T W < University of Utah r THE EYEZNff I DISPATCHI I Nol54 Voi 3 PROVO CITY UTAH SATURDAY MAY 26t 1894 PRIG FIVE CENTS A COPY WHAT IS GOING ON T TODAY AT THE COOP 0 O 0 THE WONDERFUL SALE OF GrocerieS Dry Goods I Boots Shoes and Clothing If any Proofs are needed surely the number of patrons we are pleasing with These Goods is Abundant IT IS ONLY BY SELLINC GOOD GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES THAT IT is POSSIBLE TO CAiN AND RETAIN THE CONFIDE CE AND TRADE OF THE PUBLIC oo PROVO CO operativo Institution A SINGLETON Mgr < DIPHTHERIA VT HIGHLAND The Myers Family Further Afflicted The Disease Eaters the Family of Bit hop Marsh and Alma Vance HIGHLAND PKKCUNCT May 25Cor respndenca DtstATcuMr George Y Myers of this place whose wile and diiUEhteis d ed recently with diphtheria has two mire of his children taker down with this dread disease One o them is very low Miss Maud M eib the oldest dau ghter is slowly regaining ber health Mr Mayers sister frou Salt Lake has come to etay with him and nurse his family and attend to the Household duties till this dire affliction is raised from his home < < Bishop Albert Marsh bad a 12year old daughter die with diphtheria 0 > May 23rd and has a 16 year nh daughter now lying very low with hi disease The marshal of Alpine city had considerable difficulty in precut ing a good nurse for Bishop Marshs family Mr Meis thought he was a most through tits the dsea and con sented that his nurse Mrs Feather jBtou should go to the bishops aid Mr Alma Vance also has a child I suffering wth diphtheria AU families I afflicted with this dieease are strictly quarantined HIGHLAND LADDIE I HOODS CURES when all other preparations fail It possesses curative power peculiar to itself Be sure to get Hoods Sarsaparilla flhe nineteenth Century Club The NiDE nth Century club had fifteen uienuis preeeiit on Friday al ternoon An interest 1 talk on Pbojnfcia by Mrs lia tow ud one on Judea by Mrs Cora tutceded the domest news Rive v Miss Alice Kellogg Recess at roll < 11 followed Mrs Coraygave H > n ul selection frou the sacred p < eiu of N P Willis while IifB JJilu rendered a humor OUB poem J IM Inventors Wife ef fectively Ten minute a i given to parliamen tary lawSf foil wet by a well written paper on Bain Ion and Assyria by Mrs Hose Mrs Reids paper on Media and Persia was cry mteresti i > r while Mrs Wedgwood in China deluged tile club with unprououncitble words A motin to adjourn followed the critics report Or Prices Cream Balcing Pow er IUo fj Perfect Made AI UAL CONFERENCE Youns M n8 Mutual Improvement As sociation Logan June 2nd and 3rd For the above occasion the Union Pacific will sell round trip tickets from all stations in Utah to Logan at one fare Selling dates from Provo and all points north thereof June 2nd and Zd 1 inclusive limitfa for return to June 6th From points on the Utah Ne vada and Salt Lake and Western branches and all points south of ljrovc May 31st to Jliie the 2nd inclusive JJOQ4 for return until Jupe Qib re sore hiss Bayards Court Dress The presentation dress of Miss Bayard who made her bow to the English queen at the recent drawing room was of white moire The decollete corsage had a large bow of cream lace and yellow velvet fastened with a diamond agraffe She wore too a sash of cream lace also fas teneu with diamonds Her court train fell from the shoulders and was of rich white satin trimmed around with ruch ings of the same The chief feature of these royal draw ing rooms would seem to be the court train It must always measure full four yards and as the throne room is reached this immense attachment is spread out in all its amplitude remaining thus dis played as the first courtesy is made to the queen A line of gentleman ushers who stand opposite the royal receiving company then take the train in charge passing it from hand to hand as its wear er passes along courtesying constantly asI she proceeds When the end of the line is reached the victim is allowed to hang it over her arm and thus encumbered backs finally out of the presence It will be seen that a serious responsibility rests upon both the gentleman ushers and the debutante For either to anticipate the movements of the other would produce in awkward result When it is consid red that the presented women are suc ceeding each other with great rapidity and that the crush about them is at all times severe it will be gauged how diffi cult a graceful transit between the lines is London Letter WantedGold Miners To develop the gold properties in Lewiston Miners Delight Atlantic South Pass Gold Creek or on the Rust T Belt You can eet full information fgardinc reliable mines which are foi sale by tho camps mentioned by ad Ireesms James A McAvov county clerk of Fremont county Lander Wyoming Wm Sturgis Jr Cheyenne Wyoming S L Spangler chairman Fremont board of county commis sioners Atlantic Cty Wyoming The Union Pacific is the shortest and quick at line to