked left to Willard'rt stomach. Ho thou
knocked Dumpxvy down twice for a count ol hIx with quick
rlk'htH anil loft to jaw. I)umpoy then landed a riitht to WIN
. lard's stomach, which dazed the champion.
FliiriliM woie .sent in from tho tint; that Duiiipnuy had
knocked out tho champion, but tint tojtorUi were uitoiioouh.
Duinpnoy knocked tho cltMmpion down for the third time in
tho first round with n blow to tho lioml. Tho boll rtiiiK.
Second Hound I)emwy rushed Willard, iraiiiulini; hi
jaw with rik'hts and loft. Tho champion's riht aye was
closinK irom tlio blows Denipwy landed.
Dojnpsoy wnlketl at Willanl, carot'ully mwiiuriiiK li'
with rik'hts nnd lofts to tho jaw and f loot ini? him witth rights
and loft to tho chin. Demjwoy' lound.
l)Hiniwy hntl to ! cnllwl Imck into tlra riiiK fur thw aucoml
round lwcnuso ho thought ho Imd won tho fight. Willanl
Htaggorwl to hi corner at the end of tho imcoim! round.
Doinikw) hwl Willsnl rushol with loft to tli jaw.
DumiMoy sent a right to the jnw anil w loft to'tlm body. Dump
say put'lefU to Willard's jaw without a roturn.
At tho cUnw f tho fight Dompxoy wild: "I said I would
knock WIIImwI out in tho first round and to all Intents and
imrpobiw I tllil it. N took a lot of punishmont, but I boat
Tho Mcoml himI third rouiuls woro repetitions of the
motoillHtf lH.ut. It vas clear tb.-t Willard wub taking
nunUhmant lw coul.1 not stand. When the gong sounded for
rSlnv of tho fourth round Willard's seconds, who had
boon in consultation w.J. the champion, threw up tho sponge
ami tho longtalkod of fistic encounter was ended.
At the owl of the fight Dompaoy was in fine shape,
apparently none the worse for the few scattering blows
landed by Willard during tho battle.
Snorting writers at tho ringside seom to concur in the
. t it t while it wan not a clean knockout, the champion-
('Minns (ot vr'M ini,
Itl.MIl IK IS DIM tssl It
WHltlN(ITON l V Jitlv 1.
-Thf UrKf nml linrmlin; ue ut
H iietri.leiim in tlir lintiiirlc nf
4 tile world Iihr fllmiilHleil n nmfili V
for new nit rililn. nml III.- I'iiIIihI
HtHtrn MpoIiikIhI wirr I iiMlt-
In lit Oil vrlilp nHrili (loWIM
I'rsntc It 'lrk nf ilu nrij to-
iriillt niniln hii rxniiiliiHtlnii In
rurlMin iitiint) (t'tnlit lif i1lriier
4 wliftlirr I tic ronilltloiiH iimter
koiiihI Hre funmtle to tin Mr-
i iimulHtiiin nf oil i.rKi. Al-
IIkiikIi rnii'lilrrnlile iirilllinr linn
liern drum In llio ftulp. lm oil linn
lirr , iirinliiirtl tlioro III loinnier-
(III "iiiiinlllle. I .lit MiliilMiitiP
4 rnt rilrit Willi nuplmlt it ml other
4- lnilt.i nrloii roinimiiniln nml oil
In vi 1 it iwvrntl is.ei wiKiwt
4 Hint il nun li fminrt In loinmer-
l.i' mutlll wlier llie itrii
tnr. in tlio tmVn Hit fvnrnlilt.