the South Pass country daily s ages from Rock Springs and Rawlins CHURCH NOTICES TABEHNACjBLATTEKDAT SAIMS J and fith Regular Sunday Services at 2 pm Sunday School in each ward except the 4th which joins the B Y Academy at 10 am A O SMOOT President I CONGREGATIONAL Crr J and 10th street Sunda Service 11 a m Theme Dr Hotzler of the Bible Siclety will preach Sunday school at 10 a m Christian Endeavor Society 715p m At K p m the church will unite In the Union Bible service at the M E church SROSE Pastor BAPTIST CH URC1 K bet 6th and Eth Suudwy School 10 a m Preaching 11 a m No service in the evening but will unit with M E churchJ J C ANDREWS Pastor METHODIST EPISCOPAL H bet 6th and 7th Sunday Scliof 10 am Mornlnir Service 11 a m Epw rth League 030 p m Evening Services 730 p m W J BOKBAM Pastor CATHOLIO Cor K and 8th Matins Bam HitfhMasE IU a m Veepere 780 p m JlijV W1I 6QA9N1 Ye1tQFt LOOKS L lllE WAR Blood is Made to Flow at Cripple Creek MAYBE BURNED TOD Y A Prominent Ooxeyite at Topeka Kan sas Tells Why the Home Reserves are Orjjanizad Resist all National or State Troops CKIPPLE CREEK May 25 Eleven men killed with a strong probability that the number dead will be increased when all is known is the record of the first day of trouble here although real lighting has not yet begun as the dep uties are awaiting reinforcements be fore beginning active operations At 10 oclocK this morning eleven nonuuion men started work in the Strong mine on Battle mountain Suortly afterward a large party of strikers blew up the shaft house with powder causing a loss of 25000 and then dropped 100 pounds of giant pow der down the shaft which was also exploded I ploded Killing all the inmates I When the deputies are finally massed and the two forces come together a most desperate battle will doubtless be fought The situation at 6 oclock tonight is one of most painiul anxiety Not a few believe the town will be a smouldering mass by another sunset if the strikers oe not restrained At Victor six milles away where tully 10 0 people reside a reign of ter ror exists Within half a mile of the corporate limits of the town all day long fully 300 union miners armed with rifles have paraded up and down the side of the hill It is sad the strikers have planted under their breastworks on Bull Hill a quantity of dynamite with the in tention of blowing it up if it should be taken and occupied by the deputies One of the largest mine owners in Colorado Springs is authority for the statement that the mine owners have planted a rifle cannon on a hill com manding the breastworks and that it will be used to dislodge the strikers I trom that position All telephone communication has been broken and it is feared the tele graph wires will go next The depu tics from Denver have withdrawn to a ess exposed position where they will await roiuforcemoiiiH It is raining furiously and any far ther move tonight is not looked for Deputies have been coming in quietly all day and it is thought an un expected move is anticipated It is stated on good authority that Governor Waite is in sympathy with the strikers and that he will tomor row issue a proclamation against the deputies and call out the militia and at tact and disarm them WHAT HOME RESERVES ARE FOR TOPEKA Kans May 25At a home guard meeting in the populist league ooms here G C Clemens said I do not hesitate to sav that one of the objects I dad in view when I ad vocated the raising 01 home guards was to have a force available so that in I use the troops or the national guard ire called out to stop commonealers anywhere west of the Mississippi river we can stop the troops or national guards Dr Prices Cream Baking Powder Worlds Fair HUzhest Award A Maid of All Work Adjective I inquired of the head mistress of a girls school why silo so frequently made use of the adjective nice She replied Because It is such useful maid of all work adjective and saves one the trou ble of thinking Then you teach your girls to be Inaccurate I dont think it is being inaccurate The word in most cases expresses my meaning better than any other A relative of mine reproved one of her nieces for her liberal use of awfully jolly The young lady re plied Oh aunt do pot deprive me of that awfully jolly expression If I were deprived of it I shouldnt know what to say The frequent use of the expletive you know was justified to me on tho ground that it keeps the listeners at tention awake The fashionable uoyel presses into its service these flowers of speech In Mr Norris Countess Radna a young gen tleman thus addresses a young lady Im so awfully sorry that you ore going to desert us Im awfully sor ry to have to go replied tho girl com posedly and my parents will be aw fully sorry to see me Of this young ladys two lovers the author himself declares in tho same phapter J24 l that one was much nicer than tho other In chapter 37 the nicer one in declining an invitation says Thanks awfully but Im afraid