ft r il m iimiilfttliiii
In lint In rwlloit fin fnriitiHlu
nut Une In (MIhiii r.nint) n
mil .'I or. Ii In Hh rock hl iiMir
4- Hip ulliern limit of llw t'lntnli
llHin til llie trii.iurr n-
ie.i I i t-e fHVnrHhtp for III Mor
4 tlK f ill Till HMirml rVlMialltHO 4-
r ! i mlrM .1 rv nr
I ' i H'l. lUfntl H..l. Ilflr 4
4- in i I'lth Ttie Klr.il i iiiiwt
4-1.1 t l nil IvnrllikT If tlio 4-
r ii lli Carlton hmiit Mfoa
4' i ' "It ihhx ilalilv lm
4 r t 1 irllllnK to ptli of
4 I r. t f".ir Ihoaminl frrt In tint
4 1.' hi .mil. line It will I- wllil
4 i t inlliiiK far It I not known 4
41.1 'It! III MttVMHMM.il iiHkn4
4 i iri . il mot iiier. Hie n nr- 4
4 rut hull HlioHM nf nil 4
4 Tli M.Mll.liy of i.l.tMlnln oil 4
or ifn fmm iho I'ltrnlntiti hiiII- 4
4 i lliw. mi fur Itn It mil nuw Iw ile- 4
IrriillHH.I, W i!lrili, In rnltwl 4
4 MlMtm (IwiloKlrnl Hurvey llnlletln 4
71 1 -A whit Ii limy I nlitHlniHt 4
4 without iliarm l.f NiihlliK In 4
4 lh aurn-y, VuliliiKton. I ' 4
4 4
I O'lMrterh ronlennre of the Carlioii
I lake enlivened Ml I'nri- hint Salurilav,
I o,iliieneiii(( at '2 n'eloek of the itfler
I m nml loiiiiiitiiiiK ihrotiKliont Sun
i)m Mivtlntjh wt-ro nt tho tHliernarlo
.villi A. V lloile, prraideiit ol' tho
iMko, iirofiilint;. In iitteinlHiiee of Iho
I inenif HiillmntiiM of tho rhtirrh Hero
jl'lder ltirlmrd It. I.jiiihii of tho romi
,nl of sjMwtliHnnilSoyinoiirll. Voting
' f Iho firt council of Miventio mid
.'aim It. ('run ford of tho gonoritl Itonnl
f Iho priiuiiry tiMieiatiou. Alwi tho
(Muko tiroiileury, niomhor of lhohi;h
(ouncil, liiluiei nnd otmnmliir of
lrtrdi, preaident of muilhary iirgiiiii-i
Mtioiu nnd rcpriMcnlntivivi of tho
iMinini wnnla of tho Make. Kiilur-'
ihy nftmomiii nnd otoiiliig wn do
,uloi prininwilly to pritunry nwiocia
tiou oonvwitiott orlc. Siiniloy ntorn-'
injf wn git on lo liMinng rojKirt from
the Ktnko Hiinilii) (H'linoU, joiiug nun'!
wiitual. roliof wiciety nnd primary !
(iMiciatjoiiH, inllowid liy u talk by
Khler Komniir It. Young on Mtmro
itntl devotion o Iho iliiinli. Ho iilo
mforn.il lu Iho offnrl Hint hml hnml
mniIo in hriiiRing nliout mid alguing
ti trimly of pmoo for tho world. He
t'len kiHiko of tho KroHtnoiMi of our na-'
,tioti wliirli hod liceu o"liilililietl on tlio
jmnclplo of liberty. Tho afternoon
hMiou m devoted lo limirinjc re
tort of returned mitwiuunno mid
ultlier who had heon in tho .rvtco
if Iho elmreli anil our nation. I'rern
ilnt Arthur W Ilomley twM (he toati
jwHiit. that had hoon Rtn hy tho
oy uh a kimmI diviilend for the
iionfloo that had lioen inwile.
i Klilor lliclmrd It. Lyman rood aov-
owl ikmihw of Dr. llonry Vhii l)ke,
wul tliiiii kuid tho prineiwl hiimuo of i
tho elmreli won to tram ho) mid girl
in tho kiioulodKo of tho Kpol and,
tlier thitiK that would ho iiaoful to
itliwr ftlloumou. Ho gno wnming to.
llie jouiig pouplo to howitro of domoM
old on Siimluj night and not to go to
,wiy danoo without being pitiporly
titajHtronod. Kxorted nil not to got
too busy with tho thing of thin world
w thoy oonnot go to primary, Sunday
Niliool, mutunl mid aaorniuunt moot
.ingf. The church gonerul and otuku of
fleors woro iiroaontod hy tho olork
'mid ull iinmiimoufdy Hiistained. 1'ldur
Kola Nelson wn ordained and tuit
aimrt na first couuaolor to DUhop
.Tiilionin Uvam of Sunnynide wiird,
Kldor Frodoriok Chrtatoanwm wua or
dainod mid aot upart n first c-ounse-hr
to IJinhop I'otor P. Uweit of Clour
jC'rook ward. II. IlaIton was np
ijwlnted proaldeiit of tho first quorum
of elders.
Fight Extra ' I
jFour Concerns Participate In Furnishing H
Materials For Construction and H
NccessarV Labor. H
MH.Mir (Ji-iirari A. WiHitton, mom
(bor of tho Hly ooiinell and Iho nil
,ihory I'oiiimllliH, to tho council met
,hiM SHturilay i-truing to open nnd
. roiiKiihir liidn on tho lH'l!int from
. 1'nro to Cnlloii, tiniMinN for tnntor-i
iali mid nliHi tho lulnir eonneeled withi
tllie iiiNlalhitiou of tho wmie. Snrlil
wan the number of hidden proxent
that Hie enimeil rhnmber wna found
) itno'fririen: to itteoiilliinilitlr (ho big!
, rmnd mid ndjnurniiienl wim taken to
, tho dilnel itiurt room. Mid woixil
..there oKiied, hoi Ihev wen n iiimier-
'on mid ittiiplicalcil Hint ndjoiirii-1
tin ut wn liikui to liiot Monday icn-
' H lu Iho miutimo tho ooiiNtitliug
eiiKUieen.. Ilulmril It. l.vinnn mid I
MiKhor I'aek, mid Iho nitiMnirtltig
. ciiKllioer, .lime & Olmin, hud taint-1
. Inlet 1 the M'terol proMHmln. ,
l'nftil Moinlay lAruitig woro nil
' liHmiherN of the council oxeeiil TImiiiiiim i
'l'ilKvrld Mini of Iho ndviMirv com
' lilillco (' H Sleennt, (. It. Mur-I
!ciiofi mnl .1. M WhiliiHire. Pour.i
.jnrnw were gum tlio oonlnicl for Iho
, iiihIitihIh eiiterniK tulo mid the lahttr
. mid itiiilnieti.ni of Ihe pie!iue from
' I 'nee lo Colltni. (iHirKf A. Iimo
' niiHjwn of (Kilen will funimli Iho
leel nt n hftttro imtintiiltsl at WiO.00.
'Aworw-nn WihmIHm' eoliiiwil) of Th
, IHIIIIH, Vb , got tho WlMltl MtHVO
, ipe at 171, l.'l.'l til) mill llnrloli I.IIUI
, her eiiiiHiiiy Iho roduiMiilpiitp nt
' nliout n thoiiftfltid ilollar. (Milan
1 Sow or I'tpo and Clay coinimuy 'ini
' iihiM tho tile pipe 011 11 bid of 'il,
' ll.VJ.lll. In all thoro lire mimo leu
' milo of Iho Inllor nml Hit ten mile
, of Iho wood. Tho Mcel iimouul lo
, hut 11 fow hmiilred feel.
Two nida Oa Labor.
I Thoro woro hut two hid to for Iho
hhnr, thai of Puller & Xiipnu of Knit
Uko Cil being forjfllI,UIH00, which
wn for Iho Ireiieli work hIomp hiii!
ilul not includo iHtrkfilling, nukwork
nd niiineroii other I hi nun Hint it
wn el minted would cioit fnnti lil
leen lo iM-rhaiM thirty HiouihiuiI dol
lar more. Tho oonlroct went lo
Klxliau HtMiit, (Iitirwe .comi nml An
gcio Itmko for fTVi'.ii.rJ for tho
fomplelo job. Thoy Ironrli three feol
from I'rii'o lo Helper mid two ami 11
(luilf fiet t nitii Helper to tho wmreo
.of mipply, Imrkftll and do 11 complelo
'job under Iho Mi'rwiiiii of Hie eitj
engincora. Their hid 1 romuileriHl, 11
provioualy Htnletl, komtiiI thiiiimid
dollnra below their compeliton. Tho
hid wa nrriniipauied hy liberty IniiiiI
in tho mnoiiut of 'J jkt cent of tho pro-
j Tliee liguriM I .hi re Iho tint of tho
ajNtcui nt $1B(),I)71.M, hut thu lortil
rngiuicr ny to ho unfit it had bout bo
iigured lit ltM,00(t while hcenil of
, 1 1 1 n comicilmun nnd ndvihory comuiit
.too Npoak in lorm of (wo hundred
lhoiimiil thihir. Tho oily ha oimh
ntnllahlo tnuii h'tiul nnd promiiiui
.tlioroon tu tiiiHil $17l,7.'ll, lontng 11
'ilolicit of Mime hi x teen thiiuxmid ilol
,11m. Tin or tho difforoneo between
.Iho iMMt mid two hundred Ihoiniiitiil
will ho orti.il rutwHl. Tho bank of
tlio city Inn 0 iHoitly ngrced that thoy
, " all Mipply tho ndililionnl fund that
ma) ho riiiired, tho oity gixing them
I I nolo tor what i needed to com
plete tho k)ntom, Juilgo WinhI, oily
uttoruoy, wn iiutruolcd to draw tho
eontmetH with tho iii'ommIuI bnldur.
Tor Couplcto System.