I cant Notes and Queries VIGOR OF MEN Easily Quickly Permanently lora WEAKNESS NERVOUSNESS DEBILITY and all tho train of evils v Iromearly errors or latet excesses tho result of pyfnvork sickness development e1rlJgtb development and teno and given to every organ nnd portion of the body BlmplenaturalmeUiodE i Immediate roremeu sees Failure iraposslbia EOOQ references nook explanation and proofs mailed scaled trot ERIE MEDICAL CO lietitrlifi iffA y Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U S Govt Report p DVal Bakins ff t Powder ABs 1LfJTE W vtIE I WOMANS WORLD THE SULTAN OF TURKEY GIVES WOM EN PHYSICIANS A CHANCE Only One of Its Kind Miss Bayards Court DressEtiquette of the Wedding Two Practical Women Women Physicians a Success A New York Woman Skipper The dominions of the Ottoman porte offer a field for the women physicians The sultan of Turkey has just promul gated a firman by virtue of which wom en can hereafter practice medicine in Turkey upon presentation of their diplo mas Some persons may be surprised tc learn that this news has a political im portance of the first order Undoubted ly the issuing of the decree is duo pri marily to the unwillingness of the Mus sulmans to allow a male physician to en ter their harems This is permitted only in cases of exceptional gravity after old women who are thought to roe magicians or sorcerers have c aauirisheir efforts At the same tune Physiciai are highly respected an 1 even venom i by the Turks and gone ally 1 by all Jientals As however it 1r4 only qfJ cently that Turks have began to YV medi cine nearly all physician S3 calmly i all those of much reputatio in Turkey have been and are Christi ins of that country Greeks Armenia is Levant ines as well as French nglish and Italians It is easy to forese 3 that wom en doctors from foreign co entries will have a brilliant future in Turkey and will exercise an immense nfluence in Turkish families The sex o 5 these phy sicians will afford them fr a access to harems As Turkish wome have very little elementary education and live a very retired life they are eas ly governed by persons who are better ed Of ytJ sd than themselves feV The woman physician in en eiutiua tients cannot fail to have gr it influence over their ideas as to dress i lode of life usages and customs their so ial and political litical notions It is quite likely that in the course of some years a sl 3w but cer tain transformation will be effected in Turkish women who will nat arally wish to imitate the life of their C ristiau sis ters in Europe For the prac ice of med icino in Turkey there is no required a national diploma as fn Pre 4e After having finished his or her studies no matter where the physician Uias only to present > his or her diploma a Id pass at the Imperial School of Medi ine a short examination which is a mere formality C Chryssaphides in Paris Kjevue Blue Only One of Its KIn A club which bears the proud distinc tion of being the only one of i s kind has just been established in Washington Eligibility to membership is ability to do independent work of some sor a defini tion which does not apply te women merely holding clerlcships The title of the organiza on is the Business Womans club and ts inaugu ration has been attended witn a success that has far outstripped the most san guine expectations of its for nders It was thought that 50 member could be had and that number would n arrant the clubs existence butit is found that there are close upon 200 women ligible to membership and this notwi hstanding its restrictions And how successful tl mmercial woman of Washingto be gath ered from the fact J f 11 t e present membership there arerK or ten who make every year out of their own occu pation more than a congressmans salary and a few twice as much The organization has a suit of rooms down town at God Eleventh street N W tastefully fitted much of the decora tions oemg tone oy two luuiuoers tuw water colors and artistic photographs being the work of club artists Here it is designed members may drop in for a gossip and a cup of tea between business appointments The officers of the club are President Mrs E S Mussey first vice president Dr Clara Bliss Hinds second vice presi dent Miss Edith Wescott secretary Miss C M Flemmiug treasurer Miss Grace M Thomas board of governors Miss Amy C Levitt Mrs H D Payn Mrs J Heap Miss De Shase and Miss Marie Louise CarusiWashington Letter Sneezing Out the Wedding Party The Rev R S Hawker in the course of some reminiscences of an aged friend of his quotes an anecdote which this friend himself a clergyman was fond of telling It is about a marriage cere mony and a pinch of snuff and in the narrators own language runs thus It was always the custom in those days for a clergyman after the marriage to salute the bride first before any other person Well it was so that I had just married a very buxom rosy young lady and when it was over I proceeded to observe