I'errot & ChntloiihtinMiii of Knit
Jjiko City Imd n hid 111 for Iho otnw
pleto fob for WOO.fKIO, mtothur for
SIOU.OOO mid tho third for ir'JOG.OOO.j
Thoo woro IiiimhI on n many difl'er
int rinioM of malorml. Whel-
ivsnulit Count ruel ion iM)iiimny of Og-'
ilen miliiiiittetl a bid hh onllwl for uii-j
dor tho .oificHtioii at $UlHiHo. Hop
I OMiilHtio of tho Tuooina, Wnah.,
.iiiueorii woro nreent whon rout rue t
JHiia awiinletl that eoneeni mid Hinted
ilt llto eounoil Hint ahlpmout of pijw
could he atari ed within tlireo da if
dodirotl, mid Iho whole oontraet filled
within thirty duyg. Their mntoriHl
'ooiiio hy freight jirepaul to Col tun or
I'rieo. Tho labor ooutmetor prom 11.0
I big gang of men nt once, whilo tho
Ucl aoller will not dulay in tlio
1m.hI. Work ought lo ho well under
wn on the trenching inmilo of tun
It ia projMMetl by tho council mid
Iho ndviaory ooiiiuuttoo (o begin work
nt tho l'rico cud of (ho lino immedi
utuly mid to null it to a finish to koiiio
K)iut up ubovo Cumcnin. Here water
wilt be turned into tho lino n com
pleted thut for. which will ho tho
'wurco of supply until tho Col ton
Of lltlt (IIIKKKH (IliNKItAt.t.V VM
(.'iititrnrt hml lirn let for limterlnta M
S tlio oj-tler iihiiiiiI lu the nilJoliiInK M
minimi when Hip oiiph for IhImit were H
enelieil fuller Hi Y.mn'n hml tiern H
roil mid went on record when Hint of B
tin, Krpfo fi llnlkon won retielieit. H
(' II Hleelim nf flip oiUIory lioiiril B
iUJcIihI In Km belli eniilrreil ilirp'
on Hip Krouuil Hml fhey nro (lrerku
ml ilet litreil lie woiihl otinne II ro Hl
RanllpM of their Miik Iho loHoot hltN HBl
iter, Up referred to tlio imtliiiutllty HBa
Kniirrnll) bh imrellnlile. f.nrkcrn nml H
I le lutlillrtKor llli, rt IhiiuIk after tlirlr M
IHImIihko lll exierlcnto with tliein, HBl
In tlotUreil. In ColorHtln Mini nl tlm HHJ
lilnmi lo I'lnh hml lieeii hIwom nuy. HBb
lilllK but Wtml II Khoilhl .i The union Hl
i.hh true In I'rl. e le iiietlmitil tho IBb
hlintiini nf Hip 1 oiincll nml ftilvliiory
liwrtl In innnltletlUK Hip lltl nl oil.
f the) in t it h .-! mh) fi 1,
klnnml HI her tp nneoioiillniriilHrV aHHI
' hiii wern Mltl, too PiMM.nf of tin
.rtoinrll who AHilrrmitl lltwtJIimnn. HBf
,1'MitiH-k nml MhIIiIhr miiiI ut tlio ml. HHJ
.lwir iHwril Mppnwn. Whltin.KM oml !
lnnirn The mntlpi wmm thrpnliH
at rtinalilrril.il IphkiIi mnl with uinrh HBa
Itwllim. tolr hIiowpiI nil the cot III- HBl
IiIIihoh mnl n.lt Iw.ri 1 MtninMlrv imhIoH jM
HlPVPliMin- U I.. n. I Id Vol oil no SBl
im lh fliiMl roll, nil The HereitHlie :flH
if the MToutl hlil of KiilUr '.tliwn, Vj
IIih oiiglorpia ilnlHi. would Iwvo Ml H
Him toBli ut lion of Iho y(in out U
Iho imtttlon nt thU time IfiVJ
.M.I. 1IIIIS IV Ilirt'.MI, As JtMB
M'HMIITItll 1( ((UI.NCIIi tl
HpIom (tip Hip I1I1U on nmlerlitl it ml tH
lilmr milniilllctl In I'rlto elly nOunoU ' HVJ
Jut MoiuIh)' otpiilnit na fMrnlnlieil Tim , 9H
Hiiu h) Johpm A OImiii, elull pnitlocern, 1 uLVI
J I 1 hrK of coiiMrnrlliin. , flH
I I'm ne ioiiihiii', niii for Miprol jSfH
1'IMtel) thllleeli iiiIIpm nf ilm. I9.3IC, tdawl
I iIpoikp A Iiwp rniuiWHir, uttme n HJ
otM.VP. lfi.aalA INtlh (.(.Hi on rirot WM
thu miii i h rl. 91
I t'loh 11 re Clity roniHii, vllrltttvl 91
.tilp. ui.7tix.ie. Mm
j Onilell Hewer lH HHtl Cluy POIII. I 3l
,14(11)', vltrlftPtl tlio, ISl.ttX U. (
I A mer hit 11 VimmIiIh itimiwiiy ot M
.Tmcoiiim, 'li , illpiiml fir ilw. 171.- ' TW
311.90 mm
I lluilon Lmulipr onmiioiiy. iIIoiuhI 9I
tmlWiHHl. 176,HI! Iti. tliiii.1 fir. t73, SI
Kits, tliltmhell iptlwiNol. H7.B12.lVi tVB
.dliictl Ihlimhell retlwootl. ITI.noi.TS. 11
I I'nrroi K l'lirlliiilioinin. eer tlio
nml iHlwr. I7I.0CC 10; fir liloc nml AM
,lilHir, III 1.119 10; rfNtwwtnl mnl lodor. tiHI
tiiH.oia.io. ' .2m
I WheclitrlKht ('oiiKtriieflon ooiiiiny, fl
'tower tlln nml UImh. lt,tt.6U fir,
Itlltl.OliHO. JlBJ
I I'iiller Ac '.tixtu, pxenvntlon only, TH
il(.IC3 SV, ttmMtfltMl oxeiiMiltiiu only, uH
910.318. TfM
Hluerf, 'tri ft Iti.lkux. kihor 11 txl S
rompleto liutnlmtlim, I71,&(.I3. r w
j IlltU were Hwttnletl for nil mnlerlul, Al
frc on Imuril enra nt l'rico, Uollnu WM
'ami liiteriiiMlluto ihiIhih, n fiillowai ' HJ
I AmerliMii ooiliio loinitmy. on ,1 H
illiiotl ftr lilpo with crouwitml wood . S
jtolUr jolniN iiettirillnif to rpclniiintlon " 1 $
'iiih iilfliHluiw, tolnl uf $71..
,311110 .
I O111I1 II He Her I'lpe Mini C'ln)' Will. tfl
luy, Mtririwl flowliiK tine. IuIhI 111,. r'H
113 It !'lu S ir lout war tnx on ,
froluht. I'Wl
I llmton l.iiinl..ir itiiuimiiy, fourteHii. 'iUi
ilooli rotlwood plie, a,i,iroxlumtttlr i-ftttttl
t900, iUM
(iporH A Uiwm cnniMHHy, atcel ; H
liroukh liiniMil ami nt rttllrmul rMw ' .M
tK. MIS. 1 3. Imt
HtaHM, 'A & Itnlkoa, tniMir, troiMili SUM
IliiK. iHukflllloK nml tnUlllmf . klaH
iiwi, i7i.ii.ii. tmm
I ItwniiUulntluu uf ToluW Kir wkI 1'laH
ill. I71.H1.1I8: vttririwl III. 111,. 'JfVl
f.lia. reilwiMHl. 00; lml, INI6.I1, ttl
lilmr, IM.lKlll. u,nrtnrlnK. 18160, jM
In ItlentaU. hm hIvp Iinm. tc.. It,. Bfl
I 13 70; nrnkliu h Hraml total of 1190,. 'H
000. rM
I ltMil ontliiiHtotl emit l.pforw Mil 'H
ero ratohod 1 182.000, due to 3f per Hwl
lent liuronao lu prlea ot nmtrUlii. ',H
Hiring nro ronchml. Thi will glvo Lil
lid city bettor water thnn it now on 'hw
joy nnd alao will do nwny with n big immm
pumping oxMinso to ono of Iho ronor- ')Wfl
)olr here. Thi nod money muy jiVa
,t'ien bo lined 011 tho line or otherwise t'tVa
1TI10 lino from Price to Helper ia lo bo ,jWfl
of wood, tilo nnd wood to ('nsllo flatn immm
,11ml Cmiioron nnd from thoio u long H
etrelch nf tilo to where it connects H
jwith the wood mid ateel oonatriietiou H
uiot of tlio wny to Cnlton. Out of ktM
, Col ton there i twenty-four thousand mM
feet of iourtcen iuoho in diameter H
.wood plH). H
I It i behoved Iho ontiio job muy bo j M
finished hy tho first of November. At J )VH
Mondny oouiug'a meeling Muyor fHJ
(ContluueJ on pc four.) ) K
1 im

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