the usual ceremony But I had just taken an enormous finger and thumbfnl of snuff So no sooner had the bride received my Idss l aud I gave her a smart kiss for her good looksthan she began to sneeze The bridegroom kissed her of course and he began also Then the best man advanced to the privilege Better he hadnt for he be gan to sneeze awfully and by and by the bridesmaids also for they were all kissed in turn till the whole partywent sneezing down the aisle and the last thing I heard outside the church was Tchu tchu tchul till the noise was drowned by tho bells from the tower rondcu TitBits 4 a KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement ana tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used The many who live be ter than others and enjoy life more with less expenditure by more promptly adapting the worlds best products t he needs of physical being will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the emedy Syrup of Figs Its excellence is due to its presenting n the form most acceptable and pleas tnt to the taste the refreshing and truly oeneficial properties of a perfect lax l ative effectually cleansing the system lispelling colds headaches and fever aid permanently curing constipation it has given satisfaction to millions and met vith the approval of the medical profession because it acts on the Kid neys Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and 1 bottles but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co only whose name is printed on every package also the name Syrup of Figt and being well informed you will not armnt 1r aUahbrA iZ oftnnr PURE BRED ENGLISH HACKNEY S1 ALLIONS a ROB ROY No 1339 First Prize winner at the American Horse Show at Chicago in 1889 Rob Roy is an imported stallion registered in the English and merican Hackney Stud BOOKS He is of A beautiful chestnut color and has pre tt style speed and action is sixteen hands high A model coach animal in eery respect Service Fee for Season X1 1500 Single Service 1000 SAXON 2nd No 3939 Was imported to America in 1890 Registered in England and America fie is a beautiful Hackney colt four years old bay with dark markings full of life and fire kind and obedient i a magnificent driving or riding animal with all the grace and stately carriage that come from good Lreeding Service Fee for Season 1000 Single Service 500 Pedigrees and Prize Winning Certificates can be seen upon application The above terms for this class of stock are low If preferable to cus tomers I will take instead of money Hay Grain or Scrip at market prices delivered at farm The Hackneys are beyond a question the best carriage horses now on the market and also command the highest pres They are essentially farmers horses for wben they cannot be sold for coath animals they can be used as general purpose horses on a farm their combined goad dispositions with their great strength endurance and action peculiarly fitting them for both purposes Their heads are neat their ears smal j they have good full eyes with plenty of room between them j neck fine and nicely arched their shoulders flat and clean very deep running almost in the middle of the back bone flat and extremely bard legs short and well set under backs abort and very level grand quarters well rounded tail set on in proper place and carried elevated They pick up their feet sharply with snap and action Single Comb Brown Leghorns and White Wyandotte Chickens From the best Breeding Hens in the eat Eggs for hatching for either or both rarities 3OQ per 13 375 per 3 6 35OO per 39 H E OAKY The Ell wortIl Fruit Farm Silt i ujiigg nprtt 91 proyo tier tba I raQutti of Pruvo awl Addrqaj wail 1 to Pjpyq tl j I FactoryI ro uce Scrip At Par v ECiEJTEN For a Short Time Will Place on Sale For Produce Scrip Ladies Capes Jackets ets and Waists BOys Sllits Waists and Pants Mens Shirts and Pants U NEW GOODS 0 PRICES lOW OIIl A n Qr U 7 bI n 8 Uf WLII I 1 Andrew Eggerts 11lHf WE HUBBARD 109 W 2nd South Salt Lake City R8al Estate Investment Eight Room pressed brictc Modern House excellent lo cation 4500 will take land near Provo for 2000 balance ong time Seven Room pressed brick house 3500 will take 1500 worth of Provo land with or without water right balance to suit East Waterloo lots X575 per lot Southeast part of tbQ City the choice location cement walks to car lint bade trees etc SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Fresh Pbre prngs CORNER MAIN AND I STREETS Pure Drugs Chemicals Proprietary Medicines Toilet Articles Fancy Goods Etc Etc Etc FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES We have the largest stock of old and strictly pure LIQUORS WHISKIES BRANDIES WINES and CORDIALS Our old Hermitage heads the procession Prescriptions a Specially Compounded day or night w R S Hines TAYLOR BROS CO ARE Receiving Daily carpets PurnituTe Wall Paper 1 Lace and Chenelle Curtains For Spring Trade TAYLOR BRaS co r ovo C Tr U ii t